
The Chrysalids CHAPTER 1

Based on what you know about Science Fiction, name two books and five films that are of the SciFi genre.

|Book |Film |Film |Film |

|Book |Film |Film | |

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. Read the first page. Make three conclusions about this society based on what you read.

2. Who do you think the Old People are?

3. Explain the section that begins with "Oh, my poor darling!" (approx p.10) and ends with "And so on again" (approx p.11). Why do these religious rules mean little to David?

4. On approximately page 11, David says he "was the one regrettable and unreliable factor in an otherwise orderly life." What is meant by that and what does it tell you about David's home life? How does it contrast Sophie's childhood?

5. With what is David's society obsessed, it seems? Are there any similarities with societies existing today? Explain.

6. What characters does Wyndham introduce in chapter 1? Give their names and what brief information you know about them.


Below are definitions and synonyms for vocabulary words that appear in chapter 1. They are in order and appear with a clue as to their whereabouts (ie. 5.1 is page 5 paragraph 1). These clues are approximate due to pages being different among different editions.

|A CLUSTER (5.1) is a grouping of items placed close together. |CONVENTIONS (9.5) are rules, methods, or practices established by custom. |

|TRIBULATION (5.5) is severe trial or suffering involving trouble beyond a |COMMANDMENTS (10.15) are strict rules. |

|person's control. |BY ROTE (10.15) is repeating information by memory in a mechanical way. |

|TO GERMINATE (6.1) is to develop into a plant from a seed, spore, or bulb. |COLD-POULTICED (10.16) a method of packing wounds with a moist mass of cloth, |

|DUNGAREES (7.3) are garments similar to overalls made of denim. |bread, herbs, etc. |

|A RUNNEL (7.9) is a small stream or channel. |AFFIRMATION (10.16) is confirmation of the truth. |

|VALIANTLY (8.11) means done in a courageous manner. |MONOTONOUS (13.13) indicates something that lacks variety and is boring. |

|PREDICAMENT (8.13) is a difficult or complicated situation. |SUNDAY PRECEPTS (13.13) directions, rules, and commandments given on Sunday. |

|EMPHATIC (8.16) speech that is uttered in an expressive or forceful way. |DEFINITION OF MAN (13.13) "each leg shall be joined twice and have one foot..." |

|BAFFLED (8.16) is frustrated by way of confusion. |PERTURBED (14.1) is disturbed or thrown into disorder. |

|APPREHENSIVELY (9.3) means done in an unsure manner. |BLASPHEMY (14.1) occurs when someone speaks or acts out against God. |

NOTICE: David notices many things in his environment. The word notice comes from the Latin word nota, which means "a manner of designating; a brand or mark." Ten other words which derive from nota are listed below. See if you can use them correctly in the following sentences.

notable - notarized - notations - noted - notion - notary - noticeable - notify - notification

1. It would have been very dangerous if David had made __notations_____________ about his dreams. (marks or signs)

2. Mrs. Wender's concern was _noticeable______ as soon her daughter told what had happened. (conspicuous, capable of being observed)

3. Sophie's parents were afraid that David might ____notify___________ his father. (point out, inform)

4. Waknuk was so small that they didn't have a ___notary____________. (public officer who affirms the authenticity of writings)

5. David's __notion_____________ about the geographical position of Waknuk was very vague. (general concept)

6. The "Definition of Man" doesn't seem _______notable________ for its open- mindedness. (remarkable)

7. It took a while, before David's mind ____noted___________ the fact that Sophie at six toes on each foot. (observed carefully)

8. If David had informed on the Wenders, an immediate _____notification___ would have been sent to the Inspector. (informative writing)

9. Whenever a baby is born in Waknuk, its "certificate of normalcy" is ___notarized___________. (certified or attested)

The Chrysalids CHAPTER 2

| LAPPED UP (15.1): to go up to as if to lick up. |ADMONITIONS (16.5): a series of warning or scolding. |

|PROSPECT (15.2): to view |WRAITH (16.5): having characteristics of a ghost. |

|Lay LEEWARD (15.3): positioned on the side the wind blows. |LEGALISTIC (17.1) keeping to the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law. |

|MIDDEN (15.3): a dunghill or pit for refuse. |SUBMERGED (17.4): flooded or sunken by something. |

|WATTLE (15.4): a series of poles into which twigs are woven. |MAGISTRATE (17.4): a civil officer charged with enforcing the law. |

