US Presidential Scholars Program 2019-2020 - Individual ...

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education U.S. Presidential Scholars Program 2019-2020INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL FORMName of Principal or Private School Director (please print): __________________________________________________Name of High School: ___________________________________________________ CEEB Code: ___________________School Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________City: _______________________________________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: ___________________Telephone: __________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________Each public and private Massachusetts high school may nominate up to two students (and cannot nominate two of the same gender, as they are listed in the state’s student information management system, SIMS). Please identify if the student nominee is a “General Nominee” or “Career & Technical Education (CTE) Nominee”.Selected Student(s): Please check category of nominee: ___________________________________________ Gender: _______General _________ or CTE _____________________________________________________ Gender: _______General _________ or CTE __________I certify that the above-named students meet the selection requirements and that the information on the Student Nomination Form is correct.Principal’s Signature/Date: ______________________________________________ Email: _______________________Superintendent, Charter School Leader, or Private School Director’s Signature: ________________________________Email: _______________________________ Date: ________________________Please return your application via email to: Donna Pisaturo: dpisaturo@doe.mass.eduYour Application Must Be Received via email by Wednesday, October 30, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. NO EXCEPTIONS (Signed forms must be scanned and emailed.)Please note that the application consists of the Individual School Form plus the 5 page Student Nomination Form for each nominated student, plus each nominated student’s writing sample. All pages are required. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will not assume responsibility for screening applications and notifying applicants of incomplete or missing information. Incomplete applications will be disqualified, so please submit complete applications. ................

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