
|Teacher: Jessica Ullrich |Date: 03/23/11 |School: Park Forest Elementary School |

|Lesson #: 2 of 2 |Grade & Class: 4th Grade | # of students: 12 |

|Unit Topic (ST and or MC) : Dance focused on the exploration |Lesson Topic: Relationships of body parts with equipment using the “Macarena” music and steps, and the |

|of “Relationships of Body parts;” and Effort Concepts of |“Mississippi Stomp” music and steps. (Using Lummi Sticks) Students will be learning a dance to “I Like to |

|“Time”. |Move It” Madagascar’s theme song. |

|Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives with corresponding Standards (National NS and Pennsylvania PAS) |

|Psychomotor (with critical elements) |Cognitive |Affective |

|Students will be able to perform the “cha cha” correctly a majority of |Students will be able to identify dance as a form of physical activity |Students will be able to express their opinions on which style of dance|

|the time when appropriate in the Mississippi Stomp. |that benefits their health by monitoring their steps taken through use |they prefer through reflection and class discussion. |

| |of a pedometer and evaluating the results. | |

|NS: #1- Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns | |NS: #6- Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, |

|needed to perform a variety of physical activities. |NS: #6- Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, |self-expression, and/or social interaction. |

|PAS: #10.5.3.A- Recognize and use basic movement skills and concepts. |self-expression, and/or social interaction. |PAS: # 10.4.6.D- Describe factors that affect childhood physical |

| |PAS: #10.4.6.C- Identify and apply ways to monitor and assess the |activity preferences. i.e., enjoyment, personal interest |

| |body’s response to moderate to vigorous physical activity. | |

| |• heart rate monitoring | |

| |• checking blood pressure | |

| |• fitness assessment | |

|My teaching strategy focus associated with above objectives |

|Psychomotor (with critical elements) |Cognitive |Affective |

|I will use teacher demonstration and repetition challenges to ensure |I will provide each student with a pedometer and monitor their correct |Through an open class discussion and reflection at the end of the |

|students learn the “cha cha” correctly and are able to perform it |use of this device. I will use verbal reminders to achieve the highest |lesson, I will allow students to voice their opinions and beliefs. |

|correctly. |number they can on the pedometer. I will use reflection during closure | |

| |on their pedometer use and the benefits on their body. | |

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Equipment Needs

• Songs: The Macarena, Mississippi Stomp, I Like to Move it

• CD or iPod player with music on the track

• Lummi Sticks (1 set per student available)

• Poster/Chalk Board/visual aid for directions

• Poly Spots

• Pedometers (one per student)

|Content Development |

|Instant Activity |Good morning, girls and boys! Before we begin I am going to give each of you a pedometer. Attach this to your pants directly above your right leg. We will talk more about these in a|

| |few minutes but for now see if they are working by watching the number move up every time you take a step. Now take a moment to read this poster and please do what it says! When |

| |everyone finds a spot I will start the Macarena music! (On poster: “Pick up two Lummi Sticks and stand on a poly spot. When I start the music, you will dance the Macarena that you |

| |learned last week, only this time, instead of clapping, use the Lummi sticks to clap together.) |

|B. Set Induction |Ok class, you all just danced the Macarena with the Lummi Sticks today, what did you think of this instrument used to make a noise to the rhythm? I am going to play a slow rhythm |

| |with my Lummi sticks and I want you to join in when you think you have identified the slow rhythm. Now I am going to play a fast rhythm with my Lummi sticks and join in again when |

| |you have identified it as a fast rhythm. Great job, now today we are going to learn 2 more dances. Today I want you to think about the pace and rhythm for each of these songs and |

| |notice which one is faster than the other. Dance is a great form of exercise just like we discussed last week! So today we are going to use these pedometers I already handed out to |

| |track how many steps you take during our lesson today! Does anyone know the benefit to using a pedometer? By taking more steps, you are pumping your heart faster and improving your |

| |health. Do you think you could take more than 400 steps this lesson? How about 500? I challenge you to try to get more steps than that! Let’s try to get that number as high as |

| |possible. Our first dance that we are going to learn today is called the Mississippi Stomp! Try to stomp your way to a high number on the pedometer! |


|MISSISSIPPI STOMP |Cues |Challenges |Set up (organization of equipment|Safety notes |Assmt. |

| | | |and children) | | |

|Now let’s practice that with the music so we can get familiar with | |We are going to practice 2 | | |Teacher Observation |

