
Kimberly Michelle Gay

Perminatnet:2060 County Road #3504 • Sulphur Springs, Texas • 75482 •

940-391-6085-mobile • 903-885-7332-home

Current: 11800 Grant Road APT #3102 . Cypress, Texas. 77429-4010. 940-391-6085- mobile 281-257-0900-home

Texas Woman's University • Master of Library Science and Information Studies

May 2006

4. 0 GPA- Sum Cum Laude

Texas Woman's University • Bachelor of Science May 2003 3.86 GPA- Magna Cum Laude

Major: Mass Communication

Minor: Sociology

Minor: Fashion and Textiles: Fashion Merchandising & Marketing

Print Journalist and Photojournalist


← Texas Woman’s University Honor Roll (1998-2003, every semester)

← The National Dean’s List: Honoring America’s Outstanding College Students (1998-1999; 1999-2000)

← Texas Woman’s University’s Redbud Award Festival: Outstanding Campus Leader Award (spring 2001)

← Texas Woman's University: Outstanding Senior Award (spring 2003)

← Call to Action Award-Texas Woman's University Office of Intercultural Services: Outstanding Student Leader (2002)

← United States Achievement Academy: All-American Scholar Award, upon the recognition of the Texas Woman's University faculty and the academy (2000)

← Best Newsletter Award: Golden Key International Honour Society’s Southwest Regional Conference, Baylor University; Waco, TX- April 2003

← Cross Timbers Girl Scout Council- Special Service Award, June 1994

← Cross Timbers Girl Scout Council- Certificate of Appreciation Award, June 1992

← The University Program Council of University of North Texas- Outstanding Service on the Pat Benatar Concert, hospitality community (1989)

← Certificate of Participation in the Vocational Bible School, June 1997

← Certificate of Baptism- Mount Calvary Baptist Church, June 1988

← Certificate of Appreciation from Cross Timbers Girl Scout Troop #706, June 1993

← Foley’s Department store- Diamond Star Award , April 1997

← Foley’s Department store- President’s Club Award, April 1997 sales volume $262, 281

← Bath and Body Works, The Limited Company- Customer Appreciation $10.00 gift certificate, February 1996

← Texas Woman's University/ Association of Black Journalist- Certificate of Appreciation, April 2001

← Texas Woman's University/ student newspaper- The Lasso; Certificate of Appreciation, Spring 2001

← Texas Woman's University/Office of International Services- Certificate of Appreciation, February 2002

← State of Texas Office of the Governor: Certificate of Appreciation-successful completion of the Texas Women’s Hall of Fame website, October 2001

← Denton Independent School District- Denton High School- Best Attitude Award (1987)

← Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society 2003-present

← Golden Key International Honour Society 2001-present

← Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society 2004- present

← Who's Who Among Students In American Universities and Colleges ( Texas Woman’s University- Denton, Texas ) 2006

← Beta Phi Mu ( International Library and Information Studies Honor Society) inducted life-time member of the Beta Phi Mu- Beta Lambda Chapter of - Texas Woman’s University and University of North Texas: Spring 2006

← Texas Woman’s University Class Agent 2003 (Former Student’s Association)

← 2007-2008:Cambridge Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals.

← 2008: Who’s Who Among African American Librarians

← American Association of University Women 2007-present.

← Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian at Prairie View A&M University has been selected as an honored member of the 2008-2009 Madison’s Whos, Who.


← Texas Woman's University- The Ruth James Wingo Endowed Journalism Scholarship Award (2000-2001)

← Ft. Worth Society of Professional Journalist Scholarship Award- Texas Gridiron Scholarship (May 2001)

← Chips Quinn Journalism Scholars Program (Freedom Forum)-Summer 2001 internship (The Times newspaper- Shreveport, Louisiana)

← Dallas/Fort Worth Association of Black Communicators Journalism Scholarship Award (spring 2001)

← Texas Woman's University-The Edith & Edgar Deen Communications Scholarship Award: (fall 01 and spring 02)

← Denton Branch of the American Association of University Women Scholarship Award: (fall 01 and spring 02)

← Press Club of Dallas Foundation’s Dallas Times Herald Scholarship: (Fall 2002)

← American Library Association: Spectrum Scholarship Award: (June 2003)- Graduate School- Texas Woman’s University, Master’s of Library Science and Information Technology

← Texas Library Association: Spectrum Scholarship Award (September 2003)- Graduate School- Texas Woman’s University, Master’s of Library Science and Information Technology

← The Beta Lambda Chapter of Beta Phi Mu ( International Library and Information Studies Honor Society) Spring 2005 Beta Phi Mu Scholarship Spring 2005- Texas Woman’s University and University of North Texas

← Texas Library Association Black Caucus: Library Science Graduate Student Conference Scholarship award- TLA Houston Texas April 25-28, 2006


• American Library Association- reference round table: member -at-large (fall 2003-present)

• Texas Library Association: member-at-large ( fall 2003- present) Divisions: College and University Libraries. Round Table (s) or Interest Groups: Reference RT and Black Caucus RT

• Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society: member-at-large Texas Woman’s University chapter ( spring 2003- present)

• Texas Woman's University/ABJ: National Association of Black Journalist: member (fall 2000-to fall 2001)

• Texas Woman's University/University of North Texas Collegiate Leadership Denton: (fall 99 and spring 00)

• Ft. Worth Society of Professional Journalist, student member (fall 2001-present)

• Fourth Annual Women Students’ Leadership Conference: Celebrating 100 Years of Women, February 2, 2001- Program Chair; Public Administration Internship from the TWU History and Government Department

• Pioneer Admissions Recruiting Team- PARTners- student member , 2002-2003

• Denton Police Department – Citizen Police Academy, A three-month community program, were you learn about all the policing policies and resources for the city of Denton, Texas (November 1993)

• Texas Woman's University: Student Center Pioneer Camp Leader ( Fall 2000)

• Texas Woman’s University Former Students Association ( lifetime member)

• Texas State Library and Archives Commission: Appointment to TexShare Education Services Working Group 2007-2010.

Organization Endeavors:

Golden Key International Honour Society

- Newsletter Editor 2002, Secretary 2003, lifetime membership(Inducted- fall 2001)

• Golden Key International Conference (August 2002- Atlanta, GA), Our Texas Woman's University chapter won the Most Improved- Honorable Mention Chapter Award

• Golden Key- International Conference ( July 30- August 4- Chicago IL)

• Golden Key Southwest Regional Conference ( March 2002 - Texas A&M University, TX)

• Golden Key Southwest Regional Conference (April 2003- Baylor University, TX), I won Best GK Southwest Regional Newsletter Award for 2002. I was the Newsletter Editor for the 2001-2002 year

• Golden Key, Texas Woman's University chapter’s Retreat, January 2003- While attending this retreat I learned many different skills applicable to life, school, organizations, work, ethics, group productivity, team building and other miscellaneous fields and areas.

• Golden Key, Texas Woman's University chapter’s summer fundraiser- June 6 through June 7 2003; Texas Motor Speedway: worked a concession stand were we received 10 % of all the profit we made. Gross sales for both days was about 15, 000. (I worked both days 3-12 p.m. & 2-11:30 p.m.)

• Golden Key (Texas Woman's University Chapter) is not only an honor society: we had honorary member communications, community service events, philanthropy events, social events, guest speakers from the community and faculty/staff, team building exercises, retreats, sophomore recognition ceremonies, extravagant and prestigious induction ceremonies, conferences and conventions and participated in all campus related activities.

Phi Kappa Phi Nation Honor Society

National Honor Society (2003-present

Senior Honor Society on which membership is based on leadership, community involvement, campus involvement. Recommendation by Texas Woman's University faculty and staff are required to join this prestigious national honor society.

Former Student’s Association

Texas Woman's University Alumni Association’s Homecoming Board

• Class Agent-Class President for the May 2003 TWU graduating class.

Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society

(2004- present

• A premier national honor society for nontraditional adult students. An honor society that partners with colleges and universities to celebrate the scholarship and leadership of adult students in higher education. The honor society recognizes the special achievements of adults who accomplish academic excellence while facing competing interests of home and work.


Miscellaneous (Organizational)

• Attended: many leadership retreats, workshops, and other team building events funded by The Cross Timbers Girl Scout Council, Foley’s Department-retail store, Modern Woman- retail store and Texas Woman's University

• Organized: initiations, inductions, formal dinners and lunches, fundraisers, philanthropy events, community service projects, regional conferences, designed t-shirts, designed websites, retreats, carnivals, dances, parties, historical projects, blood drives, and many other special and miscellaneous events. I also have served on more than 10 committees: (university committees, organizational committees, regional committees, etc.)

Modeling opportunities

← Featured in the 2000-2001 Texas Woman's University Transfer View Book p.7 (modeled)

← Featured in the 2001-2002 Texas Woman's University Transfer View Book p. 14

← Featured in the 2000-2001 Texas Woman's University Recruitment Post Card (modeled)

← Featured in the 2003-2004 Texas Woman’s University Pioneer Admission’s Recruitment Team (PARTners) Admission’s website: What Students Say About TWU

Internet Spotlights and Endeavors

← Featured on the Chips Quinn’s Scholars Online website Summer 2001: Internship Journal entrée ( Wide Awake and ready to go)

← Featured on the Chips Quinn’s Scholars Online website Summer 2001: Internship picture of the entire Summer 2001class of Chips Quinn Scholars

← Featured on the Chip Quinn’s Scholars Online website Fall 2002: The Great Chipster Holiday Message Ribbon

← Featured on the Chips Quinn’s Scholars Online Website Summer 2001: All the Chipster news that is fit to print

← Featured on the Chips Quinn’s Scholars Online Website Summer 2001: Chips Watch

← Featured on the 2001 Annual Report Appendix from the Freedom Forum, Washington D.C: News Room Diversity- 2001 Chips Quinn Scholars

← Featured on the Texas Woman’s University newspaper website, The Lasso: Stories- staff writer- Technology accessible to everyone. African American Women

← Featured on the June 2001 Fort Worth Society’s of Professional Journalism website newsletter: Gridiron Iron Scholarship winner.

← Featured on the Press Club of Dallas’ website. The 44 Annual Katie Awards- Recognizing excellence in journalism and mass communication: 2002-2003 Dallas Press Club Foundation Scholarship Recipients, Kimberly Gay- Dallas Times Herald Scholarship Winner.

← Featured on the 2001 Texas Woman’s University- Marketing and Communication Press Release website: Texas Woman’s University’s Best Students:

← Featured on the Texas Woman’s University newspaper website, The Lasso: Editorial- Perspectives, Staff writer- History is every moment that I live.

← Featured on the 2002-2003 Golden Key International Honour Society’s chapter at Texas Woman’s University’s website: Officer Bios, Kimberly Gay- Secretary

← Featured in the 2003-2004 Texas Woman’s University Pioneer Admission’s Recruitment Team (PARTners) Admission’s website: What Students Say About TWU

← Featured on the June 10, 2002 Texas Woman’s University- Marketing and Communication Press Release website: Press Club of Dallas names TWU student Top Scholar.

← Featured on the Texas Woman’s University newspaper website (spring 2002), The Lasso story-staff writer: Library director honored for over 30 years of service

← Featured on the Chips Quinn’s Journalism Scholars Online website Summer -May 31, 2001: Summer '01's are second largest and "best behaved"

← Featured in the November 2003 issue, Thursday- November 7, 2002 Vol. 92. #12 of The Lasso ( Texas Woman’s University’s college student newspaper)- “Walter Cronkite teaches Dallas area journalists from experience”. Gay awarded the 2,000 Dallas Times Herald scholarship for her essay, “My journey”. Front page story-above the fold.

← Featured in the summer 2003 issue, Thursday- June 26, 2003 Vol. 92. #31. of The Lasso ( Texas Woman’s University’s college student newspaper) – “Library student wins ALA scholarship”, page 4.

← Featured in the April 2003 issue, Thursday- April 10, 2003 Vol. 92. # 27. of The Lasso (Texas Woman’s University’s college student newspaper)- “TWU Homecoming celebrates Outstanding Seniors on campus.” Kimberly Gay Outstanding Senior Award May 2003 page 5.

← Featured in the summer 2001 issue of The Times ( Shreveport Louisiana daily newspaper)- Chips Quinn Internship summer reporter/with photo

← Featured on the American Library Association’s Online Website Summer/July 2003: Spectrum Initiative - Spectrum Scholar Information (Spectrum Scholarship Recipients 2003-2004)

← Texas Woman's University School of Library and Information Studies’ homepage-website: Announcements- Kimberly Gay awarded Spectrum Scholar summer and fall 2003

← Featured on the Texas Woman’s University’s Pioneer EXTRA, The Alumni Magazine of Texas Woman’s University. July 2003 Vol. 25, Issue 1. “Congratulations!: Outstanding Seniors- Kimberly Gay”, page 3.

← Featured on the Texas Woman’s University’s TWU TIMES. Spring 2003 Issue #1. published by TWU for students, faculty, staff and friends of TWU. Honors Convocation- Outstanding Seniors- group photo. Page 2

← Featured on the North Central News- a publication of the North Central Chapter of Texas Professional Communicators. Spring 2003- #2. “Here’s more TPC News- news release from TWU, Gay’s Dallas Press Club scholarship.

← Featured on the Texas Woman’s University’s TWU National Alumnae Association’s Academic Newsletter-Programs in Mass Communication-Shoptalk. Fall 2001. Kimberly Gay awarded three Mass Comm scholarships, page 3. Scholarships, awards, & Achievements- Other Awards: Kimberly Gay received National Chips Quinn internships from the Freedom Forum, page 5.

← Featured on the Fort Worth Star Telegram’s Northeast Region- Saturday-June 22, 2002. page 12B- TWU standoff, photograph of Kimberly Gay taking pictures of the TWU hostage crisis.

← Featured in the Texas A&M University-Commerce faculty and staff newsletter, Texas A&M-Commerce Today, Vol.10 No. 10 February 16, 2005. Employee of the Month (Going the extra mile- Kimberly M. Gay) Page 2.

← Featured in the Broadcast Channel 3, local public access Television show for Commerce Texas. Guest speaker on Talk of the Town hosted by Dr. John Mark Dempsey: Theme National Library Week; April 11, 2005. The TV showed aired on Monday April 11, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesday April 13, 2005 at 6:30 p.m.

← Featured in The East Texan; student newspaper. Texas A&M University-Commerce Volume 93, Issue 4 February 17, 2005. The Librarian’s Nook. Kimberly M. Gay, Special Columnist. Page 5.

← Featured in The East Texan; student newspaper. Texas A&M University-Commerce Change Volume 93, Issue 4 February 17, 2005. Letter to the Editor. Kimberly M. Gay. Change Page 5.

← Featured in the Texas A&M University-Commerce faculty and staff newsletter, Texas A&M-Commerce Today, January 18, 2006- A&M Commerce Today ( a publication for employees of Texas A&M University-Commerce Volume 11, Number 8. Fast Facts: Grit and Determination

← Featured in a Public Service Announcement ( PSA) about the Commence Association of Black Communicators at Texas A&M University-Commerce. Public Service Announcement PSA Texas A&M-University-Commerce. Commerce, TX

30-second PSA on the Commerce Association of Black Communicators organization. Advisors Kimberly M. Gay

Weight loss Spotlights

• January 3, 2006- Herald Banner ( Greenville, Texas) Page 4 ( OPINION): Letters to the Editor- Readers write back ( Resolutions do work. Kimberly Michelle Gay)

• January 18, 2006- A&M Commerce Today ( a publication for employees of Texas A&M University-Commerce Volume 11, Number 8. Fast Facts: Grit and Determination

• February 2, 2006- Texas Woman’s University ( student newspaper) The Lasso Page 3 (Letter to the Editor- Self-made success story)

• Sulphur Springs News-Telegram February 11-12, 2006. Volume 128 No.36. “From Fat to Fit.. Kimberly Gay lost 163 pounds in an usual way –by eating smart and excising . ( Front Page above the fold)

• June 2006- EBONY Volume LXI, No. 8 Page 24-25 ( Body Talk) Kimberly M. Gay- Sulphur Springs. Texas

• Summer 2007- Reference and Instruction Librarian, Kimberly M. Gay is featured in the Summer 2007 issue of the Texas Library Journal. The title of the article, A Librarian’s Tell: Losing Weight by Gaining Will Power and Words of Wisdom, helps gives Excitement, Engagement and Enrichment to all Texas Librarians who are battling with losing weight and staying positive in their life. She states “If you stay positive and humble in all your endeavors you can change anything in your life for the better”

Texas A&M University- Commerce The East Texan

• Librarians Nook

• Letter to the Editor ( In response” Become a master of your goals by reading whenever possible) Page 2 ( Kimberly M. Gay, Library Assistant II)

Media Features:

---Television show: Commerce Texas public access channel, guest speaker discussed TLA 2005 conference Austin and library endeavors

--- Featured in the TAMU-Commerce HOPE project DVD about the James G. Gee Library services that are offered for physical challenged students. DVD was sent out to various community colleges and media outlets

--Featured in the Greenville Herald Banner ; Greenville Texas January 3, 2006. Opinion section– Letter to the Editor : Resolutions do work.

--Featured in A&M-Commerce Today Volume 11 Number 8, January 18, 2006. A Publication for employees of Texas A&M University-Commerce. Fast Facts: Grit and Determination--- Kimberly Gay describes herself as a self-made weight-loss success story. She lost more than 172 pounds since beginning to work out at the Morris Recreation Center about a year ago. “ I capitalized on the resources right here at the university, “ says the Gee librarian. “Some people don’t realize what’s here at their fingertips.”

--Featured in Prairie View A&M. A Texas A&M University System. The Panther. Campus Newspaper. Banned Book Week. October 4, 2006

World Wide Web- Kimberly Michelle Gay- searching: search terms (Kimberly Gay/ Kimberly Michelle Gay /Sulphur Springs/ Denton)

ALA | Spectrum Scholarship Recipients 2003-4

... Miami, FL, Florida State University. Kimberly Gay. Sulphur Springs, TX, Texas

Woman's University. Amy Harper ACRL Scholar. Seattle, WA, University of Washington. ...

ala/diversity/spectrum/spectrumscholarsb/ spectrumscholarship.htm - 35k - Cached - Similar pages

[RTF] 2002-2003 CD#10

File Format: Rich Text Format - View as HTML

... Raquel Fernandez, Miami FL, Howard M. & Gladys B. Teeple Scholar. Kimberly

Gay, Sulphur Springs TX. Amy Harper, Seattle WA, ACRL Scholar. ...

ala/ourassociation/governanceb/council/ councilagendas/ann2003agendas/CD10-1.rtf - Similar pages

[PDF] Pioneer Xtra_6-4-03

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML

... GAY, BA Mass Communications, Denton Campus After working ten years, Kimberly Gay

returned to ... in the DC area…happy to be in Colorado Springs, CO, living less ...

twu.edu/alum/images/pioneer/PioneerXtra.pdf - Similar pages

Marketing and Communication - PR 49

... DENTON — Texas Woman's University student Kimberly Gay of Denton recently was

awarded the top scholarship from the Press Club of Dallas Foundation — a ...

twu.edu/twunews/press_releases/gay.htm - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Marketing and Communication - PR 182

... award. Outstanding Senior awards will go to Kimberly Gay of Denton,

Heidi Gilroy of Houston and Brandi Smith of Smithville. The ...

twu.edu/twunews/press_releases/03students.htm - 26k - Cached - Similar pages

[ More results from twu.edu ]

eChaser: June 2001

... Community College to Texas A&M-Commerce), Megan Middleton (UNT), Kimberly Gay (Texas

Woman's ... 8 pounds and somethin'.'' Mandy and husband RJ live in Denton. ...

newsletter/6_01.html - 34k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] The 44th Annual Katie Awards

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML

... Dallas Foundation Scholarship Recipients Dallas Times Herald Scholarship Kimberly

Gay,Texas Women's ... Tracy Big Game Slated For Small Gym Denton Record-Chronicle ...

about/archive/KatieProg02.pdf - Similar pages

Chips Quinn Scholars | News - Chips News

... Lina Hashem, The News Journal, Wilmington, Del., and Summer 1999 Scholar: Peace!

