Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools RFA - Federal ...

Emergency Assistance to Non-Public SchoolsRequest for ApplicationsMarch 2021A program sponsored under the federal Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act to provide funding to Non-Public Private Schools and eligible Non-Public SchoolsCalifornia Department of EducationTHIS DOCUMENT IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY.PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT THIS DOCUMENT TO THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.Title I Policy, Program, and Support OfficeStudent Achievement and Support Division California Department of Education1430 N StreetSacramento, CA 95814-5901Email: EANS@cde. TIMELINEActivityDatesPost request for applications (RFA) on the California Department of Education (CDE) websiteMarch 31, 2021Technical Assistance Webinar: Overview of the RFA and program requirementsApril 5, 2021April 7, 2021Application Window April 12, 2021 to April 26, 2021Emergency Assistance to Nonpublic Schools (EANS) Application Received by CDEBy 5:00 p.m. on April 26, 2021Application Evaluation April 27, 2021to May 12, 2021CDE notifies applicants of application status, award amount, and program requirements On or before May 12, 2021Reimbursement Payment Request ProcessBegins upon CDE receipt of signed submission and approval of the first quarterly expenditure report. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE TO NON-PUBLIC SCHOOLS PROGRAMPart A Cover SheetApplicant will provide the Cover Sheet as a scanned PDF attachment. The signature of the school representative must either be an original ink signature or authenticated e-signature. Name of school or consortium: [Add Name of School]Mailing address: [Add Mailing Address]Email address of authorized representative of the school: [Add Email Address]I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the information in this application is true and correct. I further understand that knowingly making a false statement or misrepresentation on this application I may be subject to criminal and civil penalties including penalty of perjury, under applicable State and Federal laws.County District School (CDS) Code (if applicable): [Add CDS code]Authorized Representative of the School: [Add Name of Representative]Phone Number: [Add Phone Number]Signature of Authorized Representative of the School (Applications submitted without a signature will be disqualified).[Add Signature]Date: [Add Date Signed]Primary Contact: [Add Name of Contact]Please provide one point of contact for who shall be responsible for submitting documents to the CDE for the purposes of requesting reimbursements and payments, and managing fiscal oversight of the program on behalf of the applicant. Name: [Add Name for Point of Contact]Email address: [Add Email Address]Phone: [Add Phone Number]Schools ListAn organization that has governing authority over a group of schools may submit an application on behalf of its member schools. In the chart below, list all schools submitted in the application. The organization is responsible for maintaining data and other information for all applicable schools. Name of School(s)CountyCDS Code(if applicable)First name of primary contactLast name of primary contactTitle of primary contactEmail of Primary ContactDirect phone of primary contact[Name of School][County][CDS Code][First name of primary contact][Last name of primary contact][Title of primary contact][Email of Primary Contact][Direct phone of primary contact][Name of School][County][CDS Code][First name of primary contact][Last name of primary contact][Title of primary contact]Email of Primary Contact][Direct phone of primary contact][Name of School][County][CDS Code][First name of primary contact][Last name of primary contact][Title of primary contact]Email of Primary Contact][Direct phone of primary contact][Name of School][County][CDS Code][First name of primary contact][Last name of primary contact][Title of primary contact]Email of Primary Contact][Direct phone of primary contact]OverviewAs part of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA), 2021, Public Law 116?260, Congress set aside $2.75 billion of the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund specifically to provide emergency assistance to students and teachers in non-public schools (NPS), as defined below, through the EANS program. The purpose of the EANS program is to provide services or assistance to eligible NPS to address the impact and educational disruptions that Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had, and continues to have, on NPS students and teachers in the state. On February 22, 2021, Governor Newsom submitted a signed certification and agreement for California’s EANS award. California received an EANS award of $187,475,843, of which $186,538,464 may be allocated to eligible NPS. The CDE is responsible for the administration of the EANS program. For purposes of the EANS program, federal law specifies that an eligible NPS is an elementary or secondary school that is:Non-profit; Accredited, licensed, or otherwise operates in accordance with California law; Was in existence prior to March 13, 2020, the date the President declared the national emergency due to COVID-19; and Did not, and will not, apply for and receive a loan under the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) (15 U.S.C. 636[a]([7]) that is made on or after December 27, 2020.Based on the eligibility criteria, non-public private schools are eligible to apply for EANS funding;EANS awards can be used for secular, neutral, and non-ideological services and assistance, including sanitization supplies, personal protective equipment (PPE), COVID-19 testing, educational