
Qn.1 If 5 women or 8 girls can do a work in 84 days. In how many days can 10 women and 5 girls can do the same work ?31 days30 days33 days32 daysAnswer:32 daysExplanation:Given that 5 women is equal to 8 girls to complete a workso, 10 women=16 girls.Therefore 10women +5girls=16girls+5girls=21girls.8 girls can do a work in 84 daysthen 21 girls= (8*84/21)=32days.Therefore 10 women and 5 girls can a work in 32daysQn.2 SECTION-1If 9 men working 6 hours a day can do a work in 88 days. Then 6 men working 8 hours a day can do it in how many days??8999Answer:99Explanation:If men is fixed,work is proportional to time.If work is fixed, then time is inversely proportional to men therefore,?(M1*T1/W1)=(M2*T2/W2) From the above formula i.e (m1*t1/w1)=(m2*t2/w2)so (9*6*88/1)=(6*8*d/1)on solving, d=99 days.8676Qn.3 walking at ? of his usual speed ,a man is late by 2 ? hr. the usual time is.77 ?Answer:7 ?Explanation:Usual speed = SUsual time = TDistance = DNew Speed is ? SNew time is 4/3 T4/3 T – T = 5/2T=15/2 = 7 ?8 ??8Qn.4 In a boat 25 persons were sitting. Their average weight increased one kilogram when One man goes and a new man comes in. The weight of the new man is 70kgs. Find the Weight of the man who is going ?45Answer:45Explanation:Weight increased per person is 1 kg.Total increase in weight = 25 kgsWeight of new man is 70 kgs,(Which means his weight is 25 kgs heavier)The weight of the old man was 70 – 25 = 45 kgs253673Qn.5 A man can row 4.5 km/hr in still water. It takes him twice as long to row upstream as to row downstream. What is the rate of the current ?3.5 km/hr.2.5 km/hr.4.5 km/hr.1.5 km/hr.Answer:1.5 km/hr.Explanation:Speed of boat in still water (b) = 4.5 km/hr.Speed of boat with stream (Down Stream), D = b + uSpeed of boat against stream (Up stream), U = b – uIt is given upstream time is twice to that of down stream.? Downstream speed is twice to that of upstream.So b + u = 2(b – u)? u =b/3 = 1.5 km/hr.Qn.6 A sum of money amounts to Rs. 9800 after 5 years and Rs. 12005 after 8 years at the same rate of simple interest. The rate of interest per annum is5%8%12%Answer:12%Explanation:S.I. for 3 years = Rs. (12005 - 9800) = Rs. 2205.S.I. for 5 years = Rs.?(2205/3) x 5 = Rs. 3675Principal = Rs. (9800 - 3675) = Rs. 6125.Hence, rate = (100 x 3675)/(? 6125 x 5) % ?= 12%??18%Qn.7 A man starts walking at 3 pm . he walks at a speed of 4 km/hr on level ground and at a speed of 3 km/hr on uphill , 6 km/hr downhill and then 4 km/hr on level ground to reach home at 9 pm. What is the distance covered on one way?12 kmAnswer:12 kmExplanation:lets us consider t1 = time taken on level road.t2 = uphill. t3 = down hill; the distance traveled uphill and down hill sameso?t2*3 = 6*t3; => t2 = 2t3;---> (1)total time = 2*t1 + t2 + t3 = 6 hours ---> (2)2t1+3t3 = 6 -->(3)total distance = 2*(4t1) + 3*t2+ 6*t3 ---> (4)substitute (1) in (4)8t1 + 12t3 => 4(2t1+3t3) then from (3)the total distance will become 4*6= 24=> one way distance = 12km23 km45 km65 kmQn.8 In a group of cows and hens, the number of legs are 14 more than twice the number of heads. The number of cows is57Answer:7Explanation:Let the number of cows be x and the number of hens be y.Then, 4x + 2y = 2 (x + y) + 144x + 2y = 2x + 2y + 142x = 14x = 7.1012Qn.9 I have a few sweets to be distributed. If I keep 2, 3 or 4 in a pack, I am left with one sweet. If I keep 5 in a pack, I am left with none. What is the minimum number of sweets I have to pack and distribute ?25Answer:25Explanation:Clearly, the required number would be such that it leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 2, 3 or 4 and no remainder when divided by 5.Such a number is 25.375465Qn.10 2 trains starting at the same time from 2 stations 200km apart and going in opposite direction cross each other at a distance of 110km from one of the stations.what is the ratio of their speeds ?11:9Answer:11:9Explanation:In same time ,they cover 110km & 90 km respectivelyso ratio of their speed =110:90 = 11:911:810:911:90Qn.11 A student got twice as many sums wrong as he got right. If he attempted 48 sums in all, how many did he solve correctly ?1216Answer:16Explanation:Suppose the boy got x sums right and 2x sums wrong.Then, x + 2x = 48 3x = 48 x = 16.1824Qn.12 A man fixed an appointment to meet the manager, Manager asked him to come two days after the day before the day after tomorrow. Today is Friday. When will the manager expect him?FridayMondayAnswer:MondayExplanation:Don’t confuse it with Tuesday.the correct answer is MondayTuesdaySundayQn.13 There is a merry-go-round race going on.One person says,"1/3 of those in front of me and 3/4 of those behind me, give the total number of