

Spring 2012


Endangered Species

Each student must create a winning tic-tac-toe run: Three down, across, or diagonal. The student must complete each square as instructed. If the FREE Square is chose, the student must pick any other box on the board to complete. Each response will be graded on content, following directions and relevance.

| | | |

|Power Point |Endangered Species |Food Web |

|AND |Brochure |(including your animal and the |

|Oral Presentation | |organisms in that habitat) |

| |**See rubric for complete details | |

|**See rubric for complete details | |*Complete with pictures |

| | |**See rubric for complete |

| | |details |

| | | |

|Design a “Conservation” t-shirt | |Adaptation Plan |

|with your animal on it | |(How could the animal change to adapt?) |

| |OPEN FREE | |

| |SQUARE |**See Rubric for complete details |

| | | |

| | | |

|Conservation Plan |Acrostic Poem |Photo Collage |

|(How can we change to fix things for this |for your animal |for your animal |

|particular animal?) | | |

| |Phrases must begin with appropriate letter | |

|**See Rubric for complete details |Phrases must pertain to your endangered animal. | |


Ecosystems are community of organisms and their environment

Consumers, decomposers and producers play important roles

Organisms on Earth and their relationships

Living, biotic, and nonliving, abiotic, factors

Over time, communities of organisms change

Greenhouse gases and global warming affect ecosystems

You can help protect the Earth by keeping ecosystems in balance

Endangered Species Brochure

Introduction: The Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 targets rare organism on the brink of extinction in the USA and strives to conserve their delicate ecosystems before the species is lost forever. The goal is to restore stable and self-sustaining populations through various activities which include passing and enforcing protective regulations, purchasing lands that contain critical habitat, and working cooperatively with other state and private conservation groups and individual landowners.

PROJECT DIRECTIONS: Create a brochure from the viewpoint of your endangered species. You will create a 6-panel brochure (2 folds & 3 columns on front and back) that could be used to provide information regarding the conservation of your endangered species. Begin by researching and taking notes from a minimum of 4 sources which might include books, articles, and internet web sites. Create a neat and attractive brochure and be sure to include detailed information (WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS ……Copy-n-Paste text = PLAGARISM).

You must include the following:

1. Name (common and scientific: Genus species)

a. Example: Gray Wolf = Canus lupus

2. Level of Endangerment (threatened vs. endangered) and how long on the list?

3. Describe the habitat

4. Geographic Range (historic vs. present), include both on a map

5. The animal’s niche: role in the environment

6. Is your animal a producer, herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore?

7. What does your animal eat?

8. What eats your animal?

9. What other organisms are linked to your animal?

10. Why is your animal endangered? (loss of habitat?, disease? Etc.)

11. What is being done to help your animal? Does it have a conservation plan?

12. Why should your animal be protected?

13. Include a picture of your animal

14. Four different references: at least one book

15. Voice: written from the perspective of the animal

Internet Resources

Endangered Species Sites:



PowerPoint and Oral Presentation

You must include the following:

1. Name (common and scientific: Genus species)

a. Example: Gray Wolf = Canus lupus

2. Level of Endangerment (threatened vs. endangered) and how long on the list?

3. Describe the habitat

4. Geographic Range (historic vs. present), include both on a map

5. The animal’s niche: role in the environment

6. Is your animal a producer, herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore?

7. What does your animal eat?

8. What eats your animal?

9. What other organisms are linked to your animal?

10. Why is your animal endangered? (loss of habitat?, disease? Etc.)

11. What is being done to help your animal? Does it have a conservation plan?

12. Why should your animal be protected?

13. Include a picture of your animal

14. Four different references: at least one book

15. Voice: written from the perspective of the animal

| |4 |3 |2 |0 |

|Information/ |All 15 pieces are included and |At least 12 pieces are included |At least 9 pieces are included |Less than 9 components are |

|Clarity |correct AND is in the perspective |and correct AND is in the |and correct and is in the |included and is not in the |

| |of the animal. |perspective of the animal OR all |perspective of the animal OR 12 |perspective of the animal. |

| | |15 are included, but is not in |pieces are included, but is not | |

| | |animal’s perspective |in the animal’s perspective | |

|Grammar |There are no obvious spelling or |There are a few spelling or |Spelling and/or grammatical |Spelling and/or grammatical |

| |grammatical errors. |grammatical errors. |errors are obvious. |errors make it difficult to |

| | | | |decipher. |

|Appearance |Slides are well organized and easy|Slides are fairly well organized |Slides are somewhat disorganized|Slides are disorganized and |

| |to read. They are colorful, |and somewhat easy to read. They |and difficult to read at times. |difficult to read. They are |

| |include animations and abundant |are colorful, but have no |They have color, no animations |plain, with no color, no |

| |pictures. |animation. Some pictures are |and few pictures. |animations, and no pictures. |

| | |included. | | |

|Oral Presentation |SLIDES ARE NOT READ Presenter is |SLIDES ARE NOT READ Presenter is |Slides are occasionally read, |Slides are read directly off |

| |comfortable, makes eye contact, |somewhat comfortable, occasionally|presenter fidgets, does not make|of power point. Eye contact |

| |does not fidget, has appropriate |fidgets, has inconsistent eye |eye contact and speaks to |is not made. Volume is too |

| |volume and pace |contact, but has good volume and |quietly or too quickly. |quiet. |

| | |page | | |

Conservation Plan

You must include the following:

