
MICHIGAN TEACHERS LESSON PLAN PROJECT FORMAT NAME: Jaymie MillerSUBJECT: Elementary ArtSTATE STANDARD: ART VA.1.2.3 Compare and explore elements of art and principles of design to communicate ideas related to personal environment.LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): The student will learn about warm and color colors and how they complement each other and can set a feeling or mood for the painting.ASSESSMENT/PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Self performance task list based on how students finished their Art piece by following directions, using warm and cool colors correctly and learning about color setting moods. By doing the self-assessment list students and teacher will reflect on the performance of their project. Sketchbooks will also be a performance assessment to make sure the students understand the use of warm and cool color-write notes on journal for feedback. Use an E-Portfolio (Google or Seesaw) that you can load work- It can be used as a tool for self-assessment, self-reflection and personal development and growth.Performance Task List Assessment for Art WorkDid I use my space correctly by having my main subject (tree) take up most of the paper space? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/hibbard1996_exhibit3.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Did I go over my contour line drawing of my tree with sharpie? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/hibbard1996_exhibit3.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Did I use warm colors (red, orange, and yellow) for just my foreground/background? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/hibbard1996_exhibit3.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Did I use cool colors (blue, green and purple) in just my foreground/background? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/hibbard1996_exhibit3.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Did I use a neutral color (brown) for my tree? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/hibbard1996_exhibit3.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Did I learn how colors can create moods? Did my tree set a feeling of warmth or coldness? (circle one) INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/hibbard1996_exhibit3.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Did I print my name on the bottom left corner? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/hibbard1996_exhibit3.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Color TheoryMATERIALS and SETTINGWhat materials do you need for this lesson? What is the setting? Are students in pairs, groups, stations, floor, library, science lab?Materials: Color Wheel, Crayola watercolor paint pallet, watercolor paintbrush, pencil, 8x11 paper, sharpie (blue)Students are in stations at tables of 4 with 2 paint palettes per table.KEY VOCABULARY and ACADEMIC LANGUAGEWhat vocabulary terms must students know to understand the concept being taught?Cool, Warm and Neutral Colors, Analogous, Foreground and Background, composition/design, moods, LineFOCUS ACTIVITYWhat activity will students engage in that will pique their interest about the upcoming lesson? Think of this like a preview for an upcoming movie – something that ignites curiosityShow the color wheel and what are the warm colors (red, yellow, and orange) and cool colors (blue, green, and purple)…explain how they are analogous colors.Show different fruits that are warm and cool colored.Show paintings of professionals giving examples of warm painting and cool paintings online with projection screen.Show movie clips of Inside Out -to show colors and feelings portrayedAnticipatory Set-Present the new page for the class Blog Feelings/Warm and Cool colors that the class will be working on together.CONNECTION TO PRIOR LEARNINGThis is what you say to students about what they have already learned and how it prepares them for what they are about to learn; review what they have learned to prepare them for the upcoming lesson.Show paint strips, show how colors are used in the environment around us and how they make us feel -ex. Warm colors like sun, fire, restaurant signs, and feeling hot. Cool colors like water, cold. Compare and contrast artist who show warm and cool colors? Ask how the pictures make them feel.OBJECTIVE STATEMENT (be sure to include the performance measure)This is what you say to students about what students will learn today, and how they will show they have learned the content (that is the performance measure)The student will identify warm and cool colors as identified in paintings by artist and then finishing their own paintings putting warm colors in foreground/background and vice versa for cool colors. They will be assessed on the performance of their project and in sketch books.PURPOSE OF LEARNINGWhy do students need to learn this today? This should be written in what you will say to students and should include both why it is important to the content and why it is relevant in their lives.Warm and cool colors make us feel things when we see them. We can convey mood and emotions and feelings that can make our paintings in the future for successful when we understand how we can use colors to work together.INSTRUCTIONAL STEPSInclude:Step by Step InstructionsKey PointsDirections to givePass out 8x11 