children in the race". Then the number of children took part in the race?121113Answer:13Explanation:Assume there are x participants in the race.In a round race, number of participants in front of a person wil be x-1 and that behind him wil be x-1.i.e, 1/3(x-1) + 3/4(x-1) = xsolving x = 1314Qn.14 Find the value of X,Y and Z in the followingX X X XY Y Y YZ Z Z Z................Y X X X ZX=9 , Y=2; Z=8X=9 , Y=1; Z=9X=8 , Y=1; Z=8X=9 , Y=1; Z=8Qn.15 The smallest number which when diminished by 7, is divisible 12, 16, 18, 21 and 28 is:10081015Answer:1015Explanation:Required number = (L.C.M. of 12,16, 18, 21, 28) + 7=?1008 + 7 = 101510221032Qn.16 The ratio of two numbers is 3 : 4 and their H.C.F. is 4. Their L.C.M. is12162448Answer:48Explanation:Let the numbers be 3x and 4x. Then,?their H.C.F. = x. So, x = 4.So, the numbers 12 and 16.L.C.M. of 12 and 16 = 48.Qn.17 252 can be expressed as a product of primes as:2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7Answer:2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7Explanation:Clearly, 252 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7.2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 73 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 72 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 7Qn.18 21, 9, 21, 11, 21, 13, 21, .......1415Answer:15Explanation:In this alternating repetition series, the random number 21 is interpolated every other number into an otherwise simple addition series that increases by 2, beginning with the number 9.2123Qn.19 Two trains, one from Howrah to Patna and the other from Patna to Howrah, start simultaneously. After they meet, the trains reach their destinations after 9 hours and 16 hours respectively. The ratio of their speeds is2 : 34 : 3Answer:4 : 3Explanation:Let us name the trains as A and B.Then,?(A's speed) : (B's speed) = b : a= 16 : 9= 4 : 3.6 : 79 : 16Qn.20 If a and b are positive integers and (a-b)/3.5 = 4/7, thenb < ab > ab = ab >= aQn.21 If 9x-3y=12 and 3x-5y=7 then 6x-2y = ?.-5428Answer:8Explanation:Consider 9x - 3y = 12.........divide both sides by 3:3x - y = 4............now multiply both sides by 2:6x - 2y = 8 So, it`s (d)Qn.22 Two bus tickets from city A to B and three tickets from city A to C cost Rs. 77 but three tickets from city A to B and two tickets from city A to C cost Rs. 73. What are the fares for cities B and C from A ?Rs. 4, Rs. 23Rs. 13, Rs. 17Answer:Rs. 13, Rs. 17Explanation:Let Rs. x be the fare of city B from city A and Rs. y be the fare of city C from city A.Then, 2x + 3y = 77 ...(i) and3x + 2y = 73 ...(ii)Multiplying (i) by 3 and (ii) by 2 and subtracting, we get: 5y = 85 or y = 17.Putting y = 17 in (i),?we get: x = 13.Rs. 15, Rs. 14Rs. 17, Rs. 13Qn.23 The total of the ages of Amar, Akbar and Anthony is 80 years. What was the total of their ages three years ago ?71 yearsAnswer:71 yearsExplanation:Required sum = (80 - 3 x 3) years = (80 - 9) years = 71 years.72 years74 years77 yearsQn.24 A man took loan from a bank at the rate of 12% p.a. simple interest. After 3 years he had to pay Rs. 5400 interest only for the period. The principal amount borrowed by him was.Rs. 2000Rs. 10,000Rs. 15,000Answer:Rs. 15,000Explanation:Principal =?Rs. (100 x 5400)/(12*3) = Rs. 15000.Rs. 20,000Qn.25 The total age of A & B is 12 years more than the total age of B & C. C is how many year younger than A.C is 12 years younger than AAnswer:C is 12 years younger than AExplanation:From the given dataA+B = 12+(B+C)A+B-(B+C) = 12A-C=12 years.C is 12 years younger than AC is 11 years younger than AC is 18 years younger than AC is 22 years younger than AQn.26 The present age of a father is 3 years more than three times the age of his son.Three years hence,father as age will be 10 years more than twice the age of the son.Find the present age of the father.23 years30 years33 yearsAnswer:33 yearsExplanation:Let the present age be 'x' years.Then father's present age is 3x+3 years.Three years hence (3x+3)+3=2(x+3)+10x=10Hence father's present age = 3x+3 =[ (3 x 10) + 3] = 33 years.42 yearsQn.27 In one hour a boat goes 11 km long the stream and 5 km against the stream.The speed of the boat in still water is?8 kmphAnswer:8 kmphExplanation:Speed in still water A = ? ( 11+5) km/hrA= 8 kmph7 kmph8.5 kmph9 kmphQn.28 A train 110 m long travels at 60 kmph. How long does it take to pass a telegraph post by the side of the track ?5.6 seconds6.5 seconds6.6 secondsAnswer:6.6 secondsExplanation:Speed of train = 60 ×5/18 m/s = 50/3 m/s∴ Time taken to cross the telegraph post = 110/(50/3) = 6.6 seconds6.7 secondsQn.29 The average ages of three persons is 27 years. Their ages are in the proportion of 