Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13152> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":null,"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466308148","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":null,"notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-e9ad3b2b-93f8-413c-ad70-83eb0ae963d3"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13152> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":null,"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466308148","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":null,"notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-e9ad3b2b-93f8-413c-ad70-83eb0ae963d3"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13152> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13152> -- info -- handleStartupEvent: Args: --squirrel-install Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13152> -- info -- The writeInstallOrUpdateTime passed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13152> -- info -- Executing squirrel command: --createShortcut=Teams.exe Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13152> -- info -- Command Line State - SquirrelHandled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13152> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13152> -- info -- Quitting app after install Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":null,"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466308148","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":null,"notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-e9ad3b2b-93f8-413c-ad70-83eb0ae963d3"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":null,"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466308148","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":null,"notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-e9ad3b2b-93f8-413c-ad70-83eb0ae963d3"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- handleStartupEvent: Args: --squirrel-firstrun undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 11, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- File not found for storage.json. Ignore if this is the first-run of the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f2afd230-7989-407c-a13c-8cdc6d84d753, scenarioName: desktop_install, name: desktop_install, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 10, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_install, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- App install time: 8681 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- delta: 8681, scenarioDelta: 8681, type: false, status: success, scenario: f2afd230-7989-407c-a13c-8cdc6d84d753, scenarioName: desktop_install, name: desktop_install, step: stop, sequence: 1, elapsed: 17, distSrc: default, source: exe, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_install, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 4, delta: 292, scenarioDelta: 292, elapsed: 292, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 829c7685-41b5-477e-8bf7-c462c4bc9b45, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 293, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 691d9949-3721-475f-9be9-04f4e2d892d5, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 296, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- settings.json does not exist, using default settings Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 691d9949-3721-475f-9be9-04f4e2d892d5, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 3, scenarioDelta: 3, elapsed: 299, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7dc6dde6-ef5d-427f-98f9-ecbe418e8fd5, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 299, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6 and desktop session of desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 5d403138-de15-4a06-ab9e-85e38c653296, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 302, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 5d403138-de15-4a06-ab9e-85e38c653296, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 302, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason userInitiated Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: userInitiated, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- handleStartupEvent: Args: --squirrel-firstrun undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: fd68500f-fdf3-46df-ace0-aac5b64335e1, scenarioName: desktop_install, name: desktop_install, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 423, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_install, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- App install time: 9089 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- delta: 9089, scenarioDelta: 9089, type: false, status: success, scenario: fd68500f-fdf3-46df-ace0-aac5b64335e1, scenarioName: desktop_install, name: desktop_install, step: stop, sequence: 1, elapsed: 424, distSrc: default, source: exe, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_install, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: fe41911a-8532-45a8-9db4-aa56a600392e, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 635, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: fe41911a-8532-45a8-9db4-aa56a600392e, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 636, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 89ffc255-19b7-421e-b4ee-6dac10cff8f7, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 650, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- bucketId: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- regularJitter: 600000 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- hotfixJitter: 300000 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- randomNumber: 0.19480088560634878 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- intraBucketRegularJitter: 58440 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- intraBucketHotfixJitter: 29220 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- getRegularJitterTime: 58440 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- getHotfixJitterTime: 29220 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- getInitialFrequency: 958440 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- getCheckFrequency: 10800000 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 0515d5ed-f126-4208-8ea7-a64f40df65a7, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 659, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 0515d5ed-f126-4208-8ea7-a64f40df65a7, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 660, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: 7dc6dde6-ef5d-427f-98f9-ecbe418e8fd5, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 363, scenarioDelta: 363, elapsed: 662, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Loading window shown with focus due to first show Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url file: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 89ffc255-19b7-421e-b4ee-6dac10cff8f7, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 546, scenarioDelta: 546, elapsed: 1196, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 68d0795a-3933-40e1-b092-29e2fa3564bb, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1375, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 53048, privateBytes: 34392, sharedBytes: 31144, workingSetSize: 53036, status: success, scenario: 68d0795a-3933-40e1-b092-29e2fa3564bb, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 1386, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- startPage: Base url fetched from qsp of start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- startPage: dom loaded, checking for network connectivity Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- startPage: XHR request executed for url: desktopclient/settings method: GET Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- startPage: XHR request response for url: desktopclient/settings method: GET Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- startPage: XHR request success status: 200 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- startPage: Successfully fetched ecs settings. Network online. Navigating to web app. settings: {"ring":"general","env":"prod","region":"msteams-web-prod-usnc-02","ETag":"\"ApBOdMhDpEWPH1KGTro9rFwodOy2eVrO8njuOSquFgw=\"","ConfigIds":"P-R-42297-1-3,P-R-42088-1-4,P-R-40949-1-10,P-R-40208-2-15,P-R-38220-1-4,P-R-37406-1-7,P-R-39712-1-4,P-R-38779-1-9,P-R-38636-6-43,P-R-39105-1-11,P-R-38317-1-6,P-R-35697-1-13,P-R-35342-2-15,P-R-35087-1-27,P-R-34341-1-9,P-R-33341-1-11,P-R-33110-1-29,P-R-31345-1-199,P-R-29076-1-6,P-R-28767-1-8,P-R-28540-2-8,P-R-28312-1-10,P-R-28069-1-17,P-R-26562-1-12,P-R-26527-5-20,P-R-26164-1-11,P-R-25785-1-30,P-R-25095-9-70,P-R-24446-1-11,P-R-24191-1-9,P-R-23504-1-15,P-R-19719-5-34087","settings":{"bucketId":1,"forceRestartGuid":"4","enableOfficeIntegration":true,"enableStatusIndicatorIconV3":true,"enableMachineActivityCheck":true,"enableScreenSharingToolbar":true,"enableSharingToolbarVanish":true,"enableSharingToolbarVanishOsx":true,"loggingConstants":{"loglevel":2},"startPagePathAppCache":"https:// Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- startPage: Navigate to web app in progress... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: no previous app states Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 82576dde-ad72-40c5-9fbd-233336063d22, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1813, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Current guest tenants: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: da37edb8-b73d-416b-9e3d-cc97d00bb541, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1815, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- error -- ADAL: Failed to unregister ADAL version with error: Message: [RegistryWin] Unable to open registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Teams failed: The operation completed successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: da37edb8-b73d-416b-9e3d-cc97d00bb541, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 1817, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: 5b984e06-6eab-4d44-9713-40af88b040ea Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 5b984e06-6eab-4d44-9713-40af88b040ea, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 031537a5-d79c-44f2-91ed-9ffbd2cbb38e, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 409, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Login successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- SSO: Login successful, correlationId:031537a5-d79c-44f2-91ed-9ffbd2cbb38e Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant list updated:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL:https:// Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 82576dde-ad72-40c5-9fbd-233336063d22, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 5, scenarioDelta: 5, elapsed: 1818, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 82576dde-ad72-40c5-9fbd-233336063d22, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 9, scenarioDelta: 9, elapsed: 1822, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- correlationId: 5b984e06-6eab-4d44-9713-40af88b040ea, status: success, scenario: 82576dde-ad72-40c5-9fbd-233336063d22, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 9, scenarioDelta: 9, elapsed: 1822, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 82576dde-ad72-40c5-9fbd-233336063d22, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 1824, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: 82576dde-ad72-40c5-9fbd-233336063d22, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 1824, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 82576dde-ad72-40c5-9fbd-233336063d22, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 1824, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- correlationId: 031537a5-d79c-44f2-91ed-9ffbd2cbb38e, status: success, scenario: 82576dde-ad72-40c5-9fbd-233336063d22, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 7, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 1824, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 82576dde-ad72-40c5-9fbd-233336063d22, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: id-tokenstatus, sequence: 8, delta: 421, scenarioDelta: 421, elapsed: 2234, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: id-tokenstatus, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 82576dde-ad72-40c5-9fbd-233336063d22, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: login_ui_success, sequence: 9, delta: 421, scenarioDelta: 421, elapsed: 2234, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: login_ui_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 82576dde-ad72-40c5-9fbd-233336063d22, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 10, delta: 425, scenarioDelta: 425, elapsed: 2238, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 82576dde-ad72-40c5-9fbd-233336063d22, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 11, delta: 425, scenarioDelta: 425, elapsed: 2238, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 82576dde-ad72-40c5-9fbd-233336063d22, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 12, delta: 428, scenarioDelta: 428, elapsed: 2241, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 82576dde-ad72-40c5-9fbd-233336063d22, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 13, delta: 429, scenarioDelta: 429, elapsed: 2242, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Loading web app url https:// Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d36035dc-7ef8-4ef3-b5f8-7f774f955843, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2657, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9d36a108-e5f3-4b38-a373-7d7407f6dc95, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2666, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: af2b5525-2979-461c-a8b3-ad559e6ab8b6, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2945, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: 9d36a108-e5f3-4b38-a373-7d7407f6dc95, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 279, scenarioDelta: 279, elapsed: 2945, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- duration: 11.800000000221189, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 2e62266d-8398-4c12-9522-ccb045deaf05, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2994, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- duration: 11.800000000221189, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 2e62266d-8398-4c12-9522-ccb045deaf05, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2995, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- duration: 3.4999999988940544, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: ff17e8c2-1a89-4b80-920d-a507392360fe, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2998, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- duration: 3.4999999988940544, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: ff17e8c2-1a89-4b80-920d-a507392360fe, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2998, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 60916, privateBytes: 42208, sharedBytes: 31916, workingSetSize: 60912, status: success, scenario: d36035dc-7ef8-4ef3-b5f8-7f774f955843, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 348, scenarioDelta: 348, elapsed: 3005, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url https:// Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Unload Event. WebAppState changed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 64144, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d6e1485e-295e-4ebc-a6a3-af46825cc4a2, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6059, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: false, scenario: d6e1485e-295e-4ebc-a6a3-af46825cc4a2, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 6060, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: false, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- RegistryService: initialAppPrefs.registerAsIMProvider=true, isRegistered=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Set app preferences Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: e0a4c58d-c7d2-4f60-9304-76f5144fb967, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 244856, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- addZoomEventListeners: zoom event listeners already added for this window or view Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 12, scenarioDelta: 12, elapsed: 12, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 13, scenarioDelta: 13, elapsed: 13, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 3, delta: 17, scenarioDelta: 17, elapsed: 17, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 293, scenarioDelta: 293, elapsed: 293, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 6, delta: 310, scenarioDelta: 310, elapsed: 310, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 7, delta: 375, scenarioDelta: 375, elapsed: 375, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 8, delta: 422, scenarioDelta: 422, elapsed: 422, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 9, delta: 422, scenarioDelta: 422, elapsed: 422, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 10, delta: 424, scenarioDelta: 424, elapsed: 424, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_start, sequence: 11, delta: 425, scenarioDelta: 425, elapsed: 425, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready_end, sequence: 12, delta: 659, scenarioDelta: 659, elapsed: 659, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_end, sequence: 13, delta: 667, scenarioDelta: 667, elapsed: 667, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 14, delta: 1376, scenarioDelta: 1376, elapsed: 1376, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 15, delta: 1376, scenarioDelta: 1376, elapsed: 1376, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 16, delta: 1387, scenarioDelta: 1387, elapsed: 1387, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 17, delta: 1388, scenarioDelta: 1388, elapsed: 1388, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_start, sequence: 18, delta: 1800, scenarioDelta: 1800, elapsed: 1800, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_stop, sequence: 19, delta: 2247, scenarioDelta: 2247, elapsed: 2247, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 20, delta: 2658, scenarioDelta: 2658, elapsed: 2658, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 21, delta: 2658, scenarioDelta: 2658, elapsed: 2658, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 22, delta: 3005, scenarioDelta: 3005, elapsed: 3005, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 23, delta: 3005, scenarioDelta: 3005, elapsed: 3005, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- delta: 6119, status: success, scenario: 9e2bbd3c-be50-48b2-b1c9-e676a0da1461, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 24, scenarioDelta: 6119, elapsed: 6119, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 13d30154-1a8f-4057-9b29-ad6b3abb8888, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 293, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 13d30154-1a8f-4057-9b29-ad6b3abb8888, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 365, scenarioDelta: 365, elapsed: 658, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Setting app session to 113a6300-14bf-3dd1-a2f6-08c1a932da63 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 8.875 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 8fbeba3e-6fd5-4cb5-9a5b-a4d386b977f0, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6880, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: 8fbeba3e-6fd5-4cb5-9a5b-a4d386b977f0, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 6881, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + trueminimized: falsewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Main window shown active Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 4663, appRuntime: 6.905, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_install,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata, timeSinceActivity: 0.025, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 4.66700005531311, webAppStates: Unloaded,IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.22900009155273438, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_install,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:Unloaded,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.026000022888183594, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.22900009155273438, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 829c7685-41b5-477e-8bf7-c462c4bc9b45, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 6670, scenarioDelta: 6670, elapsed: 6963, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 15672 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Focusing main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Is foreground set to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: af2b5525-2979-461c-a8b3-ad559e6ab8b6, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 4039, scenarioDelta: 4039, elapsed: 6983, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- ETag updated to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Config Ids updated:null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- User ring is updated to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: desktop_user_ring_changed, previousRing: , eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Applied new settings data from ECS Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: desktop_settings_updated, settings: {"anonWiaEnabled":true,"enableSilentTokenRefreshMac":true,"enableGetCrashInfo":true,"enableWERInfo":true,"enableCustomWER":true,"enableMeetingAddin":true,"enableOutlookMeetingAddin":true,"enableMeetingAddinPrefetch":true,"meetingAddinCacheMinimumCreatedTime":"2017-05-29T00:00:00Z","meetingAddinCheckCalendarPermissionsForScheduling":true,"meetingAddinEnableAsynchMeetingCancel":true,"meetingAddinEnableAsynchMeetingUpdate":true,"meetingAddinReportAccurateLoadTime":true,"enableMeetingAddinFastStartup":true,"enableOutlookVersionCheck":true,"minimumOutlookVersionForAddin":14,"skipOutlookVersionCheckForRegkeyAbsence":false,"meetingAddinEnableOnBehalfOfScheduling":true,"meetingAddinCheckDelegatePermissionsForScheduling":true,"meetingAddinBlockSchedulingTeamsMeetingOnSfbMeeting":true,"registerAddinOnMeetingPolicySettingsSync":true,"enableTeamsMeetingForSipDevices":true,"enableTeamsMeetingForVtcConfRoomDevices":true,"watchdogTimeout":90,"forceRestartGuid":"4","enableCertSelectionHandlerAfterAppLogin":true,"enableProcessIntegrityLevel":true,"enableShowWindowOnReload":true,"enableSfbTeamsIPC":true,"enableClosingServerAtShutdown":true,"enableTeamsUrlProtocolsV3":true,"enableLyncUrlProtocols":true,"enableNotificationShowRetry":true,"hideMainWinOnAutoRestartMac":true,"hideLoadingWinOnAutoRestartMac":true,"disableInternetExplorerWarnOnOpen":true,"onlineCheckAttemptLimit":8,"devicePermissionsEnabledV2":true,"silentUpdateImprovementEnabledV2":true,"teamsUpdateRegularJitterEnabled":false,"teamsUpdateHotfixJitterEnabled":false,"regionInTelemetryEnabled":true,"skipDefaultOopsPageDomains":["asm.","presence.teams.","aria.","","authsvc.teams.","api.teams.","msg.teams.","chatsvcagg.teams.","pipe.","notifications.teams.","substrate."],"skipDefaultOopsPageEnabledV1":true,"aeroPeekStatusButtons":true,"bucketId":197,"callMonitorWindowSandbox":true,"deferLoadAzureStorageEnabled":true,"disableAttachToInput":true,"disableQuietHoursForWindowsRS3Above":true,"enableAppSharingToolbarSandbox":true,"enableBlockInsecureNavigation":true,"enableBlockWebViewCreate":true,"enableBluetoothLE":true,"enableDecodeTokenAsUserProfile":true,"enableDirectDownload":true,"enableGetManagedInstaller":true,"enableGuestLoadingPage":true,"enableHostNameCapture":true,"enableImprovedInternalSingleFileDownload":true,"enableMacDaemonUpdater":true,"enableMinimizeCallMonitor":true,"enableMobilePage":true,"enableMouseButtonNavigation":true,"enableMsLaunchUriOnEdge":true,"enableNativeDiskUsage":true,"enableNotificationWindowAlwaysOnTop":true,"enableOpenExternal":true,"enablePkgGetInstaller":true,"enablePowerMonitor":true,"enableProcessIntegrityLevelTelemetry":true,"enablePstn":true,"enableQuietHoursBanner":true,"enableQuietHoursForWindows":true,"enableSetPermissionRequestHandler":true,"enableSpellCheckTimeout":true,"enableSsoWinCrashFix":true,"enableSystemTrayAccessibilityHackTriggerV2":true,"enableToolbarTransparencyBasedOnGPU":true,"enableUnAuthUpdates":true,"enableWebViewZoomFixV2":true,"enableWindowUpperBound":true,"enabledRequestPermissionList":["fullscreen"],"hostNamesLogList":["^(.*\\.)?teams\\.microsoft\\.com$","^(.*\\.)?skype\\.com$","^(.*\\.)?microsoftonline\\.com$","^(.*\\.)?office\\.com$","^(.*\\.)?skypeassets\\.com$","^(.*\\.)?data\\.microsoft\\.com$","^(.*\\.)?telemetry\\.microsoft\\.com$","^(.*\\.)?sharepoint\\.com$"],"isMsaDomainJoinedLoginEnabledV2":true,"knownMonitorRestoreEnable":true,"knownMonitorRestoreEnableTelemetry":true,"logoutIpcEventEnable":true,"macAadExpectedErrors":["-1001","-1003","-1004","-1005","-1009","-1200","-1202","306","310","311","403","-1206","211","205","400"],"macContextualInstallerEnabled":true,"meetingAddinAriaCollectorUrl":"","meetingAddinAriaToken":"4768049d206d4143a2631a05151cbd12-04a3c22e-e18e-42ea-bc8e-a94b3a3c8b30-7180","meetingAddinDefaultDiagnosticLevel":2,"meetingAddinEnableDeserializationIssue":true,"meetingAddinEnableGetJoinUrlFromMeetingItemForMSP":true,"meetingAddinEnableOfficeDataControls":true,"meetingAddinEnableTLS2ByDefault":true,"moveTrafficLightsUp":true,"netApiOnlineCheckEnabledV3":true,"notificationWindowSandboxV2":true,"oopsPageRestartEnabled":true,"preauthV2Valid":true,"slimCoreEnablePercentage":100,"slimCoreFlightPercentage":50,"ssoSkipIdTokenFetch":true,"statusOnTaskbarContextMenuV2":true,"suppressNotificationsWhenPresentingWindows":true,"suppressOopsForWarmBootV2":true,"suppressRestartLoopForSettings":true,"useConfimationWindow":true,"webAppDeeplink":true,"winAadExpectedErrors":["caa70004","caa7000d","caa20004","caa7000a","caa30191","caa70007","caa82ee2","caa82efd","caa82ee7","caa82f06","caa82eff","caa82f19","caa82f14","caa60007","caa82f0d","caaa0007","caa60003","caa20003","caa2000c","caa2000b","caa82eff","caa82f06","caa82f78","caa82f14","caa82efe","caa82eef","caa82f88","caa82f7d","caa82f05","caa82f89","caa10001","caa1002d"],"winProxyCredmanWriteEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- New settings are different from initialized settings Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- New settings require restart: ["forceRestartGuid"] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 314c1fe5-1aec-46c1-9186-6f2495609ef1, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 260312, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 49c4b78c-2f04-4474-8516-f6453c245c24, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 8493e93f-ef4a-49df-8125-7b3d4c8b5698, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 10235, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: false, scenario: 8493e93f-ef4a-49df-8125-7b3d4c8b5698, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 10236, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: false, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 553573f2-ce4a-4776-8fcf-dea05c754aff, scenarioName: desktop_register_im, name: desktop_register_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 10242, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 44116679-f5aa-42dd-9612-7a9b9d74e07c, scenarioName: desktop_register_im_lm, name: desktop_register_im_lm, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 10244, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_im_lm, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 44116679-f5aa-42dd-9612-7a9b9d74e07c, scenarioName: desktop_register_im_lm, name: desktop_register_im_lm, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 10244, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_im_lm, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: desktop_register_im, type: current_user, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- RegistryService: registered as IM provider Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 553573f2-ce4a-4776-8fcf-dea05c754aff, scenarioName: desktop_register_im, name: desktop_register_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 10246, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- RegistryService: Successfully registered Teams as the default IM provider. Sending out event and notification... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Set app preferences Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- OS Platform:win32, Release value: 10.0.18362, Notification type: 100, sourceThreadId: undefined, messageId: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b475d993-393b-4041-b179-dfb8b84a8052, scenarioName: desktop_notification_show, name: desktop_notification_show, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 10248, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_show, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- notification manager: new notification received imRegistered_fc232fe9-5527-46be-a752-259b4f38ca5b Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b475d993-393b-4041-b179-dfb8b84a8052, scenarioName: desktop_notification_show, name: desktop_notification_show, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 8, scenarioDelta: 8, elapsed: 10256, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_show, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- toast show bi event Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- panelview: Action.Gesture: , Action.Outcome: show, Action.Scenario: toastshow, Action.ScenarioType: show, Module.Name: toastitem, Module.Type: toast, Panel.ViewId: imRegistered_fc232fe9-5527-46be-a752-259b4f38ca5b, Panel.LaunchMethod: notification, Panel.LaunchSource: notification, Panel.Region: toast, Panel.Type: toast, Module.Summary: , DataBag.toastType: , DataBag.threadId: , DataBag.messageId: , windowIsDestroyed: false, windowIsFocused: true, windowIsVisible: true, windowIsMinimized: false, windowIsMaximized: false, windowIsFullscreen: false, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 10.484, appInitialized: true, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_install,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_register_im,desktop_register_im_lm,desktop_notification_show,panelview_toast_toastitem_toast, timeSinceActivity: 0.226, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,SettingsAppliedRestart, timeSinceAppState: 3.2139999866485596, webAppStates: Unloaded,IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 3.447000026702881, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:Unloaded,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,as:Initialized,wa:Interactive,as:SettingsAppliedRestart,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_register_im,ua:desktop_register_im_lm,ua:desktop_notification_show,ua:panelview_toast_toastitem_toast, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.2259998321533203, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.23599982261657715, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 113a6300-14bf-3dd1-a2f6-08c1a932da63 and desktop session of desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466570148,"session":"113a6300-14bf-3dd1-a2f6-08c1a932da63","desktopSession":"desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466559665","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466570148,"session":"113a6300-14bf-3dd1-a2f6-08c1a932da63","desktopSession":"desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466559665","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:14 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- error -- There are 1 open windows after main window closed, force closing all windows Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- event -- name: desktop_orphan_windows, count: 1, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <11708> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466570148,"session":"113a6300-14bf-3dd1-a2f6-08c1a932da63","desktopSession":"desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466559665","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466570148,"session":"113a6300-14bf-3dd1-a2f6-08c1a932da63","desktopSession":"desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466559665","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 265, scenarioDelta: 265, elapsed: 265, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 296, scenarioDelta: 296, elapsed: 296, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1c4c74fc-95bc-4a5e-81ab-8a07135ca914, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 297, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 00be71f7-bccf-4499-98ad-c811964eed27, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 300, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usnc-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 00be71f7-bccf-4499-98ad-c811964eed27, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 302, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 00be71f7-bccf-4499-98ad-c811964eed27, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 302, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 00be71f7-bccf-4499-98ad-c811964eed27, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 3, scenarioDelta: 3, elapsed: 303, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 00be71f7-bccf-4499-98ad-c811964eed27, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 5, scenarioDelta: 5, elapsed: 305, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8c513cb-a618-4af8-a2b9-48b1a03e7f15, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 308, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e and desktop session of desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b3fa2d2d-d7ab-49fa-a830-7082405ed0d9, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 310, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b3fa2d2d-d7ab-49fa-a830-7082405ed0d9, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 310, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 113a6300-14bf-3dd1-a2f6-08c1a932da63, crashDesktopSession: desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 15.492, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_install,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_register_im,desktop_register_im_lm,desktop_notification_show,panelview_toast_toastitem_toast, timeSinceActivity: 5.234, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,SettingsAppliedRestart,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.5750000476837158, webAppStates: Unloaded,IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.455000162124634, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:Unloaded,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,as:Initialized,wa:Interactive,as:SettingsAppliedRestart,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_register_im,ua:desktop_register_im_lm,ua:desktop_notification_show,ua:panelview_toast_toastitem_toast, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 113a6300-14bf-3dd1-a2f6-08c1a932da63 and desktop session id of desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- crashSession: 113a6300-14bf-3dd1-a2f6-08c1a932da63, crashDesktopSession: desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 15.492, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_install,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_register_im,desktop_register_im_lm,desktop_notification_show,panelview_toast_toastitem_toast, timeSinceActivity: 5.234, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,SettingsAppliedRestart,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.5750000476837158, webAppStates: Unloaded,IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.455000162124634, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:Unloaded,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,as:Initialized,wa:Interactive,as:SettingsAppliedRestart,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_register_im,ua:desktop_register_im_lm,ua:desktop_notification_show,ua:panelview_toast_toastitem_toast, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: c8ca1664-c4c5-4c6a-8412-8bf63e33e5f0, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 418, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- crashSession: 113a6300-14bf-3dd1-a2f6-08c1a932da63, crashDesktopSession: desktop-93825aef-7be6-4402-b1ab-1b8be2a3edf6, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 15.492, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_install,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_register_im,desktop_register_im_lm,desktop_notification_show,panelview_toast_toastitem_toast, timeSinceActivity: 5.234, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,SettingsAppliedRestart,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.5750000476837158, webAppStates: Unloaded,IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.455000162124634, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:Unloaded,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,as:Initialized,wa:Interactive,as:SettingsAppliedRestart,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_register_im,ua:desktop_register_im_lm,ua:desktop_notification_show,ua:panelview_toast_toastitem_toast, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: c8ca1664-c4c5-4c6a-8412-8bf63e33e5f0, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 419, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 05141b2d-b528-4004-bf9e-bccfac7fb322, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 551, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 05141b2d-b528-4004-bf9e-bccfac7fb322, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 552, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dab2013e-a11b-4497-9b2d-25d9baa360a1, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 567, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 4e22573a-942f-4b57-8b70-7deeb0e2adbf, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 601, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 4e22573a-942f-4b57-8b70-7deeb0e2adbf, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 602, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: c8c513cb-a618-4af8-a2b9-48b1a03e7f15, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 296, scenarioDelta: 296, elapsed: 604, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: is valid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: true, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: fcc733ef-e734-4310-b5ad-68a09acd139b, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 606, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Loading window shown minimized due to crash in background Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dab2013e-a11b-4497-9b2d-25d9baa360a1, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 474, scenarioDelta: 474, elapsed: 1041, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: fcc733ef-e734-4310-b5ad-68a09acd139b, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1138, scenarioDelta: 1138, elapsed: 1744, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:true, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b98f452e-d7d9-4630-98d9-1d1b97c44b5f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1763, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 2c24d285-d32e-475a-b8fa-c124a9478219, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1765, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- error -- ADAL: Failed to unregister ADAL version with error: Message: [RegistryWin] Unable to open registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Teams failed: The operation completed successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: 2c24d285-d32e-475a-b8fa-c124a9478219, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 1767, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: a254654f-aa2f-4a33-b6f9-af89d5669154 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: a254654f-aa2f-4a33-b6f9-af89d5669154, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b98f452e-d7d9-4630-98d9-1d1b97c44b5f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 5, scenarioDelta: 5, elapsed: 1768, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b98f452e-d7d9-4630-98d9-1d1b97c44b5f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 22, scenarioDelta: 22, elapsed: 1785, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- correlationId: a254654f-aa2f-4a33-b6f9-af89d5669154, status: success, scenario: b98f452e-d7d9-4630-98d9-1d1b97c44b5f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 22, scenarioDelta: 22, elapsed: 1785, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b98f452e-d7d9-4630-98d9-1d1b97c44b5f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 26, scenarioDelta: 26, elapsed: 1789, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: b98f452e-d7d9-4630-98d9-1d1b97c44b5f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 26, scenarioDelta: 26, elapsed: 1789, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b98f452e-d7d9-4630-98d9-1d1b97c44b5f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 26, scenarioDelta: 26, elapsed: 1789, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b98f452e-d7d9-4630-98d9-1d1b97c44b5f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 30, scenarioDelta: 30, elapsed: 1793, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b98f452e-d7d9-4630-98d9-1d1b97c44b5f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 30, scenarioDelta: 30, elapsed: 1793, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b98f452e-d7d9-4630-98d9-1d1b97c44b5f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 33, scenarioDelta: 33, elapsed: 1796, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b98f452e-d7d9-4630-98d9-1d1b97c44b5f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 36, scenarioDelta: 36, elapsed: 1799, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0668b2ae-bf95-476d-beda-6220b38c275c, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2225, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c82c6c5c-b457-4f10-af83-c35aa7e9be91, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2237, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: fb7b4e60-fdc3-47e9-b922-a7eef126435b, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2482, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: c82c6c5c-b457-4f10-af83-c35aa7e9be91, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 245, scenarioDelta: 245, elapsed: 2482, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- duration: 10.600000001431908, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 167322f9-6973-4aef-a060-57b9e02a36d8, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2523, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- duration: 10.600000001431908, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 167322f9-6973-4aef-a060-57b9e02a36d8, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2524, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- duration: 2.9000000013184035, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 2b671040-f35c-4f08-9502-90d1c2fe00ed, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2526, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- duration: 2.9000000013184035, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 2b671040-f35c-4f08-9502-90d1c2fe00ed, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2527, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 63712, privateBytes: 43720, sharedBytes: 34248, workingSetSize: 63708, status: success, scenario: 0668b2ae-bf95-476d-beda-6220b38c275c, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 306, scenarioDelta: 306, elapsed: 2531, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65052, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Loading window is restored Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 043b0ad5-03bf-490b-935e-11524eff4255, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4725, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 043b0ad5-03bf-490b-935e-11524eff4255, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4726, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- error -- Error saving cookie Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 245584, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 266, scenarioDelta: 266, elapsed: 266, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 267, scenarioDelta: 267, elapsed: 267, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 296, scenarioDelta: 296, elapsed: 296, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 317, scenarioDelta: 317, elapsed: 317, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 392, scenarioDelta: 392, elapsed: 392, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 415, scenarioDelta: 415, elapsed: 415, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 421, scenarioDelta: 421, elapsed: 421, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 421, scenarioDelta: 421, elapsed: 421, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_start, sequence: 10, delta: 423, scenarioDelta: 423, elapsed: 423, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready_end, sequence: 11, delta: 601, scenarioDelta: 601, elapsed: 601, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_end, sequence: 12, delta: 609, scenarioDelta: 609, elapsed: 609, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_start, sequence: 13, delta: 1747, scenarioDelta: 1747, elapsed: 1747, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_stop, sequence: 14, delta: 1803, scenarioDelta: 1803, elapsed: 1803, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 15, delta: 2226, scenarioDelta: 2226, elapsed: 2226, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 16, delta: 2226, scenarioDelta: 2226, elapsed: 2226, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 17, delta: 2532, scenarioDelta: 2532, elapsed: 2532, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 18, delta: 2532, scenarioDelta: 2532, elapsed: 2532, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- delta: 4800, status: success, scenario: db449144-c532-44c7-a58c-5be7646ed4d1, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 19, scenarioDelta: 4801, elapsed: 4801, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 7ce67f20-5ffe-4f56-8d2e-66266ac56b57, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 297, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 7ce67f20-5ffe-4f56-8d2e-66266ac56b57, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 303, scenarioDelta: 303, elapsed: 600, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Setting app session to 33d6d1b2-270d-01c0-49da-deceb663b8b6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ad1f2d03-428b-4b30-b347-bf7d87c9d53b, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4932, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: ad1f2d03-428b-4b30-b347-bf7d87c9d53b, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4933, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + trueminimized: falsewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Main window shown active Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 3160, appRuntime: 4.958, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata, timeSinceActivity: 0.026, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 3.1629998683929443, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.1639997959136963, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.025999784469604492, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.08899998664855957, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 69960131-23ab-462b-a97e-35e27bfa3be3, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 5063, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 69960131-23ab-462b-a97e-35e27bfa3be3, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 5063, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 64dd7f6c-ed0e-4450-b60c-5b8f0307b6e7, scenarioName: desktop_register_url_protocols, name: desktop_register_url_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 5065, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_url_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- RegistryService: successfully registered Teams App Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 64dd7f6c-ed0e-4450-b60c-5b8f0307b6e7, scenarioName: desktop_register_url_protocols, name: desktop_register_url_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 6, scenarioDelta: 6, elapsed: 5071, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_url_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a4dcfba0-3698-48ea-91d8-8769a58be762, scenarioName: desktop_register_key_to_disable_warning_on_open, name: desktop_register_key_to_disable_warning_on_open, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 5071, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_key_to_disable_warning_on_open, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- set disableWarningOnOpenKeyRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a4dcfba0-3698-48ea-91d8-8769a58be762, scenarioName: desktop_register_key_to_disable_warning_on_open, name: desktop_register_key_to_disable_warning_on_open, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 5072, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_key_to_disable_warning_on_open, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cafb0446-0c57-459e-b36a-e67681c019bf, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 5073, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: cafb0446-0c57-459e-b36a-e67681c019bf, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 5073, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1c4c74fc-95bc-4a5e-81ab-8a07135ca914, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 4777, scenarioDelta: 4777, elapsed: 5074, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 10868 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Focusing main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Is foreground set to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: fb7b4e60-fdc3-47e9-b922-a7eef126435b, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2599, scenarioDelta: 2599, elapsed: 5080, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- User region is updated to msteams-web-prod-usce-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: desktop_user_region_changed, previousRegion: msteams-web-prod-usnc-02, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:42:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 260000, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: teamsUpgradePolicyV2Synced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 70407e1a-3cb1-42d5-ac35-8980b7c81df1, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7327, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 70407e1a-3cb1-42d5-ac35-8980b7c81df1, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 7328, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 39ae5225-1dcb-4f3c-9009-f6cf391c8b16, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 447, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 8.909, appInitialized: true, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_url_protocols,desktop_register_key_to_disable_warning_on_open,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceActivity: 1.582, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 3.8450000286102295, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 4.115000009536743, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_url_protocols,ua:desktop_register_key_to_disable_warning_on_open,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 1.5820000171661377, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 3.8360002040863037, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 33d6d1b2-270d-01c0-49da-deceb663b8b6 and desktop session of desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466583648,"session":"33d6d1b2-270d-01c0-49da-deceb663b8b6","desktopSession":"desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466570148}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466574741","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466583648,"session":"33d6d1b2-270d-01c0-49da-deceb663b8b6","desktopSession":"desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466570148}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466574741","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- event -- eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- before-quit event raised. Closing the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- error -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:scan-stop