paper with pencil.Create a contour Line drawing of a tree with students using a pencil. Have them follow step by step on the overhead starting with a block Y. Explain the Y should take up the whole paper for a good composition. Follow up with branches across the Y that can be painted in across the top 2/3 of painting. Make long horizontal lines across the bottom third of the paper. Show them on the overhead. Then vertical lines down to create fields for the background. Use a blue sharpie to outline the tree/branches.Allow students to use a neutral brown color for the tree trunk and branches.Explain analogous colors-warm and color colors. Have students decide if they want the warm colors in the foreground (between tree branches) or background (on the fields) then use watercolor to paint in all the foreground/background and then vis versa for cool colors.Once dry have students sign their name in the left-hand corner with Sharpie.Have students explain if they used warm or cool colors and how their painting makes them feel.LITERACY STRATEGIES USEDBe sure you include activities that support literacy; vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking and writing Read the book - Read Frederick, by Leo Lionni. How did Frederick use colors to warm up the mice?In journals/sketch books have students write about how the colors make them feel.Have one student on one sheet of the journal write out vocabulary words for lesson, have them draw a quick doodle of the word meaning.STUDENT USE OF TECHNOLOGYEven if you do not have enough technology devices for your students, you must include student use of technology as if you did have all the technology you need.Use the Doodle App to draw a painting using the paint tool to make a cool background and then a flower with all warm colors.Work on class blog page. Have students paired off in three groups for Group Collaboration and use differentiation levels: Tier 1-List the warm and cool colors in a chart, Tier 2-Construct a Venn diagram that shows warm, cool and neutral colors in the center. Tier 3- Choose clip art that represents warm, cool and neutral colors that you can place into the diagram. (Two groups will work on white boards while one group will work on the actually website-and then rotate)Use an E Portfolio6 QUESTIONS FOR UNDERSTANDING1 question per each level of Bloom’s TaxonomyIdentify the level of Bloom’sQuestions should increase in complexity as lesson progressesRemembering-What colors of fruits are warm? What are cool? And Where do they fall on the color wheel.Understanding-Demonstrate in sketch book a sketch with warm colors and a sketch with cool colors.Applying- Select colors to divide the final drawing into warm and cool colors for foreground and background.Analyzing- Examine how the warm and cool colors are complimentary on the color wheel and in your painting.Evaluating- Evaluate other painting that use warm and cool colors.Mesas at Sunset, Juanita CruzMountain Landscape at Clavadel, Ernst KirchnerCreating- Design a tree line drawing use warm and cool colors in a foreground/background to create a mood with color.MODIFICATIONS/ACCOMMODATIONSCreate at least one modification/accommodation for a student with special needs, and one modification/accommodation for English language learnersSpecial needs learner modification-use a printed off outline drawing of tree with less branches, use oil pastels instead of paintsAccommodation for English language learners use lots of pictures. Make larger flash cards of for Feelings with pictures of a person showing the feeling/emotion (Melancholy, Calm, Sad, Angry, Happy).Do vocabulary flash cards with small sketches to match (Cool, Warm and Neutral Colors, Analogous, Foreground and Background, Composition/Design, Mood, Line).Model step by step of the main project on the overhead board as you give instructions so student can visually see.Have group collaboration to allow modeling from student to student interaction.RETEACH/EXTENSIONInclude different activities for struggling students and for students who already understand the materialReteach-Draw a flower with 6 big petals and 6 smaller petals in between the big petals…following the color wheel.Extension-Do color drawings in sketch books of faces using warm or cool colors and express emotion.CLOSURE: Review: How will you cement the learning that has taken place in this lesson? Connect to future learning: How will what students learned today help them in upcoming lessons?Cement learner-Ask students if they used warm or cool colors for the background and what for the foreground.Questions to develop high level critical thinking skills-answer in journals: If you were painting your room what color would it be and why? Does it fall in the warm/cool/ or neutral category? What mood would the color set?What color do you think a hospital, school, or restaurant should use to paint their walls and why?Future it will help with -Teaching students the concepts of color will help with techniques of future color applications like color mixing, Blending colors and using colors to set moods of paintings. And understanding analogous colors and how they create a rich monochromatic look/feel. In the future it will help students create stronger paintings and help bring mood to paintings. ................

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