|the beat and rhythm of the song! Let’s also add 4 front taps with the| |times so we can get used to| | | |

|Lummi Sticks for each second we hold our stomps. | |the music! (Repetition) | | | |

|The next step in the song is the “cha cha”. The music will say “cha |Cha, cha, cha! |When I say go, on your own | | |Teacher Observation: |

|cha with the right”, and what I want you to do is take your right | |I want you to practice 3 | | |Provide feedback on |

|foot forward and swing your right hip with it, shift your weight back| |cha cha’s to the right, and| | |individual students |

|to the left foot then “cha cha cha” and swing your hips right, left, | |3 cha cha’s to the left. | | |performances while doing|

|right. The we are going to do the same thing but with our left side. | |Go! (Repetition) | | |the cha cha. |

|The music will say “cha cha with the left”, so I want you to step | | | | | |

|with the left, shift back to your right, then “cha cha cha” with the | | | | | |

|hips going left, right, left. | | | | | |

|Let’s put this all together without the music. Stomp with the right, |Right foot stomp! | | | |Teacher Observation |

|stomp with the left, cha cha to the right, cha cha to the left! Also,| | | | | |

|we are going to add a tap with the Lummi Sticks at any height that |Left foot stomp! | | | | |

|you prefer on each cha, cha, cha that we do. | | | | | |

| |Cha, cha, cha! | | | | |

|Good work! Now let’s try it to the music! |Right foot stomp! |We are going to practice | | |Teacher Observation |

| | |this two times together! | | | |

| |Left foot stomp! |(Repetition) | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Cha, cha, cha! | | | | |

|The next step to the Mississippi Stomp is to “move to the right”. |Grapevine to the |I want you to practice each| | |Teacher Observation |

|Then “move to the left”. We are going to “grapevine” both directions.|right! |direction for however many | | | |

|To grapevine we will side step to the right, cross our left foot | |brothers and sisters you | | | |

|behind us, then step to the right and finish with our feet together. |Grapevine to the left!|have! If you are an only | | | |

|To karaoke to the left we will side step to the left, cross our right| |child, practice 1 time each| | | |

|foot behind our body, then side step to the left again and finish | |way. (Cognitive) | | | |

|with our feet together. | | | | | |

|We are going to practice all of this to the music now! When we bring | |This time, every time we | | |Teacher Observation |

|out feet together, we are going to add one front tap with the Lummi | |stomp, I want you to move | | | |

|Sticks. | |your body to dance as many | | | |

| | |times as you know how! | | | |

| | |(Variety) | | | |

|The next step is to walk back 4 steps just like the music says. Only |1,2,3,4! |How many different ways can| | |Teacher Observation |

|I want you all to take the 4 movements to move back in a funky and | |you take a step back? | | | |

|hip hop sort of way! Be creative! Use the Lummi Sticks any way that | |(Variety) | | | |

|you desire on these 4 steps. | | | | | |

|The last step is to take one huge jump forward and hold the 4 counts.|Jump, and wiggle! | | | |Teacher Observation |

|Once again, get creative and have some fun with the last 4 counts! | | | | | |

|Use the Lummi Sticks any way that you prefer! | | | | | |

| Let’s add all of this to music again! If you get lost, try to listen| |We are going to go through | | |Teacher Observation |

|to the music because it tells us what to do! | |2 times, be as creative as | | | |

| | |you can! (Variety) | | | |

|The song keeps playing and we repeat the steps that we learned. Let’s|Be yourself! Add your |Do you think we can do the | | |Teacher Observation |

|try and see if we can do it four times in a row to complete the song!|own flavor! |whole dance 3 times | | | |

| | |through? (Keeping Score) | | | |

|“I like to Move It!” |Cues |Challenges | |Safety notes |Assmt. |

|The next step is to add a squat to the right. Step to the side with |Squat right! | | | |Teacher Observation |

|your right foot and squat. Then you will stand up again and squat to | | | | | |

|the left. Step out with the left foot and squat. We will repeat this |Squat left! | | | | |

|to the right and left again. | | | | | |

|Let’s put this all together! First without the music, then let’s | |Can we go through this | | |Teacher Observation |

|practice to the music! | |twice so we can get the | | | |

| | |pace of the music down! | | | |

| | |(Repetition) | | | |

|The next step is going to be step backward with our right, then left,|Step back! | | | |Teacher Observation |

