
Nutritional TherapiesAccording to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4 out of 10 leading causes of disability in the UD and other developed countries are mental disorders. It also states that a lack of certain dietary nutrients contribute to the development of mental disorders. Essential vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids are ofter defiecient in developed countries, and exceptioanallu deficient in patients suffering from mental disorders.Studies have shown that daily supplements of vital nutrients often reduce patients symptons. Supplements that contain amino acids reduce symptons because they are converted to neurotransmitters that alleviate depression and other mental disorders.Antidepressants and other perscription drugs case severe side effects, which discourage patients from taking them and non-complaint patients who are higher risk for committing suicide. One way to overcome this is to educate about alternative or complementary nutritional treatments.The most common nutritional defciences seen in mental disorders are of omega 3 fatty acids, B vitamins, minerals and amino acides.Iron deficiences are high in young woman suffering from depression.Since the consumption of omega 3 fatty acids from fish and other sources has declined the incidence of major depression has increased.EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) is converted by the body into DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), the two omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil, a natural antidepressant for human beings.Lithium Orotate - salt of orotic acid and lithium. Marketed as a dietry supplement for stress, depression, suicidal intentions, alcholics, agression, alzhemiers and improve memory."It is well-documented positive neurologicail effects even in trace amounts". Schrauzer (1990).Lithium = Alkali (metal)Orotate = Orotic (Acid) A componenet produced naturally in the body.In alternative medicians, lithium Orotate is promoted as an alternative to Lithium. Orotic Acid can also be referred to as Vitamin B13 although not a vitamin, orotc acid is produced from microorgasims found in the intestines.Natural SerotoninFound in Local Health StoresTryptophan (5HTP) - Natural SerotoninLithium Orotate - No perscriptionnon toxi/ no side effectsused instead of Lithiumpurchased over the counterNot a drugNot used in pharmaceudual formNOTE: Lithium Carbonate is considered a persceription drug under the Food and Drugs Administration.Other Natural Treatments of Depression1.Exercise - releases endorphins2.Never Skip a meal - stable blood sugar3. Eat Serotonin - Enhancing diet - omega 3 fatty acide e.g wild salmon, sardines, herring, cocnut oil, high protien like free range turkey.4. Energy boost Supplements - L-tyrosine (500-1000mg)5. Sunlight - Vitamin D. - Therapeutic light boxNOTE: MD's and psychiatrists against combining herbsand natural therapies with an antidepressant. Although this is not the cause for vitamins, minerals and fish oil. Functional BeveragesA non alcholic drink that includes in its formulation ingredients such as herbs, vitamins, amino acids or additional raw fruit or vegetables. They inlcude perfromance drinks, energy drinks, teas, fruit drinks and enhanced water.Functional Beverages ApplicationsShots -small/portable/2.3 ounce bottle/POS Grab n GoStick Packs - any time of the day/ pwder form/long shelve lifeTeas - worth 2.6 billion dollars 2009 (Euromontior)Sport Drinks/Recory - for athletesDaily based - Short shelve lifeJuice - apple/orange/peach are leading flavours globally 2009great for function drinkstopped 10 billion dollars 2008Enhanced Waters - a type of water that adds a functional benefit above and beyond hydration.used to target health conditions Other Functional Beverages that target the mind/brain/moodCase study 1.Neuro Functional BeveragesNeuro have been around since 2009Many of the Neuros didnt surviveEither they did not function well or not enough demand for the function intended.Only 4 Neuro drinks remain on the market today.SonicSleepBlissDailyThey contain 5 HTP |(insomnia) and L-Theanie amni acid (calming).They are not FDA approved.Case Study 2.Brain Wave DrinksDirector Richard Baister says "People look after their bodies and diets, why not their minds as well?".Target - maintaning a healthy mind warding off Alzheimers and Dementia.Contains - green tea,EGCG/jasmine,caffine.UK based compnay launched in August 2014.Issues: Originally to launch late 2013 but feedback from focus groups questionned it as a characterised drink "heading towards a distressed purchase". (Baister)Reinvented the product to not focus soley on A lzhemiers and Dementia but about kepping a healthy mind.Target Audience: Students who oversdose on caffine drinksMiddle aged and elderlypeople suffering from dementiaMarket research showed that mid 30's professionals like doctors, lawyers, accountants were very keen.The brand is backed by publisshed science