The ABC’s of Third Grade

The ABC’s of Third Grade

A Handbook for Parents

Welcome to third grade. While technically, educators refer to it as upper elementary, the truth is that third grade is a year of transition between the lower and upper levels. As such, students are encouraged to take on increasingly greater responsibilities. Third graders will be expected to keep pace with a broad, deep and challenging curriculum, and they will be expected to take greater charge of managing school related tasks (homework, test preparation, etc,). Families sometimes are surprised by the curricular differences between second and third grade. It is our hope that this handbook will provide students and families with the support needed for a successful transition and third grade year.

If you notice that curriculum starts to have more weight in third grade, you’re right. If you have concerns about your child’s progress, be sure to talk with your child’s teacher; we expect that kids will advance unevenly at times, and we are prepared to help. Some kids find the transition stressful. More often, however, third graders find themselves standing more firmly than ever in the world of school. After three years of being “little” in elementary school, third graders are now among the “big” kids. Ask them and they’ll tell you: that’s pretty cool.



School begins promptly at 8:05 a.m. It is important that your child get to school on-time. Your child’s regular and prompt attendance at school is a must. This is crucial to his/her success. When students must be absent, they are responsible for making up the work they missed. Make-up work will be sent home on the day that your child returns to school. Please send a note with your child explaining the absence. If your child was absent because of a doctor’s appointment, please send a doctor’s excuse.



Here are some age appropriate books for third graders to read:

Magic Tree House Books by Mary Pope Osborne

A to Z Mysteries Books by Ron Roy

Henry and Mudge books by Cynthia Rylant

Poppleton Books by Cynthia Rylant

Nate the Great books by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat

Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish

Cam Jansen Books by David A. Adler

Freckle Juice by Judy Blume

Marvin Redpost by Louis Sachar

Amber Brown Books by Paula Danziger

Ramona Books by Beverly Cleary



Effective communication between parents and teachers is essential for a successful school year. Third grade classroom teachers keep families informed by weekly newsletters. Refer to these newsletters for curricular updates, reminders, test dates, etc.

Contacting a teacher

Select the method that best fits your needs:

You may contact your child’s teacher by :

* calling the school at 586-1263 and leaving a message on voicemail;

* handwritten notes ; or

* e-mail Mrs. Taylor: staylor2@; Mrs. Lyle: mlyle@; Mrs. Ellison: lellison@


Discipline Plan

We firmly believe that life-long success depends on self-discipline and this plan was developed to give every student the opportunity to manage his or her own behavior. Your child deserves the most positive educational climate possible for academic growth. Therefore, this plan will be in effect at all times.


1. Be Responsible- Have all books, materials and assignments here at school, completed and on time.

Be where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there.

2. Listen and Follow teacher directions the first time given.

3. Be respectful- Say or do nothing that will hurt or offend another person. Use appropriate language at all times. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

4. Follow school-wide handbook policies.

Appropriate behavior will be reinforced. If a student chooses not to follow these rules, these are the consequences.


1. Verbal Warning/Student -Teacher conference

2. Time out.

3. Extended time-out.

Your child will have a folder that will be sent home daily. Inside this folder, you will find a discipline log. If your child has broken a rule for the day, please initial next to the entry on the discipline log. This folder should come back to school every day.

After fourteen infractions in one six weeks, your child will be sent to the office with an office referral.


Students will be dismissed from class at 3:00 p.m. Please send a note if there are changes to your child’s usual afternoon plans.



Please send all money in an envelope and label with your child’s name, amount, and what it is to be used for.


* Each student has the right to work in a quiet, orderly environment. Students move about the classroom quietly and use quiet voices when talking to others.

* Each student will complete daily assignments and turn them in by the end of the day. Any assignment not completed must be completed as homework.

* Students will treat each other respectfully. No put-downs of any kind are allowed.

* Students will keep their materials organized and their work areas neat.

* Students are responsible for bringing their planners to school every day.



Your child will bring home a folder daily. These folders will contain all the loose papers your child has completed. Please take time to view the information in this folder with your child. Once reviewed, please empty the folder and return it to school the next day. The completed papers are to be kept at home.



Your child will receive grades in all subject areas. Grade cards will come home at the end of each six weeks. Progress reports will come home at the midterm of the six weeks.

