
PRAYER AND SPIRIT OF PROPHECY MINISTRIESREPORT FOR CONSTITUENCY MEETINGOCTOBER 14, 2018Fervent prayers coupled with the reading of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy writings, work together a powerful weapon in the transformation of lives.Revelation 1:3 advises, “Blessed is he who reads and hears the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein, for the time is at hand.” The Prayer and SOP ministries continue to encourage the members of our churches through various means to inculcate the above scripture, become praying and reading Christians. We are encouraging each member to make the best use of the privilege we have been given as Seventh-day Adventists, of having the Spirit of Prophecy within our church to assist us in better understanding God’s word, and living holier lives.I’m encouraging the reading of the spirit of prophecy books by introducing quotes called Spiritual Nuggets every week to over two hundred and sixty persons covering a variety of subjects such as: HealthPrayerReverenceSabbath keepingPreparation for the end times Praying for the sick Preparing children for heavenTo further enhance spiritual growth, I’ve encouraged our bookstore to order the Book PRAYER by E.G. White, which is a compilation of Prayer articles from her other books. Everyone who would like to improve their prayer lives are encouraged to purchase and read this book. It can also be read or listened to online since it is part of the Ellen G. White app. So I encourage everyone to download the app as soon as possible. There are also several books on prayer written by SDA authors which I am recommending. Here are a few of them: The five books written on prayer by Roger MorneauMake your Prayer Life go WOW by Nadine CollinsDaring to ask for more by Melody MasonPrayer Country by Dorothy Eaton WattsPrayer Warriors by Celeste P. WalkerPassionate Prayer by Brenda WalshThe special prayer program conducted every first Sunday of the month, called Morning Manna, continues to be an inspiration to those who attend. The bible tells us that those who are preparing for Christ’s second coming will be often seen together praying and encouraging one another; and that’s exactly what the Morning Manna is fulfilling. The Wednesday evening prayer meetings, and the ideas given in the list below, also provides a viable opportunity for the church to pray together.Plans are afoot for a Prayer and Fast conference, and a workshop on The Ministry of Prayer.We solicit the prayers and kind cooperation of not only the prayer coordinators but every SDA within the ECC.Following are some suggestions and ideas that we hope will make Prayer, the reading of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy writings become a way of life for our members. Church prayer groups. A group which meets at specific times to pray for the church, and the community. Individuals from the community should also be encouraged to attend. Prayer walks. Groups from the church may walk around neighbourhoods praying for each home, school, and business; praying for the Holy Spirit’s influence on the lives of the inhabitants, and for their safety, and prosperity.Prayer stations – a selected place chosen to pray with people. Members may go to parks, gardens, beaches, esplanades etc. to pray with passers-by. Members should always be equipped with literature for distribution.Prayer phoneline. This method allows the public to call in with their prayer requests, and have some pray with them.Office and Institutions Visit. Members should visit places such as government offices, nursing homes, juvenile centres, hospitals, schools, business centres to pray for individuals.Prayer chains. This method encourages the church to engage in relentless intercession for its members and the problems they face.Prayer and fast programs. Some problems are only solved through fasting. Therefore fastings are encouraged along with praying and studying of the Word so that the church might receive its greatest benefits.Specialized prayer groups. Certain groups might prefer praying together for various reasons; eg. Children, youth, women, men, mixed groups.Prayer partners The church may be divided into prayer partnerships. So that individuals can remind, and call each other for prayer.Prayer and Praise programs These programs give members another opportunity to share their testimonies, and to sing together songs that lift the spirit, and give praises to God.Open air meetings Churches may conduct open air meetings, especially for those persons in the community who desire prayer. Children’s Open air services. Children’s singing and preaching are always a special attraction for people. At such a program neighbourhood parents are invited to bring their little ones for special prayers. Prayer breakfasts by churches, and/or districts.District-wide Wednesday night prayer meeting. Another way of widening the prayer circle for greater fellowship and getting to know brothers and sisters within a wider area.This ministry has sent letters to every member of the new cabinet offering our services to pray with and for them. We continue to pray that this seed would germinate, grow and bear fruit. To date we have had response from only one minister.As a result of this ministry, Church members are becoming used to passing by the office of the Prayer ministries coordinator for prayers.A prayer committee is in place acting as a sounding board for the plans and ideas of the coordinator.Selected quotes are being sent to the churches every week, not only by email but they are being circulated on a larger scale through the social media. In Dominica groups meet at ‘hot spots’ to pray with folk who desire their prayers.A Prayer and Fast conference has been planned for January, 2019. Keep listening for the details of this program.Many churches have active prayer programs, but have not been officially reporting to the conference.A reporting form has been created for both ministries and sent to the churches. We anticipate better reporting as a result. Thank you for your prayers and hearty support in the promotion and practice of these ministries in your churches, so that each member may have a greater opportunity to experience for transforming we seek. Thank You! ................

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