
??September 22, 2017?IMPORTANT DATESSeptember 26 – Drop-in Q & A on 3rd Grade Reading Law – 5:30 (prior to Curriculum Night)September 26 – Curriculum Night 6:00 - 6:45 PM – Grades: K-2 Classroom Presentations6:45 - 7:30 PM – Grades: 3-5 Classroom Presentations ?September 22 – BEF Octoberfest – 6:00-10:00 PM – Kreger House, Downtown Franklin September 25 – Kindergarten field trip to Bowers Farm – see your child’s teacher for details!September 28 – Delayed Start Day – School begins at 10:19 AM for all studentsOctober 3 – Kindergarten Parent Literacy Night @ 6:30 PMOctober 4 – Walk to School Day *(If there is inclement weather, it will be October 5.)October 4 – Victory Day Taco Tailgate 5:15PM and Game at 7:00 PM- Groves October 5- Friends of Different Learners Meeting – 7:00 PM @ BCSOctober 5-6 – ?Fifth Grade Camp – Camp Tamarck October 10 – PTA Meeting – Guest: Michelle Tindall, Coordinator for Global Learning, Science, & Math “Birmingham Public Schools Math Program Overview” October 16 – Community Partnership Meeting with Dr. Jay Marks @ 6:30 - EAC?WALK TO SCHOOL DAY:? WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4Beverly is joining with many other schools across Michigan to take part in Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 4.? Students who live within walking distance are encouraged to walk to school that day.? Our goal is to have over 100 walkers!?Why walk to school?? For one thing, it’s good physical activity.? It’s also good for the environment and reduces the traffic congestion around school.? Most of all, it’s a fun way to get to school!? You can walk with your friends, get some exercise and enjoy the outdoors before school. (In the event of inclement weather on Wednesday, October 4, Walk to School Day will be postponed until the following day.) ?5th GRADE CELEBRATION BREAKFAST – FRIDAY, JUNE 15This year, our 5th Grade Celebration will be held on Friday, June 15, 2017 at 9:30 AM in the Beverly gymnasium. Fifth grade students and parents will enjoy all the events of the traditional fifth grade celebration program in the morning on the last day. This new time of day and day of the week will allow students to truly experience a climatic, incredibly exciting celebration, provide families with the opportunity to participate in the 5th Grade Clap Out immediately following the celebration, avoid evening conflicts and be more consistent with other fifth grade celebrations in K-5 schools throughout the district. Last year, we spoke with fifth grade students, parents and staff about hosting the celebration in the morning on the last day of school and they were all in favor of the idea. We're certain that the fifth-grade students and parents will enjoy the traditional celebration at the new time!?Typically, fourth grade parents chair or co-chair the 5th Grade Celebration. We are looking for co-chairs for 5th Grade Celebration. If you are interested in serving as a chair or co-chair, please contact Heidi Bambrough, PTA Vice President at husker165@. Volunteers are also needed for the 5th Grade Celebration video and 5th Grade memory book.??2017-2018 BEVERLY CLASS T-SHIRT ORDER FORMIt’s that time of year again.? This shirt will be used as students’ class shirt.? They will wear it for the concert, Beverly Singers, field trips, spirit days, and field day.? The logo will incorporate our school name and a “Theme” from our concert A World of Music.? Jim Grake is designing the logo again this year. Each grade level will be a different color-- Kindergarten – Teal, first grade –Purple, second grade –Green, third grade – Carolina Blue, fourth grade –Sapphire, and fifth grade – Royal Blue.? In addition, the fifth grade shirts will have the signatures of all fifth graders on the back.? All shirts will be available in CHILDREN’S sizes S – L and ADULT sizes S - M - L and XL. Mrs. Cudnohufsky will have sample sizes that she will place on the music room bulletin board as soon as possible.?T-shirts may be purchased for $6.50-this includes tax*.? Please fill out the order form below and return it to your child’s teacher by Friday, October 13th with cash or your check made out to Beverly School.? If you have more than one child in the school, you may write one check, but PLEASE MAKE OUT A SEPARATE ORDER FORM FOR EACH CHILD.? The order form is their distribution label.? ?* You are not required to purchase a shirt, although most children do.? If you do not wish to purchase a shirt, your child may wear a shirt that corresponds to the color that their grade level selected.? Also, if there is a financial need, please let me know. If you would like to make a donation for another child to have a t-shirt who may not otherwise get one, please write a separate check/provide cash for the additional shirt as well as make a note on the form. We want all children who desire a shirt to have one. ?All Beverly students purchased or were provided with a shirt last year.?EXPORT the BEVERLY SHOOL CALENDAR TO YOUR DEVICE! Please use the web address below to access your calendar from other applications. You can copy and paste this into any calendar product that supports the iCal format.? Feed Instructions:iOS Devices?(iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)Android Devices and Google CalendarMicrosoft OutlookOther Calendar Programs?iOS Devices?(iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)To subscribe using your iPhone or iPad:Click your iPhone Settings icon.Select Mail, Contacts, Calendars from the list.Select Add Account.Select Other.Select Add Subscribed Calendar at the bottom of the list.Enter the subscription link (shown above) in the server field.Click Next in the top right hand corner of the screen.The URL will be verified, and your subscription information will display.Click Save.To view this calendar on your iPhone:Click the Calendar icon on your iPhone’s home screen.Click the Calendars button in the top left hand corner of your default calendar screen.Select the name of the calendar you have just added. A check mark will appear next to it.Click Done.Events from this calendar will now display on your iPhone calendar.?The ABCD, Beverly Elementary, and 2017-18 District Calendar can be found on our website by clicking on the following link: . ??DELAYED START: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28CHILD CARE AVAILABLE!?On Thursday, September 28, school will start at 10:19 am, as the teaching staff will be?? participating in professional development.? If you are in need of child care for that morning, Beverly Kids Club can help!? The students will participate in a variety of fun activities:? arts/crafts, games and gym time.?Regular Kids Club users may register for the extended time through the SchoolCareWorks system.? Select the AM session PLUS the Delayed Start session for an additional $5 fee.?Families not registered for Kids Club may register for the Delayed Start child care (8:45 am—10:19 am) for $5/child.? The registration form is available in the main office and may also be found online under the Kids Club tab on the Beverly website (under Programs & Activities.)? Please submit the registration form and cash/check payable to Beverly Community Education by Monday, September 25.?PTA MEETING: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10On Tuesday, October 10, please join us at our PTA Meeting for a presentation by Michelle Tindall, Coordinator for Global Learning, Science, & Math on “BPS Math Program Overview”. ??BASE CLASSES STARTING SOON!Our first session of after school (BASE) classes will be starting next week. A variety of classes are offered, from Art to Science to Drama to Basketball.? You can find all the details on the class offerings in the BASE flyer that was sent home last week.? (Registration information is also posted on the Programs & Activities section of the Beverly website and on the Community Ed site:? ) Please note that ALL registrations for Community Ed classes must be completed ONLINE (or by phone to the district Community Ed office); no paper registrations will be accepted at the school.? ?If your child is interested in a class, don’t delay in registering – some classes fill quickly; also, there are minimum enrollment numbers for classes to run.?Please contact Janice Hausman at jhausman@birmingham.k12.mi.us or 248-203-3158 with any questions on BASE classes.?WE NEED YOU!...Stay connected to your Beverly Elementary CommunityEnter or update your family information in the Beverly School Directory AND Join the Beverly PTA! It's super easy to do both, using the online links below.?Short on time to fundraise? No problem! Your PTA membership donations largely fund our school events and enables us to accommodate new equipment and teacher requests for all of our classrooms.New Beverly Families - Follow Links Here:1. Input your family information into the Beverly Directory:?join.use join code: beverlyelementary (no caps, no spaces)2. New! Pay for PTA Membership online (more details via link):? Beverly Families - Follow Links Here:?1. Update your family information into the Beverly Directory:?Go to:??, and login to your accountClick on: "Your Account", then click on "Your Family" and continue the update.2. New! Pay for PTA Membership online (more details via link):?: PTA membership is totally optional, but we think you'll love the perks. Paper membership forms are also available in the school office.??BEVERLY ART CALENDARS ARE HERE!Thank you for your patience as we waited for our BPS printer to recover from a medical issue.? The calendars are here, and have been delivered to the oldest child in your family, as indicated on the order form.? We are sure that you will enjoy this beautiful calendar all year!If you did not pre-order a calendar, they will be available for sale at Curriculum Night or by sending $12 (cash or check payable to Beverly Community Education) to Janice Hausman, Community Ed.?SEND IN YOUR BOX TOPS! The first Box Tops for Education collection will be October 2, 2017. Please have your student bring in all Box Tops that you would like to be counted towards the summer kickoff party challenge.? Earn 1 point for each qualifying Box Top.? The winning class will win a pizza party!After the winning class is determined, there will be a date set with the teacher and announced to the students of the class.? Good luck! ?Additionally, once a class earns 500 points they will be contacted to pick out a classroom at playground prize of their choice! ?The Box Tops program is an excellent fundraiser for the school. We