worldwide (Newcastle Science City).They pledge 10% of all profits to funding research into Alzheimers and Dementia.Studies - In developing rmation from independant studies undertaken at various respected institutions all over the world.Including: Journals from The Journal of the Alzhemimers AsscoiationAmerican Journal of Nutrition (clinical)Tea consumption and cognitive impairment and decline.Simular to the journals I have used in my research into adding Lithium to the water supply.They claim to be the worlds first braintenance drink, specifically developed to help retain, sustain, maintain and entertain your brain.COST: 8X330ml -Tetra Pack ?16.00 - ?2 per drink.Founder:Richard BaisterStartups winnerSerial entrepernuer of drinks.Case Study 3.HAPPYWATERNeurogenesis Happywater. Canadas award winning naturally alkaline lithia water. Sourced from two canadian mountain srpings. Contains naturally occurring lithia, calcium, magnesium, patassium and fluride.Mission Statement: "to provide consumers everywhere with the oportunity to ecperience the benefits of this unique naturally functional water".Maybe the brand is enough to suggest that the water could make your mind fell happier but I was unable to find any wording or claims that it was a mood altering drink or that it will improve mental health.The main campaigns in advertising this water was that the water will spread happyness through organised events to promote the brand.There is also other waters on the market with the same name. Case Study 4.Lithia WaterA mineral water characterized bu the presence of lithium salts (as lithium carbonate or lithium chloride). It is sourced from a natural water fountain in Ashland Oregon's Lithia Park which is a popular tourist attraction. Thousands of people come to drink the water due to its positive health effects.One of the first commercially sold lithia water bottled was in Georgia in 1888.With the development of tap water made easily accessible and the fact companies were adding lithium bicarbonate instead of the natural salts to the bottled water the public lost interest in the bottled drink.Londonderry lithia was another brand of bottled water containing lithium produced during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.Adding Lithium to the water News reportPublished 9th February 2015Daily Mail -by Thea JourdonTitle: After flouride, how Lithium could be put in tap water to beat depression. "Scientist in Scotland are looking into wether adding Lithium to water supplies could help mental health. It occurs naturally in many water sources in Scotland from Volcanic Rockat low doses of 2mg per 2 litres of water. Researchers at the University of Glasgow School of Medicine are investigating its claims and its links to reducing suicide rates.Results are expected next year. One Scientist has recieved death threats over his involvement into the research". The paper also commented on how Chlorine is added to most water supplies as a disinfectant.At low quantities it poses no threat to health but in high amounts it can cause eye and skin irritation and difficulty in breathing. "In 2011 a study from Birmingham University linked water chloridation to birth defects". Chlorine can also form cancer causing compounds."Fluoride is also found in a tenth of UK population drinking water which is used to reduce tooth decay."Fluoride is the only compound added fpr health reasons". A public health report showed children with fluoride in their water had less tooth decay than those areas without it. Scotland and Wales do not have fluoride in those areas. Fluoridation is also causing controversol. At high levels it is toxic. It is also linked to bone cancer in boys, according to a Harvard School of Dental Health study.Phosphate is in drinking water in Glasgow, London, Manchester through lead pipework in plumming done before the seventies. Lead poison affects the neurological development in ments from readers:"Forced medication and should be banned. If people want better teeth they should brush them, if they want to have better moods then eat food that help with that and exercise which boosts moods". "People can take their own medications. Why should I take medication I dont need just because others need it? If they need mdeication they need to see their doctors, but leave me out of it!"