1:3:5. What is the age in years of the youngest one among them ?8679Answer:9Explanation:Let the age of three persons be x, 3x and 5x=> 9x/3 = 27= > x = 9Qn.30 The greatest number of four digits which is divisible by 15, 25, 40 and 75 is:900094009600Answer:9600Explanation:Greatest number of 4-digits is 9999.L.C.M. of 15, 25, 40 and 75 is 600.On dividing 9999 by 600, the remainder is 399.Required number (9999 - 399) = 9600.9800Qn.31 The L.C.M. of two numbers is 48. The numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3. Then sum of the number is:283240Answer:40Explanation:Let the numbers be 2x and 3x.Then, their L.C.M. = 6x.So, 6x = 48 or x = 8.The numbers are 16 and 24.Hence, required sum = (16 + 24) = 40.64Qn.32 If A is the brother of B; B is the sister of C; and C is the father of D, how D is related to A ?BrotherSisterNephewCannot be determinedAnswer:Cannot be determinedExplanation:If D is Male, the answer is Nephew.If D is Female, the answer is Niece.As the sex of D is not known, hence, the relation between D and A cannot be determined.?Note: Niece - A daughter of one's brother or sister, or of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law. Nephew - A son of one's brother or sister, or of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law.Qn.33 Express the 56% as a fraction ?14/25Answer:14/25Explanation:56% = 56/100 =14/2515/2517/2519/25Qn.34 What is the sum of the first 25 natural odd numbers ?225125525625Answer:625Explanation:1 + 3 + 5 + ...... + 49 (first 25 odds) = 25 x 2 = 625.Qn.35 Evaluate 30!/28!800789870Answer:870Explanation:30!/28! = 30 * 29 * (28!) / (28!)= 30 * 29=870980Qn.36 15% of x=20% of y then x:y is2:34:44:3Answer:4:3Explanation:(15/100)*x=(20/100)*y3x=4yx:y=4:33:4Qn.37 Find the fourth proportion to 4,9,12 ?1627Answer:27Explanation:d is the fourth proportion to a,b,ca:b=c:d 4:9=12:x4x=9*12=>x=271737Qn.38 Find S.P when C.P=Rs 56.25 and Gain=20%Rs 60.50Rs 67.50Answer:Rs 67.50Explanation:S.P=[(100+gain%)/100]*C.PS.P=[(100+20)/100]56.25=Rs 67.50Rs 61.50Rs 68.50Qn.39 A man buys an article for Rs.27.50 and sells it for Rs.28.60 Find the gain percent ?14%40%4%Answer:4%Explanation:C.P=Rs 27.50S.P=Rs 28.60then Gain=S.P-C.P=28.60-27.50=Rs 1.10Gain%=(gain*100)/C.P%=(1.10*100)/27.50%=4%3%Qn.40 2 is what percent of 50 ?14%2%1%4%Answer:4%Explanation:2 is what percent of 50= 2/50 *100 = 4%Qn.41 Express the 0.08% as a fraction ?1/12001/1250Answer:1/1250Explanation:0.08%=0.08/100 =8/10000 =1/125011/12501/1050Qn.42 Pointing to a photograph of a boy Suresh said, "He is the son of the only son of my mother." How is Suresh related to that boy?BrotherUncleCousinFatherAnswer:FatherExplanation:The boy in the photograph is the only son of the son of Suresh's motheri.e., the son of Suresh.Hence, Suresh is the father of boy.Qn.43 Fill the missing number or letter in the given series.SCD, TEF, UGH, ____, WKLCMNUJIVIJAnswer:VIJExplanation:There are two alphabetical series here. The first series is with the first letters only: STUVW.The second series involves the remaining letters: CD, EF, GH, IJ, KL.VIJQn.44 3, 12, 48, 192, 3072.768Answer:768Explanation:The numbers are multiplied by 4 to get the next number. (192 × 4 = 768)Answer:76838423761976Qn.45 1 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13,1517Answer:17Explanation:The given series is prime number series. The next prime number is 17.1819Qn.46 A, B, D, G, K, ...PAnswer:PExplanation:The series is + 1, + 2, + 3 etc.The missing letter is (K + 4) = P.Skip Process: First no letter is skipped, then 1, 2, 3 etc. letters are skipped to get next letter.Skip 4 letters after 'K' to get P.NOLQn.47 B, E, H, K, N,POQAnswer:QExplanation:The series is + 3. The missing letter is N + 3 = Q. Answer: QLogic: Skip two letters to get the next letter. Skip Q, P after N to get Q.The missing letter is Q.RQn.48 E D C H G F K J I N ......L MO PM OM LAnswer:M LExplanation:reverse seriesQn.49 FAG, GAF, HAI, IAH, ____JAKAnswer:JAKExplanation:The middle letters are static, so concentrate on the first and third letters. The series involves an alphabetical order with a reversal of the letters. The first letters are in alphabetical order: F, G, H, I , J. The second and fourth segments are reversals of the first and third segments. The missing segment begins with a new letter.HALHAKJAIQn.50 ELFA, GLHA, ILJA, _____, MLNAOLPAKLMALLMAKLLAAnswer:KLLAExplanation:The second and forth letters in the series, L and A, are static.The first and third letters consist of an alphabetical order beginning with the letter E.Qn.51 CMM, EOO, GQQ, _____, KUUGRRGSSISSAnswer:ISSExplanation:The first letters are in alphabetical order with a letter skipped in