
Mngt 3 – Quantitative Techniques in Business ManagementCourse Code and DescriptionPrepared by: Mr. PMD MarceloPrerequisite/s: Math 2 Elementary Statistics Please include course code and description whenever necessaryProfessor/s handling this subject: ______________________________________________________________________If any professor can teach this in your department, please write the name of your departmentNumber of units: 3 unitsTextbook (if any): __________________________________________________COURSE OUTLINE and REFERENCES: This course, which is specifically designed for students enrolled in the Paralegal Program, focuses on the most important canons of legal ethics practiced in the legal IC/ACTIVITYNo. of hoursREFERENCE/sIf it is from the textbook, just write the page number/s.For books, websites, journals, readings, etc., please write the specific titles, URLs, author and editionQuantitative Approaches to Management by R. Levin, D. Rubin, J. Stinson, E. Gardner, 8th editionQuantitative Methods for Business by Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, 8th editionQuantitative Techniques for Business Management by P. VictorianoOperations Research by E. AguavivaForecastingIntroductionIntroduction to ForecastingIntroduction to ForecastingIntroductionForecastingJudgmental ForecastingSeven Components of Judgmental ForecastingForecasting3. Time-Series PatternsTime-Series ForecastingMoving Averages and Time-Series ForecastingForecasting4. Moving AveragesMoving AveragesActive Moving AveragesMoving Averages and Time-Series ForecastingForecasting MethodsForecasting5. Simple Exponential SmoothingSimple Exponential Smoothing MethodExponential SmoothingForecasting6. Time-Series RegressionTime-Series RegressionAn Introduction to Time-Series RegressionForecasting7. Decomposition of Seasonal DataSeasonal DecompositionForecastingII. Decision MakingWhat is Decision Making?Guidelines to Problem Solving and Decision Making1. Introduction to Decision MakingIntroduction in Decision Making2. Steps in Decision Making7 Steps in Decision MakingDecision Making in Six StepsSteps in Decision Making Process3. Decision making under conditions of UncertaintyDecision making under conditions of UncertaintyDecision making under conditions of Uncertainty4. Decision making under conditions of RiskDecision making under conditions of RiskDecision making under conditions of Risk and Uncertainty5. The normal probability distribution and cost-volume-profit analysisCost-Volume-Profit Analysis Under Conditions of Uncertainty6. Decision treesDecision TreesWhat is a Decision Trees?III. InventoryInventoryInventory Management1. Functions of InventoryProduction ManagementInventory Management2. Inventory DecisionsBasic Inventory DecisionsInventory Decision Making3. ABC AnalysisInventory Control TechniqueThe ABC Analysis4. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)Optimizing Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) ModelEconomic Order Quantity (EOQ)IV. Linear ProgramingLinear ProgramingLinear Programing Formations and Algorithms for Radiotherapy treatment planning1. IntroductionLinear Programing Formations and Algorithms for Radiotherapy treatment planning2. Graphic MethodLinear Programing: Graphical MethodLinear Programing3. The Simplex MethodSimplex MethodLinear Programing – The Simplex MethodThe Simplex Method4. The Transportation ProblemThe Transportation ProblemTransportation ProblemsLinear Programing Notes VIII: The Transportation Problem5. DegeneracyLinear Programing: Chapter 3 Degeneracy6. The Assignment ProblemThe Assignment ProblemAssignment ProblemLesson 33: The Assignment ProblemAssignment ProblemLesson 19: Assignment ProblemV. Networks1. PERTPERT2. CPMCPM – Critical Path Method3. Network Scheduling with Resource LimitationsVI. Waiting LinesIntroduction to Waiting Lines ModelsWaiting Lines Management1. Introductory Queuing Ideas2. Queuing Objectives and Cost Behavior3. Single-Channel Queuing ModelVII. Markov Analysis (optional)Markov AnalysisMArkovian Analysis1. Introduction to Brand-Switching AnalysisMArkovian Analysis2. Prediction of Market shares for Future PeriodsComparison of Training Periods for Stock Market Prediction3. Use of Markov Analysis in Marketing StrategyDynamic Analysis of Consumer Response to Marketing Strategies ................

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