Baden United Methodist Church

420 Dippold Avenue

Baden, PA 15005-1716

D. Edward Bailey, Pastor

[pic] [pic]

Time Value Mail Change Service Requested

Schedule of Services

Sunday…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Chapel – 8:15 a.m.

Sunday…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Sanctuary – 10:30 a.m.

Saturday……………………………………………………………………….……………………Sanctuary – 6:00 p.m.

Last Saturday of Each Month………………………………………… Contemporary Service - Sanctuary – 6:00 p.m.

|2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |1 |

|[pic] | | | | | |Carr/Foringer |

| | | |9:30a LET Bible |6:00-7:30p Kidz | |Wedding |

|10:30a Hanging of the|7:00p Trustees |6:00p Aldersgate |Study |Club | | |

|Greens Service |meeting |practice | | | |Raleigh Ringers |

| | | |6:00p Bell Choir |9:00a Busy Bees | |Concert |

|11:30a – 1:00p | | |practice | | | |

|Christmas Play | | |7:00p Healing | | | |

|rehearsal | | |Service | | |6pm worship |

| | | |7:30p Sanctuary | | |10am- 3pm |

|4:00p AA Anniversary | | |Choir practice | | |Boy Scouts |

|Dinner | | | | | |Christmas Party |

| | | |6:00p Small Group | | | |

| | | |meeting | | |6pm worship |

| | | | | | |8 |

|9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |

| | | | | | | |

|11:30a – 1:00p | |12:30p UMW |9:30a LET Bible |9:00a Busy Bees | | |

|Christmas Play | |meeting |Study | | | |

|rehearsal |GLEAM DEADLINE | | | | |12-2pm Fellowship |

| | |6:00p Aldersgate |6:00p Bell Choir | | |Hall in use |

| | |practice |practice | | | |

| | | |7:30p Sanctuary | | |6:00p Worship |

| | | |Choir practice | | | |

|16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |

| | | | | | | |

|11:30a – 1:00p |5:30 – 8:30 pm | |9:30a LET Bible | |7:00p Friday Night | |

|Christmas Play |We Care Food |6:00p Aldersgate |Study | |Diners at |9:00a UMM Prayer |

|rehearsal |Distribution |practice | | |CandleLite |Breakfast |

| | | |6:00p Bell Choir | |Lounge in | |

|5:00p Christmas | | |practice | |Economy |6:00p Worship |

|Dinner | | |7:30p Sanctuary | | | |

| | | |Choir practice | | | |

|6:00p Christmas | | | | | | |

|Play | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |

| |[pic] | | | | | |

| | |[pic] |NO CHOIRS | | |[pic] |

| |6:00p Candlelight | | | | | |

|10:30a Christmas |Service |OFFICE CLOSED |GLEAM ASSEMBLY | | | |

|Cantata “A Great and |11:00p Candlelight | | | | | |

|Mighty Wonder” |Service with Holy | | | | |Pastor on vacation |

| |Communion | | | | | |

| | | | |Linda on vacation |Linda on vacation | |

| | | |Linda on vacation | | | |

| | | | |Pastor on vacation |Pastor on vacation | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Pastor on vacation | | | |

|30 |31 | | | | | |

| | | | | |Weight Watchers meets |AA meets in Fellowship |

| | | |Sunday Worship: | |in Fellowship Hall |Hall every Sunday |

| | | |8:15am in Eaton |Chapel Café |every Wednesday at |evening at 6:00pm |

| | | |Chapel |Open from 9:00am until |6:00pm | |

| | | |10:30am in the |10:15am | | |

| | | |sanctuary | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Sunday School: | | | |

| | | |9:00am Gathering | | | |

|Pastor on vacation |Pastor on vacation | |9:15am Opening | | | |


Dear Member and Friend of Baden UMC,

Happy Birthday Jesus! Merry Christmas! What a wonderful occasion

to celebrate! Many of us observe this holiday by decorating our

homes with lights. We go to the mall and buy Christmas presents,

then wrap them with elegant colors and pretty bows and place them

under the Christmas tree. In America, we are so fortunate to observe

Christmas, where many get the day off from work.

Sometimes I think that Christmas is a time for food and Christmas parties to attend. Yes, we enjoy holidays. Even more, for many it is an excuse to party? If you think about it, partying has nothing to do with the holiday it was intended for. It’s a good time to reflect and ask ourselves if we celebrate holidays for ourselves.