between each segment: C, E, G, I, K. The second and third letters are repeated; they are also in order with a skipped letter: M, O, Q, S, U.ITTQn.52 If GREET is coded as FQDDS, decode the SNQD codesBOSSTOREAnswer:TOREExplanation:Here, each letter is allotted the value of its preceding letter in the sequence; the pattern of coding used here is B = A, C = B.Based on this pattern, the answers is TOREDEEPDOCKQn.53 If “D1T5D”? stands for “DATED”? how will you code the DREAM ?D 18 E 1 MAnswer:D 18 E 1 MExplanation:Mixed coding takes the pattern of coding with both the letters of alphabets and numerical assignment.L15C1T5B 1 I 12E4F1I12E4Qn.54 Read the following information given below and answer the questions that follow:Five girls are sitting on a bench to be photographed. Seema is to the left of Rani and to the right of Bindu. Mary is to the right of Rani. Reeta is between Rani and Mary.Who is sitting immediate right to Reeta ?BinduRaniMaryAnswer:MaryExplanation:Mary is sitting immediate right to Reeta.SeemaQn.55 Who is in the middle of the photograph ?BinduRaniAnswer:RaniExplanation:Rani is in the middle of the photograph.ReetaSeemaQn.56 Who is second from the right ?MaryRaniReetaAnswer:ReetaExplanation:Reeta is sitting second from the right.BinduQn.57 Who is second from the left in photograph ?ReetaMaryBinduSeemaAnswer:SeemaExplanation:Seema is sitting second from the left in photograph.Qn.58 Read the following information given below and answer the questions that follow:(i) A, B, C, D, E and F are six family members.(ii) There is one Doctor, one Lawyer, one Engineer, one Pilot, one Student and one Housewife.(iii) There are two married couples in the family.(iv) F, who is a lawyer, is father of A.(v) B is a pilot and is mother of C.(vi) D is grandmother of C and is a Housewife(vii) E is father of F and is a Doctor.(viii) C is brother of A.?Which of the following statements is definitely true ??C is the brother of the StudentF is the father of the EngineerAnswer:F is the father of the EngineerExplanation:Either A or C is Engineer, F is father of both A and C. Answer: (2)A is the EngineerE is the father of the PilotQn.59 How many female members are there in the family ?Two onlyThree onlyThree or FourTwo or ThreeAnswer:Two or ThreeExplanation:Two or three; B and D (sex of A is not known). Answer: (4)Qn.60 How is A related to D ? GrandsonGranddaughterEither granddaughter or grandsonAnswer:Either granddaughter or grandsonExplanation:Either granddaughter or grandson. Answer: (3)grandmotherQn.61 Select a figure from amongst the Answer Figures which will continue the same series as established by the five Problem Figures.?1234Answer:4Explanation:Look for opposites in this series of figures. The first and second segments are opposites of each other.The same is true for the third and fourth segments.Qn.62 12Answer:2Explanation:Look at each segment. In the first segment, the arrows are both pointing to the right. In the second segment, the first arrow is up and the second is down. The third segment repeats the first segment. In the fourth segment, the arrows are up and then down. Because this is an alternating series,the two arrows pointing right will be repeated, so option b is the only possible choice.34Qn.63 123Answer:3Explanation:In this series, the shaded part inside the circle gets larger and then smaller.4Qn.64 1234Answer:4Explanation:In each step, the first element moves to the third position and gets replaced by a new element; the second and the third elements move to the first and the second positions respectively and the entire figure rotates 90oCW.5Qn.65 ?12Answer:2Explanation:In each step, the elements move in the sequence.345Qn.66 In each question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and on the basis of the information given in the statement, decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing.?Statement: A large number of people visiting India from country X have been tested positive for carrying viruses of a killer disease. Conclusions:I. ?The government of India should immediately put a complete ban on people coming to India from country X including those Indians who are settled in country X.II. The government of India should immediately set up detection centres at all its airports and seaports to identify and quarantine those who are tested positive?Only I followsOnly II followsAnswer:Only II followsExplanation:Clearly, the non-infected persons should not be debarred from visiting India. So, only course II follows.Either I or II followsNeither I nor II followsBoth I and II followQn.67 Statement:Should we scrap the system of formal education beyond