93-100 A

85-92 B

75-84 C

70-74 D

Below 70 F

Please remember that a “C” is good news and your child is meeting state & district standards.



Students who do not complete their classroom work will be required to take it home for homework. This work is due the next school day. If a student does not complete the assignment, or does not return it to school, he/she will be kept inside during recess until the assignment is complete.

Teachers may also assign additional homework assignments. These may include reading logs, studying for tests, and reviewing spelling words or math facts. Please check your child’s planner each evening for homework assignments.



Your child is becoming more independent. Homework, reading, and completing planners is their job and they should be able to complete it independently for the most part.

Individualized Instruction

Your child will be taught on his/her level throughout the year. This may require your child to change classes. Please be aware that all instruction is developed for your child’s needs.


Join In! Just try it!

Participation is not an option. It is an expectation. Students are encouraged to give it a try. It is important that kids learn to be risk takers and to give things their best shot. You can’t succeed if you don’t try.


Keep in touch!

Conferences are held twice a year. However, if you have a question or concern, do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. Our door is always open.



You are welcome to join your child for lunch. Student lunch prices are to be determined. Please send all lunch money in an envelope labeled with the child’s name and homeroom teacher. Adult lunch prices are to be determined. Third grade lunch begins at 12:15.



Teachers do not keep money in the classroom, therefore, please send correct change. Please put all money in an envelope or Ziploc bag and label with your child’s name, the amount, and the purpose for the money.



Each month, your child will receive a classroom newsletter. Please look for it each month in your child’s folder.


Open Lines of Communication

Please let your child’s teacher know if you have any special concerns about your child. If you notice a problem developing, please let the teacher know as soon as possible so we can work on the problem together. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact us during regular school hours at 586-1263 or send a note.



In third grade we strive to become more independent. Organizational and study skills are also stressed. Each student is required to record daily assignments in their student planner. They will also record weekly spelling words and homework assignments. Parents should check and initial the planner every night. Teachers will check for parent initials each week to ensure that you have looked at your child’s planner throughout the week.


Third Graders are expected to observe several standard procedures.

* Students should bring all classroom supplies needed for the day into the room in the morning. (Note that children are not permitted to call home for forgotten items.)

* Third graders must be aware of and be able to indicate a daily lunch choice.

* At the end of the day, teachers expect students to take home all belongings including planners and any necessary materials to complete homework.


Quality of Work

Teachers expect students to do their best work on all assignments. All work should have an appropriate heading. Handwriting must be neat and legible.


Read! Read! Read!

It is important that your child spend time at home reading. Studies show that the more they read and are read to, the better they will do in reading and most other areas of school. Students are expected to read each night.



Third graders will not have a formal snack during the day. Please do not send any food for your child to eat during the day. Also, we will not be purchasing extra milk. Your child may however, keep a water bottle on their desk for their personal use.



Your child will be tested several times during the school year using the DIBELS and other diagnostic tests. Students will also have classroom tests at the end of each unit of study. Your child will be required to take the State TCAP tests at the end of the year.

Toys/Trading Cards

We strongly discourage your child from bringing toys and trading cards to school. If a student is playing with them in the classroom, they will be taken up by the teacher until the end of the day. If students bring toys/trading cards a second time, the teacher will keep them until a parent comes to pick them up.


Educating a child is only accomplished by parent and teacher teamwork. By working together, we can give your child the best possible start in school. Be sure to keep us posted on any changes or happenings in your child’s life that could be affecting schoolwork or behavior.


Unusual Weather

In case of inclement weather, please listen to radio and TV announcements on school closings.


Visitors and Volunteers

Please remember that West Elementary policy requires that ALL GUESTS (including familiar faces) must check in at the school office and obtain a visitor’s badge. This must be done before entering the learning area.



Be sure to check the West Elementary website at .



There are twenty-three children in the largest third grade class. Please keep this in mind when sending in things to be distributed.



You, the parents, are very important to us and we want you to be as informed as possible on all aspects of your child’s education. It is our hope that you will find this handbook helpful. Your comments are always welcome.



Sleep is a necessary ingredient for your child if he/she is to participate fully in the day-to-day activities and lessons provided for them at school. Make sure that your child gets plenty of rest. Setting and keeping a bedtime is a wonderful gift you can give to your child. It will help them to be alert and ready to learn each day.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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