Take for instance the Fourth of July. Not too many would stand up and say the pledge of allegiance or read the story of our fore fathers to their children or grandchildren. Or better yet, sing the Star Spangled Banner. Instead, the tendency here is to celebrate with eating and drinking without regard to the holiday itself. The same can be said of New Years, Memorial Day, and Thanksgiving celebrations. And yes, we even do the same for Christmas.

This Christmas holiday let us honestly ask; are we celebrating just for ourselves? Songwriter Joni Mitchell wrote in a song, “Why does it seem to go that you don’t know what you got till it’s gone.” Isn’t it true that the realization of a great gift is when we no longer have them?

Fortunately, the Christmas season helps us realize what is precious to us before it’s gone. From there we can then appreciate all that we have which are life’s greatest gifts. Did you know that we already have the greatest gifts? Yes we do, we just need to realize it. Catch this, the greatest gifts are not the ones we’re waiting to receive, but the ones we already have!

The problem is we live in a society with Madison Avenue marketing skills that inundate us with ads saying that we need newer, shinier, faster, and nicer things than what others have. Yet all it really does is leave us empty just wanting more. We later discover that we’ve discarded the greater gifts for lesser ones.

For instance, isn’t it ironic that people are willing to stand in line the night before at the store to buy the latest video game? Yet, we are impatient to wait a couple minutes for a loved one. Or we will spend two hours downloading into an iPod, but grumble because we are unwilling to give eighteen minutes to allow God to download His truths into our hearts during a twenty minute sermon.

Often, we don’t realize that our family is a great gift until they’re gone. Great are the gifts of our spouse, health, church, faith, kids, friends, second chances, skills, and home. Yet, we often trade those greater gifts for lesser ones and call it Christmas. Our greatest gifts are not the ones we hope to receive. Rather, they’re the ones we’ve already received. And if we’re not careful, we’ll quickly discard them for lesser ones.

I guess we’re raised in a society where intangible things like health and family are taken for granted. And we foolishly take for granted and believe they’ll always be around without any maintenance, commitments, or help from us.

So this Christmas I pray and hope you will appreciate and treasure the gifts you’ve been given. They may be the ones that have been ignored for far too long. This is what Christmas is about! Here is the greatest gift from God, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”. (Jn.3:16)

Christmas to God is all about relationships. So much so that Jesus Christ, His Son came and shed His blood for you and me. It was through Him that our relationship with God was repaired. This is the gift God has given to all mankind. All in all, Christmas is having a relationship with God first and then recognizing the relationships we have with others, for these are gifts which we already have and we must treasure them!

Grace, Hope, and Joy!

Ed Bailey, Pastor



Tuesday, December 11, 2007

12:30 pm


Devotion……………………………………………......Carmel McCreary

Hostesses..........................................................Pat McCaslin &

Sue Meade

Program………………………………………………....Shut-in gifts

We will be filing stockings for the shut-ins

The “Busy Bee” sewers will gather on the Thursdays of December 6th & 13th

from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.


Tabitha Bailey; Christina Blinn; Pauline Bruning; Katherine Collingwood; Asher Logan Costella; Nancy Craig; Bonnie Cromie; Lois Curcio; Linda Fleming; Maggie Gall; Brent Harmon; Mary Jane Hartge; Jack Hayes; Jason Hazelwood;

Ken Jones; Pastor Warren Jones of Bethel UMC (Lower Burrell); Patty King; Ellen Lawrence; Amber Mazur; Spc. Jeanette McDonald; Brian Mickey; Emma Mills; Mark Montagna; Janine Parkhurst; The family of Lisa Priano; Charlotte Reese; Joshua Shoup; Marge Tillery; Walt Tillery; Ruby VanDeCar; Matthew Wadd; Brenda Washington; David Waxler; Lillian Winters; Cynthia, Pam.

Please help keep our prayer list current. If you know someone who needs prayer, call the office and let us know. If you know someone on the list who is doing better, please let us know so that we may remove his or her name. All names will remain on the list for no more than six weeks unless the office is notified otherwise.