graduation?Arguments:I. ? Yes. It will mean taking employment at an early date.II. ?No. It will mean lack of depth of knowledge.Only argument I is strongOnly argument II is strongAnswer:Only argument II is strongExplanation:Clearly, argument I is vague because at present too, many fields are open to all after graduation. However, eliminating the post-graduate courses would abolish higher and specialized studies which lead to understanding things better and deeply. So, argument II is valid.Either I or II is strongNeither I nor II is strongBoth I and II are strongQn.68 Statement:The alert villagers caught a group of dreaded dacoits armed with murderous weapons.Conclusions:I. ?The villagers should be provided sophisticated weapons.II. ?The villagers should be rewarded for their courage and unity.Only I followsOnly II followsAnswer:Only II followsExplanation:Clearly, I is not practically viable. However, villagers should be rewarded for their courage, to keep up their spirits in future. Thus, II follows.Either I or II followsNeither I nor II followsBoth I and II followQn.69 Statement:No regular funds have been provided for welfare activities in this year's budget of the factory.Assumptions:I. ? The factory does not desire to carry out welfare this year.II. ?Budgetary provision is necessary for carrying put welfare activities.Only assumption I is implicitOnly assumption II is implicitEither I or II is implicitNeither I nor II is implicitBoth I and II are implicitAnswer:Both I and II are implicitExplanation:The non-provision of funds for welfare activities in the budget clearly indicates the factory's intention to not carry out such activities in the current year. So, I is implicit. Also, welfare activities cannot be carried out in organisations without the allocation of funds for the same in the budget. So, II is also implicit.Qn.70 Statement:Some men are educated. Educated persons prefer small families.Conclusions:I. ?All small families are educated.II. ?Some men prefer small families.Only conclusion I followsOnly conclusion II followsAnswer:Only conclusion II followsExplanation:Since one premise is particular, the conclusion must be particular and should not contain the middle term. Thus, only II follows.Either I or II followsNeither I nor II followsBoth I and II followQn.71 SECTION - 2?Fill in the blank with the appropriate article.?I want .............. apple from that basket.atheanno article neededQn.72 ................church on the corner is progressive.theaanno article neededQn.73 Miss Lin speaks ...................... Chinese.theno article neededanaQn.74 I borrowed .................... pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.aantheno article neededQn.75 One of the students said, ' ............ professor is late today.'atheanno article neededQn.76 John likes to play ................ volleyball.theno article neededanaQn.77 I bought............ umbrella to go out in the rain.antheano article neededQn.78 My daughter is learning to play ................. violin at her school.anatheno article neededQn.79 Please give me A ............ cake that is on the counter.aanno article neededtheQn.80 I lived on .................. Main Street when I first came to town.no article neededaantheQn.81 The film is based ............... a novel by John Throne.uponofforinQn.82 It may be old and rusty, but I'm very attached.............. my car.fortoofwithQn.83 Bill is emotionally detached ..................... his parents.offthefromtoQn.84 McDonalds has become synonymous ..............fast food.withfromaboutforQn.85 She's impervious ............ criticism.fortowithaboutQn.86 The working hours in my job are incompatible ................ family life.withtoforoffQn.87 The company isn't liable................any damages caused to vehicles parked on the premises.toforonoffQn.88 The teacher is very concerned ............ my son's lack of progress.onwiththeaboutQn.89 The mobile-phone is............... the table.onoffthewithQn.90 The employees kept quiet ..................the false accounting in the company.foraboutfromwithQn.91 Find the antonyms of ANOMALYregularityIrregularityregularNone of theseQn.92 Find the antonyms of LECHERY STRICTFRUGALOBVIOUSBENEVOLENCEQn.93 Find the antonyms of JocularSalvageSeriousSafetysedateQn.94 Find the antonyms of GRISLYINCREDULOUSDISTASTECALMPLEASINGQn.95 Find the antonyms of HAGGARDHEARTYMARTIALWORTHYIRKSOMEQn.96 Find the antonyms of DIFFIDENCECONTRASTPROMPTBOLDNESSAPPRECIATIONQn.97 Find the antonyms of OBVIOUS obscureProdigaldenyVeteranQn.98 Find the antonyms of VIRTUOUS?WickedCorruptViciousScandalousQn.99 Find the antonyms of ENHANCELOWERMUMBLESTORMYIMBALANCEQn.100 Find