Developing A Study PlanA study plan is more than just a time management tool. A study plan includes an understanding of your PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES and CIRCUMSTANCES (including strengths and constraints) and the TOOLS, STRATEGIES and RESOURCES (including time management systems, study aids, people and environments) available to you to maximize your academic success. Therefore, your study plan will be very personal and unique to you. There are a few simple steps to follow when developing a study plan:Identify how and under what circumstances you personally learn best.? Identify what materials you need to learn and how your learning will be evaluated.? Determine the resources and appropriate strategies to enhance your personal study style.? Plan the time you will spend studying and completing your academic work.? Periodically, take time to review, reflect and revise your study plan – make adjustments as necessary.DIRECTIONS: In order to help you develop your study plan for the term, please work through the steps in this document. After you have completed these steps, you can connect you with a member of the Academic Support Team to assist you in developing your study plan for the term or you can work through the steps online at . STEP 1 - Look at the graphic below and read the headings and questions. Rank order the topics by prioritizing the areas in which you may need the most assistance as you develop your study plan for the term. If you answer “I have no idea” to the questions, then that area should have a high priority. If you can think of responses to the questions, then rank that as a lower priority. Highest Priority = 1 Lowest Priority = 6Please add any additional comments/concerns you have related to the areas above and your rank ordering:STEP 2 – Knowing what basic resources and materials you need is the next step in developing a study plan. For each of the studies/courses you are in this term, you need to know what is expected of you, when assignments are due, and what books or other supplies (both physical and virtual) that you will need. To get started, have a print out or an electronic copy of your learning contracts/online course outlines (syllabi). You can access your LEARNING CONTRACTS by going to and clicking on the MyRecords tab and then choosing My Academic Documents You can access your ONLINE COURSE OVERVIEWS by going to and clicking on the Online Courses link in the QuickLinks box on the upper right hand side.Then click on your individual online courses and follow the links for Course Overview or SyllabusB. Read and mark up your learning contracts/course overview/syllabus. Things to Look for in your Learning Contract:Look for learning objectives and how you will be evaluated.Look for due dates and any other important date (meeting dates) Look for assignment requirements (how to submit, format of submission including citation style, font size, margin size length, and type writing ex. Essay, research) Look how to contact my instructor Look for your books & other required learning materials.STEP 3 – Understand your needs and balance them with your requirements. After reading through and marking up your learning contracts/course overview/syllabi, determine if your rank ordering of the topics/questions from STEP 1 changed. Whether it did or not, you should have learned something about yourself and your academic requirements this term. It is now time to start creating your plan. Look at the each of the sections below. They will point you towards the resources you should focus on as you develop your study plan. Go to the area that is your #1 priority first, but then take some time to review the other areas and resources to see if there are some suggestions to help you work smarter and not harder this term. You will find all the resources for these sections (links to handouts, videos, self-assessments, and other tools) on the website - . You can use the website independently, or you can work with a member of the Academic Support Team as you develop your study plan.If your priorities were mostly in the WHO box, then learn more about yourself as a learner and/or developing a support network. Try taking some of the self-assessments about learning styles and study strategies.Try making an appointment to meet with a member of the Academic Support Team. If your priorities were mostly in the WHY box, then learn more about your motivation as a learner. Try taking some of the self-assessments about motivation and confidence. Try looking at some of the goal setting resources listed on the study plan website listed above. If your priorities were mostly in the WHEN box then focus on time management and organization.Try some of the time management assessments. Try using the NEC Student Datebook and Terms at a Glance. Try using the assignment planning tool available at your priorities were mostly in the WHERE box, then learn more about your learning environments.Try some of the suggestions about setting up a study environment on the study plan website listed above.Try using the center or unit for a quite learning environment. If your priorities were mostly in the WHAT box, then learn more about effective learning and study strategies.Try some of the Academic Support workshops based on the topic areas that are of most interest to you.Try some of the links to study strategies listed on the study plan website listed above. -8128092075Office of Academic Supportphone 518-783-6203 e-mail website necacademicsupport. ................

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