
4107180-30480Lost Sheep Ministry News – October 2016--The Great Commission: Matthew 28: 18 - 20 is a commission for all Christians to go, make Disciples, and teach them to OBEY all that I have commanded you. LSM is dedicated to evangelizing the lost and making disciples of Christ that make Disciples of Christ according to II Timothy 2:2. 571503346454356100528955Notes from Brother Bob: Our plan, while in Nigeria, Africa, was to fly across the continent to Ethiopia to visit our Citymark Church missionaries, Michael and Jessica Lowe.I left John Erinne’s home at about 8:30 am for the Lagos airport. When I was checking in at Ethiopian Airlines, I asked for a wheelchair and they wanted a letter from a doctor with a medical reason. I don’t have one so the lady at the counter asked me how old I was and when I responded that I am 74, she called her boss and he agreed that I should have a wheelchair. I was happy because this is a large airport with many lines to go through but in a wheelchair, you go to the head of the line. Therefore, I had a smooth ride to the gate almost onto the plane. Along the way, I got to share some crocheted crosses again. I need to say to Patsy Dainwood you are going to be amazed at how many emails you will receive with prayer requests. It was a 5-hour plane ride to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I had to wait about one hour for a visa on arrival and then got my luggage and went outside to greet Nick who was waiting for me. We arrived at his residence at about 10:00 and I promptly went to bed. Burr,. It is cold here. I got up and put on my long johns!296037044450Friday September 2, 7:00 pmI spent Wednesday and Thursday sharing with the Fab-5, Nick & Jessica Lowe, Amber Smith, Heather Atkins, and Kelly Boyer. They are our Citymark church in League City, TX mission team here in Ethiopia.-11430393065I delivered the schoolbooks sent by Citymark church and you can tell they were joyfully received.We have really bonded and I am happy for this opportunity even though it is something new for me to not be “out there” fishing with Jesus. My role for two days has been to serve as a Barnabas to the Fab, 5. 861060532130-31775401591310At about 4:00 pm we left to visit Momma’s house a home for women and children. Currently there are two ladies and 5 children there. We had a wonderful time we enjoyed sharing love – love – love. I am going to bed tonight after a spaghetti dinner with ANOTHER blanket. Good night and God bless all who pray and pay for me to be able to go and minister. I truly am honored to be called, chosen, and sent. Sunday 9/4/16 9 a.m. Yesterday I travelled with Nick & Jessica from about 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. We attended a revival service at a young (3 month old start up church) with almost 200 members. It is a very dynamic spirit-filled church with lots of Praise – Prayer, and Preaching. We enjoyed about 6 or 7 hours of love, love, love. Love for Jesus, and love for one another. 53340473710I shared the message on eternity and the major events in all of our lives in eternity. Eternity Passed (no beginning) life, death (doorway to my destination), Heaven (with God and the saints), Hell (with the devil and his angels and unforgiven sinners), Bema Seat judgment (reward ceremony in heaven, Great White Throne Judgment (punishment level in hell separated from God for eternity, Eternity Future (no ending). I then shared from Isaiah 6:8: "Who can I send, who will go for us? Here am I send me!" When I gave the invitation all in attendance said yes to God. Here am I send me. Jessica shared the story behind the crocheted crosses and we distributed them. Wow wow wow, how they smiled. How happy they were to know that in America someone was praying for them and had made a cross for them. Again, thank you FBC Dickinson ladies. We left drinking from our saucer. That evening we attended a small group of church leaders meeting. It was a powerful time of praise then Nick shared a powerful message from John when Mary washed Jesus' feet with perfume. When the apostles rebuked her because for the cost of the perfume they could have sold it and used the money for better purposes, Jesus rebuked them because Mary had prepared Him for his burial. Nick pointed out that when Jesus left the tomb Mary was the first person to see Him. Nick said He thought that when Jesus ascended into Heaven standing next to His Father that He was asked “what’s that aroma I smell?” What an Interesting thought.Nick then shared a powerful message from Nehemiah on the Call and the Cost. We are all called, but not all our willing to pay the cost.When I was lying in bed this morning I was thinking about my stay here in cold Ethiopia. I have had a blessed time here with the Fab. 5. I have built them up in their faith with encouraging Bible teaching. I have listened to them as they shared with me. I have prayed with them and for them. I have recognized that here in Ethiopia I have been faithful to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission!Monday Sept. 5 10 am We just finished an awesome time of prayer praise and sharing our favorite Bible verses:Nick, Psalm 91 Security of the One Who Trusts in the LORD.Jessica, Psalm 139:13-18, For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.Lydia, Psalm 73:25-26, Whom have I in heaven but You? And besides You, I desire nothing on earth.Kelly, Philippians 2:3-4 3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.Amber, Jeremiah 