|then right, then left. We will take four steps back ward starting | | | | | |

|with our right foot! Have fun with the movement and really feel the | | | | | |

|music! After this, we will jump forward 8 times! Let’s try those two | | | | | |

|8 counts now. | | | | | |

|Now let’s put it all together without the music, and then add the | |How creative can you get? | | |Teacher Observation |

|music to our dance! | |How many movements can you | | | |

| | |back on the back steps? | | | |

| | |(Variety) | | | |

|The next step is going to be 4 jumping jacks! When we do each jumping|Jumping jacks! |How many jumping jack turns| | |Teacher Observation |

|jack, we are going to rotate ¼ so that when we finish our fourth | |can you do in 10 seconds? | | | |

|jumping jack we will be facing forward again. | |(Timing) | | | |

|Let’s add that to the dance, from the beginning! | | | | |Teacher Observation |

|The final step in the dance before we start the whole dance over |Stomp! |Let’s try to stomp with our| | |Teacher Observation |

|again is to march in place 8 times, starting with our right foot! | |knees as high as we can! | | | |

| | |(Variety) | | | |

|Let’s do the whole dance together now only one time through! | |Let’s practice this again 2| | |Teacher Observation |

| | |times. (Repetition) | | | |

|Now we can repeat this whole dance as many times as we want together.| |Can we do it more than two | | |Teacher Observation |

|Why don’t we see if we can get it two times in a row without falling | |times? (Keeping Score) | | | |

|off step once! | | | | | |

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|D. Closure |

|Great job today, girls and boys! You all we’re super active and participated greatly! Now let’s take a look at those numbers on our pedometers. Who here has more than 300? More than 500? More than 1000?! Wow, we had |

|some really active participants today. With a raise of hands, can someone share what the difference in speed and rhythm is between The “Mississippi Stomp” and “I Like to Move It”? Which dance did you prefer, and why?|

|The Mississippi Stomp, which is a medium pace, or the “I like to Move it” which is a little bit of a faster beat? Well, this is the last lesson I have with you for dance, but next week, we will be using a racket for |

|skill building and games! See you next week! |

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|E. Post-Lesson Reflection |

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|The second lesson that I taught at the Park Forest Elementary School was another successful lesson that I learned a lot from. I will first reflect on different aspects of the lesson that I thought went well. From my |

|own reflection as well as from Brenton’s Letter to Jess, I believe my enthusiasm is a strength when teaching elementary students. I show excitement, I relax in front of the students, and I act goofy which really gets|

|the students involved. The students seemed more comfortable with me this week because of my enthusiasm, and because they were familiar with me. There were 2 students who weren’t in class the week prior and I made |

|sure that I introduced myself and included them in on the lesson right away. Wyatt was one particular student who seemed very shy and uncomfortable in the Physical Education classroom. I made sure I gave him positive|

|feedback and positive encouragement to help his self-esteem in the classroom. |

|Another aspect of my teaching that I thought went really well this week was the flow and pace of the lesson. Last week, I struggled with this area because I prolonged one particular dance. This week, I taught the |

|students several dances. Upon their arrival to class, I had the students pick up 2 Lummi sticks and dance to the Macarena that they learned the previous week. Rather than clapping like they did last week, they |

|cross-tapped the Lummi sticks. This was a fun way to get the class started because it was something new that the students could be excited about. I then led up to the set induction with the Lummi sticks and talking |

|about speed and rhythm. The students we’re enjoying tapping the Lummi sticks a little too much so I had to incorporate a protocol of “taking the temperature” with their sticks so they weren’t all tapping them while I|

|was giving directions. After the class introduction, I started teaching them the Mississippi Stomp. This song was a good choice for the first song of the day because it was a “warm-up” song to the other dances. It |

|had similar steps that we would be using later in the lesson and it was a slower tempo song to get the students blood flowing. I wasn’t originally going to use the Lummi sticks during this dance, however, I tried it |

|out and it seemed to be a success. I let the students be the deciders of how many times we would tap and what type of tap we would do during the steps to the dance. This allowed them to get creative and feel like |

|they contributed. The dance was taught and mastered within 15 minutes. I was really impressed with how fast the students could catch on to a dance so I was excited to move on to a more difficult dance. |

|The next dance I taught was to the song, “I Like to Move it”. Before I started, I brought the students in to our circle and asked if they liked the movie Madagascar. It was amazing when we all started singing the |

