American Literature Association



American Poetry

Sheraton Buganvilias Resort

& Convention Center

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

December 13 - 15, 2007

Conference Director:

Alfred Bendixen

Texas A&M University


The Conference Director, Alfred Bendixen wishes to express his appreciation to the many people who organized sessions and contributed to the development of this conference. Special appreciation goes to the hotel staff of the English Department of Texas A& M University who contributed time, energy, and boundless good will to the functioning of the program, and the ALA is particularly grateful for the good work of Teri Czajkowski, Dawn Brown, and Angela Dunn. Finally, I wish to express my appreciation to the administrators at Texas A&M University who have welcomed the American Literature Association and thus made this conference possible, particularly Charles A. Johnson, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, and M. Jimmie Killingsworth, Head of the Department of English.

Thursday, December 13:

6-7 PM Welcome Cocktail Party (Carreta Garden)

Friday, December 14:

All sessions in the Cattleya Room

9:00 AM Introduction and welcome: Alfred Bendixen, Texas A&M University

Session 1

9:10-10:00 Chair: Alfred Bendixen, Texas A&M University

1. “The Failed Quest of American Poetry: 20th Century Re-assessments,” Paul Christensen, Texas A&M University

2. “Songs of Monogamous Devotion,” Robert von Hallberg, University of Chicago

Session 2

10:10 -11:00 Chair: Roger Stanley, Union University

1. “Emerson’s Nature and Contemporary Poetry,” Jay Parini, Middlebury College

2. “The Poetics of Prose,” Robert Cohen, Middlebury College

Session 3

11:10-12:30 Chair: Catherine Christensen, Texas A&M University

1. “Ghosting Evangeline: Joaquin Miller’s The Ship in the Desert,” Mary Loeffelholz, Northeastern University

2. “My Emily Dickinson -- a Portrait of her Life and Poetry,” Wendy Martin, Claremont Graduate University

3. “Visuality, Blankness and Trauma in Stephen Crane’s Black Riders and Other Lines,” Gustavus Stadler, Haverford College

12:30-1:40 LUNCH BREAK

Session 4

1:40-2:30 Chair: Catherine Christensen, Texas A&M University

1. “Of Flowers, Silence, and Space: Japanese Literary Aesthetics and the Emergence of Early Modernist Poetry,” Paula Bennett, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

2. “Turning Far, Far, West: Importing Classical Chinese Poetics into California Poetry,” Alan Soldofsky, San Jose State University

Session 5

2:40 – 3:30 Chair: Kathy Wagner, Washington College

1. “Dissecting the Conflation of Forces: Metaphors of Nature and Culture in Sylvia Plath's Bee Poems,” Lisa Narbeshuber, Acadia University (Canada)

2. “Scenes from H.D.: A Life,” Sasha Colby, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada

3:40 – 5:00 Poetry Reading: Chair: Alfred Bendixen


Jacqueline Vaught Brogan, University of Notre Dame

Christine Casson, Emerson College

Paul Christensen, Texas A&M University

William Virgil Davis, Baylor University

Robert Miltner,” Kent State University

Jay Parini, Middlebury College

Steven Schneider, University of Texas-Pan American

Alan Soldofsky, San Jose State University

Roger Stanley, Union University

Daniel Tobin, Emerson College

Kathryn VanSpanckeren

Kathy Wagner, Washington College

5:00-6:00 Group gathering in the club lounge for complimentary wine

Saturday, December 15:

All sessions in the Cattleya Room

Session 6

9:00-10:20 Chair: Kathy Wagner, Washington College

1. “'Good Luck in Cracked Italian': Richard Hugo in Italy,” William Virgil Davis, Baylor University

2. “Couplings and Uncouplings: The Interconnections of Sandra M. Gilbert's Belongings and Death's Door,” Jacqueline Vaught Brogan, University of Notre Dame

3. “Travelogues and Catalogues: Campbell McGrath and the Prose Poem,” Robert Miltner,” Kent State University

Session 7

10:30- 11:50 Chair: Roger Stanley, Union University

1. “The House in Robert Lowell and Elizabeth Bishop,” Kathryn VanSpanckeren, University of Tampa

2. “Dissolution, Madness and Identity: A Re-Appraisal of Yvor Winters’ ‘Change of Direction,’” Paul Tyndall, Kwantlen University College (Canada)

3. “"Material Words: The Body in Contemporary Visual Poetics," Elisabeth Frost, Fordham University

11:50-1:10 LUNCH BREAK

Session 8

1:10-2:30 Chair: Gary Scharnhorst, University of New Mexico

1. “Walt Whitman and Oscar Wilde,” Gary Scharnhorst, University of New Mexico

2. “A Syntax of the Place: Walt Whitman and Robert Creeley,” Matthew Hofer, University of New Mexico

3. “Poetry of Fabrication: Walt Whitman and Robert Duncan,” Scarlett Higgins University of New Mexico

Session 9

2:40-3:30 Chair: Ed Folsom, University of Iowa

1. “What Does It Mean to Construct Whitman as a Manuscript Poet?” Kenneth M. Price, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

3. “So Long, So Long!: Walt Whitman, Langston Hughes, and the Art of Longing,” Ed Folsom, University of Iowa

Session 10

3:40-5:00 Chair: Steven Schneider, The University of Texas-Pan American

1. “Emplotment and Polyphony in Hart Crane’s The Bridge,” Daniel Tobin, Emerson College

2 “The Place of Narrative in A.R. Ammons’s Poetry,” Roger Gilbert, Cornell University

3. “Derek Walcott’s Omeros: Narrative, Post-Colonialism, and the Paradox of Form,” Steven Schneider, The University of Texas-Pan American

4. “Historical Narrative in the Lyric Sequence,” Christine Casson, Emerson College

5:00-6:00 Group gathering in the club lounge for complimentary wine

Invoice and Registration form for

American Literature Association

Symposium on American Poetry


DECEMBER 13-15, 2007

The conference fee of $75 covers the costs of the conference including the receptions. You may pay at the conference or mail in this form and the fee as soon as possible.

Please make checks payable to American Literature Association and send check and this completed registration form to:

American Literature Association

C/O Professor Alfred Bendixen

Department of English

Dept. of English

Texas A&M University

College Station TX 77843-4227

Tax Id Number: 95 4044252

Registration Form: Please Print or type the following for each individual attending the conference. The form will be used to add you to our mailing list:

Registration Fee: $75

Name: _______________________________________________________

Affiliation: ____________________________________________________

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________



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