

U n i v e r s i t y C o l l e g e



Prof. Dr. Leo Lovelace

Chapman University College at Irvine



International law is the system of rules governing the relations among states and providing the common principles for humankind. It is a decentralized system, held together by a hierarchy of subordinating, imperative principles, such as good faith, consent, and the obligation to fulfil the agreements. The system consists of legal rules, persons, and areas of action governed by international law regimes. The rules of the law are those codified in treaties and international agreements, customs, general principles, and international judicial decisions. The persons are collective entities -states, international organizations, peoples- and individual persons, who are entitled to action and protection in international law. The areas of action are those where internationally protected interests are at stake, such as the conditions and relations among the persons of the system, the protection of human rights, the maintenance of peace and security, and the uses of resources and common spaces. This course aims at understanding the basic institutions, functions, and problems of the law, through the study of cases, in terms of the following concepts:


Audio, video, and power point classroom equipment, and computer assisted instruction and learning.


Upon completing this course students should:

1) Understand the basic characteristics of the system of international law.

2) Have a good command of how the system works, its processes, and its problems and prospects.

3) Have acquired the fundamentals of international legal and political methodology and know.

4) Be able to analyze with technical rigor cases, decisions, and policies.




1 The system of international law: sources, evidence, rules. Codification and development of international law rules.

2 International law and the law of the United States.

3 Compliance with and enforcement of international law.


1 The states: sovereignty and self-determination in the system of the law.

2 The public international organization system.

3 The individual in the system of international law.


1 Nature of international acts.

2 Diplomatic representation and relations.

3 International negotiations and agreements.

4 Law of international agreements.

5 Implementation of and compliance with international agreements.


1 State authority and jurisdiction in the system of the law.

2 International organized authority and jurisdiction.

3 International judicial jurisdiction.


1 The obligation to settle disputes by peaceful means

2 Preventive diplomacy and peace operations

3 Use of force

4 Arms control and disarmament

5 Armed conflicts and international humanitarian law


1 International law of human rights

2 The global humanitarian crisis

3 Economic development


1 The international law of the sea

2 The international law of the outer space

3 International environmental law



Case study, presentation, and discussion

Lecture and reading

Case study essay writing


. Public International Law, Thomas Buergenthal and Sean D. Murphy (West Group, 2002)

. Professor’s Instructions: Concepts, Cases, Questions, Research and Study Materials.



For purposes of the overall class and individual performance and grading, regularity of attendance is essential.


Participation in this course is a structured activity, in that everyone is assigned cases for presentation and discussion, as scheduled, throughout the term.


The case study essay is an original writing by each individual student member of the class a case, or aspect of a case, different from those which she or he may have presented or discussed, or otherwise agreed with the Instructor. The basic, standard rules on originality, reference and source quotations, and text notes, apply to the production of this essay. The length of the essay may vary from 15 to 20 double-space pages, including text notes and bibliographical references.



3 CASE PRESENTATIONS: 33% [3 x 11]

3 CASE DISCUSSIONS: 9% [3 x 3]


Instructional Evaluation Criteria for all Course Assignments

For purposes of evaluating and grading all course assignments -case presentations, case study essays or term papers, and final examination- the Instructor relies generally on the following basic criteria:

a) Presentation. Course assignments must be formally structured in terms of an introductory, a development sequence, and a conclusion.

b) Information and knowledge. Contents must be informative and demonstrate substantial command or knowledge of the specific questions addressed and their relation to their relevant issues, alternatives, and contexts.

c) Critical. The best contents involves elements of description, explanation, and analysis. The explanatory aspects or components, focusing on causal and comparative dimensions of the issues and the questions at stake, should also show a good level of critical capacity, in relation to facts, in relation to the logical requirements of consistency and coherence, and in relation to value frameworks and principles which may be paramount for or controlling on the issues or on the larger constitutional, legal, and public policy conditions at stake.

d) Analytical and evaluative. The aspects of explanation and analysis of contents -in case presentations, the term paper, and the final- are best dealt with when the student shows competence and command in distinguishing the elements, establishing basic categories and comparisons, and then reaching synthetic concepts to assess questions, reasonings, and the strength or adequacy of decisions.


The ability to express one’s ideas effectively is a hallmark of a quality higher education. Writing is, therefore, one of the central activities at Chapman University through which students accumulate, communicate, and demonstrate learning.

Unless otherwise indicated by the Instructor, all writing in Chapman University classes, from postings on electronic bulletin boards and PowerPoint presentations, to personal essays and formal research papers, will be evaluated on the minimal essentials of Standard American English grammar, word choice, spelling and punctuation, and on the integrity, creativity, reasonableness and accuracy of the information’s content. Academic expository writing differs from other forms in that it usually:

. Has a topic that is narrow enough in scope to explore in some depth in the space allotted,

. Focuses its presentations by means of a clear statement of purpose (thesis statement, hypothesis, or question posed by the Instructor) and logically organized sub-topic paragraphs or sections,

. Utilizes a sentence style that is appropriate for its intended audience,

. Employs arguments that demonstrate principles of sound critical thinking,

. Substantiates abstractions, judgments and assertions with specific illustration, facts, and evidence,

. Draws upon research whenever necessary and properly acknowledges the work of others.

Any material not original to the student must be cited in a recognized documentation format (such as APA [American Psychological Association], ASA, MLA, or the University of Chicago) appropriate to the particular academic discipline. For a quick reference to documentation standards for various fields you may refer to: . Use of information of materials from outside sources without proper citation is considered plagiarism and can be grounds for disciplinary action. See the explanation of Academic Integrity below. All written work should be word processed or typed unless otherwise specified and carefully proofread.


As a learning community of scholars, Chapman University emphasizes the ethical responsibility of all its members to seek knowledge honestly and in good faith. Students are responsible for doing their own work, and academic dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated. “Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, or misrepresentation of information in oral and written form. Such violations will be dealt with severely by the Instructor, the Dean or Center Director, and the Standards Committee. Plagiarism means presenting someone’s else idea or writing as if it were your own. If you use someone’s else idea or writing, be sure the source is clearly documented”. Other guidelines for acceptable student behavior are specified in the Chapman University College 2002-2003 Catalog.


Any personal learning accommodations that may be needed by a student covered by the “Americans with Disabilities Act” must be made known to the Instructor as soon as possible. This is the student’s reponsibility. Information about services, academic modifications and documentation requirements can be obtained from the Director of the Center for Academic Success at the Orange Campus at 714-997-6828 or from the Director of a Chapman regional campus.


. Chapman UniversityThurmond Clarke Memorial Library


. Catalog Search < >.


. American Society of International Law .

. American Journal of International Law .

. Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969 (Vienna Convention) .

. European Journal of International Law .

. International Court of Justice .

. International Law: Cases and Materials, Damrosch, Henkin, Pugh, Schachter, Smit (West Group, 2001). Libr., Law: KZ64.H46 I57 1980.

. Restatement of the Law (Third), The Foreign Relations Law of the United States, American Law Institute 1987. Libr, Law: KF4651.R47 1987.

. United Nations .

. U. N. Charter < >.

. U. N. Documents < >.

. U. N. General Assembly < >.

. U. N. High Commissioner for Human Rights .

. U. N. International Law Commission .

. U. N. Security Council .



s2 APRIL 24

1 The system of international law: sources, evidence, rules. Codification and development of international law rules.

Case 11 Legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons .-

Read: PIL 1, 2, 13; Instruct 1.

2 International law and the law of the United States.

Case 12 What does it mean international law

is supreme law of the land? .-

Read: PIL 7; Instruct 1.