technology, and connectivity. Priority will be given to applications from NPS that enroll low-income students and are most impacted by COVID-19. Awards calculated for less than $2500 will be deemed ineligible. PART B: Eligibility Criteria/Additional RequirementsBy reviewing each bullet below, I affirm that the following is true and correct regarding each school included in this application. [Add check boxes for each bullet below]The school requesting services or assistance is a non-profit school. The school requesting services or assistance is accredited, licensed, or otherwise approved to operate in accordance with California law. The school requesting services or assistance existed and operated prior to March 13, 2020. The school requesting services or assistance did not and will not apply for and receive a loan under the Small Business Administration’s PPP that is made on or after December 27, 2020. NOTE: If an NPS applies for a PPP loan on or after December 27, 2020, but does not receive funds under the PPP, the school may apply for services or assistance under the EANS program, as long as the NPS meets the requirements and deadlines of this application. If a NPS applied for or received a PPP loan prior to December 27, 2020, it remains eligible for the EANS program. Similarly, if a NPS applies for but does not receive services or assistance through EANS, nothing in the Education Stabilization Fund would preclude that NPS from applying for and receiving a PPP loan on or after December 27, 2020. None of the services or assistance for which I am requesting support in Part D of this application have already been supported by a loan under the PPP. The school is in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination.Additional Requirements:Additionally, as part of completing the application, the NPS will need to agree to the following nonexclusive list of conditions. Additional conditions may be added at a later date, such as those required by federal or state law, requirements, or guidance. By checking each box, the applicant agrees to the requirements for each school included in this application: [Add check boxes for each bullet below]The school agrees to maintain receipts/documentation for all reimbursable items for a period of five years after final payment, or where an audit has been requested, until the audit is resolved, whichever is longer. The CDE and other state agencies shall have the right to audit, monitor, review, and to copy any records and supporting documentation pertaining to this agreement to verify compliance with all requirements.The school will comply with all title and tracking requirements for Category 2 (Durable Goods/Ongoing Services) to facilitate the transfer of title to CDE and CDE’s inventory of such items, as necessary.The school will complete any reporting requirements related to expenditures, including reimbursements (both after the fact and in advance).Note: The CDE may require an applicant to submit documentation to substantiate one or more of the above assurances. PART C: Non-public School Data Section 312(d)(3)(C) of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRSSA) requires a state educational agency (SEA) to prioritize services or assistance to a NPS that enrolls low-income students and are most impacted by COVID-19. Low-income is defined as children ages 5?17 who are from families at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty level and enrolled in NPS; therefore, students above 185 percent may not be counted. The CDE will accept the following data sources regarding the number and percentage from low-income families enrolled in the NPS for the 2019–20 school year. Applicants must choose one of the following four data sources to use as verification for data provided. Note: The NPS is not required to submit the selected, allowable data source with the application, but is required to retain records for a period of five years to verify compliance in the case of an audit review of data. Available free or reduced-priced lunch data as derived from students who are eligible to receive Free or Reduced Price Meals (FRPM) based on applying for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), or who are determined to meet the same income eligibility criteria as the NSLP through their local school as well as students who are automatically eligible for free meals based on their foster, migrant, or homeless status, or because they were directly certified (Title 7,?Code of Federal Regulations[CFR], Section 245.6) as being eligible for free meals pursuant to all applicable state and federal requirements. Proportionality data: calculated as the number of students enrolled in a NPS who reside in a Title I school attendance area multiplied by the percentage of public school students in that same attendance area who are from low-income families.Student low income counts submitted for 2019–20 Title 1 Equitable Services as reported in the Consolidated Application and Reporting System.Scholarship or financial assistance data, limited to students who are from families at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty level.E-Rate Data: an alternative method that allows schools to collect and determine low income counts without participating in the NSLP.Enrollment and Low-Income Data Total student enrollment of the school in the 2019–2020 school year (grades T/K–12): [Add Student Enrollment].Number or estimated number of students from low-income families enrolled in the school in the 2019–2020 school year (grades T/K–12): [Add Number of Students].This number or estimated number is from the following data source: [Add check boxes for each bullet below]Available free or reduced-priced lunch data as derived from students who are eligible to