Ejercicios de Partículas Interrogativas en Inglés

嚜激jercicios de Part赤culas Interrogativas en Ingl谷s

Ahora que has entendido la lecci車n es hora de resolver los ejercicios.

1. Completaci車n

Completa las oraciones siguientes con la part赤cula interrogativa adecuada.





5. .

have you been? 每 In my room.

did you say? 每 Nothing.

do you have to get up in the mornings? 每 At seven o*clock.

did you get there? 每 By bus

is the author of the novel? 每 Charles Dickens.

2. Sin pronombre interrogativo

Usa las palabras entre par谷ntesis para formular preguntas de s赤 y no en present simple.








(you/hear/the music)

(you/have/a guitar)

(the car/be/broken)

3. Palabras Subrayadas

Escribe la oraci車n interrogativa correspondiente para responder con el elemento subrayado

en cada caso.

1. The children are going to school.

2. Amy wrote a letter.

3. She called him because she missed him.

4. He can tell us something about it.

5. My jacket is over there.

4. Completa

En el cuarto de los ejercicios de part赤culas interrogativas en ingl谷s vas a rellenar los

espacios en blanco con la palabra wh correcta.


is she like? - She is tall and slim.


is Tom living this year? - He is living in Paris.


do you visit your grandparents? - Twice a week.


is it? - It's five pounds.


are you? - I'm fine, thanks.


people are there in your town? - We are about 20,000 inhabitants.


did you get married? - I got married last year.


is your friend's name? - My friend's name is Paul.


did you get so angry yesterday? Because you didn't trust on me.


does this boring lesson last? - It lasts sixty minutes.

5. Ejercicio de Traducir

Traduce las siguientes oraciones del ingl谷s al espa?ol

1. Where is a good dentist?

2. Where is the fireman?

3. Where is the flight attendant?

4. Where are the classrooms?

5. Where are the policemen?

6. Who is a good lawyer?

7. Who is a plumber?

8. Who is a technician?

9. Who are the firemen?

10. Why is he a good teacher?

11. Why is she a judge?

12. Why are they not nurses?

13. Why aren*t they photographers?

14. What is a good sales assistant?

15. What is a bad hairdresser?

16. What are bad reporters?

17. What are good teachers?

18. When is the class?

19. When is the lesson?

20. When are the classes?

21. When are the lessons?

22. How is a good nurse?

23. How is a bad vet?

24. How are the classes?

25. How is the school?

26. How is your teacher?


1. Completaci車n

Completa las oraciones siguientes con la part赤cula interrogativa adecuada.






Where have you been? 每 In my room.

What did you say? 每 Nothing.

When do you have to get up in the mornings? 每 At seven o*clock.

How did you get there? 每 By bus.

Who is the author of the novel? 每 Charles Dickens.

2. Sin pronombre interrogativo

Usa las palabras entre par谷ntesis para formular preguntas de s赤 y no en presentsimple.






Does he speak English?

Are you thirsty?

Do you hear the music?

Have you got a guitar?

Is the car broken?

3. Palabras Subrayadas

Escribe la oraci車n interrogativa correspondiente para responder con el elemento subrayado

en cada caso.

1. The children are going to school.

↙ Where are the children going?

2. Amy wrote a letter.

↙ Who wrote a letter?

3. She called him because she missed him.

↙ Why did she call him?

4. He can tell us something about it.

↙ What can he tell us about it?

5. My jacket is over there.

↙ Whose jacket is over there?

4. Completa

1. (What) is she like? - She is tall and slim.

2. (Where) is Tom living this year? - He is living in Paris.

3. (How often) do you visit your grandparents? - Twice a week.

4. (How much) is it? - It's five pounds.

5. (How) are you? - I'm fine, thanks.

6. (How many) people are there in your town? - We are about 20,000 inhabitants.

7. (When) did you get married? - I got married last year.

8. (What) is your friend's name? - My friend's name is Paul.

9. (Why) did you get so angry yesterday? Because you didn't trust on me.

10. (How long) does this boring lesson last? - It lasts sixty minutes

5. Ejercicio de Traducir

1. ?D車nde est芍 un buen dentista?

2. ?D車nde est芍 el bombero?

3. ?D車nde est芍 la azafata?

4. ?D車nde est芍n las aulas?

5. ?D車nde est芍n los polic赤as?

6. ?Qui谷n es un buen abogado?

7. ?Qu谷 es un fontanero?

8. ?Qui谷n es un t谷cnico?

9. ?Qui谷nes son los bomberos?

10. ?Por qu谷 es un buen maestro?

11. ?Por qu谷 es que un juez?

12. ?Por qu谷 no est芍n las enfermeras?

13. ?Por qu谷 no son fot車grafos?

14. ?Qu谷 es un buen asistente de ventas?

15. ?Qu谷 es una mala peluquer赤a?

16. ?Cu芍les son los malos periodistas?

17. ?Cu芍les son los buenos maestros?

18. ?Cu芍ndo es la clase?

19. ?Cu芍ndo es la lecci車n?

20. ?Cu芍ndo son las clases?

21. ?Cu芍ndo son las lecciones?

22. ?C車mo es una buena enfermera?

23. ?C車mo es un mal veterinario?

24. ?C車mo son las clases?

25. ?C車mo es la escuela?

26. ?C車mo es tu maestro?


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