[Pages:4]Press release

24-05-2019 - 17:10

Reference No: 20190523IPR52401

Media advisory: European election days

This media advisory is a reminder of relevant practical information, timings and services available to the media during the election days, and election night itself on 26 May.

Media working spaces, opening hours and seats

There will be four working areas available

? Hemicycle (PHS3A50),

Thursday 12:00 - 22:00

Friday 12:00 - 22:00

Saturday 8:00 - 22:00

Sunday 9:00 until Monday (27 May) evening

? Press Room (PHS 0B01) | ? Anna Politkovskaya (PHS 0A50) | open non-stop from 23 May until 27 May ? PHS 1A2 |

All press working areas will receive results in real-time, projected onto screens and published on election-results.eu.

Due to limited capacity, work places in the hemicycle have been already allocated, based on requests submitted and availability. The hemicycle will nevertheless be accessible to all registered media to come and go at any time, e.g. to consult / replace colleagues, or to follow any press statements from group leaders or Spitzenkandidaten/lead candidates.

As regards the other working areas, journalists may come to reserve their seats as of today, Thursday 23 May, by leaving a paper with their media organisation name on each of the desks required.

For any media enquiries on election day, Parliament's press service will be available in all press work areas as well as in a dedicated newsroom (Yehudi Menuhin space - PHS 1st floor).

Special accreditation and badges


Press Service, Directorate General for Communication

European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume DUCH GUILLOT Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000

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Press release

As of today the special accreditation system for election days applies, so only those who have registered and have a badge will be able to enter the building. If you have not already done so, please request accreditation online here until Friday 17:00.

For assistance, please contact the Media accreditation office.

Tel. (+32) 498 98 35 44

To avoid queues, special accreditation badges can be collected in advance from Parliament's media accreditation office Paul-Henri Spaak building, Rue Wiertz.

Opening hours of the accreditation office:

Thursday 23 May to Friday 24 May 08:00 - 18:00

Saturday 25 May 10:00 - 18:00

Sunday 26 May 10:00 - 23:00

A detailed map with entrances to Parliament as well as the media working areas can be found here.

Timeframe and elections website

Parliament will publish national estimates from 18:00 on Sunday 26 May and a first aggregated projection of the composition of the new Parliament at around 20:15, based on available national data and exit polls on election-results.eu.

Seat projections will be updated throughout the night, as estimates and official results come in from member states, with provisional global results expected at about 23:15.

See the detailed timetable here.

On election-results.eu you will find national results, seats by political group and country, the breakdown by national parties and political groups, MEPs' gender balance or turnout. You will also be able to compare results, check majorities or upload your widget.

A comprehensive compilation of country-specific rules, voting times, lists, candidates and previous results is available here.

Audio-visual offer

Europe by Satellite

From 23 until 26 May, EbS will broadcast images of votes cast by the Presidents of the European Parliament, European Council and European Commission, the lead candidates and the leaders of the political groups. Ambient shots from polling stations across Europe will also


Press Service, Directorate General for Communication

European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume DUCH GUILLOT Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000

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Press release

be broadcast, as well as a series of stock shots illustrating the highlights of the legislature. From 18:00 on Sunday, EbS will release graphics of the projections and results in broadcast quality as well as arrivals and side events. EbS+ will broadcast the election night live from the chamber in Brussels, including reactions by political group leaders and lead candidates. The tentative programme can be found here.

Multimedia Centre All videos and photographs related to the Election days can be downloaded here.. Photos and videos are updated automatically. A selection of media highlights from the current legislature is available here. Webstreaming The election night will be streamed from Parliament's website as of 17:45 and available here or on the EbS website. Instructions for the embed codes can be found here. Contacts

Neil CORLETT Head of the Press Unit

(+32) 2 284 20 77 (BXL) (+33) 3 8817 4167 (STR) (+32) 470 89 16 63 neil.corlett@europarl.europa.eu

Cezary LEWANOWICZ Coordinator

(+32) 2 28 30297 (BXL) (+33) 3 881 64407 (STR) (+32) 498 98 34 02 cezary.lewanowicz@europarl.europa.eu


Press Service, Directorate General for Communication

European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume DUCH GUILLOT Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000

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Michaela FINDEIS Press Officer / Editorial Coordinator

(+32) 2 283 11 41 (BXL) (+33) 3 8817 3603 (STR) (+32) 498 98 33 32 michaela.findeis@europarl.europa.eu

Andreas KLEINER Press Officer / Editorial Coordinator

(+32) 2 28 32266 (BXL) (+33) 3 881 72336 (STR) (+32) 498 98 33 22 andreas.kleiner@europarl.europa.eu

Oscar FONTAO Audiovisual Services

(+32) 2 28 43789 (BXL) (+32) 498 98 35 72 oscar.fontao@europarl.europa.eu

Robert SERMEK Radio Production and Content

+ 32 2 284 2824 (BXL) + 33 3 8817 3298 (STR) voxbox@europarl.europa.eu

Press release


Press Service, Directorate General for Communication

European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume DUCH GUILLOT Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000

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