Kimberly Michelle Gay, Texas Woman’s University and Summer 2001 Scholar: ...

news/chipsnews/ chips_news.aspx?id=38 - 42k - Cached - Similar pages

“Kimberly gay”

Marketing and Communication - PR 182

|... Outstanding Senior awards will go to Kimberly Gay of Denton, Heidi Gilroy of Houston and Brandi Smith of Smithville. |

|... Kimberly Gay. ... |

|twu.edu/twunews/press_releases/03students.htm - 26k - Cached - Similar pages |

Marketing and Communication - PR 49

|... DENTON — Texas Woman's University student Kimberly Gay of Denton recently was awarded the top scholarship from the |

|Press Club of Dallas Foundation — a ... |

|twu.edu/twunews/press_releases/gay.htm - 18k - Cached - Similar pages |

|[ More results from twu.edu ] |

Interlibrary Loan

|... Library Assistant II. 903-886-5722. @tamu-commerce.edu. Kimberly Gay Library Assistant II. 903-886-5722. |

|Kimberly_Gay@tamu-commerce.edu. ... |

|www7.tamu-commerce.edu/library/ill.htm - 6k - Jul 1, 2004 - Cached - Similar pages |


|... 903-886-5726 903-486-6083. David_Rankin@tamu-commerce.edu. Kimberly Gay Library Assistant II. 903-886-5939. |

|Kimberly_Gay@tamu-commerce.edu. ... |

|www7.tamu-commerce.edu/library/ref.htm - 9k - Jul 2, 2004 - Cached - Similar pages |

eChaser: June 2001

|... TCU), Amanda Smith (from Northeast Texas Community College to Texas A&M-Commerce), Megan Middleton (UNT), Kimberly |

|Gay (Texas Woman's University) and Jesus ... |

|newsletter/6_01.html - 34k - Cached - Similar pages |

The First Lady of the Chips Quinn Scholars Program

September 11, 2005

At Chipster orientations, John C. Quinn always saved the best for last: He couldn't have had his life, his news career, his family, the Chips Quinn Scholars program -- not any of it, he always said -- without the inspiration and contributions of his partner in life and love, his wife Loie. 

Here, Chipsters, staff and friends of the program share their thoughts about how Loie Quinn (who died last Sunday, Sept. 4, 2005) affected their careers and their lives, too

“Loie gave her best to the Chips Quinn Scholars program, and thus, as Scholars, we keep giving our best to the world. Thank you, Loie Quinn, for believing in the power of giving college journalism students new dreams to explore and conquer.”

Kimberly M. Gay (Summer 2001), graduate student, Texas Woman's University



Master of Library Science and Information Studies (ALA accredited program), May 2006

Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX 76204

304 Administration Drive, Denton, TX 76201 (940-898-2000)


❖ Information Professions

❖ Information Storage and Retrieval

❖ Technical Services

❖ The Internet

❖ Collection Development

❖ Cataloging and Classification

❖ Reference

❖ The College and University Library

❖ Online Information Retrieval

❖ Independent Study: Ethnic Genealogy

❖ Library Management

❖ Public Library

Bachelor of Science- Texas Woman's University ( accredited university) 1998-2003

Magna Cum Laude- 3.86

Mass Communication, major

Sociology, minor

Fashion and Textiles (Fashion Merchandising and Marketing), minor

304 Administration Drive, Denton, TX 76201 (940-898-2000)

• All major and minor Academics Courses:

o Survey of Mass Communication - major

o Copyediting- major

o Newswriting I- major

o Newswriting II- major

o Public Relations - major

o Desktop Publishing-major

o Principles of Marketing & Advertisements- major

o Electronic Information & Retrieval – major

o Principles of Fashion Apparel- Fashion and Textiles

o Marketing and Retail Promotion- Fashion and Textiles

o Contemporary Global Trends in Fashion Apparel- Fashion and Textiles

o Photojournalism- major

o Ethics, Law and The Press-major

o Principles of Fashion Merchandising

o Retail Buying- Fashion and Textiles

o Career Development Strategies- Fashion and Textiles

o Crime in America- Sociology

o Information Literacy

o Southwest Studies- History and Government Department ( Internet class and Field trip to Austin, Texas for meetings with Texas legislators- April 2003)

o Introduction to Sociology

o Oral Communication- Public Speaking

o Culture and Self- Sociology

o Public Administration- History and Government Department( Independent study/Internship)

o Race & Ethnic Groups- Sociology

o Women’s Roles- Sociology

o Information Literacy- Library Science

o Race, Gender & the Media- major

o Human Behavior and the Social Environment

o Current Social Problems- Sociology


University of North Texas ( 1988-1989)

Journalism, major

Spanish, minor

Denton, TX 76201

High School:

Denton High School ( 1984-1988)

Advanced high school diploma ( foreign language- Spanish)

Editor of Denton High School newspaper ( The Horseshoe- 1986-1987)

1007 Fulton, Denton TX 76201 ( 940-396-2000)

Volunteer Community Services

• Denton Blues Festival: Event Staff member, hospitality for musicians- September 16, 2000

• Denton Blues Festival: Event Staff member, hospitality for musicians- September 17, 2001

• Denton Blues Festival: Event Staff member, hospitality for musicians- September 18, 2002

• 2001 Visions: The Women’s Expo in Dallas Texas- volunteered for the Texas Woman's University information booth ( passed out TWU literature and recruited for TWU)

• 2002 Visions: The Women’s Expo in Dallas Texas- volunteered for the Texas Woman's University information booth ( passed out TWU literature and recruited for TWU)

• 2003 Visions: The Women’s Expo in Dallas Texas- volunteered for the Texas Woman's University information booth ( passed out TWU literature and recruited for TWU)

• 2002 African American (Black ) Expo in Dallas Texas- volunteered for the Texas Woman's University information booth ( passed out TWU literature and recruited for TWU)

• Martin Luther King, Jr. Reaction Center- Halloween Carnival- October 2000

• Denton Independent School District- Board Highlights, said Pledge of Allegiance- Kimberly Gay, Denton High School (1987)

• Texas Woman's University Homecoming events: Gave tours of the university to alumnae members- April 2000

• United Way of Denton County, organizational member ( 1992-1996)

• LULAC- League of United Latin Americas: Denton, Texas branch- general member (1992-1996)

• Martin Luther King Jr. Recreational Center’s Community Board: Denton, Texas Branch- general member/secretary (1992-1996)

• Owsley Community Center of Denton, TX ( 1994-1996)

• Program Chair for the Cross Timbers Girl Scout Council’s Black History Month program at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center of Denton, TX- guest speaker: Rochelle Brown media personality

• Denton County Courthouse’s Holiday in the Park celebration- program chair for young arts and crafts ( 1994-1996)

• Held various Girl Scout workshops on the history of Girl Scouts, Inc for the Irving Girl Scout Council. ( 1996-1998)

• Rainbow Connection City of Denton, Denton, Texas (

• Playground Coordinator. City of Denton. Denton, Texas.(summer 2001)

o Coordinator of programs for the Denia Owsley Summer Youth Camp.

o Supervised three J.T.P.A. workers and two youth camp leaders.

o Organized staff meetings, programs, and all summer camp field trips.

• A.S.A.S. (After School Action Site Leader) City of Denton. Denton, Texas.(1999-2001)

o Supervised after school activities for elementary children.

o Implemented structured games and learning activities.

o Organized field trips and special guest.

• Cross Timbers Girl Scout Council (1991-1998)

o Troop & Camp Leader

o Supervised and arranged troop’s multicultural events.

o Organized extra curricular activities for Girl Scout members

I averaged 35 to 45 hours of community service a semester throughout college. Most of the hours I accumulated were through projects my organizations sponsored or Make a Difference Days, Though most of these were local projects, I did contribute my time to philanthropies like the, Carter Blood Care and American Red Cross plus helped with organizations and committees on the TWU campus

Guest Speaking Engagements:

• Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. ( Acquiring Knowledge After College- An informational forum to enhance the minds of students anticipating college graduation and all students who want to get a head start on life after college. Tuesday March 29, 2005 Time: 7:08 a.m. Texas A&M University- Commerce. Memorial Student Center’s Founder’s Lounge.

• Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Emotional Roller Coaster –lovers, friends and relationships- A think tank forum on the truth about relationships, who is cheating and why, down low men and women, find your won self-worth, gaining and keeping trust. Tuesday September 13, 2005 Time: 7:08 a.m. Texas A&M University- Commerce. Memorial Student Center’s.

• Zeta Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Miss Black and Gold Pageant. Judge. November 10, 2005 Texas A&M University-Commerce Commerce, Texas. American Ballroom Memorial Student Center 7 p.m.

• Co-Host: The Office of Minority Affairs V.I.S.O.N.S. ( Various Illustrations Sharing and Introducing Organization to New Students. Thursday 7 p.m. January 26, 2006 American Ball Room ( Memorial Student Center) Texas A&M University-Commerce. Commerce, Texas

• The Raines County High School Reunion. May 5, 2006. Presentation on African American and Native American Genealogy. Hosted by Anthony Porter and Gwendolyn Law ( The A.C. McMillan African American Museum). Emory Texas.

• The Authentic Alpha Chapter of Sigma Tau Theta. October 18, 2006. Presentation on Got Mass Media. Discussed tools, tips and techniques for gaining all the resources need to have a mass media career. Discussed the Master Plan: credential cards, resumes, cover letters and more. Prairie View A&M University Hilliard Hall

• Prairie View A&M 10th Annual Student Leadership Institute (SLI), August 8-11, 2007. August 10, 2007. Presentation: Goal Setting and Motivation. ( two hours) handouts and lecture series

• November 16, 2007. Tomball High School, “Got College Research Skills” From School Libraries to Academic Libraries: Your High School Senior is my College Freshman.

Excitement, Engagement and Enlightenment: Come learn some “best library practices” for ensuring the successful transition from school libraries to academic libraries for high school seniors.

Librarian, Betty Frisbie

Tomball High School

30330 Quinn Road

Tomball, TX 77375

281-357-3220, ext. 349


November 30, 2007. Thurgood Marshall High School “Got College Research Skills” From School Libraries to Academic Libraries: Your High School Senior is my College Freshman. Excitement, Engagement and Enlightenment: Come learn some “best library practices” for ensuring the successful transition from school libraries to academic libraries for high school seniors.

Yvonne G. Jackson, LMS

Thurgood Marshall High School

Library Media Center

1220 Buffalo Run

Missouri City, Texas 77489

281-634-6695 (office)

281-634-6698 (fax)

February 1, 2008 George Bush High School, Richmond, TX “Got College Research Skills” From School Libraries to Academic Libraries: Your High School Senior is my College Freshman. Excitement, Engagement and Enlightenment: Come learn some “best library practices” for ensuring the successful transition from school libraries to academic libraries for high school seniors.

Martha Ewell, Librarian

Bush High School

Bush High School Library

Tel. 281-634-6100


Advisor Positions:

• Commerce Association of Black Communicators (CABC) Texas A&M University- Guest Speaker Kenneth Boyd, Television manager for advertising for JCPenney, Plano Texas October 27, 2005 ( 5-7 p.m.) TXAM- Commerce Sabine Room of the Memorial Student Center. Commerce. Commerce, Texas. Fall 2004- present

Jury Duty:

Hopkins County, Texas June 25, 26 & 27, 2005. Served on Jury duty for a civil court case trial. District Judge, Sixty-Second Judicial District of Texas: Scott McDowell.


• Certified in CPR

• Certified in First Aid

• Certified First Aid and CPR Instructor

• Rode out with Denton Police Department Officer for more over 25 hours of observation “Ride Out” time.

• 4H Club, Future Farmers of America- Denton, Texas

• More than 20 miscellaneous certificates of appreciation, completion, etc.

• Photography: Slides, Black &Whites and Color


• Golden Key International Honour Society International Convention, August 2002 Atlanta, GA.

• Golden Key International Honour Society International Convention, August 2003 Chicago, IL.

• Golden Key Southwest Regional Conference, March 2002 College Station, TX- Texas A& M University: Texas Woman's University presented a workshop- “Treat yourself to a Retreat for new Officers” Presented Library Research Workshops and a Workshop at regional Golden Key International Honor Society conference at the Regional Conference in College Station, TX

• Golden Key Southwest Regional Conference, April 2003 Waco, TX- Baylor University

• Black Feminist Lectures Series, March 2000 at Texas Woman's University- Guest speaker- Introduced Dr. Elizabeth West

• Women Students’ Leadership Conference, February 2001, Washington D.C. at American University- While attending this conference, I learned many different skills applicable to life, school, organizations, work, ethics, group productivity, team building and how to successful plan a leadership conference for Texas Woman's University, plus other miscellaneous fields and areas.

• Texas Christian University, October 2001: Diversity Conference with Steve Birdine, guest speaker- a conference that held many workshops about the understanding what diversity and inclusiveness is all about in any higher education community.

• Sarah Weddington Leadership Conference, March 30-31, 2001: “Blazing New Trails- A Texas Woman's University Tradition” with Liz Carpenter, press Secretary to Lyndon B. Johnson; U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison; Congresswoman, Eddie Bernice Johnson of Dallas; Marilyn Oshman, CEO of Oshman’s Sporting Goods; and Donna Lopiano, executive director of the Women’s Sports Foundation- at Texas Woman's University. Introduced Sarah Weddington at the lecture series.

• National and International Girl Scout Convention: Minneapolis, MN

• Freedom Forum/ Chips Quinn Journalism workshops- Washington D.C. May 2001

• National convention of the Society of Professional Journalists. Fort Worth Texas 2002- Registration volunteer and attended various workshops

• Kimberly M. Gay HBCU Information Literacy Institute Fellowship recipient, Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was chosen to take part in the HBCU (Mellon Grant) Information Literacy Institute. The ILLI will convene in Charlotte, North Carolina from February 10 to 15, 2008 on the campus of Johnson C. Smith University and the James B. Duke Memorial Library. The participants will have an opportunity to learn about the Information Literacy Instruction programs provided at four other academic libraries, including the JCSU model for Information Literacy programs. Most importantly, participants will spend some time during the institute designing an Information Literacy Instructional Program for their own students. Consultations will be available during the institute addressing principles, components, and the use of information technology in developing an Instructional Literacy program. This Institute also will provide opportunities for libraries that do not have an information literacy instruction program to develop both a program and an implementation plan for their university and library. For further information about the HBCU (Mellon Grant) Information Literacy Institute visit this web site >>

• Texas Library Association-

o Presented a workshop at the TLA District Five meeting (5) Saturday, September 23, 2006. Dallas Public Library Genealogy and Diversity 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Genealogy is about linking a family’s history from past to present. Through census reports to government documents, the task of finding information on a family’s history can be exhausting and when it is coupled with finding research on an ethnic family’s history the search can require even more avenues to explore. Many avenues can be explored in conducting genealogy research for an ethnic group. From searching ethnic newspapers to churches to property list, grave sites and tax papers, researching the genealogy history for an ethnic group requires using other options and creative research tools than the conventional methods.

o Presented a workshop at the TLA Conference in Houston, Texas April 25-28, 2006- Genealogy and Diversity 8:30 p.m. -9:50 a.m. Thursday April 27, 2006.

Genealogy is about linking a family’s history from past to present. Through census reports to government documents, the task of finding information on a family’s history can be exhausting and when it is coupled with finding research on an ethnic family’s history the search can require even more avenues to explore. Many avenues can be explored in conducting genealogy research for an ethnic group. From searching ethnic newspapers to churches to property list, grave sites and tax papers, researching the genealogy history for an ethnic group requires using other options and creative research tools than the conventional methods.

Assisted the members of the Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Studies faculty and staff members with presentation and spoke for about 20 minutes on the researching ethnic genealogy . Kimberly M. Gay, SLIS Master's student, presented "Let History Be Your Guide: Ethnic Genealogy Research" at the program, Genealogy and Diversity.

o Attended various workshops at the TLA Conference in Houston, Texas April25-28, 2006. Genealogy Stumpers, Sleepless in Cyberspace, Technology

o Volunteered at the TLA Conference in Houston, Texas April 25-28, 2006. TLA Reference Roundtable and the Library Instruction Roundtable booths. April 26 and April 28, 2006 for about two hours.

o Volunteered at the TLA Conference in Houston, Texas April 25-28, 2006. TLA TLA Black Caucus booth. April 26, 2006 for one hour and half.

o Attended various workshops at the TLA Conference in San Antonio, Texas March 17-20, 2004.

o Presented a workshop at the TLA Conference in San Antonio, Texas March 17-20, 2004- LIS Students: On an Essential Profession, 4:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. Thursday March 18, 2004 Hear perspectives from library and information science students. Learn which issues they feel are critical to the profession and to the future of librarianship. Sponsored by the New Members Round Table. Assisted the members of the Texas Woman’s University Chapter of GLISA with presentation and spoke for about 10 minutes on the importance of diversity, building life-long learning skills in librarianship and the growth of computer technology in the field of libraries/librarians

o Volunteered at the TLA Conference in San Antonio, Texas March 17-20, 2004: The Internet Room 12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday March 19, 2004 – Assisted patrons who wanted to use the free Internet computers that were set-up at the TLA Conference.

o Volunteered at the TLA Conference in Austin, Texas April 5-8, 2005 The Internet Room 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Thursday April 7,2005– Assisted patrons who wanted to use the free Internet computers that were set-up at the TLA Conference.

o Attended various workshops at the TLA Conference in Austin, Texas April 5-8, 2005 along with attending the TLA Capital Rally for more library funding.

o Attended Texas Library Association’s Texas Legislative Day. February 5-6, 2007. Austin Texas.

o Presider at a a workshop at the TLA Conference in San Antonio, Texas April 11-14, 2007- Researching Family: Celebrating Culture, Libraries, and Tradition 10:15 - 11:50 AM. CPE#415: SBEC 1.0; TSLAC 1.0. Genealogists and librarians discuss how to help families research and record their history and traditions. They highlight how library services can help celebrate cultural diversity in the community and encourage the preservation of family history through events such as family reunions. A business meeting follows the program.