3 Compliance with and enforcement of international law.

Case 13 The ICJ Orders of April 8 1993

(Genocide Convention in Bosnia/Herzegovina)

and March 3 1999 (LaGrand) compared.-

Read: PIL 1; Instruct 1.



s3 MAY 1

1 The states: sovereignty and self-determination in the system of the law

Case 21 Chechnya, Kosovo, Palestine, Taiwan compared .-

Read: PIL 3; Instruct 2.

2 The public international organization system

Case 22 Immunity of United Nations personnel .-

Read: PIL 3; Instruct 2.

3 The individual in the system of international law

Case 23 From Nuremberg to The Hague .-

Read: PIL 3; Instruct 2.


s4 MAY 8

1 Nature of international acts

Case 31 Unilateral sanctions (U. S. v. Cuba).-

Read: PIL 7; Instruct 3.

2 Diplomatic representation and relations

Case 32 American hostages.-

Read: Instruct 3.

3 International negotiations and agreements

Case 33 Negotiating the NPT indefinite extension.-

Read: PIL 5; Instruct 3.

4 Law of international agreements

Case 34 Reservations to treaties: U. S. ratification of human rights treaties.-

Read: PIL 3; Instruct 3.

5 Implementation of and compliance with international agreements:

international responsibility of states

Case 35 Conflict between the law of the state and international law: LaGrand.-

Read: PIL 1; Instruct 3.



s5 MAY 15

1 State authority and jurisdiction in the system of international law

Cases 41 Pinochet.- 41A bin Laden.-

Read: PIL 8, 9; Instruct 4.

2 International organized political authority

Case 42 Iraq/Kuwait (1990/91), Kosovo/Yugoslavia (1998/99)

and U.S./Iraq (2003) compared.-

43 The 2001 decision to use force on Afghanistan.-

Read: PIL 3, 12; Instruct 4.

3 International judicial jurisdiction

Case 44 Establishing and challenging the ICJ jurisdiction.- 44A U. S. and the International Criminal Court.-

Read: PIL 4; Instruct 4.



s6 MAY 22

1 The obligation to settle disputes by peaceful means

Cases 51 The U. N. Security Council, or

Who Is Responsible for International Security?.-

51A Israeli/Palestine.- c52 Taiwan/China.- c53 India/Pakistan.-

Read: PIL 4; Instruct 5.

2 Preventive diplomacy and peace operations

Cases 54 Bosnia.- c55 Congo.-

Read: PIL 12; Instruct 5.

3 Use of force

Cases 56 Korea (1951), Iraq/Kuwait (1991), Kosovo (1999), Afghanistan (2001), and Iraq (2003)

compared.- c57 Eritrea/Ethiopia.- c58 Arab/Israeli Wars.- c59 Russia/Chechnya.-

c510 The use of force against terrorism.-

Read: PIL 12; Instruct 5.

4 Arms control and disarmament

Cases 511 Coventional arms.- c512 The Chemical Weapons Convention.- c513 The Biological

Weapons Convention.- c514 The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.- c515 The question of the

legality of nuclear weapons.- c516 Missile defense.-

Read: PIL 12; Instruct 5.

5 Armed conflicts and international humanitarian law

Cases 517 The Geneva Conventions in international armed conflicts.- c518 The Geneva

Conventions in non-international armed conflicts.- c519 The law of international responsibility

for violations of the laws of armed conflicts and humanitarian law.-

Read: PIL 12, 6C; Instruct 5.



s7 MAY 28

1 International law of human rights

Cases 61 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.-

c62 Convention against Torture.-

Read: PIL 6; Instruct 6.

2 The global humanitarian crisis

Case 63 Refugees.-

Read: PIL 6; Instruct 6.

3 Economic development

Case 64 The World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg 2002).-

c65 What globalization?

Read: Instruct 6.



s8 JUNE 5

1 The international law of the sea

Case 71 Maritime boundaries.-

Read: PIL 10; Instruct 7.

2 The international law of the outer space

Case 72 Missile defense and the law of outer space.-

Read: Instruct 7.

3 The international environmental law

Case 73 Climate change.-

Read: PIL 11; Instruct 7.


American hostages

. AMERICAN HOSTAGES IN IRAN: THE CONDUCT OF A CRISIS, Christopher et al. (1985), Libr.: E183.8.I55 A6 1985.

. Case Concerning U. S. Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran, ICJ 1980,

. Case Concerning U. S. Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran: Judgment (May 24 1980), ICJ 1980. Libr.: JX238.I7 U54 1982, KZ218.I57 1980b; 74 AJIL 3 746 (1980) .

. Contemporary Practice of the U. S.: Termination of Relations, Nash, 74 AJIL 3 657 (1980 .

. Contempt, Crisis, and the Court: The World Court and the Hostage Rescue Attempt, 76 AJIL 3 499 (1982) .

. Protection of Diplomats under Islamic Law, by M. Cherif Bassiouni, 74 AJIL 3 609 (1980) .

. Some Aspects of the Vienna Conference on Diplomatic Intercourse and Immunities, Kerley,

56 A J I L 1 88 (1962) .

. The Case of the U. S. Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran: Phase of Provisional Measures, Gross, 74 AJIL 2 395 (1980).

. The Iran Hostage Crisis: Easy Answers and Hard Questions, Falk, 74 AJIL 2 411 (1980) .


. Contemporary practice of U. S. relating to international law, Murphy, 93 AJIL 1 161 (1999) .

. Contemporary practice of the U. S. relating to international law: Efforts to obtain custody of Osama bin Laden, Murphy, 9a AJIL 2 348 at 366 (2000) .

. Options for prosecuting international terrorists, Scheffer, U. S. Institute of Peace. Nov. 14, 2001 .

. Patterns of Global Terrorism, 2000, U. S. Department of State .

. Responsibility for the Terrorist Atrocities in the U. S., Sept. 11, 2000, U. K. Office of the Prime Minister, Summary of Statement of Evidence, Oct 4, 2001 .

. The U. S. Embassies bombings trial - A Summary, Zill, PBS Frontline

. U. S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Ch.113B, Terrorism .

. U. S. v. bin Laden et al., U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, Nov 4 1998 (indictment) < >.

. U. S. v. bin Laden et al., U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, 92 F. Supp. 2d 189; 2000 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 3014, March 13 (jurisdiction)

. U. S. v. bin Laden, et al., U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, 92 F. Supp. 2d 225; 2000 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 2832, March 15 (factual and legal background, bill of particulars ordered )

. U. S. v. Zacarias Moussaoui, U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Dec. 2001 .

. Who is bin Laden?, PBS Frontline < >.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

. Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (BiH v. Yugoslavia), Bello, Bekker, Szasz, 91 AJIL 1 121 (1997) < >.

. Bosnia Page, .

. Brief History of the War Bosnia Homepage .

. NATO and U. N. Involvement in Bosnia Bosnia Homepage .

. Recognition of States: The Collapse of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, Rich. 4 EJIL 1 36, .

. The Balkan Conflict The Canada Connection .

. The Bosnian War and the New World Order, Andreatta, Occasional Papers of the WEU Institute for Security Studies (Oct. 1997) .

. The Dayton Agreements and International Law, Paola Gaeta, 7 EJIL 2 147 (1996) .

. The Opinions of the Badinter Arbitration Committee: A second Breath for the Self-Determination of Peoples, and Appendix: Opinions No. 1, 2 and 3, Alain Pellet, 3 EJIL 1 178 (1992) .

. The International Response to the Dissolution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Weller, 86 AJIL 3 569 (1992) .

