
Executive Board MeetingThursday, September 20, 20188:57 AMPresent: Lee Ikles (7); Barbara Long (4), Sandra Haire (Committee Liason), Sandy Hilliard (4),Louella Star (Financial Liason) ), Tim Allen (President, 5 ), George Ford (ED), Karen Cook (2), David Williams (7), Dianne Hicks (1), Sandy Nakiewicz (4), Jeanette Elias (6), David Cory (Past President) , Anna Rigler (1), Janet Jackson (CIS Reg 2), Misty Standard (9), Catherine Earley (By Phone), David Woodberry (7) ?Quorum Established?Guests: Valinda Bolton, DFPS; Dr. Gary Buff (Our Community, Our Care-contractor for Foster care redesign); Gretchen Fehrm (Foster Care Redesign-Liason between DFPS and Community Based Care); Ellen Letts (DFPS Dir. Of Community Based Care)??Opening remarks from Tim: Keeping the Vision alive.Minutes were received, no discussion and per David Williams no motion was required to accept.Education Program:(David Williams)New Training Manual is readyNew Training Power Point will be online for County Welfare Boards (5-10 minute program for the board)WelcomeFamily Code; rules and regsOrganizing a board- is up to CWBs and Commissioners CourtRosters are essential but members may file documents at clerk's office that does not reveal personal information such as address, phone, Social Security numbers or family membersOpen Govt training must happen within 30 days of appt. Certificates must be filed with County ClerkDFPS/CPS clearance *TDFPS website Form C-105-0250, Form 251 and Form 250Assist as neededSupport CPS FundraisingAdvocate for ChildrenPartner with other entitiesOperations Manual still in progressState Office Report-Valinda BoltonFaith Based Work: Every region has FB work going on. Doing everything from bringing meals to kids in the CPS offices, to meet and greets for foster parenting recruitment. Care Portal continuing to role out across the state. Not owned by state, it is owned by Kids in Care.Each board should connect with FB worker and individual congregations in our counties. Invite congregations to come to our meetings. Valinda will send George a list of all of the FB workers in each county for the regions/munity engagement staff meeting just happened with 30 in attendance, nearly all, plus rainbow room coordinators. Discussed SM involvement and ways to help community partners.Questions about anything can be directed to CIS, RD or if broader send to ValindaLauren McVee new CIS in Region 7 housed in Killeen.Region 1 will be getting a new CIS also, as Darla is retiring.Rainbow room community partner in Region 7 is also going to retire. (aside-samples build up at post office they don’t deliver-can get those and distribute)George recognized Valinda who has been very helpful in identifying all of the County Boards contacts.Tim acknowledged Valinda assistance and munity Based Care-David Cory, Dr. Gary Buff (Our Community, Our Care-contractor for Foster care redesign), Gretchen Fehrm (Foster Care Redesign-Liason between DFPS and Community Based Care), Ellen Letts (DFPS Dir. Of Community Based Care)SB11-:latest iteration of how to deliver foster care services to take it out of the State's hands and into privatization.CBC is a new way of providing care. Single source continuum. See handout. One contractor will facilitate everything. Performance based contract. Leg session changed everything to CBC which included everything from conservatorship as well. Currently building the model. Staged role out in each catchment area; map on public website by catchment area (CB webpage). The new structure allows for contractors to pull together the community. Contract includes responsibility for matching kids to the best match in paid foster care. Foster care providers contract with CBC agency which is responsible for the performance of their contractors which allows better oversight. Use performance based measures to look at outcomes. They also have monitoring. Also have a case management/coordination department that makes sure the kid gets all services they need from entry into foster care until they leave care. Allows dynamic on the ground decisions to be made without getting paralyzed by the systerm. Ultimately will have 17 SSECs throughout the state. The values is especially in the Care Manager handling issues with CPA and also the fact that the SSCC takes physical custody within 4 hours are no longer stuck in CPS offices. DFPS will do the training at the onset of each stage. Local CWB boards will start working with the SSCC-the CWBs role will not change. SSCC will not have anything to do with investigations-only conservatorship. IF CWB wishes to do anything outside their contract or "orders of memorandum"-in the CWBs best interest to communicate this with the SSCC. Not sure yet if there must be a contract of the Rainbow Room with the SSCC if they are stand alone' s. Stage 1 : SSCC takes over all placement, there CPS worker is attached to every single case just as now, legal representation is the same. SSCC has a care coordinator that has a specified number of kids to monitor placement and services-they facilitate communications /actions between the CPS worker and the CPA. Stage 2: SSCC responsible for full case management and reunification services that move kids to permanency. 