Kimberly Michele Gay, librarian, Prairie View A&M University; Betty Leal, manager, Dallas Public Library; Roderick Linzie, sociologist; Cheryl Smith, public services librarian, Harrington Library (Plano).


o Volunteered at the TLA Conference in San Antonio, Texas. April 11-14, 2007. TLA Black Caucus Booth, Texas Woman’s University Booth and at the Registration Booth.

o TLA Dallas 2008 Conference: April 15-18, 2008. Collection Development Resources for Patrons of Color Friday, April 18, 2008 @ 8:00 - 9:50 am

Presenter and Presider

Gather all the data needed to provide the best library collection for patrons

of color. Explore the newest trends, services, and resources from websites to

databases to books. A business meeting follows the program.

Kimberly Michelle Gay, academic reference and instruction librarian, Prairie View A&M University; Lana Hayes, librarian, DeBakey High School, Houston ISD; Judith Hiott, coordinator of materials selection, Houston Public Library; Eileen Liu, president, Tsai Fong Books, Inc.

Black Caucus Round Table.

o Volunteered at the TLA Dallas 2008 Conference: April 15-18, 2008. TLA Black Caucus Booth, and at the Registration Booth.



• Texas Library Association ( )


1. College & University Libraries Division ( CULD) a division of the Texas library association that promotes libraries and librarians in four year universities and community colleges throughout Texas.

Round Tables:

2. Library Instruction ( Round Table RT)

3. Reference ( Round Table RT)

4. Genealogy ( Round Table)

5. Administration ( Round Table RT)

• Texas Library Association- District library associations ( District 5- Northeast Texas Regional Library System- Hopkins County; District 7- North Texas Regional Library System- Denton County)

TLA Black Caucus Councilor Alternative 2007-2008

• Texas Library Association, member 2003-present. Divisions ( College & University Libraries) Round Table ( Library Instruction, Reference and Administration) TLA Distinct 5- Northeast Texas, District 7-North Texas and District 8- Houston; member. Black Caucus member and Councilor Alternate 2007-2010. Genealogy Round Table member, Chair-elect 2007-2008- Chair- 2008-2009.

TLA: District Meetings:

--- Texas Library Association- 2004 District 5 Fall Meeting- August 28, 2004. Richland College Dallas, TX- Steve Seale, Chairman District 5 Northeast Texas Regional Library System Guest Speaker- The Hollywood Librarian, Ann M. Seidl

---Texas Library Association- 2005 District 5 Northeast Texas Regional Library System Fall Meeting- August 17, 2005. Robert E. Lee High School – Tyler, Texas- Eva Poole- guest speaker past TLA

---Texas Library Association- 2006 District 5 Northeast Texas Regional Library System Fall Meeting- September 23, 2006. Dallas Public Library. Presented a workshop/session Genealogy and Diversity . Two Sessions . -10:15 a.m to 12:15 p.m.. Saturday September 23, 2006. Let History Be Your Guide: Ethnic Genealogy

Genealogy is about linking a family’s history from past to present. Through census reports to government documents, the task of finding information on a family’s history can be exhausting and when it is coupled with finding research on an ethnic family’s history the search can require even more avenues to explore. Many avenues can be explored in conducting genealogy research for an ethnic group. From searching ethnic newspapers to churches to property list, grave sites and tax papers, researching the genealogy history for an ethnic group requires using other options and creative research tools than the conventional methods.

Assisted the members of the Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Kimberly M. Gay, M.L.S., presented "Let History Be Your Guide: Ethnic Genealogy Research" at the program, Genealogy and Diversity.

---- Texas Library Association- District 8 Conference Books & Bytes on the Bayou on October 13, 2007 at Aldine High School, Houston, Texas. From School Libraries to Academic Libraries: Your High School Senior is my College Freshman. ( Train the Trainers)

Excitement, Engagement and Enlightenment: Come learn some “best library practices” for ensuring the successful transition from school libraries to academic libraries for your high school seniors. >>

American Library Association-

o Attended various workshops at the ALA Conference in Orlando, Florida. June 23-29, 2004

o Volunteered at the ALA Conference in Orlando, Florida. June 23-29, 2004: Zora Neale Hurston Tour/ Office of Diversity

o Attended various workshops at the ALA Conference in New Orleans, New Orleans June 22-26, 2006


• American Library Association ( )

1. Association of College & Research Libraries

2. Spectrum Scholar Initiative Program, Scholar 2003

3. RUSA- Reference and User Services Association

• American Library Association American Library Association, member 2003- present. Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) , Spectrum Scholar Initiative Program and Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS), Black Caucus member.

American Library Associations- Joint Colors of Librarians Conference

o Attended various workshops at the ALA JCLC in Dallas, Texas October 11-15, 2006

o Volunteered at the ALA JCLC Dallas, Texas October 11-15, 2006 for the hospitality crew at the Juan Williams presentation. October 11, 2006

o Presented a workshop at the JCLC October 9, 2006 Genealogy and Diversity 10:45 a.m to 12:15 p.m.. Thursday October 9, 2006. Let History Be Your Guide: Ethnic Genealogy

Genealogy is about linking a family’s history from past to present. Through census reports to government documents, the task of finding information on a family’s history can be exhausting and when it is coupled with finding research on an ethnic family’s history the search can require even more avenues to explore. Many avenues can be explored in conducting genealogy research for an ethnic group. From searching ethnic newspapers to churches to property list, grave sites and tax papers, researching the genealogy history for an ethnic group requires using other options and creative research tools than the conventional methods.

Assisted the members of the Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Studies faculty and staff members with presentation and spoke for about 40 minutes on the researching ethnic genealogy( African-American, Asian, Hispanic and Native American . Kimberly M. Gay, M.L.S., presented "Let History Be Your Guide: Ethnic Genealogy Research" at the program, Genealogy and Diversity.

o Attended various workshops at the JCLC in Dallas Texas October 11-15, 2006

o Assistant Director, Juanita Walker and Reference and Instruction Librarian, Kimberly M. Gay. Black Caucus 6th National Conference of African American Librarians: Culture Keepers VI: Preserving the Past, Sustaining the Future in Forth Worth Texas August 2-5, 2007. Slated on the program for Friday, August 3, 2007 to present a panel discussion on Keeping the Culture through Engagement, Enlightenment, and Empowerment in Genealogy researching from the Africa to the America.

Program Description:

Come gather all librarians to exchange those “Best Practices” for serving library patrons who are researching genealogy reference resources. Genealogists and librarians will address, discuss and exchange innovative was to help librarians interact with their library patrons who are seeking information on historical and genealogical research records and repositories; Africa Genealogy resources and African-American Genealogy research. Participants are encouraged to bring examples of their genealogy researching to share.

Have you had your DNA charted for genealogy purposes? Want to know how to help your library patrons trace what African tribe they are a descendant from? This panel discussion forum will provide a research framework and give librarians the opportunity to share their enjoyment and disappointment on genealogy reference services for their library patrons

From DNA testing to African Tribes to Genealogy Websites and many unconventional resources for Africa and African-American Genealogy resources, librarians come and gain some excitement and encouragement to give your library patrons when they are conducting Africa and African-American Genealogy information.

Conference Website >>



Beaumont, Texas. February 15-17, 2007. MCM Elegante Hotel. 2355 IH-10 South. Beaumont, Texas 77705. February 16, 2007 ( Friday)

SESSION X-African Americans in East Texas

Kimberly Michelle Gay, Presiding

Prairie View A&M University 1:30 - 2:45 P.M.

Diplomat 3


• Gwendolyn M. Lawe, Dallas

“Pioneer African American Families in Rains County , Texas ”

• Tonya Knighton, Lamar University

“The Freedman's Bureau in Southeast Texas ”

• Ted Lawe, Dallas

“Black Protest Movements in East Texas in the 20 th Century”


Painting/Drawing Interior Design Photography

Camping Theater/Opera Antiquing

Public Speaking Reading/Books Traveling

Computer Science Creative Writing Environmental Issues

Photography Assignments:

• Hostage Crisis Situation

Date: June 21, 2002

Where: Texas Woman's University- Administration Clock Tower

Film used: eight rolls, Kodak Gold 200 & 400 speed

• Wedding: Cheri Chester and Jason Hohertz

Date: August 17, 2002 ( 3 p.m. to 10 p.m.)

Where: Texas Woman's University- Little Chapel ( Wedding)

Denton, Texas- Sheraton Hotel ( Reception)

Film used: 12 rolls, Kodak Gold 200, 400 & 800 speed

• Senior Musical Recital: Adrienne Terenzoni (Folk Songs of Italy)

Date: November 14, 2002

Where: Texas Woman's University- Margo Jones Auditorium

Film used: two rolls, Kodak Gold 400 speed

• Alpha Theta Omega-TWU Sorority: Spring Formal 2003

Date: April 26, 2003

Where: Texas Woman's University- Hubbard Hall (Northeast Ballroom)

Film used: six rolls, Kodak Gold 200 & 400 speed

• Texas Woman's University- Environmental Biology Class

Date: October 15, 2002

Where: Environmental Learning Area- LLELA (Lewisville, TX)

Film used: five rolls, Kodak Gold 200 speed

• Texas A&M University-Commerce- Miss Black and Gold Pageant

Date: November 10, 2005

Where: Texas A&M University-Commerce American Ballroom MSC

Film used: three rolls, Kodak Gold 400 speed

Zeta Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Miss Black and Gold Pageant. Judge. November 10, 2005 Texas A&M University-Commerce Commerce, Texas. American Ballroom Memorial Student Center 7 p.m.

Teaching Experience:

|Experience |Sulphur Springs Independent School District- | |

| |Sulphur Springs , Texas |Sulphur Springs Independent School District |

| |Substitute Teacher September 2003 -present |631 Connaly Street |

| |Assisted students with various lesson plans. |Sulphur Springs, Texas 75429 |

| |Taught at various levels of school curriculum, from Pre-Kindergarten to High |(903) 885- 2153 |

| |School and the Technical Center | |

| |Taught- basic and advance: math, chemistry, biology, science, English, | |

| |computer science and all other applicable curriculums | |

| | | |

| |Greenville Independent School District- | |

| |Greenville, Texas | |

| |Substitute Teacher September 2003 -present | |

| |Assisted students with various lesson plans. |Greenville Independent School District |

| |Taught at various levels of school curriculum, from Pre-Kindergarten to High |3504 King St. |

| |School and the Technical Center |Greenville , TX 75401 |

| |Taught- basic and advance: math, chemistry, biology, science, English, |(903) 457-2500 |

| |computer science , Texas History and all other applicable curriculums |information@ |

| | | |

| |Commerce Independent School District | |

| |Commerce, Texas | |

| |Substitute Teacher September 2003 -present | |

| |Assisted students with various lesson plans. | |

| |Taught at various levels of school curriculum, from Pre-Kindergarten to High | |

| |School and the Technical Center | |

| |Taught- basic and advance: math, chemistry, biology, science, English, |Commerce Independent School District |

| |computer science , speech, reading, and all other applicable curriculums |P.O. Box 1251 |

| | |Commerce, Texas 75429 |

| | |(903) 886-3755 |

| | |Fax ( 903) 886-6025 |

TWU College Journalism Employment:

|The Times, Daily Newspaper, Shreveport, LA |Monica Carter |

|General Assignment Reporter (Chips Quinn Internship) |Education/Human Relationship Editor |

|May 2001-August 2001 |The Times, Shreveport, Louisiana |

|Covered breaking news |(318) 459-3370 |

|Researched trends and story ideas | |

|Covered local and state news |Martha Fitzgerald |

|Covered human relationship and feature news |Business Editor |

|Created story layout packages |The Times, Shreveport, Louisiana |

|Covered business news |(318) 459-3533 |

|The Daily Lasso, Student Newspaper, Denton, TX |Brenda Jaskulske |

|Staff /Contributing Writer/Photographer |Department Chair- |

|August 2000-2003 |Mass Communication |

|Covered breaking news |Texas Woman’s University |

|Covered campus profiles |(940) 898-2181 |

|Created story idea packages |bjaskulske@twu.edu |

|Covered feature news and trends | |

| |Dr. Ruth Ann Ragland |

| | |

Academic Library Experience

Prairie View A&M University.

P.O. Box 519 MS#1040

Prairie View, Texas · 77446-0519

University Operator: (936) 857-3311

John B. Coleman Library

Title: Reference and Instructor Librarian I

June 15, 2006- Present

John B. Coleman Library, Prairie View A&M University; Prairie View TX ( A Texas A&M University System)

|SUmmary of Professional Interests |

|Work as a Reference Librarian/Information Literacy Instructor to help support the university and library with all aspects of library endeavors. While working as an academic librarian, |

|I want to help promote library activities to the university community through hosting and showcasing library programs, library technology endeavors, information literacy instructions |

|and services. In addition, serve as a reference librarian who can help the university community as they seek educational research needs through the library’s online catalog, databases,|

|search engines and throughout the physical and online collections of the library. Along with serve as a faculty liaison to various university academic departments and aid in collection|

|development of library materials. |


|M.L.S. Master of Library Science. Texas Woman’s University, School of Library and Information Studies. Suma Cum Laude (4.0) |

|May, 2006 |

|B.S. Bachelor of Science Texas Woman’s University, Majors in Mass Communication-Print Journalism. Magna Cum Laude ( 3.89) |

|Minors in Fashion and Textiles (Fashion Merchandising and Marketing) Minors in Sociology. May, 2003 |


|John B. Coleman Library, Prairie View A&M University; Prairie View TX ( A Texas A&M University System) |

|Academic Reference and Instruction Librarian I- Academic Library Reference Department |

|June 15, 2006- present |

|Provide direct public reference service as a part of the reference staff desk time rotation. Field through questions in a professional and accurate manner to many graduate, |

|non-traditional and first-time college students. Along with giving library tours and working in the periodical department. |

|Organize and Conduct Bibliographical/Information Literacy Instruction classes to the students, faculty and staff of the Prairie View A&M University community as well to high school |

|students from area communities through the discourse of teaching the library’s online catalog, databases, copyright issues, citation style, search engines and more. |

|Serve on various library committees such as: Library Search Committee, Social Committee, Chair of the Special Events and Publication Committee and more. |

|Serve as faculty liaison and researcher to the College of Business and the College of Arts and Science’s Literature and Language/ Communication departments. |

|Recommend and Organize collection development of materials in the areas of business, literature and language and communication |

|Assist patrons in use of library equipment including the on-line catalog, personal computers, microfilm and microfiche readers, printers and copiers along with working with archival, |

|genealogical and vertical file collections. |

| |

|Accomplishments of job performance at the Prairie View A&M University- John B. Coleman Library: |

|Chair of the Special Events Library Committee: Successfully featured the library’s ALA Banned Book Week series. Featured Banned Books in the circulation department for check out, |

|Banned Book Banner and Banned Book Student showcase display of titles of Banned Books that they have read. ( September 2006) |

|Chair of Special Events Library Committee: Successfully featured as a guest speaker Dr. Dr. Rhea Brown Lawson, Executive Director, Houston Public Library for the library’s Women’s |

|History Month Series. ( March 2007) |

|Chair of Special Events Library Committee: Successful featured the Library’s ALA National Library Week for spring 2007 and National Library Worker’s Week. (April 2007) |

|Chair of Special Events Library Committee: Successfully featured as a guest speaker Dr. George C. Wright, President of Prairie View A&M University for the library’s National Library |

|Worker’s Day reception. (April 2007) |

|Invitation to join the Learning Effectiveness Team for Prairie View A&M University by Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. February |

|2008 |

|James G. Gee Library, Texas A & M- Commerce; Commerce TX ( A Texas A&M University System) |

|Library Assistant II/ Reference – Academic Library Reference Department |

|July 1, 2004- June 14, 2006 |

|Supervised reference department student assistants and graduate assistants (schedule hours to work for the semester assign task and duties, train, manage hours and payroll, hire, fire |

|and evaluate duties performed by three-five reference student assistants and one graduate assistant ) |

|Opened and Closed all operations of the library on Sundays including the Circulation and Reference departments. Operations include: open and close all front and back doors, computer |

|terminals, electrical lights, cash register and all other relevant closing and opening procedures. Handle library patrons’ reference questions as well give library tours and database |

|workshop classes on Sundays. |

|Provided direct public reference service as a part of the reference staff desk time rotation. Field through questions in a professional and accurate manner to many non-traditional and |

|first-time college students. Give library tours and Bibliographical Instruction database workshops to the students, faculty and staff of the Texas A&M University-Commerce library |

|community as well to high school students from area communities. |

|Had a working knowledge of the operation of work processing, spreadsheet and database software, personal computers and peripheral office equipment such as printers, faxes, copiers, |

|typewriters, calculator, and other office equipment. |

|Assisted patrons in use of library equipment including the on-line catalog- LION, personal computers, microfilm and microfiche readers, printers and copiers along with working with |

|archival, genealogical and vertical file collections. |

|Served on various library committees: Reference Services, Science Librarian Search Team, National Library Week, Banned Book Week, Black History Month and Public Relations. |

|Accomplishments of job performance at the Texas A&M University-Commerce: James G. Gee Library: |

|Media Feature---Guest Speaker on a publicized television show The Talk of the Town: Commerce, Texas public access channel, I discussed the TLA 2005 conference in Austin, Texas on |

|library endeavors for the state of Texas |

|Media Feature--- Featured in the TAMU-Commerce H.O.P.E. (Helping Our Peers Excel) project DVD about the James G. Gee Library services that are offered for physical challenged students |

|along with students who are looking for information on what services are offered at the library. The DVD was sent out to various community colleges, high schools and media outlets to |

|use as a promotion effort for Texas A&M University- Commerce. |

|Commissioned and got the Emory , Texas-A.C. McMillan African American Museum’s traveling exhibit, “African Americans on Commemorative U. S. Postage Stamps” exhibited at the Texas A & |

|M University-Commerce’s James G. Gee Library during the entire month of February 2006 in recognition of African American History Month. This privately held stamp collection is one of |

|the largest of its kind. |

|Established the first training program and manual for Students Assistants and Graduate Assistants who work in the Reference Department of the library. |

|Established and authored the first news stories entitled “Librarian’s Nook for the TAMU-Commerce East Texan newspaper. |

|Designed and promoted the first ever James G. Gee Library Promotional Brochure and James G. Gee Library Reference Department Newsletters. |

|Established and promoted a library orientation packet to be handed out to new students who come to Texas A&M University-Commerce. Promoted the Tex-Share program for an entire year and|

|gathered more than 300 new Tex-Share members for the Texas A&M University-Commerce James G. Gee Library. |

|Established the first Texas A&M University-Commerce Career Expo hosted at the James G. Gee Library in conjunction with the Office of Minority Affairs and Career Services for Black |

|History Month. |

| |

|School of Library and Information Studies, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX. |

|Online Teaching Assistant- School of Library and Information Studies |

|August 2005-May 2006 |

|Formulated online test set-ups, evaluate assignments, and check discussion board topics and quizzes for two online library science classes per semester. |