the antonyms of BLENDARDENTSEPERATIONCHEERLESSSTEADFASTQn.101 Find the antonyms of KEENKILLKINDLERELUCTANTNone of theseQn.102 Find the antonyms of VIOLENTHumbleHarmlessGentleTameQn.103 Find the synonyms of LavishcautionsLiberalSuspiciousLeveeQn.104 Find the synonyms of BAROQUEEXTOLORNAMENTEDDREADFULPEACEFULQn.105 Find the synonyms of GibedizzyheartedmockerygirthQn.106 Find the synonyms of HurtlewintryspurthidedelusionQn.107 Find the synonyms of knoll ascentglorytangledhillQn.108 Find the synonyms of Jauntbeatjibeagreenone of the aboveQn.109 Find the synonyms of MaladyillnessanimaldefameevilQn.110 Find the synonyms of ImpairinjureunworthyIgnobleIgncousQn.111 Find the synonyms of ADVOCATELAWYERRUDEUNFEIGNEDPOVERTYQn.112 Find the synonyms of DEBACLESTRENGTHENAWKWARDBUNDANCESMASHUPQn.113 Find the correctly spelt word.KlaptomaniaKlepptomaniaKleptemaniaKleptomaniaAnswer:KleptomaniaExplanation:Kleptomania: A recurrent urge to steal, without a specific reason.Qn.114 Find the correctly spelt word.FaithfulySincerelyTruelyAffectionatlyQn.115 Find the correctly spelt word.AcommodationAccomodatonAccommodationAnswer:AccommodationExplanation:Accommodation is used to refer to buildings or rooms where people live or stay.AcomodationQn.116 Find the correctly spelt word.SepulchralAnswer:SepulchralExplanation:Sepulchral - pertaining to a grave or tomb. (or) serving as a grave or tomb.SepilchrleSepalchrulSepalchrlQn.117 Find the correctly spelt word.SurvaillanceSurveillanceAnswer:SurveillanceExplanation:Surveillance - careful observation of a person or group, supervision.SurvellanceSurveilanceQn.118 Find the correctly spelt word.ItinareryItineraryAnswer:ItineraryExplanation:Itinerary - of a trip, of a journey, of travelling, of the route taken on a journey.ItenaryItinararyQn.119 Find the correctly spelt word.HumorousGanerousPupolousMaretoriousQn.120 Find the correctly spelt word.IndipensableIndipensebleIndispansibleIndispensableQn.121 Find the correctly spelt word.ExcessiveExccessiveExxcesiveExcesiveQn.122 Find the correctly spelt word.VetarinaryVeteninaryVetinaryVeterinaryAnswer:VeterinaryExplanation:Veterinary - pertaining to the medical treatment of animalsQn.123 Dog : Bark : : Goat : ??BleatAnswer:BleatExplanation:Second is noise produced by the first .HowlGruntBrayQn.124 Grain : Stock : : Stick : ?HeapBundleAnswer:BundleExplanation:Second is collection of the first .CollectionStringQn.125 Nurture : Neglect : : Denigrate : ?RevealExtolAnswer:ExtolExplanation:The words in each pair are antonyms.RecognizeCalumniateQn.126 Cobbler : Leather : : Carpenter : ?FurnitureWoodAnswer:WoodExplanation:Second is the raw material used by the first .HammerChairQn.127 Rupee : Indian : : Yen : ? TurkeyBangladeshPakistanJapanAnswer:JapanExplanation:Rupee is the currency of India . Similarly, Yen is the currency of Japan.Qn.128 Read the following information given below and answer the questions that follow:???????? Corduroy is fast establishing itself at this year's fabric, While the ribbed cotton itself provides utilitarian tenaciary, texture and warmth. it is the fabric's long held associations may provide a hint to its current revival as a fabric for all seasons.???????? It is Corduroy's link with the good breeding and country living that made it an essential ingredient in the gentleman's wardrobe along with Wellington boots and decent wooly. I combines the comfortable nonsense appeal of cotton with the perfectly correct luxury finish of velvet. Corduroy has the ability to appear either supremely sophisticated or rough and ready.?Which one of the following best describes the passage ?It tell us about the usefulness of corduroyIt talks us about the virtues of corduroyIt persuades us to buy corduroyIt makes as understand the everlasting appeal of corduroy to the youngQn.129 According to the author, the special quality of corduroy is thatit needs no ironingit combines the virtues of both cotton and velvetit contains the correct mixture of cotton and velvetboth the rich and that not-so rich can afford to buy itQn.130 Corduroy is a fabric for all seasons becauseit can be worn not only in winter but also in summerof its peculiar texture and warmthit is made popular by catchy advertisementsgentleman can wear it in both formal and informal occasionsQn.131 According to the passage, corduroy is essential in a gentleman wardrobe becauseit goes with Wellington bootsits current revival gives a taste of the latest fashionit has its associations with good upbringing and a conservative lifestyleit can be an idea alternative to the woollen clothesQn.132 When the writer refers to corduroy's 'utilitarian tenacity' he means thatthough