
2005 NOVATION PROTOCOL AND ISDA NOVATION PROTOCOL II CONTACT LISTABN AMRO Bank N.V.For all novations, please send all novation communications to your Salesperson in the normal manner (Bloomberg or Email). Each communication should copy the third party to the novation as well as following ABN AMRO Bank N.V. global novation email address:?CDMO_NOVATION@uk.AIG Financial Products Corp:?Novations@AIG International Inc:?Novations@Banque AIG:?Novations@Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c.AIB's email addresses for delivery of requests for consent to proposed transfers by novation of Covered Transactions are as follows:Interest Rate Transactions:?ir.novation@aib.ieCredit Derivative Transactions:?cds.novation@aib.ieBANCA MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA SpA?Credit Derivative Transactions and Interest Rate Transactions:?Documentation@Banca.mps.itBank of?America?Credit:?nacreditassignments@??For Interest Rate Novations:For interest rate novations, please send all novation communications to your Salesperson in the normal manner (Bloomberg or Email). Each communication should copy the third party to the novation as well as the following Bank of America email address:US and EMEA Rates:?rates@ASIA Rates:?rates@?and?dg.tokyo_swap_assignments@Bank of MontrealCredit Derivative Novations:?CDS.Novation@Bankgesellschaft Berlin AGFor purposes of all Transactions covered by the Novation Protocol:?novations@list.bankgesellschaft.deBarclays Capital?Credit Derivative Novations:For credit derivative novations, please send all novation communications to your Salesperson in the normal manner (Bloomberg or Email). Each communication should copy the third party to the novation as well as one of the following Barclays email addresses according to the domicile of the reference credit:CDSnovations@?(All regions)PLEASE NOTE IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE REQUEST FOR CONSENT IS SENT TO THE RELEVANT SALESPERSON. REQUESTS FOR CONSENT THAT ARE NOT SENT TO THE SALESPERSON WILL NOT BE ACTED UPON.For Interest Rate Novations:For interest rate novations, please send all novation communications to your Salesperson in the normal manner (Bloomberg or Email). Each communication should copy the third party to the novation as well as one of the following Barclays email addresses:US:?IRnovationsUS@Latin America:?IRnovationsLatAM@EMEA:?IRnovationsEurope@Asia:?IRnovationsAsia@For US ABS Novations:US:?ABSNovationsUS@PLEASE NOTE IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE REQUEST FOR CONSENT IS SENT TO THE RELEVANT SALESPERSON. REQUESTS FOR CONSENT THAT ARE NOT SENT TO THE SALESPERSON WILL NOT BE ACTED UPON.Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG (HVB)HVB requests that you send all novation communications to your sales person at our organisation. For your convenience, we have also set-up the following central e-mail addresses for business done in specified locations.Please copy your sales contact on any e-mail to the central address.London:?london_derivatives@Munich:?novations-derivatives@hvb.deNew York:?novations@Bayerische LandesbankFor?credit derivative novations, each communication should include the contact details of the third party to the novation as well as all of the following e-mail addresses:To:?Georg Haas,?e-mail:?georg.haas@bayernlb.de?Stefan Magerl,?e-mail:?stefan.magerl@bayernlb.de?Cc:?credit.derivatives@bayernlb.deFor?interest rate novations, each communication should include the contact details of the third party to the novation as well a all of the following e-mail addresses:To:5930-Fixed-Inc--Derivatives@bayernlb.de?5971teampostkorb@bayernlb.deBear Stearns?Credit:?CDAssignments@?Rates: (Non-Emerging Markets):?IRAssignments@;Rates: (Emerging Markets):?EMAssignments@ABS:?absassignments@BNP ParibasBNP Paribas requests that you contact your sales person at our organisation. For your convenience we have also set-up the following central Email addresses for business done in Europe and the US.Please copy your sales contact on any mail to the central address.Credit:US:?CDSnovationsUS@EMEA:?CDSnovationsEurope@Rates:US:?RatesnovationsUS@EMEA:?RatesnovationsEurope@BNP