|Supplied feedback through emails, discussion board, listservs and telephone to library science master and PhD. level students in the realm of library and information science/services. |

|Monitored the online classes for discussion board forums, grades, student progresses, assignments, course participation and emails in the course materials. |

|Liaison with the professor of the classes in supervising the class structure and discourse of assignments, test, discussion topics and quizzes |

| |

|Blagg-Huey Library, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX |

|Research Student Assistant – Academic Reference Department |

|September 1999-2003 |

|Assisted students, faculty and staff with general library research needs and basic library questions |

|Educated patrons with methods to find credible electronic information in databases, on the World Wide Web and in the physical collections of the library. Assisted in the Interlibrary |

|Loan and Women’s Collection Departments |

|Researched credible electronic information for TWU faculty and staff members |

|Assisted librarians with database workshops and in weeding selections in the Reference Department |

|Organized and shelved all Reference library materials for circulation |

| |

|Awards and Honors |

| |

|American Library Association: 2003 Spectrum Scholar Award |

|Texas Library Association: 2003 Spectrum Scholar Award |

|The Beta Lambda Chapter of Beta Phi Mu ( International Library and Information Studies Honor Society) Beta Phi Mu Scholarship Spring 2005- Texas Woman’s University and University of |

|North Texas (lifetime member) |

|Lifetime inductee: The Beta Lambda Chapter of Beta Phi Mu ( International Library and Information Studies Honor Society: May 2006 |

|Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges: Spring 2006 |

|Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society 2003-present (member) |

|Golden Key International Honour Society 2001-present ( lifetime member) |

|Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society 2004- present ( lifetime member) |

| |


|Texas Library Association, member 2003-present. Divisions ( College & University Libraries) Round Table ( Library Instruction, Reference and Administration) TLA Distinct 5- Northeast |

|Texas and District 7- North Texas; member. Black Caucus member and Councilor Alt. |

|American Library Association, member 2003- present. Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) , Spectrum Scholar Initiative Program and Reference and User Services |

|Association (RUSA), Black Caucus member. |

|Texas Woman’s University GLISA (Graduate Library and Information Studies Association) member-at-large, steering committee member 2004-2005. A student chapter of the American Library |

|Association |

|Texas Woman’s University Former Students Association (lifetime member) |

| |

|advance computer skills |

|Desk Top Publishing-Page Maker, Adobe Photoshop Premier, PowerPoint : basic-advance skills |

|HTML/CSS/ XHTML handcoding/design, Dreamweaver: basic and some advance skills |

|Experience in Ariel: a document transmission software and hardware system that uses the Internet to send and receive scanned journal articles through the Interlibrary Loan Departments.|

| |

|Have a working knowledge of the operation of basic word processing, spreadsheets and database software, personal computers and peripheral office equipment such as printers, faxes, |

|copiers, typewriters, calculator, and other pertinent office supplies. |

Blagg-Huey Library, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX

Student Assistant- Academic Interlibrary Loan Department

January 2002-May 2003

❖ Scanned and copied print materials for interlibrary loan patrons using Ariel, a document transmission software and hardware system that uses the Internet to send and receive scanned journal articles

❖ Postal mailed, faxed, emailed interlibrary loan print and electronic materials to patrons

❖ Organized and gathered interlibrary material to be sent to patrons

Blagg-Huey Library, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX

Student Assistant- Academic Women’s Collection Department

September 2001- May 2002

❖ Aided in the collection development of women’s bio-files

❖ Organized and collected material for Women’s history projects

❖ Helped to organize the Texas Women’s Hall of Fame website.

Texas Woman’s University, Denton Texas 76204

Teaching Assistant

School of Library and Information Studies

Texas Woman's University

LS 5813-21: The Information Professions

Fall 2005


Robert S. Martin, Ph.D

Professor and Lillian Bradshaw Endowed Chair

Office: 421 Stoddard Hall

Phone: (940) 898-2720

Fax: (940) 898-2611

Email: rmartin2@mail.twu.edu

Teaching Assistant:

Kimberly Gay

Email: kimberlymichellegay@

Teaching Assistant

School of Library and Information Studies

Texas Woman's University

LS 6013-20: Education for Librarians

Fall 2005


Robert S. Martin, Ph.D

Professor and Lillian Bradshaw Endowed Chair

Office: 421 Stoddard Hall

Phone: (940) 898-2720

Fax: (940) 898-2611

Email: rmartin2@mail.twu.edu

Texas Woman’s University

School of Library Science and Information Studies

Online Teaching Assistant- Dr. Martin( Bio) Fall 2005- present

Information Professions- Master’s level class

Education for Librarians- Doctorate level class

• Filtered emails for professor

• Help grade quizzes, essays and short answers test

• Complied all rubrics as a grading tool to use

• Help moderate class discussion board topic

• Constructed actual test and quizzes in the online test manager section

Dr. Robert Martin Notes

Robert Sidney Martin is Professor of Library Science and the Lillian Bradshaw Endowed Chair in the School of Library and Information Studies at Texas Woman’s University. In 2001 he was appointed by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the Senate to serve a four-year term as Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Prior to his appointment at IMLS, Martin served as Professor and as Interim Director in the School of Library and Information Studies at Texas Woman’s University from 1999 to 2001. From 1995 to 1999 he served as Director and Librarian of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. He was Associate Dean of Libraries for Special Collections at Louisiana State University from 1985 until 1995. Before that, he worked in the archives and special collections at the University of Texas at Arlington and the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Martin also served as Acting Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts from October, 2001, through January, 2002.

Dr. Martin has authored, co-authored, or edited several monographs, including The Impact of Outsourcing and Privatization on Library Services and Management (2000); Carnegie Denied: Communities Rejecting Carnegie Library Construction Grants, 1898-1925 (1993); Maps of Texas and the Southwest, 1513-1900 (1984, 1999); and Contours of Discovery: Printed Maps Delineating the Texas and Southwestern Chapters of the Cartographic History of North America, 1513-1930 (1982). He has served on the editorial boards of scholarly library journals such as American Archivist, Library Quarterly, Libraries and Culture and Meridian.

Martin has held elected and appointed roles in professional library and archives organizations. He has served as a member of the Council of the American Library Association (ALA). He was President of Beta Phi Mu, the national honor society for Library and Information Studies, from 2001 to 2003. Among the numerous awards and honors he has received are Distinguished Service Award, Texas Library Association; Distinguished Alumnus, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Distinguished Service Award, Society of Southwest Archivists; the Ainsworth Rand Spofford Award from the District of Columbia Library Association; and the Justin Winsor Prize from the American Library Association.

Dr. Martin has a Doctor of Philosophy in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a Master of Library Science from the University of North Texas, and a Bachelor of Arts in History from Rice University.

Non-College Retail Employment

|Experience |Foley’s Department Store, Vista Ridge Mall- Lewisville, TX | | |

| |Foley’s Department Store, Town East Mall, Mesquite, TX- Present | | |

| |Sales Associate | | |

| |April 1997 – Present | | |

| |Assist customers with merchandise selections in the Woman’s apparel and Domestic departments | | |

| |Complete store inventory and all appropriate paperwork | | |

| |Stock store merchandise for various store departments | | |

| |Merchandise the Woman’s apparel and Domestic departments | | |

| |Foley’s Diamond Star Customer Service Awards 1997 | | |

| |Foley’s President’s Gross Sales Awards 1997 | | |

| |Foley’s Selling Star Award (September 2003) Town East Mall, Texas | | |

| | | | |

| |Modern Woman/ Fitting Image/ Woman’s World, Vista Ridge Mall- Lewisville, TX | | |

| |Assistant Manager | | |

| |August 1994 – April 1997 | | |

| |Assisted retail buyers with merchandise selections for the store | | |

| |Organized fashion shows and merchandised the sales floor | | |

| |Stocked store merchandise | | |

| |Assisted in store documentation, accounting and hiring of new employees | | |

| |Handled customer inquiries and assisted in the training of all sales staff | | |

| |Assisted in planning all holiday events and store inventories | | |

| |Modern Woman’s/Fitting Image/Woman’s World Diamond Star Customer Service Award 199 and the President’s Gross Sales | | |

| |Award 1996 | | |

| |Woman’s World/ Fitting Image, Golden Triangle Mall- Denton, TX | |

| |Sales Supervisor | |

| |August 1991 – August 1994 | |

| |Accounted for all daily and nightly tills | |

| |Supervised store inventory and seven sales associates | |

| |Stocked store merchandise and merchandised sales floor | |

| |Assisted in the store’s monthly calendar of events | |

| |Organized and implemented all merchandising store plans | |

| |Assisted customers with merchandise selections | |

| |Modeled Merchandise | |

| |Woman’s World, Golden Triangle Mall- Denton, TX | |

| |Sales Associate | |

| |July 1989 – August 1994 | |

| |Assisted customers with merchandise selections | |

| |Stocked and merchandised the sales floor | |

| |Performed price changes | |

| |Opened and closed registers | |

| | | |

-My employment was characterized by full time, Extra On Call and part time jobs. ( I was not fired or let go from any of these jobs, I just had to return to Texas Woman’s University to finish my Bachelor of Science degree.)

ALL REFERENCES: College, Retail and Personal

Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX 77446

Juanita Walker

Assistant Director of Public Services



P.O. Box 519 MS#1040

Prairie View, TX 77446

Dr. R. Albritton


P.O. Box 519 MS#1040

Prairie View, TX 77446


Texas A & M- Commerce, Commerce TX – James G. Gee Library

Diane Downing

Information Literacy Librarian of the James G. Gee Library

Texas A & M- Commerce

903- 886-5716

Dr. Paul Zelhart

Past Director of James G. Gee Library


Craig Wheeler

Director for Public Services of the James G. Gee Library


Texas Woman's University ( Blagg- Huey Library ) Work References:

Elizabeth Snapp

Emeritus Director: Blagg-Huey Library

Texas Woman’s University

(940) 898-2665


Greg Hardin

Reference Librarian: Blagg-Huey Library

Texas Woman's University

(940) 898-3712


Suzanne Sweeney

Library II: Blagg-Huey Library

Texas Woman’s University

(940) 898-3758


Ann Barton

Library Assistant III: Blagg-Huey Library

Texas Woman’s University

(940) 898-3752


Dawn Letson

Assistant Director of Special Libraries:

Blagg-Huey Library

Texas Woman’s University

(940) 898-3754


Ellen Perlow

Children's Collection

Texas Woman’s University

Blagg-Huey Library

Denton, TX 76204



Stephany Compton

Distance Education Librarian

Texas Woman’s University

Blagg-Huey Library

Denton, TX 76204



Faculty: Texas Woman's University

• Dr. Linda Marshall, Sociology and Social Work Department

• Dr. Ruth Ann Ragland, TWU Mass Communication Department- Program Director, Academic Provost at UT-Brownsville

• Dr. Shannon Rich, Psychology Department

• Dr. Kimberly Zarkin,

• Dr. Nancy Bluemel, Library Science and Information Technology Department

• Dr. Phyllis Bridges, English Department

• Dr. Evelyn Curry, Library Science and Information Technology Department

• Dr. Mary Snyder, Library Science and Information Technology Department

• Cynthia M. , Department of Science

• Dr. James Alexander, History and Government Department

• Dr. Belfiglio, History and Government Department

• Dr. Monica Mendez-Grant, Vice President of Student Life

• Dr. Ann Stuart, TWU President and Chancellor

• Dr. Deborah Young, Fashion Textiles Department

• Dr. Evelyn Blagg Huey, Emeritus TWU President

• Ann Barton, TWU Blagg-Huey Library

• Elizabeth Snapp, TWU Blagg-Huey Library, director emeritus

• Dr. James Espinosa, Department of Science

• Dr. Paul Zelhart, Director of the James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce, texas a&m-commerce Dr. Evelyn Curry, Texas Woman’s University, Denton Texas


• Maria Bass

• Monica Isern

• Sara Ferris

• Joseph Pinson

• Jennifer Moore

• Adrienne Terenzoni

• Janice Taylor

• Jeannette Taylor

• Jennifer Aceves

• Alanna Jones

Retail Employment

• Teresa P- Foley’s Town East Mall- Mesquite, Texas

• Karen Curly- Foley’s Area Sales Manager First Floor- House ware and Table Top department, Town East Mall- Mesquite Texas

• Melissa Scott- Foley’s Manager Second Floor, Mesquite Texas

• Robert Lee- Foley’s Manager, Town East Mall- Mesquite, Texas

• Liz Carmen - Foley’s, Area Sales Manager First Floor- House ware and Table Top department Vista Ridge Mall-Lewisville Texas

• Margie Pena- Foley, Golden Triangle Mall –Denton Texas

• Karla Patrick- Foley’s, Manager,

• Mike- Foley’s, Human Resource manager,

Texas Woman’s University: School of Library and Information Studies Practicum


Ling Hwey Jeng, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

School of Library and Information Studies

Texas Woman's University Voice: (940) 898-2602

P.O. Box 425438 Fax: (940) 898-2611

Denton, TX 76204-5438 Email: LJeng@mail.twu.edu


Kimberly Michelle Gay

Texas Woman’s University

School of Library Science and Information Studies

Graduation Date: May 2006

Practicum Information:

Site: Texas A&M University-Commerce, James G. Gee Library (Academic Library)

Job Title: Library Assistant II- Reference Department

Office Number: 903-468-8107

Email: kimberly_gay@tamu-commerce.edu

Address Location: P.O. Box 3011; Commerce, Texas 75429-3011 (Hunt County)

Phone Number: 903-886-5720

Site Supervisor: Craig Wheeler, Assistant Director of Public Services and Humanitarian Librarian

Site Supervisor Contact Information: 903-886-5719; James G. Gee Library; 3011 Commerce, Texas 75429-3011

Duration: July 1, 2005- Present

Work Schedule:

Fall and Spring Semesters (Sunday 2:00-10:30 p.m.; Monday-Thursday 8:00-5:00 p.m.)

Summer Terms (Sunday 2:00-10:00 p.m.; Monday-Thursday 8:00-5:00 p.m.)

Job Duties: Library Assistant II- Reference Department

o Train and provide guidance to reference student assistants and graduate assistant along with library patrons in the use of hardware and software of the computer and databases in a professional manner.

o Supervise reference department student assistants and graduate assistants within the library structure. Schedule, supervise, assign, train, manage, hire, fire and evaluate duties performed by three-five reference student assistants and one graduate assistant in the reference department of the library.

o Initiate and participate in strategic planning for the integration of new technology and services into standard library procedures in a professional, accurate, and timely manner.

o Research and enlighten the assistant director of public services, the library director along with entire reference staff on any advancement and changes in library technology, academic library news and academic library services based upon services that are offered to Texas A&M University and the community at-large.

o Serve as the library’s representative to the TAMU- Commerce Memorial Student Center’s New Student and Transfer Transition Orientations during the summer months and to the new faculty for fall classes.

o Serve as public relations liaison and help disseminate James G. Gee Library news to various outlets such as: the East Texan, college newspaper, the radio and Television station of Commerce and Texas A&M University-Commerce.

o Provide direct public reference service as a part of the reference staff rotation as needed in a professional and accurate manner.

o Makes recommendation for and participate in the selection of materials and resources to be added to the reference collection and the entire library’s collection as a whole.

o Read and understand reference books, book reviews, and complicated procedures and manuals; read book titles and titles of other materials to help students formulate better research criteria.

o Have a working knowledge of the operation of work processing, spreadsheet and database software, personal computers and peripheral office equipment such as printers, faxes, copiers, typewriters, calculator, and other office equipment.

o Communicate orally both in person and by telephone about the library services that are offered to the Texas A&M University-Commerce community.

o Give library tours for the various high schools through-out the local area Hunt County area

o Have skills in establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationship with co-workers and visitors to the library.

o Assist patrons of all ages and backgrounds, in person, by email or by telephone, with researching information on a full variety of subjects.

o Give bibliographical educational classes in database information searching to students, faculty and staff of Texas A&M University-Commerce.

o Assist patrons in use of library equipment including the on-line catalog- LION, personal computers, microfilm and microfiche readers, printers and copiers.

o Work with archival, genealogical or vertical file collections.

o Open and Close all library Circulation and Reference functions for Sunday hours of the library those include: front and back doors, electrical lights and cash register and all other relevant closing and opening procedures.

o Serve on various library committees for the improvement of services that needs to be offered to the library’s community.

o Serve on the search committee for a Science Reference Librarian ( fall 2005, spring 2006)

James G. Gee Library Practicum/Employment Journal:

| |

|Reference Service- Desk Duty |

|Spring 2005 Monday& Thursday (3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) |

|Summer I-II- Monday- Thursday (3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) |

|Fall 2005 Monday-Thursday ( 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) |

|Library Committee Meetings: |

|Public Services |

|National Library Week |

|Public Relations |

|Reference Services |

|Bibliographic Instruction & Library Tour: |

|---September 21 & 23, 2004 (Five students learned basic research skills in proving their query words and relevant databases to search for information in their |

|related subject area. Plus they learned about various writing formats and copyright issues) |

|---September 22, 2004 ( Cooper High School- 25 students) Library tour and database workshop |

|---October 18, 2004 ( Lone Oak High School- 22 students) |

|--- February 1, 2005 (Two students learned basic research skills in proving their query words and relevant databases to search for information in their related |

|subject area. Plus they learned about various writing formats and copyright issues) |

|---March 28, 2005 (One student learned basic research skills in proving their query words and relevant databases to search for information in their related subject|

|area. Plus they learned about various writing formats and copyright issues) |

|--- September 21, 2004 Psychology Class- BI database training Academic Search Premier 37 students |

|--- August 29, 2005 North Hopkins High School library tour and database training. 30 students |

|---September 21, 2005 Cooper High School (Junior and Senior – dual credit college and high school- 60 students. Library tour and Internet research.) |

|TexShare: Continuing Education: |

|---TexShare Reference Workshop- Irving- October 11, 2004 |

|6.0 Contact Hours |

|Sponsored by: Amigos Library Services- Valli Hoski |

|TLA: District Meetings: |

|--- Texas Library Association- 2004 District 5 Fall Meeting- August 28, 2004. Richland College Dallas, TX- Steve Seale, Chairman District 5 Northeast Texas |

|Regional Library System Guest Speaker- The Hollywood Librarian, Ann M. Seidl |

|---Texas Library Association- 2005 District 5 Northeast Texas Regional Library System Fall Meeting- August 17, 2005. Robert E. Lee High School – Tyler, Texas- Eva |

|Poole- guest speaker past TLA |

|TLA: Annual Conference |

|---April 5-8, 2005- Austin Texas |

|Continuing Professional Education CPE |

|9.0 hours- SBEC |

|8.5 hours- TSLAC |

|--- March 17-20, 2004-San Antonio, Texas |

|Continuing Professional Education CPE |

|10.0 hours- SBEC |

|8.0 hours- TSLAC |

| |

|Soaring to Excellence- Library Teleconferences (College of Dupage) |

|---January 21, 2005- Dealing with difficulty people |

|--- February 18, 2005- Library Marketing |

|---April 29, 2005 – Library Hot topics for Today and Tomorrow |

|---June 3- Information Literacy |

|Work Products: |

|--- As Others See Us- James G. Gee Library Brochure |

|--- Fall 2004- James G. Gee Library Reference Department Newsletter |

|---Spring 2005- James G. Gee Library Reference Department Newsletter |

|--- Fall 2005- James G. Gee Library Reference Department Newsletter |

| |

|Media Features: |

|---Television show: Commerce Texas public access channel, guest speaker discussed TLA 2005 conference Austin and library endeavors |

|--- Featured in the TAMU-Commerce HOPE project DVD about the James G. Gee Library services that are offered for physical challenged students. DVD was sent out to |

|various community colleges and media outlets |

Public Service Announcement PSA

Texas A&M-University-Commerce

Commerce, TX

30-second PSA on the Commerce Association of Black Communicators organization. Advisors Kimberly M. Gay

Kimberly Michelle Gay (Professional Bio)


Texas Woman's University

Master of Library Science and Information Studies

May 2006

4. 0 GPA- Sum Cum Laude

Texas Woman's University

Bachelor of Science

May 2003

3.86 GPA- Magna Cum Laude

Major: Mass Communication

Minor: Sociology

Minor: Fashion and Textiles: Fashion Merchandising & Marketing

About Kimberly Michelle Gay,:  A native of Sulphur Springs, Texas, Ms. Gay graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communication in 2003 from Texas Woman’s University in Denton, Texas. She went on to receive a master's degree in Library Science and Information Studies, Suma Cum Laude from TWU as well.  Ms. Gay spent most of her career in retail management and customer service, where she worked for specialty and department retail stores. In 2006, she acquired her M.L.S. degree as an academic reference librarian and works at Prairie View A&M University- a Texas A&M University System in the John B. Coleman Library as a Reference and Instruction Librarian.