. THE WORLD AND YUGOSLAVIA’S WARS, R. H. Ullman editor (1996); The OSU Main Libr.: DR131.7.D58 W67 1996.

. United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) .

. U. N. Secretary-General Reports on Bosnia-Herzegovina (1991-1995) .

. U. N. Security Council Resolutions 713 (1991) to 1035 (1995) < >.

. YUGOSLAVIA AND AFTER: A STUDY IN FRAGMENTATION, DESPAIR AND REBIRTH, Dyker and Vejvoda, editors (1996); The OSU Main Libr.: DR 1300.Y84 1996.

Chechnya, Kosovo, Palestine, Taiwan compared

. Convention on the Rights and Duties of States (Inter-American Convention) (1933).- The Avalon Project < > .

. Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations

and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, U. N. General Assembly Resolution 2625, A/RES/2625 (XXV) 1970

< >.

. Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, U. N. General Assembly Resolution 1514, A/RES/1514 (XV), Dec 14 1960

. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, U. N. General Assemby Resolution 2200A, A/RES/2200A, Dec 16 1965 .

. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Second Optional Protocol, U. N. General Assembly, A/RES/44/128, Dec 15 1989 .


. Battle for Chechnya, BBC Special Report .

. Chechen Republic Online

. Chechnya, Jamestown Foundation .

. Contested Sovereignty: The Tragedy of Chechnya, Lapidus, 23 INTERNATIONAL SECURITY 1 5 (1998). The O. S. U. Libr., Main: JX1901I55.

. Declaration on Chechnya, European Union Presidency Conclusions, Helsinki European Council (December 10, 11, 1999) - Federation of American Scientists .

. ICRC in Chechnya .

. International Criminalization of Internal Atrocities, Meron, 89 AJIL 3 554 (1995) .

. Russia/Chechnya, Human Rights Watch (March 2001) < >.

. Second Chechnya War, Federation of American Scientists .


. The Opinions of the Badinter Arbitration Committee: A second Breath for the Self-Determination of Peoples, and Appendix: Opinions No. 1, 2 and 3, Alain Pellet, 3 EJIL 1 178 (1992) .

. The International Response to the Dissolution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Weller, 86 AJIL 3 569 (1992) .

. Kosovo Crisis: History, Bloody History, BBC .

. Intermediate Sovereignty As A Basis For Resolving The Kosovo Crisis. ICG Report (November 9, 1998) .

. The Serb-Albanian War and International Community’s Miscalculations, Rama, 2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALBANIAN STUDIES 1 (Spring 1998) .

. What Does Public International Law Have to Say About Kosovar Independence, Muenzel, in Kosovo & Yugoslavia: Law in Crisis, Jurist 1999 .


. ONE LAND, TWO PEOPLES: THE CONFLICT OVER PALESTINE, Deborah J. Gerner (1994). Libr. DS119.7.G425 1994.

. ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT, Ann M. Lesch and Dan Tschirgi (1998). Libr. DS119.7.L4665 1998.

. The Palestine Problem before the United Nations, Potter, 42 AJIL 4 859 (1948) .

. The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined, Dominique Vidal, LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE (December 1997) .

. Question of Palestine, U. N. Peace and Security .

89 (5 May 1997) Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

. The Middle East torn asunder, Gresh, Vidal, Pauly, Riviere, Touret, LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE

. U. N. General Assembly Resolution 3236 (Nov 22 1974, right of the Palestinian people to self-determination);

. ECONOMIC, LEGAL, AND DEMOGRAPHIC DIMENSIONS OF ARAB-ISRAELI RELATIONS, Ian S. Lustick editor (1994) [especially chapter by Henry Cattan, Sabri Jiryis, Ian Lustick, John Quigley, Amnon Rubinstein, and Thomas R. Stauffer]. Libr.: DS119.7.E23 1994.

. The Chaim Herzog Center for Middle East Studies and Diplomacy, Ben Gurion University, at .

. Right of peoples to Self-Determination, U. N. General Assembly, A/RES/34/44, Nov 23 1979 ; Right of the Palestinian People to Self-Determination, A/RES/54/152, Dec 17, 1999 .


. China’s Perception of the Taiwan Issue, Che-Fu Lee, 32 NESLR 3 (1998) .

. Is China’s Policy to Use Force against Taiwan a Violation of the Principle of Non-Use of Force under International Law? Anne Hsiu-An Hsiao, 32 NESLR 3 (1998) .

. Is There a Question of Taiwan in International Law? Lovelace, Jr., 4 HARVARD ASIA QUARTERLY 3 (2000) .

. Resolving Cross-Strait Relations between China and Taiwan, Charney and Prescott, 94 AJIL 3 (2000) .

. Self-Determination in the Taiwan-China Context, Valerie Epps, 32 NESLR 3 (1998) .

. Taiwan’s Current International Legal Status, Lung-chu Chen, 32 NESLR 3 (1998) .

. Taiwan Documents Project . 4 2000).

Climate change

. U. N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, .

. Resources: Guide to the Climate Change Negotiation Process, . Especially:

. U. N. Framework Convention: The Convention and Kyoto Protocol :

. The 1997 Kyoto Protocol Full text, .

. U. N. Framework Convention: Issues in the negotiating process, .

. U. N. Framework Convention: Sessions: Conference of the Parties (COP) at its sixth session, The Hague (Netherlands), November 13-24 2000, .

. The U. S. positions and other comparative international positions, and .

. Climate crisis, Green Peace International, .

. Globelaw .

. ECO .

Conflict between the law of the state and international law (LaGrand)

. LaGrand v. Stewart, U. S. District Court for the Ninth Circuit, 133 F. 3d 1253 (9th Cir.), cert. Denied, 119 S. Ct. 422 (1998). U. S. Courts for the Ninth Circuit, .

. Death Penalty website, Cornell University Legal Information Institute See especially: Cornell Law School Death Penalty Project, Liebman Study - A Broken System: Error Rates in Capital Cases, 1973-1995.

. Agora: Breard, Charney, Reisman et al., 92 AJIL 4 666 (1998) .

. LaGrand (Germany v. U. S.), Judgment of June 27, 2001, International Court of Justice


. 1963 Convention on Consular Relations, and Optional Protocol, International Law Commission .

. Breard and Treaty-Based Rights under the Consular Convention, Paust, 92 AJIL 4 691 (1998), .

Convention against Torture

. Torture, Henry Shue, 7 PHILOSOPHY AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS 2, 124 (1978) Libr.: H1.954.

. Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

(1984, 1987) < >:

-Status of Ratifications < >,

-Declarations and Reservations < >,

-Committee against Torture (CAT) < >:

CAT concludes thirtieth session (May 16 2003)

< >,

CAT State Party Reports:

Turkey (Jul 22 2002) < (Symbol)/CAT.C.20.Add.8.En?OpenDocument >,

Egypt (Oct 18 2001) < (Symbol)/CAT.C.55.Add.6.En?Opendocument >,

Russia (Oct 15 2001)< (Symbol)/CAT.C.34.Add.15.En?Opendocument >,

Uzbekistan (Nov 16 2001) < (Symbol)/CAT.C.53.Add.1.En?Opendocument >,

Indonesia (July 16 2001) < (Symbol)/CAT.C.47.Add.3.En?Opendocument >,

Israel (July 4 2001) < (Symbol)/CAT.C.54.Add.1.En?Opendocument >,

China (January 5 2000) < (Symbol)/CAT.C.39.Add.2.En?OpenDocument >,

U. S. (Feb 5 2000) < (Symbol)/CAT.C.28.Add.5.En?OpenDocument >,

U. K. (Jul 20 1998)< (Symbol)/CAT.C.53.Add.1.En?Opendocument >,

France (Oct 10 1997) < (Symbol)/CAT.C.17.Add.18.En?OpenDocument >,

. Inter-American to Prevent and Punish Culture, Organization of American States

< >.