|CREDIBLE (16.1): having a realistic or reliable nature. |MUTANT (18.2): a distorted or misshapen being. |

|CREDITABLE (16.1): deserving of credit or honour. |DEVIATION (18.3): something that is different from the norm. |

|STAUNCH-MINDED (16.2): having a mindset that is firm and immovable. |REPENTENCE (18.4): admitting regret for sin. |

|RECTITUDE (16.2): describes decency, morality, and goodness. |PIOUS (19.3): extreme devotion to God. |

|EVANGELICAL (16.2): religious intensity. |LIQUIDIATIONS (19.4): getting rid of property that deviates. |

|TIMOROUSLY (16.3): In a timid and apprehensive manner. |METICULOUSNESS (19.5): strict care and thoroughness. |

| |ERRATIC (20.2): unpredictable and irregular. |

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. In no more than two sentences, describe how and why grandfather Strorm came to Waknuk. (16)

2. What type of relationship did grandfather have with his wife? What happened to his wife and why? (p.16.)

3. What type of man is David's father? Give an example from the text to show you're right. (p.16-17)

4. What slogans appear on the walls in the Strorm household? Why do you think these slogans are there? (18).

5. Examine the paragraph "So I learned quite early....called Deviations" (19), what is the difference between an Offence, a Blasphemy, and a Deviation?

6. Make a chart with the headings "Wild Country," "Badlands," "The Fringes," and "Waknuk/Rigo." In the chart, describe each location. (20-21).

7. What stories did parents teach tell their children in order to get them to behave when David's father was young? (21)

8. What types of people live in the Fringes and how do they inconvenience the members of Waknuk? (21)

Chapter 3:

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. What clues does the beginning of this chapter offer about the Old People? Do you think David's view of the Old People is accurate or far-fetched? Explain. (24-5)

2. Why would John Wender fear Joseph Strorm - and David, for that matter? (25) What clues exist in this chapter to indicate Joseph is to be feared? (26)

3. Satire is a form of writing that sets out to ridicule something in society for the purpose of correcting it. It is during the "splinter incident" that the author first begins to satirize David's society in general, and his father in particular. Explain how Wyndham uses the "splinter incident" for satire (what is he trying to ridicule and what is he trying to correct?)?

4. What dream does David have at the end of the chapter that he thinks Sophie's parents would appreciate? Why?


For each word listed, find the sentence that contains the word. Based on the way it is used (context), offer two synonyms (words with the same meaning). Page numbers are given, though they may not exactly match up due to different editions.

|Quivering (24) |Ponderously (24) |Gravely (25) |Incredulous (26) |Pulpit voice (27) |

| Shaking | With thought | Seriously | Sceptical | Preaching voice |

| | | | | |

|Wretched (27) |Anguish (27) |Abated (27) |Implacable (28) |Imploring (28) |

| Disgusting | Extreme pain | Faded away | Without mercy | begging |

Chapter 4:

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. What does the reader learn about David at the onset of this chapter? (29)

2. How does Uncle Axel react to David's gift? Why?

3. David never asks his father about the Spider Man from the Fringes. Who do you guess he was? How might it explain Joseph Strorm's efforts to rid the region of deviations?

4. What is the major problem between Joseph Strorm and his brother?

5. In what was has the climate of Labrador changed since Tribulation?

6. In what current geographic location is The Chrysalids set?

7. Based on the events of this chapter, make a prediction about what will happen later in the book.


For each word listed, find the sentence that contains the word. Based on the way it is used (context), offer two synonyms (words with the same meaning). Page numbers are given, though they may not exactly match up due to different editions.

|Placid (29) |Dissemble (29) |Helves (29) |Solemnly (31) |Dissent (32) |

| Calm | To deceive | Handle of an axe | Seriously | To oppose |

| | | | | |

|Uncannily (33) |Intermittently (35) |Pedant (35) |Incontestable (36) |Sub Judice (37) |

| Eerily | Now and then | Nit-picker | Obviously true | Before the law |

| | | | | |

|Peroration (38) |Ecclesiastical (40) |Lay (40) |Pestilences (40) | |

| Elaborate speech | Religious | Untrained preacher | Deadly diseases |

The Chrysalids Chapter 5:

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. In the first page of the chapter, David tells about only Angus Morton's fields being burned, which is due to what specific reason, according to his dad? (he had great horses)

2. When Alan happened to come upon Sophie and David at the water and said "Hullo, David" (43), why does Sophie go "rigid"?