1. Esther Kubek

Stella Lonkert

2 Nancy Setzenfand

Shaun Bogati

3 Phyllis McClure

Tracy Charlovich

4 Howard Carrodus

6 Krista Moyer

8 Donna Muders

Kristen Bogati

12 Peggy Bucci

John Krepps

Tyler Irwin

Tommy Holcomb

Collin Sanders

13 Amy Alberts

Dylan Hespenheide

15 Bill Brown

16 Christine Smith

18 Bill Ickley

19 Marilew Wetzel

20 Terry Zuratovic

Robin Stumpf

Jimmy Logan

22 Elmynnie Tetrick

23 Jim Giles

24 Melissa Walker

25 Tom Holcomb

Betty Vagias

26 John Collingwood

28 Chris Foley

Eric Hamilton

30 Loretta Irwin

Walt Szymoniak

Bill VanDeCar

31 Amanda-Kay


Please help us keep our birthday list current. If you or someone you know has a December birthday and is not included on, or would like to be removed from our list, please contact the church office.


2.....….……….……Hanging of the Greens

9………….....…..…...............Carol Walker

16……….....…............……….….Jan Pasuit

23.........…..…….…….....Christmas Cantata

24 (6:00pm)………………..Glenn Schaeffer

24 (11:00pm)………………Christy Sheaffer

30…………………………..Donna Brynczak


2.................Breanna Jean Wayne, Candle

...........................Dylan Hespenheide, Bible

9…….........………..Rachel Bailey, Candle

…………………………..Jacob Bailey, Bible

16...............................Carrie Freed, Candle

........................................Paige Miller, Bible

23..........................Matt VanDeCar, Candle

....................................Jesse DiCicco, Bible

30...................Elizabeth VanDeCar, Candle

.......................................Isaac Jones, Bible


Candle Lighters

2………………………….Jim Hartge family

9…...…....…………..Dick and Janet Johns

16......................John and Donna Brynczak

23.........................................Marylin Dobich

Joanne McCartney

24 (6:00pm)................Bill VanDeCar family

24 (11:00pm)..........Dave and Danna Smith


December 2 Dan & Regina Wilson

December 7 Pete & Fran Zimmerman

“50 Years”

December 15 Rick & Linda McCarriher

Please help us keep our Anniversary list current. If you have a November anniversary that is not included on our list, or if you would like to be removed from our list, please contact the church office. Thank you.


2..............................................Sue Meade

9............................................John Krepps

16...........................................Linda Babich,

Tammy Jones & family

23.....................................Fred & Viki Zajac

30……….…………...........……Teres Fausti


2…………..………….......…Nicole DiCicco

& family

9.....................................Chrissy DePalma

16………………….........……..….Betsy Gall

Randi Gibson

23……………………………...........Jill Miller

30………………..…………Christy Sheaffer

Ashley Hartge


2 8:15............................Gerald Dunstan

10:30...................Fred Zajac, Walt King

Jeff McClure, John Parkhurst

9 8:15.............................Dave Woodling

10:30….............Bill Ickley, Don Fleming

Bill VanDeCar, Bobby Charlovich

16 8:15...................................Dan Wilson

10:30.........Dale Sheaffer, John Krepps

John Parkhurst, Brandon Short

23 8:15...............................Timothy Smith

10:30..............Fred Zajac, Jeff McClure

Dave Smith, Alan Freed

24 6:00p........Bill VanDeCar, Alan Freed

Brandon Short, Bobby Charlovich

11:00p.............Walt King, John Krepps

Dave Smith, Dale Sheaffer

30 8:15.........................Paula Hazelwood

10:30............ Walt King, Dale Sheaffer

Don Fleming, Alan Freed


Dec 3 7:00pm Trustees Meeting

Dec 11 12:30pm UMW



To show our appreciation the Church Council has once again decided to continue the “We Appreciate Your Heartfelt Ministry” offering for Pastor Bailey. This gives the congregation an opportunity to thank Pastor Ed with a Christmas bonus. A collection box has been placed in the Narthex along with some envelopes for your convenience. All monies collected will be given to Pastor Ed on Sunday, December 16th, just in time for Christmas.


The order will be placed through Emerick’s Greenhouse and the cost is $7.00 each. The flowers will come in 6-1/2 inch pots and you have a choice of red, white or pink. There is an order form in the narthex for your convenience. All orders must be placed by December 9th.

