Promotion & Transfer Checklist - Yale University

[pic]Form 3501 FR.18 Promotion & Transfer Checklist revision date: 3/16/10

|Employee Name: |Old Department: |New Department |

| | | |

|University Personal Identifier: |Last Day of Employment at Old |Start Date at New Dept: |

| |Dept: | |

|U |P |

|Old Dept: |New Dept: |

| Employee has cleared all outstanding advances and PCard transactions. | Labor schedule has been entered, or org default labor schedule will be |

|Labor schedule has been end-dated. |used. |

|Any necessary distribution adjustments for this employee's compensation |Employee directory information has been verified or completed in HR |

|charges have been completed. |database: |

|Employee's user access and codes for your org have been terminated: |Office location and mail code |

|Oracle responsibilities (including TAC responsibilities if any) (use |Directory title |

| |Directory listing preferences |

|START People Lists (use |Appropriate user access and codes have been requested: |

|Orbitz |Oracle responsibilities (use |

|STARS |START People Lists (use |

|Effort Reporting |Orbitz |

|BMS/FMT (YSM only) |STARS |

|Kronos |Effort Reporting |

|Purchasing card |BMS/FMT (YSM only) |

|VIP number(s) |Kronos |

|Long distance Toll Authorization Number (use |Purchasing card |

|Voicemail (use |VIP number(s) |

|Security code(s), door access ID swipe, etc. |Long distance Toll Authorization Number (use |

|Other User Accounts |Voicemail (use |

|(refer to ITS Administrative Applications website) |Security code(s), door access ID swipe, etc. |

|Delete or Transfer DWH Portal Scheduled Reports (contact |Other User Accounts |

| |(refer to ITS Administrative Applications website) |

|Charging for employee's e-mail has been changed to employee's new org (use | |

| |Charging for employee's e-mail has been changed to your org (use |

|Employee has returned relevant University items: | |

|Badge, Dining Hall Card/Stock Room Card |Employee has received relevant items: |

|Keys |Badge, Dining Hall card/Stock Room Card |

|Telephone card |Keys |

|Computer equipment, beepers, cell phones, etc. |Telephone card |

|Safety equipment, tools, uniforms |Computer equipment, beepers, cell phones, etc. |

|Parking permits, passes |Safety equipment, tools, uniforms |

|Manuals, handbooks |Parking permits, passes |

|Other:_____________________________ |Manuals, handbooks |

| |Orientation, required seminars, etc. |

| |Other:________________________ |


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