accept all unexpired Box Tops. The date must be visible and not torn or cut off as they will not count as money for the school.? Each box top counts as .10 cents so they can add up quickly!! There is also an app for the Box Tops for Education program that is easy to use. Download, clip the add within the app, scan your receipt and earn money for your school! ?Thank you for your continued support. Good luck!? We will let you know ASAP who the winning class is.?GIRLS ON THE RUN?We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.? The 2017 Fall Season is starting for girls in 3rd through 5th grades.?Season Dates: Week of September 18th through week of November20th. 5K is November 19th.Location: Beverly Elementary SchoolMeeting days and times: Mondays and Thursdays 4:00 – 5:15 PM** - Note time change**For more information go to ??LOST & FOUNDWe have already accumulated a lot of lost items!? Please remind your child to take a look at the items in the drawers in the lobby.? We will also have the items on display in the lobby on Tuesday night (Curriculum Night.)Items that are labeled are returned to the owners.? Unidentified items remaining at the end of the month will be donated to a local charity.?5th GRADE CAMP INFORMATIONPlease log onto the Beverly Elementary homepage > Programs & Activities > 5th Grade Camp or click: ?for 5th Grade Camp information and/or the presentation from the meeting last June. For additional questions, please contact your child’s 5th grade teacher at mpardington@birmingham.k12.mi.us, korourke@birmingham.k12.mi.us or cthomas@birmingham.k12.mi.us. If you would like to apply for a 5th Grade Camp scholarship or are interested in making a donation for a camp scholarship, please contact me at jhitchcock@birmingham.k12.mi.us.?Plan Ahead! PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES - Thanksgiving 2017On Monday, November 20 and Tuesday, November 21, all elementary schools in the district will host parent-teacher conferences. That said, Thanksgiving is also the same week. Unfortunately, teachers will not be able to accommodate rescheduled conferences due to early vacations. ?THANK YOU, FIRST RESPONDERS & MILITARY PERSONNELThe Groves Football Team will recognize First Responders and Military (active & retired) Personnel at their Home Game on Thursday, September 28.? Free admission with ID will be offered for those personnel.? Those attending will be recognized during the Pre-game activities.??3rd GRADE READING LAWAt Beverly Elementary, we are committed to the academic, social, and emotional growth of all students. In the early years of a child’s education, literacy serves as the foundation of learning. We are continuing our commitment to ensuring students demonstrate strong literacy skills. However, to build on reading achievement in schools, Michigan lawmakers passed Public Act 306. This law applies to students in kindergarten through third grade and went into effect with the 2016-2017 kindergarten cohort. ?Birmingham Public Schools district and building administrators and reading specialists have been collaborating to implement the stipulations required in the law. Our teachers will continue the process of gathering information about your child’s reading ability to ensure classroom instruction meets the needs of individual learners. If your child’s reading performance on district assessments is below our district expectations, you will be contacted by your child’s teacher. If a student is scoring below district expectations, a plan for support will be developed by your child’s teacher and the support staff in collaboration with parents/guardians. The Beverly staff will monitor the academic performance throughout the school year to ensure student progress in reading and all core academic areas. ?In addition to the information being shared at a PTA meeting last spring and the Parent Guide to Public Act 306 attached, please click on the links of informational videos below produced to provide more information to families about the reading law. The first video link features Beverly Elementary students sharing information about how you can support your child. Also, if you would like to learn more information, the Beverly Elementary reading and instructional specialists will join me for a drop-in Q & A session to answer any questions that parents may have on Tuesday, September 26 at 5:30 PM, prior to the Beverly Elementary Curriculum Night. ?To learn more information, there are two additional opportunities. Friends of Different Learners (FODL) is hosting a presentation for parents on the requirements of the new third grade reading law. The presentation will be presented by Dr. Deborah Gollnitz, Coordinator for Assessment and Program Evaluation for Birmingham Public Schools. For more information, please click on: . The Oakland Schools and Oakland Parent Engagement Network will be hosting a learning event, free of charge for parents of children pre-school through eighth grade on Saturday, October 14, 2017. For more information, please click on: . After reading the Parent Guide to Public Act 306 and watching the videos below, if you still have questions, please stop by our Q & A session on Tuesday, September 26 or attend the other presentations provided by FODL