
Mr. SanteramoMidterm Chapter 4Vocabulary – some (not all) words will appearDeltaAfterlifeAridDiplomacyDynastyVizierHieroglyphPapyrusPyramidMummyCivil warFamine Cost/benefit analysispharaohreignEach year, the receding floodwaters of the Nile River deposited silt along the riverbank. This fertile soil made the Nile Delta and the Nile Valley the only areas in Egypt where wheat and barley could be grown. Over time, the Egyptians developed agricultural techniques that gave them some control of the Nile. These techniques led to a growing population along the Nile and the need for government. (pg. 137)How did agricultural techniques develop in ancient Egypt? (pg. 137)The unpredictable flooding of the Nile River led the Egyptians to believe that gods and goddesses were responsible for events in nature.Surplus crops allowed the early Egyptians to develop an advanced civilization. With surpluses, the Egyptians traveled along the Nile to trade for other resources. Trade and travel made it possible for some towns to grow into cities. Eventually, Egypt was made up of two kingdoms. How did Egypt’s location make it an ideal center for trade?About 3100 BC, King Narmer united Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. This began the Egyptian period that historians now call the Old Kingdom. It was a time when the Egyptians believed that their kings were living gods. This belief helped unify the people, and it also allowed the kings to maintain their authority. (pg. 143)The Egyptians borrowed the idea of writing from the Sumerians. What were hieroglyphics used for in Ancient Egypt?Why were kings able to use huge amounts of Egypt’s resources and people to build pyramids? (pg. 145)The tomb of royalty contained everything a royal person might need in the afterlife, including the person’s mummified body. (pg. 146)What ancient Egyptian religious belief might have encouraged a leader to rule fairly? (pg. 146)Pg. 149- Why Were the Pyramids Built?Lesson 3Trade with other regions grew during the Middle Kingdom. Although trade by land and by sea was dangerous, traders could become wealthy. Egypt traded with faraway p laces to get resources it wanted, such as wood and copper, silver, turquoise, pinewood, ebony, ivory, and incense. (pg. 152)What costs and benefits would you consider if you were an ancient trader deciding whether or not to travel by caravan?In what ways did the Hyksos change Egyptian culture? (pg. 153)Hatshepsut, pg. 155, go over her legacy from the packet as wellLesson 4During the New Kingdom, Egyptian kings took the title of pharaoh, and the Egyptian Empire reached its greatest size.In what ways did Amenhotep IV help bring about changes in ancient Egypt? (pg. 160)How was Egyptian society structured? (social structure) (pg. 161)How did education differ for boys and for girls? (pg. 161)Art, literature, and architecture were important in ancient Egypt. Most of the monumental architecture that remains today was built of stone, although the main construction material for other buildings was mud brick. What was a typical Egyptian home like? (pg. 162) ................

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