Woodland Park School District

Pacing Guide Content Area: HealthGrade Level: KindergartenUnit Title: WellnessTen WeeksUnit Title: Drugs/MedicinesTen WeeksUnit Title: Family Life SkillsTen Weeks Unit Title: Community Health SkillsSix WeeksContent Area: HealthGrade Level : KindergartenUnit Title: WellnessInterdisciplinary Connections: English Language Arts: In reading, the teacher will offer a variety of literature such as “How Are You Peeling?” and discuss various emotions. SL.K.1. Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. SL.K.2. Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood. SL.K.3. Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood. SL.K.6. Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Visual Performing Arts: Role playing, expressing emotions and reacting to other’s emotions. 1.3.2.C.2 Actors use voice and movement as tools for storytelling 1.3.2.C.3 Voice and movement have broad ranges of expressive potential21st Century Themes:Global Awareness21st Century Skills:Learning and Innovation SkillsCreativity and Innovation Think criticallyWork Creatively with OthersImplement InnovationsCritical Thinking and Problem SolvingReason EffectivelyUse Systems ThinkingMake Judgments and DecisionsSolve ProblemsCommunication and CollaborationCommunicate ClearlyCollaborate with OthersInformation, Media and Technology SkillsInformation LiteracyAccess and Evaluate InformationUse and Manage InformationCareer Ready Practices/Standard 9CRP2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. CRP4. Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason. CRP8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and preserve in solving them. CRP12. Work productively in teams while using cultural global competence. 9.2.4.A.4 Explain why knowledge and skills acquired in the elementary grades lay the foundation for future academic and career success.9.2.4.A.2 Identify various life roles and civic and work-related activities in the school, home, and community. Life and Career SkillsFlexibility and AdaptabilityAdapt to ChangeBe FlexibleInitiative and Self-DirectionManage Goals and TimeWork IndependentlyBe Self-directed LearnersSocial and Cross Cultural SkillsInteract with othersWork Effectively in Diverse TeamsProductivity and AccountabilityManage ProjectsProduce ResultsLeadership and ResponsibilityGuide and Lead OthersBe Responsible to OthersUnit Title: WellnessGrade Level: KindergartenTime Frame: 10 weeksStandard: 2.1 All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.Cumulative Progress Indicators:2.1.2.A.1 Explain what being “well” means and identify self-care practices that support wellness.2.1.2.A.2 Use correct terminology to identify body parts, and explain how body parts work together to support wellness.2.1.2.B.1 Explain why some foods are healthier to eat than others.2.1.2.B.2 Explain how foods on My Plate differ in nutritional content and value.2.1.2.B.3 Summarize information about food found on product labels.2.1.2.C.1 Summarize symptoms of common diseases and health conditions. 2.1.2.C.2 Summarize strategies to prevent the spread of common diseases and health conditions. 2.1.2.C.3 Determine how personal feelings can affect one’s wellness. 2.1.2.D.1 Identify ways to prevent injuries at home, school, and in the community (e.g., fire safety, poison safety, accident prevention).2.1.2.D.2 Differentiate among the characteristics of strangers, acquaintances, and trusted adults and describe safe and appropriate behaviors/touches2.1.2.D.3 Identify procedures associated with pedestrian, bicycle, and traffic safety.2.1.2.E.1 Identify basic social and emotional needs of all people.2.1.2.E.2 Determine possible causes of conflict between people and appropriate ways to prevent and resolve them. 2.1.2.E.3 Explain healthy ways of coping with common stressful situations experienced by children.Enduring Understanding:Students will be able to explain what it means to feel “well”Students will gain an understanding of things they can do to stay healthyStudents will begin to understand how they can get others sickStudents will begin to understand that many factors impact our social and emotional healthStudents will understand that how we handle those issues can affect the way we feelStudents will begin to understand how to deal with their feelings and how to handle simple conflict independentlyEssentials Questions:How do we get sick?What can you do to keep yourself healthy?Why is it important to wash our hands?What are some emotions?What makes you happy?What makes you sad?What should you do if a friend makes you upset or angry?Knowledge and Skills:Students will know how to avoid spreading germsStudents will be able to list ways in which they can keep themselves healthyStudents will be able to explain the difference between being happy or sad.Students will be able to describe what they can do or why their emotion may changeDemonstration of Learning/Assessment:Students will create a poster advertising