and Oakland Schools. Thank you for your support!Beverly Elementary Reading Law Video: Grade Reading Law Interview: News…?Letter from the Superintendent of Birmingham Public SchoolsDear BPS Friends,You have probably heard me refer to our two twin pillars at Birmingham Public Schools – learning well and developing sound character.? We all know the importance of both but as a district one cannot attain academic success without having a nurturing and inclusive educational environment.In our work to prepare our students to be future ready, I have found that? some critical elements should not be left out – our families, our staff and our community.? As a district we must tap into the talent and compassion that surrounds us. Your ideas, your passions and your caring can and do assist BPS in being that district where every child is future ready.On Monday, October 16 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Dr. Jay? Marks, Diversity Education consultant for Oakland Schools will join us for an organizational meeting regarding forming a community partnership to address issues of character, inclusion, culture and climate. This meeting will take place at the BPS Education and Administration Building located at 31301 Evergreen, Beverly Hills.? This includes “courageous conversations” about our schools and our communities, our hopes for the future and our fears.? At our organizational meeting we hope to accomplish the following:???????????????- Determine the mission of this partnership.???????????????- Determine sectors of the organization that need to be represented.???????????????- Review basic elements of the partnership:? name, meeting schedule, next steps.I firmly believe in the goodness I see every day throughout our schools and community.? However, we all recognize that we are not an island and that we are all affected to different degrees by what goes on in our world.? In order to make sure that our students are fully prepared to live in that often challenging world, we must all work together to build bridges of understanding.? I hope that you will join me in this effort.?Sincerely,Dan Nerad?TUTORIAL PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS K-5Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2017The Southfield Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will offer a tutorial program for students in grades K-5. Sessions run on Tuesdays from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Alder Elementary School in Southfield. A mandatory parent meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 26 at 6:00 p.m. also at Alder. There is no cost for the tutorial program. Learn more with the Tutorial Parent Meeting Letter. ?“13th” Film Screening and Panel Discussion?Tuesday, Sept. 26, 20176:00 - 9:00 p.m.The Oakland Schools African American Male Task Force will host a launch event on Tuesday, Sept. 26. A screening of the film "13th" will be shown, followed by a panel discussion focused on stopping the school-to-prison pipeline. Panel members include a police officer, school?representatives, an AOLU Attorney and a member of the ADL. The event?will be held at Oakland Schools, 2111 Pontiac Lake Road in Waterford Township.?To register, visit .?For more information, contact Dr. Jay Marks, Oakland Schools Diversity and Equity Consultant, at?jay.marks@oakland.k12.mi.us?or 248.209.2272.?VICTORY DAY – VICTORY NIGHT GAMEWednesday, Oct. 4, 20175:15 p.m. Taco TailgateBetween 7:00-8:00 Victory Night Game?Victory Day, hosted by Wylie E. Groves High School, will provide middle school and high school youth with cognitive and physical impairments the opportunity to play football or cheer and have their "moment in the sun” on the football field.?Each child will be partnered up with a Football player who will serve as their mentor. Participants will wear a Victory Day t-shirt supplied by the Groves Football team or hold cheer pom-poms and participate in a number of simulating game-day activities, giving each child a moment to shine. The community is invited to cheer on our students during their Victory Night Game, which will take place at the Groves Stadium, 23500 W. 13 Mile Road in Beverly Hills, at halftime of the Charity Powderpuff Football game, between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. A $5 suggested donation is requested to benefit the Spirit Week charity: Disaster Relief At Work. Register a child for the game by emailing bflaherty2@birmingham.k12.mi.us. Space is limited. A Taco Tailgate will take place before the game at 5:15 p.m., sponsored by the LINKS club. Cost is $8 and reservations are required. Email SRogers@birmingham.k12.mi.us. ?MOM to MOM SALE – GREENFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOLWhen: Saturday, October 21 from 8:30 AM to 12:00 NoonGreenfield Elementary is located at: 13 Mile Rd & Greenfield RoadsAdmission is $1.00 (Early Bird Admission at 8:00 AM is $2.00)**Tables are available for sellers – call 248-203-3217 for information**?Deadline Extended!SEAHOLM MAPLE MOTION DANCE CLINICSeaholm Maple Motion Dance Clinic is Thursday, October 5th. Don't miss out on an afternoon of non-stop dancing and fun! Extended registration deadline is September 25th. ?A registration form was sent home with students, or visit our