Paribas - JAPANContact details for Interest Rate Derivatives for Japan is:?Ratesnovations@japan.CAIXA D'ESTALVIS DE CATALUNYAContact Details:?cds@caixacatalunya.esContact Details:?irs@caixacatalunya.esCaja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Madrid ("CAJA MADRID")Contact Details:?creditde@cajamadrid.esCitigroup?North American Rates & Credits:?citiassignmentsus@?EMEA Rates & Credits:?citiassignments.europe@?Asia?Pac(non-Japan) Rates & Credits:?citiassignmentsap@?Japan Rates & Credits:?citiassignmentsjapan@Australian Rates & Credits:?citiassignmentsaus@?Commerzbank AGCredit:?cdsnovations@Rates:?irsnovations@Commodity:?COMDTNovations@Equity:?EQDnovations@All requests must be made to the above addresses. Only the recipients of emails sent to these addresses have the authority to agree to novations.Please also note that Commerzbank AG Credit trading is based in London. All CDS novation requests must be made within the London trading day.Credit SuisseMORTGAGES AND ASSET-BACKED:NY:?list.payg-novation@credit-CREDIT:?London:?list.novations-lon-cr@credit-??NY:?list.nycdmmo@credit-?Hong Kong:?list.hk-fid-mo.2@credit-??Tokyo:?list.csfbtokfidmidoff@credit-??RATES:London:?list.novations-lon-irp@credit-??NY:?list.ny-irpmktmo@credit-??Hong Kong:?list.hk-fid-mo.2@credit-?? ?Tokyo:?list.csfbtokfidmidoff@credit-??EMG:?London:?list.novations-lon-emg@credit-NY:?list.nyemgmidoffice@credit-Hong Kong:?list.hk-fid-mo.2@credit-Tokyo:?list.csfbtokfidmidoff@credit-Deutsche Bank?Both Rates and Credit:US -?USAssignment.consent@?Europe -?LDNAssignments.consent@?Non Japan Asia -?asiaassignments.consent@?Tokyo -?tokyoassignments.consent@?Sydney -?sydassignment.consent@Deutsche Postbank AG (Bonn or London)If Deutsche Postbank AG Bonn or London acts as Transferee in a novation 6 p.m. Frankfurt time should apply for purposes of the provisions of the protocol.Contact Details for Rate and Credit Derivatives Bonn and London:FMS_otc-derivatives@postbank.deTel: +49 2203 5993 8250Fax: +49 2203 5993 8269Dresdner Kleinwort WassersteinPlease copy your sales contact on any e-mail to the below address.CDS business:?E-mail:?cdsassignments@IRS business:?Martin Jung, phone +49(69)713-15104?E-mail:?IRSAssignments@Goldman Sachs?Credit:?ABS:?ABSAssignmentUS@?US:?CreditAssignmentUS@??EMEA:?CreditAssignmentLN@??Asia:?CreditAssignmentTK@??Rates:MXN and SOUTH AMERICAN INTEREST RATE SWAPS:?FX-Novation-US@ny.email.?US:?RatesAssignmentUS@??EMEA:?RatesAssignmentEurope@??Asia:?RatesAssignmentTK@??HSBC?Credit:?US:?NYK.CDS.Novations@us.??London:?LDN.CDS.Novations@us.?Asia:?HK.CDS.Novations@us.?EU.Novations@us.?Dusseldorf Credit & Rates Sales, Milan Credit & Rates Sales, and Paris Credit & Rates Sales?Rates:US:?NYK.IRS.Novations@us.??London:?LDN.IRS.Novations@us.?Asia:?HK.IRS.Novations@us.?EU.Novations@us.?Dusseldorf Credit & Rates Sales, Milan Credit & Rates Sales, and Paris Credit & Rates SalesHSH NORDBANK SECURITIES SA, LUXEMBOURG?for any kind of transaction, please use the following addressNA_ISDA@hshn-INTESA SANPAOLO S.P.A.For purposes of all transactions covered by the Novation Protocol, please send all novation communications to the relevant contact at our organization (your Salesperson / FO Officer contact) in the normal manner (Bloomberg, email or, where applicable, DTCC).JP Morgan?Credit:??US:?JPMorgan.NYCredit@??EMEA:?JPM.creditassignmentseurope@??Asia:?JPMorgan.AsiaCredit@?Rates:?NY:?JPMorgan.NYRates@??EMEA:?JPM.ratesassignmentseurope@??Asia:?JPMorgan.AsiaRates@KfW BankengruppeAddress: KfW, Palmengartenstrasse 5-9, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, PO Box 11 11 41, D-60046?Attention: For the attention of Asset Management/FMa3?Telephone: ++49 69 7431 3230?Fax: ++49 69 7431 3986?S.W.I.F.T. KFWIDEFF?Electronic Messaging System Details:?novation.message@kfw.deLandesbank Berlin - Girozentrale?For purposes of all Transactions:?novations@list.bankgesellschaft.deLehman Brothers?Credit:?ABS:?ABSNovationsNY@?US:?CDSNovationsNY@?EMEA:?CDSNovationsLondon@??Asia:?CDSNovationsTokyo@??Rates:?US:?IRSNovationsNY@?EMEA:?IRSNovationsLondon@??Asia:?IRSNovationsTokyo@?LRI Landesbank Rheinland-Pfalz International S.A.:For purposes of all Transactions covered by the Novation Protocol other than Credit Default Swaps:?novation@lri.luFor purposes of Credit Default Swaps:?novation@lrp.deLRP Landesbank Rheinland-Pfalz:For purposes of all Transactions covered by the Novation Protocol:?novation@lrp.deMerrill LynchCredit and rates:?assignments@Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Co., Ltd.Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Co., Ltd. requests that you contact your sales person at our organization in the normal manner (Bloomberg or Email)Morgan Stanley?Credit:?US:?credit.assignments.us@??EMEA:?credit.assignments.eu@??Asia:?credit.assignments.asia@?PB Intermediation:?pbcdsassignmentsus@??European PB Intermediation:?pbcdsassignmentseu@European and U.S. PB Intermediation:?pbirsassignmentseu@?and?pbirsassignmentsus@Rates:?US:?rates.assignments.us@??EMEA:??rates.assignments.eu@??Asia:?rates.assignments.asia@??Nomura Global Financial Products Inc.Please send all novation communications to your front office contact in the normal manner (Bloomberg or Email) with a copy to:Credit:cdsnovations@Interest Ratesirsnovations@Nomura Securities International, IncPlease send all novation communications to your front office contact in the normal manner (Bloomberg or Email) with a copy to:Credit:cdsnovations@Interest Ratesirsnovations@Nomura International plcPlease send all novation communications to your front office contact in the normal manner (Bloomberg or Email)Credit:cdsnovations@Interest Ratesirsnovations@Queensland Investment CorporationContact Details:?Novations@Royal Bank of Scotland plc (The)?RBS requests that you contact your sales person at our organization. For your convenience, we have also set-up the following central e-mail addresses for business done in Europe, Asia and the U.S.Any request for consent should be sent to?both?the relevant sales person as well as the e-mail provided below. RBS WILL NOT RESPOND TO ANY REQUEST FOR CONSENT SENT SOLELY TO THE E-MAIL ADDRESS BELOW.Credit:?US:?CDSNovations@.?EMEA:?RBSNovations@London:?RBSCDSNovations@Rates:US:RBSNovations@EMEA/Asia:?RBSNovations@London:?RBSNovations@Royal Bank of CanadaCredit:?rbc.creditassignments@?Rates:?rbc.interestassignments@Societe Generale?Credit:?CDSNovation@?Rates:?IRSNovation@FOR CDS Trades done through SGNY:?US-NYCDSNovation@FOR SWAP Trades done through SGNY:?US-NYIRSNovation@Standard Bank Plcnovations@STANDARD CHARTERED BANKFor interest rate and credit ?novations, please send all novation communications to your?Salesperson?in the normal manner (Bloomberg or Email). Each communication should?copy the third party?to the novation as well as?one of the following Standard Chartered Bank email addresses:EUROPE:?Novations-London@?U.S.A:?Novations-NewYork@?S.E. ASIA:?Novations-Singapore@?N.E. ASIA:?Novations-HongKong@?MENA:?Novations-Dubai@PLEASE NOTE IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE REQUEST FOR CONSENT IS SENT TO THE RELEVANT SALESPERSON, AND COPY ONE OF THE ABOVE STANDARD CHARTERED BANK E-MAIL ADDRESSES. REQUESTS FOR CONSENT THAT ARE NOT SENT TO THE SALESPERSON WILL NOT BE ACTED UPON.Swedbank (F?reningsSparbanken AB (publ))Swedbank requests that you contact your sales person at our organization.Any request for consent should be sent to both the relevant sales person as well as the e-mail provided below.?Swedbank will not respond to any request for consent sent solely to the e-mail below.Interest rate transactions:?Novations@The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. requests that you communicate with your front office contact at our organization in the normal manner.UBS?Credit:?SH-CREDIT-NOVATIONS@??Rates:?SH-RATES-NOVATIONS@US and European PB Intermediation:?CDSPB@SH-PB-NOVATION@Wells Fargo Bank, N.A?Rates:?ratesnovations@??Marc A. MelendezEmail:?mamelendez@Phone:?(704) 715-8468Westpac Banking CorporationPlease send all correspondance regarding novations under the protocol to your sales contact via email or bloomberg and copy to?novations@.au.Zurcher KantonalbankCredit Derivative Transactions / Interest Rate Transactions:?Swap_Operation@zkb.ch ................

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