3. How does David show himself to be between boyhood and manhood in this chapter? Make a chart with "Boy" and "Man" headings. Give at least one example in each column of how David acts as both boy and man. (fights Alan to protect Sophie = man; cries and innocently doesn't know why they have to leave = boy; david feels more responsible when he agrees to stay in the wender house overnight = man, but is held like a child by mrs. Wender = boy)

4. What does the reader learn more about David's powers in this chapter? He can read others' minds too

5. What is the main reason why David cannot leave with the Wenders? If Strorm's kid goes missing, they'll look for the Wenders more feverishly. If not, they'll soon be someone else's responsibility.

6. Identify the literary device: "the dusk beneath the trees swallowed them up" (49). personification

7. At the end of the chapter, David is full of bitterness, self-contempt, and abasement. Why is this so? Does he deserve to feel this way? He gave away Sophie's name and location


You will come across the following words. Beside each word is a synonym. As you read, place a check mark in the box if you understand the sentence based on the synonyms to the difficult vocabulary; place an X in the box if you don't. If you use an X, look up the definition of the word to assist your understanding.

|Pg |Vocabulary Word |Synonym |Pg |Vocabulary Word |Synonym |

|42 |Impending |Awaiting |47 |Desolation |Sadness |

|42 |Orthodox |Standard |47 |Prospect |Option |

|42 |Solonaceae |A type of flowering plant |47 |Engulfed |Took over; swallowed |

|42 |Condemnations |Instances of blame |48 |Concealment |Covering up |

|42 |Timidity |Shyness |48 |Posses (sounds like: pah-sees) |Gangs |

|43 |Industriously |Busily |48 |We daren't |We dare not |

|43 |Scampered |Hurried |49 |Determinedly |Firmly |

|43 |Contemptuously |Disapprovingly |49 |Stout |Strong |

|44 |Obliterating |Destroying |50 |Inexplicable |Unexplainable |

|45 |Futile |Hopeless |50 |Manifestation |Expression |

|45 |Astride |With a leg on each side |51 |Sullenness |Sadness |

|46 |Ominous |Gloomy |51 |Blasphemy |Sin |

|47 |Prattled |Chatted busily |52 |Self-contempt |Self-hatred |

|47 |Bleak |Dreary |52 |Abasement |Humiliation |

The Chrysalids Chapter 6:

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. What is ironic about David's telepathic friends having a difficult time processing David's acceptance of Sophie?

2. David says, "You can't lie when you talk with your thoughts" (53). What do you think of this statement?

3. Uncle Axel offers some advice. Select ONE of the following pieces of advice and explain why you find it most important to David.

• "if you run away from a thing just because you don't like it, you don't like what you find either. Now running to a thing, that's a different matter" (57).

• "A lot of people saying a thing is so, doesn't prove it is so" (64).

4. What do you think is the most impressive or interesting part of Uncle Axel's account from travelling south? Explain why you selected it (why is it interesting, etc.)


As you read, ⎭ if you understand, ⎬ if you don't. if you don't understand, look the word up.

|Pg |Vocabulary Word |Synonym |Pg |Vocabulary Word |Synonym |

|53 |Monstrosity |Horror |59 |Fathoms |Sailing measurement |

|54 |Meekly |Humbly |61 |Tractable |Good, obedient |

|54 |Concocting |Coming up with |61 |Encroaching |Invading |

|54 |Abetting |Helping |61 |Reclamation |Recovery and reclaiming |

|58 |Starboard |Right |61 |Heresies |Sinful action or speech |

|59 |Saprophytes |Moss-like organisms |65 |Formidable |Alarming, frightening |

The Chrysalids Chapter 7: READ FOR:

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. It's this chapter that really give an ultimate comment on the society in which David lives. Answer the following:

• What happens in the Strorm household when the baby is born?

• What would have happened if the inspector hadn't issued a certificate?

• It is Harriet's parting statement that reveals what this world really is. What does she say?

2. Justaposition is a clashing of opposites. This chapter contains the happiness of Petra being born and certified. What event in this chapter juxtaposes the excitement around Petra's birth?

3. Make a chart and include "Dad" and "Mom" at the top. In each column, briefly outline what this chapter reveals about David's parents.

4. Explain David's mom's feelings toward her sister, Harriet. Why does she feel this way?

5. Explain Harriet's feelings at the end of the chapter. Why does she "fix" her problem the way she does? Is that a reasonable conclusion to solve her problem?

