Miss Essary News To Marry Emily Post John W. Gill

Society News

Miss Essary To Marry

Emily Post |

Wife of New Secretary of the Interior

John W. Gill

A letter tells me: I am much

Expects Little Change in Social Life

By Ann Cline

One of the proudest moments Committee and then on to the in Mrs. Oscar L. Chapman's life Democratic National Committee. was at 11 o'clock yesterday morn- It was while serving with the lating when her husband took the ter organization that she decided oath of office as Secretary of the to take the position of secretary

Interior. And the happy occasion to Mr. Chapman, who was named was followed by a small family Assistant Secretary of the Inluncheon in the dining room of terior in May, 1933,

the department building.

Married in 1940

The Secretary's two brothers. The Chapmans were married Dr. J. A. Chapman, District Super- in 1940 and most of the time since

intendent of the Methodist Conference. Eastern Shore, Va., and Mr. Joseph Chapman of Richmond, along with Mrs. Chapman's brother, Mr. Charles M. Kendrick

then have lived at the West-

chester apartments. They took over in June the very attractive apartment tney have now. It has just been done over and the walls

of New York, and Mr. Chapman's nephew-in-law and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Williams of Arlington and their daughter, Patricia, made up this intimate

are a very soft shade of blue. The draperies in the large living room are of a deeper blue and rose draperies hang in the dining


Of interest to Washington so-

ciety will be the announcement

from Capt. and Mrs. William

John Murphy of the engagement

of the latter's daughter, Miss Elene Forman Essary, to Mr. John Worden Gill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nicholas Gill. The wedding will take place in April.

The bride-elect, who is the daughter of the late Mr. J. Fred Essary, for many years head of the Washington Bureau of the Baltimore Sun and a distinguished writer and lecturer, is a graduate of the National Cathedral School and attended Sweet Briar College. She made her I debut at Blair House just before it became the official guest house for foreign visitors and she is a member of the Junior League of


puzzled to hear that it is cus-

tomary in my future niece's locality for the guests to bring their wedding presents to the reception. Naturally I don't want to arrive

empty-handed, but how do I sit in church w'ith a package in

my arm?

Your question merely adds another angle to the objection of turning a wedding reception into a shower. Where this very strange custom exists I do not know, but several letters lately have de-

scribed the confusion of opening all presents at the reception. It is not only incorrect, but the most impractical idea ever presented to me. My advice is to follow correct etiquette, which is to send the wedding present to the bride at least several days before the


Order of Initials

gathering. The auditorium




The apartment is quite large enough for the informal buffet

Department was filled to capacity and among those glimpsed in the throng that witnessed the swearing in of the new cabinet officer by Chief Justice of the United States Fred M. Vinson were Secretary

of the Treasury John W. Snyder, who was accompanied by Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross.Director of the Mint; Attorney General J. Howard McGrath, the Secretary of Agriculture and Mrs. Charles F. Brannan and Secretary of Labor Mau-

suppers the Chapmans are so fond of giving. One of the Secretary's specialties is Brunswick stew and their guests are often served that or some of Mrs. Chapman's Louisiana gumbo.

Getting back to Jimmie, the pride of the household, he is a very grownup school boy of the kindergarten set, attending Horace Mann school. His mother says he's beginning to rebel against playing with the under


Miss Essary is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John S. Essary df Tennessee and of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Kerchner of Baltimore.

Mr. Gill was graduated from. Landon School and attended the

University of Virginia, George Washington University and the Columbia Technical Institute. He

served with the U. S. Air Force

for three years in this country and the European theater. He is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Gill and of the late


Dear Mrs. Post: When having a monogram placed on towels, which initial is in the center of

the design? Answer: If the initial repre-

senting your last name is larger than the others, this is put in the center. If they are the same size, they are placed in their regular order.

Typewriting Formal Replies

Dear Mrs. Post: I'm secretary

to a very distinguished gentleman who receives many professional

rice J. Tobin. Also Undersecretary of State

James E. Webb, Undersecretary of

M /ss Janet Maddox \ Miss McDonough To Wed in Spring Defense Stephen T. Early, Under-

secretary of the Treasury Edward

Exclusively Yours, Is Engaged to Wed H. Foley, jr., Associate Justice

Hugo L. Black, Federal Works Administrator Philip B. Fleming, District Commissioners John Rus-

Capital Men Take Slow Boat Florida; sell Young and Gordon R. Young,

Mr. David E. Lilienthal and former

Socialites Find Way Help Europeans Secretary of the Army Kenneth C.


Open House Monday

A full list of commitments-- including a trip to New York this morning to attend the big Democratic dinner being held there this evening--forced Mr. Chapman to


5-year-olds, much preferring the company of older, football-play-' ing boys.

His greatest delight is to be included in the older boys' activities on the playground at the Westchester. When they aren't around though, he does condescend to let his mother play with him.