. Filartiga v. Pena-Irala, U. S. Court of Appeals, 2nd Cir., June 30 1980, Judicial Decisions, 75


. European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or

Punishment (1987) < >.



. International Efforts to Combat Torture and Inhuman Treatment, Roland Bank, 8 EUROPEAN


< >.

. Stop Torture, Amnesty International USA < >.

. On a Hierarchy of International Human Rights, T. Meron, n AMERICAN JOURNAL OF

INTERNATIONAL LAW 4 (1986) Libr.: JX27.A5.

. A Controversial Declaration on the United Nations Convention Against TortureMassimo Coccia,


< >.

. U. S. Report pursuant to the Convention against Torture, submitted on Oct 15, 1999, Committee against Torture, CAT/C/28/Add.5 (February 9 2000)

< (Symbol)/CAT.C.28.Add.5.En?OpenDocument >. See also U. S. Department of State former site on Democracy, Human Rights and Labor

< >.

. Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law, Sean D. Murphy, 94 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 2, 357 (2000) Libr.: .

. Restatement (Third), Section 701 (Obligation to Respect Human Rights), Section 702 (Customary International Law of Human Rights), Section 703 (Remedies for Violations of Human Rights Obligations), Section 711 (Injury to Nationals of Other States), Section 713 (Remedies for Injury to National of Other States) Libr.: KF4651.R47 1987.

. U. S. Code, Title 18, Crimes and Criminal procedure, Chapter 113C, Torture

< >:


. Ethiopia and Eritrea U. N. Peace and Security, Current Peacekeeping Operations .

. Ethiopia Eritrea Conflict Organization of African Unity .

. Ethiopia / Eritrea War, Federation of American Scientists - Military Analysis Network .

. Self-Defense and the Rule of Law, Schachter, 83 AJIL 2 259 (1989) .

. The Disputed Border BBC News .

. The Truth of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Conflict, Dehai .

. U. N. Security Council Resolutions 1177 (1998) (June 26), 1226 (1999) (January 29), 1227 (1999) (February 10), 1297 (2000) (May 12), 1298 (May 17), 1312 (July 31), 1320 (2000) (September 15)

< >.

. Roots of the Eritrea-Ethiopia War: A Fact Sheet, ReliefWeb, July 28 2000

< >.

. Ethiopia-Eritrea War, FAS Military Analysis Network

< >.

. The War Between Ethiopia and Eritrea, Patrick Gilkes and Martin Plaut, 5 FOREIGN POLICY IN FOCUS 25 (August 2000) < >.

Establishing and challenging the ICJ jurisdiction

. The International Court of Justice after Fifty Years, R. Y. Jennings, 89 AJIL 3 493 (1995) .

. I.C.J. Basic Documents: Constitutive Instruments .

. Nuclear Test Case (Australia v. France), Judgment ICJ 1974 .

. Word Made Law: The Decision of the ICJ in the Nuclear Test Cases, Franck, 69 AJIL 3 612 (1975) .

. Case concerning U. S. diplomatic and consular staff in Tehran (U. S. v. Iran) (Provisional Measures) - Order of December 15 1979, ICJ 1979, 74 AJIL 1 266 (1980) .

. Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and Consulat Staff in Tehran: Phase of Provisional Measures, by Leo Gross, 74 AJIL 2 395 (1980) .

. Case concerning military and paramilitary activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v.

U. S.) - Nicaragua Case (Provisional Measures), Order of May 10 1984, 78 AJIL 3 750 (1984) .

. (Jurisdiction and Admissibility) - Judgment of November 26 1984 .

. Questions of interpretation and application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the aerial incident at Lockerbie (Libya v. U.S./U.K.) - Lockerbie Case - Order of April 14 1992; and Judgment of February 27 1998 [Preliminary Objections (Jurisdiction and Admissibility)] .

From Nurmberg to The Hague

. Judgment of the International Military Tribunal for the Trial of German Major War Criminals

< >.

. Principles of International Law Recognized in the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal, International Law Commission (1950)

< >.

. The Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, The Avalon Project of the Yale Law School

< >.

. International Criminal Court < >:

-Statute < (e).html >, see especially Part 2, Jurisdiction, Admissibility, and Applicable Law (Articles 5, 6, 7, 8 for the categories of crimes).

. International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

< >.

. International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) < >.

. Judgment of the International Military Tribunal for the Trial of German Major War Criminals .

. Nuremberg Revisited: The Tadic Case, Jose E. Alvarez, 7 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 2, 245 (1996).

. Principles of International Law Recognized in the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal, International Law Commission (1950) .

. The International Tribunal for Violations of International Humanitarian Law in the Former Yugoslavia, J. C. O’Brien, 87 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 4, 639 (1993).

. The law of the Nuremberg trial, Wright, 41 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW

1 38 (1947).

. The Nuremberg trial and international law, Finch, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 41/1 20 (1947).

. The Nuremberg trial and the international law of the future, Schick, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF



. The Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, The Avalon Project of the Yale Law School, at .

. War Crimes in Yugoslavia and the Development of International Law, by Theodor Meron, 88 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1, 78 (1994).

Geneva Conventions

. An Appeal for Ratification by the U. S. (of Protocol I Additional), Gasser, 81 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 4 912 (1987)

. Acts of Terror, Terrorism, and International Humanitarian Law, Hans-Peter Gasser, 847 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF THE RED CROSS 547 (2002)

< >.



. Environmental damage in times of armed conflict, not ‘really’ a matter of criminal responsibility?, Thilo Marauhn, 840 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF THE RED CROSS 1029 (2000)

< >.

. Geneva Conventions of 1949 and 1977 Protocols, ICRC

< >:

-States Parties and Signatories < >.

. International Humanitarian Law in Brief, ICRC

< >:

-What is Humanitarian Law < >,

-History of Humanitarian Law < >,

-Basic Rules < >,

-Provisions common to the Four Conventions and Protocol I

< >,

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< >.

. Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello after September 11, Steven Ratner, 96 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 4, 905 (2002) v. JSTOR or at Library: .

. Just War, War of Aggression, and International Humanitarian Law, Francois Bugnion, 847 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF THE RED CROSS 523 (2002)

< >.

. New wars, new weapons? The obligation of states to assess the legalityof means and methods of warfare, Isabelle Daoust, Robin Coupland, and Rikke Ishoey, 846 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF THE RED CROSS 345 (2002)

< >.

. Prolonged Military Occupation: The Israeli-Occupied Territories Since 1967, A. Roberts, 84 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1 44 (1990)

. Prospects for U. S. Ratification of Additional Protocol I to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, Aldrich, 85 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1 1 (1991).

. State Responsibility for Violations of International Humanitarian Law, Marco Sassoli, 846 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF THE RED CROSS 401 (2002)

< >.

. The Geneva Conventions as Customary Law, Meron, 81 AJIL 2 348 (1987)

. The Time Has Come for the U. S. to Ratify Geneva Protocol I, T. Meron, 88 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 4 678 (1994)

. Wars of national liberation and the laws of war, Avi-Saab, in HUMANITARIAN LAW (Gardam editor 1999) Libr.: KZ6471.H859.

. Women, Armed Conflict and International Law, Helen Durhan, 847 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF THE RED CROSS 655 (2002)

< >.