6. What is the MOOD of this chapter? More than one may apply. Explain your reasoning behind the move obvious mood in your mind. οThrilling and Illuminating, οHumourous and Lighthearted, οBleak and Depressing, οTender and Teasing, οViolent and Vengeful, οGloomy and Tense.


As you read, ⎭ if you understand, ⎬ if you don't. if you don't understand, look the word up.

|Pg |Vocabulary Word |Synonym |Pg |Vocabulary Word |Synonym |

|66 |Conventional |Predictable |69 |Superficially |On the surface |

|66 |Attributable |Due to |69 |Tether |Tie up |

|66 |Ineligible |Disqualified |71 |Incredulous |Disbelieving |

|66 |Pretence |Fake attempt |72 |Vigilance |Caution, attention |

|67 |Indisposition |Sickness |74 |Penances |Payments for sin |

|67 |Ambled |Walked slowly up to | | | |

The Chrysalids Chapter 8: READ 8 and 9 FOR:

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. On the first page of the chapter, what internal struggle does David express?

2. Explain Uncle Axel's metaphor of the "rusted mirror, reflecting nothing" (79). Note: Don't give up on this question; yes, it's a tougher one, but you can do it!

3. Answer Uncle Axel's question that Preachers would ask if they could see clearly: "Tribulation has made the world a difference place; can we, therefore, ever hope to build it in the kind of world the Old People lost? Should we try to?

4. According to Uncle Axel, what makes a man?

5. Why did David and the others decide to introduce themselves properly, names and all?


As you read, ⎭ if you understand after reading the synonym, ⎬ if you don't. If you don't understand, look the word up.

|Pg |Vocabulary Word |Synonym |Pg |Vocabulary Word |Synonym |

|75 |Detestation |Hatred |78 |Tribulation |Suffering sent by God |

|75 |Decreed |Ordered |78 |Tempests |Large storms |

|75 |Unflaggingly |In a never-tired way |78 |Precedent |Example |

|76 |Lewd |Vulgar, rude |78 |Omnipotent |All-powerful |

|76 |Travesties |Parody, mockery |80 |Funking |Drawing back in fear / pain |

| | | |82 |Peril |Danger |

The Chrysalids Chapter 9:

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. Petra clasps onto "an atrociously cross-eyed doll which she loved with uncritical passion" (83). How is her love for this doll ironic in this society?

2. Petra's membership to the group adds a new dimension to the story. Explain what effect her gift has on the others.

3. David is changing into an adult. Mention two examples of this shift.

4. A person on the left wing is liberal and open to new ideas. A person on the right wing is very conservative. Old Jacob represents the extreme of either the left or right wing of Waknuk religion. In a few words tell what he believes in. Is he extreme left or extreme right?


As you read, ⎭ if you understand after reading the synonym, ⎬ if you don't. If you don't understand, look the word up.

|Pg |Vocabulary Word |Synonym |Pg |Vocabulary Word |Synonym |

|83 |Atrociously |Frighteningly |89 |Venomously |Cruelly |

|83 |Echelon |Levels |89 |Puritanical |Rigidly conservative |

|84 |Compulsion |Urge |90 |Scapegoat |Someone punished for the errors of |

| | | | | |others |

|84 |Ebbed |Faded | | | |

|88 |Sentimentalists |One who attempts to stir emotion about |90 |Concealments |Covering up |

| | |an issue | | | |

| | | | | | |

The Chrysalids Chapter 10: READ 10 FOR:

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. Why is Anne's choice so especially bad?

2. What arguments do the other telepaths (mind readers) use try to help her make a different choice? Are they discriminating?

3. What does Uncle Axel suggest David and the others need to do to overcome danger? What does David think of this choice?