PROFESSIONAL Awards and Honors

• American Library Association: 2003 Spectrum Scholar Award

• Texas Library Association: 2003 Spectrum Scholar Award

• Texas Library Association Black Caucus: Library Science Graduate Student Conference Scholarship award- TLA Houston Texas April 25-28, 2006

• The Beta Lambda Chapter of Beta Phi Mu ( International Library and Information Studies Honor Society) Beta Phi Mu Scholarship Spring 2005- Texas Woman’s University and University of North Texas

• Lifetime inductee: The Beta Lambda Chapter of Beta Phi Mu ( International Library and Information Studies Honor Society: May 2006

• Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges: Spring 2006

• Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society 2003-present (member)

• Golden Key International Honour Society 2001-present ( lifetime member)

• Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society 2004- present ( lifetime member)


• Texas Library Association, member 2003-present. Divisions( College & University Libraries); TLA Black Caucus member and Councilor Alternative 2007-2008; Round Table:( Library Instruction, Genealogy Reference and Administration); TLA Distinct 5- Northeast Texas and District 7- North Texas; member.

• American Library Association, member 2003- present. Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL); Spectrum Scholar Initiative Program; ALA Black Caucus and Reference and User Services Association (RUSA)

• Texas Woman’s University GLISA (Graduate Library and Information Studies Association) member-at-large, steering committee member 2004-2005. A student chapter of the American Library Association


American Library Association:

o Presented a workshop at the JCLC Joint Conference of Librarians of Color October 9, 2006 Genealogy and Diversity 10:45 a.m to 12:15 p.m. Thursday October 9, 2006. Let History Be Your Guide: Ethnic Genealogy

Genealogy is about linking a family’s history from past to present. Through census reports to government documents, the task of finding information on a family’s history can be exhausting and when it is coupled with finding research on an ethnic family’s history the search can require even more avenues to explore. Many avenues can be explored in conducting genealogy research for an ethnic group. From searching ethnic newspapers to churches to property list, grave sites and tax papers, researching the genealogy history for an ethnic group requires using other options and creative research tools than the conventional methods.

Assisted the members of the Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Studies faculty and staff members with presentation and spoke for about 40 minutes on the researching ethnic genealogy( African-American, Asian, Hispanic and Native American . Kimberly M. Gay, M.L.S., presented "Let History Be Your Guide: Ethnic Genealogy Research" at the program, Genealogy and Diversity.

Texas Library Association:

o Presented a workshop at the TLA Conference in San Antonio, Texas March 17-20, 2004- LIS Students: On an Essential Profession, 4:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. Thursday March 18, 2004 Hear perspectives from library and information science students. Learn which issues they feel are critical to the profession and to the future of librarianship. Sponsored by the New Members Round Table. Assisted the members of the Texas Woman’s University Chapter of GLISA with presentation and spoke for about 10 minutes on the importance of diversity, building life-long learning skills in librarianship and the growth of computer technology in the field of libraries/librarians

o Presented a workshop at the TLA Conference in Houston, Texas April 25-28, 2006- Genealogy and Diversity 8:30 p.m. -9:50 a.m. Thursday April 27, 2006. Presentation: Ethnic Genealogy Research-“Let History Be Your Guide”

Genealogy is about linking a family’s history from past to present. Through census reports to government documents, the task of finding information on a family’s history can be exhausting and when it is coupled with finding research on an ethnic family’s history the search can require even more avenues to explore. Many avenues can be explored in conducting genealogy research for an ethnic group. From searching ethnic newspapers to churches to property list, grave sites and tax papers, researching the genealogy history for an ethnic group requires using other options and creative research tools than the conventional methods.

Assisted the members of the Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Studies faculty and staff members with presentation and spoke for about 20 minutes on the researching ethnic genealogy . Kimberly M. Gay, SLIS Master's student, presented "Let History Be Your Guide: Ethnic Genealogy Research" at the program, Genealogy and Diversity.

o Presented a workshop at the TLA District Five meeting (5) Saturday, September 23, 2006. Dallas Public Library Genealogy and Diversity 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Genealogy is about linking a family’s history from past to present. Through census reports to government documents, the task of finding information on a family’s history can be exhausting and when it is coupled with finding research on an ethnic family’s history the search can require even more avenues to explore. Many avenues can be explored in conducting genealogy research for an ethnic group. From searching ethnic newspapers to churches to property list, grave sites and tax papers, researching the genealogy history for an ethnic group requires using other options and creative research tools than the conventional methods.

o Presider at a a workshop at the TLA Conference in San Antonio, Texas April 11-14, 2007- Researching Family: Celebrating Culture, Libraries, and Tradition 10:15 - 11:50 AM. CPE#415: SBEC 1.0; TSLAC 1.0. Genealogists and librarians discuss how to help families research and record their history and traditions. They highlight how library services can help celebrate cultural diversity in the community and encourage the preservation of family history through events such as family reunions. A business meeting follows the program.

Kimberly Michele Gay, librarian, Prairie View A&M University; Betty Leal, manager, Dallas Public Library; Roderick Linzie, sociologist; Cheryl Smith, public services librarian, Harrington Library (Plano).


o The Raines County High School Reunion. May 5, 2006. Presentation on African American and Native American Genealogy. Hosted by Anthony Porter and Gwendolyn Law ( The A.C. McMillan African American Museum). Emory Texas.

Computer Skills:

❖ Word Perfect 6.0, Microsoft Office XP 2000

❖ Desk Top Publishing on Page Maker: basic and advance skills

❖ HTML/CSS/ XHTML handcoding/design: basic and advance skills

❖ Working knowledge of Adobe Acrobat (PDF): basic and advance skills

❖ Adobe Photoshop: basic and advance skills

❖ Photoshop Premier: basic and advance skills

❖ Web Page designing: basic and advance skills

❖ Internet: basic and advance skills

❖ Database/World Wide Web searching and data mining: basic and advance skills

❖ Ariel: a document transmission software and hardware system that uses the Internet to send and receive scanned journal articles

❖ Experienced user of Microsoft XP 2000- and beyond Suites:

*Word- basic and advance skills

*Access- : basic and advance skills

*Excel- : basic and advance skills

*PowerPoint- basic and advance skills

*Publisher: : basic and advance skills

*Front Page: basic and advance skills

❖ Windows Movie Maker

❖ Familiarity with Endeavor/Voyager software.

❖ Familiarity with JAVA and FTP: Web page designing and placement

❖ Comfortable with Macintosh and Windows operating systems 

❖ Familiarity with Dreamweaver software applications

Kimberly Michelle Gay

Prairie View A&M University (Texas A&M University System)

Title: Reference and Instruction Librarian

Office: 936-261-1506

Fax: 936-857-2755

Email: kmgay@pvamu.edu

126B John B. Coleman Library

John B. Coleman Library

P.O. Box 519 MS#1040

Prairie View, TX 77446

Texas Woman's University • Master of Library Science and Information Studies

May 2006

4. 0 GPA- Sum Cum Laude

Texas Woman's University • Bachelor of Science May 2003 3.86 GPA- Magna Cum Laude

Major: Mass Communication

Minor: Sociology

Minor: Fashion and Textiles: Fashion Merchandising & Marketing

Print Journalist and Photojournalist

Professional Development Activities: FY 2007-2008

Awards and Honors:

1. 2007-2008: Cambridge Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals.

2. 2008: Who’s Who Among African American Librarians

3. 2007-present: American Association of University Women

4. Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc (National) and AAHGS- H-Town ( Houston Local) 2008- present

New Texas Library Association Professional Development Appointments:

1.      Texas Library Association Black Caucus Roundtable Councilor Alternate 2007-2010

2.      Texas Library Association Genealogy Roundtable Chair-Elect 2007-2008. Chair 2008-2009.

3. Texas State Library and Archives Commission: Appointment to TexShare Education Services Working Group 2007-2010.

Texas Library Association Presentations/Conferences/District Meetings

• Attended Texas Library Association’s Texas Legislative Day. February 5-6, 2007. Austin Texas.

• Attended various workshops at the Texas Library Association Conference in San Antonio 2007, Texas April 11-14, 2007. Volunteered at the TLA Conference in San Antonio for TLA Black Caucus Booth, Texas Woman’s University Booth and at the Registration Booth.

• Conference Presenter: Presider at a workshop at the 2007 Texas Library Association Conference in San Antonio 2007, Texas April 11-14, 2007- Researching Family: Celebrating Culture, Libraries, and Tradition. Genealogists and librarians discuss how to help families research and record their history and traditions. They highlight how library services can help celebrate cultural diversity in the community and encourage the preservation of family history through events such as family reunions. A business meeting follows the program.

• Conference Presenter: Texas Library Association- District 8 Conference Books & Bytes on the Bayou on October 13, 2007 at Aldine High School, Houston, Texas. Presenter: From School Libraries to Academic Libraries: Your High School Senior is my College Freshman. (Train the Trainers) Excitement, Engagement and Enlightenment: Come learn some “best library practices” for ensuring the successful transition from school libraries to academic libraries for your high school seniors. >>


• Presenter: November 16, 2007. Tomball High School, ( Tomball, TX) “Got College Research Skills” From School Libraries to Academic Libraries: Your High School Senior is my College Freshman. Excitement, Engagement and Enlightenment: Come learn some “best library practices” for ensuring the successful transition from school libraries to academic libraries for high school seniors.

• Presenter: November 30, 2007. Thurgood Marshall High School, (Missouri City, TX)“Got College Research Skills” From School Libraries to Academic Libraries: Your High School Senior is my College Freshman. Excitement, Engagement and Enlightenment: Come learn some “best library practices” for ensuring the successful transition from school libraries to academic libraries for high school seniors.

• Presenter: February 1, 2008 George Bush High School, (Richmond, TX) “Got College Research Skills” From School Libraries to Academic Libraries: Your High School Senior is my College Freshman. Excitement, Engagement and Enlightenment: Come learn some “best library practices” for ensuring the successful transition from school libraries to academic libraries for high school seniors.

American Library Association Presentations/Conferences and Attendance

• Conference Presenter: Assistant Director, Juanita Walker and Reference and Instruction Librarian, Kimberly M. Gay. Black Caucus 6th National Conference of African American Librarians: Culture Keepers VI: Preserving the Past, Sustaining the Future in Forth Worth Texas August 2-5, 2007. Slated on the program for Friday, August 3, 2007 and presented a panel discussion on Keeping the Culture through Engagement, Enlightenment, and Empowerment in Genealogy researching from the Africa to the America.

• Focus Group Participator: ProQuest Database Focus Group: BCALA: 6th annual African-American Librarian’s Conference. Participated in a ProQuest Database Focus Group for ProQuest African-American resources. August 4, 2007

Historical Black Colleges and Universities Library Alliance Conferences:

• Attended the HBCU Information Literacy Leadership Fellowship Institute in Charlotte, NC ( February 10-15, 2008) Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was chosen to take part in the HBCU (Mellon Grant) Information Literacy Institute. The ILLI convened in Charlotte, North Carolina from February 10 to 15, 2008 on the campus of Johnson C. Smith University and the James B. Duke Memorial Library. This Institute provided opportunities for libraries that do not have an information literacy instruction program to develop both a program and an implementation plan for their university and library. >> >>

University of Houston Lecture Seminar

• Visiting seminar lecturer at University of Houston’s African American Studies Department. Conducted a seminar lecture on Africana Genealogy on Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 10 a.m. in the Agnes Arnold Hall Suite 628. The topic of the lecture was Minority Genealogical Research: Keeping the Cultures through Engagement, Enlightenment and Empowerment

Library Presentations

• Conference Presenter: Presider: EAST TEXAS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION . SPRING PROGRAM Beaumont, Texas. February 15-17, 2007. February 16, 2007 SESSION X-African Americans in East Texas >>

Publications/News Features

• Publication: Featured in the American Library Association’s National Worker’s Day Website.  April 17, 2007. John Coleman Library: Library Staff Star

• Publication:  Summer 2007- Reference and Instruction Librarian, Kimberly M. Gay is featured in the Summer 2007 issue of the Texas Library Journal. The title of the article, A Librarian’s Tell: Losing Weight by Gaining Will Power and Words of Wisdom

Prairie View A&M University-Professional Development Workshops/Committees/Presents

1. PowerPoint 2003 Advance: April 24, 2007

2. Fair Use in Higher Education ( applying Copyright laws in your college: April 5, 2007

3. Time Management: May 2007

4. Emergency Preparedness: May 30, 2007

5. PV PAWS-Hiring Manger: June 2007

6. Creating World Class Customer Service: June 11, 2007

7. Conflict-what Type got to do with it: June 26, 2007

8. Stress Management: June 28, 2007

9. Building Learning Communities with RSS feeds, Wikis, and Blogs: January 25, 2007

• Invitation to join the Learning Effectiveness Team for Prairie View A&M University by Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. February 2008

• PVAMU Women’s History Month Committee member since 2007

• Presenter: Prairie View A&M 10th Annual Student Leadership Institute (SLI), August 8-11, 2007. August 10, 2007. Presentation: Goal Setting and Motivation. (two hours) handouts and lecture series. Hosted by the Student Leadership Institute

Kimberly Michelle Gay

Prairie View A&M University (Texas A&M University System)

Title: Reference and Instruction Librarian

Office: 936-261-1506

Fax: 936-857-2755

Email: kmgay@pvamu.edu

126B John B. Coleman Library

John B. Coleman Library

P.O. Box 519 MS#1040

Prairie View, TX 77446

Texas Woman's University • Master of Library Science and Information Studies

May 2006

4. 0 GPA- Sum Cum Laude

Texas Woman's University • Bachelor of Science May 2003 3.86 GPA- Magna Cum Laude

Major: Mass Communication

Minor: Sociology

Minor: Fashion and Textiles: Fashion Merchandising & Marketing

Print Journalist and Photojournalist

Professional Development Activities: FY 2007-2008

Awards and Honors:

5. 2007-2008: Cambridge Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals.

6. 2008: Who’s Who Among African American Librarians

7. 2007-present: American Association of University Women

8. Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc (National) and AAHGS- H-Town ( Houston Local) 2008- present

New Texas Library Association Professional Development Appointments:

1.      Texas Library Association Black Caucus Roundtable Councilor Alternate 2007-2010

2.      Texas Library Association Genealogy Roundtable Chair-Elect 2007-2008. Chair 2008-2009.

4. Texas State Library and Archives Commission: Appointment to TexShare Education Services Working Group 2007-2010.

Texas Library Association Presentations/Conferences/District Meetings

• Attended Texas Library Association’s Texas Legislative Day. February 5-6, 2007. Austin Texas.

• Attended various workshops at the Texas Library Association Conference in San Antonio 2007, Texas April 11-14, 2007. Volunteered at the TLA Conference in San Antonio for TLA Black Caucus Booth, Texas Woman’s University Booth and at the Registration Booth.

• Conference Presenter: Presider at a workshop at the 2007 Texas Library Association Conference in San Antonio 2007, Texas April 11-14, 2007- Researching Family: Celebrating Culture, Libraries, and Tradition. Genealogists and librarians discuss how to help families research and record their history and traditions. They highlight how library services can help celebrate cultural diversity in the community and encourage the preservation of family history through events such as family reunions. A business meeting follows the program.

• Conference Presenter: Texas Library Association- District 8 Conference Books & Bytes on the Bayou on October 13, 2007 at Aldine High School, Houston, Texas. Presenter: From School Libraries to Academic Libraries: Your High School Senior is my College Freshman. (Train the Trainers) Excitement, Engagement and Enlightenment: Come learn some “best library practices” for ensuring the successful transition from school libraries to academic libraries for your high school seniors. >>


• Presenter: November 16, 2007. Tomball High School, ( Tomball, TX) “Got College Research Skills” From School Libraries to Academic Libraries: Your High School Senior is my College Freshman. Excitement, Engagement and Enlightenment: Come learn some “best library practices” for ensuring the successful transition from school libraries to academic libraries for high school seniors.

• Presenter: November 30, 2007. Thurgood Marshall High School, (Missouri City, TX)“Got College Research Skills” From School Libraries to Academic Libraries: Your High School Senior is my College Freshman. Excitement, Engagement and Enlightenment: Come learn some “best library practices” for ensuring the successful transition from school libraries to academic libraries for high school seniors.

• Presenter: February 1, 2008 George Bush High School, (Richmond, TX) “Got College Research Skills” From School Libraries to Academic Libraries: Your High School Senior is my College Freshman. Excitement, Engagement and Enlightenment: Come learn some “best library practices” for ensuring the successful transition from school libraries to academic libraries for high school seniors.

• Presenter and Presider: TLA Dallas 2008 Conference: April 15-18, 2008. Collection Development Resources for Patrons of Color Friday, April 18, 2008 @ 8:00 - 9:50 am. Gather all the data needed to provide the best library collection for patrons of color. Explore the newest trends, services, and resources from websites to databases to books. A business meeting follows the program. Kimberly Michelle Gay, academic reference and instruction librarian, Prairie View A&M University; Lana Hayes, librarian, DeBakey High School, Houston ISD; Judith Hiott, coordinator of materials selection, Houston Public Library; Eileen Liu, president, Tsai Fong Books, Inc.

• Presenter: Black Caucus Round Table Executive Meeting at the TLA Dallas 2008 Conference: April 15-18, 2008.