website: .? This class is for girls and boys, ages K-5.?BEF OCTOBERFESTCelebrate the start of the school year at the Birmingham Education Foundation’s Oktoberfest!Parents – get a group of friends together and join the Birmingham Education Foundation on Friday, September 22 from 6-10 pm for an Oktoberfest celebration, sponsored by Chemical Bank. Tickets are $65 each and include beverages from Griffin Claw and dinner from Woodpile BBQ Shack. You won’t want to miss this fun evening supporting our schools. Visit to get your tickets today! (21+ Only Please)Volunteer with the Birmingham Education Foundation!The Birmingham Education Foundation is looking for volunteers to help with two upcoming events: the Unabashed Bash Auction and the Spring Garage Sale. If you’re interested in learning more about these events and getting involved with us, please contact Alison Hendry at bef@birmingham.k12.mi.us or 248-203-3030. ?From the office of Specialized Instruction and Student Services….??FRIENDS OF DIFFERENT LEARNERS NEXT MEETINGWhen: October 5, 2017 @ 7:00 PMWhere: Birmingham Covington SchoolTopic: Third Grade Reading Bill: Roles and Responsibilities of Parents and Administrators?Please join us for a presentation of the Third Grade Reading Bill and how the bill’s requirements will be implemented in the Birmingham Public School District. The Bill will be presented by the Teaching and Learning Department’s Dr. Deborah-Lee Gollnitz, Coordinator for Assessment and Program Evaluation for BPS.?? ?More information about Friends, including Executive Members, Building Reps, and Local & National Resources can be found at the website below. WWW.?JOIN FRIENDS OF DIFFERENT LEARNERS! Just 10.00! Additional donations help us provide high quality speakers at our monthly meetings and support our annual projects like LINKS, the Disability Awareness Workshop, and the Camp & Resource Fair + Micro Businesses. Annual Memberships are valid September - August. ?Sign Up for our New & Notes weekly email! You can become a member at the meeting or you can register on-line and while you are on-line you can also sign up for our weekly News & Notes to keep informed about all the latest happenings! Check out our web site for information about local and national resources that provide help for struggling students and their families. ?REPORTING ABSENCES AND TARDIES- Report every day student is absent or tardySchool Absence Reporting email: ?beverlyattendance@School Absence Reporting Line: 248-203-3150 #2Report all absences and tardies each day your child is absent or tardy. Call the attendance phone line or email the Beverly attendance email. Late? Arrivals– when arriving after the 8:49 AM bell,? parents must accompany your child inside building and sign in your student in blue notebook. For any other reason, problem, or question, please contact the main office at 248-203-3150 or directly email school secretaries, Linda Johnson at ljohnson@birmingham.k12.mi.us or Nancy Damman ndamman@birmingham.k12.mi.us. For extended absences, (students out 5 or more days) please inform the office prior to the student’s absence. Please complete the extended absence form prior to the absence. ?It is truly an honor to serve as the Beverly principal. Once again, welcome back! I am excited to make this another outstanding school year!?What’s happening at Beverly??????????There are several ways to stay up to date on what’s happening at Beverly Elementary! Visit Beverly’s website at for events and Calendar.? ???????????Follow us on Twitter @Beverly_Bobcats for news, updates, information and school closings.Receive important updates and urgent information via text through the Remind app. Text @bevprinc to 81010. You can opt out of text messages at any time by replying unsubscribe @bevprinc?Have a great weekend!?Warmly,Jamii?Jamii J. Hitchcock, Ph.D.Principal?Beverly Website |Remind | Beverly Twitter ??NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION:The Board of Education is committed to maintaining a learning/working environment in which all individuals are treated with dignity and respect, free from discrimination and harassment. There will be no tolerance for discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information, disability or age. The District prohibits harassment and other forms of discrimination whether occurring at school, on District property, in a District vehicle, or at any District related activity or event. The Superintendent will designate compliance officers and develop and implement regulations for the reporting, investigation and resolution of complaints of discrimination or harassment. The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Students - Inquiries related to discrimination on the basis of disability should be directed to: Executive Director of Special Education, 31301 Evergreen Road, Beverly Hills, MI 48025, 248.203.3000. Direct all other inquiries related to discrimination to: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, 31301 Evergreen Road, Beverly Hills, MI 48025, 248.203.3000.?????File attachments:delayedstartform 092817(1).pdfOctober Friends Meeting ADA Compliant Flyer 2.docxT-SHIRT ORDER FORM World of Music.docx ................

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