. Zero-casualty warfare, A. P. V. Rogers, 837 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF THE RED CROSS 165 (2000) < >.

Immunity of United Nations personnel

. About the United Nations: Introduction to the Structure and Work of the U. N.: (1) U. N. History,

(2) U. N. Charter (Preamble, Articles 1, 2), (3) U. N. in Brief .

. The United Nations Charter, Finch, 39 AJIL 3 542 (1945)

. International Law and the Charter of the United Nations, Eagleton, 39 AJIL 4 751 (1945)

. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (1946), 43 AJIL 1, Supplement: Official Documents 1 (Jan. 1949)

. The International Organizations Immunity Act, Preuss, 40 AJIL 2 332 (1946)

. Immunity of Officers and Employees of the United Nations for Official Acts: The Ranallo Case, 41 AJIL 3 555 (1947)

. Privileges and Immunities of International Organizations, Kunz, 41 AJIL 4 828 (1947)

. Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service on the United Nations, Yuen-Li Liang, 43 AJIL 3 460 (1949)

. The Jural Personality of the United Nations, Quincy Wright, 43 AJIL 3 509 (1949)

. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights .

. Malaysia, Human Rights Watch, .

. Malaysia, Amnesty International .

. U. N. Commission on Human Rights < >.

. Difference relating to immunity from legal process of a special rapporteur of the U. N. Commission on Human Rights (Advisory Opinion), 1999 ICJ .

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966), entered into force March 23, 1976

U. N. Office of the High Commission for Human Rights

< >; Id., the University of Minnesota Human Rights

Library < >; Id., U. S. Department of State, Electronic

Research Collections < >.

. Declarations and Reservations of States Parties to the Convention, U. N. Office of the High

Commission for Human Rights < >.

. The U. N. Human Rights Committee (Covenant’s monitoring body)

< >:

-Fact Sheet 2, rev.1, The International Bill of Human Rights

< >.


. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, U. N. General Assembly 217A (III) (Dec 10, 1948)

< >.

. Human Rights in Law’s Empire: The Jurisprudence of War, Tom Farer, 85 AMERICAN


Iraq/Kuwait (1990/91), Kosovo/Yugoslavia/NATO (1998-1999),

Iraq/U.S./U/K. (2002/03) compared

Iraq/Kuwait (1990/91)

. U. N. Security Council Resolution 678 (November 29, 1990) [authorizing U. N. member states to use all necessary means to uphold and implement Resolution 660 (1990) and to restore peace and security in the area (Kuwait/Iraq)] < >.

. U. N.Police action in lieu of war: “The old order changeth”, T. M. Franck, 85 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1, 63 (1991).

. United Nations law in the Gulf conflict, Oscar Schachter, 85 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 3, 452 (1991).

. Security Council Resolution 678 and Persian Guld decision making: precarious legitimacy, Weston, 85 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 3, 516 (1991).

. Between Unilateralism and Collective Security: Authorizations of the Use of Force by the Security Council, Helmut Freudenschub, 5 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 4, 492 < >.

. From Unity to Polarization: International Law and the Use of Force against Iraq, Christine Gray, 13 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1 (2002)

< >.

Kosovo (1998/99)

. Selected Documents of the U. N. Security Council concerning Kosovo : [a] S/RES/1160, March 31, 1998 ; [b] S/RES/1199, September 23, 1998 ;.[c] S/RES/1244, June 10, 1999 ;

. NATO’s North Atlantic Council activation warning (ACTWARN), September 24, 1998, at

. NATO Secretary-General, Press Statements (March 23, 1999) , (March 24 1999)

. North Atlantic Council, Statement on Kosovo, .

. NATO Action against Serbian Military Targets Prompts Divergent Views as Security Council Holds Urgent Meeting on Situation in Kosovo U. N. Press Release SC/6657 (March 24 1999)

< >.

. Security Council Rejects Demand for Cessation of Use of Force against Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, U. N. Press Release SC/6659 (March 26 1999)

< >.

. Legality of the Use of Force (Yugoslavia v. Belgium et al. (NATO)), International Court of Justice 1999, Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures, Order, June 2 1999) .

. Operation Allied Force, Military Analysis Network, Federation of American Scientists

< >.

. World Court Rejects Yugoslav Requests to Enjoin Ten NATO Members from Bombing Yugoslavia, Bekker and Borgen, ASIL Insight (June 1999) .

. Contemporary Practice of the United State. Legal Regulation of the Use of Force. Kosovo: Air Strikes against Serbia, Murphy, 93 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 3 628 -and President’s Authority to Launch Air Strikes id. at 635 (July 1999).

. Kosovo and the Law of Humanitarian Intervention, Louis Henkin, 93 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 4 824 (1999).

. Is the Authorization Authorized? Powers and Practice of the U. N. Security Council to Authorize the Use of Force by ‘Coalitions of the Able and Willing’, Niels Blokker, 11 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 3 (2000) < >.

. Kosovo Crisis: History, Bloody History ; and Kosovo Crisis Background: Roots of the Conflict, BBC News Reports .

. NATO, the U. N., and the Use of Force, Bruno Simma, 10 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1 (1999) < >.

. Operation Allied Force and the Legal Basis for Humanitarian Intervention, Robert Tomes, 30 PARAMETERS 1 (2000) .

. The Serb-Albanian War and International Community’s Miscalculations, Rama, 2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALBANIAN STUDIES 1 (Spring 1998) .

. Kosovo and the Law of Humanitarian Intervention, Louis Henkin, 93 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 4 824 (1999)

Iraq (2003)

. Situations in Iraq, Middle East, Afghanistan, Balkans, Africa, among key issues before Security

Council in 2002, U. N. Press Release SC/7632, January 14 2003

< >.

. Joint Resolution on Authorization of Military Force (Public Law 107-40), Oct 11 2002

< >.

. U. N. Security Council Resolution 1441 (2002), November 8, 2002

< >; also at

< >.

. Iraq accepts U. N. Security Council Resolution, BBC News, Nov 14 2002

< >.

. A Skeptical U. N.: Support Ebbs for U. S. War Plans. Karen DeYoung, The Washington Post, January 19 2003 < >.

. Security Council Briefed by Chief U. N. Weapons Experts, U. N. Press Release SC/7644, January 27 2003 < >.

. U. S. Secretary of State dismisses U. N.’s Iraq report, Mark Lander and Alan Cowell, The New York Times, Jan 27 2003 < >.

. Blix Says He Saw Nothing to Prompt a War, Judith Miller and Julia Preston, The New York Times, Jan 31 2003 < >.

. France, Germany, and Russia: war is unjustified, John Lichfield and Anne Penketh, The Independent, Feb 11 2003 < >.

. Security Council debates the question of Iraq, the majority of nations oppose the use of force:

-U. N. Press Release SC/7665, Feb 18 2003 < >,

-U. N. Press Release SC/7666, Feb 19 2003 < >.

. Security Council holds first debate on Iraq since start of military action, speakers call for halt to aggression, immmediate withdrawal, U. N. Press Release SC/7705 (March 26, 2003)

< >.

. U. N. Security Council Resolution 1472 (2003) March 28, 2003

< >.

. U. N. Security Council Resolution 1483 (2003) May 22 2003

< >; see Press Release SC/7765 < >.

Korea (1951), Iraq (1991), Kosovo (1999), Iraq (2002) compared

Korea (1951)

. Legal Aspects of the Situation in Korea, Pitman B. Potter, 44 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 4, 709 (1950).

. Legality of the Security Council Resolutions of June 25 and 27, 1950, J. L. Kunz, 45 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1, 37 (1951).