|song together before I even played it for them. They were instantly excited and ready to learn the dance. For this dance, I gave the students the option to keep the Lummi sticks or to put them back in the box. Some |

|students held on to the Lummi sticks, but most put them back in the box. They didn’t want to have them anymore because they wanted to be able to use their hands during freestyle parts of the dance. Once we got |

|started, just as they did the last song, they mastered the dance in 15 minutes! They were getting a great workout and were challenged by the faster pace of the song. During this song and the whole lesson, I used more|

|positive feedback to individual students because I knew their names better. They reacted positively when I provided the feedback. |

|Another thing I thought I did well throughout the lesson was allowed them to express their own creativity. Several times during the lesson I used “freestyle”. I told the students they could do anything they wanted as|

|long as it didn’t run in to anyone else in the class. All of the students were immediately doing some kind of funky dance move and running around. Dance is meant to be fun and it is meant to express individuality and|

|I think I did a nice job at expressing this to the students. |

|After reading the “Letter to Jess” that Brenton wrote me, I think he brought up a great point on something I could work on. Something that I could improve on is moving more throughout the classroom. I used “poly |

|spots” throughout the gym to mark a home for where the students would stand and I stood in front of them. The poly spots worked well again because it kept the students a safe distance a part from each other, however,|

|me standing in front of them the whole time could definitely get redundant. The only times I moved about the gym was when we freestyle danced. This is something I could really work on. Another thing I can work on is |

|how I sometimes still call the students, “guys”. This is a bad habit that I am slowly getting rid of. |

|Overall, I think the lesson went really well. I used appropriate teaching strategies like instant activities, set inductions, critical demandingness, use of protocols, and organized equipment. Most importantly, the |

|students seemed to have a lot of fun and they gave positive feedback during our closure. I finished the lesson by reviewing our cues and dance steps then talked about what we would be doing next week. I once again |

|look forward to teaching at the elementary school next week because I love teaching this age level! |

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|F. Letter To Jess from Brenton |

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|Ms. Ullrich (soon to be Mrs. Anspach), |

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|Just like your first lesson, I thought your second lesson went very well. The students were engaged and having fun throughout the lesson. You took some risks bringing in the lummi sticks but I think it worked out |

|for you. You started with the instant activity of using the lummi sticks with a review of the Macarena. I liked how you had an intro for the new kid “Wyatt” who was not in class the first time you taught. This was |

|good because I could tell he was worried with a) the new teacher and b) it being a dance lesson. You also did a good job of explaining the “taking the temperature” protocol with the lummi sticks (even though you are|

|not a personal fan of that protocol). You then moved on to the chacha which I think went well. Your enthusiasm really makes your lessons enjoyable for the students I think. I thought you had a good progression |

|through the chacha and were able to mix it up with the lummi sticks so the kids were not bored with them. It took you only about 15 mins to run through your first dance which is such an improvement from your first |

|lesson. It seemed like you were much more comfortable with the students and with your teaching ability this time around. The second song you did was the Madagascar and you gave the option for some kids to use the |

|lummi sticks, but that they didn’t have too. This was an interesting twist because a few kids did but most did not. Do you think they did not like the lummi sticks or was it a follow the leader effect once the first|

|kid put them back? I did like the water break you offered the class, you all were working hard and it was a nice break and time for them to let out some energy. Once again you were critically demanding and used |

|things such as proximity control and selective ignoring to deal with the few behavior issues you did face. Overall great job again and it is obvious you are having fun out there and that is contagious to the kids. |

|I only noticed a few minor things that I believe you could work on and its stuff I have seen with most of us throughout this teaching. We all tend to only teach from one spot (front middle) and even when were |

|watching we stand still or move just a little near the front. Try to walk through the students, behind, across from them and mix it up. I also noticed one time you started giving dance instructions with your back to|

|the students in an effort to orient them better, but you soon realized this was not a good idea and corrected it. There were a few issues with the lummi sticks that I think you could have addressed better. You did |

|mention the temperature protocol and just like your last lesson you did a good job of introducing the protocol, but it was rare that you used it. There were times when the kids would just hit their sticks together |

|and be off-task. I know you have that critically demanding side so use it! I also heard a few “you guys” throughout your lesson but there were no glaring mistakes on instruction or delivery. Great job jess! |

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|-Mr. B |


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