
Forest Hill United Church

'open doors, open hearts, open minds'


Last Sunday of Epiphany

February 7, 2016 at 10 am

“With open hearts, open minds there is welcome in this

place, there is welcome in this space, there is welcome

with embrace with open hearts.”

Mary-Ellen Kish, United Church Songwriter

“With Open Hearts” (2008)

WELCOME to worship! It is good that you are here. We give a special welcome to our guest Rev. Priscilla Geisterfer, PhD and we give thanks to the Affirm Working Group who has prepared this special service for us today. May this service help us as we continue to discern our path towards becoming a congregation that fully affirms all people regardless of sexuality or gender identity. Please join us after worship for coffee and conversation.

Forest Hill United Church is a safe place for all people to gather regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, or sexual orientation. You are welcome here!

Our greeters this morning are Joe Rideout and Lorna McKnight,

our teller is Diane Robinson,

our hospitality host is Leta Clayden,

our Sunday School teachers are Joan Mitchell, Angela Nelson,

and Alexander Neville,

and our music is led by Deborah Park and the FHUC Choir.



At the **, you are asked to rise in body or in spirit.

Prelude: Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd

by W. J. Kirkpatrick, arr. by L. K. Hadlock

Welcome & Church News

Call to Worship:

One: We are the body of Christ. Justice seeking,

bread breaking, hymn singing, risk taking -

All: Body of Christ.

One: Baptized by one Spirit, we are members of one body.

Many and varied in culture, sexuality, age,

class and ability,

All: We are all members of Christ’s beautiful body.

One: None of us can say to another,

“I have no need of you.”

All: For only together can we find wholeness.

One: None of us can say to another,

“I will not care for you.”

All: For we are all connected, like muscle and bone.

If one suffers, we all suffer.

If one rejoices, we all rejoice!

One: Come in, all are welcome, come into worship! Come with your longings, your questions and your fears.

All: Come with your dreams of a better day,

one with dignity and safety for all.

One: Thanks be to God, who in Christ has made us one.

All: Let us worship God. Together, now and forever.

Adapted from “Sunday Morning Liturgy for LGBT” by LeeAnne Watkins

**Opening Hymn: #1 MV Let Us Build a House (All are Welcome)



First Reading: Libby Cassidy

Genesis 9:12-17 God set a Rainbow in the Clouds

Welcoming the Light

Adapted from “Rainbow Christ Prayer” by Kittredge Cherry and Patrick Cheng

Story Time

**Song of Praise: #138 MV My Love Colours Outside the Lines

After the first verse, the children & teachers leave for Sunday School.

Words from Our Bible: Jula Hughes

Psalm 72:1-7 May Righteousness Flourish

Luke 4:14-21 Proclaiming Good News to the Outcast

One: These are the words that bring us light.

All: Thanks be to God!

Special Music: Find a Home Here by Mary-Ellen Kish

Learning Time Rev. Priscilla Geisterfer, PhD

**Hymn of Reflection: #178 MV Who is My Mother

(Kindred in Spirit through Jesus Christ)


Presentation of Our Gifts


**Offering Verse: (Sung Together) #171 MV Refrain

Christ has no body now but yours,

no hands but yours. Here on this earth,

yours is the work, to serve with the joy of compassion.

**Prayer over the Gifts

Prayers of the People

One: Loving God, we believe that you have made us

who we are, in your image; a beautiful community

of race and culture and sexual identity. We celebrate

this diversity, for we believe in your creativity.

All: Help us tumble down barriers,

and make it safe for all to live with integrity and peace. Send us out to change the world.

One: We share a heart with those who suffer violence, who

live in fear, who are cast out because of their race,

sexuality, or beliefs.

All: Help us teach others that you love without exception.

Send us out to proclaim the Good News.

One: We believe that the liberation of those in captivity did not end with Moses leading slaves out of Egypt. Still today you are pulling humanity out of darkness into light.

All: Help us to have the courage to stand up.

Send us into the world to lead.

One: We believe in gratitude. We offer thanks to those brave

souls who risk so much for others.

All: Help us to see your goodness in the world.

Send us into the world in gratitude.



One: We believe that church is an imperfect but well- intentioned collection of souls. Even though we sometimes fail to understand you; even though we have not always been welcoming – still we see that you have

never abandoned us. For you still hope in us.

All: Help us to be a better community. Send us into

the world as the life-changing, liberating church you imagine. In your holy name we pray, Amen.

Adapted from “Sunday Morning Liturgy for LGBT” by LeeAnne Watkins

Prayer of Jesus: (Spoken Together)

Creator God, teacher, mentor and friend,

we celebrate who you are,

and are comfortable with who you are,

just as you are with each of us.

We open our hearts to praise you,

so that we might live the full truth of who we are.

Purvey all that is right and true and good and kind,

on this, our fragile and imperfect earth,

so that we can strive to emulate your wonderful heavenly place.

Give us what we need for physical and spiritual nourishment.

Grant us the grace to forgive, and the ability to be forgiven when we have done wrong.

Give us the strength to be confidently ourselves,

unswayed by pressure and conform, and free of harm,

from judgment and condemnation.

We express gratitude and appreciation for the beauty

of all that you have created,

and we open our hearts to the transforming power of your love.

May your vision endure forever. Amen.

By Marilyn Lohnes of Forest Hill United, 2016


**Closing Hymn: #209 MV Go Make a Diff'rence

**Sharing the Light:

One: We share with you now, the colours of God's rainbow.

