
| |Breakfast |Mid-Morning |Lunch |Mid-Afternoon |Dinner |Nutrition to Sleep On|

| | |Snack | |Snack | | |

|Tues. |Bowl of |Meal Replacement |4 oz of sliced turkey|Yogurt with Fruit |Eye of Round Steak |Meal Replacement |

| |Protein-Enriched |Shake or Bar |on 2 slices wheat |(apple or orange, |with sweet potato and|Shake or Bar |

| |Cereal, orange juice,| |bread, family size |etc.) |green beans | |

| |3 egg whites | |bowl of salad | | | |

|Wed. |Breakfast Burrito |Meal Replacement |Grilled salmon with |Cottage Cheese with |Chicken breast and |Meal Replacement |

| |(egg whites, lowfat |Shake or Bar |Broccoli and roasted |green salad |brown rice with 1 |Shake or Bar |

| |sausage or ham, | |Red potatoes | |tbsp olive oil and | |

| |salsa, wheat | | | |small salad | |

| |tortilla) | | | | | |

|Thurs. |1 slice whole wheat |Meal Replacement |Pasta and chicken |Yogurt and Rice cake |Lean ham, vegetables,|Meal Replacement |

| |toast and 6 egg white|Shake or Bar |breast with mixed | |mashed potato with |Shake or Bar |

| |omelet | |veggies | |cheese | |

|Fri. |#1 Omelet (5 egg |Meal Replacement |Chicken salad |Cottage cheese and |Italian-Grilled |Meal Replacement |

| |whites, 2 strips lean|Shake or Bar |(chicken strips, |yogurt |Salmon (with parsley,|Shake or Bar |

| |turkey, 4 olives, ½ | |green leafy spinach, | |garlic, olive oil, | |

| |oz cheese, avocado, | |kidney beans, | |lemon and Great | |

| |roma tomato | |avocado) | |Northern Beans) | |

|Sat. |½ cup oatmeal and 6 |Meal Replacement |Turkey sandwich on |High Protein Energy |Hearty Chilli (turkey|Meal Replacement |

| |scrambled egg whites |Shake or Bar |whole wheat bread |Bar |breast, black beans, |Shake or Bar |

| | | |with lettuce, tomato,| |kidney beans, salsa, | |

| | | |etc. | |cheese), salad | |

|Sun. |This is your free day to eat whatever you want! |

| |After six days of good eating, you’ve earned it…enjoy! |


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