ways in which people can stay healthy and help from spreading germsStudents will create a drawing describing what emotion is being represented.Suggested Tasks and Activities:Read AloudHave students practice washing hands and covering coughs and sneezesRole Playing, expressing emotions and reacting to other’s emotions.Illustrate or list their daily health care routine.List trusted adults with whom they are comfortable speaking.Technology: 8.1.2.B.1 Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using multiple digital tools and resources.8.1.2.D.1 Develop an understanding of ownership of print and non-print information.8.1.2.E.1 Use digital tools and online resources to explore a problem or issue.Task: Create a brochure for healthy food.Illustrate on the computer their idea of healthy food or lifestyle habit.Resources: District approved text, read aloud booksDifferentiation/Accommodations/ModificationsContentCurriculum, standardsProcessHow students make sense or understand information being taughtProductEvidence of LearningG&T CompactingFlexible groupingIndependent study/set own learning goalsInterest/station groupsVarying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, multiple choice, open ended…Centers/StationsUse of technologyJournals/LogsChoice boardsPodcast/blogDebateDesign and conduct experimentsFormulate & defend theoryDesign a game ELLCompactingFlexible groupingControlled choiceMulti-sensory learning-auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactilePre-teach vocabularyVocabulary listsVisuals/Modeling Varying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, choice, open ended…Centers/StationsScaffoldingChunkingE-Dictionaries, bilingual dictionariesExtended timeDifferentiated instructional outcomesUse of technology Frequent checks for understanding RubricsSimple to complexGroup tasksQuizzes, tests with various types of questionsGenerate charts or diagrams to show what was learnedAct out or role playAt RiskCompactingFlexible groupingControlled choiceMulti-sensory learning-auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactilePre-teach vocabularyVocabulary listsVisuals/Modeling Varying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, multiple choice, open ended…Centers/StationsScaffoldingChunkingExtended timeDifferentiated instructional outcomesUse of technology Partner workFrequent checks for understanding RubricsSimple to complexGroup tasksQuizzes, testsOral AssessmentsGenerate charts or diagrams to show what was learnedAct out or role playIEP/504CompactingFlexible groupingControlled choiceMulti-sensory learning-auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactilePre-teach vocabularyVisuals/Modeling Varying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, multiple choice, open ended…Centers/StationsScaffoldingExtended timeDifferentiated instructional outcomesPreferential SeatingUse of technology Small group/one-to-one instruction Teach information processing strategiesChunkingFrequent checks for understanding Access to teacher created notesRubricsSimple to complexGroup tasksQuizzes, testsOral AssessmentsGenerate charts or diagrams to show what was learnedAct out or role playContent Area: HealthGrade Level : KindergartenUnit Title: Drugs and MedicineInterdisciplinary Connections: English Language Arts: In reading, the teacher will offer a variety of literature “Charlie and the Curious Club: Candy or Medicine?” and discuss drugs and medicine.SL.K.1. Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. SL.K.2. Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood. SL.K.3. Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood. SL.K.6. Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.Visual Performing Arts: Role playing, expressing emotions and reacting to other’s emotions.1.3.2.C.2 Actors use voice and movement as tools for storytelling 1.3.2.C.3 Voice and movement have broad ranges of expressive potentialScience: In science, they could discuss how medicine affects their body. Conduct and argument supported by evidence how plants and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet their needs.)21st Century Skills:Learning and Innovation SkillsCreativity and Innovation Think criticallyWork Creatively with OthersImplement InnovationsCritical Thinking and Problem SolvingReason EffectivelyUse Systems ThinkingMake Judgments and DecisionsSolve ProblemsCommunication and CollaborationCommunicate ClearlyCollaborate with OthersInformation, Media and Technology SkillsInformation LiteracyAccess and Evaluate InformationUse and Manage InformationICT LiteracyApply Technology Effectively Career Ready Practices/Standard 9CRP2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. CRP4. Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason. CRP8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and preserve in solving them. CRP12. Work productively in teams while using cultural global competence. Life and Career SkillsFlexibility and AdaptabilityAdapt to ChangeBe FlexibleInitiative and Self-DirectionManage Goals and TimeWork IndependentlyBe Self-directed LearnersSocial and Cross Cultural SkillsInteract with othersWork Effectively in Diverse TeamsProductivity and AccountabilityManage ProjectsProduce ResultsLeadership and ResponsibilityGuide and Lead OthersBe Responsible to Others9.2.4.A.4 Explain why knowledge and skills acquired in the elementary grades lay the foundation for future academic and career success.9.2.4.A.2 Identify various life roles and civic and work-related activities in the school, home, and community.Unit Title: Drugs/MedicineGrade Level: KindergartenTime Frame: Ten WeeksStandard: 2.3 All students will acquire knowledge about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and medicines and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.Cumulative Progress Indicators:2.3.2.A.1 Explain what medicines are and when some types of medicines are used.2.3.2.A.2 Explain why medicines should be administered as directed.. 2.3.2.B.2 Explain effects of tobacco use on personal hygiene, health, and safety 2.3.2.B.5 List substances that should never be inhaled and explain why.2.3.2.C.1 Recognize that some people may have difficulty controlling their use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.Enduring Understanding:Students will understand when medicines should be used.Students will understand if medicines are not taken correctly that they are being abused and dangerous.Students will know the effects that tobacco has on a person’s bodyStudents will understand that inhaling certain substances can be dangerousStudents will know that some people abuse medicines, alcohol or tobacco but can seek help.Essentials Questions:What happens when we don’t feel well?Should you help yourself to medicine?Is taking medicine always a good thing?If you come across a substance that you don’t know, what should you do?Knowledge and Skills:Students will be able to identify which medicines are safe and that only a doctor or adult should be giving them to you.Students will know that inhaling certain substances can cause health problemsStudents will know that people seeking help can call the police, ambulance or a doctor.Demonstration of Learning/Assessment:Students will draw a picture and label what should happen if they come across and unknown substance. Students will pretend to be doctors and list the safety rules of taking medicine?Suggested Tasks and Activities:Read AloudRole PlayingMatching worksheetsColoring worksheetsPolice/Doctor VisitNurse visitTechnology:8.1.2.B.1 Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using multiple digital tools and resources.8.1.2.D.1 Develop an understanding of ownership of print and non-print information.8.1.2.E.1 Use digital tools and online resources to explore a problem or issue.Task: On the computer they can create their “Do not consume” poster.Resources: District approved text, read aloud booksDifferentiation/Accommodations/ModificationsContentCurriculum, standardsProcessHow students make sense or understand information being taughtProductEvidence of LearningG&T CompactingFlexible groupingIndependent study/set own learning goalsInterest/station groupsVarying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, multiple choice, open ended…Centers/StationsUse of technologyJournals/LogsChoice boardsPodcast/blogDebateDesign and conduct experimentsFormulate & defend theoryDesign a game ELLCompactingFlexible groupingControlled choiceMulti-sensory learning-auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactilePre-teach vocabularyVocabulary listsVisuals/Modeling Varying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, choice, open ended…Centers/StationsScaffoldingChunkingE-Dictionaries, bilingual dictionariesExtended timeDifferentiated instructional outcomesUse of technology Frequent checks for understanding RubricsSimple to complexGroup tasksQuizzes, tests with various types of questionsGenerate charts or diagrams to show what was learnedAct out or role playAt RiskCompactingFlexible groupingControlled choiceMulti-sensory learning-auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactilePre-teach vocabularyVocabulary listsVisuals/Modeling Varying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, multiple choice, open ended…Centers/StationsScaffoldingChunkingExtended timeDifferentiated instructional outcomesUse of technology Partner workFrequent checks for understanding RubricsSimple to complexGroup tasksQuizzes, testsOral AssessmentsGenerate charts or diagrams to show what was learnedAct out or role playIEP/504CompactingFlexible groupingControlled choiceMulti-sensory learning-auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactilePre-teach vocabularyVisuals/Modeling Varying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, multiple choice, open ended…Centers/StationsScaffoldingExtended timeDifferentiated instructional outcomesPreferential SeatingUse of technology Small group/one-to-one instruction Teach information processing strategiesChunkingFrequent checks for understanding Access to teacher created notesRubricsSimple to complexGroup tasksQuizzes, testsOral AssessmentsGenerate charts or diagrams to show what was learnedAct out or role playContent Area: HealthGrade Level : KindergartenUnit Title: Family LifeInterdisciplinary Connections: English Language Arts: In reading, the teacher will offer a variety of literature such as “Families” and discuss the various roles and structures of a family.SL.K.1. Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. SL.K.2. Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood. SL.K.3. Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood. SL.K.6. Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.Visual Performing Arts: Role playing, expressing emotions and reacting to other’s emotions.1.3.2.C.2 Actors use voice and movement as tools for storytelling 1.3.2.C.3 Voice and movement have broad ranges of expressive potential21st Century Themes:Global Awareness21st Century Skills:Learning and Innovation SkillsCreativity and Innovation Think criticallyWork Creatively with OthersImplement InnovationsCritical Thinking and Problem SolvingReason EffectivelyUse Systems ThinkingMake Judgments and DecisionsSolve ProblemsCommunication and CollaborationCommunicate ClearlyCollaborate with OthersInformation, Media and Technology SkillsInformation LiteracyAccess and Evaluate InformationUse and Manage InformationICT LiteracyApply Technology Effectively Career Ready Practices/Standard 9CRP2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. CRP4. Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason. CRP8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and preserve in solving them. CRP12. Work productively in teams while using cultural global competence. Life and Career SkillsFlexibility and AdaptabilityAdapt to ChangeBe FlexibleInitiative and Self-DirectionManage Goals and TimeWork IndependentlyBe Self-directed LearnersSocial and Cross Cultural SkillsInteract with othersWork Effectively in Diverse TeamsProductivity and AccountabilityManage ProjectsProduce ResultsLeadership and ResponsibilityGuide and Lead OthersBe Responsible to Others9.2.4.A.4 Explain why knowledge and skills acquired in the elementary grades lay the foundation for future academic and career success.9.2.4.A.2 Identify various life roles and civic and work-related activities in the school, home, and community.Unit Title: Family LifeGrade Level: KindergartenTime Frame: Ten WeeksStandard: 2.4 All students will acquire knowledge about the physical, emotional, and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.Cumulative Progress Indicators:2.4.2.A.1 Compare and contrast different kinds of families locally and globally. 2.4.2.A.2 Distinguish the roles and responsibilities of different family members.2.4.2.A.3 Determine the factors that contribute to healthy relationships. 2.4.2.B.1 Compare and contrast the physical differences and similarities of the genders Enduring Understanding:Students will understand that there are different types of families in the worldStudents will understand that each of the family member’s has a role in the familyStudents will understand that certain factors contribute to a healthy relationshipStudents will understand that there is a difference between males and femalesEssentials Questions:What is family?Does every family look the same?What makes a family a strong family?Is it better to have a brother or a sister?Knowledge and Skills:Students will be able to name and describe the different types of families in the worldStudents will be able to describe the different roles in a familyStudents will be able to list key factors that contribute to a healthy relationshipStudents will be able to compare and contrast similarities and differences between males and femalesDemonstration of Learning/Assessment:Students will be able to match the description of a family to the correct title of the family.Students will make a picture of their familySuggested Tasks and Activities:Read Aloud/discussionsWorksheet activities – matching/coloringRole PlayingTechnology:8.1.2.B.1 Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using multiple digital tools and resources.8.1.2.D.1 Develop an understanding of ownership of print and non-print information.8.1.2.E.1 Use digital tools and online resources to explore a problem or issue.Task: Investigate and produce a document explaining gender roles differ in different countries.Resources: District approved text, read aloud booksDifferentiation/Accommodations/ModificationsContentCurriculum, standardsProcessHow students make sense or understand information being taughtProductEvidence of LearningG&T CompactingFlexible groupingIndependent study/set own learning goalsInterest/station groupsVarying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, multiple choice, open ended…Centers/StationsUse of