expensive, it is economic in the long runit is useful because it is durableit has remained fashionable over several yearsit does not need frequent washingQn.133 Read the following information given below and answer the questions that follow:Nehru's was a many sided personality. He enjoyed reading and writing books as much as he enjoyed fighting political and social evils or residing tyranny. In him, the scientist and the humanist were held in perfect balance. While he kept looking at special problems from a scientific standpoint. He never forgot that we should nourish the total man. As a scientist, he refused to believe in a benevolent power interested in men's affairs. but, as a self proclaimed non-believer, he loved affirming his faith in life and the beauty of nature. Children he adored. Unlike Wordsworth, he did not see him trailing clouds of glory from the recent sojourn in heaven. He saw them as a blossoms of promise and renewal, the only hope for mankind. Nehru though that childrenwere tailoring clouds of gloryheld promise for a better futurewere like flowers to be loved and admiredheld no hope for mankindQn.134 Nehru enjoyedreading and writing booksfighting political and social evilsresisting tyrannydoing all the above and much moreQn.135 Which of the statements reflects Nehru point of view?Humanism is more important than scienceScience is supreme and humanism is subordinate to itScience and Humanism are equally importantThere is no ground between science and humanismQn.136 In this passage, 'a benevolent power interested in men's affairs' meansa supernatural power of godbeauty of naturethe spirit of sciencethe total manQn.137 A 'many-side personality' meansa complex personalitya secretive persona person having varied interestsa capable personQn.138 In the questions below the sentences have been given in Direct/Indirect speech. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.Nita ordered her servant to bring her cup of tea. .?Nita told her servant, "Bring a cup of tea."Nita said, "Bring me a cup of tea."Nita said to her servant, "Bring me a cup of tea."Nita told her servant, "Bring her that cup of tea."Qn.139 My cousin said, "My room-mate had snored throughout the night."my cousin said that her room-mate snored throughout the night.my cousin told me that her room-mate snored throughout the night.my cousin complained to me that her room-mate is snoring throughout the night.my cousin felt that her room-mate may be snoring throughout the night.Qn.140 "Please don't go away", she said.She said to please her and not go away.She told me to go away.She begged me not to go away.She begged that I not go away.Qn.141 She said to her friend, "I know where is everyone"She told that she knew where was everyone.She told her friend that she knew where was everyone.She told her friend that she knew where is everyone.She told her friend that she knows where was everyone.Qn.142 She said to him, "Why don't you go today?"She asked him why he did not go that day.She said to him why he don't go that day.She asked him not to go that day.She asked him why he did not go today.Qn.143 He exclaimed with joy that India had won the Sahara Cup.He said, "India has won the Sahara Cup"He said, "India won the Sahara Cup"He said, "How! India will win the Sahara Cup"He said, "Hurrah! India has won the Sahara Cup"Qn.144 The little girl said to her mother, "Did the sun rise in the East?"The little girl said to her mother that the sun rose in the East.The little girl asked her mother if the sun rose in the East.The little girl said to her mother if the sun rises in the East.The little girl asked her mother if the sun is in the East.Qn.145 The man said, "No, I refused to confers guilt."The man emphatically refused to confers guilt.The man refused to confers his guilt.The man told that he did not confers guilt.The man was stubborn enough to confers guilt.Qn.146 He prayed to God that he might live long.He prayed, "He may have a long life".He said, "May you live long."He said, "May I live a long life."He said, "Will you live long."Qn.147 "Are you alone, my son?" asked a soft voice close behind me.A soft voice asked that what I was doing there alone.A soft voice said to me are you alone son.A soft voice from my back asked If I was alone.A soft voice behind me asked If I was alone.Qn.148 Find the odd man out of the group in the following questions:A. chaff:wheat????????B. grit:pulses????? C. grain:crop????????? D. dregs:wineABCAnswer:CExplanation:In all other pairs ,first is the waste obtained from the second.DQn.149 A. Income tax????? B. Sales tax????? C.?Commercial tax????????D.?Professional taxABCDQn.150 