Algebra 1 with Data Analysis – 18 Week - FCPS

Statistics & Probability

Fall 2009

INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Heather McCabe

Phone: 240-236-8575

E-mail: heather.mccabe@

TEXT: Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach – Bluman (2009)

PURPOSE: The goal of this one semester course is to teach statistical decision-making using real data and experiments. The course includes descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency, expected value, probability, chi-square, statistics with two variables, regression and correlation) and inferential statistics (hypothesis testing). Students who successfully complete the course and examination will be prepared for further study in Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics.

The prerequisite for Statistics & Probability is successful completion of Algebra II.

MATERIALS: Each student is required to have:

o a graphing calculator for use during class and at home. The instructor will use a TI-84, made by Texas Instruments. (It is recommended that you also use the TI-84.)

o a spiral notebook and folder OR a 3-ring binder with paper.

o a pencil or a pen.

EVALUATION: Assessments for the course will include:

o tests administered at the end of each chapter. If a student is legally absent on the day of a test, he/she must see the instructor upon return to class to schedule a make-up test. Because test dates are posted, students will be required to take a test if only the review is missed.

o quizzes administered throughout each chapter. No make-up quizzes will be given. If a student is legally absent, the quiz average will not include the missed assignment. If the absence on a quiz day is unexcused, then a zero will be averaged into the grade.

o class work, including warm-ups, labs, projects and certain assignments completed at home. Class work is due the day it is collected. Late work will be accepted for 50%.

o homework assigned four to five nights per week. Homework will be graded on attempt and completion, not on accuracy. Homework is due the day it is checked and will be accepted one day late for 50%.

Term grades will be determined according to the following percentages:

Tests 40%

Quizzes 20%

Class work 30%

Homework 10%

The grading scale used: Semester grades calculated:

89.5% and above A Term 1 Grade 40%

79.5% - 89.4% B Term 2 Grade 40%

69.5% - 79.4% C Term 1 Summative 10%

59.5% - 69.4% D Term 2 Summative 10%

59.4% and below F

Grades should be closely monitored throughout the semester using the Pinnacle Internet Viewer!

It is the student’s responsibility to turn in make-up work within two days of returning from an absence. The homework assignments are always posted on the calendars in the classroom and class work will be in the outbox.

FCC “BONUS”: Students earning an A or B in Algebra II or higher (Contemporary Math does not count as an upper level course) in an FCPS high school during their senior year are exempt from the FCC math placement exam.

EXPECTATIONS: Respect the teacher, each other and school/personal property.

Be on time – students should be seated and ready to begin class when the bell rings. In the event of lateness, the first offense will be a warning with each additional offense receiving a detention and/or an office referral.

Be prepared to work – students are expected to have all materials, including a covered textbook, each day in class.

CONSEQUENCES: If a student should happen to disobey rules, the following actions will occur:

1. Warning, student/teacher conference;

2. After-school detention/parent contact;

3. Office referral.

TUTORING: After school tutoring will be available through the instructor and through the BELL tutoring program. Tutoring is for students who come to class prepared (including completed homework and class work) and who pay attention during class.

HONOR SYSTEM: The Brunswick High School Honor System will be strictly followed in this classroom. Students will be required to sign the Honor Pledge on all tests and quizzes – if it is left unsigned, the instructor will assume that it cannot be signed and the student will earn a zero for the assignment. Honor System policies and procedures can be found on pages 9 and 10 of the student agenda.

TEXTBOOKS: Students will be issued a textbook on the first day of class. Textbooks are to be covered and kept in the best condition possible. Students will be charged for the loss of, or any damage to, the textbook. Neither report cards nor diploma will be issued if the obligation is not met.

I have read and understand the content, procedures, and expectations explained in this

syllabus and in the Brunswick High School Honor System.

Student Signature ________________________________________________________ Date ___________

Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________________________ Date ___________

I understand that my son/daughter is required to have a graphing calculator. __________




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