1. Name (common and scientific: Genus species)

a. Example: Gray Wolf = Canus lupus

2. Include a picture of your animal

3. Level of Endangerment (threatened vs. endangered) and how long on the list?

4. Describe the habitat

5. Geographic Range (historic vs. present), include both on a map

6. The animal’s niche: role in the environment

7. Is your animal a producer, herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore?

8. What does your animal eat?

9. What eats your animal?

10. What other organisms are linked to your animal?

11. Why is your animal endangered? (loss of habitat?, disease? Etc.)

12. What should be done to help your animal?

a. Devise a plan to fix the conditions that are harming your animal.

i. Plan must be plausible!!

ii. Plan must include at least 5 steps.

iii. Describe who will be involved in saving your animal.

iv. Where will you get the money to put your plan into action?

13. Four different references: at least one book

| |4 |3 |2 |0 |

| Background |All 15 pieces are included and |At least 12 pieces are included |At least 9 pieces are included |Less than 9 components are |

|Information |correct AND is in the perspective |and correct AND is in the |and correct and is in the |included and is not in the |

| |of the animal. |perspective of the animal OR all |perspective of the animal OR 12 |perspective of the animal. |

| | |15 are included, but is not in |pieces are included, but is not | |

| | |animal’s perspective |in the animal’s perspective | |

|Conservation Plan |Includes 5 PLAUSIBLE action steps |Includes 3 PLAUSIBLE action steps |Includes 5 action steps that are|Includes 3 action steps that |

| |to save endangered species. |to save endangered species. |not plausible and includes |are not plausible and does |

| |Funding information is included. |Funding info is included |funding information. |not include funding |

| | | | |information. |

|Grammar |There are no obvious spelling or |There are a few spelling or |Spelling and/or grammatical |Spelling and/or grammatical |

| |grammatical errors. |grammatical errors. |errors are obvious. |errors make it difficult to |

| | | | |decipher. |

|Appearance |Well organized and easy to read. |Background information and plan is|Information and Conservation |Background information and |

| | |organized and somewhat easy to |Plan is somewhat disorganized |conservation plan are |

| | |read. |and difficult to read at times. |difficult to distinguish. |

Adaptation Plan

You must include the following:

1. Name (common and scientific: Genus species)

a. Example: Gray Wolf = Canus lupus

2. Include a picture of your animal

3. Level of Endangerment (threatened vs. endangered) and how long on the list?

4. Describe the habitat

5. Geographic Range (historic vs. present), include both on a map

6. The animal’s niche: role in the environment

7. Is your animal a producer, herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore?

8. What does your animal eat?

9. What eats your animal?

10. What other organisms are linked to your animal?

11. Why is your animal endangered? (loss of habitat?, disease? Etc.)

12. What should be done to help your animal?

a. Devise a way for your animal to change

b. Draw a picture of what your animal will look like after the changes.

13. Four different references: at least one book

| |4 |3 |2 |0 |

| Background |All 15 pieces are included and |At least 12 pieces are included |At least 9 pieces are included |Less than 9 components are |

|Information |correct AND is in the perspective |and correct AND is in the |and correct and is in the |included and is not in the |

| |of the animal. |perspective of the animal OR all |perspective of the animal OR 12 |perspective of the animal. |

| | |15 are included, but is not in |pieces are included, but is not | |

| | |animal’s perspective |in the animal’s perspective | |

|Adaptation |Includes 5 PLAUSIBLE ways the |Includes 3 PLAUSIBLE ways the |Includes 5 ways the endangered |Includes 3 ways the |

|Plan |endangered animal could change to |endangered animal could change to |animal could change to overcome |endangered animal could |

| |overcome hindrances. |overcome hindrances. |hindrances, but not all are |change to overcome |

| | | |plausible |hindrances, but not all are |

| | | | |plausible |

|Grammar and Appearance |There are no obvious spelling or |There are a few spelling or |Spelling and/or grammatical |Spelling and/or grammatical |

| |grammatical errors. |grammatical errors. |errors are obvious. |errors make it difficult to |

| | | | |decipher. |

|Picture |Picture of new and improved animal|Picture of new and improved animal|Picture of new and improved |Picture of new and improved |

| |includes all 5 adaptations. |includes only 4 adaptations. |animal includes only 3 |animal includes only 2 |

| | | |adaptations. |adaptations. |

Photo Collage

Collage must be at least 12 x 18.

Collage must include pictures of endangered animal, habitat, or causes of endangerment.

**Minimum of 15 pictures.

Conservation T-shirt

Must include:

*hand drawn picture of your animal.

*at least one reason WHY we should save your animal.

Food Web

Must include:

* at least 5 trophic levels

*minimum of 10 animals

*arrows must be pointing the correct direction

*Actual animals from your animal’s ecosystem!

Acrostic Poem

Phrases must BEGIN with the actual letter in your animal’s name.

Phrases must pertain to your particular animal.


Must be hand drawn!






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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