• Attended: EBSCOhost Academic Luncheon at TLA Dallas 2008 Conference: April 15-18, 2008. Participated in learning about the new Web 2.0 features for the databases in the EBSCOhost vendor package

• Volunteered at the TLA Dallas 2008 Conference: April 15-18, 2008. TLA Black Caucus Booth, and at the Registration Booth.

• Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian attended the Texas Library Association’s Annual Assembly in Austin Texas July 7-10, 2008. Ms. Gay is the chair 2008-2009 of the TLA Genealogy Roundtable, TLA Black Caucus Roundtable Councilor Alternate 2007-2010 and a Working Group member of the TexShare Education Services 2007-2010. She planned programs and events for Genealogy Round Table at the TLA Houston Conference 2009 and attend various workshops on TLA Legislative Day 2009, Transforming Texas Libraries and TLA, Chair Training, and TLA Black Caucus.

American Library Association Presentations/Conferences and Attendance

• Conference Presenter: Assistant Director, Juanita Walker and Reference and Instruction Librarian, Kimberly M. Gay. Black Caucus 6th National Conference of African American Librarians: Culture Keepers VI: Preserving the Past, Sustaining the Future in Forth Worth Texas August 2-5, 2007. Slated on the program for Friday, August 3, 2007 and presented a panel discussion on Keeping the Culture through Engagement, Enlightenment, and Empowerment in Genealogy researching from the Africa to the America.

• Focus Group Participator: ProQuest Database Focus Group: BCALA: 6th annual African-American Librarian’s Conference. Participated in a ProQuest Database Focus Group for ProQuest African-American resources. August 4, 2007

Historical Black Colleges and Universities Library Alliance Conferences:

• Fellowship: Attended the HBCU Information Literacy Leadership Institute in Charlotte, NC ( February 10-15, 2008) Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was chosen to take part in the HBCU (Mellon Grant) Information Literacy Institute. The ILLI convened in Charlotte, North Carolina from February 10 to 15, 2008 on the campus of Johnson C. Smith University and the James B. Duke Memorial Library. This Institute provided opportunities for libraries that do not have an information literacy instruction program to develop both a program and an implementation plan for their university and library. >> >>

University of Houston Lecture Seminar

• Presenter: Visiting seminar lecturer at University of Houston’s African American Studies Department. Conducted a seminar lecture on Africana Genealogy on Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 10 a.m. in the Agnes Arnold Hall Suite 628. The topic of the lecture was Minority Genealogical Research: Keeping the Cultures through Engagement, Enlightenment and Empowerment

Library Presentations

• Conference Presenter: Presider: EAST TEXAS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION . SPRING PROGRAM Beaumont, Texas. February 15-17, 2007. February 16, 2007 SESSION X-African Americans in East Texas >>

Publications/News Features

• Publication: Featured in the American Library Association’s National Worker’s Day Website.  April 17, 2007. John Coleman Library: Library Staff Star

• Publication:  Summer 2007- Reference and Instruction Librarian, Kimberly M. Gay is featured in the Summer 2007 issue of the Texas Library Journal. The title of the article, A Librarian’s Tell: Losing Weight by Gaining Will Power and Words of Wisdom

Prairie View A&M University-Professional Development Workshops/Committees/Presents

1. PowerPoint 2003 Advance: April 24, 2007

2. Fair Use in Higher Education ( applying Copyright laws in your college: April 5, 2007

3. Time Management: May 2007

4. Emergency Preparedness: May 30, 2007

5. PV PAWS-Hiring Manger: June 2007

6. Creating World Class Customer Service: June 11, 2007

7. Conflict-what Type got to do with it: June 26, 2007

8. Stress Management: June 28, 2007

9. Building Learning Communities with RSS feeds, Wikis, and Blogs: January 25, 2007

• Invitation to join the Learning Effectiveness Team for Prairie View A&M University by Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. February 2008

• PVAMU Women’s History Month Committee member since 2007

• Presenter: Prairie View A&M 10th Annual Student Leadership Institute (SLI), August 8-11, 2007. August 10, 2007. Presentation: Goal Setting and Motivation. (two hours) handouts and lecture series. Hosted by the Student Leadership Institute

• Learning Effectiveness Team for Prairie View A&M University Committee member meeting April 2008 (Academic Affairs)… Invitation to join the Learning Effectiveness Team for Prairie View A&M University by Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. February 2008

• Learning Effectiveness Team for Prairie View A&M University Committee member meeting May 2008 ( Academic Affairs)

• Women’s History Month Committee member meeting January 2008 ( Student Affairs)

• Women’s History Month Committee member meeting February 2008 (Student Affairs)

Respectfully submitted,

Kimberly M. Gay

1. Named Co-editor of a new PVAMU custom made textbook for the Communication Classes: A handbook on the fundamentals of Speech. 2008. Pearson’s Publishing Company. In collaboration with Dr. Burke and Professor Sviland in the communication department. I will get my personal copy in the next month.

2. The John B. Coleman Library/ The information literacy committee: I have just been invited to attend: Post-ILLI Information Literacy Leadership Institute is to afford participants the opportunity to share their proposals, and receive feedback and additional assessment training from consultants. Upon the conclusion of the Post-ILLI, there will be a partnering system implemented for ongoing support of Information Literacy efforts. The institute session will be held October 10-12, 2008. JCSU is again the official agency offering the Post-ILLI, and all of the Post-ILLI activities will be held at the Hilton City Center in downtown Charlotte, NC

3. Congratulations! Your link: has been approved for PBwiki Public Directory.

Thank you,

PBwiki Administration Team


a. web20kmg. Kimberly M. Gay- Web 20

b. PBwiki directory ( Educational- College and University- Individual University classes

Web 2.0 Academic Library Information Literacy


Description: This informative PBwiki holds a wealth of information as it relates to general and advance query about College and University libraries at one library in particular. From Academic Library Information Literacy Development to fundamental issues of Copyright and Plagiarism and basic information on Got Library Skills to Library Instruction for business classes, this informative PBwiki highlights resources available to help students transcend and translate Library Information Literacy Skills.

6. 15th National HBCU Faculty Development Symposium scheduled October 23-25, 2008, in Washington, DC. Guest speaker- "Reflections on Reading Research--Sociological and Educational Implications:  Best Practices"


      -  Overview of Presentation:     Dr. Clarissa Gamble Booker


      -  Sociological Reflections and Implications:  Case Studies

           -  Dr. Sarah B. Williams


      -  Best Practices:  Thinking, Reading, and Writing Strategies

              Dr. Clarissa Gamble Booker


      -  The Librarian's Role

              Ms. Kimberly M. Gay 

Professional Development PVAMU 2009-2010

Guest Lecture: Dr. Booker

Taught three classes:

COURSE TTH Enrollment Location

1. RDNG 3603 Eval Rdng Performan P02 9:30 a.m.-10:50 a.m. 39 students SRCO, room 225

2. RDNG 3643 Meth of Tchng Elem P01 11:00 a.m.-12:20 p.m. 32 students SRCO, room 224

3. RDNG 3623 Linguistics in Rdng P01 2:00 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. 41 students SRCO, room 331

Ms. Gay,

Thanks for agreeing to serve as a guest lecturer for reading courses on Thursday, February 4, 2010.

Please refer to the attachment concerning information for reading courses, times, days, enrollment, and locations.


Professor Clarissa Gamble Booker                      cgbooker@pvamu.edu

Coordinator, Reading Program                             936-261-3408                 Office

Sid W. Richardson Fellow                                  

President’s Teaching Award 2007

Dean’s Excellence Award 2007

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Whitlowe R. Green College of Education

Prairie View A&M University

Prairie View, TX  77446

Ms. Kimberly Gay


John B. Coleman Library

Prairie View A&M University

Prairie View, TX 77446

Dear Ms. Gay,

This E-mail is an official invitation inviting you to serve as a guest lecturer for the graduate reading course, RDNG 5633 Teaching Reading in Secondary School, on Saturday, October 31, 2009, from 11:00 a.m.-1:50 p.m., John B. Coleman Library, room 108.

There are twenty-one graduate students enrolled in RDNG 5633.

The title of the presentation is “Literacy: Research Tools and the Librarian.” In the presentation, will you include data about the John B. Coleman Library, research skills, documentation, databases, and other pertinent information on this topic?

May I hear from you soon concerning confirmation of this request?


Professor Clarissa Gamble Booker cgbooker@pvamu.edu


Sid W. Richardson Fellow

2007 President’s Teaching Award

2007 Dean’s Excellence Award

Spring 2009 The Texas A&M University System Excellence in Teaching Award

Kimberly Michelle Gay

Genealogy Professional Bio


Prairie View A&M University (Texas A&M University System)

Title: Reference and Instruction Librarian

Office: 936-261-1506

Fax: 936-857-2755

Email: kmgay@pvamu.edu

126B John B. Coleman Library

John B. Coleman Library

P.O. Box 519 MS#1040

Prairie View, TX 77446

Kimberly M. Gay:  Professional Bio

Kimberly Michelle Gay is the Reference and Instruction Librarian I at the John B. Coleman Library of Prairie View A&M University- a Texas A&M University System.  Plus, she is the Library Liaison for the College of Business, Literature & Languages, and Communication & Journalism Departments.  She graduated Magna Cum Laude 3.89 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communication (Print Journalism) in 2003 from Texas Woman’s University in Denton, Texas. She went on to receive a master's degree in Library Science and Information Studies, Suma Cum Laude 4.0 from TWU as well in May 2006.  She is a Lifetime inductee in the Beta Lambda Chapter of Beta Phi Mu (International Library and Information Studies Honor Society).  Prior to her working at the John B. Coleman Library, Kimberly was a Library Assistant II at Texas A&M University- Commerce. She has more than eight years of academic library experience, and five years of genealogy researching and has presented more than eight Genealogy workshops. She is an active member and 2003 Spectrum Scholar for both the Texas Library Association and the American Library Association. Texas Library Association organizations include: Divisions: College & University Libraries; Round Tables: TLA Black Caucus- member and Councilor Alternate 2007-2010; Library Instruction Round Table-Member, Genealogy- member and Chair-elect 2007-2008- Chair- 2008-2009. and Reference Round Table); TLA district areas that she is associated with are: Distinct 5- Northeast Texas, District 7- North Texas and  District 8- Houston. She also was recently appointed to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission: Appointment to TexShare Education Services Working Group 2007-2010. American Library Association organizations include: Black Caucus; Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL); Reference and User Services Association (RUSA); Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS). Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc (National) and AAHGS- H-Town (Houston, Texas Local) 2008- present, AfriGeneas member.


Texas Woman's University  • Master of Library Science and Information Studies 

  May 2006

  4. 0 GPA- Sum Cum Laude   


[pic]Texas Woman's University  • Bachelor of Science May 2003  3.86 GPA- Magna Cum Laude

 Major: Mass Communication

                                        Minor: Sociology                                             

Minor: Fashion and Textiles: Fashion Merchandising & Marketing   

                                                 Print Journalist and Photojournalist


Professional Development Activities:


Awards and Honors:


1. 2007-2008: Cambridge Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals.

2. 2008: Who’s Who Among African American Librarians

3. 2007-present: American Association of University Women

4. Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc (National) and AAHGS- H-Town ( Houston Local) 2008- present


New Texas Library Association Professional Development Appointments:


1.      Texas Library Association Black Caucus Roundtable Councilor Alternate 2007-2010

2.      Texas Library Association Genealogy Roundtable Chair-Elect 2007-2008. Chair 2008-2009.

3.      Texas State Library and Archives Commission: Appointment to TexShare Education Services Working Group 2007-2010.


Texas Library Association and American Library Association Genealogy Conference Presentations:



• Presenter and Presider: TLA Dallas 2008 Conference:  April 15-18, 2008. Collection Development Resources for Patrons of Color Friday, April 18, 2008 @ 8:00 - 9:50 am. Gather all the data needed to provide the best library collection for patrons of color. Explore the newest trends, services, and resources from websites to databases to books. A business meeting follows the program. Kimberly Michelle Gay, academic reference and instruction librarian, Prairie View A&M University; Lana Hayes, librarian, DeBakey High School, Houston ISD; Judith Hiott, coordinator of materials selection, Houston Public Library; Eileen Liu, president, Tsai Fong Books, Inc.

• Presented a workshop at the TLA District Five meeting (5) Saturday, September 23, 2006. Dallas Public Library Genealogy and Diversity 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Genealogy is about linking a family’s history from past to present. Through census reports to government documents, the task of finding information on a family’s history can be exhausting and when it is coupled with finding research on an ethnic family’s history the search can require even more avenues to explore. Many avenues can be explored in conducting genealogy research for an ethnic group. From searching ethnic newspapers to churches to property list, grave sites and tax papers, researching the genealogy history for an ethnic group requires using other options and creative research tools than the conventional methods.

• Presented a workshop at the TLA Conference in Houston, Texas April 25-28, 2006- Genealogy and Diversity 8:30 a.m. -9:50 a.m. Thursday April 27, 2006.

Genealogy is about linking a family’s history from past to present. Through census reports to government documents, the task of finding information on a family’s history can be exhausting and when it is coupled with finding research on an ethnic family’s history the search can require even more avenues to explore. Many avenues can be explored in conducting genealogy research for an ethnic group. From searching ethnic newspapers to churches to property list, grave sites and tax papers, researching the genealogy history for an ethnic group requires using other options and creative research tools than the conventional methods.

Assisted the members of the Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Studies faculty and staff members with presentation and spoke for about 20 minutes on the researching ethnic genealogy. Kimberly M. Gay, SLIS Master's student, presented "Let History Be Your Guide: Ethnic Genealogy Research" at the program, Genealogy and Diversity.

• Presider at a workshop at the TLA Conference in San Antonio, Texas April 11-14, 2007- Researching Family: Celebrating Culture, Libraries, and Tradition 10:15 - 11:50 AM. CPE#415: SBEC 1.0; TSLAC 1.0. Genealogists and librarians discuss how to help families research and record their history and traditions. They highlight how library services can help celebrate cultural diversity in the community and encourage the preservation of family history through events such as family reunions. A business meeting follows the program. Kimberly Michele Gay, librarian, Prairie View A&M University; Betty Leal, manager, Dallas Public Library; Roderick Linzie, sociologist; Cheryl Smith, public services librarian, Harrington Library (Plano).

• Presented a workshop at the Joint Colors of Librarians Conference (American Library Association) October 9, 2006 Genealogy and Diversity 10:45 a.m to 12:15 p.m.. Thursday October 9, 2006. Let History Be Your Guide: Ethnic Genealogy. Genealogy is about linking a family’s history from past to present. Through census reports to government documents, the task of finding information on a family’s history can be exhausting and when it is coupled with finding research on an ethnic family’s history the search can require even more avenues to explore. Many avenues can be explored in conducting genealogy research for an ethnic group. From searching ethnic newspapers to churches to property list, grave sites and tax papers, researching the genealogy history for an ethnic group requires using other options and creative research tools than the conventional methods. Assisted the members of the Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Studies faculty and staff members with presentation and spoke for about 40 minutes on the researching ethnic genealogy( African-American, Asian, Hispanic and Native American . Kimberly M. Gay, M.L.S., presented "Let History Be Your Guide: Ethnic Genealogy Research" at the program, Genealogy and Diversity.

• Presented workshop with Assistant Director, Juanita Walker and Reference and Instruction Librarian, Kimberly M. Gay. Black Caucus 6th National Conference of African American Librarians: Culture Keepers VI: Preserving the Past, Sustaining the Future in Forth Worth Texas August 2-5, 2007. Slated on the program for Friday, August 3, 2007 to present a panel discussion on Keeping the Culture through Engagement, Enlightenment, and Empowerment in Genealogy researching from the Africa to the America.

Program Description:Come gather all librarians to exchange those “Best Practices” for serving library patrons who are researching genealogy reference resources. Genealogists and librarians will address, discuss and exchange innovative was to help librarians interact with their library patrons who are seeking information on historical and genealogical research records and repositories; Africa Genealogy resources and African-American Genealogy research. Participants are encouraged to bring examples of their genealogy researching to share. Have you had your DNA charted for genealogy purposes? Want to know how to help your library patrons trace what African tribe they are a descendant from? This panel discussion forum will provide a research framework and give librarians the opportunity to share their enjoyment and disappointment on genealogy reference services for their library patrons. From DNA testing to African Tribes to Genealogy Websites and many unconventional resources for Africa and African-American Genealogy resources, librarians come and gain some excitement and encouragement to give your library patrons when they are conducting Africa and African-American Genealogy information.


University of Houston Lecture Seminar


• Presenter: Visiting seminar lecturer at University of Houston’s African American Studies Department. Conducted a seminar lecture on Africana Genealogy on Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 10 a.m. in the Agnes Arnold Hall Suite 628. The topic of the lecture was Minority Genealogical Research: Keeping the Cultures through Engagement, Enlightenment and Empowerment. Director of the University of Houston’s African American Studies Department, Dr. James L. Conyers, Jr.


Prairie View A&M University

Mon., June 23rd, 2008:

11:00 AM-12:50 PM RI [Gay]: SOCG 2003 001 Minorities in American Society. [20] / Dr. Sarah B. Williams (936-261-3221 or sbwilliams@pvamu.edu). (To be confirmed -- 123 New Science Bldg Computer Lab).

Course includes the development of sociological ramifications and assessments of minorities in the field of genealogical research and how those genealogy research endeavors impact societal views and assumptions about minorities and their historical value in America. This course will identify major challenges in genealogical research for people of underrepresented heritages, including African Americans, American Indians (Native Americans), Hispanics and Asian Americans. Handouts (at Instructor's discretion).

Library Presentations


• Conference Presenter: Presider:  EAST TEXAS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION . SPRING PROGRAM  Beaumont, Texas. February 15-17, 2007. February 16, 2007  SESSION X-African Americans in East Texas  >>


HBUC Faculty Development Symposium

October 23-25, 2008 Howard University. Washington DC .

Title of Presentation:


     "Reflections on Reading Research--Sociological and Educational Implications:  Best Practices"


      -  Overview of Presentation:     Dr. Clarissa Gamble Booker


      -  Sociological Reflections and Implications:  Case Studies

           -  Dr. Sarah B. Williams


      -  Best Practices:  Thinking, Reading, and Writing Strategies

              Dr. Clarissa Gamble Booker


      -  The Librarian's Role

              Ms. Kimberly M. Gay 


PVAMU Eleventh (11th) Annual Student Leadership Institute (SLI) – Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders Today. We enthusiastically look forward to the following presentation:

Guest Speaker: (does not conflict with my reference desk time)

• Leadership 2008: Goal Setting and Motivation(

Thursday, August 14, 2008

1:05 pm – 2:35 pm Prairie View A&M University New Science Building, RM A101

Guest Speaker engagement

Got an invitation to represent PVAMU, John B. Coleman Library in Saginaw and Flint Michigan for two-day workshops on Minority Genealogy the last weekend in September 26, 27, 2008. of this year. Friday- train the public librarians, Saturday- general public seminar. All of my travel, hotel and meals expenses are being taking care by two sponsors: Mideastern Michigan Library Cooperative and the Saginaw Library Public Library System. The two days of travel do not interfere with my work days.