technologyJournals/LogsChoice boardsPodcast/blogDebateDesign and conduct experimentsFormulate & defend theoryDesign a game ELLCompactingFlexible groupingControlled choiceMulti-sensory learning-auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactilePre-teach vocabularyVocabulary listsVisuals/Modeling Varying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, choice, open ended…Centers/StationsScaffoldingChunkingE-Dictionaries, bilingual dictionariesExtended timeDifferentiated instructional outcomesUse of technology Frequent checks for understanding RubricsSimple to complexGroup tasksQuizzes, tests with various types of questionsGenerate charts or diagrams to show what was learnedAct out or role playAt RiskCompactingFlexible groupingControlled choiceMulti-sensory learning-auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactilePre-teach vocabularyVocabulary listsVisuals/Modeling Varying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, multiple choice, open ended…Centers/StationsScaffoldingChunkingExtended timeDifferentiated instructional outcomesUse of technology Partner workFrequent checks for understanding RubricsSimple to complexGroup tasksQuizzes, testsOral AssessmentsGenerate charts or diagrams to show what was learnedAct out or role playIEP/504CompactingFlexible groupingControlled choiceMulti-sensory learning-auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactilePre-teach vocabularyVisuals/Modeling Varying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, multiple choice, open ended…Centers/StationsScaffoldingExtended timeDifferentiated instructional outcomesPreferential SeatingUse of technology Small group/one-to-one instruction Teach information processing strategiesChunkingFrequent checks for understanding Access to teacher created notesRubricsSimple to complexGroup tasksQuizzes, testsOral AssessmentsGenerate charts or diagrams to show what was learnedAct out or role playContent Area: HealthGrade Level : KindergartenUnit Title: Community Health SkillsInterdisciplinary Connections: English Language Arts Connections: English Language Arts: In reading, the teacher will offer a variety of literature “The Magic School Bus: The Human Body” and discuss healthy habits for the body.SL.K.1. Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. SL.K.2. Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood. SL.K.3. Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood. SL.K.6. Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.Visual Performing Arts: Role playing, expressing emotions and reacting to other’s emotions.1.3.2.C.2 Actors use voice and movement as tools for storytelling 1.3.2.C.3 Voice and movement have broad ranges of expressive potential21st Century Skills:Learning and Innovation SkillsCreativity and Innovation Think criticallyWork Creatively with OthersImplement InnovationsCritical Thinking and Problem SolvingReason EffectivelyUse Systems ThinkingMake Judgments and DecisionsSolve ProblemsCommunication and CollaborationCommunicate ClearlyCollaborate with OthersInformation, Media and Technology SkillsInformation LiteracyAccess and Evaluate InformationUse and Manage InformationICT LiteracyApply Technology Effectively Career Ready Practices/Standard 9CRP2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. CRP4. Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason. CRP8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and preserve in solving them. CRP12. Work productively in teams while using cultural global competence. Life and Career SkillsFlexibility and AdaptabilityAdapt to ChangeBe FlexibleInitiative and Self-DirectionManage Goals and TimeWork IndependentlyBe Self-directed LearnersSocial and Cross Cultural SkillsInteract with othersWork Effectively in Diverse TeamsProductivity and AccountabilityManage ProjectsProduce ResultsLeadership and ResponsibilityGuide and Lead OthersBe Responsible to Others9.2.4.A.4 Explain why knowledge and skills acquired in the elementary grades lay the foundation for future academic and career success.9.2.4.A.2 Identify various life roles and civic and work-related activities in the school, home, and community.Unit Title: Community Health SkillsGrade Level: KindergartenTime Frame: Six WeeksStandard: 2.2 All students will develop and use personal and interpersonal skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.Cumulative Progress Indicators: 2.2.2.A.1 Express needs, wants, and feelings in health- and safety-related situations. 2.2.2.B.1 Explain what a decision is and why it is advantageous to think before acting.2.2.2.B.2 Relate decision-making by self and others to one’s health.2.2.2.B.3 Determine ways parents, peers, technology, culture, and the media influence health decisions.2.2.2.B.4 Select a personal health goal and explain why setting a goal is important. 