Congratulations to Owen Charles Lubic as we welcome him into our church family. He was baptized on November 25, 2007. Owen is the son of John and Samantha Lubic.

It’s time again to start thinking about White Gifts. This year your gifts will be sent to the Women’s Shelter. All Gifts will be collected and placed under the tree on December 2nd, during the Hanging of the Greens Service.


We would like to express our thanks for the cards and condolences we received following the death of our daughter, Lisa Priano. Thank you, to Pastor Bailey for his hospital visits to Lisa and for his calls and visits to Marilyn during her recent illness. The prayers and support of everyone has been comforting at this difficult time.

~Alex, Marilyn & Greg Kouvolo

We would like to thank all those who helped on Sunday, November 18th with picking up and unloading the 3 truck loads of food from Our Lady of Peace. It is unbelievable that we were able to unpack and shelve all the food in that short amount of time! You are all awesome!

~ Don & Linda Fleming

During the season of Advent we will have special bulletin covers for worship. If you would like to dedicate a bulletin cover in memory of a loved one, please contact the church office. A donation of $18.50 is requested for each Sunday’s bulletin.

The United Methodist Women are selling RADA Cutlery. The first order will be sent on November 30th, in time for Christmas delivery. See any UMW member to place your order. These are the silver handled knives that are so popular.

News from the We Care Food Pantry

“There was not a needy person among them,…distribution was made to each as any had need.” ~ Acts 4:34, 35

We extend a big “Thank You” to our church family for our harvest bags and monetary donations.

In November we received food from Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church, a monetary donation from St. Vladimirs Church and food and monetary donations from St. John Catholic Church in Baden.

The Endowment gifted us a generous amount of money to help get us through the holidays.

We are always blessed and amazed at the generosity of our Christian brothers and sisters. We will be setting up the Feed a Family Tree in the Narthex. If you wish to donate, please use the envelope from the tree and place it in the basket beside the tree.

With your continued support, our families will have a joyous holiday.

In Christ,

Don & Linda Fleming


Sunday School News:

Our classes are finishing the last few weeks of the fall “Hands On Bible” series, and will be moving into the winter session the first Sunday in December. We would like to thank all of our students for bringing in snacks for the children of the “We Care” food pantry. Your generosity is deeply appreciated by all the children who will receive your snacks this month at the food shopping night.

We would like to welcome back Dave & Danna Smith to our Sunday School teaching staff, as they take over for Miss Marcia in the PreK-Kindergarten class while she is on leave. Dave and Danna has been a valuable asset to our substitute teachers, and now that they are becoming permanent teachers, we are looking for anyone who would like to be added to our Sunday school substitute list. If you are interested please contact Miss Linda so that we can check your clearances, and if needed request them.

Our Thanks to all of our Sunday school teachers and assistants for the wonderful and FUN lessons they prepare for us each week. Come, and join us!

Luminaries for Christmas Eve:

Miss Paula’s & Miss Linda’s Jr. Sr. High Sunday School Class will be “Lighting the Way” with luminaries on Christmas Eve for the 6:00pm and 11:00pm worship services. If you would like to light a luminary in honor or memory of a loved one, a donation of $3.00 is requested for each name submitted. The names of loved ones will be written on each luminary. All proceeds will go towards our current fund for our heating fuel this winter. Last year the heating cost for January, February and March was $6,800.00, and the price is expected to increase significantly this year. You can place your donations and names in the envelopes that are provided in the church foyer, and drop them into the box marked “Light the Way”.

Bible Sunday:

The tradition of passing on Bibles as a gift from the congregation to our third grade Sunday School Class continued with the presentation of a “Hands On Bible” to Isaac Jones and Mitchell Jones on Sunday November 18th designated as “Bible Sunday” by the United Methodist Church. The bibles were presented by Pastor Bailey during our 10:30 worship service.


TO:  Pastor Ed's "Epiphany Take Down Party"


WHEN: Sunday Jan. 6th, 2008 after the 10:30 service

WHY: To help take the Christmas decorations down

MENU: Pastor Ed has promised to make his famous "pork and sauerkraut, kielbasa and hot dogs" for all the workers

RSVP: Please let Pastor Ed, Danna Smith or Joyce Hudson know if you can attend


Donna & Keith Stumpf would like to announce the marriage of their daughter Amy Stumpf to Michael Peterson on November 17, 2007.