1:5 5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.When is the last time you sat with a group of friends and shared your favorite verses and why?I concluded our share time together in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ in John to wash each other’s feet. I washed their feet and then they washed my feet an awesome time of worship.I will leave at noon for the airport for my flight to Tel Aviv and then to Newark to Houston. PTL! I am humbled to be an instrument of the most high God!Tuesday September 6, 7 am I am packing for my flights home tomorrow. What another amazing, awe-inspiring journey serving my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. -53340280670I must say the crosses crocheted by the ladies at FBC Dickinson were a major blessing for all those to receive one in Nigeria and Ethiopia.I am now packing for my flights home tomorrow. I have had another amazing, awe inspiring journey serving my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. I must say the crosses crocheted by the ladies at FBC Dickinson were a major blessing for all those to receive one in Nigeria and Ethiopia.My journey is almost over. I left Nick at the Addis Ababa airport at 1: 00 pm to board my flight to Tel Aviv at 4:00 pm. I checked in at the Ethiopian Airlines counter with no problem. I had asked for a wheel chair via email earlier and it was waiting. They were very courteous and very professional. A great advantage of the wheelchair is that you go to the front of the line for immigration and for security checks. I went up near the gate and waited in a restaurant where I had the best tomato soup I have ever had. I had about a 2-hour wait so I just prayed a long prayer of thanksgiving for another indescribable journey with Jesus. Here in Ethiopia I had special times with the Fab. 5, our Citymark missionary team serving in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Their dreams and plans are big like God’s. I also shared in a new three-month-old start up church with about 200 members. We spent another time at a leader’s conference where Nick and I were able to encourage the Pastors and their wives. But I went for 5 days without leading someone to Christ. An eternity for me. BUT GOD, BUT GOD, BUT GOD. 3314700186055-65405766445Right next to my table in the restaurant placed 3 young people from Uganda. Since I have ministered in Uganda before I was able to show them the photos and videos from there. Jesus the world’s number one fishing guide placed 3 souls willing to listen right next to me.Well it didn’t take long and I had the gospel line in the water. As I shared the good news the Holy Spirit began to convict them and they all three prayed to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. Then we prepared their spiritual birth certificates together and sent them via email to their email addresses. I cannot express the joy in my heart that God allowed me not to leave Ethiopia without delivering some new babes into the kingdom of God. I had a 5-hour flight to Tel Aviv with a large group of Christians from Nigeria on it. When the plane landed they broke out singing praises to Jesus Christ. Oh God, raise up American Christians to do the same. I was only in Tel Aviv for two hours and again got a wheelchair. When I checked in with United airlines, I was disappointed that I did not get a business class seat. Therefore, I rode the 12-hour flight in the economy class working on my humility. I experienced the same thing in Newark but I didn’t mind so much getting economy seat to Houston. I am almost home. About a 28-hour journey filled with thanksgiving. My next International trip will be back to Nicaragua. Pray for me.I truly am drinking from my saucer 'cause my cup runneth over. Pastor BobI must add the following brief extension to this newsletter:"Praise God pastor hope you had nice journey to your home land USA mine was good as well this is friend called Ssonko Umar whom u met at the Addis Ababa International air port. Am writing to you to inform you that I was so much blessed with your glorious teachings that touched me at my heart and I had to come back home to teach it as well to my fellow Ugandans and family.Am so grateful to communicate to you and I will be waiting for your response let's keep in touch.Am looking forward to worshiping with you soon.Regards to lovely wife and family,Ssonko Umar?Friend in Uganda"4762500187325Recommended Reading: Renewing the Christian Mind by: Dallas Willard. From one of the most important Christian intellectuals of the twentieth century, comes a collection of readings, interviews, talks, and articles on what it means to be a Disciple of Jesus Christ.Tax Deductable Donations to LSM: Lost Sheep Ministries is a 501(c) non-profit organization. Funds are needed for travel, materials, and equipment to be provided to new converts and needy churches. Donations may be made to LSM, 2951 Marina Bay Drive, Suite 130-144, League City, TX 77573. We seek funds to travel, equip, and commission others to take the Gospel of Christ to all nations. This monthly newsletter will be distributed by email only. Email addresses may be removed or added to distribution by notifying John Overton at dotnjohn@. Note: All of our Newsletters and Power point discipleship presentations along with student manuals are available free from our web: ................

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