2.2.2.C.1 Explain the meaning of Character and how it is reflected in the thoughts, feelings, and actions of oneself and others.2.2.2.C.2 Identify types of disabilities and demonstrate appropriate behavior when interacting with people with disabilities.2.2.2.D.1 Determine the benefits for oneself and others of participating in a class or school service activityEnduring Understanding:Students will understand how to express their needs, wants and feelings in health and safety situationsStudents will understand the thought process of thinking before making a decisionStudents will understand that decision they make can affect their health or others healthStudents will understand how other factors such as peers, technology, parents, culture and the media influence health decisionsStudents will be able to identify different disabilities and act appropriate when interacting with people with disabilitiesStudents will understand why it is important to participate in class or school activitiesEssentials Questions:How can using your words help people Is it important to think before making a decision? Why?Can you make decisions that can affect your health? Others health?How can outside factors influence your health decisions? What are those factors that may influence you?Is it important to set goals in life?What is character?What does having a disability mean?How should you act toward a person with a disability?Knowledge and Skills:Students will be able to express their wants, need and feelingsStudents will know why it is important to think before making a decisionStudents will be able to describe how their decisions can affect their health and othersStudents will be able to describe how outside factors may influence their health decisionsStudents will be able to identify different disabilities Demonstration of Learning/Assessment:Student will create a collage portraying their wants, needs and feelingsStudents will bring in one artifact of outside factors influencing health decisionsStudents will come up with ideas that their class/school can participate in for a class/school project promoting healthSuggested Tasks and Activities:Read Aloud/discussionsAmerican Heart Association reading/video materialsDecision game- 3 second to decideTechnology:8.1.2.B.1 Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using multiple digital tools and resources.8.1.2.D.1 Develop an understanding of ownership of print and non-print information.8.1.2.E.1 Use digital tools and online resources to explore a problem or issue.Task: Students will look at a food ad in a magazine and describe how the media is trying to influence them.Resources: District approved text, read aloud booksDifferentiation/Accommodations/ModificationsContentCurriculum, standardsProcessHow students make sense or understand information being taughtProductEvidence of LearningG&T CompactingFlexible groupingIndependent study/set own learning goalsInterest/station groupsVarying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, multiple choice, open ended…Centers/StationsUse of technologyJournals/LogsChoice boardsPodcast/blogDebateDesign and conduct experimentsFormulate & defend theoryDesign a game ELLCompactingFlexible groupingControlled choiceMulti-sensory learning-auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactilePre-teach vocabularyVocabulary listsVisuals/Modeling Varying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, choice, open ended…Centers/StationsScaffoldingChunkingE-Dictionaries, bilingual dictionariesExtended timeDifferentiated instructional outcomesUse of technology Frequent checks for understanding RubricsSimple to complexGroup tasksQuizzes, tests with various types of questionsGenerate charts or diagrams to show what was learnedAct out or role playAt RiskCompactingFlexible groupingControlled choiceMulti-sensory learning-auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactilePre-teach vocabularyVocabulary listsVisuals/Modeling Varying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, multiple choice, open ended…Centers/StationsScaffoldingChunkingExtended timeDifferentiated instructional outcomesUse of technology Partner workFrequent checks for understanding RubricsSimple to complexGroup tasksQuizzes, testsOral AssessmentsGenerate charts or diagrams to show what was learnedAct out or role playIEP/504CompactingFlexible groupingControlled choiceMulti-sensory learning-auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactilePre-teach vocabularyVisuals/Modeling Varying levels of resources and materialsUse of technology Tiered Assignments Leveled questions- written responses, think-pair-share, multiple choice, open ended…Centers/StationsScaffoldingExtended timeDifferentiated instructional outcomesPreferential SeatingUse of technology Small group/one-to-one instruction Teach information processing strategiesChunkingFrequent checks for understanding Access to teacher created notesRubricsSimple to complexGroup tasksQuizzes, testsOral AssessmentsGenerate charts or diagrams to show what was learnedAct out or role play ................

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