Yeck’s Farm and hayride Fun:

It was a beautiful fall afternoon, a little on the windy side, but we sure had a lot of fun at the Yeck’s farm hayride and bonfire family event. Our Sunday School Staff would like to thank all those who braved the cool air to come and have a chance to run through the corn maze with Mr. Smith, or enjoy the fire with Joyce, Carol, Donna, John, Paula, Amy, and Alan. We especially want to thank all of those who provided the great goodies to go along with our hotdogs cooked over the fire. I think the favorite of the afternoon was Mrs. Smith’s cheese dip! As the sun was beginning to set we were leaving the farm for yet another fun filled day with our family and friends.

Sunday School Christmas Play Rehearsals:

Christmas Play Rehearsals: Our Sunday school classes have started rehearsals for the Christmas Play to be presented to the congregation on Sunday, Dec. 16th at 6:00 in the church sanctuary.

The Christmas play is under the direction of Mr. Jeff DeSantis. Jeff will be assisted by our Sunday School Staff.

Rehearsal Schedule: Dec.2, Dec.9, and the final dress rehearsal on Dec. 16 from 12-1:00.

Our Sunday School students cordially invite all of the members of our Congregation and friends to our Christmas dinner and Play that will be presented on Sunday, December 16th. The dinner will be held in Fellowship Hall beginning at 5:00 P.M. Our Christmas Play will follow in the church Sanctuary at 6:00 P.M.


The children and teachers would like to thank all of those wonderful cooks and helpers who graciously made lunch for us on the Sunday’s of our Christmas Play rehearsals. It was fabulous! God Bless you all!

Kidz Club:

Our Kidz Club will meet on Dec.6th from 6:00-7:30 in Fellowship Hall. We had so much fun last month decorating our cookies. We made so many cookies that we were able to put some cookies in the “We care” food pantry freezer to give out to the children on the night of food shopping. We would like to thank Miss Christine, Miss Phyllis, Miss Carol (nana), and Miss Leah, for helping us


November 7-9, 2008

Olmstead Manor

Ludlow, PA

Your retreat begins the moment you depart Baden United Methodist Church and begin the journey northeast through the Pennsylvania Wilds and to the Allegheny National Forest and stay at the only Adult Retreat and Renewal Center in the Western Pa Annual Conference. The mission of Olmstead Manor is to provide “Hospitality in a Hostile World.” This state of the art accessible facility is a beautiful setting for our second annual retreat. The price includes two nights and Friday evening dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner and Sunday breakfast and lunch. The cost per person based on a single occupancy room is $138.00 and the cost per person based on double occupancy room is $118.00. We have room for 25-30 participants and a $15.00 non-refundable deposit will hold your room. Scholarships are available for those in need. For more information on the retreat contact Sue Meade.

make the best tasting cookies this side of Baden!

At this month’s meeting we are going to be making our very own Christmas ornaments, and would also hope to be able to go Christmas caroling. We are looking for some adults to help transport us to the Villa St. Joseph’s that evening so that we may sing Christmas carols to the residence. If you would be willing to help out, contact Miss Linda at 724-869-4430.

Friday Night Diners Club:

Our Adult Night out will be held at the Candle-lite Restaurant in Economy Boro on Friday December 14th at 7 PM. If anyone is in need of transportation, please contact Miss Linda, and we will make sure that you have a ride. There is a reservation sheet on the bulletin board next to the nursery, for those who plan on attending. Let’s polish up those jingle bells, and get out the mistletoe, as we travel close to home for some Christmas merriment at the Candle-lite.

Sanctuary Choir:

The Sanctuary Choir cordially invites the congregation and friends to join us for our Christmas Cantata, “A Great and Mighty Wonder” by Tom Fettke and Bruce Greer, to be presented on Sunday, December 23, during the 10:30 Worship Service. We will take you again to Bethlehem to experience the fulfillment of God’s plan in a humble manger. Familiar carols along with portions of George Frederick Handel’s Messiah are masterfully blended to create a wonderful Christmas worship experience. You are invited to join us in celebrating the great and mighty wonder of god’s love!

We would like to thank all of the choir members who participated in the Community Choir for the Thanksgiving Eve service that was held at “Conway Presbyterian Church” on November 21st. It is always a joy to sing with our friends from the area churches.

