Cold War Summary NotesNotes 1End of WWI impactWhites vs. Reds impactRiga impact on policyJapan 1930s – impactStalin 1930s – impact Non-Agression pact 1939Soviets expands Germany invadesUK/US align – Percentages agreementAtlantic CharterLend-lease2nd front impact - mistrustTehran – UN – 2nd front – friend to Stalin – FDR Comintern CollaspeYalta – Germany unconditional surrender, Demilitize, denazification, USSR and Japan, Reparations, Germany 3 zones, Poland Lublin gov’t, Poland free elections, USA troops can’t stay in Europe, Stalin reacts, UN Veto stalin, Declaration of Liberated Europe, People’s democracies, Italy ( US/UK), Greece (UK), Stalin (POL)Truman – Congress ( REP) A-bomb get Stalin to negotiate, Loans to USSR, ends lend-leasePotsdam – war trials, bomb, germans expelled, Russia –Japan, Reparations, 15% of west if matched with food, Free elections in Poland, Poland’s border shifted, Montreux Convention, Italy no reparations, Bul, Hun, Rom – StalinCouncil of Foreign Ministers ( London) – Molotov demands causes fear – Soviets look aggressive, Molotov wants influence in Italy, Libya, Japan – US/UK say no, Molotov wants Greek communist treated better, Germany would not be reunited, each zone controlled by Allies, Molotov wants Montreux Convention ripped up.Council of foreign ministers – UK supported in the Middle East ( resources) – Molotov no fear.IMF/World Bank – Betton Woods 1944 – Response secure buffer zoneStalin returning soldiers questioning / gulagsStalin returning power to communist organization / weaken strong military personal and industrialist USA – impact on demobilization – USSR fearsWarsaw uprising – British reaction – Czechoslovakia – anti-western – explain why – appeasement Yugoslavia – tito – explain why Soviets not neededFinland – soft communismWestern Europe communist – Soviets support from a distance ( explain)Soviet economy – postwar – 75% on heavy industry – space race – atomic bombNorthern Africa campaign – upsets Stalin – could maybe turn to Germany Expand US Capitalism – chamber of commerceFull Reparations to Soviet Union causes fear with Allies – explain post WW1Korea split – 38th parallelJapanese – USA govern aloneSE Asia – UK – FRA – Dutch – keep communist out post WWIIDomino Theory – 1945 – Soviet demandsTruman – Rep Congress – no more concessionsStalin – Spain – upset that we support FrancoStalin – access to former Italian coloniesUSA credit line to USSR – our credit was tied to USA property rights, US films, books, freedom of rel, press, electionsBrynes – sec. of State - fact finding mission to Bul, Rom, Hun – Riga’s were corrctFailure to see Soviet insecurity – explain Keep Soviets appeased – FDR – need help in Jap/Ger – meant Stalin would have free hand in e/cen Europe.Churchill – Iron Curtain speechPatton – UK – shocked – rigaEconomic chaso in Europe could breed a communist rev.USA – Potsdam – strength – economic superior - atomic bombIran – Soviets – UN – first steps in Truman DoctrineStalin Strength – broke off relations with London Poles, Surrender of Bul, Rom, and Hun, refuse to help Warsaw uprising, Recog, of Lublin gov’t – all unilateral by SovietsUSA post 1945 – no more concessions – two blocs – USSR would Bolshevize Eastern Europe, Atomic bomb, create buffer zoneUSSR – fear capitalism – USA a imperialist European situation post war – Hunger / disease/ unemployment/ refugees/ debtGeorge Kennan / Riga/ ContainmentNo long-term cooperation with USSRKeep Germany split Keep Europe splitSoviets were suspicious, aggressive – basic inner necessities sense of insecurity – led to Soviets taking offensive – total destruction of rival power – no compacts and compromisesBelieved USSR was inflexible / single mindedness Mr. X article Long Telegram – Containment Policy – ( Truman Doc)US Military world wide – prevent communist expansion – create allies – use economic and military aideChurchill – strong COntrainment – Iron Curtain – appeasement failed with Germany Containment – motivation – US public get behindIran/ US/ UK/USSR/ Azerbaihjan/ UNShowed Stalin not willing to risk confrontation US warships in Turkey – protect Turkish sealanes – Montreux Convention – Containment now militaryTruman Doc – Greece / Turk – UK could no longer afford1946 Credits to USSR – protect US property in liberated countries / have a say in economic recovery in E and C Europe / internationalization of Eur waterways/ remove trade barriers / Soviets say no wayFrance reaps the benefits from Soviets not getting loansInternational Atomic Energy Authority ( IAEA) – control raw materials / atomic plans worldwideBaruch Plan – try and get Soviets to join – Soviets want USA to eliminate its own nuclear weapons – Soviets do not like how they would be gained up onUN sec. council veto could not be used in Baruch plan – exchange scientific info – nuclear power for peaceful purpose – eliminate atomic weapons – inspections Germany – leave united – divided – explain East Germany – Soviet organized gov’t / stripped of resources / Stalin at least control one halfStalin Moscow speech 1946 – forced collectivization / industrialization / 5 year planRepublicans in Congress – cut gov’t spending – cut taxes Poor Eur harvest in 1946 – winter – Germany strugglingFrance – separate Rhineland and Ruhr from GermanyLink loans and credits to WE on fear of Communism – UK-WE-GreeceTruman Doc – support free people – national crusade – way of lifeMarshall Plan – UK debt rising – Germany becoming expensive – let Germany rebuild itself – free Germany from restrictions Unite WE countries economy together – EUCredit France – France wont need W. Germany’s reparationsPopular in USA – anti-communism – strong US exports – Euro imports – Good for US economyAppeal to all countries – all of Europe – see it as against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos – not as anti-communistPolitical goal – contain communism Economic goal – spread capitalism Entice E/SE Europe to open up. ................

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