. Report of the United Nations Commission on Korea (December 15 1949 to September 4 1950)

< >.

. The Korean War documents page, Ferraro, Mountholyoke College

< >.

. The Korean War: How It Started, Korean War Project < >.

. The Korean War: On What Legal Basis Did Truman Act?, Louis Fisher, 89 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1, 21 (1995).

. The United States Reaction to the Korean Attack, E. C. Hoyt, 55 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1, 45 (1961).

. The ‘Uniting for Peace Resolution’ of the United Nations, L. H. Woolsey, 45 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1, 129 (1951).

. Uniting for Peace, U. N. General Assembly , 45 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (Supplement) 1, 1 (1951).

Iraq/Kuwait (1990/91)

. U. N. Security Council Resolution 678 (November 29, 1990) [authorizing U. N. member states to use all necessary means to uphold and implement Resolution 660 (1990) and to restore peace and security in the area (Kuwait/Iraq)] < >.

. U. N. Police action in lieu of war: “The old order changeth”, T. M. Franck, 85 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1, 63 (1991).

. United Nations law in the Gulf conflict, Oscar Schachter, 85 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 3, 452 (1991).

. Security Council Resolution 678 and Persian Guld decision making: precarious legitimacy, Weston, 85 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 3, 516 (1991).

. Between Unilateralism and Collective Security: Authorizations of the Use of Force by the Security Council, Helmut Freudenschub, 5 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 4, 492 < >.

. From Unity to Polarization: International Law and the Use of Force against Iraq, Christine Gray, 13 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1 (2002)

< >.

Kosovo (1998/99)

. Selected Documents of the U. N. Security Council concerning Kosovo : [a] S/RES/1160, March 31, 1998 ; [b] S/RES/1199, September 23, 1998 ;.[c] S/RES/1244, June 10, 1999 ;

. NATO’s North Atlantic Council activation warning (ACTWARN), September 24, 1998, at

. NATO Secretary-General, Press Statements (March 23, 1999) , (March 24 1999)

. North Atlantic Council, Statement on Kosovo, .

. NATO Action against Serbian Military Targets Prompts Divergent Views as Security Council Holds Urgent Meeting on Situation in Kosovo U. N. Press Release SC/6657 (March 24 1999)

< >.

. Security Council Rejects Demand for Cessation of Use of Force against Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, U. N. Press Release SC/6659 (March 26 1999)

< >.

. Legality of the Use of Force (Yugoslavia v. Belgium et al. (NATO)), International Court of Justice 1999, Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures, Order, June 2 1999) .

. Operation Allied Force, Military Analysis Network, Federation of American Scientists

< >.

. World Court Rejects Yugoslav Requests to Enjoin Ten NATO Members from Bombing Yugoslavia, Bekker and Borgen, ASIL Insight (June 1999) .

. Contemporary Practice of the United State. Legal Regulation of the Use of Force. Kosovo: Air Strikes against Serbia, Murphy, 93 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 3 628 -and President’s Authority to Launch Air Strikes id. at 635 (July 1999).

. Kosovo and the Law of Humanitarian Intervention, Louis Henkin, 93 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 4 824 (1999).

. Is the Authorization Authorized? Powers and Practice of the U. N. Security Council to Authorize the Use of Force by ‘Coalitions of the Able and Willing’, Niels Blokker, 11 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 3 (2000) < >.

. Kosovo Crisis: History, Bloody History ; and Kosovo Crisis Background: Roots of the Conflict, BBC News Reports .

. NATO, the U. N., and the Use of Force, Bruno Simma, 10 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1 (1999) < >.

. Operation Allied Force and the Legal Basis for Humanitarian Intervention, Robert Tomes, 30 PARAMETERS 1 (2000) .

. The Serb-Albanian War and International Community’s Miscalculations, Rama, 2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALBANIAN STUDIES 1 (Spring 1998) .

Iraq (2003)

. Situations in Iraq, Middle East, Afghanistan, Balkans, Africa, among key issues before Security

Council in 2002, U. N. Press Release SC/7632, January 14 2003

< >.

. Joint Resolution on Authorization of Military Force (Public Law 107-40), Oct 11 2002

< >.

. U. N. Security Council Resolution 1441 (2002), November 8, 2002

< >; also at

< >.

. Iraq accepts U. N. Security Council Resolution, BBC News, Nov 14 2002

< >.

. A Skeptical U. N.: Support Ebbs for U. S. War Plans. Karen DeYoung, The Washington Post, January 19 2003 < >.

. Security Council Briefed by Chief U. N. Weapons Experts, U. N. Press Release SC/7644, January 27 2003 < >.

. U. S. Secretary of State dismisses U. N.’s Iraq report, Mark Lander and Alan Cowell, The New York Times, Jan 27 2003 < >.

. Blix Says He Saw Nothing to Prompt a War, Judith Miller and Julia Preston, The New York Times, Jan 31 2003 < >.

. France, Germany, and Russia: war is unjustified, John Lichfield and Anne Penketh, The Independent, Feb 11 2003 < >.

. Security Council debates the question of Iraq, the majority of nations oppose the use of force:

-U. N. Press Release SC/7665, Feb 18 2003 < >,

-U. N. Press Release SC/7666, Feb 19 2003 < >.

. Security Council holds first debate on Iraq since start of military action, speakers call for halt to aggression, immmediate withdrawal, U. N. Press Release SC/7705 (March 26, 2003)

< >.

. U. N. Security Council Resolution 1472 (2003) March 28, 2003

< >.

. U. N. Security Council Resolution 1483 (2003) May 22 2003

< >; see Press Release SC/7765 < >.

Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons.

. Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, International Court of Justice (1996), Advisory Opinion < >:

. Advisory Opinion (July 8, 1996).

. Dissenting Opinions of Judge Schwebel and Judge Higgins).

. Dissenting Opinions of Judge Weeramantry and Judge Koroma).

. ICJ 1996 Written Pleadings


. ICJ 1996 Oral Pleadings

< >.

. The World Court and Jus Cogens, Gordon A. Christensen, 81 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1 (1987).

. The Continuing Role of Custom in the Formation of International Humanitarian Law, Theodor Meron, 90 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 2 (1996).

. Univeral International Law, Jonathan I. Charney, 87 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 4 (1993).

. The Nature of Customary International Law, Josef L. Kunz, 47 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 4 (1953).

Maritime boundaries

. Convention on the Law of the Sea, .

. International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea .

. Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Settlement of Disputes .

. INTERNATIONAL MARITIME BOUNDARIES [Charney and Alexander, eds. (1993) Libr.: JX4144.5.I57 1993.

. 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea, .

. 1984 Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area (Canada/United States of America) (1981-1984) Merits - Judgment of 12 October 1984 - International Court of Justice 1984 - Case Summary .

. Maritime delimitation in the area between Greenland and Jan Mayen (Denmark v. Norway) - Judgment, ICJ 1993 .

. Land and maritime boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria) - Application by Cameroon, ICJ 1994 .

. Ocean boundaries between nations, Charney, 78 AJIL 3 582 (1984) .

. Progress in international maritime boundary delimitation law, Charney, 88 AJIL 2 227 (1994), .

. The roles of equity, Nelson, 84 AJIL 4 837 (1990) .

. Central East Asian maritime boundaries, Charney, 89 AJIL 4 724 (1995), .

Missile defense and the law of outer space

. Agreement Governing the Activities of States in the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, A/RES/34/68 (Dec 5 1979) .

. Banning the Bomb in Outer Space, Garthoff, 5 IS 3 25 (1980-1981).

. Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of the Outer Space, A/RES/1962 (XVIII), Dec 13 1963 .