6 month start-up phase-period of readiness to be able to serve all the children, youth and families in conservatorship. Transition DFPS caseworker from CPS to SSCC. There is a provision for benefits so that CPS workers can get preferential hiring-does not change the employee retirement system, but if they have 10 years, they will continue to get full benefits. If not, they will no longer continue to accrue benefits through the state. Funding is transferred to the SSCC, and they will manage it at their discretion. DFPS retains legal responsibility for child and will be responsible to provide them with legal representation. Stage 3: DFPS will hold SSCC accountable for specific performance measures. They have already been determined. Will use the data in hopes to measure shorter times in care. At this stage they are being held accountable-if they save dollars by shortening days they will get a financial incentives and if not, there are penalties. Will also measure recidivism. Will compare data to historical data for same area. Tx Tech will br doing research project looking at outcomes for each stage. Currently only planned for 5 areas; all is dependent upon legislative session however DFPS will be requesting appropriations to continue the role out. Every player/community partner will continue to have a role. Case workers will continue to have a role, but it will transiton to SSCC and should have less difficulty doing what they need to.CPRT Report Misty StandardSee Attachment??Send report to Janet Jackson CIS and Nancy Mumford??I left here-see notes from Karen??Day 2Present: Tim, Sandy,David Williams, George Ford, Anna Rigler, Karen Cook, Jeanette Elias, Diane Hicks, Misty Standard, David Cory, Nancy Mumford, Kathrine Earley, Louella Star, Joel Levine, David Woodberry, Lee Ikels, Sandra Haire, Janet Jackson, Barbara Long, Sandy Nakiewicz, Janet Stansbury, Carol Ford??Treasurers Report: See attachedSpecial Thanks to Louella for her accounting helpPayments are being made to Shannon monthlyIRS levy for prior years delinquent tax reports-George is looking into thisLicense Plates: We are due $6376. from the Stop Child Abuse plates-we need to consider a redesign as the plate is looking dated and to generate some renewed interest.DFPS Reimbursements: CAPTA has been negotiated however because it was just over 25k threshold, so there was a slight delay in execution. Discussion-do we need an annual audit? David thinks biannual may be best, but up to council. Joel suggested a national group that works with non-profits for accounting "JITSA" can do payroll, monthly financials, etc. David will get more details from Joel. Thank you to Awards committeeMarilyn Montrond secured ASTROs memorabilia, signed balls, hats, t-shirts, books on World Series, duffle bags, greater than $500 value. Astro's have requested a picture of kids with the bags in return. Need to send Marilyn a thank you note.Sandy said the quilters guild in her region have made quilts for the kids as well.Executive Director-George FordIRS issue: George feels as though we will not be able to recover the levied fees.David Cory is quarterbacking an effort to get Regions 3a and 3b reactivated as one regional council. Lots of support from CISs, but Region not picking up on it. Questionnaire/survey has been distributed to the Board Chairs for every county. Individual letter have gone out, trying to get feedback and more accurate information for our statistics for March meeting. We have challenges in El Paso, San Antonio, and Corpus Christi. Carol Ford (SW) is answering our calls.Update on Shannon Ireland-several attempts have been made to reach her, with no response.Fostering Brighter Futures Update presentation from Katherine Earley In order to qualify for funding, TCCWB needs an auditPlease spread the word on SMNeed interns for SMOpportunities for signature projects (Reagan/Parker???)Please send FBF lists of volunteer opportunities in your regions.Please send in positive stories from nominees in the regions.Recommendation from Janet Jackson that Catherine speak at PAL conference.Advocacy Report-Janet StansburyStill need legislative champions for each regionNeed talking points and to create a packet for continuityIntroductionsWho the TCCWB is?What we can do to help them?1 page fact sheet about TCCWB with contact info including websiteNeed to really work on improving the awareness in the Leg.Need a list of all of the board members in each legislators region.We can get that list from CIS from Janet JacksonWe can also tie the License Plate funding to requests for rostersCapital DayTex Protects is not doing the usual event at the capitolMay considering partnering with TNOYsFeb 7th tentative date-visits in am; Innovation in Excellence in Child Welfare conference-boxed lunches for aides; shift and share concept at different stations. We could join them.March-youth in action day at capitol. Drawback is that is usually on a Friday and we might not be able to capture leg. Group seems to prefer 1st option which we could combine with a Board meeting. (Wed/Thursday)We will have a conference call once the date is confirmed. Theme: Don’t Mess with Texas Kids!Water bottles for giveawaysGo Blue Day April 5th. ................

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