Red for life, orange for healing, yellow for self-esteem, green for nature and love, blue for harmony,

and violet for vision.

Rainbow colours – the light of God.

All: We will go now to light up the world.


One: Go out, "come out", sing out, shout out.

All: Tell the world who we are.

One: Tell the world how much you love God!

All: Tell the world how much God loves us!

One: And, as you speak truth and work for justice,

you can be sure that God goes with you,

ahead of you to clear the way,

beside you to sustain you when the road is rough,

and behind you to pick you up when you are weary!

All: We will never walk alone!

By Scott Haldeman from “Can't Turn Around: Coming Out Prayers”

**Choral Response: (Sung Together) #220 MV

Hope shines as the solitary star, faith is the inner light.

You and I together mirror the Light of Lights,

and illumine the pathway home.

Postlude: Schaffe in mir, Gott, ein reines Herze

(Give Me a Pure Heart, O God) by J. G. Walther


The FHUC Affirm Working Group is:

Brett Anningson, Libby Cassidy, Shelley Clayton,

Patricia Davidson, Bob Fisher, Jean Fisher, Jula Hughes, Doreen Kissick, Marilyn Lohnes, and Rachel Neville.


(506) 455-0988 |

Administrative Assistant - Kris Yarych

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 12:45 - 3:45 pm foresth.office@

Minister - Rev. Ali Smith

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays from 9 am - Noon

revalismith@ (506) 292-2369

Church News

For notices from the larger community, check out our bulletin boards or visit , clicking COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS.

Storm Policy Reminder: In the event of a serious storm on a Sunday morning, a decision will be made by 8 a.m. as to whether a cancellation is necessary. If a service is cancelled, a message will be placed on the church answering machine, sent out via email, and passed on to CBC radio.

The Fredericton Women’s Inter-Church Council is having the World Day of Prayer Bible Study on Monday, February 15, 2016 at 10:00AM at St. Andrews’s Presbyterian Church 512 Charlotte Street, Fredericton. The Women of Cuba have prepared the World Day of prayer event. All are welcome and bring a friend.



Quilt Group Mondays 10 am – Noon Upper Room

Choir Practice Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room

Forest Hill Book Tuesday, February 2nd at 12 noon in the Parlour Club Tides of Honour by Genevieve Graham

Affirm Sunday Sunday, February 7 at 10 am

Anniversary Sunday February 14 at 10 am

with Communion

Movie Night Friday February 19th. The Inspirational True

Story of Forgiveness Amish Grace  

Annual Meeting and February 21, following worship

Potluck Lunch of Sandwiches and Sweets

Please join us as we transition into Lent with our annual Shrove Tuesday Supper of pancakes, sausage and baked beans, 6 pm on Tuesday, February 9. Free will offering.

Syrian Relief Funding, Government extends deadline. Thanks to the generosity of those who responded to the United Church’s Emergency Appeal for Syrian Refugees, as of January 2016, the United Church has received nearly $790,000 to support partners responding to this crisis. On January 7, 2016 Global Affairs Canada announced the deadline for dollar for dollar government matching of individual donations made by Canadians to Syria Emergency Relief has been extended to February 29, 2016. Cheques designated for Syria relief from United Church individuals and congregations will need to be dated February 29 or earlier and received at the General Council Office no later than March 7 to be eligible for the government match.


Ushers/Greeters needed for 2016: Please check your schedule to see if you are available for one or more Sundays to help out with set up and greeting our congregation on Sunday mornings. Signup sheet is on the back table. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Many thanks. Lorna McKnight

Potential Scripture Readers are invited to see the new Date Chart and to indicate their availability for any particular Sunday. Please note the manner of indication given at the top of the Chart. New Readers are most welcome. A copy of the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible (which is the version of the “Pulpit Bible”) is available to loan for practice, with helpful instructions included. If you have questions, please talk with Patricia Powell (455-8602).

Campbell Soup Labels: We are once again collecting Campbell Soup Labels. Please slit the label near the seam on the can and put the entire label in the appropriate drawer of the white unit on the back windowsill. Unless someone else has something else to do with them, they will be donated to Bliss Carman Middle School to buy books for the library.

Observer renewal and/or new subscription Cost $25. Cash or cheque payable to Forest Hill United Church, due February 14th. Questions: Margaret Macdougall 455-3767

Listen or watch Sunday Sermons, check the Calendar to see what's happening, check out the upcoming Sunday Bulletin, and more!



Minute for

Affirm United/S'affirmer Ensemble

Working for the full inclusion of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in The United Church of Canada and in society.

Who are we?

Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble is a justice-oriented organization of people in The United Church of Canada. Membership is open to those who support our work, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.

From where do we draw our vision?

Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble is a voice and a support for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We draw strength and hope from biblical stories of liberation; from the prophetic call to live justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with God; and from Jesus’ witness to God’s inclusive love.

What does it mean to be an affirming congregation?

Affirming Ministries Program is a network of United Church congregations and ministries that declare themselves to be fully inclusive of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Before declaring themselves to be Affirming, local congregations, colleges, church courts, and other ministries study issues of sexual orientation and gender identity; make a statement of welcome; and commit themselves to work for justice and inclusion within their congregation, the wider church, and their community. The program was launched in 1992. The United Church officially endorsed the program in 2000 and encouraged its ministries to participate.



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