BluetoothRadioState.Unavailable Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10984> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466583648,"session":"33d6d1b2-270d-01c0-49da-deceb663b8b6","desktopSession":"desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466570148}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466574741","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466583648,"session":"33d6d1b2-270d-01c0-49da-deceb663b8b6","desktopSession":"desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466570148}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466574741","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 240, scenarioDelta: 240, elapsed: 240, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 268, scenarioDelta: 268, elapsed: 268, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c7168e5d-1964-40a9-9866-89a2bac278e1, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 269, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6d66e8c0-7090-4dc9-b4b7-f4c9cf3dea0a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 272, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usce-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6d66e8c0-7090-4dc9-b4b7-f4c9cf3dea0a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 274, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6d66e8c0-7090-4dc9-b4b7-f4c9cf3dea0a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 274, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6d66e8c0-7090-4dc9-b4b7-f4c9cf3dea0a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 3, scenarioDelta: 3, elapsed: 275, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6d66e8c0-7090-4dc9-b4b7-f4c9cf3dea0a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 5, scenarioDelta: 5, elapsed: 277, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 29ad06a6-b2cf-46a9-ba36-6ec018b83b53, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 280, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3 and desktop session of desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 27c0239b-b255-4342-b066-a36c445f223b, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 282, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 27c0239b-b255-4342-b066-a36c445f223b, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 282, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 33d6d1b2-270d-01c0-49da-deceb663b8b6, crashDesktopSession: desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.611, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_url_protocols,desktop_register_key_to_disable_warning_on_open,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceActivity: 6.284, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.433000087738037, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.816999912261963, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_url_protocols,ua:desktop_register_key_to_disable_warning_on_open,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 33d6d1b2-270d-01c0-49da-deceb663b8b6 and desktop session id of desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- crashSession: 33d6d1b2-270d-01c0-49da-deceb663b8b6, crashDesktopSession: desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.611, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_url_protocols,desktop_register_key_to_disable_warning_on_open,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceActivity: 6.284, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.433000087738037, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.816999912261963, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_url_protocols,ua:desktop_register_key_to_disable_warning_on_open,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 194791e6-dbfc-46c6-98a2-9f44b1540551, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 382, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- crashSession: 33d6d1b2-270d-01c0-49da-deceb663b8b6, crashDesktopSession: desktop-a162bb75-af87-4704-b0e1-a686cdb4050e, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.611, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_url_protocols,desktop_register_key_to_disable_warning_on_open,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceActivity: 6.284, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.433000087738037, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.816999912261963, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_url_protocols,ua:desktop_register_key_to_disable_warning_on_open,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 194791e6-dbfc-46c6-98a2-9f44b1540551, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 383, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 90cf0d24-e2e3-4a21-bee5-237e4ae9a08b, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 547, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 90cf0d24-e2e3-4a21-bee5-237e4ae9a08b, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 548, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 43eb67dd-b4ae-432b-9e90-f4931b35ea11, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 563, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 3bac553f-5a74-402b-9e9c-68836662ab15, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 592, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 3bac553f-5a74-402b-9e9c-68836662ab15, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 593, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: 29ad06a6-b2cf-46a9-ba36-6ec018b83b53, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 315, scenarioDelta: 315, elapsed: 595, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: is valid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: true, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: 521cc30e-c14e-448e-a08f-3604cedc8148, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 597, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Loading window shown minimized due to crash in background Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 43eb67dd-b4ae-432b-9e90-f4931b35ea11, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 372, scenarioDelta: 372, elapsed: 935, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: 521cc30e-c14e-448e-a08f-3604cedc8148, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1253, scenarioDelta: 1253, elapsed: 1849, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:true, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6d8d21a3-e2da-4226-a85b-275f92341fda, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1864, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f3e40057-787e-4620-9f76-9a0c78feb35f, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1866, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f3e40057-787e-4620-9f76-9a0c78feb35f, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1866, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: e7bb3dd7-7f97-43ec-9fa3-a55ebca4018d Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: e7bb3dd7-7f97-43ec-9fa3-a55ebca4018d, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6d8d21a3-e2da-4226-a85b-275f92341fda, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 1868, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6d8d21a3-e2da-4226-a85b-275f92341fda, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 8, scenarioDelta: 8, elapsed: 1872, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- correlationId: e7bb3dd7-7f97-43ec-9fa3-a55ebca4018d, status: success, scenario: 6d8d21a3-e2da-4226-a85b-275f92341fda, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 9, scenarioDelta: 9, elapsed: 1873, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6d8d21a3-e2da-4226-a85b-275f92341fda, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 10, scenarioDelta: 10, elapsed: 1874, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: 6d8d21a3-e2da-4226-a85b-275f92341fda, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 10, scenarioDelta: 10, elapsed: 1874, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6d8d21a3-e2da-4226-a85b-275f92341fda, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 1875, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6d8d21a3-e2da-4226-a85b-275f92341fda, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 14, scenarioDelta: 14, elapsed: 1878, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6d8d21a3-e2da-4226-a85b-275f92341fda, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 14, scenarioDelta: 14, elapsed: 1878, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6d8d21a3-e2da-4226-a85b-275f92341fda, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 17, scenarioDelta: 17, elapsed: 1881, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6d8d21a3-e2da-4226-a85b-275f92341fda, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 19, scenarioDelta: 19, elapsed: 1883, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aa279a49-3954-449f-b5d8-950152d99f40, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2243, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: bb0b589f-b5e5-4ef2-ba77-0f66eea4c297, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2253, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 17ee157b-b892-4cdd-b1db-05cacbe3d4c1, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2517, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: bb0b589f-b5e5-4ef2-ba77-0f66eea4c297, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 265, scenarioDelta: 265, elapsed: 2517, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- duration: 9.700000000520959, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 3e0cd9a6-4bee-4dfb-a2ad-5d3214398ee8, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2555, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- duration: 9.700000000520959, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 3e0cd9a6-4bee-4dfb-a2ad-5d3214398ee8, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2556, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- duration: 2.7000000009138603, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: cdd9a39b-fe30-479b-bc08-1398f0a4f2a6, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2558, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- duration: 2.7000000009138603, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: cdd9a39b-fe30-479b-bc08-1398f0a4f2a6, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2558, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 63756, privateBytes: 43856, sharedBytes: 34276, workingSetSize: 63752, status: success, scenario: aa279a49-3954-449f-b5d8-950152d99f40, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 319, scenarioDelta: 319, elapsed: 2562, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65208, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 57984348-f236-4871-93b6-1405dca05da4, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4630, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 57984348-f236-4871-93b6-1405dca05da4, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4631, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- error -- Error saving cookie Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 245732, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 241, scenarioDelta: 241, elapsed: 241, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 242, scenarioDelta: 242, elapsed: 242, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 269, scenarioDelta: 269, elapsed: 269, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 290, scenarioDelta: 290, elapsed: 290, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 356, scenarioDelta: 356, elapsed: 356, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 380, scenarioDelta: 380, elapsed: 380, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 385, scenarioDelta: 385, elapsed: 385, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 385, scenarioDelta: 385, elapsed: 385, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_start, sequence: 10, delta: 388, scenarioDelta: 388, elapsed: 388, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready_end, sequence: 11, delta: 592, scenarioDelta: 592, elapsed: 592, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_end, sequence: 12, delta: 599, scenarioDelta: 599, elapsed: 599, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_start, sequence: 13, delta: 1851, scenarioDelta: 1851, elapsed: 1851, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_stop, sequence: 14, delta: 1886, scenarioDelta: 1886, elapsed: 1886, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 15, delta: 2244, scenarioDelta: 2244, elapsed: 2244, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 16, delta: 2244, scenarioDelta: 2244, elapsed: 2244, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 17, delta: 2563, scenarioDelta: 2563, elapsed: 2563, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 18, delta: 2563, scenarioDelta: 2563, elapsed: 2563, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- delta: 4710, status: success, scenario: ccae8724-6f89-4770-a93b-b4f407cb3857, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 19, scenarioDelta: 4710, elapsed: 4710, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f17e4bc1-12cc-49a0-86aa-2058a20ae9cf, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4826, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: f17e4bc1-12cc-49a0-86aa-2058a20ae9cf, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4827, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + trueminimized: truewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Main window shown minimized due to previous window was minimized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 2962, appRuntime: 4.845, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,app_launch_metadata, timeSinceActivity: 0.018, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 2.9660000801086426, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.1419999599456787, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:app_launch_metadata, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.017999887466430664, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.1419999599456787, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: e4ac81ab-71d1-482b-be1a-d13b850f146a, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4923, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: e4ac81ab-71d1-482b-be1a-d13b850f146a, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4924, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 5f06a6c3-61f1-4264-a7bd-3219eb4a8ce5, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4926, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: 5f06a6c3-61f1-4264-a7bd-3219eb4a8ce5, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4927, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c7168e5d-1964-40a9-9866-89a2bac278e1, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 4659, scenarioDelta: 4659, elapsed: 4928, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 9352 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 17ee157b-b892-4cdd-b1db-05cacbe3d4c1, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2415, scenarioDelta: 2415, elapsed: 4932, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 9d8a5b31-f19a-412c-acad-3ec32b782d41, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 269, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 9d8a5b31-f19a-412c-acad-3ec32b782d41, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 323, scenarioDelta: 323, elapsed: 592, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Setting app session to 1db578ed-27a7-a666-720f-32055375300f Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 259896, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- User region is updated to msteams-web-prod-usnc-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: desktop_user_region_changed, previousRegion: msteams-web-prod-usce-02, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 0.031 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: teamsUpgradePolicyV2Synced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 05832f3e-518c-4122-b841-ddeb03514c3e, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 13e5b275-8c5e-41d7-88cc-1ec2f45ae514, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6731, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 13e5b275-8c5e-41d7-88cc-1ec2f45ae514, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6731, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from Unknown to Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Added Available (current state: Unknown -> Available) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 16d4dbb1-a7e4-4b23-8f3a-51341a551eba, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6958, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 16d4dbb1-a7e4-4b23-8f3a-51341a551eba, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 6959, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 8.627, appInitialized: true, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_app_start,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 1.668, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 3.702000141143799, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 3.9240000247955322, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 1.6679999828338623, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 1.8960001468658447, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 1db578ed-27a7-a666-720f-32055375300f and desktop session of desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466596596,"session":"1db578ed-27a7-a666-720f-32055375300f","desktopSession":"desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466583648},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466570148}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466587971","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466596596,"session":"1db578ed-27a7-a666-720f-32055375300f","desktopSession":"desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466583648},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466570148}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466587971","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Focusing main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Is foreground set to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- before-quit event raised. Closing the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- error -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:scan-stop BluetoothRadioState.Unavailable Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <14224> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466596596,"session":"1db578ed-27a7-a666-720f-32055375300f","desktopSession":"desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466583648},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466570148}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466587971","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466596596,"session":"1db578ed-27a7-a666-720f-32055375300f","desktopSession":"desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466583648},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466570148}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466587971","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7d23d48f-3aea-4010-a84e-70cdf8518abf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 241, scenarioDelta: 241, elapsed: 241, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7d23d48f-3aea-4010-a84e-70cdf8518abf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 272, scenarioDelta: 272, elapsed: 272, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 56edd2c8-f2c6-4100-98f7-99a645f4c6cd, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 273, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a6cd8ba8-1465-4a76-81c0-d3748ecfff62, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 276, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usnc-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a6cd8ba8-1465-4a76-81c0-d3748ecfff62, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 277, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a6cd8ba8-1465-4a76-81c0-d3748ecfff62, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 278, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a6cd8ba8-1465-4a76-81c0-d3748ecfff62, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 3, scenarioDelta: 3, elapsed: 279, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a6cd8ba8-1465-4a76-81c0-d3748ecfff62, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 5, scenarioDelta: 5, elapsed: 281, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1af7f930-5e45-478e-a2bd-188cee18c5eb, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 283, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245 and desktop session of desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9010474d-0923-44a1-a8d3-6cbab6eee8b7, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 285, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9010474d-0923-44a1-a8d3-6cbab6eee8b7, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 286, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 1db578ed-27a7-a666-720f-32055375300f, crashDesktopSession: desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.363, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_app_start,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.404, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4760000705718994, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.66100001335144, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 1db578ed-27a7-a666-720f-32055375300f and desktop session id of desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- crashSession: 1db578ed-27a7-a666-720f-32055375300f, crashDesktopSession: desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.363, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_app_start,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.404, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4760000705718994, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.66100001335144, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 43b31d5e-edef-4099-b65e-35a7bd16822e, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 389, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- crashSession: 1db578ed-27a7-a666-720f-32055375300f, crashDesktopSession: desktop-1dd30c6f-9d55-4c53-abaf-eee601b85bb3, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.363, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_app_start,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.404, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4760000705718994, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.66100001335144, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 43b31d5e-edef-4099-b65e-35a7bd16822e, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 390, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7d23d48f-3aea-4010-a84e-70cdf8518abf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 242, scenarioDelta: 242, elapsed: 242, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7d23d48f-3aea-4010-a84e-70cdf8518abf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 242, scenarioDelta: 242, elapsed: 242, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7d23d48f-3aea-4010-a84e-70cdf8518abf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 273, scenarioDelta: 273, elapsed: 273, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7d23d48f-3aea-4010-a84e-70cdf8518abf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 294, scenarioDelta: 294, elapsed: 294, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7d23d48f-3aea-4010-a84e-70cdf8518abf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 364, scenarioDelta: 364, elapsed: 364, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7d23d48f-3aea-4010-a84e-70cdf8518abf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 387, scenarioDelta: 387, elapsed: 387, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7d23d48f-3aea-4010-a84e-70cdf8518abf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 391, scenarioDelta: 391, elapsed: 391, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7d23d48f-3aea-4010-a84e-70cdf8518abf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 392, scenarioDelta: 392, elapsed: 392, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- delta: 394, status: success, scenario: 7d23d48f-3aea-4010-a84e-70cdf8518abf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 10, scenarioDelta: 395, elapsed: 395, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: desktop_recovery_show, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 84e4435c-f692-420a-bec9-bf95f8e04e4d, scenarioName: desktop_recovery_show, name: desktop_recovery_show, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 408, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_recovery_show, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 84e4435c-f692-420a-bec9-bf95f8e04e4d, scenarioName: desktop_recovery_show, name: desktop_recovery_show, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 409, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_recovery_show, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 87200098-a002-4346-8281-bd2dfd8abe4d, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 550, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 87200098-a002-4346-8281-bd2dfd8abe4d, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 551, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 09be4fdf-206d-4557-bc05-d8fb7268b38e, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 566, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: c73056a0-c0be-4b3c-8589-f8ef35323c3c, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 597, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: c73056a0-c0be-4b3c-8589-f8ef35323c3c, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 598, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 09be4fdf-206d-4557-bc05-d8fb7268b38e, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 394, scenarioDelta: 394, elapsed: 960, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Clearing user data Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Recursing into folder Application Cache\Cache to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- error -- Unable to remove file Index Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- error -- Unable to remove directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Recursing into folder blob_storage\174362a9-661c-4de8-9721-e64e29440a7d to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory 174362a9-661c-4de8-9721-e64e29440a7d Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory 174362a9-661c-4de8-9721-e64e29440a7d Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory 174362a9-661c-4de8-9721-e64e29440a7d Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed file Cookies Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed file Cookies-journal Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed file desktop-config.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_3 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- error -- Unable to remove file index Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- error -- Unable to remove directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Recursing into folder IndexedDB\https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed file installTime.txt Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Recursing into folder Local Storage\leveldb to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- error -- Unable to remove file lockfile Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Skipping file logs.txt Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed file Network Persistent State Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed file QuotaManager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed file QuotaManager-journal Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed file settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed file storage.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removing files in directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: desktop_clean_user_data_failed, files: ["Application Cache","GPUCache"], eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Starting main window after recovery Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: desktop_recovery_cleared_user_data, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: 1af7f930-5e45-478e-a2bd-188cee18c5eb, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2302, scenarioDelta: 2302, elapsed: 2585, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: is valid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: true, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: 800883f0-0f90-4995-b754-005f7ce9404b, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2587, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: 800883f0-0f90-4995-b754-005f7ce9404b, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 141, scenarioDelta: 141, elapsed: 2728, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:true, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 18e59045-cdbc-44ef-9669-2472ce1d08f8, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2745, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b1f06cd6-981f-4261-bf6d-8e942fa50c5b, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2747, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b1f06cd6-981f-4261-bf6d-8e942fa50c5b, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2748, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: 453236dd-61d8-4776-aedc-bb516b5c5ff7 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 453236dd-61d8-4776-aedc-bb516b5c5ff7, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 18e59045-cdbc-44ef-9669-2472ce1d08f8, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 2749, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 18e59045-cdbc-44ef-9669-2472ce1d08f8, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 8, scenarioDelta: 8, elapsed: 2753, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- correlationId: 453236dd-61d8-4776-aedc-bb516b5c5ff7, status: success, scenario: 18e59045-cdbc-44ef-9669-2472ce1d08f8, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 9, scenarioDelta: 9, elapsed: 2754, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 18e59045-cdbc-44ef-9669-2472ce1d08f8, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 10, scenarioDelta: 10, elapsed: 2755, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: 18e59045-cdbc-44ef-9669-2472ce1d08f8, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 2756, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 18e59045-cdbc-44ef-9669-2472ce1d08f8, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 2756, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 18e59045-cdbc-44ef-9669-2472ce1d08f8, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 14, scenarioDelta: 14, elapsed: 2759, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 18e59045-cdbc-44ef-9669-2472ce1d08f8, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 15, scenarioDelta: 15, elapsed: 2760, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 18e59045-cdbc-44ef-9669-2472ce1d08f8, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 18, scenarioDelta: 18, elapsed: 2763, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 18e59045-cdbc-44ef-9669-2472ce1d08f8, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 20, scenarioDelta: 20, elapsed: 2765, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Loading window shown with focus due to first show Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8207d00-362c-488d-b32b-0ae37922fdfa, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3177, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c23cec8c-918f-476b-aba3-4c6ff5d57c2b, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3187, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d520da53-5aba-4549-836b-f77ad9d9247d, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3457, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: c23cec8c-918f-476b-aba3-4c6ff5d57c2b, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 271, scenarioDelta: 271, elapsed: 3458, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- duration: 10.199999998803833, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 9d09eb7d-b68f-44a8-9674-d3098de75324, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3497, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- duration: 10.199999998803833, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 9d09eb7d-b68f-44a8-9674-d3098de75324, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 3498, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- duration: 2.799999998387648, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: d2f635b0-b286-41ad-88ed-255b57e7ef0f, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3500, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- duration: 2.799999998387648, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: d2f635b0-b286-41ad-88ed-255b57e7ef0f, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 3501, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 64012, privateBytes: 45980, sharedBytes: 34272, workingSetSize: 64008, status: success, scenario: c8207d00-362c-488d-b32b-0ae37922fdfa, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 328, scenarioDelta: 328, elapsed: 3505, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65396, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4375b35a-91b7-4c87-9c20-2e4c3ddb4f14, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6956, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 4375b35a-91b7-4c87-9c20-2e4c3ddb4f14, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 6957, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 1a711164-9488-4e7b-b508-47b5bc255549, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 245436, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:27 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: d62d0fbd-e1be-4e33-89aa-129b98c12800, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 273, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: d62d0fbd-e1be-4e33-89aa-129b98c12800, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 323, scenarioDelta: 323, elapsed: 596, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Setting app session to 5fa49598-5b93-2ae1-a45f-0b7e88b8352f Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 366bee5a-0653-4bf5-b464-1ffbcdc9dc0a, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7737, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: 366bee5a-0653-4bf5-b464-1ffbcdc9dc0a, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 7738, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: a4e760e4-4713-4347-9510-796bd01dd522, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7812, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: a4e760e4-4713-4347-9510-796bd01dd522, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 7813, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + trueminimized: falsewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Main window shown active Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 5068, appRuntime: 7.832, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level, timeSinceActivity: 0.019, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 5.071000099182129, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.3400001525878906, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:desktop_recovery_show,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.01900005340576172, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.09500002861022949, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ce396a3c-f167-4a4b-9ef0-bc4963b315cf, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7835, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: ce396a3c-f167-4a4b-9ef0-bc4963b315cf, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 7836, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 56edd2c8-f2c6-4100-98f7-99a645f4c6cd, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 7564, scenarioDelta: 7564, elapsed: 7837, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 5064 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d520da53-5aba-4549-836b-f77ad9d9247d, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 4395, scenarioDelta: 4395, elapsed: 7852, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Focusing main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Is foreground set to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- User region is updated to msteams-web-prod-usce-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:28 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: desktop_user_region_changed, previousRegion: msteams-web-prod-usnc-02, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: af21f470-e52d-4d52-b256-da33e9049b79, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 262416, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: a888ff37-d545-4959-b3f1-f2d5c15414c9, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 3, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d615cd52-6a7a-4cfb-b9e2-264c6ab4fd0c, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 11602, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: true, scenario: d615cd52-6a7a-4cfb-b9e2-264c6ab4fd0c, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 11603, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from Unknown to Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Added Available (current state: Unknown -> Available) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cf888f68-fca3-488b-b94c-6738c8ff72a1, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 11715, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cf888f68-fca3-488b-b94c-6738c8ff72a1, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 11715, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:34 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:34 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:34 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 13.355, appInitialized: true, activities: inMemoryDb_open_step,teams_members_open,messaging_load_channel_data,ext_app_launchApp_undefined,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_app_appBar_click_app,enableSyncJoinStateUsingisFavorite,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,load_react_chat_list,load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_profile,batch_people_profile,batch_people_profile,batch_people_profile,chat_recipients_update_profilefetch,single_people_profile,header_extensions,manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,batch_people_short_profile,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,people_at_mentions_update_cache,add_team_to_cache,unified_presence_get_presence,presence_ischanged_mystatus,unified_presence_startup_mystatus, timeSinceActivity: 0.011, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 5.521000146865845, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 5.863000154495239, diagnosticEvents: ua:syncEndpoint_create,ua:unified_presence_create_endpoint,ua:create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,ua:indexedDb_open_step,ua:inMemoryDb_open_step,ua:teams_members_open,ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:ext_app_launchApp_undefined,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_app_appBar_click_app,ua:enableSyncJoinStateUsingisFavorite,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:load_react_chat_list,ua:load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:chat_recipients_update_profilefetch,ua:single_people_profile,ua:header_extensions,ua:manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,ua:manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:people_at_mentions_update_cache,ua:add_team_to_cache,ua:unified_presence_get_presence,ua:presence_ischanged_mystatus,ua:unified_presence_startup_mystatus, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.01100015640258789, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.01100015640258789, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:34 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:34 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:34 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:34 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 5fa49598-5b93-2ae1-a45f-0b7e88b8352f and desktop session of desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466614301,"session":"5fa49598-5b93-2ae1-a45f-0b7e88b8352f","desktopSession":"desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466600947","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466614301,"session":"5fa49598-5b93-2ae1-a45f-0b7e88b8352f","desktopSession":"desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466600947","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- error -- There are 1 open windows after main window closed, force closing all windows Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- event -- name: desktop_orphan_windows, count: 1, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <280> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466614301,"session":"5fa49598-5b93-2ae1-a45f-0b7e88b8352f","desktopSession":"desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466600947","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466614301,"session":"5fa49598-5b93-2ae1-a45f-0b7e88b8352f","desktopSession":"desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466600947","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 233, scenarioDelta: 233, elapsed: 233, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 261, scenarioDelta: 261, elapsed: 261, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a85d4fa8-bc48-45a6-a1f0-531e7ac8549a, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 262, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4c7990d9-f0fb-4b6a-88ac-0abe5e7fe770, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 265, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usce-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4c7990d9-f0fb-4b6a-88ac-0abe5e7fe770, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 267, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4c7990d9-f0fb-4b6a-88ac-0abe5e7fe770, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 267, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4c7990d9-f0fb-4b6a-88ac-0abe5e7fe770, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 3, scenarioDelta: 3, elapsed: 268, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4c7990d9-f0fb-4b6a-88ac-0abe5e7fe770, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 5, scenarioDelta: 5, elapsed: 270, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: fc4f6bb9-65d9-4e56-a7dc-6200d57ad23f, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 273, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5 and desktop session of desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: acab8b1e-f0a3-4077-b32c-e8dd49e4d12a, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 276, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: acab8b1e-f0a3-4077-b32c-e8dd49e4d12a, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 277, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 5fa49598-5b93-2ae1-a45f-0b7e88b8352f, crashDesktopSession: desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 18.244, appSessionEnd: false, activities: inMemoryDb_open_step,teams_members_open,messaging_load_channel_data,ext_app_launchApp_undefined,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_app_appBar_click_app,enableSyncJoinStateUsingisFavorite,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,load_react_chat_list,load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_profile,batch_people_profile,batch_people_profile,batch_people_profile,chat_recipients_update_profilefetch,single_people_profile,header_extensions,manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,batch_people_short_profile,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,people_at_mentions_update_cache,add_team_to_cache,unified_presence_get_presence,presence_ischanged_mystatus,unified_presence_startup_mystatus, timeSinceActivity: 4.9, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4019999504089355, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 10.752000093460083, diagnosticEvents: ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:ext_app_launchApp_undefined,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_app_appBar_click_app,ua:enableSyncJoinStateUsingisFavorite,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:load_react_chat_list,ua:load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:chat_recipients_update_profilefetch,ua:single_people_profile,ua:header_extensions,ua:manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,ua:manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:people_at_mentions_update_cache,ua:add_team_to_cache,ua:unified_presence_get_presence,ua:presence_ischanged_mystatus,ua:unified_presence_startup_mystatus,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 5fa49598-5b93-2ae1-a45f-0b7e88b8352f and desktop session id of desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- crashSession: 5fa49598-5b93-2ae1-a45f-0b7e88b8352f, crashDesktopSession: desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 18.244, appSessionEnd: false, activities: inMemoryDb_open_step,teams_members_open,messaging_load_channel_data,ext_app_launchApp_undefined,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_app_appBar_click_app,enableSyncJoinStateUsingisFavorite,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,load_react_chat_list,load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_profile,batch_people_profile,batch_people_profile,batch_people_profile,chat_recipients_update_profilefetch,single_people_profile,header_extensions,manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,batch_people_short_profile,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,people_at_mentions_update_cache,add_team_to_cache,unified_presence_get_presence,presence_ischanged_mystatus,unified_presence_startup_mystatus, timeSinceActivity: 4.9, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4019999504089355, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 10.752000093460083, diagnosticEvents: ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:ext_app_launchApp_undefined,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_app_appBar_click_app,ua:enableSyncJoinStateUsingisFavorite,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:load_react_chat_list,ua:load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:chat_recipients_update_profilefetch,ua:single_people_profile,ua:header_extensions,ua:manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,ua:manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:people_at_mentions_update_cache,ua:add_team_to_cache,ua:unified_presence_get_presence,ua:presence_ischanged_mystatus,ua:unified_presence_startup_mystatus,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: cf3f5061-ca16-4383-aa46-74edb51b12a1, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 375, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- crashSession: 5fa49598-5b93-2ae1-a45f-0b7e88b8352f, crashDesktopSession: desktop-24a30211-ca90-46a7-b2fe-be2fa4852245, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 18.244, appSessionEnd: false, activities: inMemoryDb_open_step,teams_members_open,messaging_load_channel_data,ext_app_launchApp_undefined,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_app_appBar_click_app,enableSyncJoinStateUsingisFavorite,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,load_react_chat_list,load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_profile,batch_people_profile,batch_people_profile,batch_people_profile,chat_recipients_update_profilefetch,single_people_profile,header_extensions,manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,batch_people_short_profile,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,people_at_mentions_update_cache,add_team_to_cache,unified_presence_get_presence,presence_ischanged_mystatus,unified_presence_startup_mystatus, timeSinceActivity: 4.9, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4019999504089355, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 10.752000093460083, diagnosticEvents: ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:ext_app_launchApp_undefined,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_app_appBar_click_app,ua:enableSyncJoinStateUsingisFavorite,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:load_react_chat_list,ua:load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:batch_people_profile,ua:chat_recipients_update_profilefetch,ua:single_people_profile,ua:header_extensions,ua:manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,ua:manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:people_at_mentions_update_cache,ua:add_team_to_cache,ua:unified_presence_get_presence,ua:presence_ischanged_mystatus,ua:unified_presence_startup_mystatus,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: cf3f5061-ca16-4383-aa46-74edb51b12a1, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 376, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0cb7ec7a-be42-4bd6-bbf3-614e5bda4cdc, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 541, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0cb7ec7a-be42-4bd6-bbf3-614e5bda4cdc, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 542, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 8e97101e-8da6-48fe-be1f-275108001e2b, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 556, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: e973b4dd-9d78-4f56-aa11-009a7b9c9c6c, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 602, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: e973b4dd-9d78-4f56-aa11-009a7b9c9c6c, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 603, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: fc4f6bb9-65d9-4e56-a7dc-6200d57ad23f, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 332, scenarioDelta: 332, elapsed: 605, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: invalid count is more than threshold Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: false, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: c679430f-4db1-4d93-a554-79be55a83e60, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 608, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Loading window shown minimized due to crash in background Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 8e97101e-8da6-48fe-be1f-275108001e2b, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 408, scenarioDelta: 408, elapsed: 964, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: c679430f-4db1-4d93-a554-79be55a83e60, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1146, scenarioDelta: 1146, elapsed: 1753, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, message: isPreviousLifecycleValid: invalid count 4 is more than threshold 3, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6a4a5809-4988-4729-b058-d63f18ffe19f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1768, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 8dba1a86-4158-44fc-a0e3-f46aa0c9ec3f, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1770, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 8dba1a86-4158-44fc-a0e3-f46aa0c9ec3f, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 1771, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: 46237cc8-7c07-4112-a1e2-0a74c3b0a832 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 46237cc8-7c07-4112-a1e2-0a74c3b0a832, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1656, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6a4a5809-4988-4729-b058-d63f18ffe19f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 1772, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6a4a5809-4988-4729-b058-d63f18ffe19f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 17, scenarioDelta: 17, elapsed: 1785, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- correlationId: 46237cc8-7c07-4112-a1e2-0a74c3b0a832, status: success, scenario: 6a4a5809-4988-4729-b058-d63f18ffe19f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 17, scenarioDelta: 17, elapsed: 1785, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6a4a5809-4988-4729-b058-d63f18ffe19f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 1674, scenarioDelta: 1674, elapsed: 3442, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: 6a4a5809-4988-4729-b058-d63f18ffe19f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 1675, scenarioDelta: 1675, elapsed: 