receive FRPM based on applying for the NSLP or who are determined to meet the same income eligibility criteria as the NSLP through their local school as well as students who are automatically eligible for free meals based on their foster, migrant, or homeless status, or because they were directly certified (Title 7,?CFR, Section 245.6) as being eligible for free meals pursuant to all applicable state and federal requirements.Proportionality data: calculated as the number of students enrolled in a NPS who reside in a Title I school attendance area multiplied by the percentage of public school students in that same attendance area who are from low-income families.Student low income counts submitted for 2019–20 Title 1 Equitable Services as reported in the Consolidated Application and Reporting System. Scholarship or financial assistance data, limited to students who are from families at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty level.E-Rate Data: an alternative method that allows schools to collect and determine low income counts without participating in the NSLP.Paycheck Protection Program Did the school receive a loan guaranteed under the PPP before December 27, 2020? [Add a Yes and No checkbox here]If the answer is yes, please respond to the following:What was the total amount of the PPP loan? [Enter Dollar Amount] Do you assure that services or assistance, including reimbursement for previously incurred costs for qualified funds received under the EANS program will be services or assistance not already funded by the PPP loan?[Add a Yes and No checkbox here]Note: The NPS is not required to submit the data sources with the application, but is required to retain records for a period of five years to verify compliance in the case of an audit review of data sources. Impact of COVID-19 Please check if the school(s) have been impacted by COVID-19 in any of the following ways: [Add check boxes for each number below] loss of tuition revenue; decrease in enrollment; increase in enrollment; lack of capacity to provide remote learning due to insufficient technological support; and verifiable learning loss attributable to the educational disruptions caused by COVID-19. If none apply, please describe any additional impacts COVID-19 has had on the school(s): [Enter narrative response]Equitable Services Did the school receive equitable services under a Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) Program? Note: The response to this item does not impact eligibility for EANS funding. [Add a Yes and No checkbox here]Funding Calculation MethodologyThere is a total of $186,538,464 in EANS funds available for allocation statewide. Funding will be distributed based on a per-student base rate, with an additional supplemental rate for each student from a low-income family. The supplemental rate will be 20 percent of the base rate (e.g., if the base rate is $100 per student, then each student from a low-income family would generate an additional $20, which is the low-income supplemental rate). The CDE will calculate the base rate, and correspondingly, the low-income supplemental rate, based on the sum of the total student enrollment and total number of students from low-income families from all valid EANS applications received by the due date. The funding calculation methodology was developed to ensure that eligible applicants with the highest reported number of low-income students impacted by COVID-19 will be prioritized for funding. Note: it is the CDE’s intent to withhold a portion of the available funding from the rate calculation as a reserve to account for appeals. PART D: Non-Public School Services or Assistance Requested A school may apply for services or assistance from the CDE to address educational disruptions resulting from COVID-19 for the activities listed below. Please check all categories of need. For items that fall into Categories 1 and 2, the CDE will release funding to the school on a reimbursement basis only. Additionally, funds can be used retroactively to March 13, 2020, and through September 30, 2023, so a school should consider both previous expenditures for which it might be reimbursed as well as future needs.Items that fall into Categories 1 and 2 will be given priority funding. For items in Category 3, pursuant to federal requirements, these items cannot be reimbursed, and the service must be provided through a contract initiated by the rmation regarding the process for requesting reimbursement or contracted services, as well as title requirements for Category 2 items, will be shared with each NPS who receives an allocation under EANS.Category 1: (Expenditures that support immediate need)[Add check boxes for each bullet below]Supplies to sanitize, disinfect, and clean school facilities.Personal protective equipment (PPE). Portable air purification systems.Physical barriers to facilitate social distancing. Other materials, supplies or equipment recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the reopening and operation of school facilities to effectively maintain health and safety. Expanding capacity to administer coronavirus testing to effectively monitor and suppress the virus and to conduct surveillance and contact tracing activities, and to support other activities related to coronavirus testing for students, teachers, and staff.Category 2: (Durable Goods/Ongoing Services) [Add check boxes for each bullet below]Educational technology (including hardware, software, connectivity, assistive technology, and adaptive equipment) to support remote or hybrid learning. Leasing sites or spaces to ensure social distancing. Reasonable transportation costs. Condition under Category 2: Federal law requires that the CDE gain title to materials, equipment, and