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Realidades 2

El Presente Progresivo

El Imperfecto Progresivo

Capítulo 5B

Study guide / Worksheet / Powerpoint

Since we have just reviewed the present participles, let’s review how they are used with the present progressive in Capítulo 3B, and then, we will study present participles with the imperfect progressive, a new verb tense in this chapter, Capítulo 5B .

I. First, let’s review what you learned in Capítulo 3B, the Present Progressive.

The present progressive = the present indicative of ESTAR + the present participle.

estoy I am _ing estamos

estás + _ando (_iendo, _yendo) You are _ing estáis + _ando (_iendo, _yendo)

está He is _ing, She is _ing, están

It is _ing, You are __ing

The present progressive tells what is happening at the time of your comment, that is to say, that the action is in progress in the present, as in real-time action!!

Remember the following from Capítulo 3B??


Di lo que está pasando en estas fotos usando el presente progresivo.

modelo: [pic] (el perro / dormir) El perro está durmiendo.

1. [pic] (los niños / leer)

2. [pic] (los estudiantes / esperar / el autobus)

3. [pic] (Ana / vestirse)

4. [pic] (Cristina y María / probarse / los zapatos)

5. [pic] (los camareros / servir / la cena)

6. [pic] (las chicas / reírse)

7. [pic] (Mario / correr)

8. [pic] (nosotros / divertirse)

II. Now, let’s look at the IMPERFECT tense of ESTAR + the Spanish present participle as

discussed in this chapter, Capítulo 5B, page 277.

The Imperfect tense of ESTAR + the present participle = imperfect progressive.

The imperfect progressive (el imperfecto progresivo) expresses what was happening over a period of time in the past.

estaba I was _ing estábamos

estabas + _ando (_iendo, _yendo) You were _ing estabais + _ando (_iendo, _yendo)

estaba He was _ing, She was _ing, estaban

It was _ing, You were __ing



A. Cuando llegó la ambulancia…

Mira el dibujo y escribe frases para decir lo que estaban haciendo las personas en la sala de emergencia cuando llegó la ambulancia. ¡Usa el imperfecto progresivo!

Sigue el modelo.


Cuando llegó la ambulancia…

modelo: (el médico / hablar por teléfono) …el médico estaba hablando por teléfono.

1. (la médica / ponerle una venda a la niña)

2. (el enfermero / leer)

3. (la enfermera / pintarse las uñas)

4. (los jóvenes / cepillarse el pelo)

5. (la niña / llorar)

6. (los ancianos / dormir)

B. Tus pacientes

Estás describiéndole a tu enfermera qué les pasó a tus pacientes. Tú y tu enfermera han pasado un día muy ocupado. ¡Por fin, ya se acabó!

Sigue el modelo. ¡Usa el imperfecto progresivo y el pretérito!

modelo: [pic] Laura was cooking when she burnt her hand.

Laura estaba cocinando cuando se quemó la mano.

1. [pic] Yolanda was skating when she crashed into a tree

2. [pic] Héctor was walking when he tripped over a book.


3. [pic]Juan and Anita were skiing when they broke their legs.

4. [pic] Antonio was playing basketball when he fell and he hurt (injured) his

[pic] foot.

5. [pic] Rosa was preparing the dinner when she cut her finger.


III. Para Escuchar





III. Para Escuchar

A. This is WAVA, Actividad 8, pg. 102.

Use disc 11 track 11.

B. This is WAVA, Actividad 9, pg. 102.

Use disc 11 track 12.



We are _ing

You are _ing

They are _ing,

You are _ing



We were _ing

You were _ing

They were _ing,

You were _ing





estoy I am _ing estamos

estás + _ando (_iendo, _yendo) You are _ing estáis + _ando (_iendo, _yendo)

está He is _ing, She is _ing, están

It is _ing, You are __ing

estaba I was _ing estábamos

estabas + _ando (_iendo, _yendo) You were _ing estabais + _ando (_iendo, _yendo)

estaba He was _ing, She was _ing, estaban

It was _ing, You were __ing


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