. International Cooperation in the Pecaeful Uses of the Outer Space, U. N. General Assembly Resolutions, A/RES/55/122 and precedent .

. Lasers, Charged-Particle Beams, and the Strategic Future, Snow, 95 PSQ 2 277 (1980).

. Legal Restraints in Modern Arms Control Agreements, Stein, 66 AJIL 2 255 (1972).

. National Missile Defense: What Does it All Mean? Center for Defense Information, Ballistic Missile Defense, Issue Brief in PDF (Aug 2000) .

. National Missile Defense, the ABM Treaty and the Future of START II . See especially START/ABM Backgrounder

. Office for Outer Space Affairs < >.

. President Announces Delay of National Missile Defenses, President William Jefferson Clinton (September 1 2000) .

. Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space, U. N. General Assembly Resolutions A/RES/55/32 (2001), A/RES/54/53 (1999), A/RES/52/37 (1997), A/RES/50/69 (1996), A/RES/49/74 (1995), A/RES/48/74 (1994) < >.

. Principles Relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Outer Space, A/RES/41/65 (Dec 3 1986) .

. Satellites and Anti-Satellites: The Limits of the Possible, Carter, 10 IS 4 46 (1986).

. Text ABM Treaty U. S.-USSR 1972 .

. Treaty Interpretation by the Executive Branch: The ABM Treaty and Star Wars Testing and Development, Kennedy, 80 AJIL 4 854 (1986).

. Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, UNGAR 2222, Dec 19 1966 .

. The ABM Treaty Interpretation Resolution. 82 AJIL 1 151 (1988). .

. The Legality of Naval Cruise Missiles, O’Connell, 66 AJIL 4 785 (1972) .

. U. S. National Defense Policy and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, Hearing before the Committee on Armed Services, U. S. House of Representatives, 106th Congress, 1st Session (Oct 13 1999) .

Negotiating the NPT indefinite extension

. NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION AND THE LEGALITY OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS, Evan and Nanda editors (1995), The OSU Libr., Law and Main: JX1974.73.N8145 1995.

. THE EFFECTS OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS, Glasstone and Dolan, for the U. S. Department of Defense (1977), The OSU Libr., Main: UF767.E33 1977.


. Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, U. N. Department of Disarmament Affairs (UNDDA) .

. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Firmage, 64 AJIL 4 711 (1969) .

. NPT Review Process 1970-1995, UNDDA, .

. NPT Chronology of Events, UNDDA .

. NPT 1995 Rev and Extension Conf .

. Launching an Effective Review Process of the NPT, by Rebecca Johnson, 13 DISARMAMENT DIPLOMACY (Feb-March 1997) .


. CHILE UNDER PINOCHET: RECOVERING THE TRUTH, Mark Ensalaco (2000), Libr.: JC599.C5 E67 2000.

. The Truth About Pinochet: Chile’s legacy of torture, murder, international terrorism, and the disappeared .

. BBC Special Report: The Pinochet File, especially:

. When Tyrants Tremble: The Pinochet Case: Part II Background - Human Rights Watch Report, Vol. 11, No. 1 (October 1999), at

. THE PINOCHET CASE: A LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS, edited by Diana Woodhouse (2000), Libr., Law: KD373.P56 P559 2000.

. When Tyrants Tremble: The Pinochet Case: Part III Key Issues in the Extradition - Human Rights Watch Report, Vol. 11, No. 1 (October 1999), at

. Ex Parte Pinochet House of Lords, March 24 1999

. Ex Parte Pinochet, House of Lords, November 25 1998, .

. Immunity versus Human Rights: The Pinochet Case, Bianchi, 10 EJIL 2 237 (1999)

. Progress in international criminal law?, Charney, 93 AJIL 2 452 (1999)


. DISPOSABLE PEOPLE? THE PLIGHT OF REFUGEES, Judy A. Mayotte, editor (1992) Libr.:HV640.M38 1992.

. Ethnic Diasporas and U. S. Foreign Policy, Shain. 109 PSQ 5 811 (1994-1995) .

. GLOBAL APARTHEID: REFUGEES, RACISM, AND WORLD ORDER, Anthony H. Richmond, 1994. Libr.: JV6032.R53 1994.



. PROTECTING REFUGEES: A FIELD GUIDE FOR NGOs, Office of the U. N. High Commissioner for Refugees, 1999. Libr.: HV640.P68 1999.

. Refugees International

. Temporary Protection of Refugees: Elements of a Formalized Regime, Fitzpatrick, 94 AJIL 2 279 (2000).

. The London Declaration of International Law Principles on Internally Displaced Persons, Lee, 95 AJIL 2 454 (2001) .

. The Social Implications of Population Displacement and Resettlement: An Overview with a Focus on the Arab Middle East, Shami, 27 INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION REVIEW 1 4 (1993) .

. The Sociology of Ethnic Conflicts, Williams, Jr., 20 ANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY 49 (1994) .

. U. N. High Commissioner for Refugees .

. U. S. Committee on Refugees .

. War and Peace in Refugee Law Jurisprudence, Storey and Wallace, 95 AJIL 2 439 (2001) .



. ReliefWeb < >.

Reservations to treaties: U. S. ratification of human rights treaties

. Analysis of the Terms ‘Treaty’ and ‘International Agreement’ for Purposes of Registration under Article 102 of the U. N. Charter, Brandon, 47 AJIL 1 49 (1953).

. Bricker Amendment - Fallacies and Dangers, Whitton and Fowler, 48 AJIL 1, 23 (1954).

. Contemporary Practice of the United States, 85 AJIL 334, 337 (1991).

. Id., 88 AJIL 719, 728 (1994).

. Id., 89 AJIL 96, 109 (1995).

. Convention on the Law of Treaties [CLT] at International Law Commission ; 63 AJIL 4 875 (1969):

. International Law Commission: Conventions and Other Texts - Topics Currently under Consideration: 2. Reservations to Treaties :

. Report on the Juridical Effects of Reservations to Multilateral Treaties, Inter-American-Juridical Committee (1955). The Libr.: LRIR.T161A

. Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, ICJ . Libr.: JX4399.H3 H32.

. The Effect of Reservations on the Entry into Force of the American Convention on Human Rights (Arts. 74 and 75), Advisory Opinion OC-2/82 Sept. 24, 1982, Inter-Am.Ct.H.R. (Ser. A.) No. 2 (1982) .

. The Treaty on Treaties, by R. D. Kearney and R. E. Dalton, 64 AJIL 3 495 (1970),

495-502 [how the convention was adopted and what it means for internationbal law], 502-508 [introduction of the concept of law of treaties], 508-514 [conclusion of treaties and entry inbto force, 509-514 [reservations, “the first major issue to be taken up by the conference" ]

. Treaty Interpretation and the New American Ways of Law Reading, Vagts, 4 EJIL 4 472 (1993) .

. U. N. General Assembly Resolutions on Reservations to Multilateral Treaties (1950), 45 AJIL 1 Supplement 13-14; Id. (1951), 46 AJIL 2 Supplement Official Documents 66 (1952).

. University of Minnesota Human Rights Library .

. U. S. Department of State Office of the Legal Adviser, Digest of U. S. Practice in International Law .

. U. S. Ratification of Human Rights Conventions: The Ghost of Senator Bricker, Henkin, 89 AJIL 2 343 (1995).



. Battle for Chechnya, BBC Special Report .

. Conflict in Chechnya, Christian Science Monitor .

. Contested Sovereignty: The Tragedy of Chechnya, Lapidus, 23 INTERNATIONAL SECURITY 1 5 (1998). The O. S. U. Libr., Main: JX1901I55.

