
NGSS Lesson Planning Template

|Grade/ Grade Band: 3-5th grade |Topic: Space Launch System |Lesson # __3__ in a series of _7___ lessons |

|Brief Lesson Description: Students up until this point have thought about the spacecraft that will get the mission to mars and the topography of the planet|

|for a safe landing. Now it is time to plan the launch that will get the mission off of the planet Earth |

|() Students will grapple with the issues of getting Astronauts off the planet and then to mars.|

|Performance Expectation(s): |

|MS-ETS1-4 Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be|

|achieved. |

|MS-ETS1-3 Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each |

|that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success. |

|Specific Learning Outcomes: To engage in this engineering challenge, which will have students studying which design will get the most lift. The testing is |

|iterative. The students will articulate the aspects of the design allowed the rocket to have the greatest distance. |

|Lesson Level Narrative |

|Now that you have study the topography of the planet and designed a spacecraft that can get from Earth to Mars, it is time for take-off. The engineers of |

|the Mission to Mars exploration need to come up with creative ideas for launching heavy payloads into orbit. Payloads include parts and supplied for the |

|International Space Station and spacecraft that will carry humans to Mars. NASA is also interested in rockets that can transport large fuel tanks that will|

|be used to power deep space rockets. You are challenged to build the most efficient heavy-lift rocket from the same set of materials. You and your team |

|will try to create the greatest payload into space (the ceiling) is the winner. |

|Science & Engineering Practices: |Disciplinary Core Ideas: |Crosscutting Concepts: |

|Developing and Using Models to understand what it |ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions |Patterns of change can be used to make predictions.|

|takes to get a rocket out of Earth’s orbit. |The test the students will conduct will identify | |

| |points of strengths in the design of the rocket and| |

|Analyzing data from the rocket trials to determine |refine of the shortcomings. | |

|which design is best for modeling leaving Earth’s |ETS1.C: the iterative process of testing the most | |

|orbit. |promising solutions and modifying what is proposed | |

| |on the basis of the test results leads to greater | |

| |refinement and ultimately to an optimal solution. | |

| |Basically to get out of earth’s orbit | |

| |PS2.A: Forces and Motion | |

| |The patterns of the rocket’s motion due to | |

| |different structural changes to the design can be | |

| |observed and measured; when that past motion | |

| |exhibits a regular pattern, future motion can be | |

| |predicted from it. | |

|Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions: |

|Elementary-school students typically do not understanding gravity as a force. They see the phenomenon of a falling body as “natural” with no need for |

|further explanation or they ascribe to it an internal effort of the object that is falling (Obgborn, J. (1985). Understanding students’ understanding: An |

|example from dynamics. European Journal of Science Education, 7, 141-150.) If students do not view weight as a force, they usually think it is the air that|

|exerts this force. Misconceptions about the causes of gravity persis after traditional high-school physics instruction. Misconceptions about the causes of |

|gravity can be overcome by specially designed instruction. |

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|LESSON PLAN – 5-E Model |

|ENGAGE: Opening Activity – Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions: |

|If you can you might want to show students a video that shows how rockets get the space shuttle off the ground. |

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|Students are asked a number of questions about the factors that allow the rockets to get the spacecraft out of Earth’s orbit. |

|How do you think these rockets are working? |

|What do you think happened here when this incident happened? |

|Today you will be engaged in designing a rocket that will be safe and complete the mission. Provide all the materials for the students and help guide them |

|with the initial model of their rocket. |

|EXPLORE: Lesson Description – What should the teachers ask and do? What will the students do? |

|EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined: |

|Vocabulary: |

|ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions: |


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|Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion): |

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|Summative Assessment (Quiz / Project / Report): |

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|Elaborate Further / Reflect: Enrichment: |


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