property for which it provides reimbursement in this category.Category 3: (Contracted Services)[Add check boxes for each bullet below]Improvements to ventilation systems (including windows), except for portable air purification systems, which may be reimbursed. Staff training and professional development on sanitization, the use of PPE, and minimizing the spread of COVID-19. Redeveloping instructional plans, including curriculum development, for remote or hybrid learning or to address learning loss. Initiating and maintaining education and support services or assistance for remote or hybrid learning or to address learning loss. Conditions under Category 3: Contractual services only.Services will be initiated by the CDE. Reimbursements are not provided for any items outlined in Category 3.Subject to state public contracting laws and rules.Closeout Procedures for Categories 2 and 3:NPS will report any unspent funds as designated by the CDE. Financial records, supporting documents, and all other records will be retained for a period of five years. Property records must be maintained that include a description of the property, a serial number or other identification number, the source of property, the acquisition date, cost of the property, the location, use and condition of the property, and any ultimate disposition data including the date of disposal and sale price of the property.The CDE will gain title to materials, equipment, and property for which it provides reimbursement during the term of the award. Items of equipment with a current per-unit fair market value of $5,000 or less may be retained, sold, or otherwise disposed of with no further obligation to the awarding agency.Items of equipment with a current per unit fair market value in excess of $5,000 may be retained or sold and the awarding agency shall have a right to an amount calculated by multiplying the current market value or proceeds from sale by the awarding agency's share of the equipment.EANS awards for Category 3 must be expended by September 30, 2023.PART E: Fiscal Reporting RequirementsThe CDE will not issue any advance payments to schools. In order to be reimbursed for expenses in Categories 1 and 2, schools must submit a Quarterly Expense Report to the CDE. Failure to submit on time may result in reimbursement payments being delayed. Fiscal Reporting Due Dates:Quarter?Reporting Period?Report Due Date?1?March 13, 2020–June 30, 2021?July 31,?2021?2July 1–August 15, 2021?August 31,?2021?Note: Additional reporting periods to be determined. May be subject to change as a result of additional federal guidance and/or flexibilities.To maintain control over the EANS funds, the CDE must ensure that the NPS expenditures are allowable expenses, that the NPS has sufficient documentation supporting such expenditures, and that the CDE gains title to materials, equipment, and property for which it provides reimbursement. Thus, the CDE may require any reasonable documentation, such as paid invoices or receipts, related to items for which a NPS is requesting reimbursement. Additionally, the CDE shall have the right to audit, monitor, review, and to copy any records and supporting documentation pertaining to this agreement. The school agrees to maintain such records for five years after final payment, or where an audit has been requested, until the audit is resolved, whichever is longer to verify compliance with all requirements.?Part F: General Assurances, Terms, and ConditionsThe Applicant acknowledges as follows: Control of funds for services and assistance provided to under the EANS program and title to materials, equipment and property purchased with such funds, must be in a public agency, and a public agency must administer such funds, materials, equipment, and property. Therefore, the CDE will assume ownership and title to all materials, equipment and property purchased using EANS funds, including payment for which is reimbursed.All services or assistance provided under the program must be secular, neutral, and non-ideological.As the duly authorized representative of the applicant, I have read all assurances, certifications, terms, and conditions associated with the EANS program requirements and I agree to comply with all requirements as a condition of funding.Certify that there is and will be full compliance with all applicable state and federal rules and regulations and that to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this application is correct and complete. Certify that making a false statement or misrepresentation in, or in connection with this application, may be subject to criminal and civil proceedings and penalties, including for perjury, under applicable state and federal laws.Submission of ApplicationApplicants responding to this RFA must complete the following: All responses, including the narrative element, must be provided via Snap Survey.The Cover Sheet (Part A) will be provided as a PDF attachment and uploaded at the conclusion of the survey. The signature of the school representative must be either an original ink signature or authenticated e-signature. If applicable, a list of schools on behalf of the organization submitting the application. Applications failing to meet any criteria or requirements as noted in the RFA may be deemed ineligible. Appeal Process If an application is deemed ineligible or not approved for funding, applicants may request an appeal of the denial within 10 calendar days following receipt of the letter of denial. The request for appeal must clearly identify a violation of the application review process governing the EANS program.A request to appeal the denial of an application should be addressed to: EANS@cde. ................

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