1 Ledge

3 giant rats

humanoid footprints 75

2 Switchback Stairs

3 Crumbled Courtyard

1 giant rat (in pit)

Pit DC15 DEX or trapped inside 23 sp, 4 gp, scimitar on corpse in pit loose masonry debris 25 (100)

4 Tower Shell

Needle trap DC15 DEX or 1 DMG "Ashardalon" on wall

Secret door to 5


5 Secret Pocket

3 skeletons

2d10 sp, 1d10 gp, (1) +1 arrow (x3)


6 Old Approach

1 giant rat

Dragon door DC25 DEX to pick or DC30 STR to break (or key from room 21)


7 Gallery of Forlorn Notes Charm Globe (AC 10, 10hp) DC15 WIS or charm (flee to room 3)

8 Pressure Plate

Arrow Trap DC15 INT or 1d10


9 Dragon Riddle

Dragon Statue

Secret door to 10

10 Honor Guard


Open Pit with spikes 1d6 + 1d10

Secret door to 11 200

11 Secret Room

Secret door to 12

12 Tomb of the Dragonpriest 1 troll (30 hp, regen 5hp/rnd) Latches DC15 Lid STR50

220 sp, 50 gp, dagger/amulet/rings(170) 4 spell scrolls


13 Empty Room

14 Enchanted Water Cache 1 ice mephit, 1 steam mephit locked door DC20

5 sapphires (10)


15 Dragon Cell


4 jade dragons (15)

16 Kobold Guardroom

3 kobolds

Door trap DC10 CON or poisoned

offal jug - poison

75 (50)

17 Dragon Chow

1 rat swarm

18 Prison

4 goblins (in chains)

locked doors DC15


19 Hall of Dragons

3 kobolds (7hp)


20 Kobold Colony

3 kobolds + 24 nc kobolds


21 Dragon Throne

Yusdrayl + 2 kobolds (7hp)

35gp, Quaal's feather token, 3 spell scrolls , Dragon Key to 6 250

22 Larder

23 Underdark Access

3 kobolds


24 Trapped Access

Pit DC15 WIS 1d6


25 Empty Chamber

tracks in dust

26 Dry Fountain

scythe trap DC20 WIS 1d8

potion of fire breath


27 Sanctuary

5 skeleton

6 gems (10), potion of resistance, candle, Night Caller


28 Infested Cells

3 giant rats

2d6-2 sp, 1d6-1 gp, 1d4-1 gem (5) (x3) tracks in dust


29 Disabled Traps

Trapped fountain DC20 WIS 1d10

(2) open pit traps


30 Mama Rat

1 diseased rat + 3 giant rats

312 cp, 68 gp, 3 gem (25)

Karakas's body / ring 125

31 Caltrop Hall

trapped door (bell) DC15/caltrops 200 caltrops

can alert goblins in 32 (100)

32 Goblin Gate

2 goblins


33 Practice Range

3 goblins

silver flask (50), keys to 34


34 Goblin Stockade

3 kobolds (in chains), Erky locked door / cage DC15


35 Trapped Corridor

Pit DC15 WIS 1d6

gold ring (25) in pit


36 Goblin Bandits

3 goblins


37 Trophy Room

Calcryx - white dragon wyrmling

jade dragon (20), goblet (5), silverware Scroll Case (100) 450

38 Goblin Pantry

barrel "Elf Pudding"

39 Dragon Haze

40 Goblinville

4 goblins + 30 nc goblins

agate statue (30)


41 Hall of the Goblin Chief Durnn, Grenl, + 3 hobgoblins Giant Hole DC10 80' drop

Talgen's ring (20), potion healing -Durnn 2 spell scrolls - Grenl 550

Trapped Chest DC15 1d6+1

2 silver earrings (20), necklace (50)


231 gp, 2 oynx (30) - in chest

AREA 42 Central Garden 43 Great Hunter's Abode 44 Rift 45 Rift Node 46 Old Shrine 47 Belak's Laboratory (a-f) 48 Garden Galleries 49 Arboretums (a-d) 50 Ashardalon's Shrine 51 Dragon Library 52 Underpass 53 Belak's Study

54 Grove Gate 55 Twilight Grove 56 Gulthias Tree

CREATURE 2 skeletons + 2 twig blights 1 bugbear, 2 giant rats

Fire snake

TRAPS / SPECIAL 10' drop

TREASURE 241sp, 54gp, weapons 2 sapphires (50)

OTHER Underdark Access

2 goblins + 8 nc goblins 1 bugbear 1 goblin / 1 fire snake / 3 skeletons + 1 twig blight / empty 1 shadow

healer's kit, misc. equipment 1 potion healing 2 sapphires (50), fungi 34gp, 2 flask alchemist's fire Tome dragon lore (150), 2 spell scrolls

Trapped Book - Fire Lords locked doors DC20 or key in 56 365gp, 4 agate gems (20), Tome druidic lore (150)

glyph of warding DC12 5d8

2 spell scrolls (amongst papers DC15 WIS to find)

4 goblin

4 blights in 55 will investigate combat

10 twig blights

Belak, Sharwyn, Sir Bradford Gulthias Tree AC10, 35hp

wand of entangle, 3 potions of healing , 2 vials antitoxin

1 giant frog + 3 twig blights

Sharwyn signet ring (20), keys to 53

XP 150 250


50 200 400 100

(500) 100 250 775


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