4. What happens to Alan Ervin? Who does Anne suspect?

5. Besides thinking they had plotted Alan's murder, why would Anne denounce the group in her letter?

6. Who do you think killed Alan?


|Synonyms |

|Abnegation |Denial of belief |guerilla |Member of unofficial armed force |

|accord |Agreement |Half-perceived |Half-saw, understood |

|acrid |Bitter, cutting |impasse |Gridlock, standoff |

|Adrift |Loose, wandering, floating |justification |Reason, explanation |

|amiss |Wrong |lugubriously |In a very mournful way |

|blinkered |Having tunnel-vision |menace |Threat |

|decisive |Vital, significant, certain |ordained |Meant, fated, designed |

|defy |Disobey |pacific |Soothing, peaceful |

|discreetly |Cautiously, secretly |perturbed |Annoyed |

|dissembling |Deceiving |rectitude |Moral righteousness |

|dissuade |Discourage |renouncing |Rejecting |

|dubious |Doubtful, vague, suspect |repulse |Repel, drive away |

|evaded |Dodge, avoid, sidestep |rouse |Stir up, provoke |

|Expectantly |Eagerly, in anticipation |row |Fight |

|expiate |Make up, apologize |sham |Fake, fraud, imitation |

|Foster |Promote, encourage |Shotgun wedding |Marriage due to pregnancy |

|Flounder |Sink, struggle |verdict |Decision, judgment |

The Chrysalids Chapter 11: READ 11 FOR:

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. What hint of the future does Petra offer when David teaches her?

2. Characters develop further in this chapter. Using two words for each character, describe each of the following characters: a) Michael, b) David, c) Rosalind, d) Uncle Axel, e) Petra.

3. Describe the scenario of David teaching Petra in one word. Why did you select this word?

4. What must the telepaths be willing to do at a moment's notice? What particularly disturbing action must David be willing to take and why does he agree to it?


The vocabulary list is at the top and synonyms/definitions appear below. Find the vocabulary words as you read, and decide what each word means by placing it beside the synonym/definition. Place a ⎭ if you understand after matching it to the synonym, and ⎬ if you don't. If you don't understand, look the word up.












|Synonyms |

|Abeyance |A state of expectation |Incredulously |In disbelief |

|Assents |Agrees |Industrious |Hard-working |

|Crude |Basic, rough |Perceptible |Visible |

|Brute |Beast |Lament |Sadness |

|Conscientiously |Carefully |Overt |Obvious, evident |

|Fluctuated |Changed, varied |Proprietarily |In a manner indicating ownership |

|tribunal |Court, hearing, trial |Tranquil |Calm, peaceful |

|Conferred |Discussed |Orthodoxy |Accepted view, conservative |

|Exterminate |Eliminate |Propensity |Tendency, inclination |

|Forge |Falsify, build, create |Radiated |Give out, glow with |

|Amorphous |Formless, shapeless |Incriminating |Places suspicion upon |

|Compulsive |Gripping, without control |Mutiny |Revolt |

|Blackmail |Holding secrets against someone |Intensify |Make stronger, increase |

|Incisiveness |Perceptiveness, sharpness |Receded |Draw back |

|Tactful |Polite, careful |Tacit |Unspoken |

|Disperse |Scatter |Placatory |Soothing, comforting |

|Sterilization |The process of making infertile |Splodge |An irregular smear, blotch |

|Incisors |Tooth, fang |Retroussé |Small and turned up |

|Astride |With one leg on either side |Inquisitive |Curious |

|Inconclusively |Without conclusion |Slink |Creep, tiptoe |

The Chrysalids Chapter 12: READ 12 FOR:

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. Why are the telepaths "at war" as Michael terms it?

2. The group presents a threat that goes beyond the problem of the True Image. What is the threat David's group presents to the society of Waknuk?

3. Mrs. Morton has assisted in the escape of her daughter. What does that tell about Waknuk society?

4. Petra receives a message from far off. What is the message? How does she explain it? What is the connection with David's childhood dream?


The vocabulary list is at the top and synonyms/definitions appear below. Find the vocabulary words as you read, and decide what each word means by placing it beside the synonym/definition. Place a ⎭ if you understand after matching it to the synonym, and ⎬ if you don't. If you don't understand, look the word up.

|Imminent |Pannier |Tethered |Hullabaloo |

|Simultaneously |Dissuade |Remorse |Impetuous |

|Groped |Erratic |Retrospective |Obstinately |

|Reprovingly |Spoor |Ponderously |Fortissimo |

|Diverted |Posses |Subdued |Hobble |

|Prudent |Peters |Obliterating |Concealment |

|Synonyms |

|Imminent |Looming, coming up |Tethered |Tied |

|Simultaneously |At the same time |Remorse |Regret |

|Groped |Felt around |retrospective |Fair trade |

|Reprovingly |Critically, accusingly |ponderously |Slowly, tediously |

|Diverted |Directed elsewhere |Subdued |Passive, quiet |

|Prudent |Wise |Obliterating |Destructive |

|Pannier |Type of large basket |hullabaloo |Noise, racket |

|Dissuade |Discourage |Impetuous |Impulsive, hasty, hotheaded |

|Erratic |Unpredictable |obstinately |Stubbornly |

|spoor |Trail left by an animal |Fortissimo |Highest rank OR loud |

|Posses |Mob of people |Hobble |Stagger, walk with difficulty |

|Peters |lessens |Concealment |Covering up |

The Chrysalids Chapter 13: READ 13 FOR:

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. Plot Development: What events happen in chapter 13 that the book depends on?