Our Sanctuary Choir would like to welcome Leah Bailey to our soprano section. Leah has been a faithful member of our children’s choir, and now she has joined our Sanctuary choir. Leah’s friend Katie is also very happy to have her as well as all of our choir members! If you are interested in


December 2, 2007


Worship in the Chapel


Hanging of the Greens Service

December 8, 2007


Worship in the Sanctuary

December 9, 2007


Worship in the Chapel


Worship in the Sanctuary

December 15, 2007


Worship in the Sanctuary

December 16, 2007


Worship in the Chapel


Worship in the Sanctuary


Covered Dish Dinner


Christmas Play

December 22, 2007


Worship in the Sanctuary

December 23, 2007


Worship in the Chapel


Worship /Christmas Cantata

December 24, 2007


Candlelight Service in the Sanctuary


Candlelight Service with Holy Communion

December 29, 2007


Contemporary worship with Faith +5

December 30, 2007


Worship in the Chapel


Worship in the Sanctuary

joining our Sanctuary choir, please contact Miss Linda at 724-869-4430.

We have begun rehearsals for our Christmas Cantata; “The Great and Mighty Wonder” by Tom Fettke. The choir will present this special Christmas gift to the congregation on Sunday, December 23rd. If you would like to join us for the cantata, we practice on Wednesday evenings from 8:00-9:00 in the chapel. We are looking for a few good altos, tenors, and basses to compliment our fabulous ones that we already have.

Praise Ringers:

We would like to thank our handbell choir for the lovely selections they played on “Christ the King” Sunday, November 25th. We are so blessed to have Phyllis McClure return to our choir. Welcome home Phyllis! We would also like to thank Nick & Matt McClure who will be joining us for our Christmas Eve three octave bell choir.

Our “Praise Ringers” will be providing the special music for our 11:00 Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion service. The choir will present a mini-concert prior to the evenings worship. We will be playing many of your favorite Christmas hymns. Plan on coming early, the concert will begin at 10:30.

The Praise Ringers would like to thank all of our family and friends, who joined us for the “Raleigh Ringers” concert on Saturday December 1st at the Soldiers and Sailors Hall in Oakland.

Children’s Choir:

We would like to thank our group of very talented children for the beautiful songs they sing for us each month. What a “blessing”! Our wonderful children’s choir will be singing at our 6:00 Candlelight service on Christmas Eve. Mrs. Tabitha Bailey and Mrs. Betty Holcomb would like to wish all of the children a very blessed Christmas, and a joyous New Year.

Cherub Choir:

Our little “cherubs” will be singing at our 6:00 Candlelight Service on Christmas Eve. Come and see our “little angels” sing their Praises to the Lord!


Our Cherubs and Children’s choir both practice on Sunday mornings. Any child who comes on Sunday is welcome to sing in either of these choirs.

and Family Dinner

December 16, 2007

Fellowship Hall

5:00 PM

We will be having a Family Dinner followed by our Christmas program in the Sanctuary. All Sunday school and youth classes will be participating in our program “Bethlehem News 9” under the direction of Jeff DeSantis and assisted by Miss Paige Miller. Dinner will be held at 5:00pm and the play will begin at 6:00 in the Sanctuary.

We have a place reserved just for YOU!

Please place your reservations no later than December 9th.

Place it in the offering plate or the office; or phone the office at 869-2720

-Cut Here-



Family Dinner & Sunday School Christmas Program

December 16, 2007

Fellowship Hall at 5:00pm


Number of Adults_____________ Number of Children______________

- Please bring a dish to pass -


Meat_________ Salad__________ Vegetable__________

Help is needed for setup and cleanup for the Christmas Dinner. Please contact Christy Sheaffer at 724-857-4522 if you are willing to help. Please place your reservation in the collection plate or leave it in the office. Thank you!

~ Reservation Deadline: Sunday, December 9th ~


The Gleam

Baden United Methodist Church

Monthly Newsletter

(724) 869-2720

badenumc@ (Office)

revedbailey@ (Pastor)

Ronda F. Curcio, Editor

Monthly Volunteers

Shirley Bruce, Nancy Dominick,

Carol Harmotto

Joyce Ickley, Patty King

January Issue Deadline – Dec 17

Assembly Day – Dec 26


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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