
Region:CodyHabitat Priority Area Name:Elk Security Areas on the Bighorn National Forest Habitat Area Type (s): FORMCHECKBOX Aquatic FORMCHECKBOX Terrestrial FORMCHECKBOX CombinedForested habitats.Habitat Values:Security cover for elk.Reason Selected:The percent of elk summer range meeting the definition of security cover on the Bighorn National Forest is less than the minimum level recommended to avoid elk vulnerability and maintain elk population objectives. It is important that those areas that do serve as security cover are maintained. Area Boundary Description:Boundaries of this area are derived from an elk security cover model developed by the WGFD.Focal species or species assemblage(s) (limit 6): SWAP Tier 1 species: Elk, moose, mule deer, goshawk. Bald Eagle, Burrowing Owl, Common Loon, Ferruginous Hawk, Greater Sage-grouse, Mountain Plover, Northern Goshawk, Townsend's Big-eared Bat Solutions or actions:Develop agreements with the Forest Service and BLM to closing some existing roads and avoiding proliferation of new roads in order to maintain or enhance security cover. Work with Forest Service, BLM, State Land Board and private landowners to minimize the loss of large conifer stands through logging activities or wildfire to maintain security cover and minimize elk vulnerability. In areas of forest cover, recommend open road densities of no more than one mile per square mile. Partnerships and agreements with USFS will be sought to maintain the integrity of security areas.Additional Information:Elk security areas are any areas that, because of geography, topography, vegetation, or a combination of these features, will hold elk during periods of stress, especially during hunting season. Elk security areas should be maintained whenever possible to avoid further elk vulnerability and loss of elk hunting related recreation. The most common impact to security cover is open roads. Security areas may be further defined as nonlinear blocks of hiding cover greater than 250 acres in size and greater than one-half mile from any open road. General land ownership and surface area:BLM: ac (0%), USFS: 45,513 ac (100%), State: 39 ac (0%), Private: 2 ac (0%), Water: 4 ac (0%), Total area: 45,558 ac ................

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