
Knowing When to RetireWhat do you think, believe or feel?Take this quiz from Money magazine to find out.Are you ready to retire?The feeling that I make a difference at work is:Extremely importantSomewhat importantOf little importanceNot at all importantMy co-workers:Are like my familyAre my major social contactsAre rarely seen by me (and my spouse) outside workAre not very important to meAt work, I feel:EnergizedExtremely importantUnderutilizedOverworked and underpaidTo meet my financial responsibilities, I am counting on:My next pay raiseIncreasing my savingsWinning the lotteryMy spouseRetirement means:You’re over the hillYou haven’t yet peakedYou are oldYou have new choicesPower and influence:Are aspects of my work that I enjoyAre an essential part of my workApply to others, not meAre almost impossible to achieveI plan to retire and live:AloneWith my spouseWith a friendWith my parentI feel:AttractiveUnattractiveVigorousMentally sharpI currently have:Some wonderful hobbiesAt least one volunteer commitmentFew outside interestsSome outside interests I would like to developMy spouse (or significant other):Is eager for me to retireDreads my retirementHas my chores plannedHas packed our bags for a tripI consider myself:A good self-managerA plannerA procrastinatorOne who can advise others, but I have difficulty taking my own adviceKnowing I will have free time in retirement:I have planned how I will use my timeI don’t have a clue what I will doI have a plan but don’t know if it will be fulfillingI think that I am already overcommittedMost of my friends:Are working and plan to continue workingAre retiredPlan to retire soonAre split among all of the aboveI have thought about:The losses I might feel when I retireHow my spouse and I will get along in retirementWhat gives meaning to my lifeNone of the aboveScore: Give yourself one point for checking each of the following items: 1a, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d, 7a, 8b, 9c, 10b, 11c, 11d, 12b, 12c, 13a, 14d.The higher the score, the less emotionally ready you are for early retirement. Here are some general interpolations of your score:15 to 22 points: Either early retirement isn’t right for you, or you need to start preparing emotionally for it immediately;9 to 14 points: You are a possible candidate for early retirement but need a little more emotional preparation;8 points or fewer: You can happily retire tomorrow. Have a great time! ................

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