CurricuWeb - ESL 40 .edu

Modesto Junior College | |

|ESL 40 Course Outline |

|Effective Date: 05/04/2009 |

|Printed On: 4/30/2008 8:44:53 AM |


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|The following information is what will appear in the MJC 2008-2009 Catalog. |

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|ESL 40 - English Language 4           5 Unit(s) |

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|Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of ESL 30 or placement through assessment process. |

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|Intermediate course in English for persons learning English as another language. Introduction to more difficult structures in |

|English sentences. Review of elementary English. |

|A-F and CR/NC. |

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|   Given the following learning context, the student who satisfactorily completes this course should be able to achieve the goals|

|specified in section III: Desired Learning. |

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|1. Grammar Points |

|Continued review of major topics and skills learned in ESL 30 |

|Contrast and integration of verb tenses: simple present versus present progressive; present perfect versus simple past; simple |

|past versus past progressive and present perfect |

|Past and past participle forms of 100 irregular verbs |

|Review and contrast of modal uses (may, might, must, can, could, will, would, should, ought to, have to) |

|Present perfect continuous |

|Past perfect tense |

|Past perfect continuous tense |

|Review of reported speech statements; introduction of reported yes/no questions, commands, sequence of tenses |

|Time clauses in all tenses |

|Contrary-to-fact conditional statements (present and past tenses including wish) |

|Gerunds as subjects and gerunds and infinitive after some verbs (introduction) |

|Passive voice (introduction: simple present, simple past) |

|Past participle and participial adjectives |

|2. Reading/Vocabulary/Writing |

|Reading and vocabulary: dialogs and other readings used in connection with exercises   (m.c.) |

|Writing: conventions of punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and paragraph form    (m.c.) |

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|Vocabulary: level-appropriate vocabulary encountered in such contexts as |

|Home life and daily routines |

|School/college life |

|Occupation and business |

|Shopping |

|Recreational activities |

|Environment and science |

|Politics |

|Travel |

|Medical and emergency situations      (all m.c.) |

|Common modal-like expressions such as |

|be supposed to |

|do you mind if |

|would you mind |

|be to                           (all m.c.) |

|Modal auxiliaries for reference to the past (e.g. past advisability and regret)   (m.c.) |

|Pronunciation/listening: practice producing American English vowel and consonant sounds, clear articulation of verb inflections, |

|listening discrimination and comprehension |

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|Prerequisite(s): |

|Satisfactory completion of ESL 30 or placement through assessment process. |

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|Prerequisite Skills |

|Before entering the course, the student will be able to: |

|Produce sentences and questions using the present and past tenses in both simple and progressive aspect |

|Produce sentences and questions using the future with will and be going to |

|Produce sentences with modal auxiliaries (may, might, will, can, could, must, should, would) |

|Produce sentences and questions using the present perfect tense (use in indefinite past, with since/for, with already/yet) |

|Spell 85 irregular verb forms |

|Produce sentences using comparative, equative, and superlative forms with adjectives and adverbs |

|Produce sentences using future conditional sentences and future time clauses |

|Produce sentences using present tense contrary-to-fact conditional sentences |

|Restate statements in the present tense as reported speech |

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|Prorated Hours and Units |

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|Lecture/Discussion |

|87.5 |

|5 |

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|Total Units Earned: |

|5 |

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|Instructors of this course might conduct the course using the following methods: |

|Face-to-face education - |

|Oral drills of grammatical structures to be learned |

|Less-controlled communicative activities |

|Dictation exercises |

|Listening discrimination and aural comprehension exercises |

|Jazz chants |

|Computer-assisted learning practice |

|Individual and small group tutoring sessions |

|Written exercises to practice vocabulary and structure |

|Written and oral examinations and quizzes |

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|A. Quality: Assignments require the appropriate level of critical thinking |

|Watch your classmates and the teacher for two minutes. Then write five sentences about what has happened and what people have |

|been doing. Use present perfect and present perfect progressive. |

|Think about changes in your life, studies, and work situation. Create a time line and indicate these changes and events in your |

