PDF Incident Report Form - Extension Districts

Incident Report Form

University of Kentucky - Cooperative Extension Service District 1, N106 Ag Science Building, Lexington, KY 40546-0091

This incident report form is intended to record accident/ incidents of Extension Employees in District 1 and will be kept in the District 1 Office. This incident report is required for serious illnesses; significant behavioral problems; or incidents involving injuries such as fractured bones, chipped or broken teeth, extensive lacerations involving sutures, falls involving unconsciousness, dislocations, incidents involving water which require resuscitation, or any injury requiring a hospital stay. This incident report is NOT required for incidents such as scrapes, bruises, sprains, etc.

Attention: Employees injured during the course and scope of employment should report accidents/injuries to UK Workers Care, 1-800-440-6285. Employees should also call their insurance company.

County Extension Service office Extension employee Address of office Name of injured or involved person(s) Address Name of injured or involved person(s) Address

Date of report









_______ Zip

Phone __________________


Sex _______

_______ Zip

Phone _________________

Name/Addresses of witnesses (Each witness should attach a signed statement of what happened.)

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Type of incident: Behavioral

Accident Illness


Date of incident: Time

(a.m. or p.m.) Date



Describe the incident in detail (use additional pages; if necessary)

Location of incident and diagram showing objects and persons

What activity was the injured participating in at the time of the incident? Describe any equipment involved in the incident Describe emergency procedures followed as a result of this incident

Medical Report of Incident

Where was treatment given? ON site Describe treatment given:

Doctor's office/clinic Hospital

Rescue squad

Treatment given by whom? Was injured retained overnight in hospital? Yes No If yes, where?

Date of treatment: _________

Name of attending physician __________________________________________________________ Physician's recommendation at the time of report


Other persons notified: (district director, district staff assistant)




Person completing report:



Position __________________________________________________________________________


_______________ Fax __________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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