
ON-SCREEN TEXT: OSU Logo. DIVERSIFIVE “That’s an Adorable Dog! Can I Pet it? Emily Cheng, Director of Disability Services and Diversity and Cathy Tuton, Student.VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Scene cuts to the mural word wall with diversity empowering words with Emily Cheng sitting in a three-wheel mobility scooter on the left and Cathy Tuton standing holding the leash of a chocolate English Lab service dog in her right hand. She is also wearing a fanny pack and holding a walking cane in the other hand. Hey everyone this is Emily from the OSU-OKC Disability Services and Diversity Office coming at you with another of our Diversi-FIVE video series where we explore various diversity topics in five minutes or less! Today we've got a special guest star. Hi my name is Cathy Tuton and this is my service dog Jake. I'm a student here at OSU-OKC and today we're going to be talking about, "Oh, what a cute dog, can I pet it?" and the do's and don'ts. And you can find a transcript just above the video link for those who are blind, visually impaired, and audio learners. ON-SCREEN TEXT: What are service dogs?What is a service dog anyways? VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Scene cuts to Cathy speaking in front of the mural word wall.A service dog is a dog that's trained to do a specific task for its handler. ON-SCREEN TEXT: If you see someone with a dog on campus, it’s a service dog and not a pet.When you see a dog on campus, it's a service dog, not a pet. VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Scene cuts to Cathy speaking in front of the mural word wall.Even though it may look like a pet it's still a working dog. ON-SCREEN TEXT: Service dogs are actively working, even when they seem to be resting.A service dog is actively working while at rest. VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Jake, the service dog, is resting on the floor with his head over his paw and Cathy’s legs behind him. Even though it may appear to be resting, it's still alert and waiting for the next task to do. ON-SCREEN TEXT: Petting a service dog without permission from the owner can interfere with the work it is performing.VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Cathy and service dog Jake are walking in front of word mural from right when a man comes walking into the scene from left talking and bending over to pet Jake vigorously with both hands.Awww, look at the dog, how pretty! I'm sorry, you can't pet my service dog while he's working. (sarcastic noise) He obviously likes it though! VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Man on left, service dog Jake in middle, and Cathy on right all in front of word mural when woman enters scene from left and stands there watching the conversation.But when you pet a service dog while they're working you're distracting them from their job that they're performing. VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Woman who entered on left now turns head to look at video camera and simultaneously shakes head “no” (facial expression corresponds with a negative look) while wagging index finger “no.” Man puts hands on hips and shakes his head and woman leaves the scene on the left while moon walking backwards and fluttering arms up and down. Man looks at woman leaving scene and takes a double take.ON-SCREEN TEXT: Ask the owner for permission before approaching the service dog.VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Cathy and service dog Jake are walking in front of word mural from right when a man comes walking into the scene from left. Man begins to speak and they all stop in front of word mural.Well that's a nice looking dog! My name is Alfredo, may I pet him? Thank you for asking, but he can't be petted while he's working. Oh, that's okay. VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Alfredo on left, service dog Jake in middle, and Cathy on right all in front of word mural when another man enters scene from left and bends down slightly in front, smiles broadly and gives “2 THUMBS UP.” ON-SCREEN TEXT: How will YOU DIVERSIFIVE? Have an idea for a future Diversi-Five topic? Want to talk about diversity and inclusion at OSU-OKC? We’ve got you. Disability Services and Diversity Office. Student Center, Room 136. Voice: (405) 945-3385. diversity@osuokc.edu.VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Small video box appears in lower left hand corner showing Emily sitting in a three-wheel mobility scooter in front of the word mural and speaking.So here's the power question. How will YOU Diversi-FIVE? Do you have an idea for a future Diversi-FIVE topic or want to talk about diversity and inclusion here at OSU-OKC? Reach out to us, we would love to hear from you. Thanks for watching and see you next time!VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Small video box disappears and scene cuts to Jake the service dog laying on the floor with his head on his paw and Cathy’s legs behind him. ON-SCREEN TEXT: Special thanks to: Matt Lewis, Alfredo Melchor, Shekina Roberson, Cathy Tuton, Zach Wright and Jake. ................

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