2. What is the most important character development in this chapter? Particularly for Petra.

3. How does Wyndham create suspense in this chapter?

4. What is the mood captured in the events of this chapter?

5. Identify one type of conflict and explain who is involved.


The vocabulary list is at the left and synonyms/definitions appear on the right. Find the sentences that contain vocabulary words as you read, and write it in the space provided. Place a ⎭ if you understand after learning the word's meaning, and ⎬ if you don't. If you don't understand, look the word up.

|Disemboweled |Remove guts from | |

|Sententiously |Full of meaning | |

|To cringe |Shy away | |

|At a canter |At a gallop | |

|The tableau |Picture, scene | |

|A copse of trees |Wood | |

|To converge |Meet | |

|A cordon |Barrier | |

|Judicially |Wisely | |

|Vagrant |Drifter, hobo | |

|Unwontedly |Unusually | |

|Complacently |In a satisfied way | |

|Deflatingly |In a disappointed way| |

|Prattle on |Chatter | |

|No small beans |A big deal | |

|obliquely |At an angle | |

The Chrysalids Chapter 14: READ 14 FOR:

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. This a chapter of crisis. What predicament are David, Rosalind, and Petra in?

2. In your own words and in one sentence, tell what the Fringes people philosophy is.

3. In your own words and in one sentence, tell what the Sealand philosophy is.

4. David's conversation with the Spider-Man serves two purposes. Mention them.

5. What suspense emerges at the end of the chapter?


The vocabulary list is at the left and synonyms/definitions appear on the right. Find the sentences that contain vocabulary words as you read, and write it in the space provided. Place a ⎭ if you understand after learning the word's meaning, and ⎬ if you don't. If you don't understand, look the word up.

|Symbiosis |Two separate | |

| |organisms gaining | |

| |benefit from one | |

| |another. | |

|Aberrate |Deviant, anomaly | |

|miscegenate |Joining with | |

| |another "race" | |

|Homogeneal |Having qualities | |

| |that are all the | |

| |same | |

|consensus |Agreement | |

The Chrysalids Chapter 15: READ 15 FOR:

THEME: The message an author delivers about a topic through characters, events, setting, and other elements of a story.

There is a chart below; consider what John Wyndham was trying to argue about each of the topics on the left. Think of at least one example to defend what message he was trying to deliver.

|Topic |Message about that topic |Example of that message. |

|Love | | |

|Murder | | |

|Jealousy | | |

|Hope | | |

The Chrysalids Chapter 16: READ 16 FOR:


tableau (scene) -  appliqué (sew on as a decoration) -  treacle (a syrup-like antidote for poison)

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. How do Rosalind and Sophie feel about one another? Why?

2. Agree or disagree: "Life is change" - said by the Sealand woman.

3. In this chapter Joseph Strorm dies. Who kills him? Why is his death necessary and symbolic?

4. DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER: what happens at the end of this chapter? Is it good or bad? Explain.

5. Give this chapter a title. Explain why you chose it in one sentence.

The Chrysalids Chapter 17: READ 17 FOR:


|Vocabulary Word |Synonym |

|Petrified |Turned to rock |

|Bravado |Boasting, boldness |

|Obstruction |Obstacle, barrier |

|apologia |A formal defence, argument |

|Disquisition |An elaborate discussion |

Answer the following questions during and after reading:

1. This final chapter is designed to close the plot of the story, and leave the reader with things to think about. Make a chart with "issues resolved" and "things to keep thinking about" as headings. Now complete the chart, focusing on what you think Wyndham wanted the reader to think about after the end of the book.

2. Both the Fringes people and the Waknuk posse are destroyed. How does the Sealand woman justify (explain) this destruction? Do you agree with her explanation? Why or why not? Be careful to look at both sides of the issue.

3. At the end of the story, David recognize the great city in Sealand as the city of his dream. Why does the novel begin and end with that vision?

4. What do you think of the ending? What do you think will happen in the next few days as David, Petra, and Rosalind become part of this new society?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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