3443, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6a4a5809-4988-4729-b058-d63f18ffe19f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 1675, scenarioDelta: 1675, elapsed: 3443, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6a4a5809-4988-4729-b058-d63f18ffe19f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 1679, scenarioDelta: 1679, elapsed: 3447, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6a4a5809-4988-4729-b058-d63f18ffe19f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 1679, scenarioDelta: 1679, elapsed: 3447, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6a4a5809-4988-4729-b058-d63f18ffe19f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 1683, scenarioDelta: 1683, elapsed: 3451, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6a4a5809-4988-4729-b058-d63f18ffe19f, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 1686, scenarioDelta: 1686, elapsed: 3454, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7ce0ab30-96ca-473e-9637-b6778422314e, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3808, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 526cebbd-c6a2-41d6-b767-f251f247f58b, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3818, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 887370e8-023e-476d-861e-cea8296e976f, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4058, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: 526cebbd-c6a2-41d6-b767-f251f247f58b, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 241, scenarioDelta: 241, elapsed: 4059, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- duration: 9.500000000116415, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 10be872f-992e-4bbd-86bb-4fe35688aec1, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4098, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- duration: 9.500000000116415, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 10be872f-992e-4bbd-86bb-4fe35688aec1, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4099, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- duration: 2.899999999499414, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 23088eab-9f71-4a61-91c9-7a6c96271919, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4101, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- duration: 2.899999999499414, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 23088eab-9f71-4a61-91c9-7a6c96271919, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4102, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 64184, privateBytes: 44092, sharedBytes: 34264, workingSetSize: 64180, status: success, scenario: 7ce0ab30-96ca-473e-9637-b6778422314e, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 298, scenarioDelta: 298, elapsed: 4106, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65564, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cfc7e72b-60b9-4076-8ea9-2f4e621e54e6, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6184, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: true, scenario: cfc7e72b-60b9-4076-8ea9-2f4e621e54e6, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 6186, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- error -- Error saving cookie Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 245560, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 234, scenarioDelta: 234, elapsed: 234, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 234, scenarioDelta: 234, elapsed: 234, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 262, scenarioDelta: 262, elapsed: 262, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 285, scenarioDelta: 285, elapsed: 285, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 350, scenarioDelta: 350, elapsed: 350, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 373, scenarioDelta: 373, elapsed: 373, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 378, scenarioDelta: 378, elapsed: 378, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 378, scenarioDelta: 378, elapsed: 378, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_start, sequence: 10, delta: 381, scenarioDelta: 381, elapsed: 381, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready_end, sequence: 11, delta: 602, scenarioDelta: 602, elapsed: 602, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_end, sequence: 12, delta: 610, scenarioDelta: 610, elapsed: 610, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_start, sequence: 13, delta: 1755, scenarioDelta: 1755, elapsed: 1755, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_stop, sequence: 14, delta: 3458, scenarioDelta: 3458, elapsed: 3458, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 15, delta: 3809, scenarioDelta: 3809, elapsed: 3809, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 16, delta: 3809, scenarioDelta: 3809, elapsed: 3809, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 17, delta: 4107, scenarioDelta: 4107, elapsed: 4107, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 18, delta: 4107, scenarioDelta: 4107, elapsed: 4107, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- delta: 6264, status: success, scenario: 20df1ed4-fcef-4adb-8d53-709b375a4b7e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 19, scenarioDelta: 6264, elapsed: 6264, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: f22aac88-d807-4abf-a452-51e4b366388c, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 262, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: f22aac88-d807-4abf-a452-51e4b366388c, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 340, scenarioDelta: 340, elapsed: 602, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Setting app session to 825ccc4c-b7df-0e5d-cde3-90f3113fec25 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c32d8632-a15a-4796-aafb-41276dde9477, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6386, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: c32d8632-a15a-4796-aafb-41276dde9477, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 6387, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + falseminimized: truewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Main window shown minimized due to previous window was minimized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 2953, appRuntime: 6.406, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata, timeSinceActivity: 0.019, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 2.9570000171661377, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.1490001678466797, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.01900005340576172, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.0710000991821289, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 0d21c4ad-f686-4c0d-b634-f786fece9ae8, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6482, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 0d21c4ad-f686-4c0d-b634-f786fece9ae8, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6482, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7eb494ce-426f-4a11-acdb-b8d817fbd36a, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6484, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: 7eb494ce-426f-4a11-acdb-b8d817fbd36a, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 6485, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a85d4fa8-bc48-45a6-a1f0-531e7ac8549a, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 6223, scenarioDelta: 6223, elapsed: 6485, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 15528 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 887370e8-023e-476d-861e-cea8296e976f, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2431, scenarioDelta: 2431, elapsed: 6489, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 260072, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 0.235 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: teamsUpgradePolicyV2Synced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b35b078a-9373-4150-99ba-9a10b9746679, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 8003, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: true, scenario: b35b078a-9373-4150-99ba-9a10b9746679, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 8003, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from Unknown to Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Added Available (current state: Unknown -> Available) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 29017890-1be5-49a6-9687-981c805f9a75, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 8159, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 29017890-1be5-49a6-9687-981c805f9a75, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 8159, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 10.083, appInitialized: true, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 1.924, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 3.6000001430511475, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 3.826000213623047, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 1.9240000247955322, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 2.080000162124634, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 825ccc4c-b7df-0e5d-cde3-90f3113fec25 and desktop session of desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466628898,"session":"825ccc4c-b7df-0e5d-cde3-90f3113fec25","desktopSession":"desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466614301}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466618817","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466628898,"session":"825ccc4c-b7df-0e5d-cde3-90f3113fec25","desktopSession":"desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466614301}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466618817","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- before-quit event raised. Closing the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- error -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:scan-stop BluetoothRadioState.Unavailable Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8348> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466628898,"session":"825ccc4c-b7df-0e5d-cde3-90f3113fec25","desktopSession":"desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466614301}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466618817","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466628898,"session":"825ccc4c-b7df-0e5d-cde3-90f3113fec25","desktopSession":"desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466614301}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466618817","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 237, scenarioDelta: 237, elapsed: 237, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 265, scenarioDelta: 265, elapsed: 265, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 72636ad0-ad36-4bf3-aef9-cc27906572ec, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 266, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a62720e1-3243-4e9d-8298-7dd03ff7d66e, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 269, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usce-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a62720e1-3243-4e9d-8298-7dd03ff7d66e, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 270, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a62720e1-3243-4e9d-8298-7dd03ff7d66e, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 270, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a62720e1-3243-4e9d-8298-7dd03ff7d66e, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 271, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a62720e1-3243-4e9d-8298-7dd03ff7d66e, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 273, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: bdd136a1-2092-429f-9112-c193a921b2a1, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 276, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4 and desktop session of desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 379ba8be-bb56-4b99-ac60-c9b46d655593, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 278, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 379ba8be-bb56-4b99-ac60-c9b46d655593, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 278, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 825ccc4c-b7df-0e5d-cde3-90f3113fec25, crashDesktopSession: desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 14.746, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.587, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4149999618530273, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.489000082015991, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 825ccc4c-b7df-0e5d-cde3-90f3113fec25 and desktop session id of desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- crashSession: 825ccc4c-b7df-0e5d-cde3-90f3113fec25, crashDesktopSession: desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 14.746, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.587, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4149999618530273, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.489000082015991, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 9e6e701e-30ac-4a0b-ac04-9947567e5d5f, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 377, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- crashSession: 825ccc4c-b7df-0e5d-cde3-90f3113fec25, crashDesktopSession: desktop-cc8b9fcd-242d-462e-ae17-89a28a457ff5, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 14.746, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.587, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4149999618530273, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.489000082015991, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 9e6e701e-30ac-4a0b-ac04-9947567e5d5f, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 377, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 63631cca-13d3-4137-a983-ac9b2832b2cb, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 540, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 63631cca-13d3-4137-a983-ac9b2832b2cb, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 541, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ec2f309c-f260-43af-89b0-67df8cdcf9e8, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 555, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 1edf8259-e50d-4ebd-9865-1ec6b7fb02ce, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 585, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 1edf8259-e50d-4ebd-9865-1ec6b7fb02ce, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 586, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: bdd136a1-2092-429f-9112-c193a921b2a1, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 312, scenarioDelta: 312, elapsed: 588, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: invalid count is more than threshold Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: false, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: 51ee184c-33af-4c7b-8918-0277d4c4d096, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 590, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Loading window shown minimized due to crash in background Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ec2f309c-f260-43af-89b0-67df8cdcf9e8, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 377, scenarioDelta: 377, elapsed: 932, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: 51ee184c-33af-4c7b-8918-0277d4c4d096, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1181, scenarioDelta: 1181, elapsed: 1771, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, message: isPreviousLifecycleValid: invalid count 5 is more than threshold 3, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 06c6fc40-7878-4cdb-93dd-0b2bb2617dff, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1787, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d4007e8f-1185-494c-9bbc-f1ea254bba10, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1789, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d4007e8f-1185-494c-9bbc-f1ea254bba10, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1789, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: 75d669ce-7382-4bb8-9461-bb51b9d67fc1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 75d669ce-7382-4bb8-9461-bb51b9d67fc1, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 06c6fc40-7878-4cdb-93dd-0b2bb2617dff, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 3, scenarioDelta: 3, elapsed: 1790, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 06c6fc40-7878-4cdb-93dd-0b2bb2617dff, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 17, scenarioDelta: 17, elapsed: 1804, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- correlationId: 75d669ce-7382-4bb8-9461-bb51b9d67fc1, status: success, scenario: 06c6fc40-7878-4cdb-93dd-0b2bb2617dff, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 18, scenarioDelta: 18, elapsed: 1805, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 06c6fc40-7878-4cdb-93dd-0b2bb2617dff, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 19, scenarioDelta: 19, elapsed: 1806, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: 06c6fc40-7878-4cdb-93dd-0b2bb2617dff, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 19, scenarioDelta: 19, elapsed: 1806, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 06c6fc40-7878-4cdb-93dd-0b2bb2617dff, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 20, scenarioDelta: 20, elapsed: 1807, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 06c6fc40-7878-4cdb-93dd-0b2bb2617dff, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 23, scenarioDelta: 23, elapsed: 1810, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 06c6fc40-7878-4cdb-93dd-0b2bb2617dff, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 23, scenarioDelta: 23, elapsed: 1810, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 06c6fc40-7878-4cdb-93dd-0b2bb2617dff, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 26, scenarioDelta: 26, elapsed: 1813, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 06c6fc40-7878-4cdb-93dd-0b2bb2617dff, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 29, scenarioDelta: 29, elapsed: 1816, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d8d3e642-a3e5-4dae-ae5c-90d8dfb5b016, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2179, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ae2313dd-e1cd-4cd6-93da-0a985d9b5c5c, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2190, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b7b0baac-e2db-4abf-8c98-4f4e84d15ee3, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2434, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: ae2313dd-e1cd-4cd6-93da-0a985d9b5c5c, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 244, scenarioDelta: 244, elapsed: 2434, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- duration: 9.799999999813735, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: cde7a0c4-d3ac-422c-bc7c-04445e913a30, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2471, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- duration: 9.799999999813735, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: cde7a0c4-d3ac-422c-bc7c-04445e913a30, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2472, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- duration: 2.800000000206637, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: c872ccec-c8f6-4bac-854f-bc33243217e6, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2474, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- duration: 2.800000000206637, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: c872ccec-c8f6-4bac-854f-bc33243217e6, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2474, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 63692, privateBytes: 43808, sharedBytes: 34240, workingSetSize: 63688, status: success, scenario: d8d3e642-a3e5-4dae-ae5c-90d8dfb5b016, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 301, scenarioDelta: 301, elapsed: 2480, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65096, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 74af633d-5b97-4e4b-a016-b022b200ef16, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4597, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 74af633d-5b97-4e4b-a016-b022b200ef16, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 4599, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- error -- Error saving cookie Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 245600, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 238, scenarioDelta: 238, elapsed: 238, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 238, scenarioDelta: 238, elapsed: 238, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 266, scenarioDelta: 266, elapsed: 266, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 286, scenarioDelta: 286, elapsed: 286, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 351, scenarioDelta: 351, elapsed: 351, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 374, scenarioDelta: 374, elapsed: 374, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 379, scenarioDelta: 379, elapsed: 379, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 379, scenarioDelta: 379, elapsed: 379, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_start, sequence: 10, delta: 382, scenarioDelta: 382, elapsed: 382, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready_end, sequence: 11, delta: 584, scenarioDelta: 584, elapsed: 584, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_end, sequence: 12, delta: 592, scenarioDelta: 592, elapsed: 592, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_start, sequence: 13, delta: 1773, scenarioDelta: 1773, elapsed: 1773, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_stop, sequence: 14, delta: 1820, scenarioDelta: 1820, elapsed: 1820, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 15, delta: 2180, scenarioDelta: 2180, elapsed: 2180, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 16, delta: 2180, scenarioDelta: 2180, elapsed: 2180, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 17, delta: 2481, scenarioDelta: 2481, elapsed: 2481, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 18, delta: 2481, scenarioDelta: 2481, elapsed: 2481, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- delta: 4680, status: success, scenario: c8e76b19-8385-4166-9af0-ff442c8063cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 19, scenarioDelta: 4680, elapsed: 4680, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 21958221-a174-43f4-8b95-3c27d6af63e3, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 266, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 21958221-a174-43f4-8b95-3c27d6af63e3, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 318, scenarioDelta: 318, elapsed: 584, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Setting app session to 929a52b6-2799-260f-bc37-3b42730cb04c Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1b29050f-a4fa-4481-8902-96f676a0589c, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4800, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: 1b29050f-a4fa-4481-8902-96f676a0589c, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4801, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + trueminimized: truewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Main window shown minimized due to previous window was minimized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 3005, appRuntime: 4.821, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata, timeSinceActivity: 0.02, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 3.009999990463257, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.14700007438659668, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.019999980926513672, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.08500003814697266, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 8384aab0-7856-4375-af9d-eee93c86636c, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4897, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 8384aab0-7856-4375-af9d-eee93c86636c, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4898, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9be11967-636d-4c7e-b642-77bcc8da2ce2, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4901, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: 9be11967-636d-4c7e-b642-77bcc8da2ce2, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4901, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 72636ad0-ad36-4bf3-aef9-cc27906572ec, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 4636, scenarioDelta: 4636, elapsed: 4902, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 10304 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b7b0baac-e2db-4abf-8c98-4f4e84d15ee3, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2472, scenarioDelta: 2472, elapsed: 4906, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 259156, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 0.312 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: teamsUpgradePolicyV2Synced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: fbc500c6-a152-41eb-a5b3-db19949c7511, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6482, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: true, scenario: fbc500c6-a152-41eb-a5b3-db19949c7511, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 6483, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from Unknown to Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Added Available (current state: Unknown -> Available) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f0e920cf-e830-4db2-a8f6-08c98495cc35, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6644, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:43:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f0e920cf-e830-4db2-a8f6-08c98495cc35, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 6645, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- OfficeIntegrationService has been initialized. Initializing OfficeIntegrationClient... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Initializing office integration... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0816552e-3813-447e-9ebc-cd756ad3b96c, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6988, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 0816552e-3813-447e-9ebc-cd756ad3b96c, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6988, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Teams is registered as the default IM provider. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Starting COM server for OfficeIntegration Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- getSelfForNative {A8BACD77-9647-4EB4-BD74-C611BC45A13E} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- error -- IPC correlationId:{A8BACD77-9647-4EB4-BD74-C611BC45A13E} call failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Focusing main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Is foreground set to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 8.789, appInitialized: true, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync,desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceActivity: 1.801, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 3.890000104904175, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 4.115000009536743, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,ua:desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 1.8009998798370361, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 2.1440000534057617, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 929a52b6-2799-260f-bc37-3b42730cb04c and desktop session of desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466641975,"session":"929a52b6-2799-260f-bc37-3b42730cb04c","desktopSession":"desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466628898},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466614301}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466633188","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466641975,"session":"929a52b6-2799-260f-bc37-3b42730cb04c","desktopSession":"desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466628898},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466614301}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466633188","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- event -- eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- before-quit event raised. Closing the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- error -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:scan-stop BluetoothRadioState.Unavailable Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Stopping the COM server for OfficeIntegration Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15744> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466641975,"session":"929a52b6-2799-260f-bc37-3b42730cb04c","desktopSession":"desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466628898},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466614301}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466633188","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466641975,"session":"929a52b6-2799-260f-bc37-3b42730cb04c","desktopSession":"desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466628898},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466614301}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466633188","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 72e19b08-70a7-4759-8476-3eec4760101b, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 239, scenarioDelta: 239, elapsed: 239, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 72e19b08-70a7-4759-8476-3eec4760101b, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 267, scenarioDelta: 267, elapsed: 267, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ee77c9dd-9a39-4a14-abfc-cd44a56fefa5, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 268, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cd6df7d4-5df0-45cf-bc60-c0cc86cf1d78, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 272, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usce-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cd6df7d4-5df0-45cf-bc60-c0cc86cf1d78, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 273, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cd6df7d4-5df0-45cf-bc60-c0cc86cf1d78, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 273, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cd6df7d4-5df0-45cf-bc60-c0cc86cf1d78, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 274, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cd6df7d4-5df0-45cf-bc60-c0cc86cf1d78, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 276, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7e7a4d25-1557-4342-ade1-a28a0e1046c0, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 278, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b and desktop session of desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 8716aba2-199a-4f6a-99da-91855391010e, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 280, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 8716aba2-199a-4f6a-99da-91855391010e, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 281, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 929a52b6-2799-260f-bc37-3b42730cb04c, crashDesktopSession: desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.446, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync,desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceActivity: 6.458, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4189999103546143, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.773000001907349, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 929a52b6-2799-260f-bc37-3b42730cb04c and desktop session id of desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- crashSession: 929a52b6-2799-260f-bc37-3b42730cb04c, crashDesktopSession: desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.446, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync,desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceActivity: 6.458, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4189999103546143, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.773000001907349, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 073ba60f-e8cd-4a43-bf72-94072b8a1e0d, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 383, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- crashSession: 929a52b6-2799-260f-bc37-3b42730cb04c, crashDesktopSession: desktop-97cdd768-2c09-48a5-81c4-5c05255512b4, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.446, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync,desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceActivity: 6.458, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4189999103546143, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.773000001907349, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 073ba60f-e8cd-4a43-bf72-94072b8a1e0d, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 384, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 72e19b08-70a7-4759-8476-3eec4760101b, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 239, scenarioDelta: 239, elapsed: 239, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 72e19b08-70a7-4759-8476-3eec4760101b, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 240, scenarioDelta: 240, elapsed: 240, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 72e19b08-70a7-4759-8476-3eec4760101b, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 268, scenarioDelta: 268, elapsed: 268, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 72e19b08-70a7-4759-8476-3eec4760101b, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 290, scenarioDelta: 290, elapsed: 290, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 72e19b08-70a7-4759-8476-3eec4760101b, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 357, scenarioDelta: 357, elapsed: 357, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 72e19b08-70a7-4759-8476-3eec4760101b, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 381, scenarioDelta: 381, elapsed: 381, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 72e19b08-70a7-4759-8476-3eec4760101b, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 385, scenarioDelta: 385, elapsed: 385, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 72e19b08-70a7-4759-8476-3eec4760101b, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 385, scenarioDelta: 385, elapsed: 385, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- delta: 389, status: success, scenario: 72e19b08-70a7-4759-8476-3eec4760101b, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 10, scenarioDelta: 389, elapsed: 389, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: desktop_recovery_show, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d9a143cf-a488-4ba6-bcc7-d2584fcaba33, scenarioName: desktop_recovery_show, name: desktop_recovery_show, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 403, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_recovery_show, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d9a143cf-a488-4ba6-bcc7-d2584fcaba33, scenarioName: desktop_recovery_show, name: desktop_recovery_show, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 404, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_recovery_show, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 235f8b8f-e434-4ea7-8493-04f858c9be8e, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 528, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 235f8b8f-e434-4ea7-8493-04f858c9be8e, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 529, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b2a3d9eb-4810-4895-ae9a-9352274949e6, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 546, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 57201435-6698-4519-8c6e-b20916519ce7, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 577, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 57201435-6698-4519-8c6e-b20916519ce7, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 577, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b2a3d9eb-4810-4895-ae9a-9352274949e6, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 400, scenarioDelta: 400, elapsed: 946, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:44:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Clearing user data Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Recursing into folder Application Cache\Cache to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- error -- Unable to remove file Index Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- error -- Unable to remove directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Recursing into folder blob_storage\6f26f97d-d821-4394-97c3-54ce53af5af7 to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory 6f26f97d-d821-4394-97c3-54ce53af5af7 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory 6f26f97d-d821-4394-97c3-54ce53af5af7 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory 6f26f97d-d821-4394-97c3-54ce53af5af7 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed file Cookies Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed file Cookies-journal Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed file desktop-config.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_3 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- error -- Unable to remove file index Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- error -- Unable to remove directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Recursing into folder IndexedDB\https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Recursing into folder Local Storage\leveldb to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- error -- Unable to remove file lockfile Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Skipping file logs.txt Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed file Network Persistent State Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed file QuotaManager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed file QuotaManager-journal Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed file settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed file storage.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removing files in directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: desktop_clean_user_data_failed, files: ["Application Cache","GPUCache"], eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Starting main window after recovery Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: desktop_recovery_cleared_user_data, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: 7e7a4d25-1557-4342-ade1-a28a0e1046c0, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 98266, scenarioDelta: 98266, elapsed: 98544, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: invalid count is more than threshold Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: false, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: 263d33c2-8df2-4614-9f41-dbf7cf779115, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 98547, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: 263d33c2-8df2-4614-9f41-dbf7cf779115, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 147, scenarioDelta: 147, elapsed: 98693, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, message: isPreviousLifecycleValid: invalid count 6 is more than threshold 3, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b5441205-4110-4068-962d-333f5f1d77b2, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 98713, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 02b65682-16a8-4499-89bd-ed9a9f01a994, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 98715, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 02b65682-16a8-4499-89bd-ed9a9f01a994, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 98716, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: 44ea9735-2182-44bc-9cc2-f464d0dc44bc Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 44ea9735-2182-44bc-9cc2-f464d0dc44bc, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b5441205-4110-4068-962d-333f5f1d77b2, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 98717, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b5441205-4110-4068-962d-333f5f1d77b2, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 9, scenarioDelta: 9, elapsed: 98722, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- correlationId: 44ea9735-2182-44bc-9cc2-f464d0dc44bc, status: success, scenario: b5441205-4110-4068-962d-333f5f1d77b2, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 9, scenarioDelta: 9, elapsed: 98722, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b5441205-4110-4068-962d-333f5f1d77b2, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 98724, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: b5441205-4110-4068-962d-333f5f1d77b2, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 98724, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b5441205-4110-4068-962d-333f5f1d77b2, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 98724, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b5441205-4110-4068-962d-333f5f1d77b2, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 15, scenarioDelta: 15, elapsed: 98728, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b5441205-4110-4068-962d-333f5f1d77b2, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 15, scenarioDelta: 15, elapsed: 98728, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b5441205-4110-4068-962d-333f5f1d77b2, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 18, scenarioDelta: 18, elapsed: 98731, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b5441205-4110-4068-962d-333f5f1d77b2, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 21, scenarioDelta: 21, elapsed: 98734, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Loading window shown with focus due to first show Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4129badb-900e-479d-912d-07caebf92880, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 99140, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dff3be21-2178-4ad1-b62f-5b2660d90bf0, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 99150, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: eb4e3fa8-abaf-4679-a0db-c362438bdd4a, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 99434, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: dff3be21-2178-4ad1-b62f-5b2660d90bf0, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 285, scenarioDelta: 285, elapsed: 99435, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- duration: 10.199999998803833, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: b8423ad8-9669-4674-982c-5718fe279aab, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 99469, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- duration: 10.199999998803833, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: b8423ad8-9669-4674-982c-5718fe279aab, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 99469, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- duration: 2.899999999499414, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: e445b61e-ddb7-4080-aded-4e64b391e443, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 99472, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- duration: 2.899999999499414, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: e445b61e-ddb7-4080-aded-4e64b391e443, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 99472, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 63980, privateBytes: 44676, sharedBytes: 34268, workingSetSize: 63976, status: success, scenario: 4129badb-900e-479d-912d-07caebf92880, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 336, scenarioDelta: 336, elapsed: 99476, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65376, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 698965cc-ae28-48ef-b23f-cc9113d482d1, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 102278, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 698965cc-ae28-48ef-b23f-cc9113d482d1, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 102279, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 9d3a29e5-b07a-43eb-9bfd-9deec42c75a2, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 245448, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 3cc5a32b-4743-4305-9dae-74207c915491, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 268, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 3cc5a32b-4743-4305-9dae-74207c915491, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 308, scenarioDelta: 308, elapsed: 576, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Setting app session to 6aae0339-6544-b77f-6ba3-6315b876caa5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 0.078 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3402c66a-1829-4bab-bf2a-2abd357af982, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 103121, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: 3402c66a-1829-4bab-bf2a-2abd357af982, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 103122, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 302de4b6-441d-44a6-a3d1-ffa748e98d87, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 103206, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 302de4b6-441d-44a6-a3d1-ffa748e98d87, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 103206, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + falseminimized: falsewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Main window shown then blurred Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 4490, appRuntime: 103.223, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level, timeSinceActivity: 0.017, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 4.49399995803833, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.3210000991821289, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:desktop_recovery_show,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.017999887466430664, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.10199999809265137, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a892add1-92f2-4d36-989c-ea89e906a540, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 103226, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: a892add1-92f2-4d36-989c-ea89e906a540, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 103228, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ee77c9dd-9a39-4a14-abfc-cd44a56fefa5, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 102961, scenarioDelta: 102961, elapsed: 103229, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 15572 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: eb4e3fa8-abaf-4679-a0db-c362438bdd4a, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 3806, scenarioDelta: 3806, elapsed: 103240, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Focusing main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Is foreground set to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 6fd62508-d82c-4a7c-a732-58d74da56d1d, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 259496, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 84c70788-1e01-49a3-bbb4-319117c07bb8, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f679cb4a-7cd5-4a16-9130-6165b257909d, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 105952, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: true, scenario: f679cb4a-7cd5-4a16-9130-6165b257909d, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 105953, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from Unknown to Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Added Available (current state: Unknown -> Available) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f6e07202-750e-46bb-812a-d78ff12f0fb4, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 106123, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f6e07202-750e-46bb-812a-d78ff12f0fb4, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 106124, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 107.837, appInitialized: true, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 1.712, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 4.61299991607666, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 4.520999908447266, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:desktop_recovery_show,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,wa:Interactive,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 1.7129998207092285, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 1.8839998245239258, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 6aae0339-6544-b77f-6ba3-6315b876caa5 and desktop session of desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466754088,"session":"6aae0339-6544-b77f-6ba3-6315b876caa5","desktopSession":"desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466646253","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466754088,"session":"6aae0339-6544-b77f-6ba3-6315b876caa5","desktopSession":"desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466646253","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- error -- There are 1 open windows after main window closed, force closing all windows Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- event -- name: desktop_orphan_windows, count: 1, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8496> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466754088,"session":"6aae0339-6544-b77f-6ba3-6315b876caa5","desktopSession":"desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466646253","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466754088,"session":"6aae0339-6544-b77f-6ba3-6315b876caa5","desktopSession":"desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466646253","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 241, scenarioDelta: 241, elapsed: 241, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 270, scenarioDelta: 270, elapsed: 270, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 934ea106-415f-4a03-9e0e-8bcc438a4d6c, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 271, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 86d66699-ba4d-4b34-8616-a52955bdcbed, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 273, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usce-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 86d66699-ba4d-4b34-8616-a52955bdcbed, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 274, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 86d66699-ba4d-4b34-8616-a52955bdcbed, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 275, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 86d66699-ba4d-4b34-8616-a52955bdcbed, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 3, scenarioDelta: 3, elapsed: 276, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 86d66699-ba4d-4b34-8616-a52955bdcbed, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 5, scenarioDelta: 5, elapsed: 278, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d9fa0af2-fe40-484f-9c74-5e060b2ee44b, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 281, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76 and desktop session of desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e6e03f75-d987-4ca4-bd02-21480fc3e72d, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 284, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e6e03f75-d987-4ca4-bd02-21480fc3e72d, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 284, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 6aae0339-6544-b77f-6ba3-6315b876caa5, crashDesktopSession: desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 112.664, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.54, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.378000020980835, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 9.348000049591064, diagnosticEvents: ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,wa:Interactive,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 6aae0339-6544-b77f-6ba3-6315b876caa5 and desktop session id of desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- crashSession: 6aae0339-6544-b77f-6ba3-6315b876caa5, crashDesktopSession: desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 112.664, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.54, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.378000020980835, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 9.348000049591064, diagnosticEvents: ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,wa:Interactive,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 516d06a9-c20e-47ed-bd1e-d513cf7a5f34, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 380, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- crashSession: 6aae0339-6544-b77f-6ba3-6315b876caa5, crashDesktopSession: desktop-53818dec-c0a3-4b42-b4e8-b3ad0d78212b, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 