|life. Then write sentences using the past perfect or past perfect progressive and simple past. |

|Your friends would like to visit your country. Write two sentences. In sentence 1, tell your friends about something they should |

|never do there (strong prohibition). In sentence 2, tell them about something that is not necessary for them to do there (lack of|

|necessity). |

|Imagine that you are a journalist for your local newspaper. Describe a recent event in your city. Give details and describe |

|people’s reactions to the event. Be sure to answer questions of who, what, when, where, and why. Use passive voice wherever |

|possible. |

|Write at least 5-6 sentences about an event in your life that you wish hadn’t happened or could have turned out differently. Use|

|wish, hope, and unreal conditions. |

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|B. Quantity: Hours spent on assignments in addition to hours of instruction (lecture hours) |

|Weekly reading and vocabulary assignments: e.g. articles and other authentic texts from newspapers, textbook, and/or reader |

|Daily homework assignments: e.g. fill-in the blank and editing exercises on grammar and/or vocabulary, sentence generation |

|Weekly workbook assignments for further practice of grammar being studied (including online exercises where available) |

|Weekly original writing samples (short paragraphs on a given topic with the aim of practicing specific grammar points currently |

|being studied) |

|Frequent exams and quizzes |

|Preparation for occasional brief oral, in-class presentations/dialogues/role plays of an informal nature related to the grammar |

|studied |

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|A.Required Texts: Grammar Links 3, 2nd Edition, Van Zante et al, 2005 |

|Grammar Links 3, Workbook, 2nd Edition, Van Zante et al, 2005 |

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|B. Other reading material: William Picket, At Home in Two Lands.(1991) Or equivalent, such as Penguin Readers, Level 4. |

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|As a result of satisfactory completion of this course, the student should be prepared to: |

|function at an intermediate level of English with regard to speaking, reading, writing, and listening comprehension skills. |

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|Mastery of the following learning goals will enable the student to achieve the overall course goal. |

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|Upon satisfactory completion of this course, the student will be able to: |

|Construct sentences and questions using verb tenses learned in ESL 10, ESL 20, ESL 30 and ESL 40 in less controlled exercises and|

|more realistically complex situations  (m.c.) |

|Distinguish with increasing accuracy contexts requiring simple and continuous verb tenses or between past and present perfect |

|tenses    (m.c.) |

|Construct sentences and questions in the following tenses avoiding excessive errors in verb form, use of auxiliaries, and word |

|order: past perfect, past perfect continuous   (m.c.) |

|Use modal auxiliaries appropriately according to their primary meanings   (m.c.) |

|Construct sentences using these structures avoiding excessive errors in verb form, use of auxiliaries, and word order: time |

|clauses in all tenses, contrary-to-fact and wish statements about the past, reported statements in all tenses, reported yes/no |

|questions and commands, gerund and infinitive forms after certain verbs, passive voice (simple present and past)   (m.c.) |

|Explain meanings of words and idioms encountered in exercises and use appropriately   (m.c.) |

|Within the scope of their vocabulary and knowledge of English structure, respond appropriately to questions, statements, and |

|directions of the teacher   (m.c.) |

|Write paragraphs and brief compositions showing control of elementary paragraph form and development   (m.c.) |


|Upon satisfactory completion of this course (when the related recommended content is covered), the student will be able to: |

|Use common modal-like expressions appropriately (such as be supposed to, do you mind if, would you mind, be to)   (m.c.) |

|Construct sentences with these structures using excessive errors: modal auxiliaries for reference to the past (e.g. past |

|advisability and regret)   (m.c.) |

|Give recognizable pronunciation to verb inflections and past tense forms |

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|Written exams and quizzes of the students' command of grammatical structures, vocabulary, and spelling |

|Proficiency demonstrated by the students' written homework assignments |

|Observation of proficiency in communication as observed by the instructor in the course of class activities and exercises |

|Workbook assignments |

|Dictations and other activities testing aural comprehension of spoken English |

|Original writing assignments |

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|Written final examination (comprehensive exam with writing, editing, and grammar components) |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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