Elementary Computer Lab Rules - Weebly

Wilson Elementary/Middle School Computer Lab Rules Name____________

Before You Come In

_ Line up outside the door.

_ Wait quietly.

_ Clean hands if needed.

_ Leave food outside.

_ Be prepared to work – have folder, pencil and appropriate attitude!

When You Come In

_ Sit at your assigned computer.

_ Wait quietly for instructions.

_ Keep your hands to yourself.

While You’re Working

_ Stay in your assigned seat.

_ Keep your eyes on your own screen.

_ Keep your hands to yourself.

_ Use your signal when you need help.

_ Ask the teacher before you print anything.

Respect the Equipment

_ Touch only your equipment.

_ Be gentle.

_ Don’t twist or pull on cords.

_ Keep cords out of your mouth.

Respect each other and the teacher

_ Use inside voices and speak only when called upon!

_ Be Ready to Learn and Participate in the lesson.

_ Always do your best work.

_ Help contribute to a good learning environment.

_ Ask appropriate questions.

Follow Internet Safety Procedures

_ Go only to teacher approved websites.

_ Use your street smarts – notify an adult if you come across anything suspicious.

_ Do not go to internet or other programs unless directed to do so.

Understand Grading Policies

_ All Students start each semester with an A in computer class.

_ Each warning for rude or inappropriate behavior lowers the trimester grade.

_ Incomplete assignments lower the trimester grade.

_ Disturbing the Learning Environment lowers the trimester grade.

_ Not trying lowers the trimester grade.

_ Grades are a combination of skill, effort and attitude.

If You Have an Emergency

_ Restroom – Ask for permission and then go.

When It’s Time to Go

_ Put the headphones back in chest.

_ Follow directions for closing programs or computer shutdown

_ Push in your chair.

_ Line up single file at the door.

_ Wait for the teacher to dismiss you.


_ Printouts to take home

_ Access to lab computers during flex or other periods – only students without discipline problems will be allowed to use lab

_ Stickers

_ Good reports to your teacher

_ Star student awards

Extra Credit

_ See me if you are SERIOUS about improving your grade

I have read and will comply with the above rules.

Signature ____________________________________________________

Consequences – 3 strikes and you are out!

_ Warning #1: Verbal warning, 1st check mark

_ Warning #2: Loss of computer time, 2nd check mark= -10 points on trimester grade, written rules assignment

_ Warning #3: One day at the table without computer time, 3rd check mark. = -20, Parent signature required on written rules assignment before you are allowed to return to class

_ Warning #4: Mrs. Borlo’s Office = loss of computer privileges = Failing computer grade

Written Rules Assignment:

1) On a piece of lined paper – Copy these rules out by hand.

2) After copying these rules – write a paragraph explaining how you can better follow the rules. The paragraph must be at least 5 sentences.

3) Get Teacher Signature on completed assignment.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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