112.664, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.54, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.378000020980835, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 9.348000049591064, diagnosticEvents: ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,wa:Interactive,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 516d06a9-c20e-47ed-bd1e-d513cf7a5f34, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 380, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: fa5b0f26-5643-4a37-bea9-2e4bbb6c7613, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 531, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: fa5b0f26-5643-4a37-bea9-2e4bbb6c7613, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 532, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c3f966f5-cc37-428b-8a7f-caba2d8f57da, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 546, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 2882dfc7-884d-4913-b7f3-bde390da3d7b, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 576, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 2882dfc7-884d-4913-b7f3-bde390da3d7b, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 577, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: d9fa0af2-fe40-484f-9c74-5e060b2ee44b, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 298, scenarioDelta: 298, elapsed: 579, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: invalid count is more than threshold Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: false, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: 55871d03-6950-4e88-bc72-616a96dc01b6, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 581, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Loading window shown with focus due to first show Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c3f966f5-cc37-428b-8a7f-caba2d8f57da, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 389, scenarioDelta: 389, elapsed: 935, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:45:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: 55871d03-6950-4e88-bc72-616a96dc01b6, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1124, scenarioDelta: 1124, elapsed: 1705, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, message: isPreviousLifecycleValid: invalid count 7 is more than threshold 3, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a2fbf5d8-210e-430c-bb1c-c1f4bd36af2e, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1721, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 41e4c619-6838-47bd-9f32-5ec7d4d604dd, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1723, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 41e4c619-6838-47bd-9f32-5ec7d4d604dd, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 1724, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: e357fca6-0261-4c2b-b7f4-cdea8f99d718 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: e357fca6-0261-4c2b-b7f4-cdea8f99d718, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a2fbf5d8-210e-430c-bb1c-c1f4bd36af2e, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 1725, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a2fbf5d8-210e-430c-bb1c-c1f4bd36af2e, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 17, scenarioDelta: 17, elapsed: 1738, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- correlationId: e357fca6-0261-4c2b-b7f4-cdea8f99d718, status: success, scenario: a2fbf5d8-210e-430c-bb1c-c1f4bd36af2e, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 17, scenarioDelta: 17, elapsed: 1738, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a2fbf5d8-210e-430c-bb1c-c1f4bd36af2e, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 19, scenarioDelta: 19, elapsed: 1740, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: a2fbf5d8-210e-430c-bb1c-c1f4bd36af2e, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 19, scenarioDelta: 19, elapsed: 1740, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a2fbf5d8-210e-430c-bb1c-c1f4bd36af2e, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 19, scenarioDelta: 19, elapsed: 1740, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a2fbf5d8-210e-430c-bb1c-c1f4bd36af2e, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 23, scenarioDelta: 23, elapsed: 1744, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a2fbf5d8-210e-430c-bb1c-c1f4bd36af2e, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 23, scenarioDelta: 23, elapsed: 1744, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a2fbf5d8-210e-430c-bb1c-c1f4bd36af2e, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 26, scenarioDelta: 26, elapsed: 1747, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a2fbf5d8-210e-430c-bb1c-c1f4bd36af2e, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 29, scenarioDelta: 29, elapsed: 1750, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7eae3716-f55d-458d-a602-80e86fcca9d2, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2116, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20a5474b-38ff-4039-abd8-99b945adca71, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2127, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a84887f0-bb89-4d50-89eb-b702babfc13c, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2382, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: 20a5474b-38ff-4039-abd8-99b945adca71, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 256, scenarioDelta: 256, elapsed: 2383, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- duration: 11.099999999714782, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: abc6604f-767c-4b9b-a9d1-8845e6f3d9f0, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2419, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- duration: 11.099999999714782, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: abc6604f-767c-4b9b-a9d1-8845e6f3d9f0, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2420, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- duration: 2.500000000509317, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: a5f45476-1e86-449b-a7b9-16cdf4a71a18, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2422, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- duration: 2.500000000509317, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: a5f45476-1e86-449b-a7b9-16cdf4a71a18, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2422, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 63912, privateBytes: 44420, sharedBytes: 34268, workingSetSize: 63908, status: success, scenario: 7eae3716-f55d-458d-a602-80e86fcca9d2, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 311, scenarioDelta: 311, elapsed: 2427, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65300, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f5e9ace5-2834-4041-87c9-55f7aad7240b, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4591, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: true, scenario: f5e9ace5-2834-4041-87c9-55f7aad7240b, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 4593, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- error -- Error saving cookie Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 246012, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 242, scenarioDelta: 242, elapsed: 242, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 243, scenarioDelta: 243, elapsed: 243, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 270, scenarioDelta: 270, elapsed: 270, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 292, scenarioDelta: 292, elapsed: 292, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 354, scenarioDelta: 354, elapsed: 354, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 377, scenarioDelta: 377, elapsed: 377, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 383, scenarioDelta: 383, elapsed: 383, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 383, scenarioDelta: 383, elapsed: 383, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_start, sequence: 10, delta: 385, scenarioDelta: 385, elapsed: 385, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready_end, sequence: 11, delta: 576, scenarioDelta: 576, elapsed: 576, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_end, sequence: 12, delta: 583, scenarioDelta: 583, elapsed: 583, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_start, sequence: 13, delta: 1708, scenarioDelta: 1708, elapsed: 1708, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_stop, sequence: 14, delta: 1754, scenarioDelta: 1754, elapsed: 1754, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 15, delta: 2117, scenarioDelta: 2117, elapsed: 2117, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 16, delta: 2117, scenarioDelta: 2117, elapsed: 2117, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 17, delta: 2428, scenarioDelta: 2428, elapsed: 2428, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 18, delta: 2428, scenarioDelta: 2428, elapsed: 2428, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- delta: 4679, status: success, scenario: 3f1a3490-56a5-4475-a120-5a5dbcfd6667, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 19, scenarioDelta: 4679, elapsed: 4679, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: cd17a50d-7170-4838-877f-8f01ac1cc48d, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 270, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: cd17a50d-7170-4838-877f-8f01ac1cc48d, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 306, scenarioDelta: 306, elapsed: 576, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Setting app session to 61b49cc0-f9e1-e93c-3785-e86f7d6e02a8 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ac1f22d6-a23b-4128-871a-a789b53a2f0a, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4797, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: ac1f22d6-a23b-4128-871a-a789b53a2f0a, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4798, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + trueminimized: falsewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Main window shown active Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 3083, appRuntime: 4.832, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata, timeSinceActivity: 0.035, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 3.0870001316070557, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.15900015830993652, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.03500008583068848, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.08500003814697266, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 8584c6d0-2a28-4ff1-8fc6-3415ccd53943, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4912, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 8584c6d0-2a28-4ff1-8fc6-3415ccd53943, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4912, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e8b9b7f2-c7f1-4c22-a540-10bde4f1bcf7, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4914, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: e8b9b7f2-c7f1-4c22-a540-10bde4f1bcf7, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4915, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 934ea106-415f-4a03-9e0e-8bcc438a4d6c, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 4645, scenarioDelta: 4645, elapsed: 4916, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 15420 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Focusing main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Is foreground set to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a84887f0-bb89-4d50-89eb-b702babfc13c, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2540, scenarioDelta: 2540, elapsed: 4922, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 259904, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- User region is updated to msteams-web-prod-usnc-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: desktop_user_region_changed, previousRegion: msteams-web-prod-usce-02, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: teamsUpgradePolicyV2Synced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 0.078 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 4ad79071-f364-49c8-91d1-af554ae3261f, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 9.032, appInitialized: true, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols, timeSinceActivity: 4.117, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 4.119000196456909, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 4.360000133514404, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 4.118000030517578, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 4.120000123977661, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 61b49cc0-f9e1-e93c-3785-e86f7d6e02a8 and desktop session of desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466767571,"session":"61b49cc0-f9e1-e93c-3785-e86f7d6e02a8","desktopSession":"desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466754088}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466758539","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466767571,"session":"61b49cc0-f9e1-e93c-3785-e86f7d6e02a8","desktopSession":"desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466754088}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466758539","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- before-quit event raised. Closing the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- error -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:scan-stop BluetoothRadioState.Unavailable Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:11 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:11 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12424> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466767571,"session":"61b49cc0-f9e1-e93c-3785-e86f7d6e02a8","desktopSession":"desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466754088}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466758539","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466767571,"session":"61b49cc0-f9e1-e93c-3785-e86f7d6e02a8","desktopSession":"desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466754088}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466758539","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 266, scenarioDelta: 266, elapsed: 266, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 295, scenarioDelta: 295, elapsed: 295, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4a560a84-764c-45f1-81ef-9b4ccd80badc, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 296, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 48c2425d-a10e-4ce3-a067-12c4c7487afc, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 299, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usnc-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 48c2425d-a10e-4ce3-a067-12c4c7487afc, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 300, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 48c2425d-a10e-4ce3-a067-12c4c7487afc, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 300, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 48c2425d-a10e-4ce3-a067-12c4c7487afc, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 301, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 48c2425d-a10e-4ce3-a067-12c4c7487afc, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 303, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b405fca1-a16d-4b47-ba0b-719e966a11c4, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 306, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9 and desktop session of desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4d2bbe51-1c88-4a52-b146-5af449316945, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 309, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4d2bbe51-1c88-4a52-b146-5af449316945, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 310, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 61b49cc0-f9e1-e93c-3785-e86f7d6e02a8, crashDesktopSession: desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.863, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols, timeSinceActivity: 8.948, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.5800001621246338, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 9.19100022315979, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 61b49cc0-f9e1-e93c-3785-e86f7d6e02a8 and desktop session id of desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- crashSession: 61b49cc0-f9e1-e93c-3785-e86f7d6e02a8, crashDesktopSession: desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.863, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols, timeSinceActivity: 8.948, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.5800001621246338, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 9.19100022315979, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: fd9a2fe4-4cc5-4dc3-8edf-c42951bc11d1, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 405, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- crashSession: 61b49cc0-f9e1-e93c-3785-e86f7d6e02a8, crashDesktopSession: desktop-9b35fe36-1c57-4be0-889d-a19feeacce76, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.863, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols, timeSinceActivity: 8.948, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.5800001621246338, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 9.19100022315979, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: fd9a2fe4-4cc5-4dc3-8edf-c42951bc11d1, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 406, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 2f8ae0d3-e0c0-4346-a9c1-a523c88add55, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 650, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 2f8ae0d3-e0c0-4346-a9c1-a523c88add55, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 650, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a0529c9e-a5b8-45a6-9902-9dde3f81c8bd, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 665, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 6e31c53e-790a-4458-8048-b9ee71935a6a, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 695, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 6e31c53e-790a-4458-8048-b9ee71935a6a, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 696, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: b405fca1-a16d-4b47-ba0b-719e966a11c4, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 393, scenarioDelta: 393, elapsed: 699, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: invalid count is more than threshold Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: false, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: 2345cba9-5b90-40cc-b766-11d7f74a031d, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 701, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Loading window shown minimized due to crash in background Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a0529c9e-a5b8-45a6-9902-9dde3f81c8bd, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 361, scenarioDelta: 361, elapsed: 1026, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: 2345cba9-5b90-40cc-b766-11d7f74a031d, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1133, scenarioDelta: 1133, elapsed: 1834, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, message: isPreviousLifecycleValid: invalid count 8 is more than threshold 3, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7599bd16-615a-4516-9c91-2b195dcb0757, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1852, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dae3b7a8-f00e-4ca0-807a-739bdff3da0f, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1854, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dae3b7a8-f00e-4ca0-807a-739bdff3da0f, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 1855, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: cbc5f710-635d-4d2e-80a2-1c0caa22c98b Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: cbc5f710-635d-4d2e-80a2-1c0caa22c98b, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7599bd16-615a-4516-9c91-2b195dcb0757, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 1856, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7599bd16-615a-4516-9c91-2b195dcb0757, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 17, scenarioDelta: 17, elapsed: 1869, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- correlationId: cbc5f710-635d-4d2e-80a2-1c0caa22c98b, status: success, scenario: 7599bd16-615a-4516-9c91-2b195dcb0757, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 17, scenarioDelta: 17, elapsed: 1869, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7599bd16-615a-4516-9c91-2b195dcb0757, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 19, scenarioDelta: 19, elapsed: 1871, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: 7599bd16-615a-4516-9c91-2b195dcb0757, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 19, scenarioDelta: 19, elapsed: 1871, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7599bd16-615a-4516-9c91-2b195dcb0757, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 19, scenarioDelta: 19, elapsed: 1871, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7599bd16-615a-4516-9c91-2b195dcb0757, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 23, scenarioDelta: 23, elapsed: 1875, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7599bd16-615a-4516-9c91-2b195dcb0757, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 23, scenarioDelta: 23, elapsed: 1875, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7599bd16-615a-4516-9c91-2b195dcb0757, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 25, scenarioDelta: 25, elapsed: 1877, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7599bd16-615a-4516-9c91-2b195dcb0757, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 27, scenarioDelta: 27, elapsed: 1879, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0273a025-8638-4d6d-97df-87d794398400, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2253, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 78a87dd8-343f-4383-bbe2-d715a4c75085, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2263, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4b7b4f4b-42c3-4b4d-b1fe-4b7e230a79fd, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2518, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: 78a87dd8-343f-4383-bbe2-d715a4c75085, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 256, scenarioDelta: 256, elapsed: 2519, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- duration: 8.700000000317232, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 6d1c9c55-74b4-4fa5-817c-b5d1b0f4dfcc, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2553, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- duration: 8.700000000317232, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 6d1c9c55-74b4-4fa5-817c-b5d1b0f4dfcc, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2553, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- duration: 2.699999999094871, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: f93afba8-4840-4994-bdda-66dce38aafe6, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2556, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- duration: 2.699999999094871, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: f93afba8-4840-4994-bdda-66dce38aafe6, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2556, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 64056, privateBytes: 44860, sharedBytes: 34272, workingSetSize: 64052, status: success, scenario: 0273a025-8638-4d6d-97df-87d794398400, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 307, scenarioDelta: 307, elapsed: 2560, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65428, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 826e453c-65e0-470b-b158-b7f94838eb78, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4666, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 826e453c-65e0-470b-b158-b7f94838eb78, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 4668, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- error -- Error saving cookie Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 245832, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 267, scenarioDelta: 267, elapsed: 267, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 267, scenarioDelta: 267, elapsed: 267, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 296, scenarioDelta: 296, elapsed: 296, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 316, scenarioDelta: 316, elapsed: 316, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 377, scenarioDelta: 377, elapsed: 377, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 403, scenarioDelta: 403, elapsed: 403, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 408, scenarioDelta: 408, elapsed: 408, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 408, scenarioDelta: 408, elapsed: 408, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_start, sequence: 10, delta: 411, scenarioDelta: 411, elapsed: 411, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready_end, sequence: 11, delta: 695, scenarioDelta: 695, elapsed: 695, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_end, sequence: 12, delta: 703, scenarioDelta: 703, elapsed: 703, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_start, sequence: 13, delta: 1837, scenarioDelta: 1837, elapsed: 1837, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_stop, sequence: 14, delta: 1883, scenarioDelta: 1883, elapsed: 1883, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 15, delta: 2254, scenarioDelta: 2254, elapsed: 2254, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 16, delta: 2254, scenarioDelta: 2254, elapsed: 2254, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 17, delta: 2561, scenarioDelta: 2561, elapsed: 2561, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 18, delta: 2561, scenarioDelta: 2561, elapsed: 2561, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- delta: 4744, status: success, scenario: e7fad3b1-c951-42b9-ac49-fad1adcd8fc9, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 19, scenarioDelta: 4744, elapsed: 4744, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6bdef104-050a-46c4-8be8-0e2144628a88, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4858, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: 6bdef104-050a-46c4-8be8-0e2144628a88, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4859, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + falseminimized: truewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Main window shown minimized due to previous window was minimized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 3005, appRuntime: 4.884, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,app_launch_metadata, timeSinceActivity: 0.025, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 3.007999897003174, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.14699983596801758, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:app_launch_metadata, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.02499985694885254, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.14699983596801758, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 71278949-c8e0-49e4-b42b-812af883271d, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4968, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 71278949-c8e0-49e4-b42b-812af883271d, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4968, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3a9dba4f-c197-4326-86df-564d0463b5fa, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4971, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: 3a9dba4f-c197-4326-86df-564d0463b5fa, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4971, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4a560a84-764c-45f1-81ef-9b4ccd80badc, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 4676, scenarioDelta: 4676, elapsed: 4972, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 15904 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4b7b4f4b-42c3-4b4d-b1fe-4b7e230a79fd, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2457, scenarioDelta: 2457, elapsed: 4975, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: bb68857e-82e4-452a-bcb0-5863d0631caa, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 296, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: bb68857e-82e4-452a-bcb0-5863d0631caa, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 399, scenarioDelta: 399, elapsed: 695, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:16 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Setting app session to c76af428-c824-0ec6-13fa-e996f6cf9e85 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 260336, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- User region is updated to msteams-web-prod-usce-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: desktop_user_region_changed, previousRegion: msteams-web-prod-usnc-02, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 1.188 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: teamsUpgradePolicyV2Synced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b90eebb4-7fb4-4c80-87ee-e0d4d94cf27f, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6700, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: true, scenario: b90eebb4-7fb4-4c80-87ee-e0d4d94cf27f, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6700, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from Unknown to Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Added Available (current state: Unknown -> Available) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 092961a3-9668-42ae-ab4e-6825cf9289f5, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6990, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 092961a3-9668-42ae-ab4e-6825cf9289f5, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6990, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 8.765, appInitialized: true, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_app_start,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 1.775, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 3.7970001697540283, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 4.0290000438690186, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 1.7760000228881836, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 2.06600022315979, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:20 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of c76af428-c824-0ec6-13fa-e996f6cf9e85 and desktop session of desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466780763,"session":"c76af428-c824-0ec6-13fa-e996f6cf9e85","desktopSession":"desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466767571},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466754088}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466771999","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466780763,"session":"c76af428-c824-0ec6-13fa-e996f6cf9e85","desktopSession":"desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466767571},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466754088}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466771999","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- before-quit event raised. Closing the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- error -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:scan-stop BluetoothRadioState.Unavailable Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <12340> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466780763,"session":"c76af428-c824-0ec6-13fa-e996f6cf9e85","desktopSession":"desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466767571},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466754088}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466771999","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466780763,"session":"c76af428-c824-0ec6-13fa-e996f6cf9e85","desktopSession":"desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466767571},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466754088}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466771999","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4cbcc3fe-2ad5-45e3-8aea-fd4b62fed06c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 252, scenarioDelta: 252, elapsed: 252, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4cbcc3fe-2ad5-45e3-8aea-fd4b62fed06c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 282, scenarioDelta: 282, elapsed: 282, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 15ac6a97-85ec-4afe-adeb-a68fbe2374cc, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 283, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e16ac698-ecd0-4564-b72a-7673e6ca1e8f, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 286, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usce-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e16ac698-ecd0-4564-b72a-7673e6ca1e8f, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 288, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e16ac698-ecd0-4564-b72a-7673e6ca1e8f, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 288, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e16ac698-ecd0-4564-b72a-7673e6ca1e8f, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 3, scenarioDelta: 3, elapsed: 289, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e16ac698-ecd0-4564-b72a-7673e6ca1e8f, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 5, scenarioDelta: 5, elapsed: 291, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f6dd9907-2e5d-4556-bba8-12e40c777737, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 294, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352 and desktop session of desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 054b34ec-2174-401f-a31d-f60a2f1d8810, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 296, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 054b34ec-2174-401f-a31d-f60a2f1d8810, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 296, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: c76af428-c824-0ec6-13fa-e996f6cf9e85, crashDesktopSession: desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.505, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_app_start,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.515, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4849998950958252, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.76799988746643, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of c76af428-c824-0ec6-13fa-e996f6cf9e85 and desktop session id of desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- crashSession: c76af428-c824-0ec6-13fa-e996f6cf9e85, crashDesktopSession: desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.505, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_app_start,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.515, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4849998950958252, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.76799988746643, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 3670eccc-86d9-4269-bc14-9f94d6543e94, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 392, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- crashSession: c76af428-c824-0ec6-13fa-e996f6cf9e85, crashDesktopSession: desktop-97769a06-9944-450d-8c81-67a6be3b5ce9, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.505, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_app_start,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.515, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4849998950958252, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.76799988746643, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 3670eccc-86d9-4269-bc14-9f94d6543e94, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 392, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4cbcc3fe-2ad5-45e3-8aea-fd4b62fed06c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 254, scenarioDelta: 254, elapsed: 254, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4cbcc3fe-2ad5-45e3-8aea-fd4b62fed06c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 254, scenarioDelta: 254, elapsed: 254, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4cbcc3fe-2ad5-45e3-8aea-fd4b62fed06c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 283, scenarioDelta: 283, elapsed: 283, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4cbcc3fe-2ad5-45e3-8aea-fd4b62fed06c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 303, scenarioDelta: 303, elapsed: 303, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4cbcc3fe-2ad5-45e3-8aea-fd4b62fed06c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 365, scenarioDelta: 365, elapsed: 365, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4cbcc3fe-2ad5-45e3-8aea-fd4b62fed06c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 389, scenarioDelta: 389, elapsed: 389, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4cbcc3fe-2ad5-45e3-8aea-fd4b62fed06c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 394, scenarioDelta: 394, elapsed: 394, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 4cbcc3fe-2ad5-45e3-8aea-fd4b62fed06c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 394, scenarioDelta: 394, elapsed: 394, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- delta: 397, status: success, scenario: 4cbcc3fe-2ad5-45e3-8aea-fd4b62fed06c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 10, scenarioDelta: 397, elapsed: 397, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: desktop_recovery_show, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c7cfb6bd-df66-4790-bc95-99ba5c0f530b, scenarioName: desktop_recovery_show, name: desktop_recovery_show, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 412, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_recovery_show, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c7cfb6bd-df66-4790-bc95-99ba5c0f530b, scenarioName: desktop_recovery_show, name: desktop_recovery_show, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 412, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_recovery_show, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 2e31b274-3e38-4615-a730-70eee7d6dfee, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 525, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 2e31b274-3e38-4615-a730-70eee7d6dfee, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 526, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7e734593-4f53-4462-ba82-494938593127, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 542, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: efd0ef8b-403d-4b8f-a243-a4fe8299a8bc, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 571, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: efd0ef8b-403d-4b8f-a243-a4fe8299a8bc, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 572, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7e734593-4f53-4462-ba82-494938593127, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 455, scenarioDelta: 455, elapsed: 997, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:46:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: timeout, scenario: 15ac6a97-85ec-4afe-adeb-a68fbe2374cc, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 120002, scenarioDelta: 120002, elapsed: 120285, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: timeout, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: timeout, scenario: f6dd9907-2e5d-4556-bba8-12e40c777737, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 120001, scenarioDelta: 120001, elapsed: 120295, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: timeout, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Clearing user data Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Recursing into folder Application Cache\Cache to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- error -- Unable to remove file Index Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- error -- Unable to remove directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Recursing into folder blob_storage\e7893e74-5f78-490b-bb05-7604ac14ca43 to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory e7893e74-5f78-490b-bb05-7604ac14ca43 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory e7893e74-5f78-490b-bb05-7604ac14ca43 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory e7893e74-5f78-490b-bb05-7604ac14ca43 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed file Cookies Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed file Cookies-journal Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed file desktop-config.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_3 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- error -- Unable to remove file index Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- error -- Unable to remove directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Recursing into folder IndexedDB\https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Recursing into folder Local Storage\leveldb to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- error -- Unable to remove file lockfile Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Skipping file logs.txt Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed file Network Persistent State Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed file QuotaManager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed file QuotaManager-journal Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed file settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed file storage.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removing files in directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: desktop_clean_user_data_failed, files: ["Application Cache","GPUCache"], eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Starting main window after recovery Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: desktop_recovery_cleared_user_data, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: invalid count is more than threshold Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: false, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: a286387e-2ec7-489a-a898-e68e61d77b15, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 125327, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: a286387e-2ec7-489a-a898-e68e61d77b15, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 156, scenarioDelta: 156, elapsed: 125483, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, message: isPreviousLifecycleValid: invalid count 9 is more than threshold 3, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: eb5a5639-eea2-4778-886f-6f75863cfc11, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 125504, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b86e342f-2ba8-4d22-bb94-7315f560035b, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 125506, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b86e342f-2ba8-4d22-bb94-7315f560035b, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 125506, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: c6499926-05b4-483d-a677-15c5df51b7e2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: c6499926-05b4-483d-a677-15c5df51b7e2, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 2, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: eb5a5639-eea2-4778-886f-6f75863cfc11, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 3, scenarioDelta: 3, elapsed: 125507, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: eb5a5639-eea2-4778-886f-6f75863cfc11, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 8, scenarioDelta: 8, elapsed: 125512, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- correlationId: c6499926-05b4-483d-a677-15c5df51b7e2, status: success, scenario: eb5a5639-eea2-4778-886f-6f75863cfc11, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 8, scenarioDelta: 8, elapsed: 125512, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: eb5a5639-eea2-4778-886f-6f75863cfc11, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 125515, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: eb5a5639-eea2-4778-886f-6f75863cfc11, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 125515, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: eb5a5639-eea2-4778-886f-6f75863cfc11, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 125515, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: eb5a5639-eea2-4778-886f-6f75863cfc11, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 15, scenarioDelta: 15, elapsed: 125519, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: eb5a5639-eea2-4778-886f-6f75863cfc11, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 16, scenarioDelta: 16, elapsed: 125520, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: eb5a5639-eea2-4778-886f-6f75863cfc11, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 19, scenarioDelta: 19, elapsed: 125523, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: eb5a5639-eea2-4778-886f-6f75863cfc11, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 21, scenarioDelta: 21, elapsed: 125525, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Loading window shown with focus due to first show Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 309ee7e2-f87b-4af3-b7a8-42268ba9b42f, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 126009, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 90669cee-24cb-44bc-b03d-768df2298d5e, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 126022, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 184eef2b-4abe-4495-b101-533d356fd6d1, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 126325, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: 90669cee-24cb-44bc-b03d-768df2298d5e, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 303, scenarioDelta: 303, elapsed: 126325, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- duration: 12.39999999961583, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 1c1e55c5-94e2-4d19-b584-6429da6e9e0c, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 126361, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- duration: 12.39999999961583, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 1c1e55c5-94e2-4d19-b584-6429da6e9e0c, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 126361, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- duration: 2.899999999499414, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 1f44a8b4-5b6a-4d8a-8ad0-cf501432318e, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 126364, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- duration: 2.899999999499414, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 1f44a8b4-5b6a-4d8a-8ad0-cf501432318e, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 126364, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 63788, privateBytes: 44092, sharedBytes: 34268, workingSetSize: 63784, status: success, scenario: 309ee7e2-f87b-4af3-b7a8-42268ba9b42f, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 359, scenarioDelta: 359, elapsed: 126368, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65164, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 90ea6a81-6eab-4e88-91d6-1c7c2c5d93b1, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 130730, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 90ea6a81-6eab-4e88-91d6-1c7c2c5d93b1, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 130731, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 49f10795-1b32-4a50-9bc1-3572ef521b99, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 2, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 245356, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 13a8d0f3-1894-40bc-8664-2e8612dd218d, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 283, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 13a8d0f3-1894-40bc-8664-2e8612dd218d, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 288, scenarioDelta: 288, elapsed: 571, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Setting app session to 70cf6d55-df48-bc5e-abaa-364cc249b08f Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 0 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: eec1ae8d-bc74-43e0-8299-33ee32ae3411, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 131689, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: eec1ae8d-bc74-43e0-8299-33ee32ae3411, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 131690, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: b5502cfb-d0c1-4e77-8370-647ed9b4e4f6, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 131775, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: b5502cfb-d0c1-4e77-8370-647ed9b4e4f6, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 131776, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + falseminimized: falsewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Main window shown then blurred Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 6274, appRuntime: 131.799, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level, timeSinceActivity: 0.023, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 6.278000116348267, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.4740002155303955, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:desktop_recovery_show,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.023000001907348633, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.10900020599365234, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0b0a68c7-5ab5-41a3-957c-1cfb615ca698, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 131801, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: 0b0a68c7-5ab5-41a3-957c-1cfb615ca698, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 131802, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 14656 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 184eef2b-4abe-4495-b101-533d356fd6d1, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 5480, scenarioDelta: 5480, elapsed: 131805, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Focusing main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Is foreground set to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 28d9a3da-f891-48a5-a244-d877072198e0, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 242668, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 8a777135-9134-4eaa-ba70-2204bea76229, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 3, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 73850657-ba10-4f51-9dec-74571d1dbb0a, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 135090, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 73850657-ba10-4f51-9dec-74571d1dbb0a, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 135091, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from Unknown to Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Added Available (current state: Unknown -> Available) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ecf26ed6-7192-4f0e-b5ee-40efc92333b7, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 135349, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ecf26ed6-7192-4f0e-b5ee-40efc92333b7, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 135349, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 137.105, appInitialized: true, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 1.756, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 5.305000066757202, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 5.192000150680542, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:desktop_recovery_show,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,wa:Interactive,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 1.75600004196167, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 2.014000177383423, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 70cf6d55-df48-bc5e-abaa-364cc249b08f and desktop session of desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466922217,"session":"70cf6d55-df48-bc5e-abaa-364cc249b08f","desktopSession":"desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466785114","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466922217,"session":"70cf6d55-df48-bc5e-abaa-364cc249b08f","desktopSession":"desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466785114","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- error -- There are 1 open windows after main window closed, force closing all windows Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- event -- name: desktop_orphan_windows, count: 1, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9372> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466922217,"session":"70cf6d55-df48-bc5e-abaa-364cc249b08f","desktopSession":"desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466785114","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466922217,"session":"70cf6d55-df48-bc5e-abaa-364cc249b08f","desktopSession":"desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466785114","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 283, scenarioDelta: 283, elapsed: 283, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 