6-Month Evaluation Survey - ResourcefulManager

New Employee

6-Month Evaluation Survey


New Employee 6-Month Evaluation Survey

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Six months ago, you began employment at


Since then, you've been able to learn about our company's culture, mission, vision, values, policies, procedures and benefits during new employee orientation and other employee development training. Because we value our employees' feedback, we would like to know how you feel on your progress, and how you feel your onboarding experience has helped you succeed in your position so far. Please fill out the following questionnaire as instructed and return it to your manager or to our HR office.

Please indicate Yes (Y), No (N), or Unsure (U) for each statement below.

1. O verall, how do you feel about your new job and working for our company?

Y N U I feel inspired and eager most days. Y N U I feel welcomed. Y N U I work in a friendly and supportive environment. Y N U I feel engaged and productive. Y N U I feel I have a long future at this company.

370 Technology Drive Malvern, PA 19355 800-220-5000

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? 2016 ResourcefulManager All rights reserved.

2. What do you now know about your job? Y N U I know what is expected of me by my supervisor(s). Y N U I know what is expected of me by my coworkers. Y N U I know what my performance expectations are. Y N U I know how to do most or all of the tasks

assigned to me. Y N U I understand how to obtain the information

and resources required to do my job. Y N U I regularly get sufficient guidance and training

on how to do my job. Y N U I understand my job responsibilities. Y N U I understand the purpose of my job.

3. What do you now know about the company? Y N U I received information on and understand the

company's culture, mission, vision and values. Y N U I received information about company history

and understand how it started. Y N U I understand how my job fits into the overall

mission of the company. Y N U I understand the basic network of company

departments and how they work together. Y N U I have the essential supplies, equipment and

support to do my job or know where to find them. Y N U I received information on company policy and

procedures in a timely and comprehensive manner.

370 Technology Drive Malvern, PA 19355 800-220-5000

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? 2016 ResourcefulManager All rights reserved.

Y N U I understand the company's policies on attendance and general workplace behavior.

Y N U I understand the company's policies on workplace harassment, illegal drugs, alcohol abuse and secondary employment.

Y N U I understand the company's policies and procedures concerning performance and personal misconduct and the grievance policy.

Y N U I regularly use my (handbook or Intranet) as a reference guide to understanding the company's policies and procedures.

Answer the questions below in the space provided. Please include your name on the evaluation.

4. W hat were the most helpful activities or information covered during your first six months?

5. W hat activities (or information) do you feel were not helpful or not needed?

6. What suggestions do you have for improvement?

370 Technology Drive Malvern, PA 19355 800-220-5000

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? 2016 ResourcefulManager All rights reserved.

7. W hat other comments do you have about your onboarding experience?

8. W hat overall rating would you give your onboarding experience (please circle one). Poor(1) Fair (2) Good (3) Very Good (4) Excellent (5) Explain:

370 Technology Drive Malvern, PA 19355 800-220-5000

Name: Department (Optional): Month Hired:

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? 2016 ResourcefulManager All rights reserved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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