. Declaration on Chechnya, European Union Presidency Conclusions, Helsinki European Council (December 10, 11, 1999) - Federation of American Scientists .

. ICRC in Chechnya .

. International Criminalization of Internal Atrocities, Meron, 89 AJIL 3 554 (1995) < >.

. Russian Use of Force in Grozny, Kirgis Jr., ASIL Insight .

. Russia/Chechnya, Human Rights Watch (March 2001) < >.

. Second Chechnya War, Federation of American Scientists .

. The Battle for Grozny: Deadly Classroom for Urban Combat, Thomas, 29 PARAMETERS 2 (1999) .

. War Has No Rules for Russian Forces Battling Chechen Rebels, Maura Reynolds, Los Angeles Times (September 17, 2000) .


. Contemporary Practice of the United State. Legal Regulation of the Use of Force. Kosovo: Air Strikes against Serbia, Murphy, 93 AJIL 3 628 -and President’s Authority to Launch Air Strikes id. at 635 (July 1999) < >.

. Kosovo and the Law of Humanitarian Intervention, Louis Henkin, 93 AJIL 4 824 (1999) < >.

. Kosovo Crisis: History, Bloody History ; and Kosovo Crisis Background: Roots of the Conflict, BBC News Reports .

. Legality of the Use of Force (Yugoslavia v. Belgium et al. (NATO)), International Court of Justice 1999, Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures, Order, June 2 1999) .

. NATO Action against Serbian Military Targets Prompts Divergent Views as Security Council Holds Urgent Meeting on Situation in Kosovo U. N. Press Release SC/6657 (March 24 1999) < >.

. NATO’s North Atlantic Council activation warning (ACTWARN), September 24, 1998, at

. NATO Secretary-General, Press Statements (March 23, 1999) , (March 24 1999)

. North Atlantic Council, Statement on Kosovo, .

. Security Council Rejects Demand for Cessation of Use of Force against Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, U. N. Press Release SC/6659 (March 26 1999) < >.

. Operation Allied Force and the Legal Basis for Humanitarian Intervention, Robert Tomes, 30 PARAMETERS 1 (2000) .

. Selected Documents of the U. N. Security Council concerning Kosovo : [a] S/RES/1160, March 31, 1998 ; [b] S/RES/1199, September 23, 1998 ;.[c] S/RES/1244, June 10, 1999 ;

. The Kosovo Situation and NATO Military Action, Kirgis, ASIL Insight (March 1999) . See also the comments by Julie Mertus and Branko Rakic.

. The Serb-Albanian War and International Community’s Miscalculations, Rama, 2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALBANIAN STUDIES 1 (Spring 1998) .

. U. S. European Command, Operation Allied Force, at .

. World Court Rejects Yugoslav Requests to Enjoin Ten NATO Members from Bombing Yugoslavia, Bekker and Borgen, ASIL Insight (June 1999) .


. China’s Perception of the Taiwan Issue, Che-Fu Lee, 32 NESLR 3 (1998) .

. Cooperation or Conflict in the Taiwan Strait? Ralph N. Clough (1999). The OSU Libr., Main: DS799.847.C59 1999.

. Is China’s Policy to Use Force against Taiwan a Violation of the Principle of Non-Use of Force under International Law? Anne Hsiu-An Hsiao, 32 NESLR 3 (1998) .

. Is There a Question of Taiwan in International Law? Lovelace, Jr., 4 HARVARD ASIA QUARTERLY 3 (2000) .

. Resolving Cross-Strait Relations between China and Taiwan, Charney and Prescott, 94 AJIL 3 (2000) .

. Self-Determination in the Taiwan-China Context, Valerie Epps, 32 NESLR 3 (1998) .

. Taiwan’s Current International Legal Status, Lung-chu Chen, 32 NESLR 3 (1998) .

. Research Taiwan Documents Project . 4 2000).

. Taiwan’s Legal Status: Going Beyond the Unification-Independence Dichotomy, Philip Yang .

. The Principle of One China and the Taiwan Question (White Paper, 2000), The Government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) .

The Congo

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. Conflicts in the Congo: From Kivu to Kabila, Breytenbach et al, ISS .

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. Prolonged Military Occupation: The Israeli-Occupied Territories Since 1967, Roberts, 84 AJIL 1 44 (1990) < >.

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. The illegality of the Arab attack on Israel of October 6, 1973, Rostow, 69 AJIL 2 272 (1975) .

Unilateral Sanctions (U. S. v. Cuba)

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. Office of Foreign Assets Control > See Cuba > What you Need to Know about the U. S. Embargo.

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-Press Release GA/9349 Assembly seeks repeal of extraterritorial measures like U. S. Helms-

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-Press Release GA/L/3110 U. S. warns Legal Committee of weakened effectiveness of Security Council if ‘unwise’ measures adopted to mitigate sanctions’ unwanted impacts (October 15 1999)

. Organization of American States, Inter-American Juridical Committee Opinion on the

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. European Union, Council Regulation (EC) No 2271/96 of 22 Nov 1996 Protecting against the Effects of the Extraterritorial Application of Legilation Adopted by a Third Country .

. 1949 Draft Declaration on Rights and Duties of States, International Law Commission


. 1996 Draft Articles on State Responsibility, International Law Commission .

. Unilateral Acts of States, International Law Commission, Analytical Guide .

. Congress and Cuba: The Helms-Buron Act, A. F. Lowenfeld, 90 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 3, 419 (1996) v. JSTOR or Library: .

. Title II of the helms-Burton Act is Consistent with International Law, Brice M. Clagett, 90 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 3, 434 (1996).

. Helms-Burton, the U. S., and the WTO, ASIL Insights (March 1997) .

. RESTATEMENT (THIRD) Sections 402-403 (jurisdiction to prescribe), 414 (jurisdiction with respect to activities of foreign branches and subsidiaries) 441-444 (foreign state compulsion, act of state), 711-713 (injury to nationals of other states).

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. See the articles by Nicholas Rostow and Ernest Luciano at 3 NEW ENGLAND INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW ANNUAL (1997), .

United States and the International Criminal Court

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. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court < >:


-Establishment of the Court

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-International Cooperation and Judicial Assistance


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. Proposals for an International Criminal Court, Quincy Wright, 46 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1, 60 (1952).

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. The United States and the International Criminal Court, Human Rights Watch

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. The United States and the International Criminal Court: The Choices Ahead, Sarah Sewall and Karl Kaysen, American Academy of Arts and Sciences < >.

. The United States and the International Criminal Court, John R. Bolton, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, U. S. Department of State, remarks to the Federalist Society (November 14, 2002) < >.

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Use of force on Afghanistan

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. The Constitution and Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, Glennon, 85 AJIL 1 74 (1991)

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What does it mean international law is supreme law of the land?

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. Incorporation of the Law of Nations during the American Revolution: The Case of the San Antonio, Bourguinon, 71 AJIL 270 (1977) .

. International Law as Law in the United States, Henkin, 82 Michigan Law Review 1555 (1984).

. Lawyers Who Established International Law in the United States, 1776-1914, Raymond and Frischholz, 76 AJIL 4 802 (1982) .

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What globalization?

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. The Future in the Balance: Essays on Globalization and Resistance, Walden F. Bello (2001).

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WORLD COUNTRIES, Sarah Anderson, editor (2000).

. Labor & Global Change, University of Michigan < >.

. United Nations Charter, specifically Articles 1, 2, and 55.

. Alternatives to Economic Globalization, International Forum on Globalization.


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