316, scenarioDelta: 316, elapsed: 316, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7c495904-0104-4a1c-8a9e-d004f82da1b7, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 317, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 269ad695-ea5f-4253-849a-029c4a495b2a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 319, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usce-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 269ad695-ea5f-4253-849a-029c4a495b2a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 321, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 269ad695-ea5f-4253-849a-029c4a495b2a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 321, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 269ad695-ea5f-4253-849a-029c4a495b2a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 3, scenarioDelta: 3, elapsed: 322, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 269ad695-ea5f-4253-849a-029c4a495b2a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 5, scenarioDelta: 5, elapsed: 324, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 56c8608a-1947-47c5-badf-896ab8a63f5d, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 327, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf and desktop session of desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 31833d6f-afbc-4343-a0fb-68bb920d1eb6, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 330, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 31833d6f-afbc-4343-a0fb-68bb920d1eb6, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 331, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 70cf6d55-df48-bc5e-abaa-364cc249b08f, crashDesktopSession: desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 143.207, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 7.858, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 2.6530001163482666, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 11.294000148773193, diagnosticEvents: ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,wa:Interactive,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 70cf6d55-df48-bc5e-abaa-364cc249b08f and desktop session id of desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- crashSession: 70cf6d55-df48-bc5e-abaa-364cc249b08f, crashDesktopSession: desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 143.207, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 7.858, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 2.6530001163482666, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 11.294000148773193, diagnosticEvents: ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,wa:Interactive,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 54493722-ba26-4881-ab8a-c69d1cccd638, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 999, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- crashSession: 70cf6d55-df48-bc5e-abaa-364cc249b08f, crashDesktopSession: desktop-d679f3e9-1dd6-4a0e-8981-44e4c7ab8352, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 143.207, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 7.858, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 2.6530001163482666, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 11.294000148773193, diagnosticEvents: ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,wa:Interactive,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 54493722-ba26-4881-ab8a-c69d1cccd638, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 1001, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 45c320d2-a2b9-4900-8484-c345e555f3e8, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1322, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 45c320d2-a2b9-4900-8484-c345e555f3e8, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1322, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a2caea58-88ec-4455-bd0e-ec8bcb35e65b, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1338, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: b01038ac-d2d5-4d9b-82d6-8de0e049ab17, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1388, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: b01038ac-d2d5-4d9b-82d6-8de0e049ab17, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 1389, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: 56c8608a-1947-47c5-badf-896ab8a63f5d, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1065, scenarioDelta: 1065, elapsed: 1392, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: invalid count is more than threshold Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: false, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: ff1e4da7-0956-4ec8-bbe2-3c905dba861d, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1394, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Loading window shown minimized due to crash in background Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a2caea58-88ec-4455-bd0e-ec8bcb35e65b, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 517, scenarioDelta: 517, elapsed: 1855, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: ff1e4da7-0956-4ec8-bbe2-3c905dba861d, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1163, scenarioDelta: 1163, elapsed: 2557, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, message: isPreviousLifecycleValid: invalid count 10 is more than threshold 3, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ec58fef3-442f-41f3-b883-852f51f539e9, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2576, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 2ba4b9a3-f625-43e0-b1a8-2648f91da231, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2578, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 2ba4b9a3-f625-43e0-b1a8-2648f91da231, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2579, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: b376d229-761c-4451-b490-0a238bddb62b Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: b376d229-761c-4451-b490-0a238bddb62b, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 4, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ec58fef3-442f-41f3-b883-852f51f539e9, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 2580, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ec58fef3-442f-41f3-b883-852f51f539e9, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 20, scenarioDelta: 20, elapsed: 2596, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- correlationId: b376d229-761c-4451-b490-0a238bddb62b, status: success, scenario: ec58fef3-442f-41f3-b883-852f51f539e9, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 20, scenarioDelta: 20, elapsed: 2596, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ec58fef3-442f-41f3-b883-852f51f539e9, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 26, scenarioDelta: 26, elapsed: 2602, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: ec58fef3-442f-41f3-b883-852f51f539e9, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 26, scenarioDelta: 26, elapsed: 2602, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ec58fef3-442f-41f3-b883-852f51f539e9, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 26, scenarioDelta: 26, elapsed: 2602, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ec58fef3-442f-41f3-b883-852f51f539e9, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 30, scenarioDelta: 30, elapsed: 2606, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ec58fef3-442f-41f3-b883-852f51f539e9, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 30, scenarioDelta: 30, elapsed: 2606, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ec58fef3-442f-41f3-b883-852f51f539e9, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 33, scenarioDelta: 33, elapsed: 2609, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ec58fef3-442f-41f3-b883-852f51f539e9, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 35, scenarioDelta: 35, elapsed: 2611, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f2d42d7e-7970-4763-a37c-0a17b135cbfc, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3118, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 01632f5a-9cec-4abe-879b-c5f0da3df61b, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3171, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 565a005e-48c5-44c6-91b5-c19b8c50f5f1, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3541, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: 01632f5a-9cec-4abe-879b-c5f0da3df61b, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 370, scenarioDelta: 370, elapsed: 3541, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- duration: 11.500000000523869, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 874d5e61-f1ef-4752-881f-af1c49cda0bd, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 3585, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- duration: 11.500000000523869, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 874d5e61-f1ef-4752-881f-af1c49cda0bd, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 3585, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- duration: 3.1999999991967343, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 5993d442-96cd-4143-a622-a668f0125400, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3594, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- duration: 3.1999999991967343, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 5993d442-96cd-4143-a622-a668f0125400, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 3595, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 63824, privateBytes: 43628, sharedBytes: 34272, workingSetSize: 63820, status: success, scenario: f2d42d7e-7970-4763-a37c-0a17b135cbfc, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 484, scenarioDelta: 484, elapsed: 3602, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65164, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 410ddc26-bdb7-4283-8034-d63c6c8dd48e, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6813, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 410ddc26-bdb7-4283-8034-d63c6c8dd48e, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 6815, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- error -- Error saving cookie Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 245992, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 284, scenarioDelta: 284, elapsed: 284, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 285, scenarioDelta: 285, elapsed: 285, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 316, scenarioDelta: 316, elapsed: 316, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 338, scenarioDelta: 338, elapsed: 338, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 668, scenarioDelta: 668, elapsed: 668, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 996, scenarioDelta: 996, elapsed: 996, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 1020, scenarioDelta: 1020, elapsed: 1020, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 1021, scenarioDelta: 1021, elapsed: 1021, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_start, sequence: 10, delta: 1027, scenarioDelta: 1027, elapsed: 1027, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready_end, sequence: 11, delta: 1388, scenarioDelta: 1388, elapsed: 1388, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_end, sequence: 12, delta: 1396, scenarioDelta: 1396, elapsed: 1396, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_start, sequence: 13, delta: 2560, scenarioDelta: 2560, elapsed: 2560, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_stop, sequence: 14, delta: 2616, scenarioDelta: 2616, elapsed: 2616, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 15, delta: 3121, scenarioDelta: 3121, elapsed: 3121, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 16, delta: 3121, scenarioDelta: 3121, elapsed: 3121, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 17, delta: 3602, scenarioDelta: 3602, elapsed: 3602, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 18, delta: 3602, scenarioDelta: 3602, elapsed: 3602, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- delta: 6934, status: success, scenario: aae5dfd6-1dc1-4da2-916b-3cef8c3c7d72, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 19, scenarioDelta: 6934, elapsed: 6934, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 480913b9-bbfe-4035-b0ad-5b22f4ca8c97, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 316, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 480913b9-bbfe-4035-b0ad-5b22f4ca8c97, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1071, scenarioDelta: 1071, elapsed: 1387, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Setting app session to a267f92d-d763-f13f-bfdd-6590f1ddcd65 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: fd926d21-8ba1-48e4-8028-4bfa55431dab, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7087, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: fd926d21-8ba1-48e4-8028-4bfa55431dab, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 7088, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + trueminimized: truewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Main window shown minimized due to previous window was minimized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 4508, appRuntime: 7.119, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata, timeSinceActivity: 0.032, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 4.51200008392334, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.2839999198913574, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.03299999237060547, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.09299993515014648, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 5d0d6086-c674-40ac-b169-f3cc05e4d313, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7198, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 5d0d6086-c674-40ac-b169-f3cc05e4d313, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 7199, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0178a398-536a-4feb-8224-b8c6d3fd62e3, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7202, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: 0178a398-536a-4feb-8224-b8c6d3fd62e3, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 7203, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7c495904-0104-4a1c-8a9e-d004f82da1b7, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 6887, scenarioDelta: 6887, elapsed: 7204, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 2708 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 565a005e-48c5-44c6-91b5-c19b8c50f5f1, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 3668, scenarioDelta: 3668, elapsed: 7209, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 260196, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- User region is updated to msteams-web-prod-usnc-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: desktop_user_region_changed, previousRegion: msteams-web-prod-usce-02, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 0 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:48:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: teamsUpgradePolicyV2Synced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 34919fff-da68-4849-b6fd-003f18dddbcb, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 18.477, appInitialized: true, activities: start_syncStateService,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,tenant_get_all,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ensureRosterStateInSyncOnLoad,store_start_conversations,orchestration_WaitForConversationsSyncOrchestrationStep,orchestration_StartConversationStoreOrchestrationStep,orchestration_StartChatSyncStoreOrchestrationStep,update_image_auth_cookie,manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,header_extensions,admin_get_meeting_configuration,batch_people_short_profile,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,sync_chat_list_local_first_rendering,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messaging_switch_channel_firstload_v2,application_launch_time, timeSinceActivity: 5.951, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 11.276999950408936, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 11.641999959945679, diagnosticEvents: ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:tenant_get_all,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:ensureRosterStateInSyncOnLoad,ua:store_start_conversations,ua:orchestration_WaitForConversationsSyncOrchestrationStep,ua:orchestration_StartConversationStoreOrchestrationStep,ua:orchestration_StartChatSyncStoreOrchestrationStep,ua:update_image_auth_cookie,ua:manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,ua:header_extensions,ua:admin_get_meeting_configuration,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:sync_chat_list_local_first_rendering,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messaging_switch_channel_firstload_v2,ua:application_launch_time, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 5.950999975204468, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 5.950999975204468, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of a267f92d-d763-f13f-bfdd-6590f1ddcd65 and desktop session of desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466945801,"session":"a267f92d-d763-f13f-bfdd-6590f1ddcd65","desktopSession":"desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466922217}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466927325","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466945801,"session":"a267f92d-d763-f13f-bfdd-6590f1ddcd65","desktopSession":"desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466922217}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466927325","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- before-quit event raised. Closing the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- error -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:scan-stop BluetoothRadioState.Unavailable Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <7964> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466945801,"session":"a267f92d-d763-f13f-bfdd-6590f1ddcd65","desktopSession":"desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466922217}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466927325","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466945801,"session":"a267f92d-d763-f13f-bfdd-6590f1ddcd65","desktopSession":"desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466922217}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466927325","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 357, scenarioDelta: 357, elapsed: 357, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 397, scenarioDelta: 397, elapsed: 397, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3dc4df05-f2ad-47f3-ae57-d12f74744063, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 398, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: bf8e98aa-25cf-404c-81f7-e05820d2f66a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 402, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usnc-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: bf8e98aa-25cf-404c-81f7-e05820d2f66a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 404, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: bf8e98aa-25cf-404c-81f7-e05820d2f66a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 404, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: bf8e98aa-25cf-404c-81f7-e05820d2f66a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 406, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: bf8e98aa-25cf-404c-81f7-e05820d2f66a, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 7, scenarioDelta: 7, elapsed: 409, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d4569a37-afba-421f-9369-bbf3dca83ef7, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 412, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f and desktop session of desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 5901bca7-4c5e-4ff2-8994-54a7f0c9bcc9, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 415, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 5901bca7-4c5e-4ff2-8994-54a7f0c9bcc9, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 416, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: a267f92d-d763-f13f-bfdd-6590f1ddcd65, crashDesktopSession: desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 26.331, appSessionEnd: false, activities: start_syncStateService,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,tenant_get_all,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ensureRosterStateInSyncOnLoad,store_start_conversations,orchestration_WaitForConversationsSyncOrchestrationStep,orchestration_StartConversationStoreOrchestrationStep,orchestration_StartChatSyncStoreOrchestrationStep,update_image_auth_cookie,manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,header_extensions,admin_get_meeting_configuration,batch_people_short_profile,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,sync_chat_list_local_first_rendering,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messaging_switch_channel_firstload_v2,application_launch_time, timeSinceActivity: 13.805, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 4.454999923706055, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 19.495999813079834, diagnosticEvents: ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:tenant_get_all,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:ensureRosterStateInSyncOnLoad,ua:store_start_conversations,ua:orchestration_WaitForConversationsSyncOrchestrationStep,ua:orchestration_StartConversationStoreOrchestrationStep,ua:orchestration_StartChatSyncStoreOrchestrationStep,ua:update_image_auth_cookie,ua:manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,ua:header_extensions,ua:admin_get_meeting_configuration,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:sync_chat_list_local_first_rendering,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messaging_switch_channel_firstload_v2,ua:application_launch_time,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of a267f92d-d763-f13f-bfdd-6590f1ddcd65 and desktop session id of desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- crashSession: a267f92d-d763-f13f-bfdd-6590f1ddcd65, crashDesktopSession: desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 26.331, appSessionEnd: false, activities: start_syncStateService,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,tenant_get_all,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ensureRosterStateInSyncOnLoad,store_start_conversations,orchestration_WaitForConversationsSyncOrchestrationStep,orchestration_StartConversationStoreOrchestrationStep,orchestration_StartChatSyncStoreOrchestrationStep,update_image_auth_cookie,manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,header_extensions,admin_get_meeting_configuration,batch_people_short_profile,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,sync_chat_list_local_first_rendering,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messaging_switch_channel_firstload_v2,application_launch_time, timeSinceActivity: 13.805, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 4.454999923706055, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 19.495999813079834, diagnosticEvents: ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:tenant_get_all,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:ensureRosterStateInSyncOnLoad,ua:store_start_conversations,ua:orchestration_WaitForConversationsSyncOrchestrationStep,ua:orchestration_StartConversationStoreOrchestrationStep,ua:orchestration_StartChatSyncStoreOrchestrationStep,ua:update_image_auth_cookie,ua:manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,ua:header_extensions,ua:admin_get_meeting_configuration,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:sync_chat_list_local_first_rendering,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messaging_switch_channel_firstload_v2,ua:application_launch_time,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 42dac8df-d8ca-4f8c-9a36-1f17cec6d40d, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1199, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- crashSession: a267f92d-d763-f13f-bfdd-6590f1ddcd65, crashDesktopSession: desktop-0c25f31c-5236-4a13-8b40-a1076302ccdf, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 26.331, appSessionEnd: false, activities: start_syncStateService,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,tenant_get_all,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ensureRosterStateInSyncOnLoad,store_start_conversations,orchestration_WaitForConversationsSyncOrchestrationStep,orchestration_StartConversationStoreOrchestrationStep,orchestration_StartChatSyncStoreOrchestrationStep,update_image_auth_cookie,manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,header_extensions,admin_get_meeting_configuration,batch_people_short_profile,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,chat_buildtitles_namehints,sync_chat_list_local_first_rendering,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messaging_switch_channel_firstload_v2,application_launch_time, timeSinceActivity: 13.805, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 4.454999923706055, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 19.495999813079834, diagnosticEvents: ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:tenant_get_all,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:ensureRosterStateInSyncOnLoad,ua:store_start_conversations,ua:orchestration_WaitForConversationsSyncOrchestrationStep,ua:orchestration_StartConversationStoreOrchestrationStep,ua:orchestration_StartChatSyncStoreOrchestrationStep,ua:update_image_auth_cookie,ua:manage_tenant_members_can_invite_get,ua:header_extensions,ua:admin_get_meeting_configuration,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:chat_buildtitles_namehints,ua:sync_chat_list_local_first_rendering,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messaging_switch_channel_firstload_v2,ua:application_launch_time,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 42dac8df-d8ca-4f8c-9a36-1f17cec6d40d, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 1200, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3c6d869d-b3c5-4bec-a2e7-ab03990045f4, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1894, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3c6d869d-b3c5-4bec-a2e7-ab03990045f4, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1894, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 8e8717f8-8fca-4789-9883-c8493f49abf1, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1910, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 0bb5952d-e695-47f6-a72d-0f8c74e5b2cd, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1990, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 0bb5952d-e695-47f6-a72d-0f8c74e5b2cd, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1990, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: d4569a37-afba-421f-9369-bbf3dca83ef7, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1581, scenarioDelta: 1581, elapsed: 1993, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: invalid count is more than threshold Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: false, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: 8569ffed-c6ba-485f-ad9a-85b437ff246e, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1995, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 8e8717f8-8fca-4789-9883-c8493f49abf1, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1214, scenarioDelta: 1214, elapsed: 3124, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: 8569ffed-c6ba-485f-ad9a-85b437ff246e, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1155, scenarioDelta: 1155, elapsed: 3150, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, message: isPreviousLifecycleValid: invalid count 11 is more than threshold 3, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 130bb860-eb23-4308-9d11-a1fddd1ed4f7, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3172, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f6473739-fc47-4ffe-9749-fffa0f8b6552, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3174, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f6473739-fc47-4ffe-9749-fffa0f8b6552, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 3175, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: 03c1286e-dea7-4bbc-a346-67f9b0339197 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 03c1286e-dea7-4bbc-a346-67f9b0339197, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 69, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Loading window shown minimized due to crash in background Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 130bb860-eb23-4308-9d11-a1fddd1ed4f7, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 3176, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 130bb860-eb23-4308-9d11-a1fddd1ed4f7, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 26, scenarioDelta: 26, elapsed: 3198, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- correlationId: 03c1286e-dea7-4bbc-a346-67f9b0339197, status: success, scenario: 130bb860-eb23-4308-9d11-a1fddd1ed4f7, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 27, scenarioDelta: 27, elapsed: 3199, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 130bb860-eb23-4308-9d11-a1fddd1ed4f7, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 97, scenarioDelta: 97, elapsed: 3269, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: 130bb860-eb23-4308-9d11-a1fddd1ed4f7, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 97, scenarioDelta: 97, elapsed: 3269, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 130bb860-eb23-4308-9d11-a1fddd1ed4f7, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 97, scenarioDelta: 97, elapsed: 3269, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 130bb860-eb23-4308-9d11-a1fddd1ed4f7, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 101, scenarioDelta: 101, elapsed: 3273, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 130bb860-eb23-4308-9d11-a1fddd1ed4f7, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 102, scenarioDelta: 102, elapsed: 3274, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 130bb860-eb23-4308-9d11-a1fddd1ed4f7, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 358, scenarioDelta: 358, elapsed: 3530, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 130bb860-eb23-4308-9d11-a1fddd1ed4f7, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 361, scenarioDelta: 361, elapsed: 3533, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f5472593-4fd3-4bc9-acd2-6abe94627fe7, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 5172, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a1131c17-5c56-4b91-a315-a35a31c23639, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 5184, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: af2027c0-3e41-44d6-907b-7f5475ca9da9, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 5858, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: a1131c17-5c56-4b91-a315-a35a31c23639, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 675, scenarioDelta: 675, elapsed: 5859, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- duration: 28.500000000349246, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 4a36e5a6-c964-4fa5-8b0c-96ea84bc2dfc, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 5929, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- duration: 28.500000000349246, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 4a36e5a6-c964-4fa5-8b0c-96ea84bc2dfc, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 5930, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- duration: 3.3999999996012775, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: e7da96d7-e540-487f-818d-e1ba38d56ef2, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 5935, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- duration: 3.3999999996012775, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: e7da96d7-e540-487f-818d-e1ba38d56ef2, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 5935, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 63796, privateBytes: 43808, sharedBytes: 34284, workingSetSize: 63792, status: success, scenario: f5472593-4fd3-4bc9-acd2-6abe94627fe7, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 776, scenarioDelta: 776, elapsed: 5947, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65152, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 65af8874-cd59-484f-8700-4cdc344b3508, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 10017, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 65af8874-cd59-484f-8700-4cdc344b3508, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 10019, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- error -- Error saving cookie Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 240716, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 358, scenarioDelta: 358, elapsed: 358, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 359, scenarioDelta: 359, elapsed: 359, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 397, scenarioDelta: 397, elapsed: 397, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 427, scenarioDelta: 427, elapsed: 427, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 1009, scenarioDelta: 1009, elapsed: 1009, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 1196, scenarioDelta: 1196, elapsed: 1196, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 1201, scenarioDelta: 1201, elapsed: 1201, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 1202, scenarioDelta: 1202, elapsed: 1202, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_start, sequence: 10, delta: 1205, scenarioDelta: 1205, elapsed: 1205, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready_end, sequence: 11, delta: 1989, scenarioDelta: 1989, elapsed: 1989, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_end, sequence: 12, delta: 1997, scenarioDelta: 1997, elapsed: 1997, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_start, sequence: 13, delta: 3156, scenarioDelta: 3156, elapsed: 3156, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_stop, sequence: 14, delta: 3537, scenarioDelta: 3537, elapsed: 3537, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 15, delta: 5174, scenarioDelta: 5174, elapsed: 5174, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 16, delta: 5174, scenarioDelta: 5174, elapsed: 5174, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 17, delta: 5949, scenarioDelta: 5949, elapsed: 5949, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 18, delta: 5949, scenarioDelta: 5949, elapsed: 5949, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- delta: 10420, status: success, scenario: 32e301f0-1e8b-4da8-9c83-15cd21f21417, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 19, scenarioDelta: 10420, elapsed: 10420, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:22 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 1bf7f67b-a7da-4049-85c3-956351ba7ab1, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 397, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 1bf7f67b-a7da-4049-85c3-956351ba7ab1, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1592, scenarioDelta: 1592, elapsed: 1989, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Setting app session to 1c375023-a8d2-f15c-5d0b-a8f3c0bbf525 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 0.016 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b6eda905-35ea-4b0b-90af-2e26d8128173, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 10679, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: b6eda905-35ea-4b0b-90af-2e26d8128173, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 10680, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + trueminimized: truewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Main window shown minimized due to previous window was minimized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 7169, appRuntime: 10.701, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata, timeSinceActivity: 0.021, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 7.426000118255615, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.6600000858306885, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.021000146865844727, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.0710000991821289, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: f74f5ea5-a83b-444f-baa4-85debf49b283, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 10795, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: f74f5ea5-a83b-444f-baa4-85debf49b283, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 10795, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3fe76faf-fbda-485d-b055-d81a85075747, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 10797, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: 3fe76faf-fbda-485d-b055-d81a85075747, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 10798, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3dc4df05-f2ad-47f3-ae57-d12f74744063, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 10401, scenarioDelta: 10401, elapsed: 10799, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 15364 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- status: success, scenario: af2027c0-3e41-44d6-907b-7f5475ca9da9, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 4960, scenarioDelta: 4960, elapsed: 10818, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:23 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 262836, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: teamsUpgradePolicyV2Synced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 23.589, appInitialized: true, activities: orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,get_buddy_list_from_cache,call_log_data_hydration,syncEndpoint_create,get_buddy_list_from_mt,get_buddy_list,get_favorites,ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,calling_agent_qos_setting,unified_presence_create_endpoint,create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,documents_prefetch_channel_files,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,indexedDb_open_step,inMemoryDb_open_step,teams_members_open,messagestoreputmessages,load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,messaging_load_channel_data,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages,add_team_to_cache,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages, timeSinceActivity: 3.568, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 12.792999982833862, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 13.54800009727478, diagnosticEvents: ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:conversations_pill_count,ua:bell_count,ua:admin_startup_notificationstore,ua:orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:get_buddy_list_from_cache,ua:call_log_data_hydration,ua:syncEndpoint_create,ua:get_buddy_list_from_mt,ua:get_buddy_list,ua:get_favorites,ua:ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:unified_presence_create_endpoint,ua:create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,ua:documents_prefetch_channel_files,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:indexedDb_open_step,ua:inMemoryDb_open_step,ua:teams_members_open,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:add_team_to_cache,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 3.568000078201294, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 3.568000078201294, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 1c375023-a8d2-f15c-5d0b-a8f3c0bbf525 and desktop session of desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466976047,"session":"1c375023-a8d2-f15c-5d0b-a8f3c0bbf525","desktopSession":"desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466945801},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466922217}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466952459","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466976047,"session":"1c375023-a8d2-f15c-5d0b-a8f3c0bbf525","desktopSession":"desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466945801},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466922217}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466952459","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- before-quit event raised. Closing the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- error -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:scan-stop BluetoothRadioState.Unavailable Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:39 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15584> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466976047,"session":"1c375023-a8d2-f15c-5d0b-a8f3c0bbf525","desktopSession":"desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466945801},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466922217}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466952459","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561466976047,"session":"1c375023-a8d2-f15c-5d0b-a8f3c0bbf525","desktopSession":"desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466945801},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561466922217}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466952459","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 297993c5-279b-4d48-8a4b-77d882168e62, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 303, scenarioDelta: 303, elapsed: 303, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 297993c5-279b-4d48-8a4b-77d882168e62, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 396, scenarioDelta: 396, elapsed: 396, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ac6ec338-3437-408e-9c3d-39dd62bc6cf2, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 398, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1e22a35b-33a7-46ae-9cb7-ba97416a9845, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 403, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usnc-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1e22a35b-33a7-46ae-9cb7-ba97416a9845, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 405, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1e22a35b-33a7-46ae-9cb7-ba97416a9845, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 405, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1e22a35b-33a7-46ae-9cb7-ba97416a9845, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 407, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1e22a35b-33a7-46ae-9cb7-ba97416a9845, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 6, scenarioDelta: 6, elapsed: 409, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 232ca315-63b1-49ef-86bb-682442d04375, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 413, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0 and desktop session of desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 44233143-a7f9-46de-ba0d-192e2ada753b, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 429, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 44233143-a7f9-46de-ba0d-192e2ada753b, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 429, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 1c375023-a8d2-f15c-5d0b-a8f3c0bbf525, crashDesktopSession: desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 30.737, appSessionEnd: false, activities: orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,get_buddy_list_from_cache,call_log_data_hydration,syncEndpoint_create,get_buddy_list_from_mt,get_buddy_list,get_favorites,ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,calling_agent_qos_setting,unified_presence_create_endpoint,create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,documents_prefetch_channel_files,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,indexedDb_open_step,inMemoryDb_open_step,teams_members_open,messagestoreputmessages,load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,messaging_load_channel_data,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages,add_team_to_cache,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages, timeSinceActivity: 10.716, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 3.6410000324249268, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 20.69600009918213, diagnosticEvents: ua:get_buddy_list_from_cache,ua:call_log_data_hydration,ua:syncEndpoint_create,ua:get_buddy_list_from_mt,ua:get_buddy_list,ua:get_favorites,ua:ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:unified_presence_create_endpoint,ua:create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,ua:documents_prefetch_channel_files,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:indexedDb_open_step,ua:inMemoryDb_open_step,ua:teams_members_open,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:add_team_to_cache,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 1c375023-a8d2-f15c-5d0b-a8f3c0bbf525 and desktop session id of desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- crashSession: 1c375023-a8d2-f15c-5d0b-a8f3c0bbf525, crashDesktopSession: desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 30.737, appSessionEnd: false, activities: orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,get_buddy_list_from_cache,call_log_data_hydration,syncEndpoint_create,get_buddy_list_from_mt,get_buddy_list,get_favorites,ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,calling_agent_qos_setting,unified_presence_create_endpoint,create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,documents_prefetch_channel_files,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,indexedDb_open_step,inMemoryDb_open_step,teams_members_open,messagestoreputmessages,load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,messaging_load_channel_data,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages,add_team_to_cache,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages, timeSinceActivity: 10.716, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 3.6410000324249268, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 20.69600009918213, diagnosticEvents: ua:get_buddy_list_from_cache,ua:call_log_data_hydration,ua:syncEndpoint_create,ua:get_buddy_list_from_mt,ua:get_buddy_list,ua:get_favorites,ua:ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:unified_presence_create_endpoint,ua:create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,ua:documents_prefetch_channel_files,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:indexedDb_open_step,ua:inMemoryDb_open_step,ua:teams_members_open,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:add_team_to_cache,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: db9f4fcb-4542-481e-a464-6300ec96954f, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 866, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- crashSession: 1c375023-a8d2-f15c-5d0b-a8f3c0bbf525, crashDesktopSession: desktop-cdb5f754-9e80-4eac-a98d-fd310b66047f, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 30.737, appSessionEnd: false, activities: orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,get_buddy_list_from_cache,call_log_data_hydration,syncEndpoint_create,get_buddy_list_from_mt,get_buddy_list,get_favorites,ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,calling_agent_qos_setting,unified_presence_create_endpoint,create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,documents_prefetch_channel_files,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,indexedDb_open_step,inMemoryDb_open_step,teams_members_open,messagestoreputmessages,load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,messaging_load_channel_data,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages,add_team_to_cache,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages, timeSinceActivity: 10.716, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 3.6410000324249268, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 20.69600009918213, diagnosticEvents: ua:get_buddy_list_from_cache,ua:call_log_data_hydration,ua:syncEndpoint_create,ua:get_buddy_list_from_mt,ua:get_buddy_list,ua:get_favorites,ua:ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:unified_presence_create_endpoint,ua:create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,ua:documents_prefetch_channel_files,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:indexedDb_open_step,ua:inMemoryDb_open_step,ua:teams_members_open,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:add_team_to_cache,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: db9f4fcb-4542-481e-a464-6300ec96954f, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 866, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 297993c5-279b-4d48-8a4b-77d882168e62, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 304, scenarioDelta: 304, elapsed: 304, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 297993c5-279b-4d48-8a4b-77d882168e62, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 305, scenarioDelta: 305, elapsed: 305, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 297993c5-279b-4d48-8a4b-77d882168e62, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 397, scenarioDelta: 397, elapsed: 397, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 297993c5-279b-4d48-8a4b-77d882168e62, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 446, scenarioDelta: 446, elapsed: 446, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 297993c5-279b-4d48-8a4b-77d882168e62, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 817, scenarioDelta: 817, elapsed: 817, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 297993c5-279b-4d48-8a4b-77d882168e62, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 863, scenarioDelta: 863, elapsed: 863, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 297993c5-279b-4d48-8a4b-77d882168e62, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 868, scenarioDelta: 868, elapsed: 868, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 297993c5-279b-4d48-8a4b-77d882168e62, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 868, scenarioDelta: 868, elapsed: 868, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- delta: 871, status: success, scenario: 297993c5-279b-4d48-8a4b-77d882168e62, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 10, scenarioDelta: 871, elapsed: 871, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: desktop_recovery_show, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b6d065ab-fe31-450d-9a7a-38f9e6a6cab9, scenarioName: desktop_recovery_show, name: desktop_recovery_show, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 889, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_recovery_show, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b6d065ab-fe31-450d-9a7a-38f9e6a6cab9, scenarioName: desktop_recovery_show, name: desktop_recovery_show, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 890, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_recovery_show, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: fd1d5290-b885-439d-b634-ea5603bb3c43, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1286, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: fd1d5290-b885-439d-b634-ea5603bb3c43, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1286, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ffb794db-e672-4e38-9e41-73ec9a113ff0, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1303, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 12a5f391-285d-43d4-b223-a68e75e23f52, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1345, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 12a5f391-285d-43d4-b223-a68e75e23f52, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 1346, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ffb794db-e672-4e38-9e41-73ec9a113ff0, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 534, scenarioDelta: 534, elapsed: 1837, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:49:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Clearing user data Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Recursing into folder Application Cache\Cache to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- error -- Unable to remove file Index Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- error -- Unable to remove directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Recursing into folder blob_storage\3d73372f-a2ab-47c4-82dc-fca067c0c11a to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory 3d73372f-a2ab-47c4-82dc-fca067c0c11a Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory 3d73372f-a2ab-47c4-82dc-fca067c0c11a Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory 3d73372f-a2ab-47c4-82dc-fca067c0c11a Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed file Cookies Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed file Cookies-journal Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed file desktop-config.