


Goal: To communicate to yourself that your emotions, thoughts, or behaviors are understandable. Self-validation may lead to decreased emotional vulnerability, and increased emotional regulation.

Rate your self-acceptance: ___ / 10

(0 = My thoughts/emotions/behaviors are completely unacceptable; 10 = I can completely accept my thoughts/emotions/behaviors).

Rate your emotional vulnerability: ___ / 10

(0 = I am extremely pressured or I am on the verge of losing control of my emotions; 10 = I am fully grounded in regulating my emotions)

1. Identify a challenging thought, emotion, or behavior of yours:

2. Describe how this thought, emotion, or behavior makes sense in terms of your past experience? (Fill in the example, or write your own)

“Given my history of ___________________________________ it is

completely understandable that I ____________________________”

3. Describe how this thought, emotion, or behavior makes sense in terms of what was happening in the present? (Fill in the example, or write your own)

“Given that _________________________________________ was/is

happening, it is makes sense that I ___________________________”

4. Pick one of the above self-validating statements or a similar self-validating statement and repeat it to yourself a few times while observing your breath.

Again, rate self-acceptance: ___ / 10 and emotional vulnerability: ___ / 10


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