
Issued Date: 07-20-21

Effective Date: 07-20-21

Updated Date:



A. The Philadelphia Police Department maintains an Employee Assistance Program through the Employee Assistance Program Unit (EAP) to help all sworn and civilian Police Department employees resolve problems affecting their job performance and/or personal life. Also, because personal or family issues may eventually affect the performance of an employee, both employees and their families may use the services provided by the EAP to help resolve these issues.

B. The mission of the Employee Assistance Program Unit (EAP) is to assist police department personnel and their families in overcoming problems that are affecting their professional and/or personal life. The EAP Unit provides peer counseling and support services by making assessments and providing referral services. The services are confidential and tailored to address the needs of the individual.

C. Under no circumstance does this directive relieve any Commanding Officer or supervisor of their responsibility in regard to the enforcement of other departmental policies or procedures, e.g., Directive 8.8 "Request for Mental Fitness for Duty Evaluation," the Disciplinary Code of Conduct, or the PA Crimes Code.

NOTE: For "Fitness For Duty" evaluations, refer to Directive 8.8 entitled, "Request for Mental Fitness for Duty Evaluation."

D. Currently, the Philadelphia Police Department's EAP Unit has a partnership with Penn Behavioral Health (PBH) to provide EAP services as an external resource. Services are now available both internally through the EAP Unit, and/or externally via Penn Behavioral Health.

NOTE: Penn Behavioral Health's Employee Assistance Program is a voluntary, professional and confidential counseling service designed to help you, and your family resolve a wide variety of personal problems. Civilian employees must contact their health care provider for any additional external agency support as PBH is not covered under their current health plan.

E. All services provided by the EAP, PBH, and/or outside providers are strictly confidential.

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A. The EAP Unit will provide appropriate confidential peer counseling and support services in areas that may include, but are not limited to:

1. Family and marital issues; 2. Mental health issues; 3. Stress-related issues; 4. Career and job-related issues; 5. Grief concerns; 6. Crisis intervention; 7. Alcohol and or chemical dependency; 8. Assisting families of deceased officers; 9. Critical incidents; and/or 10. Line of duty deaths. 11. Financial difficulties/gambling problems.

B. The services of the EAP Unit are provided free of cost to Philadelphia Police Department employees and their family members. (PLEAC 4.15.1)

NOTE: The EAP peer counselors will refer clients to Penn Behavioral Health and/or to outside professionals when appropriate. The costs of the services provided by outside professionals are the responsibilities of the client which may be covered by the employee's health insurance plan. The Police Department does not assume any liability for payment for any services rendered by a referred provider. Civilian employees must contact their health care provider for any additional external agency support as PBH is not covered under their current health plan.

C. Participation in the EAP may be terminated if an individual engages in conduct that is contrary to the law; exhibit's behavior that would threaten either their own safety and/ or the safety of others; or shows an unwillingness to follow the EAP recommendations.

D. All information and records are confidential within the confines of the applicable laws and the scope of the EAP with the following exceptions:

1. The client gives permission for the release of the information; 2. There is a bona fide medical emergency, in which case only pertinent information

may be released and only to medical personnel; 3. There is imminent danger of suicide or physical harm to the client or another; 4. There is suspected abuse or neglect of a child; 5. A crime is committed or threatened; 6. To verify attendance of an on-duty employee at the EAP to the employee's

supervisor or Commanding Officer (on-duty only);

DIRECTIVE 6.14 - 2

7. To notify the employee's district/unit of the employee's sick status if the employee is unable to do so.

E. No information concerning an employee's participation in the EAP may be included in an employee's personnel file.

F. An employee's career or promotional opportunities/eligibility within the Department WILL NOT be jeopardized because of their participation in services provided by the EAP.

G. Although the EAP gives personnel an opportunity to resolve issues that may affect job performance, the ultimate responsibility for proper conduct and performance rests with the individual employee.



A. Self-referrals

1. Employees and their families wishing to utilize the services of the EAP are encouraged to seek confidential counseling to address their concerns. They may contact the EAP or Penn Behavioral Health to set up an appointment at the below listed contact information. Although appointments are preferred, employees may walk-in without an appointment at the PPD/EAP Unit for service during normal business hours.

