Einstein’s Big Idea Notes

Einstein’s Big Idea Notes Name___________________

|Scientist: Michael Faraday |Nationality: |

|Time period: |Concept |

|Experiment |Challenges Faced |

|Scientist: Antione-Laurent Lavoisier |Nationality: |

|Marie Anne Lavoisier | |

|Time period: |Concept |

|Experiment |Challenges Faced |

|Scientist: Michael Faraday, James Maxwell |Nationality: |

|Time period: |Concept |

|Experiment |Challenges Faced |

|Scientist: Gottfried von Leibniz, |Nationality: |

|Emilie du Chatelet | |

|Time period: |Concept |

|Experiment |Challenges Faced |

|Scientist: Albert Einstein |Nationality: |

|Time period: |Concept |

|Experiment |Challenges Faced |

|Scientist: Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassmann, Lise Meitner, Otto Robert Frisch |Nationality: |

|Time period: |Concept |

|Experiment |Challenges Faced |

Einstein’s Big Idea Video Questions

Day 1 Play for 55 minutes


What job did Faraday hold?

Was he rich?

What was his passion?

In the early 1800s, Science was usually performed by what kind of people?

Who did Faraday get tickets to see?

What was this person’s problem?

What was this man’s greatest discovery?

What happened that gave Faraday his chance?

When you pass electricity through a wire, what happens to a compass?

What two concepts does this experiment show interacting?

What did Faraday’s religion believe?

What discovery did Faraday help invent through his experimentations?

What was Faraday accused of? By whom?

How did Davy die?

What did Faraday start?


What first piqued Einstein’s curiosity

What was Einstein concerned with only? What was everything else?


What was happening in France at the time? (think society, French Revoltion

What characteristic of Antione-Laurent Lavoisier led to his downfall and was of great benefit?

What was his REAL job?

Behind every great man is a _________________. What did Marie Anne do?

Besides a great mind, what helps scientific research move along?

What was Lavoisier’s great discovery?

Why was this important?

How did Lavoisier die? Why?

Einstein Part II – Switzerland, 1897

What were the two pillars of science in the 19th Century?

Were these pillars separate?

Was Einstein a good student?

What was Einstein’s annoying question?

What question did Einstein ask Mileva Meric in the movie?

How fast is light? What letter do we use to represent the speed of light?

Meanwhile, Faraday proposes that electricity and magnetism are part of one concept called____________

What did Faraday lack in his proposal that light is an electromagnetic wave?


What was Maxwell’s relationship to Faraday?

What is important about the speed in which electricity and magnetism are related?

This meant that……

Einstein III

What important thing did Maxwell’s predictions predict?

Describe Einstein’s thought process in the boat/wave scene

Einstein’s Big Idea Video Questions

Day 2 Start Playing at 55 minutes and Finish

Emilie du Chatelet

What did she do in respect to Newton?

What things did she accomplish that were firsts for women?

Who did du Chatelet hide?

What famous scientist did she feel had slightly flawed work? And what part of the work was flawed?

What did Gottfried von Leibniz propose?

Describe du Chatelet’s reasoning for energy to use velocity squared

Why was her pregnancy not a good thing for her?

Einstein IV. - 1905

Who does Einstein eventually marry?

Where did Einstein wind up working? Why?

How did his job performance affect his home life?

How did Einstein approach his life?

What did Einstein want to know?

What did Albert notice on a walk with his dear college friend?

Einstein accepted that light’s speed NEVER changes, so he discovered that in order for that to happen…

What year is Einstein’s biggest year?

What did his papers discuss?

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

The one true constant in the universe is __________________

What the relationship between mass and energy that Einstein proposes?

How long was the last paper?

What kind of reception did these papers receive?

What did he do to remedy the situation

Who was his most important fan club member?

He is the undisputed father of _________________________

How did his success affect his marriage?

Lise Meitner - 1907

What was the new field she was interested in?

Why couldn’t she get a job studying it?

Who gave her the “in”?

She was the first woman in Germany to hold the title ______________________

What was Lise’s relationship like with Otto Hahn?

What was the largest atom known at that time? How many neutrons + protons did it have?

What was the goal of Meitner and Hahn?

Why was Germany a dangerous place for Lise?

What kinds of people were first to leave when the Nazis came to power?

How did the scientific community respond to Lise’s plight?

What did she lose due to her relocation?

Otto Robert Frisch was Lise’s _________________

Instead of the atom getting bigger, what did they find?

A big nucleus is much like a ____________________________, which is unstable. It gets so unstable that it…

Upon this splitting, the two left over pieces are _____________ than the original atom.

Upon calculation in the snow, Meitner verifies Einstein’s equation _______________. This is called Nuclear…

How did Otto Hahn betray Meitner?

What did Meitner start?

The atom bomb was thus researched and tested in what was code named the __________________ Project.

What do physicists do at Particle Accelerators?

How does E=mc2 describe how the big bang happened?

We, as humans are…


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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