Since Jimmie is in school from

1 to 3 o'clock, Mrs. Chapman tries to arrange her schedule so that she can be with him as much as

possible. The newest addition to Mrs.

Chapman's list of outside interests is her membership on the Advisory Committee of the Juve-





--Harris & Ewing Photo.


---By Betty Beole-



John Wilkins doesn't think it's last summer and everywhere she so funny but Mary McLean gets a went she saw friends working big bang out of his recent trip with their own hands to make South with her husband Gale. It quality articles they hoped to sell seems that the two set out foi* in America. As a result Gelia is Fort Lauderdale. Fla. in John's now president, Mrs. Ralph Snowdreamy cruiser, the Martay, which den Hill, vice president, and Too-

postpone the gathering after the nile Court of the District of gets its name from the soft drink lies Rivara, secretary and treas-

Mr. and Mrs. Albion K. Parris.

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Maddox announce the engagement of their daughter, Janet Frances, to Mr. Garland A. Spilman, jr,, whose parents live in King George, Va. The wedding will take place in January.

Mr. Spilman recently was discharged from the United States Air Force, with which he served 30 months.

Golgau Photo.

Representative and Mrs. Gor- ber of the Congressional Club in






Washington and is a member of the Friday Morning Club Juniors.

have announced the engagement Mr. Mannelly is a native of

of their daughter, Lucille Eiaine. Chicago. He is a graduate of the

to Mr. John F. Mannelly. The University of Southern California

formal church wedding is being and a member of Theta Chi Fra-

planned for early spring.

ternity. He served as a lieutenant

Miss McDonough attended St. in the Navy in the last war.

Mary's Academy and was gradu-

ated from Immaculata Seminary Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Barksky

and Immaculata Junior College in of Chevy Chase had as their

this city. She also studied art at house guests over the Thanksgiv-

the University of Southern Cali- ing week end Mr. and Mrs. Leon

fornia. She is an associate mem- H. Belber of Ventnor, N. J.

invitations, formally engraved. My predecessor typed her formal third-person replies to these. Shouldn't they be handwritten?

Answer: It would be quite proper to typewrite business replies. But replies to social invitations must be written by hand.

Mrs. Post gives details for dress, color and invitations for second marriages in her leaflet, E-8. To obtain a copy, send 5 cents in coin and a stamped self-addressed envelope to her, care The Evening Star, P. O. Box 99, Station G, New York 19, N. Y. Mrs. Post is sorry she cannot answer personal mail.

ceremony of his co-workers until Columbia. The committee is a that John's family owns in St. urer of a little shop that is an

Monday afternoon, when he will group of citizens organized in Louis. Maybe for the sake of, outlet for such European-made

hold open house in his office.

1937 "to consider the policies and their wives back home, Mr. WJ articles.

But Mrs. Chapman doesn't ex- practices of the Juvenile Court* installed a ship-to-shore telephone Incidentally, the former Sylvia

pect her husband's jump from ! and the problems affecting the before they shoved off.

Szechenyi and her husband,

Undersecretary to Secretary to i proper implementation of the Mary waited in town until they Count Anthony Szapary who were


change her life too much. In function of the court."

had a good head start, then took married here last spring, have

talking to her the other day, we found that she is still engaged in



Democratic Club

the train to that particularly just moved to Greenwich, Conn. pleasant Florida resort called Her sister, Nandine, and her hus-

many outside activities--a role in which she will continue--and that

One of the most time-consuming jobs for the quiet and charm-

Pontevedra where Gale was to band, Alexander Eltz, are join her. After five days in Ponte- near Zurich, Switzerland.


their 5-year-old son, James Raleigh Chapman, requires a lot of attention.

ing official wife is program chairman of the Women's Democratic

Club' This means that Mrs. Chap-

vedra there was still no Gale but

the ship-to-shore telephone was active. Most wives would have


At a party cently one of

* * *

at Rose Saul's rethe guests admired

The lovely wife of the new cab- man is responsible for getting a been put out by plans going so a handsome, rather small tapestry

inet officer first* came to Wash- speaker for the Monday luncheon awry, but all Mary could do was that hung on the wall in a frame.

ington in 1932 to make her home meetings, as well as for any dinner howl with laughter every time "That came from Milly Swilly,"

with her uncle and aunt, Mr. meetings the club might have.

Gale reported their progress.

grinned Rose. "How ducky-

and Mrs. Basil Manly, the for- She is still active in the League The trip was jinxed from the lucky," the guest replied, "and

mer a member at that time of the Federal Power Commission.



Women Voters, 'although much so as in the past,

not beginning. What with bad weathbut er and engine trouble, at the end

who is Milly Swilly?" "She was a famous actress," was the answer.

