
Employer Information Report EEO-1Parent CompanyCompany Name _____________________________________________________Address ____________________________________________________________City ___________________________ State _______________________________ZIP Code ____________________Business Filing Report (omit if same as above)Company Name _____________________________________________________Address ____________________________________________________________City ___________________________ State _______________________________ZIP Code ____________________Employer Identification Number (9 digits) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __Was an EEO-1 report filed for this organization last year? ___Yes ___N0Employer QuestionnaireDoes the company for which you are filing have at least 100 employees on its payroll for this reporting period? Is your company affiliated with, owned by or managed by any enterprise with more than 100 employees on payroll?Does the company or any of its divisions/affiliates have (a.) more than 50 employees, AND (b.) no 41 CRF 60-1.5 exemption, AND (c.) act as a contractor, subcontractor or prime contractor or have a purchase order amounting in over $50,000 or serve as a depository for U.S. Government funds or act as a financial institution issuing Government Savings Bonds and Savings Notes?If yes, enter your 9-digit Dun and Bradstreet ID number: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Employment DataMaleFemaleJob CategoriesCaucasianBlackHispanicAsianFirst NationsCaucasianBlackHispanicAsianFirst NationsOffice and ManagersProfessionalsTechniciansSales WorkersCraft WorkersOperativesLaborersService WorkersTotalPayroll dates of employment used: ______________________________Does this employer employ apprentices? __Yes __NoEstablishment InformationPlease briefly describe the industry and major activity of this business:CommentsYou may add any information that you feel helps to explain any of the information about or may be relevant to the EEOC in any way:Certification___ The information in this report accurately reflects the employment records of this business.___ This report has been prepared in accordance to EEOC instructions.Name of certifying officialTitleSignatureDateContact personAddressTitleCity, StateZip CodeTelephone NumberExtension ................

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