A.Vishakapatnam????? B.?Bhilai???? C.?Rourkela???? D.?VijayawadaABCDQn.151 A. fish???? B.?cow??????C. sheep?????D. manABCDQn.152 A. steel ? ? B. bronze ? ?C. iron ? ? D. woodABCDQn.153 A.apple:jam???? B.?leamon:citrus???? C.orange:squash?? ?D.?tomato:puryABAnswer:BExplanation:In all other pairs ,second one is the form in which the first is preserved.CDQn.154 A. Farmer:plough????? B. butcher:chopper???? C.?author: book???????D. jockey:tackABCAnswer:CExplanation:In all other pairs ,second on is the tool used by first oneDQn.155 A. cow:calf????? B. dog: bitch??? C.?lion:cub??? ?D.?tortoise:turtle??? E.?insect:larvaABAnswer:BExplanation:In all other pairs second onis young of the firstCDEQn.156 A .Cow:fodder ? ?? B. crow:carrion C.?poultry:farm D.?vulture:preyABCAnswer:CExplanation:In all other pairs ,second is the food over which the first feeds.DQn.157 A.fish:pisciculture????? B.?birds:horticulture???? C.?bees:apiculture???? D.?slikworm:sericultureABAnswer:BExplanation:In all other pairs ,second one the name given to the artifical rearing of the first.CDQn.158 Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.1. Key ? ? ?2. Door???? 3. Lock??? 4. Room???? 5. Switch on5, 1, 2, 4, 34, 2, 1, 5, 31, 3, 2, 4, 5Answer:1, 3, 2, 4, 5Explanation:The correct order is :Key Lock Door Room Switch on1 ? ? 3 ? ? ?2 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? ? 51, 2, 3, 5, 4Qn.159 1. Word???? 2. Paragraph??? 3. Sentence???? 4. Letters????? 5. Phrase4, 1, 5, 2, 34, 1, 3, 5, 24, 2, 5, 1, 34, 1, 5, 3, 2Answer:4, 1, 5, 3, 2Explanation:The correct order is :Letters Word Phrase Sentence Paragraph4 ? ? ?1 ? ? ?5 ? ? ? ? ? ?3 ? ? ? ? ? 2Qn.160 1. Police ? ?2. Punishment ? ?3. Crime ? ?4. Judge ? ?5. Judgement1, 2, 4, 3, 55, 4, 3, 2, 13, 1, 4, 5, 2Answer:3, 1, 4, 5, 2Explanation:Crime Police Judge Judgement Punishment3 ? ? ? 1 ? ? ?4 ? ? ? ? ?5 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 23, 1, 2, 4, 5Qn.161 Find the grammatical error in the following sentence:Sixty miles / area?/ good distance?/ No error.????? A??????????? B???????????? C???????????????????DABCDQn.162 They have been / very close friends / until they quarrelled / No error.A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? C ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? DAAnswer:AExplanation:'They had been'BCDQn.163 Two-thirds of the book / were / rubbish /?No error.?????????????? A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? B????????? C ? ? ? ? ? ? DABAnswer:BExplanation:wasCDQn.164 The conductor asked the passenger / why hadn't he purchased a ticket / in advance to board the bus / No error.??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B??????????????????????????????????????? C????????????????????????????? DABCAnswer:CExplanation:in advance before boarding the busDQn.165 No sooner did I open the door / when the rain, heavy and stormy, rushed in / making us shiver from head to foot / No sooner.?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? C ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?DABAnswer:BExplanation:than the rain, heavy and stormy, rushed inCDQn.166 When the dentist came in?/ my tooth was stopped aching / out of fear that I might lose my tooth/ No error.???????????? A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?B????????????????????????????????????????? C???????????????????????????????????????? DABAnswer:BExplanation:my tooth stopped achingCDQn.167 You must / remember me / to post this letter / No error.????? A?????????????? B??????????????????????? C????????????????????? D?ABAnswer:BExplanation:remined meCDQn.168 If a man diligently seeks to come into the contact / with the best that has been thought and said in this world / he will become simple and unselfish .A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?B ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CAAnswer:AExplanation:If a man diligently seeks to come into contactBCNo errorQn.169 It is the duty of every citizen to do his utmost / to defend the hardly-won / freedom of the country / No error.?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B????????????????????????????????? C???????????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? DABAnswer:BExplanation:to defend the hard-wonCDQn.170 The serial which appeared quite interesting initially / turned out to be boring / in its latter parts / No error.?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? B ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????? C ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? DABCAnswer:CExplanation:towards the endD ................

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