
Reporting Emergency Aid Grant Student Level DataProvide a datafile listing students who received emergency aid from grant funds with supporting detail.Submit a comma-separated values (csv) file to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) via the secure data exchange site (see “Submission Process” instructions on p. 2) by November 30, 2020.For questions regarding the emergency aid grant, please contact Ruth Cheblowski at Ruth.Chlebowski@highered.. For questions regarding the compilation and submission of this data file, please contact Melissa Humphries at Melissa.Humphries@thecb.state.tx.us. Data File Instructions:Submit the following data as one csv or excel file. Please name your file: “Emergency Aid_Student Data_schoolname” (example: Emergency Aid_Student Data_Amarillo). The data file should contain information on each student that received Emergency Aid program funds. List each student only once. If the student received aid for multiple purposes, choose the category that the highest amount of aid went toward. If the amounts were equal across categories, pick ‘other/multiple.’The submission of this datafile will require coordination between the grant point of contact and state reporting officials. The state reporting official at your institution has access to the secure transfer site (see p. 2 for submission instructions). If you need assistance identifying your institution’s reporting official, please contact Melissa Humphries at Melissa.Humphries@highered.. Note: Do NOT email this datafile to the THECB. Coordinate with your reporting official and follow the secure transfer instructions on p. 2 of this document. Sensitive student-level data should be shared only through secure channels. If student data are shared among personnel in your institution, please follow your institution’s protocols for protecting student data. The file should include the following items for each student entry.Field #1Institution Code. Enter the FICE Code of your institution. This is the code your institution uses for the submission of CBM reports to the THECB. Field #2Student Identification Number. Enter the student identification number that your institution uses for reporting to the THECB. This will be the student’s Social Security Number or an institution-assigned ID.Field #3Student Last Name. Enter the student’s last name. Truncate if the name contains over 20 characters.Field #4Student First Name. Enter the student’s first name. Truncate if the name contains over 10 characters.Field #5Student Middle Name Initial. Enter the initial of the student’s middle name.Field #6Student Date of Birth. Enter all four digits of the year, the month and day of birth of the student (YYYYMMDD). If the date of birth is unknown, enter ‘00000000’.Filed #7 Date aid was awarded to student - Enter all four digits of the year, the month and day of the date the aid was awarded (YYYYMMDD). If the date of award is unknown, enter ‘00000000.’Field #8Amount of Aid. – Enter the total amount that student received rounded to the nearest dollar.Field #9Aid Purpose – Enter the student-reported use for emergency aid from the categories listed below. You can use the numerical code or the category name. If the student reports needing funds for more than one listed category, report the category for which the highest amount of money will be applied. If equal amounts of money will be applied to more than one category, choose ‘Other or multiple.’ NOTE: Report this field to the best of your ability. We understand this will be a student self-report and you may not know if the funds were applied as the student stated. Academic (tuition, fees, books)Childcare (babysitting, daycare)Groceries (food, toiletries, cleaning/paper products)Healthcare (insurance, doctor/clinic visits, medication/medical equipment, dental, vision, counseling)Housing (rent, mortgage, utilities)Transportation (gas, car/insurance payment, bus fare)Technology (laptop, cell phone, internet connection)Other or multiple (only choose multiple if the student indicated that the same amount will be put toward multiple categories. Otherwise only report the category that the highest amount went toward)UnknownField #10Text for ‘other or multiple’ – if ‘other or multiple’ was chosen for Field #9, briefly describe the other or multiple uses of funds. Submission ProcessThe person in charge of completing the datafile will notify the institution’s Reporting Official and coordinate secure transfer of information to the Reporting Official. The Reporting Official will submit the datafile to the THECB secure data exchange site in the Output folder. The Reporting Official shall notify Melissa Humphries at Melissa.Humphries@highered. that the report is available in the Output folder. ................

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