2. The EAP Unit may be contacted at (215) XXX-XXXX to set up an appointment. The EAP Unit is located at . REDACTED ? LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE

3. Penn Behavioral Health may be contacted at 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX to schedule an appointment with a provider for service.

4. The Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #5, in concert with Law Enforcement Health Benefits has created the "Law Enforcement Peer Support Network (LEPSN)." The LEPSN can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by contacting 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX or online at REDACTED ? LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE

B. Supervisory Referrals

1. Supervisors noticing a significant change in a subordinate's behavior, job performance, relationship to peers or the public, involved in a critical incident, as well as a domestic incident, etc., may require the employee to attend the EAP.

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2. An employee may be referred to the EAP by their supervisor after the employee has informed the supervisor of their concerns and requests the assistance of EAP (i.e., experiencing stress resulting from personal concerns or experiencing grief after the loss of a loved one or coworker). The supervisor WILL hold that conversation with the employee in strict confidence.

3. The referring supervisor will contact the EAP and schedule an appointment for the employee. The supervisor will provide the employee's name, badge number, payroll number, unit, platoon, and the circumstances surrounding the request.

4. Employees referred to the EAP by their supervisor will be carried on the DAR as working at their district/unit and detailed for training on the day of the appointment. The detail will constitute the employee's tour of duty. No identifying remarks or information that indicates an employee was referred to the EAP will be recorded on the DAR, the Sending and Receiving Sheet, or any other Police Department document.

5. All discussions between the EAP peer counselor, PBH, and/or outside provider, and the employee will be strictly voluntary and confidential.

6. The purpose of the supervisor's referral is to improve an employee's performance and/or provide the employee with the assistance needed to address their concerns. It shall not be utilized as a form of discipline, or replace disciplinary action when such action is appropriate.

7. An employee referred and detailed to the EAP must appear for the appointment as scheduled. Failure to attend as scheduled for an appointment when detailed to the EAP can result in disciplinary action. The officer's appointment will be rescheduled if the officer receives a court notice for the same date and time of their scheduled appointment.

8. Once the appointment is complete, the peer counselor will telephone the appropriate Commanding Officer or supervisor to confirm that the employee has attended the meeting. Information pertaining to the appointment WILL NOT be discussed between the peer counselor and supervisor or Commanding Officer without the consent of the employee.

NOTE: When warranted, the supervisor may transport an employee to the EAP unit for immediate service. After the employee has conferred with the peer counselor and no further service is warranted, the officer may be transported back to their district/unit to complete their tour of duty. If further care is necessary, the appropriate arrangements will be made by the peer counselor. When immediate additional care is required, the officer will be carried "T" (Training) for the remainder of their tour.

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C. Departmental referrals

1. As per departmental policy, officers will be referred to the EAP and scheduled for an appointment for confidential counseling. Below is an example of the areas where an officer may be referred to the EAP per departmental policies:

a. Police discharges; b. Employees returning from military deployment; c. Officers receiving PFAs; d. Shooting incidents; and/or e. Use of force incidents resulting in death or serious bodily injury.

(PLEAC 1.3.7)

2. Personnel of the EAP may respond to the police discharge, but will not participate or interfere in the investigation.

3. An appointment with the EAP will be scheduled by the discharging officer's Commanding Officer within five (5) business days after the discharge. This is mandatory and will be regarded as a supervisory referral.

NOTE: Commanding Officers may use their discretion regarding required EAP counseling when the discharge is predetermined (i.e., an injured deer that should be destroyed for humane reasons). Personnel will refer to Discharges Involving Animals located in Directive 10.1, "Use of ForceInvolving the Discharge of Firearms" for addition information.

4. The Commanding Officer of Internal Affairs who coordinates the post-firearm discharge procedures will be notified at the completion of the scheduled appointment and compliance with the commissioner's orders.

5. A follow-up contact will be scheduled with the officer by the EAP peer counselor at an appropriate time interval.

NOTE: In any serious situation, the services of the on-call staff peer counselor may be requested through Police Radio at (215) XXX-XXXX. Police Radio will notify the Commanding Officer, EAP Unit, who will assess the request and determine the appropriate response. The on-call peer counselor will respond in person or via telephone as directed by the Commanding Officer, EAP Unit.

DIRECTIVE 6.14 - 5


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