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_3 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- error -- Unable to remove file index Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- error -- Unable to remove directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Recursing into folder IndexedDB\https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Recursing into folder Local Storage\leveldb to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- error -- Unable to remove file lockfile Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Skipping file logs.txt Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed file Network Persistent State Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed file QuotaManager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed file QuotaManager-journal Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed file settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed file storage.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removing files in directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: desktop_clean_user_data_failed, files: ["Application Cache","GPUCache"], eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Starting main window after recovery Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: desktop_recovery_cleared_user_data, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: 232ca315-63b1-49ef-86bb-682442d04375, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 42144, scenarioDelta: 42144, elapsed: 42557, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: invalid count is more than threshold Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: false, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: b092703e-4ad4-49b0-aaa6-dc28cd07186a, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 42576, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:24 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: b092703e-4ad4-49b0-aaa6-dc28cd07186a, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 327, scenarioDelta: 327, elapsed: 42903, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, message: isPreviousLifecycleValid: invalid count 12 is more than threshold 3, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20a8e376-4aee-48ba-a0e7-8b52569f3462, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 42923, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 17b8a9ba-cf96-423b-adbf-8ab51b126c3d, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 42925, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 17b8a9ba-cf96-423b-adbf-8ab51b126c3d, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 42926, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: 41407906-ce89-4a21-a264-60dce203626a Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 41407906-ce89-4a21-a264-60dce203626a, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 2, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20a8e376-4aee-48ba-a0e7-8b52569f3462, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 42927, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20a8e376-4aee-48ba-a0e7-8b52569f3462, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 8, scenarioDelta: 8, elapsed: 42931, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- correlationId: 41407906-ce89-4a21-a264-60dce203626a, status: success, scenario: 20a8e376-4aee-48ba-a0e7-8b52569f3462, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 9, scenarioDelta: 9, elapsed: 42932, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20a8e376-4aee-48ba-a0e7-8b52569f3462, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 11, scenarioDelta: 11, elapsed: 42934, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: 20a8e376-4aee-48ba-a0e7-8b52569f3462, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 12, scenarioDelta: 12, elapsed: 42935, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20a8e376-4aee-48ba-a0e7-8b52569f3462, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 12, scenarioDelta: 12, elapsed: 42935, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20a8e376-4aee-48ba-a0e7-8b52569f3462, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 15, scenarioDelta: 15, elapsed: 42938, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20a8e376-4aee-48ba-a0e7-8b52569f3462, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 16, scenarioDelta: 16, elapsed: 42939, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20a8e376-4aee-48ba-a0e7-8b52569f3462, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 20, scenarioDelta: 20, elapsed: 42943, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 20a8e376-4aee-48ba-a0e7-8b52569f3462, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 22, scenarioDelta: 22, elapsed: 42945, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Loading window shown with focus due to first show Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c3f190f0-a144-440a-a06a-cece096fd665, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 43475, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 34ffff65-3e04-4c44-a1e8-e33cbc18f089, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 43487, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:25 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d632d440-420b-41fc-8d70-033351ffb465, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 43884, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: 34ffff65-3e04-4c44-a1e8-e33cbc18f089, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 398, scenarioDelta: 398, elapsed: 43885, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- duration: 11.900000001332955, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 034b0c6b-4383-4f41-b81e-5c7c057b7361, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 43925, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- duration: 11.900000001332955, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 034b0c6b-4383-4f41-b81e-5c7c057b7361, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 43925, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- duration: 2.599999999802094, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 6df53d9e-4506-47ca-bb27-23f161a25c1e, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 43928, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- duration: 2.599999999802094, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 6df53d9e-4506-47ca-bb27-23f161a25c1e, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 43928, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 63948, privateBytes: 44376, sharedBytes: 34264, workingSetSize: 63944, status: success, scenario: c3f190f0-a144-440a-a06a-cece096fd665, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 458, scenarioDelta: 458, elapsed: 43932, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:26 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65240, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 13e5e394-3395-4d4a-92ab-dd2f62bdaecb, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 47424, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 13e5e394-3395-4d4a-92ab-dd2f62bdaecb, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 47424, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 143032e4-c991-4aba-a3e0-6497dafc70ee, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 245428, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:29 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: b93b5042-3fac-4ce2-b877-6ef5e930080e, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 398, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: b93b5042-3fac-4ce2-b877-6ef5e930080e, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 947, scenarioDelta: 947, elapsed: 1344, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Setting app session to 1b8951ae-2f0d-d7a5-4dcd-ff7f0da6d7fd Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 0.016 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: bdda4ffc-43c2-4d47-a673-716557b58bd1, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 48397, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: bdda4ffc-43c2-4d47-a673-716557b58bd1, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 48398, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 70a0e659-308c-4c73-baaa-7180682aae40, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 48480, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 70a0e659-308c-4c73-baaa-7180682aae40, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 48480, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + falseminimized: falsewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Main window shown then blurred Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 5553, appRuntime: 48.498, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level, timeSinceActivity: 0.018, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 5.556999921798706, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.6729998588562012, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:desktop_recovery_show,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.017999887466430664, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.10099983215332031, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b1c41772-7a9c-49ea-bb49-a70cba7f4527, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 48501, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: b1c41772-7a9c-49ea-bb49-a70cba7f4527, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 48502, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ac6ec338-3437-408e-9c3d-39dd62bc6cf2, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 48104, scenarioDelta: 48104, elapsed: 48502, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 8720 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d632d440-420b-41fc-8d70-033351ffb465, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 4621, scenarioDelta: 4621, elapsed: 48505, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Focusing main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Is foreground set to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:30 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 9f32b548-8e44-44c4-86c5-2ed2ad97da02, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: teamsUpgradePolicyV2Synced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 259500, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 4ace04bc-c0ee-45c2-a868-2383cf2f5c9b, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:34 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 55.338, appInitialized: true, activities: detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,admin_get_aggregatesettings,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,calling_agent_qos_setting,indexedDb_open_step,inMemoryDb_open_step,get_buddy_list_from_mt,get_buddy_list,resolve_exchange_contacts,resolve_exchange_contacts,resolve_exchange_contacts,resolve_exchange_contacts,teams_members_open,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messaging_load_channel_data,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,syncEndpoint_create,unified_presence_create_endpoint,create_unified_presence_service_endpoint, timeSinceActivity: 2.891, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 6.8399999141693115, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 6.588000059127808, diagnosticEvents: ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,ua:admin_get_aggregatesettings,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:indexedDb_open_step,ua:inMemoryDb_open_step,ua:get_buddy_list_from_mt,ua:get_buddy_list,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:teams_members_open,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:syncEndpoint_create,ua:unified_presence_create_endpoint,ua:create_unified_presence_service_endpoint, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 2.8919999599456787, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 2.8919999599456787, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 1b8951ae-2f0d-d7a5-4dcd-ff7f0da6d7fd and desktop session of desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467037668,"session":"1b8951ae-2f0d-d7a5-4dcd-ff7f0da6d7fd","desktopSession":"desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466982332","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467037668,"session":"1b8951ae-2f0d-d7a5-4dcd-ff7f0da6d7fd","desktopSession":"desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466982332","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- error -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:scan-stop BluetoothRadioState.Unavailable Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- before-quit event raised. Closing the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:41 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <13824> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467037668,"session":"1b8951ae-2f0d-d7a5-4dcd-ff7f0da6d7fd","desktopSession":"desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466982332","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467037668,"session":"1b8951ae-2f0d-d7a5-4dcd-ff7f0da6d7fd","desktopSession":"desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561466982332","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 292, scenarioDelta: 292, elapsed: 292, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 324, scenarioDelta: 324, elapsed: 324, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 55dbbc47-516a-4b54-b1f6-1adf44d5d84a, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 325, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 58795cd1-a22b-4569-bd68-0746a2b6edeb, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 329, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usnc-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 58795cd1-a22b-4569-bd68-0746a2b6edeb, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 330, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 58795cd1-a22b-4569-bd68-0746a2b6edeb, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 331, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 58795cd1-a22b-4569-bd68-0746a2b6edeb, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 3, scenarioDelta: 3, elapsed: 332, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 58795cd1-a22b-4569-bd68-0746a2b6edeb, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 5, scenarioDelta: 5, elapsed: 334, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e8625a96-c272-4b7c-85fe-bcc7021ae827, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 336, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208 and desktop session of desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: caf95434-40b8-40ab-95d9-08a0c007d785, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 340, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: caf95434-40b8-40ab-95d9-08a0c007d785, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 340, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 1b8951ae-2f0d-d7a5-4dcd-ff7f0da6d7fd, crashDesktopSession: desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 60.306, appSessionEnd: false, activities: detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,admin_get_aggregatesettings,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,calling_agent_qos_setting,indexedDb_open_step,inMemoryDb_open_step,get_buddy_list_from_mt,get_buddy_list,resolve_exchange_contacts,resolve_exchange_contacts,resolve_exchange_contacts,resolve_exchange_contacts,teams_members_open,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messaging_load_channel_data,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,syncEndpoint_create,unified_presence_create_endpoint,create_unified_presence_service_endpoint, timeSinceActivity: 7.858, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.6740000247955322, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 11.555000066757202, diagnosticEvents: ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,ua:admin_get_aggregatesettings,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:indexedDb_open_step,ua:inMemoryDb_open_step,ua:get_buddy_list_from_mt,ua:get_buddy_list,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:teams_members_open,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:syncEndpoint_create,ua:unified_presence_create_endpoint,ua:create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,as:RendererCrashed, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 1b8951ae-2f0d-d7a5-4dcd-ff7f0da6d7fd and desktop session id of desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- crashSession: 1b8951ae-2f0d-d7a5-4dcd-ff7f0da6d7fd, crashDesktopSession: desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 60.306, appSessionEnd: false, activities: detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,admin_get_aggregatesettings,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,calling_agent_qos_setting,indexedDb_open_step,inMemoryDb_open_step,get_buddy_list_from_mt,get_buddy_list,resolve_exchange_contacts,resolve_exchange_contacts,resolve_exchange_contacts,resolve_exchange_contacts,teams_members_open,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messaging_load_channel_data,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,syncEndpoint_create,unified_presence_create_endpoint,create_unified_presence_service_endpoint, timeSinceActivity: 7.858, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.6740000247955322, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 11.555000066757202, diagnosticEvents: ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,ua:admin_get_aggregatesettings,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:indexedDb_open_step,ua:inMemoryDb_open_step,ua:get_buddy_list_from_mt,ua:get_buddy_list,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:teams_members_open,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:syncEndpoint_create,ua:unified_presence_create_endpoint,ua:create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,as:RendererCrashed, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 23473f54-bd36-4e57-8f70-e8197247d77e, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 483, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- crashSession: 1b8951ae-2f0d-d7a5-4dcd-ff7f0da6d7fd, crashDesktopSession: desktop-fcff4403-eaaf-4753-b257-d363352344e0, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 60.306, appSessionEnd: false, activities: detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,admin_get_aggregatesettings,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,calling_agent_qos_setting,indexedDb_open_step,inMemoryDb_open_step,get_buddy_list_from_mt,get_buddy_list,resolve_exchange_contacts,resolve_exchange_contacts,resolve_exchange_contacts,resolve_exchange_contacts,teams_members_open,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messaging_load_channel_data,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,syncEndpoint_create,unified_presence_create_endpoint,create_unified_presence_service_endpoint, timeSinceActivity: 7.858, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.6740000247955322, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 11.555000066757202, diagnosticEvents: ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:ext_show_inputextension_non_popover,ua:admin_get_aggregatesettings,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:indexedDb_open_step,ua:inMemoryDb_open_step,ua:get_buddy_list_from_mt,ua:get_buddy_list,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:resolve_exchange_contacts,ua:teams_members_open,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:load_from_local_store_aggregatesettings,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:detect_rc_sync_state_diff,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:syncEndpoint_create,ua:unified_presence_create_endpoint,ua:create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,as:RendererCrashed, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 23473f54-bd36-4e57-8f70-e8197247d77e, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 484, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 5333cc13-050e-447d-b2e4-85dd59e2eb12, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 751, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 5333cc13-050e-447d-b2e4-85dd59e2eb12, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 751, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 39ca6f49-1f5e-4e07-9d9a-d06e33572970, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 770, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 0d74fc9b-2753-428a-b2be-62fc22266cdc, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 803, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 0d74fc9b-2753-428a-b2be-62fc22266cdc, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 803, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: e8625a96-c272-4b7c-85fe-bcc7021ae827, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 470, scenarioDelta: 470, elapsed: 806, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: invalid count is more than threshold Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: false, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: d7d044b9-0c9d-4863-946a-b2a84444d5db, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 808, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Loading window shown with focus due to first show Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 39ca6f49-1f5e-4e07-9d9a-d06e33572970, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 444, scenarioDelta: 444, elapsed: 1214, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: d7d044b9-0c9d-4863-946a-b2a84444d5db, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1138, scenarioDelta: 1138, elapsed: 1946, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, message: isPreviousLifecycleValid: invalid count 13 is more than threshold 3, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b7460be3-cc5b-477a-bc43-2d7c8e47a381, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1966, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aa4b6444-439a-478b-a0a4-c962ced74330, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1968, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aa4b6444-439a-478b-a0a4-c962ced74330, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1968, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: 1c1a5cb9-a77e-4822-aa78-d99e34b80116 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 1c1a5cb9-a77e-4822-aa78-d99e34b80116, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 5, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b7460be3-cc5b-477a-bc43-2d7c8e47a381, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 1970, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b7460be3-cc5b-477a-bc43-2d7c8e47a381, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 19, scenarioDelta: 19, elapsed: 1985, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- correlationId: 1c1a5cb9-a77e-4822-aa78-d99e34b80116, status: success, scenario: b7460be3-cc5b-477a-bc43-2d7c8e47a381, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 20, scenarioDelta: 20, elapsed: 1986, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b7460be3-cc5b-477a-bc43-2d7c8e47a381, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 26, scenarioDelta: 26, elapsed: 1992, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: b7460be3-cc5b-477a-bc43-2d7c8e47a381, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 27, scenarioDelta: 27, elapsed: 1993, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b7460be3-cc5b-477a-bc43-2d7c8e47a381, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 27, scenarioDelta: 27, elapsed: 1993, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b7460be3-cc5b-477a-bc43-2d7c8e47a381, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 30, scenarioDelta: 30, elapsed: 1996, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b7460be3-cc5b-477a-bc43-2d7c8e47a381, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 31, scenarioDelta: 31, elapsed: 1997, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b7460be3-cc5b-477a-bc43-2d7c8e47a381, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 33, scenarioDelta: 33, elapsed: 1999, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b7460be3-cc5b-477a-bc43-2d7c8e47a381, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 36, scenarioDelta: 36, elapsed: 2002, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b0fee469-e620-4b74-9a85-67121eb951ac, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2449, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 342ca68b-0fd6-4000-b264-4d2675f98cf7, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2461, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: de9371d7-165c-47a5-92be-63612f15dda6, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2731, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: 342ca68b-0fd6-4000-b264-4d2675f98cf7, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 270, scenarioDelta: 270, elapsed: 2731, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- duration: 10.200000000622822, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 31143413-719a-47df-b591-cdb55a229627, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2774, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- duration: 10.200000000622822, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 31143413-719a-47df-b591-cdb55a229627, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2774, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- duration: 2.599999999802094, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: b7aaf21e-dba6-45ce-b7ad-efafdba11450, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2777, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- duration: 2.599999999802094, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: b7aaf21e-dba6-45ce-b7ad-efafdba11450, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2777, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 63776, privateBytes: 43820, sharedBytes: 34276, workingSetSize: 63772, status: success, scenario: b0fee469-e620-4b74-9a85-67121eb951ac, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 332, scenarioDelta: 332, elapsed: 2781, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65120, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cd97d97c-bfa9-46ae-8312-f55e4ca6df7f, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6062, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: true, scenario: cd97d97c-bfa9-46ae-8312-f55e4ca6df7f, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 6064, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- error -- Error saving cookie Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 245836, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 293, scenarioDelta: 293, elapsed: 293, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 294, scenarioDelta: 294, elapsed: 294, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 324, scenarioDelta: 324, elapsed: 324, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 347, scenarioDelta: 347, elapsed: 347, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 446, scenarioDelta: 446, elapsed: 446, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 481, scenarioDelta: 481, elapsed: 481, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 486, scenarioDelta: 486, elapsed: 486, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 486, scenarioDelta: 486, elapsed: 486, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_start, sequence: 10, delta: 490, scenarioDelta: 490, elapsed: 490, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready_end, sequence: 11, delta: 802, scenarioDelta: 802, elapsed: 802, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_end, sequence: 12, delta: 810, scenarioDelta: 810, elapsed: 810, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_start, sequence: 13, delta: 1949, scenarioDelta: 1949, elapsed: 1949, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_stop, sequence: 14, delta: 2006, scenarioDelta: 2006, elapsed: 2006, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 15, delta: 2450, scenarioDelta: 2450, elapsed: 2450, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 16, delta: 2450, scenarioDelta: 2450, elapsed: 2450, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 17, delta: 2782, scenarioDelta: 2782, elapsed: 2782, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 18, delta: 2782, scenarioDelta: 2782, elapsed: 2782, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- delta: 6162, status: success, scenario: 723a10ba-7146-4413-9ca3-ccc487152151, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 19, scenarioDelta: 6162, elapsed: 6162, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: d310aaf1-f6ed-4f98-bf74-7047475ed963, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 324, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: d310aaf1-f6ed-4f98-bf74-7047475ed963, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 478, scenarioDelta: 478, elapsed: 802, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Setting app session to cc06ee32-a041-ca3b-002e-c7fdd20a77e9 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e768749e-b0ef-4a91-ad18-2267b065cdf6, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6331, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: e768749e-b0ef-4a91-ad18-2267b065cdf6, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 6332, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + trueminimized: falsewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Main window shown active Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 4352, appRuntime: 6.353, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata, timeSinceActivity: 0.022, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 4.355000019073486, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.2720000743865967, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.02200007438659668, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.09400010108947754, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: f9297a60-8412-4016-a227-ee4024e65f96, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6431, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: f9297a60-8412-4016-a227-ee4024e65f96, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 6432, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0e7b7970-b6ab-430d-80ed-e518a19aa9ff, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6434, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: 0e7b7970-b6ab-430d-80ed-e518a19aa9ff, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 6435, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 55dbbc47-516a-4b54-b1f6-1adf44d5d84a, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 6111, scenarioDelta: 6111, elapsed: 6436, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 8852 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: de9371d7-165c-47a5-92be-63612f15dda6, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 3710, scenarioDelta: 3710, elapsed: 6441, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Focusing main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Is foreground set to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- User region is updated to msteams-web-prod-usce-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: desktop_user_region_changed, previousRegion: msteams-web-prod-usnc-02, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 259756, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 0.094 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: teamsUpgradePolicyV2Synced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: bfed6efc-35c1-49ce-852a-badf7f2dff12, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d9f791df-4f30-4dd8-89dc-56c457422245, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 11630, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- status: true, scenario: d9f791df-4f30-4dd8-89dc-56c457422245, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 11631, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 13.489, appInitialized: true, activities: detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,CodeSnippet_download,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages,messaging_load_channel_data,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,open_database,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,orchestration_bellNotificationsService_startup,offlineactions_count,batch_people_short_profile,conversations_pill_count,bell_count,admin_startup_notificationstore,orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,get_buddy_list_from_cache,call_log_data_hydration,calling_agent_qos_setting,desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceActivity: 1.858, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 7.055999994277954, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 7.4079999923706055, diagnosticEvents: ua:CodeSnippet_download,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:open_database,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:orchestration_bellNotificationsService_startup,ua:offlineactions_count,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:conversations_pill_count,ua:bell_count,ua:admin_startup_notificationstore,ua:orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:get_buddy_list_from_cache,ua:call_log_data_hydration,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 1.8580000400543213, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 2.4200000762939453, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of cc06ee32-a041-ca3b-002e-c7fdd20a77e9 and desktop session of desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467055642,"session":"cc06ee32-a041-ca3b-002e-c7fdd20a77e9","desktopSession":"desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467037668}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467042156","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467055642,"session":"cc06ee32-a041-ca3b-002e-c7fdd20a77e9","desktopSession":"desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467037668}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467042156","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- before-quit event raised. Closing the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- error -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:scan-stop BluetoothRadioState.Unavailable Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:58 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:50:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8976> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467055642,"session":"cc06ee32-a041-ca3b-002e-c7fdd20a77e9","desktopSession":"desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467037668}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467042156","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467055642,"session":"cc06ee32-a041-ca3b-002e-c7fdd20a77e9","desktopSession":"desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467037668}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467042156","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 307, scenarioDelta: 307, elapsed: 307, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 344, scenarioDelta: 344, elapsed: 344, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0a0908ba-7f42-4e7e-bfa4-169817a7be40, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 345, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1d143d2a-7d50-44a4-9367-ef85a3a875ec, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 348, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usce-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1d143d2a-7d50-44a4-9367-ef85a3a875ec, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 349, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1d143d2a-7d50-44a4-9367-ef85a3a875ec, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 350, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1d143d2a-7d50-44a4-9367-ef85a3a875ec, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 3, scenarioDelta: 3, elapsed: 351, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1d143d2a-7d50-44a4-9367-ef85a3a875ec, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 5, scenarioDelta: 5, elapsed: 353, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d1eda16c-00e7-4fc7-9dd6-87d118e78ac5, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 357, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf and desktop session of desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 5c288c51-3f51-4a66-89bb-978bc4452fa7, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 359, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 5c288c51-3f51-4a66-89bb-978bc4452fa7, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 359, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: cc06ee32-a041-ca3b-002e-c7fdd20a77e9, crashDesktopSession: desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 18.554, appSessionEnd: false, activities: detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,CodeSnippet_download,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages,messaging_load_channel_data,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,open_database,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,orchestration_bellNotificationsService_startup,offlineactions_count,batch_people_short_profile,conversations_pill_count,bell_count,admin_startup_notificationstore,orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,get_buddy_list_from_cache,call_log_data_hydration,calling_agent_qos_setting,desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceActivity: 6.923, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.7430000305175781, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 12.473000049591064, diagnosticEvents: ua:CodeSnippet_download,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:open_database,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:orchestration_bellNotificationsService_startup,ua:offlineactions_count,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:conversations_pill_count,ua:bell_count,ua:admin_startup_notificationstore,ua:orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:get_buddy_list_from_cache,ua:call_log_data_hydration,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of cc06ee32-a041-ca3b-002e-c7fdd20a77e9 and desktop session id of desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- crashSession: cc06ee32-a041-ca3b-002e-c7fdd20a77e9, crashDesktopSession: desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 18.554, appSessionEnd: false, activities: detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,CodeSnippet_download,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages,messaging_load_channel_data,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,open_database,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,orchestration_bellNotificationsService_startup,offlineactions_count,batch_people_short_profile,conversations_pill_count,bell_count,admin_startup_notificationstore,orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,get_buddy_list_from_cache,call_log_data_hydration,calling_agent_qos_setting,desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceActivity: 6.923, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.7430000305175781, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 12.473000049591064, diagnosticEvents: ua:CodeSnippet_download,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:open_database,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:orchestration_bellNotificationsService_startup,ua:offlineactions_count,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:conversations_pill_count,ua:bell_count,ua:admin_startup_notificationstore,ua:orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:get_buddy_list_from_cache,ua:call_log_data_hydration,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: c7e505b9-647c-4581-b234-e7fa7bc558cb, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 578, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- crashSession: cc06ee32-a041-ca3b-002e-c7fdd20a77e9, crashDesktopSession: desktop-dd2dd95f-a176-472f-adb4-baf80ba1e208, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 18.554, appSessionEnd: false, activities: detect_rc_sync_state_diff,detect_rc_sync_state_diff,CodeSnippet_download,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages,messaging_load_channel_data,batch_people_short_profile,batch_people_short_profile,messagestoreputmessages,messagestoreputmessages,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,delayed_notification_suppressed,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,open_database,admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,orchestration_bellNotificationsService_startup,offlineactions_count,batch_people_short_profile,conversations_pill_count,bell_count,admin_startup_notificationstore,orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,get_buddy_list_from_cache,call_log_data_hydration,calling_agent_qos_setting,desktop_is_registered_im, timeSinceActivity: 6.923, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.7430000305175781, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 12.473000049591064, diagnosticEvents: ua:CodeSnippet_download,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messaging_load_channel_data,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:delayed_notification_suppressed,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:open_database,ua:admin_conditionally_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:orchestration_bellNotificationsService_startup,ua:offlineactions_count,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:conversations_pill_count,ua:bell_count,ua:admin_startup_notificationstore,ua:orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:get_buddy_list_from_cache,ua:call_log_data_hydration,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: c7e505b9-647c-4581-b234-e7fa7bc558cb, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 578, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9407b968-5ee4-4852-81db-16b0778e782b, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 903, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9407b968-5ee4-4852-81db-16b0778e782b, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 904, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 35d9e609-0a5b-402f-8a89-a1c9e7a393c9, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 938, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: f2d68b43-ff02-41b7-a4d4-520a13ccae64, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 975, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: f2d68b43-ff02-41b7-a4d4-520a13ccae64, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 976, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: d1eda16c-00e7-4fc7-9dd6-87d118e78ac5, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 621, scenarioDelta: 621, elapsed: 978, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: invalid count is more than threshold Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: false, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: 05498ce6-7f38-4caf-8f8c-db16096df121, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 981, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Loading window shown with focus due to first show Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 35d9e609-0a5b-402f-8a89-a1c9e7a393c9, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 357, scenarioDelta: 357, elapsed: 1294, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: 05498ce6-7f38-4caf-8f8c-db16096df121, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1147, scenarioDelta: 1147, elapsed: 2128, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, message: isPreviousLifecycleValid: invalid count 14 is more than threshold 3, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aa3f54ee-53cb-4d47-905d-dcffc2c32a32, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2147, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 904fe42d-f4db-4fb0-acd6-c6626ee782fc, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2149, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 904fe42d-f4db-4fb0-acd6-c6626ee782fc, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2150, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: 36ebd82c-09c9-4384-96cd-85c3f32a6031 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 36ebd82c-09c9-4384-96cd-85c3f32a6031, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aa3f54ee-53cb-4d47-905d-dcffc2c32a32, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 2151, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aa3f54ee-53cb-4d47-905d-dcffc2c32a32, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 25, scenarioDelta: 25, elapsed: 2172, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- correlationId: 36ebd82c-09c9-4384-96cd-85c3f32a6031, status: success, scenario: aa3f54ee-53cb-4d47-905d-dcffc2c32a32, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 26, scenarioDelta: 26, elapsed: 2173, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aa3f54ee-53cb-4d47-905d-dcffc2c32a32, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 28, scenarioDelta: 28, elapsed: 2175, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: aa3f54ee-53cb-4d47-905d-dcffc2c32a32, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 29, scenarioDelta: 29, elapsed: 2176, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aa3f54ee-53cb-4d47-905d-dcffc2c32a32, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 29, scenarioDelta: 29, elapsed: 2176, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aa3f54ee-53cb-4d47-905d-dcffc2c32a32, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 33, scenarioDelta: 33, elapsed: 2180, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aa3f54ee-53cb-4d47-905d-dcffc2c32a32, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 33, scenarioDelta: 33, elapsed: 2180, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aa3f54ee-53cb-4d47-905d-dcffc2c32a32, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 37, scenarioDelta: 37, elapsed: 2184, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: aa3f54ee-53cb-4d47-905d-dcffc2c32a32, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 39, scenarioDelta: 39, elapsed: 2186, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f0edceb2-dbb6-4248-8ad1-dd1635fc37fd, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2818, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f8188477-be79-4127-aa98-59d2c82d1283, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2833, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a184b83b-739c-4cf3-9bba-dabf612c9fc9, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3551, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: f8188477-be79-4127-aa98-59d2c82d1283, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 719, scenarioDelta: 719, elapsed: 3552, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- duration: 68.80000000091968, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 8702373e-cb71-4106-ac1f-411f234d4301, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3664, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- duration: 68.80000000091968, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 8702373e-cb71-4106-ac1f-411f234d4301, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 3665, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- duration: 3.3999999996012775, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 47811a55-f11f-41fb-bd6f-7aa4676113f0, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3668, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- duration: 3.3999999996012775, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 47811a55-f11f-41fb-bd6f-7aa4676113f0, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 3668, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 63872, privateBytes: 44660, sharedBytes: 34272, workingSetSize: 63868, status: success, scenario: f0edceb2-dbb6-4248-8ad1-dd1635fc37fd, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 854, scenarioDelta: 854, elapsed: 3672, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:03 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65276, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 58b7048c-3001-49b1-a96f-66ed78abd06a, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7579, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 58b7048c-3001-49b1-a96f-66ed78abd06a, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 7581, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- error -- Error saving cookie Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 240448, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 308, scenarioDelta: 308, elapsed: 308, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 308, scenarioDelta: 308, elapsed: 308, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 344, scenarioDelta: 344, elapsed: 344, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 367, scenarioDelta: 367, elapsed: 367, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 483, scenarioDelta: 483, elapsed: 483, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 575, scenarioDelta: 575, elapsed: 575, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 580, scenarioDelta: 580, elapsed: 580, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 580, scenarioDelta: 580, elapsed: 580, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_start, sequence: 10, delta: 583, scenarioDelta: 583, elapsed: 583, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready_end, sequence: 11, delta: 974, scenarioDelta: 974, elapsed: 974, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_end, sequence: 12, delta: 983, scenarioDelta: 983, elapsed: 983, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_start, sequence: 13, delta: 2131, scenarioDelta: 2131, elapsed: 2131, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_stop, sequence: 14, delta: 2190, scenarioDelta: 2190, elapsed: 2190, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 15, delta: 2819, scenarioDelta: 2819, elapsed: 2819, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 16, delta: 2819, scenarioDelta: 2819, elapsed: 2819, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 17, delta: 3673, scenarioDelta: 3673, elapsed: 3673, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 18, delta: 3673, scenarioDelta: 3673, elapsed: 3673, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- delta: 7684, status: success, scenario: 7b05f408-001f-470b-98c2-888af0acb3d8, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 19, scenarioDelta: 7684, elapsed: 7684, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 33c56018-2afe-4d6a-a4fc-52c9f5fe1595, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7845, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: 33c56018-2afe-4d6a-a4fc-52c9f5fe1595, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 7846, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + falseminimized: falsewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Main window shown then blurred Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 5683, appRuntime: 7.868, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,app_launch_metadata, timeSinceActivity: 0.022, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 5.687000036239624, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.27900004386901855, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.02200007438659668, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.27900004386901855, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 47b6e77c-f12c-4d31-b768-2aac270d7d6a, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 7954, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 47b6e77c-f12c-4d31-b768-2aac270d7d6a, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 7954, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 6a99b39f-0e36-49b7-b790-0400e363f116, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7956, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: 6a99b39f-0e36-49b7-b790-0400e363f116, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 7957, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0a0908ba-7f42-4e7e-bfa4-169817a7be40, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 7613, scenarioDelta: 7613, elapsed: 7958, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 8112 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Focusing main window Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Is foreground set to true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a184b83b-739c-4cf3-9bba-dabf612c9fc9, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 4412, scenarioDelta: 4412, elapsed: 7963, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 0d0c4599-300c-4392-a442-a1575448a434, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 344, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 0d0c4599-300c-4392-a442-a1575448a434, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 630, scenarioDelta: 630, elapsed: 974, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Setting app session to 40bba76e-b355-7727-a170-31a619d4a326 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- User region is updated to msteams-web-prod-usnc-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: desktop_user_region_changed, previousRegion: msteams-web-prod-usce-02, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:08 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 257032, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 0.015 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: teamsUpgradePolicyV2Synced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:11 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:11 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: be0b0112-68d3-49d1-bf72-d6220f6c1ac5, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 11694, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:11 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: true, scenario: be0b0112-68d3-49d1-bf72-d6220f6c1ac5, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 11695, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:11 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from Unknown to Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:11 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Available Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:11 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Added Available (current state: Unknown -> Available) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:11 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 23141a94-879f-4d75-ab72-06b03fb0cfbf, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 11797, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:11 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 23141a94-879f-4d75-ab72-06b03fb0cfbf, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 11797, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 14.204, appInitialized: true, activities: orchestration_bellNotificationsService_startup,offlineactions_count,batch_people_short_profile,conversations_pill_count,bell_count,admin_startup_notificationstore,orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,get_buddy_list_from_cache,call_log_data_hydration,add_team_to_cache,messagestoreputmessages,calling_agent_qos_setting,syncEndpoint_create,get_buddy_list_from_mt,get_buddy_list,get_favorites,unified_presence_create_endpoint,create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,documents_prefetch_channel_files,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,messagestoreputmessages,people_at_mentions_update_cache,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,sync_startup,sync_conversations,auth_backfill_get_peopleservice,batch_people_short_profile,unified_presence_get_presence,presence_ischanged_mystatus,unified_presence_startup_mystatus, timeSinceActivity: 0.068, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 6.249000072479248, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 6.615000009536743, diagnosticEvents: ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:conversations_pill_count,ua:bell_count,ua:admin_startup_notificationstore,ua:orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:get_buddy_list_from_cache,ua:call_log_data_hydration,ua:add_team_to_cache,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:syncEndpoint_create,ua:get_buddy_list_from_mt,ua:get_buddy_list,ua:get_favorites,ua:unified_presence_create_endpoint,ua:create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,ua:documents_prefetch_channel_files,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:people_at_mentions_update_cache,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:sync_startup,ua:sync_conversations,ua:auth_backfill_get_peopleservice,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:unified_presence_get_presence,ua:presence_ischanged_mystatus,ua:unified_presence_startup_mystatus, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.06800007820129395, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.06800007820129395, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 40bba76e-b355-7727-a170-31a619d4a326 and desktop session of desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467074336,"session":"40bba76e-b355-7727-a170-31a619d4a326","desktopSession":"desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467055642},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467037668}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467060134","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467074336,"session":"40bba76e-b355-7727-a170-31a619d4a326","desktopSession":"desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467055642},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467037668}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467060134","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:15 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- before-quit event raised. Closing the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- error -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:scan-stop BluetoothRadioState.Unavailable Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:17 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <3244> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467074336,"session":"40bba76e-b355-7727-a170-31a619d4a326","desktopSession":"desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467055642},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467037668}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467060134","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf"} Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467074336,"session":"40bba76e-b355-7727-a170-31a619d4a326","desktopSession":"desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467055642},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467037668}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467060134","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e156fed3-b9cd-4158-b936-ffacc5611f82, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 256, scenarioDelta: 256, elapsed: 256, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e156fed3-b9cd-4158-b936-ffacc5611f82, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 286, scenarioDelta: 286, elapsed: 286, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 75e28873-047f-4579-86cc-384a7678010e, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 288, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9d5e77c3-39d7-4b73-bbba-c3a905a0fdbb, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 290, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usnc-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9d5e77c3-39d7-4b73-bbba-c3a905a0fdbb, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 292, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9d5e77c3-39d7-4b73-bbba-c3a905a0fdbb, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 292, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9d5e77c3-39d7-4b73-bbba-c3a905a0fdbb, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 3, scenarioDelta: 3, elapsed: 293, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9d5e77c3-39d7-4b73-bbba-c3a905a0fdbb, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 5, scenarioDelta: 5, elapsed: 295, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1b964f22-692c-490b-a8d8-9af3a0dfc281, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 297, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b and desktop session of desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: df8ba980-2a11-4408-8d6b-adf8580dfb01, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 300, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: df8ba980-2a11-4408-8d6b-adf8580dfb01, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 300, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 40bba76e-b355-7727-a170-31a619d4a326, crashDesktopSession: desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 19.067, appSessionEnd: false, activities: orchestration_bellNotificationsService_startup,offlineactions_count,batch_people_short_profile,conversations_pill_count,bell_count,admin_startup_notificationstore,orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,get_buddy_list_from_cache,call_log_data_hydration,add_team_to_cache,messagestoreputmessages,calling_agent_qos_setting,syncEndpoint_create,get_buddy_list_from_mt,get_buddy_list,get_favorites,unified_presence_create_endpoint,create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,documents_prefetch_channel_files,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,messagestoreputmessages,people_at_mentions_update_cache,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,sync_startup,sync_conversations,auth_backfill_get_peopleservice,batch_people_short_profile,unified_presence_get_presence,presence_ischanged_mystatus,unified_presence_startup_mystatus, timeSinceActivity: 4.931, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.6059999465942383, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 11.478999853134155, diagnosticEvents: ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:conversations_pill_count,ua:bell_count,ua:admin_startup_notificationstore,ua:orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:get_buddy_list_from_cache,ua:call_log_data_hydration,ua:add_team_to_cache,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:syncEndpoint_create,ua:get_buddy_list_from_mt,ua:get_buddy_list,ua:get_favorites,ua:unified_presence_create_endpoint,ua:create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,ua:documents_prefetch_channel_files,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:people_at_mentions_update_cache,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:sync_startup,ua:sync_conversations,ua:auth_backfill_get_peopleservice,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:unified_presence_get_presence,ua:presence_ischanged_mystatus,ua:unified_presence_startup_mystatus,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 40bba76e-b355-7727-a170-31a619d4a326 and desktop session id of desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- crashSession: 40bba76e-b355-7727-a170-31a619d4a326, crashDesktopSession: desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 19.067, appSessionEnd: false, activities: orchestration_bellNotificationsService_startup,offlineactions_count,batch_people_short_profile,conversations_pill_count,bell_count,admin_startup_notificationstore,orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,get_buddy_list_from_cache,call_log_data_hydration,add_team_to_cache,messagestoreputmessages,calling_agent_qos_setting,syncEndpoint_create,get_buddy_list_from_mt,get_buddy_list,get_favorites,unified_presence_create_endpoint,create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,documents_prefetch_channel_files,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,messagestoreputmessages,people_at_mentions_update_cache,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,sync_startup,sync_conversations,auth_backfill_get_peopleservice,batch_people_short_profile,unified_presence_get_presence,presence_ischanged_mystatus,unified_presence_startup_mystatus, timeSinceActivity: 4.931, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.6059999465942383, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 11.478999853134155, diagnosticEvents: ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:conversations_pill_count,ua:bell_count,ua:admin_startup_notificationstore,ua:orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:get_buddy_list_from_cache,ua:call_log_data_hydration,ua:add_team_to_cache,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:syncEndpoint_create,ua:get_buddy_list_from_mt,ua:get_buddy_list,ua:get_favorites,ua:unified_presence_create_endpoint,ua:create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,ua:documents_prefetch_channel_files,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:people_at_mentions_update_cache,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:sync_startup,ua:sync_conversations,ua:auth_backfill_get_peopleservice,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:unified_presence_get_presence,ua:presence_ischanged_mystatus,ua:unified_presence_startup_mystatus,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 6cf48dba-98d3-47e4-a0ff-bdf6307dbdf1, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 409, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- crashSession: 40bba76e-b355-7727-a170-31a619d4a326, crashDesktopSession: desktop-a97296a8-6ab9-48c2-9fb0-85243697a4cf, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 19.067, appSessionEnd: false, activities: orchestration_bellNotificationsService_startup,offlineactions_count,batch_people_short_profile,conversations_pill_count,bell_count,admin_startup_notificationstore,orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,get_buddy_list_from_cache,call_log_data_hydration,add_team_to_cache,messagestoreputmessages,calling_agent_qos_setting,syncEndpoint_create,get_buddy_list_from_mt,get_buddy_list,get_favorites,unified_presence_create_endpoint,create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,documents_prefetch_channel_files,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,messagestoreputmessages,people_at_mentions_update_cache,ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,sync_startup,sync_conversations,auth_backfill_get_peopleservice,batch_people_short_profile,unified_presence_get_presence,presence_ischanged_mystatus,unified_presence_startup_mystatus, timeSinceActivity: 4.931, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.6059999465942383, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 11.478999853134155, diagnosticEvents: ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:conversations_pill_count,ua:bell_count,ua:admin_startup_notificationstore,ua:orchestration_notificationsStore_startup,ua:admin_start_aggregatesettingsstore,ua:get_buddy_list_from_cache,ua:call_log_data_hydration,ua:add_team_to_cache,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:calling_agent_qos_setting,ua:syncEndpoint_create,ua:get_buddy_list_from_mt,ua:get_buddy_list,ua:get_favorites,ua:unified_presence_create_endpoint,ua:create_unified_presence_service_endpoint,ua:documents_prefetch_channel_files,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:messagestoreputmessages,ua:people_at_mentions_update_cache,ua:ext_appBarService_populate_app_bar_and_overflow,ua:ext_userAppsStore_populate_apps,ua:sync_startup,ua:sync_conversations,ua:auth_backfill_get_peopleservice,ua:batch_people_short_profile,ua:unified_presence_get_presence,ua:presence_ischanged_mystatus,ua:unified_presence_startup_mystatus,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 6cf48dba-98d3-47e4-a0ff-bdf6307dbdf1, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 410, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e156fed3-b9cd-4158-b936-ffacc5611f82, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 257, scenarioDelta: 257, elapsed: 257, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e156fed3-b9cd-4158-b936-ffacc5611f82, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 258, scenarioDelta: 258, elapsed: 258, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e156fed3-b9cd-4158-b936-ffacc5611f82, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 287, scenarioDelta: 287, elapsed: 287, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e156fed3-b9cd-4158-b936-ffacc5611f82, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 307, scenarioDelta: 307, elapsed: 307, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e156fed3-b9cd-4158-b936-ffacc5611f82, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 377, scenarioDelta: 377, elapsed: 377, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e156fed3-b9cd-4158-b936-ffacc5611f82, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 407, scenarioDelta: 407, elapsed: 407, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e156fed3-b9cd-4158-b936-ffacc5611f82, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 411, scenarioDelta: 411, elapsed: 411, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e156fed3-b9cd-4158-b936-ffacc5611f82, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 412, scenarioDelta: 412, elapsed: 412, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- delta: 415, status: success, scenario: e156fed3-b9cd-4158-b936-ffacc5611f82, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 10, scenarioDelta: 415, elapsed: 415, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: desktop_recovery_show, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1c4047-eeb8-40b3-b3e6-14f6607d088a, scenarioName: desktop_recovery_show, name: desktop_recovery_show, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 432, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_recovery_show, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 3f1c4047-eeb8-40b3-b3e6-14f6607d088a, scenarioName: desktop_recovery_show, name: desktop_recovery_show, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 433, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_recovery_show, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 19ec1d81-89dd-4d76-acbb-53f4a1b8b52a, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 572, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 19ec1d81-89dd-4d76-acbb-53f4a1b8b52a, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 573, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9de3c25d-1d35-4796-b3fa-67e01392363d, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 590, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: a6a07b51-7049-4b16-82e2-93891c00e740, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 625, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: a6a07b51-7049-4b16-82e2-93891c00e740, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 626, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9de3c25d-1d35-4796-b3fa-67e01392363d, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 481, scenarioDelta: 481, elapsed: 1071, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:51:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 07:53:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: timeout, scenario: 75e28873-047f-4579-86cc-384a7678010e, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 120002, scenarioDelta: 120002, elapsed: 120289, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: timeout, Tue Jun 25 2019 07:53:19 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: timeout, scenario: 1b964f22-692c-490b-a8d8-9af3a0dfc281, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 120002, scenarioDelta: 120002, elapsed: 120299, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: timeout, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Clearing user data Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Recursing into folder Application Cache\Cache to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- error -- Unable to remove file Index Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- error -- Unable to remove directory Application Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Recursing into folder blob_storage\e0d1057b-f1c1-499c-8628-d1133e6ec303 to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory e0d1057b-f1c1-499c-8628-d1133e6ec303 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory e0d1057b-f1c1-499c-8628-d1133e6ec303 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory e0d1057b-f1c1-499c-8628-d1133e6ec303 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory blob_storage Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory Cache Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed file Cookies Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed file Cookies-journal Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory CS_skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory databases Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed file desktop-config.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory dictionaries Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_2 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- error -- Unable to remove file data_3 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- error -- Unable to remove file index Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- error -- Unable to remove directory GPUCache Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Recursing into folder IndexedDB\https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory https_teams._0.indexeddb.leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory IndexedDB Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Recursing into folder Local Storage\leveldb to delete Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory leveldb Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory Local Storage Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- error -- Unable to remove file lockfile Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Skipping file logs.txt Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory media-stack Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed file Network Persistent State Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed file QuotaManager Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed file QuotaManager-journal Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed file settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory skylib Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory SkypeRT Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed file storage.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Attempting to remove directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removing files in directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed directory webrtc_event_logs Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: desktop_clean_user_data_failed, files: ["Application Cache","GPUCache"], eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Starting main window after recovery Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: desktop_recovery_cleared_user_data, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: invalid count is more than threshold Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: false, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: 30b1aac4-4f5a-4e68-bd07-858b5260b8f6, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 554122, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: 30b1aac4-4f5a-4e68-bd07-858b5260b8f6, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 140, scenarioDelta: 140, elapsed: 554262, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, message: isPreviousLifecycleValid: invalid count 15 is more than threshold 3, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cab81551-ca96-4d1d-bd8b-f65673a11de5, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 554284, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 837617bf-3221-4caa-b626-0640859137ce, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 554286, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 837617bf-3221-4caa-b626-0640859137ce, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 554286, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: fae5f45c-09e5-427b-9b67-b80e3278ab84 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: fae5f45c-09e5-427b-9b67-b80e3278ab84, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cab81551-ca96-4d1d-bd8b-f65673a11de5, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 5, scenarioDelta: 5, elapsed: 554288, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cab81551-ca96-4d1d-bd8b-f65673a11de5, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 10, scenarioDelta: 10, elapsed: 554293, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- correlationId: fae5f45c-09e5-427b-9b67-b80e3278ab84, status: success, scenario: cab81551-ca96-4d1d-bd8b-f65673a11de5, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 10, scenarioDelta: 10, elapsed: 554293, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cab81551-ca96-4d1d-bd8b-f65673a11de5, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 12, scenarioDelta: 12, elapsed: 554295, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: cab81551-ca96-4d1d-bd8b-f65673a11de5, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 13, scenarioDelta: 13, elapsed: 554296, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cab81551-ca96-4d1d-bd8b-f65673a11de5, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 13, scenarioDelta: 13, elapsed: 554296, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cab81551-ca96-4d1d-bd8b-f65673a11de5, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 17, scenarioDelta: 17, elapsed: 554300, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cab81551-ca96-4d1d-bd8b-f65673a11de5, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 17, scenarioDelta: 17, elapsed: 554300, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cab81551-ca96-4d1d-bd8b-f65673a11de5, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 20, scenarioDelta: 20, elapsed: 554303, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: cab81551-ca96-4d1d-bd8b-f65673a11de5, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 23, scenarioDelta: 23, elapsed: 554306, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Loading window shown with focus due to first show Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b195d9f6-a6ad-4e7c-a3ac-4acc09161383, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 554684, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 59e9fd7a-10ad-47b8-b3a0-56ad59f192b2, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 554695, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 78479bc6-a3e1-4066-bacc-ccc3134a6150, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 554958, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: 59e9fd7a-10ad-47b8-b3a0-56ad59f192b2, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 263, scenarioDelta: 263, elapsed: 554958, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- duration: 10.099999999511056, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: a67cfa64-75ee-4924-8476-064ceabb07a7, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 554997, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- duration: 10.099999999511056, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: a67cfa64-75ee-4924-8476-064ceabb07a7, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 554997, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- duration: 3.1000000017229468, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: be0208ab-a35b-44b4-929e-f25aebc887d7, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 555000, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- duration: 3.1000000017229468, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: be0208ab-a35b-44b4-929e-f25aebc887d7, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 555001, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 64048, privateBytes: 44588, sharedBytes: 34252, workingSetSize: 64044, status: success, scenario: b195d9f6-a6ad-4e7c-a3ac-4acc09161383, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 321, scenarioDelta: 321, elapsed: 555005, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:33 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65416, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:36 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 73d62ccb-1541-4002-8529-380a4b327854, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 558301, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 73d62ccb-1541-4002-8529-380a4b327854, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 558302, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 3d082f45-ae9e-42ca-947c-e50b355f7583, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 245560, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: beef3f00-1109-4d57-934d-c3e7777e63cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 287, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: beef3f00-1109-4d57-934d-c3e7777e63cf, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 338, scenarioDelta: 338, elapsed: 625, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Setting app session to 4011511a-d71e-e97f-ad33-0afa63384fad Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 0.062 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e90fa773-110d-4463-82ce-ff4cfcfb7520, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 559118, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: e90fa773-110d-4463-82ce-ff4cfcfb7520, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 559120, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 1c44be8b-a632-4ef2-b0d1-4bd038b5d6b3, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 559233, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 1c44be8b-a632-4ef2-b0d1-4bd038b5d6b3, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 559234, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + falseminimized: falsewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Main window shown then blurred Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 4953, appRuntime: 559.258, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level, timeSinceActivity: 0.024, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 4.957000017166138, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.39499998092651367, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:desktop_recovery_show,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.023999929428100586, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.13899993896484375, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f6dad17b-681d-4f3d-8a17-8347c62c5814, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 559260, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: f6dad17b-681d-4f3d-8a17-8347c62c5814, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 559261, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 11348 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 78479bc6-a3e1-4066-bacc-ccc3134a6150, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 4307, scenarioDelta: 4307, elapsed: 559265, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Focusing main window Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Is foreground set to true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 312001d9-b874-4b93-9ae1-832a87faa366, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: teamsUpgradePolicyV2Synced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:38 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 259652, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: bbd9fd92-c3f9-4b1e-a86d-7720f16d5557, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:40 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 563.921, appInitialized: true, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols, timeSinceActivity: 4.66, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 4.661999940872192, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 4.424000024795532, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:desktop_recovery_show,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,wa:Interactive, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 4.424000024795532, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 4.659999847412109, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 4011511a-d71e-e97f-ad33-0afa63384fad and desktop session of desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467642714,"session":"4011511a-d71e-e97f-ad33-0afa63384fad","desktopSession":"desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467078794","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b"} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467642714,"session":"4011511a-d71e-e97f-ad33-0afa63384fad","desktopSession":"desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467078794","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:43 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- error -- There are 1 open windows after main window closed, force closing all windows Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- event -- name: desktop_orphan_windows, count: 1, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:46 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <8856> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467642714,"session":"4011511a-d71e-e97f-ad33-0afa63384fad","desktopSession":"desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467078794","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b"} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467642714,"session":"4011511a-d71e-e97f-ad33-0afa63384fad","desktopSession":"desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467078794","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 253, scenarioDelta: 253, elapsed: 253, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 282, scenarioDelta: 282, elapsed: 282, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7af721e8-da01-4f0e-b22a-ec697d27dd9c, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 283, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 2928efb9-6667-462a-a68f-d85c4e786db4, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 286, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usnc-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 2928efb9-6667-462a-a68f-d85c4e786db4, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 287, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 2928efb9-6667-462a-a68f-d85c4e786db4, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 287, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 2928efb9-6667-462a-a68f-d85c4e786db4, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 288, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 2928efb9-6667-462a-a68f-d85c4e786db4, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 290, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 5e681f40-df98-4e1c-b66e-35c7495c12c2, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 292, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59 and desktop session of desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1d423384-12d1-49f9-897a-c92203b723e4, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 295, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 1d423384-12d1-49f9-897a-c92203b723e4, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 296, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 4011511a-d71e-e97f-ad33-0afa63384fad, crashDesktopSession: desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 568.795, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols, timeSinceActivity: 9.534, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4100000858306885, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 9.29800009727478, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:desktop_recovery_show,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,wa:Interactive,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 4011511a-d71e-e97f-ad33-0afa63384fad and desktop session id of desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- crashSession: 4011511a-d71e-e97f-ad33-0afa63384fad, crashDesktopSession: desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 568.795, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols, timeSinceActivity: 9.534, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4100000858306885, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 9.29800009727478, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:desktop_recovery_show,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,wa:Interactive,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: bab40410-ef52-4130-b58c-5e6010f08d3b, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 398, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- crashSession: 4011511a-d71e-e97f-ad33-0afa63384fad, crashDesktopSession: desktop-d917ea9e-adac-4676-9c87-b43eb88b968b, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 568.795, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,desktop_recovery_show,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols, timeSinceActivity: 9.534, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4100000858306885, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,Interactive, timeSinceWebAppState: 9.29800009727478, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:desktop_recovery_show,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:desktop_app_start,wa:Inactive,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,wa:Interactive,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: bab40410-ef52-4130-b58c-5e6010f08d3b, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 398, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 75049bc2-1060-4816-9f16-2d8523f2e5ce, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 579, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 75049bc2-1060-4816-9f16-2d8523f2e5ce, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 580, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f0b12fb0-fad4-42d9-92e9-d197e7b07d4a, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 596, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 22b03f15-ac47-4728-86ec-a9c97afab79d, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 635, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 22b03f15-ac47-4728-86ec-a9c97afab79d, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 636, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: 5e681f40-df98-4e1c-b66e-35c7495c12c2, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 346, scenarioDelta: 346, elapsed: 638, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: invalid count is more than threshold Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: false, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: c6090e06-2e37-43ad-aac3-8420d329ea09, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 641, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:47 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Loading window shown with focus due to first show Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f0b12fb0-fad4-42d9-92e9-d197e7b07d4a, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 427, scenarioDelta: 427, elapsed: 1023, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: c6090e06-2e37-43ad-aac3-8420d329ea09, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1156, scenarioDelta: 1156, elapsed: 1797, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:48 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, message: isPreviousLifecycleValid: invalid count 16 is more than threshold 3, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c41b6305-be22-47e5-8c3b-7ebeee96abb1, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1813, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b9188892-25d3-4209-b711-5114c6c1f7e6, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1815, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: b9188892-25d3-4209-b711-5114c6c1f7e6, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 1816, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: 0eba5ee2-2648-490f-9ece-08cf38d0a974 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 0eba5ee2-2648-490f-9ece-08cf38d0a974, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 2, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c41b6305-be22-47e5-8c3b-7ebeee96abb1, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 1817, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c41b6305-be22-47e5-8c3b-7ebeee96abb1, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 16, scenarioDelta: 16, elapsed: 1829, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- correlationId: 0eba5ee2-2648-490f-9ece-08cf38d0a974, status: success, scenario: c41b6305-be22-47e5-8c3b-7ebeee96abb1, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 17, scenarioDelta: 17, elapsed: 1830, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c41b6305-be22-47e5-8c3b-7ebeee96abb1, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 20, scenarioDelta: 20, elapsed: 1833, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: c41b6305-be22-47e5-8c3b-7ebeee96abb1, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 20, scenarioDelta: 20, elapsed: 1833, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c41b6305-be22-47e5-8c3b-7ebeee96abb1, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 20, scenarioDelta: 20, elapsed: 1833, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c41b6305-be22-47e5-8c3b-7ebeee96abb1, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 24, scenarioDelta: 24, elapsed: 1837, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c41b6305-be22-47e5-8c3b-7ebeee96abb1, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 24, scenarioDelta: 24, elapsed: 1837, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c41b6305-be22-47e5-8c3b-7ebeee96abb1, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 27, scenarioDelta: 27, elapsed: 1840, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c41b6305-be22-47e5-8c3b-7ebeee96abb1, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 29, scenarioDelta: 29, elapsed: 1842, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7fdde5ae-1c94-4476-b699-f5dad417e726, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2191, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c1028b32-3f77-450d-ae00-a5b193f48bca, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2200, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: efe4f545-c810-4679-a959-3deb7a2a624c, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2442, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: c1028b32-3f77-450d-ae00-a5b193f48bca, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 242, scenarioDelta: 242, elapsed: 2442, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- duration: 9.400000002642628, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 2e0b4d9d-1ef0-4f2e-ba99-19a803326bdf, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2482, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- duration: 9.400000002642628, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 2e0b4d9d-1ef0-4f2e-ba99-19a803326bdf, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2482, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- duration: 2.799999998387648, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 153b29bb-4a78-45c1-bc53-ca09ad385e98, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2484, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- duration: 2.799999998387648, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: 153b29bb-4a78-45c1-bc53-ca09ad385e98, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2485, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 63788, privateBytes: 43912, sharedBytes: 34248, workingSetSize: 63784, status: success, scenario: 7fdde5ae-1c94-4476-b699-f5dad417e726, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 299, scenarioDelta: 299, elapsed: 2489, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:49 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65132, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 92b981ea-1747-4c9a-8ab0-97079eac9331, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4585, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: true, scenario: 92b981ea-1747-4c9a-8ab0-97079eac9331, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 4587, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- error -- Error saving cookie Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 240552, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 254, scenarioDelta: 254, elapsed: 254, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 255, scenarioDelta: 255, elapsed: 255, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 283, scenarioDelta: 283, elapsed: 283, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 305, scenarioDelta: 305, elapsed: 305, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 371, scenarioDelta: 371, elapsed: 371, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 395, scenarioDelta: 395, elapsed: 395, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 400, scenarioDelta: 400, elapsed: 400, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 400, scenarioDelta: 400, elapsed: 400, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_start, sequence: 10, delta: 403, scenarioDelta: 403, elapsed: 403, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready_end, sequence: 11, delta: 635, scenarioDelta: 635, elapsed: 635, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_end, sequence: 12, delta: 647, scenarioDelta: 647, elapsed: 647, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_start, sequence: 13, delta: 1800, scenarioDelta: 1800, elapsed: 1800, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_stop, sequence: 14, delta: 1846, scenarioDelta: 1846, elapsed: 1846, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 15, delta: 2191, scenarioDelta: 2191, elapsed: 2191, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 16, delta: 2191, scenarioDelta: 2191, elapsed: 2191, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 17, delta: 2490, scenarioDelta: 2490, elapsed: 2490, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 18, delta: 2490, scenarioDelta: 2490, elapsed: 2490, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- delta: 4663, status: success, scenario: dd55830d-9853-410e-9b2d-cb7bfa7d055e, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 19, scenarioDelta: 4664, elapsed: 4664, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 7517ff43-ff0c-48e5-b73f-ccadd55f2bfa, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 283, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: 7517ff43-ff0c-48e5-b73f-ccadd55f2bfa, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 352, scenarioDelta: 352, elapsed: 635, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Setting app session to 8e2669cb-38e5-ea78-6a6f-f873e03bbc21 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 70dfcf31-d304-4c1e-a0ae-5c532180304a, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4768, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: 70dfcf31-d304-4c1e-a0ae-5c532180304a, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4769, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + trueminimized: falsewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Main window shown active Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:51 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 2958, appRuntime: 4.799, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata, timeSinceActivity: 0.031, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 2.9610002040863037, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.14300012588500977, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.031000137329101562, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.07300019264221191, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 4b2183de-417b-4ac6-8f98-a1e544c99e83, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4882, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 4b2183de-417b-4ac6-8f98-a1e544c99e83, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4883, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: ef7bfacc-dbed-485e-af3d-040704c61aa8, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4885, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: ef7bfacc-dbed-485e-af3d-040704c61aa8, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4886, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7af721e8-da01-4f0e-b22a-ec697d27dd9c, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 4603, scenarioDelta: 4603, elapsed: 4886, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 14444 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Focusing main window Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Is foreground set to true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: efe4f545-c810-4679-a959-3deb7a2a624c, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2449, scenarioDelta: 2449, elapsed: 4891, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 257968, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 13.766 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: teamsUpgradePolicyV2Synced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:53 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: 02c139a3-b9d4-424c-a328-2bb30eda70e2, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 0, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d19f6dc9-3475-4e8f-8e60-8e784717d300, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 6949, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: true, scenario: d19f6dc9-3475-4e8f-8e60-8e784717d300, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 6950, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from Unknown to Available Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Available Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Added Available (current state: Unknown -> Available) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a2207d77-da8c-4dd3-a97f-a94ddd2d641e, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7056, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:54 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- status: success, scenario: a2207d77-da8c-4dd3-a97f-a94ddd2d641e, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7056, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 8.59, appInitialized: true, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 1.534, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 3.7060000896453857, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 3.934000015258789, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 1.5339999198913574, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 1.6400001049041748, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:55 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 8e2669cb-38e5-ea78-6a6f-f873e03bbc21 and desktop session of desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467655781,"session":"8e2669cb-38e5-ea78-6a6f-f873e03bbc21","desktopSession":"desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467642714}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467647193","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59"} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467655781,"session":"8e2669cb-38e5-ea78-6a6f-f873e03bbc21","desktopSession":"desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467642714}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467647193","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- before-quit event raised. Closing the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- error -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:scan-stop BluetoothRadioState.Unavailable Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:00:59 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <9932> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467655781,"session":"8e2669cb-38e5-ea78-6a6f-f873e03bbc21","desktopSession":"desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467642714}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467647193","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59"} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467655781,"session":"8e2669cb-38e5-ea78-6a6f-f873e03bbc21","desktopSession":"desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467642714}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467647193","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":true,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 262, scenarioDelta: 262, elapsed: 262, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 292, scenarioDelta: 292, elapsed: 292, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 69002886-dd1c-46ce-ba05-cedf7f84ac0a, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 294, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0449d346-e4bc-480b-ba8f-ce2ded559e95, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 297, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usnc-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0449d346-e4bc-480b-ba8f-ce2ded559e95, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 298, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0449d346-e4bc-480b-ba8f-ce2ded559e95, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 298, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0449d346-e4bc-480b-ba8f-ce2ded559e95, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 299, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 0449d346-e4bc-480b-ba8f-ce2ded559e95, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 301, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: dd27b7ef-853d-489f-b847-c0c00ee91769, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 304, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29 and desktop session of desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 2e5269cb-b2fd-4482-a3a1-8bfff45f2a16, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 306, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 2e5269cb-b2fd-4482-a3a1-8bfff45f2a16, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 306, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 8e2669cb-38e5-ea78-6a6f-f873e03bbc21, crashDesktopSession: desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.287, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.231, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4219999313354492, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.63100004196167, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 8e2669cb-38e5-ea78-6a6f-f873e03bbc21 and desktop session id of desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- crashSession: 8e2669cb-38e5-ea78-6a6f-f873e03bbc21, crashDesktopSession: desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.287, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.231, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4219999313354492, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.63100004196167, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 11be85bb-c49c-4bea-9a8f-96d0c6b03804, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 404, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- crashSession: 8e2669cb-38e5-ea78-6a6f-f873e03bbc21, crashDesktopSession: desktop-79d9564b-25da-4819-82bd-8400cd882a59, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.287, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.231, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4219999313354492, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.63100004196167, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 11be85bb-c49c-4bea-9a8f-96d0c6b03804, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 405, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Launching start page Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: window_manager_loaded, didLoadNew: false, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Unresponsive restart disabled. undefined, true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Restoring Window state with X:2124 Y:148 Width:1071 Height:688 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Loading window manager initialized with wasWindowMaximized = false, wasSilentUpdate = false, wasCrashInBackground = false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7c137140-21f5-4469-87f6-55e46fdafcf9, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 548, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 7c137140-21f5-4469-87f6-55e46fdafcf9, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 548, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d3e4b970-444c-4e49-9ac3-453e8a9d9519, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 565, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 3d304515-c2e7-4155-8174-26011d362bac, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 607, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: 3d304515-c2e7-4155-8174-26011d362bac, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 607, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- cloudType: , status: success, scenario: dd27b7ef-853d-489f-b847-c0c00ee91769, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 306, scenarioDelta: 306, elapsed: 610, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- isSettingValid: preauth settings are invalid Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- validatePreviousLifecycle: invalid count is more than threshold Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- onlineCheckAttemptLimit: 8, onlineCheckAttemptTimeout: 3000, isSettingValid: false, isPreviousLifecycleValid: false, netApiOnlineCheckEnabled: true, preauthSettingAsyncDownloadEnabled: undefined, shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: false, status: success, scenario: 327f8489-a7db-4050-9293-37076769ad36, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 612, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Checking if user is online Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Main Window Hide: loading window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Loading window shown with focus due to first show Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d3e4b970-444c-4e49-9ac3-453e8a9d9519, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 484, scenarioDelta: 484, elapsed: 1049, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Login promise for online check Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Response promise for online check success Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Is online. Navigating to app Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- appOnlineSvc:Going to app.... Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- retryAttempt: 0, status: success, scenario: 327f8489-a7db-4050-9293-37076769ad36, scenarioName: user_online, name: user_online, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1158, scenarioDelta: 1158, elapsed: 1770, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: user_online, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Finishing getContextInstall with status 1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- shouldRefreshSettingsOnLaunch: result is :false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Starting SSO flow Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Alphonso enabled at startup:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, message: isPreviousLifecycleValid: invalid count 17 is more than threshold 3, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_bad_lifecycle_exceeded, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- appstart: unable to do async auth isAsyncAuthEnabled:undefined, isPreviousLifecycleValid:false, isRigel:{3} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- ADAL: Guest Access is enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- ADAL: Logging into tenant:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 88fde37a-bd85-4f44-b33e-55febf7933eb, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1787, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Current guest tenants:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Creating SSO context diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Let's get you up and running... diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Let's get you up and running... Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e87bfbee-2384-4100-b445-4cd3eb05a9d3, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 1789, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- ADAL: successfully unregistered ADAL version Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e87bfbee-2384-4100-b445-4cd3eb05a9d3, scenarioName: desktop_unregister_adal_version, name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 1790, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_unregister_adal_version, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- ADAL: Getting context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Auth context found and deserialized successfully. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Acquiring token... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Authenticating resource - ... diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- SSO: Authenticating resource - ... correlationId: bbbbfc33-5a70-4978-9baa-e018d0322ffb Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 13, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: bbbbfc33-5a70-4978-9baa-e018d0322ffb, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 0, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- SSO successful, fetching tokens. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- SSO: SSO successful fetching tokens. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Hang tight! We’re getting you connected. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- SSO: completed with status . Proceeding to fetch id_token. Should be silent. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Skipping id_token fetch. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- SSO: skipping id_token fetch. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant already in tenant list:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: msaLogin, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- ADAL: isMsaUser;hasOid:true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Sso successful, updating cookie settings diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) SSO success. S:0: Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Launching app diag:0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: Launching app Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Launching app. diag:1 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Success cookie set Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- SSO: (ssoSuccessful) Emit Success. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Sso opening app. URL: Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Setting up timer with timeout: 90 sec Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- ssoEventData: sso-success::remav:s;ctx:s;acq:;, name: sso-summary-guest, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 88fde37a-bd85-4f44-b33e-55febf7933eb, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: create_sso_ctx, sequence: 1, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 1791, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: create_sso_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 88fde37a-bd85-4f44-b33e-55febf7933eb, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: saved_ctx, sequence: 2, delta: 21, scenarioDelta: 21, elapsed: 1808, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: saved_ctx, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- correlationId: bbbbfc33-5a70-4978-9baa-e018d0322ffb, status: success, scenario: 88fde37a-bd85-4f44-b33e-55febf7933eb, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acq_token, sequence: 3, delta: 21, scenarioDelta: 21, elapsed: 1808, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acq_token, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 88fde37a-bd85-4f44-b33e-55febf7933eb, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: acquire_success, sequence: 4, delta: 23, scenarioDelta: 23, elapsed: 1810, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: acquire_success, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, resource: , scenario: 88fde37a-bd85-4f44-b33e-55febf7933eb, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa_result, sequence: 5, delta: 23, scenarioDelta: 23, elapsed: 1810, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa_result, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 88fde37a-bd85-4f44-b33e-55febf7933eb, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: mfa, sequence: 6, delta: 23, scenarioDelta: 23, elapsed: 1810, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: mfa, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 88fde37a-bd85-4f44-b33e-55febf7933eb, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_extract_userV2, sequence: 7, delta: 27, scenarioDelta: 27, elapsed: 1814, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_extract_userV2, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 88fde37a-bd85-4f44-b33e-55febf7933eb, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_succesful, sequence: 8, delta: 27, scenarioDelta: 27, elapsed: 1814, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_succesful, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 88fde37a-bd85-4f44-b33e-55febf7933eb, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: sso_cookie_set, sequence: 9, delta: 30, scenarioDelta: 30, elapsed: 1817, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: sso_cookie_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 88fde37a-bd85-4f44-b33e-55febf7933eb, scenarioName: desktop_win_sso_guest, name: desktop_win_sso_guest, step: stop, sequence: 10, delta: 32, scenarioDelta: 32, elapsed: 1819, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_win_sso_guest, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Loading web app url Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Main Window Hide: navigated to url Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 06d07233-6fed-4d52-9c85-ba5a4e0e43b5, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2170, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- preload: process loaded, starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- mainWindow: preloadStart - calling destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 5782a475-2ad1-4f1f-b3f1-639ba7621c43, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2180, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- preload: Set up spellchecker. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- preload: Before enable electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 987eaeb0-e54b-4d1f-a0d7-8469202607fd, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2461, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- spellCheckerIpc: false, status: success, scenario: 5782a475-2ad1-4f1f-b3f1-639ba7621c43, scenarioName: desktop_init_spellchecker, name: desktop_init_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 282, scenarioDelta: 282, elapsed: 2461, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_init_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- warning -- sharing-indicator loading from 'slimcore/lib/sharing-indicator' Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- duration: 10.200000000622822, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: a2a44ed6-8018-43e3-97b1-2a8cfcf865af, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2501, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- duration: 10.200000000622822, moduleName: slimcore, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: a2a44ed6-8018-43e3-97b1-2a8cfcf865af, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2502, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- duration: 2.8000000020256266, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: b4c5f9ff-0d3d-4777-a163-10f9f7f67c4d, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 2504, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- duration: 2.8000000020256266, moduleName: media-hid, usePlugInHost: false, status: success, scenario: b4c5f9ff-0d3d-4777-a163-10f9f7f67c4d, scenarioName: module_require, name: module_require, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 2505, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: module_require, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: desktop_cookie_stlocale_missing, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- preload: using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- preload: disable sso: false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- preload: host allowed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- environment: enableMachineActivityCheck: true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- setupCalling: {"isSandboxed":false,"runSlimCoreOutOfProc":false,"enableDelayedSlimCoreRequire":false,"enableSlimCoreHotSwap":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- setupCalling: exposing window.SlimCore as actual module Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary({"async":false}): starting.. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"slimcore","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- setupCalling: getSlimCoreLibrary: done Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- setupHid: isSandboxed=false, runHidOutOfProc=false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- requireEx: {"name":"media-hid","usePlugInHost":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- preload: stlocale cookie is missing. Setting language to en-us Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- peakWorkingSetSize: 63880, privateBytes: 43804, sharedBytes: 34280, workingSetSize: 63876, status: success, scenario: 06d07233-6fed-4d52-9c85-ba5a4e0e43b5, scenarioName: desktop_renderer_preload, name: desktop_renderer_preload, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 339, scenarioDelta: 339, elapsed: 2508, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_renderer_preload, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexHeadStart Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:02 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 65384, name: memoryIndexHeadStart, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Received the 'zoomLevelFetch' ipc. Sending current zoom percent of 100 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Getting lock state: State is 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- StatusIndicatorStateService initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: initialize_status_indicator, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d16984b4-e5b5-4c5e-a96d-f9d48ffdc489, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4758, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: true, scenario: d16984b4-e5b5-4c5e-a96d-f9d48ffdc489, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 3, scenarioDelta: 3, elapsed: 4761, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Set modern auth succeeded to true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- error -- Error saving cookie Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Received freemium telemetry IPC. Setting the tenant model to 2 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryIndexAppBootstrap Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 245852, name: memoryIndexAppBootstrap, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- setting initial zoom to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 263, scenarioDelta: 263, elapsed: 263, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 264, scenarioDelta: 264, elapsed: 264, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 293, scenarioDelta: 293, elapsed: 293, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 315, scenarioDelta: 315, elapsed: 315, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 378, scenarioDelta: 378, elapsed: 378, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 402, scenarioDelta: 402, elapsed: 402, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 407, scenarioDelta: 407, elapsed: 407, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 407, scenarioDelta: 407, elapsed: 407, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_start, sequence: 10, delta: 410, scenarioDelta: 410, elapsed: 410, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready_end, sequence: 11, delta: 606, scenarioDelta: 606, elapsed: 606, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: main_window_end, sequence: 12, delta: 615, scenarioDelta: 615, elapsed: 615, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: main_window_end, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_start, sequence: 13, delta: 1772, scenarioDelta: 1772, elapsed: 1772, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: desktop_auth_stop, sequence: 14, delta: 1823, scenarioDelta: 1823, elapsed: 1823, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: desktop_auth_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 15, delta: 2170, scenarioDelta: 2170, elapsed: 2170, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_start, sequence: 16, delta: 2170, scenarioDelta: 2170, elapsed: 2170, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 17, delta: 2509, scenarioDelta: 2509, elapsed: 2509, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: preload_stop, sequence: 18, delta: 2509, scenarioDelta: 2509, elapsed: 2509, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: preload_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- delta: 4846, status: success, scenario: f7cb23b8-84a6-4723-8fef-55b9ef9ba610, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 19, scenarioDelta: 4846, elapsed: 4846, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: starting setup Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:04 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- preload renderer crash reporter: enable watson Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: e448a732-6287-42ed-ba58-111c8a5cbbba, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 293, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- phase: PLT, status: success, scenario: e448a732-6287-42ed-ba58-111c8a5cbbba, scenarioName: desktop_app_start, name: desktop_app_start, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 313, scenarioDelta: 313, elapsed: 606, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_start, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Setting app session to 04c50ad6-1f8c-cce1-8a62-97aa845f796d Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Setting reload count to 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Client version is: 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Set previous web client version to 27/ Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- getting cookie storedTheme Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: c3e253c6-5e8c-47e9-9f18-66657e8b5c64, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 4980, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- source: exe, distSrc: default, electronBuild: 13790477, type: false, telemetrySamplingRandomRumber: -1, telemetrySamplingDidParseRules: true, launchPath: %LOCALAPPDATA%, status: success, scenario: c3e253c6-5e8c-47e9-9f18-66657e8b5c64, scenarioName: app_launch_metadata, name: app_launch_metadata, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 4981, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: app_launch_metadata, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- OS inverted color theme initalized as false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Main Window Show: app initialized Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Loading window silently closing Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Loading window is closing Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Loading window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- visible: truefocused: + trueminimized: falsewinVisible: falsewinFocused: falsewinMinimized: false) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Main window shown active Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: desktop_app_initialized, delta: 3193, appRuntime: 5.011, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata, timeSinceActivity: 0.03, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess, timeSinceAppState: 3.196000099182129, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 0.17300009727478027, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.029999971389770508, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 0.08700013160705566, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from undefined to Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Clearing taskbar overlay icon Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Added Unknown (current state: undefined -> Unknown) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- sent getUnifiedPresenceStatesEnabled Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Silent update trigger set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- spellCheckerService is disabled Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Initializing server for sfbTeamsInteraction Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Exception in initializing serverMessage: Unable to open RegKey: 0x2 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Setting logged out state to false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 5aed3b63-8227-4664-ba4c-4ecda40df05c, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 5090, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- integrityLevel: 2, status: success, scenario: 5aed3b63-8227-4664-ba4c-4ecda40df05c, scenarioName: gpu-process-integrity-level, name: gpu-process-integrity-level, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 5090, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: gpu-process-integrity-level, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- App initialized, enabling close to minimize. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- set teamsProtocolsRegistered as true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Registry Service: Protocols registered value is: true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 18cecad2-082f-4736-bc25-cffd9193fa4c, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 5093, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- error -- RegistryService: failed to register Sfb App with error: No Path Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: failure, scenario: 18cecad2-082f-4736-bc25-cffd9193fa4c, scenarioName: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 5094, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_register_sfb_protocols, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: failure, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 69002886-dd1c-46ce-ba05-cedf7f84ac0a, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 4800, scenarioDelta: 4800, elapsed: 5094, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: initial_zoom, storedZoomLevel: 0, actualZoomLevel: 0, zoomFactor: 1, screenResolution: 1680x1020, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: initial_zoom_in_sync, zoomInSync: true, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- preload: Received app initialized event. RendererPid: 4308 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- preload: Starting spellcheck initialize Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- storedTheme cookie get successful, additional logs: undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Focusing main window Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Is foreground set to true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 987eaeb0-e54b-4d1f-a0d7-8469202607fd, scenarioName: desktop_enable_spellchecker, name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 2640, scenarioDelta: 2640, elapsed: 5101, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_enable_spellchecker, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- preload: Enabled electron spellchecker Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- AeroPeekButtonsService: unifiedPresenceStatesEnabled received true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: thumbar_buttons_initialized, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Blur main window Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Is foreground set to false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Meeting policies synced. Enable Outlook Addin for Teams Meeting: true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: meetingPolicySettingsSynced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Logging telemetry event: memoryStartupComplete Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:05 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB: 260940, name: memoryStartupComplete, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Comparing app version with critical version Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Comparing app version with minimum version Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- User region is updated to msteams-web-prod-usce-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: desktop_user_region_changed, previousRegion: msteams-web-prod-usnc-02, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Machine has been idle for 0 seconds Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Teams upgrade policy synced. honorOutlookAddinPolicy: true unloadOutlookSfbAddin: true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Current Outlook Version: 16 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Outlook meeting addin registered success Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:06 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: meeting_addin_registration_success, contextForAddin: teamsUpgradePolicyV2Synced, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- createInstance: SlimCoreInstance settings {"enableLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreLogging":true,"enableSlimCoreVersionCompatibilityCheck":false,"tsCallingVersion":"2019.21.01.2"} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: d2d55646-bb8d-48a9-91ac-ec854422f402, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7135, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: true, scenario: d2d55646-bb8d-48a9-91ac-ec854422f402, scenarioName: desktop_is_registered_im, name: desktop_is_registered_im, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7135, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_is_registered_im, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: true, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- emit status indicator state change from Unknown to Available Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Available Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Added Available (current state: Unknown -> Available) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: fce86ad1-b136-44d3-83a0-a7afb9192435, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 7360, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:07 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- status: success, scenario: fce86ad1-b136-44d3-83a0-a7afb9192435, scenarioName: presence_in_sync, name: presence_in_sync, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 7361, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: presence_in_sync, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- nativeUtils.getWatchdogCrashFlag -> false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- warning -- getWatchdogLogLines failed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: desktop_renderer_process_crashed, url: , type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, watchdogCrash: false, appRuntime: 9.099, appInitialized: true, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 1.738, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized, timeSinceAppState: 4.008000135421753, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 4.261000156402588, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: 1.7380001544952393, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: 1.9640002250671387, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- error -- Renderer process crashed with url , restarting the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- mainWindow webContents crashed: destroyPluginHost Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: disposing the control injector on quit Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Restart reason set to crash Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Restarting app Teams with reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Quitting app Teams with session of 04c50ad6-1f8c-cce1-8a62-97aa845f796d and desktop session of desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Sending IPC to web app for app quitting... Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Patched config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467669174,"session":"04c50ad6-1f8c-cce1-8a62-97aa845f796d","desktopSession":"desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467655781},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467642714}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467660077","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29"} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467669174,"session":"04c50ad6-1f8c-cce1-8a62-97aa845f796d","desktopSession":"desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467655781},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467642714}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467660077","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Starting save of SSO auth context async Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- ADAL: Saving Context for:msteams_adalsso_9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6_adal_context Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- ADAL: Tenant Id:9b022a6e-a1c4-4a7c-9476-f452626417c6 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Saving sso auth context async succeeded. contextLength:16 onQuit:true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Save context on quit successful Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Preventing app from closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:10 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Main window is closing. Raising event of mainWindowClose. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- SharingIndicator Desktop: _hide called Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Saved window state to {"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- before-quit event raised. Closing the app. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Removed all user tasks and cleared taskbar icon timer Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- error -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:scan-stop BluetoothRadioState.Unavailable Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Restarting with args [] Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Main window closed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:12 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <10336> -- info -- Main window is closing. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Initialization completed. Loaded config = {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467669174,"session":"04c50ad6-1f8c-cce1-8a62-97aa845f796d","desktopSession":"desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467655781},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467642714}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467660077","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29"} Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- name: desktop_current_configuration, eventData: {"preventUpnDetectSso":true,"currentWebLanguage":"en-US","silentUpdateTriggered":false,"rendererCrashInfo":{"datetime":1561467669174,"session":"04c50ad6-1f8c-cce1-8a62-97aa845f796d","desktopSession":"desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29","watchdogCrash":false,"type":"renderer"},"previousCrashesInfo":{"crashes":[{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467655781},{"type":"renderer","datetime":1561467642714}]},"windowState":{"monitorId":2480450848,"x":2124,"y":148,"width":1071,"height":688,"isMaximized":false,"isFullScreen":false},"restartCommand":{},"launchTime":"1561467660077","isLoggedOut":false,"appPreferenceSettings":{"openAtLogin":true,"openAsHidden":false,"runningOnClose":true,"registerAsIMProvider":true},"isAppFirstRun":false,"isAppSessionEnd":false,"isForeground":false,"machineId":"d379d22c9ccdd7c049d426a6aa388ed9a6e77a18ce38177d162242bd8beedf9f","deviceInfoId":"547dd5a8f4c0e5225e7a6bedcee5268045a8138df73d38284c841c92eaac1e7e","restartReason":"crash","notificationWindowOnClose":true,"desktopSessionId":"desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29"}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- This is the only instance of the app. Not quitting. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 80a4f3c7-ff92-4872-8880-856a56e87f5c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 245, scenarioDelta: 245, elapsed: 245, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Restart reason set to null Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 80a4f3c7-ff92-4872-8880-856a56e87f5c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: start, sequence: 3, delta: 275, scenarioDelta: 275, elapsed: 275, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 9945658f-9cb0-49df-be9b-098e066a03d3, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 276, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 01589d7e-8eb8-43ef-a79f-2544bf68343f, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 279, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Loading settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- User ring is initialized to general Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- User region is initialized to msteams-web-prod-usce-02 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- User ETag is initialized to "EvAiOZTWpNIWN8pdKYSjrmryXDX55NWLBnpGYB+BwbQ=" Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- setting disabled or ConfigIds null. Removing. Setting:undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Using settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Using preauth settings from settings.json Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Registered settings.json to upload to crash reporter Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 01589d7e-8eb8-43ef-a79f-2544bf68343f, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_exists, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 280, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_exists, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 01589d7e-8eb8-43ef-a79f-2544bf68343f, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_loaded, sequence: 2, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 280, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_loaded, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 01589d7e-8eb8-43ef-a79f-2544bf68343f, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: settings_set, sequence: 3, delta: 2, scenarioDelta: 2, elapsed: 281, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: settings_set, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 01589d7e-8eb8-43ef-a79f-2544bf68343f, scenarioName: desktop_settings_initialize, name: desktop_settings_initialize, step: stop, sequence: 4, delta: 4, scenarioDelta: 4, elapsed: 283, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_settings_initialize, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Update aria configs: 0 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 8c1183fc-5b16-462c-b20f-e1a89f2c800d, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 286, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- name: desktop_set_session, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- App initialized with session of desktop-f4f4fa23-384c-46b5-ac64-cf7cdd9c54fe and desktop session of desktop-f4f4fa23-384c-46b5-ac64-cf7cdd9c54fe Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- saved desktop session id as desktop-f4f4fa23-384c-46b5-ac64-cf7cdd9c54fe Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Enabling process integrity level Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Listening for all machineInactiveRequest calls Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 399bfbb8-1615-478f-8d35-bbda0eb7f7ec, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 288, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 399bfbb8-1615-478f-8d35-bbda0eb7f7ec, scenarioName: machine_activity_check_initialized, name: machine_activity_check_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 289, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: machine_activity_check_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- electron: 3.1.8, build: 13790477 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- using slimcore version: 2019.14.4 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Renderer backgrounding disabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- High heap not enabled Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Chromium GPU blacklist not ignored. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 enabled. Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- WER settings: enabled=true, showUI=true, corporateServer=false, additionalData=true, queueEnabled=true, forceQueue=false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (ariaTelemetryLogger) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- name: is_aero_glass_enabled, data: {"isAeroGlassEnabled":true}, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Starting app Teams, version, reason crash Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- os Windows, osversion 10.0.18362 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- name: desktop_app_start, appStartReason: crash, distSrc: default, source: exe, type: false, vdiMode: 0, eventpdclevel: 3, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- App locale is en-US Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Locale file read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Locale file for default resources read successful Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Set launch time Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- isGpuCompositingEnabled: false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Retrieved post restart command undefined, undefined Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Guest Access Enabled. envSetting:true, appConfig:true Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- SSO status: isSsoEnabled: true, enableSsoSetting: true, appConfig: true, disableSsoCommandLine: false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- setting plugin-host listener Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, crashSession: 04c50ad6-1f8c-cce1-8a62-97aa845f796d, crashDesktopSession: desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.765, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.404, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4159998893737793, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.927000045776367, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, eventpdclevel: 1, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- warning -- Previous renderer crashed with session id of 04c50ad6-1f8c-cce1-8a62-97aa845f796d and desktop session id of desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- crashSession: 04c50ad6-1f8c-cce1-8a62-97aa845f796d, crashDesktopSession: desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.765, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.404, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4159998893737793, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.927000045776367, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 02966677-9ad2-4b7f-9476-724eaa479172, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 391, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- crashSession: 04c50ad6-1f8c-cce1-8a62-97aa845f796d, crashDesktopSession: desktop-fcaf45c6-8405-4fa3-8e2a-02bd2d39cb29, watchdogCrash: false, type: renderer, electronBuild: 13790477, crashId: , appRuntime: 13.765, appSessionEnd: false, activities: desktop_settings_initialize,desktop_env_check,machine_activity_check_initialized,desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,initNotificationManager,desktop_notification_window_initialized,desktop_compile_cache,user_online,desktop_win_sso_guest,desktop_unregister_adal_version,desktop_renderer_preload,desktop_init_spellchecker,desktop_enable_spellchecker,module_require,module_require,desktop_is_registered_im,desktop_app_start,app_launch_metadata,gpu-process-integrity-level,desktop_register_sfb_protocols,desktop_is_registered_im,presence_in_sync, timeSinceActivity: 6.404, appStates: Started,SSOStart,SSOSuccess,SSOSuccess,Initialized,RendererCrashed,Quitting,Restarting, timeSinceAppState: 1.4159998893737793, webAppStates: IndexInitialize,IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,IndexJsLoaded,IndexHtmlLoaded,Inactive,IndexAppCacheNoUpdate, timeSinceWebAppState: 8.927000045776367, diagnosticEvents: ua:desktop_settings_initialize,ua:desktop_env_check,ua:machine_activity_check_initialized,as:Started,ua:desktop_previous_renderer_crashed,ua:initNotificationManager,ua:desktop_notification_window_initialized,ua:desktop_compile_cache,ua:user_online,ua:desktop_win_sso_guest,as:SSOStart,ua:desktop_unregister_adal_version,as:SSOSuccess,as:SSOSuccess,ua:desktop_renderer_preload,ua:desktop_init_spellchecker,ua:desktop_enable_spellchecker,ua:module_require,ua:module_require,wa:IndexInitialize,wa:IndexAppCacheUpdateNotReady,wa:IndexJsLoaded,wa:IndexHtmlLoaded,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,wa:Inactive,wa:IndexAppCacheNoUpdate,ua:desktop_app_start,ua:app_launch_metadata,ua:gpu-process-integrity-level,as:Initialized,ua:desktop_register_sfb_protocols,ua:desktop_is_registered_im,ua:presence_in_sync,as:RendererCrashed,as:Quitting, timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent: -1, status: success, scenario: 02966677-9ad2-4b7f-9476-724eaa479172, scenarioName: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 392, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_previous_renderer_crashed, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Adding previous crashes info... Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Will save previous crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Cleared renderer crash info Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Value of isAllUsersInstalled is false Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- handleStartupEvent with non-squirrel command Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Command Line State - Unknown Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 80a4f3c7-ff92-4872-8880-856a56e87f5c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_start, sequence: 1, delta: 246, scenarioDelta: 246, elapsed: 246, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 80a4f3c7-ff92-4872-8880-856a56e87f5c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: localstorage_syncread_stop, sequence: 2, delta: 246, scenarioDelta: 246, elapsed: 246, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: localstorage_syncread_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 80a4f3c7-ff92-4872-8880-856a56e87f5c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 4, delta: 276, scenarioDelta: 276, elapsed: 276, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 80a4f3c7-ff92-4872-8880-856a56e87f5c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_init, sequence: 5, delta: 297, scenarioDelta: 297, elapsed: 297, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_init, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 80a4f3c7-ff92-4872-8880-856a56e87f5c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_ready, sequence: 6, delta: 363, scenarioDelta: 363, elapsed: 363, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_ready, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 80a4f3c7-ff92-4872-8880-856a56e87f5c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: app_start_create_main, sequence: 7, delta: 388, scenarioDelta: 388, elapsed: 388, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: app_start_create_main, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 80a4f3c7-ff92-4872-8880-856a56e87f5c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_start, sequence: 8, delta: 394, scenarioDelta: 394, elapsed: 394, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 80a4f3c7-ff92-4872-8880-856a56e87f5c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: commandline_parse_stop, sequence: 9, delta: 394, scenarioDelta: 394, elapsed: 394, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: commandline_parse_stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- delta: 397, status: success, scenario: 80a4f3c7-ff92-4872-8880-856a56e87f5c, scenarioName: desktop_app_launch, name: desktop_app_launch, step: stop, sequence: 10, scenarioDelta: 397, elapsed: 397, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_launch, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- name: desktop_recovery_show, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 537b368d-0121-4a9d-9429-2eb6edc718f7, scenarioName: desktop_recovery_show, name: desktop_recovery_show, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 414, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_recovery_show, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: 537b368d-0121-4a9d-9429-2eb6edc718f7, scenarioName: desktop_recovery_show, name: desktop_recovery_show, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 414, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_recovery_show, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- name: presence_added_to_menu, eventpdclevel: 2, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Initializing notification manager Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f6d97e0e-1111-4a82-a195-773d23265d9b, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 546, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: f6d97e0e-1111-4a82-a195-773d23265d9b, scenarioName: initNotificationManager, name: initNotificationManager, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 1, scenarioDelta: 1, elapsed: 547, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: initNotificationManager, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e2604b4d-df89-4bdd-8e2d-45d7db7f9e67, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 567, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- notification manager: OS notification duration set to 5 Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: Initializing the Native BLE module Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- error -- getInstallOrUpdateTime failed Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Setting up event for server initialization Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- executeOnAppReady: app ready callback called (appStart) Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: fd8a5831-ca9a-4033-8090-ae569bb16b67, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: start, sequence: 0, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 601, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: start, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, message: isDirty false isCacheHit true, scenario: fd8a5831-ca9a-4033-8090-ae569bb16b67, scenarioName: desktop_compile_cache, name: desktop_compile_cache, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: 601, eventpdclevel: 2, Scenario.Name: desktop_compile_cache, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- BluetoothLE Desktop: ble:radio-not-ready Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- notification manager: dom-ready event received Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: success, scenario: e2604b4d-df89-4bdd-8e2d-45d7db7f9e67, scenarioName: desktop_notification_window_initialized, name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 441, scenarioDelta: 441, elapsed: 1008, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_notification_window_initialized, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: success, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:01:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- notification manager: notification window ready Tue Jun 25 2019 08:03:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: timeout, scenario: 9945658f-9cb0-49df-be9b-098e066a03d3, scenarioName: desktop_app_load, name: desktop_app_load, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 120005, scenarioDelta: 120005, elapsed: 120281, eventpdclevel: 1, Scenario.Name: desktop_app_load, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: timeout, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:03:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- event -- status: timeout, scenario: 8c1183fc-5b16-462c-b20f-e1a89f2c800d, scenarioName: desktop_env_check, name: desktop_env_check, step: stop, sequence: 1, delta: 120004, scenarioDelta: 120004, elapsed: 120290, eventpdclevel: 3, Scenario.Name: desktop_env_check, Scenario.Step: stop, Scenario.Status: timeout, Tue Jun 25 2019 08:04:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Machine is locked Tue Jun 25 2019 08:11:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Starting daemon App updates Tue Jun 25 2019 08:19:01 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) <15804> -- info -- Machine is unlocked ................

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