Kentucky Housing Corporation

Kentucky Housing Corporation 2021 ESG-CV Emergency Shelter Application Narrative ResponsesDirections: Using the space within this document, please provide responses to each question below. Under each question, you can add extra space as your type. Be as detailed as possible in your responses so the reviewer understands what your organization is proposing. Please keep your responses to no more than 8 pages total. Please note while responses are expected to be detailed, there is not expectation that responses be unnecessarily lengthy. Applicant (Organization) Name: Click or tap here to enter text.Project Name (Only required if organization is submitting more than one application:Click or tap here to enter text.Shelter Facility Description In the space below, describe the current layout of the shelter facility(ies) where ESG-CV ES funds will be used. For example, is shelter provided in a large room with multiple beds and/or are there separate “bedrooms” with multiple beds? Do people from different households stay in the same bedroom or do you separate households into private rooms by household? Include information about bathrooms, common areas, kitchens, etc. Indicate whether spaces are shared or if the current layout allows for little to no need for members of separate households to routinely encounter each other. If your request is for hotel/motel vouchers only, please indicate that in the space below and in the Project Description question explain why the shelter facility, if one exists, is insufficient to allow proper social distancing, etc.Project DescriptionIn the space below, provide a detailed description of how ESG-CV funds will be used to help prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19. Be sure to explain how these funds will allow the shelter (existing shelter, new shelter space, and/or hotel/motel vouchers) to comply with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guidance, and state and local public health recommendations/mandates, and why ESG-CV funds specifically are needed for your agency to accomplish this. If your proposed project already receives ESG-ES and/or ESG-CV ES funding, please explain why existing funds are insufficient to address the needs outlined in your project description. Project TimelineIn the space below, detail the proposed timeline for the use of funds. As noted in the NOFA for this application, funds must be spent by September 30, 2021. If funds are being used for Renovation activities (minor or major rehabilitation or the conversion of a space into an emergency shelter), KHC requires that the work be completed no later than April 30, 2021. If funds are being requested for expenses incurred since January 1, 2021, include the date the applicant wants to use as its grant term state (e.g. February 1, 2021). Remember, reimbursement is only allowable if the costs were eligible and proper documentation is on file. The following two questions are not required for applicants already receiving ESG-CV funds for emergency shelter (ES) activities. Applicant Experience (Not required for existing ESG-CV ES subrecipients)In the space below, describe the applicant’s experience in serving people experiencing homelessness. Include information about what other grant funds, especially federal, the applicant currently administers relating to homelessness or has previously administered. Applicant Administrative Capacity (Not required for existing ESG-CV ES subrecipients)In the space below, describe the applicant’s organizational capacity to effectively administer the project as proposed and in compliance with ESG-CV policies. This question is specifically asking about staffing structure for both administrative activities (e.g., management, accounting) and program staffing (e.g., case managers, other shelter staff). Also include information about the applicant’s accounting structure and controls (e.g, who is responsible for bookkeeping responsibilities and what experience does this person(s) have; are the applicant’s financials audited annually by an outside auditor). ................

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