."Then bottle it, and make depressed people pay for it. As for tap water leave it alone for crying out loud"."Surely people should be given the choice? I certainly dont see the need and do not want it added to my water supply".98% of comments were against adding lithium to tap water.Negatives Studies in adding lithium to tap waterAccording to the British Journal of Psychiatry (2010 pg159-160) it states that their was a lack of research into economic and social factors that do contribute to suicide rates when releasing the results of lithium in drinking water. In pages 34-350 it states that evidence of lithium reducing suicide rates and helping mental health should be further persued through the National Suicide Prevention Programmes. Politicans are increasingly implemeting research. It is note that early exposure to lithium may cause damage to the brain, but overall it requires further investigation.In an article called lithium in drinking water and suicide rates across the East of England published in the British Journal of Psychirarty (2011 pg406-407) that lithium can be found naturally in drinking water. They measured lithium levels in tap water in the 47 subdivisions of the East of England and found no connection between lithium levels and suicide rates from 2006 to 2008.In areas with high naturally occuring lithium levels their is evidence of decreased throid function.Possible side effects include: (medical terms)weight gainheadachefeverdiarrheadrowsinessLithium in drinking water and the warningsPublished:Medical University of Vienna - 1st June 2011Title:Lithium in drinking water reduces suicde ratesNOTE: "Researchers at the Med Uni Vienna have, for the first time, successfully provided scientifically reliable evidence of this positive effect on the human psyche".In 2009 a Japanese study caused a worldwide sensation that lithium found naturally in drinking water would reduce the risk of suicide.Austria examination of claims: Concluded lithium in drinking water seems to be a possible independant influentail factor."A positive effect in the smallest amounts". Med Uni Vienna confirmed the Japanese study. Fact even in trace amounts element amounts could have measurable effects on health.Question to the researchers: Is it dangerous?The question was askied wether drinking water should be enriched with lithium to protect against suicide? The often heard arguments is that lithium could be added simular to the way fluoride was added to prevent bone diseases or iodine to salt to prevent thyroid diseases. Any side effects?This is still unknown. Current studies show even a slight increase in the thyroid hormone levels in people who live in regions wher there is lithium in drinking waterwhich leads to blood concentrations which are too high. It could have negative effects as well as positive effects on the mood. It needs further examinations.Lithium ToxicityLithium carbonate and acetate are the types used in manic-depressive disorders. It was banned in 1949 by the FDA for treatment of mania and approved again in 1970. Patients recieving lithium as a medican must be tested regularly for toxic levels. The serum (blood) level must not exceed 11.1 mg/L Li. Where else can we find LithiumIn the Alkali-metal groupis a soft silver white metalfound in some foods and drinking waterbrine water contains up to 0.050 to 2000ppmseawater has 0.170ppmfreshwater less than 0.003ppmdaily lithium from food is 2mg per day.Pharmacologic psychiatric doses start at 300mg per day.Lithium rich foodsMicrograms per kgMilk 7533Eggs 7373Pork 3844Tomatoes 6707Mushroom 5788Cucumber 5017Black tea 3737Coffee 874Coca Cola 122Food and Drugs Administration FDAIn 1970 a meeting of the psychopharmacologic drugs advisory committe of the FDA about the use of lithium which concluded that opinions were divided and due to lack of studies it was not approved.FDA - Food and Drugs AdministrationA food additive cannot be used in a conventional food unless it is approved by the FDAHowever, substances that are generallyu safe by wualified experts can be added without pre-approval from FDAFDA- Refer for labeling information for my productTo investigate how the FDA deals with drinks companies promoting health benefits I discovered a letter issued 2010 in refence to the firm marketing products that are under the drugs section 201(g) 1 of the federal food, drug and cosmetic act.Happywater: Recieved a warning letter regarding a herb Schisandra which is found in the product that will help relieve emotionl and physical depression and reverse depression. Schisandra is a berry plant used for medicine. Used in tradional Chinese medicine for over 2000 years.Lithium Citrate patent as medican and used 19 and early 20th century. All beverages forced to remove lithium 1948 by FDA.Lithium Carbonate is considered a perscription drug under the FDA.Social and economical factorsMuch of the research suggests that social and ecomical factors also contrube to suicide rates.TRENDSUnemployment in Northern Ireland,by the Department, Enterprise, Trade and Investiment.Sept - Nov 2014 - Unemployed 18-24yr old -19.2%25-49yr old 4.3%16+ 5.9%UK Unemployment rates:N.I - 7.2%Engalnd - 6.8%Wales - 6.8%Scotland - 6.4%Disposable Household Income (perhead)UK- ?16,791N.I-?13,902Wales-?14,623Scotland-?16,267England-?17,066Northern Ireland has the highest unemplyment rates and the least disposible household income. This shows demographical treands in the socity we live in that could be a major factor in depression and sucide rates in Northern Ireland. ................

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