It was through the Manlys and Mrs. Chapman thinks it's a very of 10 days, the boy? had gotten "You're kidding," was the waggish


ex-Senator and Mrs. Prentiss Costigan of

Edward Colorado


fine organization. She also is a member of the Women's Society

only Gale

as far as Beaufort, S. C. guest's original comment. never did see Florida. He! Then R. S. elucidated.


that she, as Miss Ann Kendrick,

met Oscar Chapman. Her first job in the Capital

was with the Progressive League, an organization active in the Roosevelt campaign. From there she went with the Inaugural

of the First Baptist Church, and, of course, belongs to the PTA of

Horace Mann School.

Mrs. Chapman was born in Lafayette, La., where her father, the Rev. J. I. Kendrick, a retired Baptist minister, now makes his home

with another daughter. Her

boarded Mary's homeward-bound1 uncle, Robert Maguire, left it to

train ftt Savannah.

me," she explained with an

0 --

* * *

amused look, "He told me. that

Gelia Roberts, daughter of Coun- he bought it in Ohio at the auc-

tess Laszlo Szechenyi and the tion of Milly Swilly's estate. I

:late Hungarian Minister to the never believed that there was any-

United States, went to Europe body by that name until I went



to Hicksville, Ohio, not so long


Visitors mother, who died three years ago,

was the former Sarah Manly. During her lifetime, Mrs. Chap-

agb and discovered the Swilly Hotel."

How could any actress by the


reg. $59.95, $55, $49.95, $45

To F. A. 0.

From Afar man has lived in several of the

Southern States. She went to

name of Milly Swilly ever be forgotten? She wouldn't have been

Baylor College in Texas, where Two visitors from countries of course, if she hadn't dropped

she was president of the student on the other side of the world it in favor of the stage name of

Feted government in her senior year.

The Secretary of Agriculture,' Mr. Charles F. Brannan, who heads the United States delegation! to the Food and Agriculture Administration conferences, acted as

In The News host yesterday at a cocktail party.

The fete was given by the United

States delegation for other delegates and officials of the FAO and the FAO conference and the

guests numbered about 700. Receiving with the Secretary

we& Mrs. Brannan, the Under-

secretary of Agriculture, Mr. Albert J. Loveland, who is deputy delegate to the FAO, and the acting director of the office of United

She taught school for four years, part of the time teaching Latin and English in Brownsville, Tex.

"My only real hobby is my son," Mrs. Chapman said, but she does have a collection of Adams china

depicting historical sites. She started this some years ago, and

even though the war interrupted

this pleasant task, she does have quite a few plates. The very pretty pattern has a rose and thistle design blue border. A large, historical place is pictured in the middle of the plate and smaller ones in the four circles

in the border.

will be coming to Washington some time within the next two

weeks. The President of the Azad

Kashmir Government, Sardar Mohammed Ibrahim Khan, is in London over the week end aRd

will fly to New York the first of the week. He is coming to appear before the Security Council of the United Nations on behalf of his

government. Shortly after his appearance he will make a brief

visit in the Capital before returning to his homeland.

Also in this country for appearances before the Security Council is Sheikh Abdullah, the Prime Minister of Kashmir's other and

Amelia Bingham. Famous in the gay nineties days, Amelia must have lived well and in cultured surroundings. The tapestry is a lovely embroidered Venetian one that dates back to 1600.

Miss Isabel Wilder and her brother, Mr. Thornton Wilder, will be hosts at dinner this evening in the Queen Elizabeth Room at the Hotel Raleigh. Their guests will include Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Curtius, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pargallis, Mr. Donald Kahn and Col. and Mrs. Curt C. Schiffeler.

The Wilders are staying at the

Nations Affairs in the State De- Asked whether she thought her older government. The Sheikh is Raleigh while visiting in Wash-

partment Sandifer.




V. husband's new job would mean a very close personal friend more entertaining for them, Mrs. Pandit Nehru, Prime Minister

of of

ington a few days before returning to their home in Hamden,

The party was given at the Chapman said she didn't believe India. Shoreham Hotel where the confer- so because the social pattern for ences are being held and where the President's official family' is



numbers of the delegations from set by the Chief Executive and his

fifty-eight nations have their family, and the Trumans have


abolished official entertaining

while living at Blair House.

Rail Splitters


Party Tomorrow

The Washington Chapter of the 84th Infantry Division Rail Split-

ters Society will give a cocktail

party and dance tomorrow night


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street. Attending will be members

and their ladies.

Maj. Gen. A. R. Bolling, Deputy Director of Intelligence Division,

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new fashion show staged hy Mrs. Gladstone Williams

during luncheon every SATURDAY 1 P.M.

during the Ardennes and Central Pall Mall Room

European campaign in World War II, will attend with Mrs. Bolling.

Maj. Buck Johnson, president of

the Washington Chapter, Rail

if if

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Splitters Associaiton .will be mas- if And perhaps you'll even win a

ter of ceremonies.



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tin, have returned to their apart-

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with, those flattering black seams. Of 51



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