Respectfully submitted,

Kimberly M. Gay

August 2, 2008

BIO 2010

A native of Sulphur Springs, Texas, Ms. Gay graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communication in 2003 from Texas Woman’s University in Denton, Texas. She went on to receive a master's degree in Library Science and Information Studies, Suma Cum Laude from TWU as well.  Ms. Gay spent most of her career in retail management and customer service, where she worked for specialty and department retail stores. In 2006, she acquired her M.L.S. degree as an academic reference librarian and works at Prairie View A&M University- a Texas A&M University System in the John B. Coleman Library as a Reference and Instruction Librarian. She is a Lifetime inductee in the Beta Lambda Chapter of Beta Phi Mu (International Library and Information Studies Honor Society. She has more than eight years of academic library experience and she is an active member and 2003 Spectrum Scholar for both the Texas Library Association and the American Library Association. Texas Library Association organizations include: Divisions (College & University Libraries); TLA Black Caucus; Round Table :( Library Instruction, Genealogy and Reference ); TLA Black Caucus Councilor Alternative 2007-2008; TLA Past Chair 2009 Genealogy Round Table, TLA Black Caucus Scholarship Chair; TLA district areas that she is associated with are: Distinct 5- Northeast Texas, District 7- North Texas and  District 8- Houston.


1. Texas Library Association $137.50 >>

2. American Library Association $130 >>

3. International Library & Information Studies Honor Society Beta Phi Mu. Chapter Dues Denton/TWU $25.00 >>

4. Friends of the Northwest Harris County Library $10.00 >>

5. Clayton Friends of the Library $20.00 >> and >>

6. African American Genealogy National $35.00 >>

7. African American Genealogy Houston, Texas . Htown Local Chapter $20.00>>

8. Texas Genealogical Society$25.00 >>

9. Hopkins County Genealogical Society $20.00>>

10. Sulphur Springs Friends of the Public Library$10.00 >>

11. National Genealogical Society $60.00 >>

Kimberly Michelle Gay

Genealogy Professional Bio


Prairie View A&M University (Texas A&M University System)

Title: Academic Reference and Instruction Librarian

Office: 936-261-1506

Fax: 936-857-2755

Email: kmgay@pvamu.edu

126B John B. Coleman Library

John B. Coleman Library

P.O. Box 519 MS#1040

Prairie View, TX 77446

Kimberly M. Gay:  Professional Bio

Kimberly Michelle Gay is the Reference and Instruction Librarian I at the John B. Coleman Library of Prairie View A&M University- a Texas A&M University System.  Plus, she is the Library Liaison for the College of Business, Literature & Languages, and Communication & Journalism Departments.  She graduated Magna Cum Laude 3.89 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communication (Print Journalism) in 2003 from Texas Woman’s University in Denton, Texas. She went on to receive a master's degree in Library Science and Information Studies, Suma Cum Laude 4.0 from TWU as well in May 2006.  She is a Lifetime inductee in the Beta Lambda Chapter of Beta Phi Mu (International Library and Information Studies Honor Society).  Prior to her working at the John B. Coleman Library, Kimberly was a Library Assistant II at Texas A&M University- Commerce. She has more than eight years of academic library experience, and five years of genealogy researching and has presented more than eight Genealogy workshops. She is an active member and 2003 Spectrum Scholar for both the Texas Library Association and the American Library Association. Texas Library Association organizations include: Divisions: College & University Libraries; Round Tables: TLA Black Caucus- member and Councilor Alternate 2007-2010; Library Instruction Round Table-Member, Genealogy- member and Chair-elect 2007-2008- Chair- 2008-2009. and Reference Round Table); TLA district areas that she is associated with are: Distinct 5- Northeast Texas, District 7- North Texas and  District 8- Houston. She also was recently appointed to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission: Appointment to TexShare Education Services Working Group 2007-2010. American Library Association organizations include: Black Caucus; Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL); Reference and User Services Association (RUSA); Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS). Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc (National) and AAHGS- H-Town (Houston, Texas Local) 2008- present, AfriGeneas member.


Texas Woman's University  • Master of Library Science and Information Studies 

  May 2006

  4. 0 GPA- Sum Cum Laude   


[pic]Texas Woman's University  • Bachelor of Science May 2003  3.86 GPA- Magna Cum Laude

 Major: Mass Communication

                                        Minor: Sociology                                             

Minor: Fashion and Textiles: Fashion Merchandising & Marketing   

                                                 Print Journalist and Photojournalist


Professional Development Activities:


Awards and Honors :


5. 2007-2008: Cambridge Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals.

6. 2008: Who’s Who Among African American Librarians

7. 2007-present: American Association of University Women

8. Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc (National) and AAHGS- H-Town ( Houston Local) 2008- present


Genealogy Organizations:

1. Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc (National)2008- Present

2. Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc AAHGS- H-Town ( Houston Local) 2008- present

3. Hopkins County Genealogical Society- 2008- Present

4. Texas State Genealogical Society - 2008-Present

5. Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research- Friends of the family


New Texas Library Association Professional Development Appointments:


1.      Texas Library Association Black Caucus Roundtable Councilor Alternate 2007-2010

2.      Texas Library Association Genealogy Roundtable Chair-Elect 2007-2008. Chair 2008-2009.

3.      Texas State Library and Archives Commission: Appointment to TexShare Education Services Working Group 2007-2010.


Texas Library Association and American Library Association Genealogy Conference Presentations:



• Presenter and Presider: TLA Dallas 2008 Conference:  April 15-18, 2008. Collection Development Resources for Patrons of Color Friday, April 18, 2008 @ 8:00 - 9:50 am. Gather all the data needed to provide the best library collection for patrons of color. Explore the newest trends, services, and resources from websites to databases to books. A business meeting follows the program. Kimberly Michelle Gay, academic reference and instruction librarian, Prairie View A&M University; Lana Hayes, librarian, DeBakey High School, Houston ISD; Judith Hiott, coordinator of materials selection, Houston Public Library; Eileen Liu, president, Tsai Fong Books, Inc.

• Presented a workshop at the TLA District Five meeting (5) Saturday, September 23, 2006. Dallas Public Library Genealogy and Diversity 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Genealogy is about linking a family’s history from past to present. Through census reports to government documents, the task of finding information on a family’s history can be exhausting and when it is coupled with finding research on an ethnic family’s history the search can require even more avenues to explore. Many avenues can be explored in conducting genealogy research for an ethnic group. From searching ethnic newspapers to churches to property list, grave sites and tax papers, researching the genealogy history for an ethnic group requires using other options and creative research tools than the conventional methods.

• Presented a workshop at the TLA Conference in Houston, Texas April 25-28, 2006- Genealogy and Diversity 8:30 a.m. -9:50 a.m. Thursday April 27, 2006.

Genealogy is about linking a family’s history from past to present. Through census reports to government documents, the task of finding information on a family’s history can be exhausting and when it is coupled with finding research on an ethnic family’s history the search can require even more avenues to explore. Many avenues can be explored in conducting genealogy research for an ethnic group. From searching ethnic newspapers to churches to property list, grave sites and tax papers, researching the genealogy history for an ethnic group requires using other options and creative research tools than the conventional methods.

Assisted the members of the Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Studies faculty and staff members with presentation and spoke for about 20 minutes on the researching ethnic genealogy. Kimberly M. Gay, SLIS Master's student, presented "Let History Be Your Guide: Ethnic Genealogy Research" at the program, Genealogy and Diversity.

• Presider at a workshop at the TLA Conference in San Antonio, Texas April 11-14, 2007- Researching Family: Celebrating Culture, Libraries, and Tradition 10:15 - 11:50 AM. CPE#415: SBEC 1.0; TSLAC 1.0. Genealogists and librarians discuss how to help families research and record their history and traditions. They highlight how library services can help celebrate cultural diversity in the community and encourage the preservation of family history through events such as family reunions. A business meeting follows the program. Kimberly Michele Gay, librarian, Prairie View A&M University; Betty Leal, manager, Dallas Public Library; Roderick Linzie, sociologist; Cheryl Smith, public services librarian, Harrington Library (Plano).

• Presented a workshop at the Joint Colors of Librarians Conference (American Library Association) October 9, 2006 Genealogy and Diversity 10:45 a.m to 12:15 p.m.. Thursday October 9, 2006. Let History Be Your Guide: Ethnic Genealogy. Genealogy is about linking a family’s history from past to present. Through census reports to government documents, the task of finding information on a family’s history can be exhausting and when it is coupled with finding research on an ethnic family’s history the search can require even more avenues to explore. Many avenues can be explored in conducting genealogy research for an ethnic group. From searching ethnic newspapers to churches to property list, grave sites and tax papers, researching the genealogy history for an ethnic group requires using other options and creative research tools than the conventional methods. Assisted the members of the Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Studies faculty and staff members with presentation and spoke for about 40 minutes on the researching ethnic genealogy( African-American, Asian, Hispanic and Native American . Kimberly M. Gay, M.L.S., presented "Let History Be Your Guide: Ethnic Genealogy Research" at the program, Genealogy and Diversity.

• Presented workshop with Assistant Director, Juanita Walker and Reference and Instruction Librarian, Kimberly M. Gay. Black Caucus 6th National Conference of African American Librarians: Culture Keepers VI: Preserving the Past, Sustaining the Future in Forth Worth Texas August 2-5, 2007. Slated on the program for Friday, August 3, 2007 to present a panel discussion on Keeping the Culture through Engagement, Enlightenment, and Empowerment in Genealogy researching from the Africa to the America.

Program Description:Come gather all librarians to exchange those “Best Practices” for serving library patrons who are researching genealogy reference resources. Genealogists and librarians will address, discuss and exchange innovative was to help librarians interact with their library patrons who are seeking information on historical and genealogical research records and repositories; Africa Genealogy resources and African-American Genealogy research. Participants are encouraged to bring examples of their genealogy researching to share. Have you had your DNA charted for genealogy purposes? Want to know how to help your library patrons trace what African tribe they are a descendant from? This panel discussion forum will provide a research framework and give librarians the opportunity to share their enjoyment and disappointment on genealogy reference services for their library patrons. From DNA testing to African Tribes to Genealogy Websites and many unconventional resources for Africa and African-American Genealogy resources, librarians come and gain some excitement and encouragement to give your library patrons when they are conducting Africa and African-American Genealogy information.


University of Houston Lecture Seminar


• Presenter: Visiting seminar lecturer at University of Houston’s African American Studies Department. Conducted a seminar lecture on Africana Genealogy on Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 10 a.m. in the Agnes Arnold Hall Suite 628. The topic of the lecture was Minority Genealogical Research: Keeping the Cultures through Engagement, Enlightenment and Empowerment. Director of the University of Houston’s African American Studies Department, Dr. James L. Conyers, Jr.


Prairie View A&M University

Mon., June 23rd, 2008:

11:00 AM-12:50 PM RI [Gay]: SOCG 2003 001 Minorities in American Society. [20] / Dr. Sarah B. Williams (936-261-3221 or sbwilliams@pvamu.edu). (To be confirmed -- 123 New Science Bldg Computer Lab).

Course includes the development of sociological ramifications and assessments of minorities in the field of genealogical research and how those genealogy research endeavors impact societal views and assumptions about minorities and their historical value in America. This course will identify major challenges in genealogical research for people of underrepresented heritages, including African Americans, American Indians (Native Americans), Hispanics and Asian Americans. Handouts (at Instructor's discretion).

Library Presentations


• Conference Presenter: Presider:  EAST TEXAS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION . SPRING PROGRAM  Beaumont, Texas. February 15-17, 2007. February 16, 2007  SESSION X-African Americans in East Texas  >>

Guest Lecture

• Guest Lecture: Flint, Michigan: African American Genealogy Flint Public Library-May 16, 2009.

From DNA testing to African Tribes to Genealogy Websites and many unconventional resources for Africa and African-American Genealogy resources, librarians come and gain some excitement and encouragement to give your library patrons when they are conducting Africa and African-American Genealogy information.

• Guest Lecture: Saginaw, Michigan: Mideastern Michigan Library Cooperative and the Saginaw Library Public Library System African American Genealogy-two-day workshops on Minority Genealogy. September 26, 27, 2008. Friday- train the public librarians, Saturday- general public seminar. Library sponsors: Mideastern Michigan Library Cooperative and the Saginaw Library Public Library System

From DNA testing to African Tribes to Genealogy Websites and many unconventional resources for Africa and African-American Genealogy resources, librarians come and gain some excitement and encouragement to give your library patrons when they are conducting Africa and African-American Genealogy information.

• Northwest Branch Library is pleased to present African American Genealogy 101. Ms. Kimberly M. Gay, BS, MLS from the John B. Coleman Library on the campus of Prairie View A&M University will be teaching on how to begin researching your family's past. This session will be held on February 20th at 3:00pm in the Adult Reading Area. All are welcome to attend

Respectfully submitted,

Kimberly M. Gay

January 20, 2010

Kimberly Michelle Gay Departmental Accomplishments Report

Kimberly Michelle Gay

Prairie View A&M University (Texas A&M University System)

Title: Reference and Instruction Librarian

Office: 936-261-1506

Fax: 936-857-2755

Email: kmgay@pvamu.edu

126B John B. Coleman Library

John B. Coleman Library

P.O. Box 519 MS#1040

Prairie View, TX 77446


[pic]Texas Woman's University  • Master of Library Science and Information Studies 

  May 2006

  4. 0 GPA- Sum Cum Laude   


[pic]Texas Woman's University  • Bachelor of Science May 2003  3.86 GPA- Magna Cum Laude

 Major: Mass Communication

                                                 Minor: Sociology                                             

Minor: Fashion and Textiles: Fashion Merchandising & Marketing   

                                                Print Journalist and Photojournalist


Publications and Presentations

• Published: Newsletter Coleman Library Connection 2008, 2009 Edition >> .

• Contributing Editor of textbook: Public Speaking Handbook with additional readings. Collaborated with Communication and Journalism Department’s faculty to help publish custom –made Speech 1003 Fundamentals of Speech textbook  for Prairie View A&M University Fall 2008.

• University of Houston: Featured in UJIMA, The Newsletter of the African American Studies Program >>

            See attachment. I am featured on page 16.

John B. Coleman Library Committee Assignments

Chairs and Vice Chairs

1. Chair: Handbook and Publications Committee

2. Chair: Special Events Committee

3. Vice-Chair Black History Month Committee

Committee member:

1. Boards, Signage and Displays

2. Collection Development and Government Documents

3. Community Affairs, Publicity & Marketing Committee

4. Library Search ( Employment) Committee

5. Social Committee

6. Information Literacy Planning Committee

7. Electronic Services and Web Design

8. Distance Library Services Task Force

9. Fine Arts Appreciation Committee


Prairie View A&M University: Committee Assignments

• Invitation to join the SACS-Learning Effectiveness Team for Prairie View A&M University by Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

• Women’s Council for Leadership and Service Committee by Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

 Memberships and Appointments: Texas Library Association

• Texas Library Association member 2003- present

• Texas Library Association Black Caucus Roundtable Councilor Alternate and Conference Stipend Scholarship Chair 2007-2010

• Texas Library Association Genealogy Roundtable Chair-Elect 2007-2008. Chair 2008-2009.

• Texas State Library and Archives Commission: Appointment to TexShare Education Services Working Group 2007-2010

• Library Instruction Roundtable member 2003- present

• Reference Instruction Roundtable  member 2003- present

• Genealogy Roundtable member 2003- present

• Administration Roundtable member 2003- present

• Texas Library Association- District library associations District 5- Northeast Texas Regional Library System Hopkins County

• Texas Library Association- District library associations District 7- North Texas Regional Library System- Denton County

• Texas Library Association- District library associations District 8- Houston Texas Regional Library System.- Harris County

Memberships and Appointments: American Library Association

• American Library Association member 2003- present.

• Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) member 2003- present

• Spectrum Scholar Initiative Program member 2003- present

• Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) member 2003- present

• Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS) member 2003- present

• Black Caucus member 2003- present

• Appointed Conference Planning sub-committee chair of the BCALA 2010 Conference

• Offered: Invitation behalf of ALA President-elect Camila Alire, to invite you to serve as Member on the ALA Committee on Literacy for the term beginning on July 1, 2009 and ending on June 30, 2011.


Memberships and Appointments: Library and Honor Societies

• The Beta Lambda Chapter of Beta Phi Mu (International Library and Information Studies Honor Society) Beta Phi Mu. Scholarship Spring 2005- Texas Woman’s University and University of North Texas (lifetime member). Lifetime inductee: The Beta Lambda Chapter of Beta Phi Mu ( International Library and Information Studies Honor Society: May 2006

• Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges: 2006- present

• Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society 2003-present (member)

• Golden Key International Honour Society 2001-present ( lifetime member)

• Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society 2004- present ( lifetime member)

• American Association of University Women 2007-present

• Cambridge Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals 2007-present

•  Who’s Who Among African American Librarians 2007-present

Publications and Presentations

• Published: Newsletter Coleman Library Connection 2008, 2009 Edition >> .

• Contributing Editor of textbook: Public Speaking Handbook with additional readings. Collaborated with Communication and Journalism Department’s faculty to help publish custom –made Speech 1003 Fundamentals of Speech textbook  for Prairie View A&M University Fall 2008.

• University of Houston: Featured in UJIMA, The Newsletter of the African American Studies Program >>

            See attachment. I am featured on page 16.

Conferences and Workshops

• Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian presented at the 16th National HBCU Faculty Development Symposium in October 2009 in Atlanta Georgia. The 2009 theme of the HBCU Faculty Development Symposium is "Enhancing the Global Competence of HBCU Faculty and Students: Teaching, Research and Service".  Ms. Gay  presented on “Enhancing, Engaging, and Exciting: Global Intersections of Information Literacy, Technology, and Professional Writing”.

• Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian presented at a workshop on ”Read and Celebrate African American Literature” at the 16th National HBCU Faculty Development Symposium in October 2009 in Atlanta Georgia. The 2009 theme of the HBCU Faculty Development Symposium was "Enhancing the Global Competence of HBCU Faculty and Students: Teaching, Research and Service" Ms. Gay with others discussed the teaching styles using African American Literature as learning objectives for enhancing students reading skills.

• Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian presented a workshop on “Global Librarian: Preparing Librarians to Stay Connected with the 21st Century Library Patron” at the Texas Library Association’s District 8 annual Fall Conference held Saturday October 17th at University of Houston at Sugar Land.

• Workshop: Fellowship HBUC Mellon Grant Information Literacy Leadership Institutes that were slated in Charlotte NC. February and October 2008.

•  Conferences Co-Presenter with Dr. Booker and Dr. Williams at the 15th National HBCU Faculty Development Symposium that was slated in D.C. October 2008. Presented workshop on the Reflections on Reading Research—Sociological and Education Implications: Best Practices.

• Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian presented at the PVAMU National Day of Writing Workshop on October 20, 2009, sponsored by the English Department and the Writing Center. The topic of the workshop was Got Media Information Writing Literacy?

• Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was the keynote speaker for the University College Building Number 38 Lecture Series on September 22, 2009, held in the John B. Coleman Library. The theme of the lectures series was “The Path to Success: Life Skills 101. Are you Man Enough” Ms. Gay spoke about the three important issues for young men - knowing the value of getting a college degree; reading and knowing how to find good information; and building good friendships.

• Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was appointed to the Chair of the Scholarship Committee and an officer for the Texas Librarian Association Black Caucus Round table. Ms. Gay will oversee the placement of assigning scholarships to Texas Library Science students who are members of both TLA and the TLA Black Caucus Round table. Scholarship winners will be afforded the opportunity to attend a TLA Annual Conference.

• Workshop: Prairie View A&M University workshops on Copyright and Plagiarism, Fair Use in Higher Education, Teaching and Learning Styles, Building Learning Communities with RSS feeds, Wikis, and Blogs in the Center for Teaching Excellence

• Conferences Approved conference proposal collaboration Spring 2009 with Dr. Scott, English Professor for HCBU Faculty Development Symposium. Sixteenth National HBCU Faculty Development Symposium "Enhancing the Global Competence of HBCU Faculty and Students:  Teaching, Research and Service "October 22-24, 2009. Marriott Buckhead Hotel Atlanta. 3405 Lenox Road, NE. Atlanta, Georgia

• Workshop: Attended: March 25, 2009 the HBCU Library Alliance Scenario Planning Sessions in Atlanta Georgia.

• Conferences Approved conference proposal collaboration with Jean Brumfield, Distance Services Libran for the 8th Annual Texas National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME)  Conference March 27 to March 28, 2009 at Prairie View A&M University. Conference theme: Beyond Celebrating Diversity: ReACTivating the Equity, Social Justice and Health Disparities in Multicultural Education Research Proposal Accepted. February 2009

• Conferences Attended the 2009 Texas Library Association Conference in downtown Houston March 30 to April 3, 2009. Ms. Gay chaired the Genealogy Roundtable and organized three programs.

• Workshop: Featured speaker for genealogy program entitled Web 2.0 Genealogy Researching. 2009 Texas Library Association Conference in downtown Houston March 30 to April 3, 2009.

• Workshop: Speaker for genealogy program entitled Innovative Ideas: Managing and Collecting for a Genealogy Library. 2009 Texas Library Association Conference in downtown Houston March 30 to April 3, 2009.

• Workshop: Speaker for genealogy program entitled Genealogy Social and Tour of the Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research 2009 Texas Library Association Conference in downtown Houston March 30 to April 3, 2009.

• Workshop: Featured guest speaker for a panel discussion program entitled K-20 Learners: Preparing our Students for College and Career. 2009 Texas Library Association Conference in downtown Houston March 30 to April 3, 2009.This program was moderated by Dr. Robert Martin, professor and Lillian Bradshaw endowed chair, School of the Library and Information Studies, Texas Woman’s University, plus he was the former director of Institute for Museums and Library Services.

• Workshop: Keynote speaker at Gama Gama Sigma, PVAMU Service Organization on March 24, 2009.  The seminar entitled “All My Single Ladies” was held at the University College’s Movie Theatre and attracted more than 50 college freshman females. To read information about the seminar please read the April 1, 2009 edition of the campus newspaper The Panther, page 2 entitled “Ladies encouraged to enjoy single life”.  The Panther, >> "  page 2 entitled “Ladies encouraged to enjoy single life”.

• Conferences Approved and Submitted Proposal with Lead presenter Dr. Booker for the  HBCU Faculty Development Network Morehouse College, Atlanta Georgia. Sixteenth National HBCU Faculty Development Symposium. "Enhancing the Global Competence of HBCU Faculty and Students:  Teaching, Research and Service". October 22-24, 2009. Marriott Buckhead Hotel Atlanta. Title of Presentation: Enjoying African American Literature from a Global perspective: Active Teaching and Learning enjoying the classics in African American Literature the love of reading from local and the global context.

• Workshop: Featured guest judge for the Houston Independent School Districts’ Middle Schools’ Name that Book Contest on Friday, May 8, 2009.

• Workshop: presented a workshop on “From School Library to Academic Library: “Got EBSCOhost Database College Library Research Skills” at the Texas Library Association’s District 8 annual Fall Conference held Saturday October 18th at Lonestar College at Cy-Fair. 



Respectfully submitted,

Kimberly M. Gay

March 11, 2010

April 2010

• TLA San Antonio 2010: TLA Black Caucus Councilor 2010-2013 and Scholarship Chair 2010-2013

• Invitation to join Beta Phi Mu International Library Science and Information Studies Honor Society appointment as an Officer

• Texas Reference Sources Online sections T-BD (Languages, Linguistics, and Philology) and T-BE (Literature) are in need of new section editors.

Spring 2010

• Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was the keynote speaker for the University College Building Number 38 Lecture Series on February 9, 2010, held in the John B. Coleman Library. The theme of the lectures series was “Gaming: Body v. Brain” Ms. Gay spoke about important issues for young men - knowing the value of getting a college degree; knowing the importance of good health and staying healthy, reading and knowing how to find good information; plus words of wisdom on  building good friendships.

• Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian co-presented at the RAMP (Research Association of Minority Professors) 29th Annual Conference; on Friday, February 5, 2010 in Houston, Texas. Title of the presentation: Pathways to Pathfinders: Academic Librarians and Researching Credible Health Data in the World Wide Web for Minorities. The presentation addressed issues concerning information seeking behaviors of African American Health Information, Internet Technology- Digital Divide, Academic Librarians. She co-presented with Riley, Ola, M.L.I.S. Medical Academy Librarian at PVAMU.   >>

• Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian presented at the Harris County Public Library’s Northwest Branch Library on Saturday, February 20, 2010 as part of their Black History Month Presentations. Ms. Gay’s presentation was on African American Genealogy 101disscused how to begin researching your family's past. >>

• Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian awarding the distinct honor of being a member of  The Montclair Who's Who in Collegiate Faculty™ 2010-2011 Edition >>

• Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was awarded the distinct honor of being a recipient  The Montclair Who's Who in Collegiate Faculty™ 2010-2011 Edition >> . The 2010-2011 edition will feature her academic and educational endeavors.

• Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was appointed to the Texas Library Association’s Lariat Adult Fiction Reading List Task Force committee. Her responsibilities will include but not limited to researching and evaluating adult fiction books for TLA’s reading list.

• Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was picked by special invitation to attended a President’s Reception at Lone Star College on March 6, 2010 in collaboration with the showing of the co-production ( Prairie View A&M University and Lone Star College Cy Fair)  of a play entitled The Good Times are Killing Me  >>  Dr. Audrey Levy, President of Lone Star College Cy Fair hosted the reception. Ms. Gay was able to meet with others and discuss ways of developing collaborative activities with Prairie View A&M University and Lone Star College Cy Fair.

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian has been appointed to the Texas Library Association’s Lariat Adult Fiction Reading List Task Force committee. Her responsibilities will include but not limited to researching and evaluating adult fiction books for TLA’s reading list.  

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian presented at the Harris County Public Library’s Northwest Branch Library on Saturday, February 20, 2010 as part of their Black History Month Presentations. Ms. Gay’s presentation was on African American Genealogy 101 - How to begin researching your family's past. 

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian co-presented at the RAMP (Research Association of Minority Professors) 29th Annual Conference; on Friday, February 5, 2010 in Houston, Texas. The presentation was Pathways to Pathfinders: Academic Librarians and Researching Credible Health Data in the World Wide Web for Minorities. The presentation addressed issues concerning information seeking behaviors of African American Health Information, Internet Technology- Digital Divide, Academic Librarians. She co-presented with Riley, Ola, M.L.I.S. Medical Academy Librarian at PVAMU.   

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was the keynote speaker for the University College Building Number 38 Lecture Series on February 9, 2010, held in the John B. Coleman Library. The theme of the lectures series was “Gaming: Body v. Brain”. Ms. Gay spoke about important issues for young men - knowing the value of getting a college degree; knowing the importance of good health and staying healthy, reading and knowing how to find good information; plus words of wisdom on building good friendships.

Fall 2009

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian presented at the 16th National HBCU Faculty Development Symposium in October 2009 in Atlanta Georgia. The 2009 theme of the HBCU Faculty Development Symposium is "Enhancing the Global Competence of HBCU Faculty and Students: Teaching, Research and Service".  Ms. Gay  presented on “Enhancing, Engaging, and Exciting: Global Intersections of Information Literacy, Technology, and Professional Writing”.

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian presented at a workshop on ”Read and Celebrate African American Literature” at the 16th National HBCU Faculty Development Symposium in October 2009 in Atlanta Georgia. The 2009 theme of the HBCU Faculty Development Symposium was "Enhancing the Global Competence of HBCU Faculty and Students: Teaching, Research and Service" Ms. Gay with others discussed the teaching styles using African American Literature as learning objectives for enhancing students reading skills.

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian presented a workshop on “Global Librarian: Preparing Librarians to Stay Connected with the 21st Century Library Patron” at the Texas Library Association’s District 8 annual Fall Conference held Saturday October 17th at University of Houston at Sugar Land.

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian presented at the PVAMU National Day of Writing Workshop on October 20, 2009, sponsored by the English Department and the Writing Center. The topic of the workshop was Got Media Information Writing Literacy?

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was the keynote speaker for the University College Building Number 38 Lecture Series on September 22, 2009, held in the John B. Coleman Library. The theme of the lectures series was “The Path to Success: Life Skills 101. Are you Man Enough” Ms. Gay spoke about the three important issues for young men - knowing the value of getting a college degree; reading and knowing how to find good information; and building good friendships.

Spring 2009

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was appointed to the Chair of the Scholarship Committee and an officer for the Texas Librarian Association Black Caucus Round table. Ms. Gay will oversee the placement of assigning scholarships to Texas Library Science students who are members of both TLA and the TLA Black Caucus Round table. Scholarship winners will be afforded the opportunity to attend a TLA Annual Conference.

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian  was a guest judge for the Houston Independent School Districts’ Middle Schools’ Name that Book Contest on Friday, May 8, 2009. The  contest was held at the Department of Library Services Branch in Houston Texas and had six schools competing in the competition. The contestants on the teams had to correctly answer the most quotes taken from about 40 various young adult books. The contest is sponsored by HISD Library Services and Media Services Departments and Barnes and Noble.

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian attended the 2009 Texas Library Association Conference in downtown Houston March 30 to April 3, 2009. Ms. Gay chaired the Genealogy Round table Committee and organized three programs. She was the featured speaker for one genealogy program entitled Web 2.0 Genealogy Researching. Ms. Gay also was a guest speaker for a panel discussion program entitled K-20 Learners: Preparing our Students for College and Career.

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian attended the HBCU Library Alliance “Library Scenario” workshop in Atlanta March 25, 2009. The day log workshop gave suggestions on what the HBCU Library Alliance should work toward in partnerships with all the HBCU libraries with the next three to five years. Librarians gathered into groups of five and gave feedback to library scenarios on the criteria of the likely, most likely, not likely, missing and desired outcomes of three particular library settings.

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was the keynote speaker at Gama Gama Sigma, PVAMU Service Organization on March 24, 2009. The seminar entitled “All My Single Ladies” was held at the University College’s Movie Theater and attracted more than 50 college freshman. Ms. Gay talked about the importance of getting a college education, reading and literacy for African Americans and staying true to yourself. 

Fall 2008

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian Co-hosted a workshop on "Reflections on Reading Research-Sociological and Educational Implications: Best Practices for thinking, reading, and writing using African American literature; and the role of the librarian in developing initiatives for reading in the home, the school, the university, and the community" at the 15th National HBCU Faculty Development Symposium in Washington D.C. October 23-25, 2008.

|[pic] |Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian presented a workshop on “From School Library|

| |to Academic Library: “Got EBSCOhost Database College Library Research Skills” at the Texas |

| |Library Association’s District 8 annual Fall Conference held Saturday October 18th at Lonestar |

| |College at Cy-Fair.  |

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian attended the Texas Library Association’s Annual Assembly in Austin Texas July 7-10, 2008. Ms. Gay is the chair 2008-2009 of the TLA Genealogy Round table, TLA Black Caucus Round table Councilor Alternate 2007-2010 and a Working Group member of the TexShare Education Services 2007-2010. She planned programs and events for Genealogy Round Table at the TLA Houston Conference 2009 and attend various workshops on TLA Legislative Day 2009, Transforming Texas Libraries and TLA, Chair Training, and TLA Black Caucus.

Spring 2008

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian will moderate a workshop at the Texas Library Association’s Annual Conference in Dallas Texas April 18, 2008.

Kimberly M. Gay will preside over a panel discussion workshop on April 18, 2008 during the Texas Library Association’s Annual Conference for the TLA Black Caucus Round table on Collection Development for Patrons of Color. Presenters include: Lana Hayes, librarian, DeBakey High School, Houston ISD; Judith Hiott, coordinator of materials selection, Houston Public Library; and Eileen Liu, president, Tsai Fong Books, Inc. They will discuss data needed to provide the best library collection for patrons of color. The TLA Black Caucus Round table’s purpose is to promote a partnership between librarians of African American descent and librarians serving the African American community that will enable them to work together and exchange information and ideas about providing services to the African American community.

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian appointed chair of the Texas Library Association’s Genealogy Round Table 2008-2009.

Kimberly Gay has been appointed to a one year term with the Texas Library Association’s Genealogy Round Table for 2008-2009. The Genealogy Interest Group of the Texas Library Association is an organization devoted to the endeavors of promoting and representing the activities of Texas librarians in the field of genealogy.

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian - visiting seminar lecturer at the University of Houston’s African American Studies Department on April 10, 2008.

Ms. Gay was chosen to be a visiting seminar lecturer at University of Houston’s African American Studies Department. She is conducting a seminar lecture on African Genealogy on Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 10 a.m. in the Agnes Arnold Hall Suite 628. The topic of her lecture is Minority Genealogical Research: Keeping the Cultures through Engagement, Enlightenment and Empowerment. This lecture will identify major challenges in genealogical research for people of underrepresented heritages, including African Americans, American Indians (Native Americans), and brainstorm best practices for research methodologies.

Kimberly M. Gay HBCU Information Literacy Institute recipient

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was chosen to take part in the HBCU (Mellon Grant) Information Literacy Institute. The ILLI will convene in Charlotte, North Carolina from February 10 to 15, 2008 on the campus of Johnson C. Smith University and the James B. Duke Memorial Library. The participants will have an opportunity to learn about the Information Literacy Instruction programs provided at four other academic libraries, including the JCSU model for Information Literacy programs. Most importantly, participants will spend some time during the institute designing an Information Literacy Instructional Program for their own students. Consultations will be available during the institute addressing principles, components, and the use of information technology in developing an Instructional Literacy program. This Institute also will provide opportunities for libraries that do not have an information literacy instruction program to develop both a program and an implementation plan for their university and library.

For further information about the HBCU (Mellon Grant) Information Literacy Institute visit this web site >>

Fall 2007

Juanita Walker, Assistant Director for Public Services, Yubao Li, Reference and Instruction Librarian and Kimberly Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian attended and presented at the Texas Library Association District Fall Conference October 13, in Houston. Juanita Walker and Yubao Li jointly presented a session on Information Resources Evaluation.  The focus was on helping students make good evaluative decisions about information sources. Kimberley Gay presented a session on From School Library to Academic Library: “Your High School Senior is my College Freshman.”  This presentation was directed at school librarians as they help students transition into college.

Kimberly Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian, has been appointed to a three-year term with the TexShare Education Services Working Group. This Working group is comprised of professional librarians from TexShare member libraries who determine the direction of the various TexShare services. TexShare is a program of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in partnership with academic and public libraries in Texas. TexShare services are intended to help every member library fulfill its unique mission.

Summer 2007

Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian was featured in the Summer 2007 issue of the Texas Library Journal. The title of the article, A Librarian’s Tell: Losing Weight by Gaining Will Power and Words of Wisdom, helps gives Excitement, Engagement and Enrichment to all Texas Librarians who are battling with losing weight and staying positive in their life. She states “If you stay positive and humble in all your endeavors you can change anything in your life for the better.”

Juanita Walker, Assistant Director and Kimberly M. Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian are heading to the 6th National Conference of African American Librarians: Culture Keepers VI: Preserving the Past, Sustaining the Future in Fort Worth, Texas August 2-5, 2007. They are on the program for Friday, August 3, 2007 to present a panel discussion on Keeping the Culture through Engagement, Enlightenment, and Empowerment in Genealogy researching from Africa to America. 

Kimberly Michelle Gay

Library Science and Information Studies Professional Bio April 20, 2010


Prairie View A&M University (Texas A&M University System)

Title: Academic Reference and Instruction Librarian

Office: 936-261-1506

Fax: 936-857-2755

Email: kmgay@pvamu.edu

126B John B. Coleman Library

John B. Coleman Library

P.O. Box 519 MS#1040

Prairie View, TX 77446

Kimberly M. Gay:  Professional Bio

Kimberly Michelle Gay is an Academic Reference and Instruction Librarian at the John B. Coleman Library of Prairie View A&M University- A part of the Texas A&M University System. She graduated from Texas Woman’s University in Denton, Texas Magna Cum Laude 3.89 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communication (Print Journalism) in 2003. She went on to receive a Master's Degree in Library Science and Information Studies, Suma Cum Laude 4.0 from TWU as well in May 2006.  She is a Lifetime inductee in the Beta Lambda Chapter of Beta Phi Mu (International Library and Information Studies Honor Society).  She is lifetime members of Golden Key Honour Society, Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society; Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society; Cambridge Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals2007-2008; Who’s Who Among African American Librarians 2008; American Association of University Women 2007-present; Montclair Who's Who in Collegiate Faculty™ 2010-2011. Three of her most cherished accomplishments at Texas Woman’s University were winning the Outstanding Campus Leader Award for May 2001, winning the Outstanding Senior Award for May 2003 and being the 2003 TWU Class Agent.  Prior to her working at the John B. Coleman Library, Ms. Gay was a Library Assistant II at Texas A&M University- Commerce. She has more than nine years of academic library experience. She is an active member and 2003 Spectrum Scholar for both the Texas Library Association and the American Library Association. Texas Library Association organizations include: Divisions: College & University Libraries; Round Tables: TLA Black Caucus- member and Councilor Alternate 2007-2010, Councilor 2010-2013, Scholarship Chair 2010-2013; Library Instruction Round Table-Member, Genealogy- member and Chair-elect 2007-2008- Chair- 2008-2009. and Reference Round Table); TLA district areas that she is associated with are: Distinct 5- Northeast Texas, District 7- North Texas and  District 8- Houston. She also was recently appointed to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission: Appointment to TexShare Education Services Working Group 2007-2010. She was appointed to the Texas Library Association’s Lariat Adult Fiction Reading List Task Force committee. The American Library Association organizations include: Black Caucus; Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL); Reference and User Services Association (RUSA); Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS.


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