
Endangered Species of the World ProjectThere are many species whose populations are in danger of extinction. In this project, we will focus on specific animals which are endangered, or at risk of becoming endangered. This project has three (3) components: Research: A typed bibliography with at least three resources (You may use more than three sources if you would like. Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source). Do not forget book sources!A presentation to the class of your findings. You must have a poster (Glog) which includes at least one picture of the species you researched and a map of their original range (if possible) as well as their present-day range. Make your poster informative, as if it was going to be on display at the zoo to inform visitors along with your written report (the presentation should last 2-3 minutes MINIMUM per person).A 2-page typed (12 point, Times New Roman, double spaced) written report in your own words which includes the following:The common name and scientific name of the species.A description of the natural habitat and where in the world the animal is found (past and present).Life history characteristics: diet, size of animal, housing requirements, climate requirements, relationship with other species (predator/prey), how old they are before they reproduce, how many offspring and how often do they reproduce, when is the animal active: seasonally? Day? Night?; living habits: Solitary? Group/pack animal? Include all basic biology and interesting facts.Why is this animal endangered? Overhunting? Habitat destruction? When was it listed as endangered?What is the present-day world-wide population size? How many left in the wild?What conservation efforts are underway? What is being done to save the species? Are the efforts working? What organizations exist to promote the preservation of the species?Extra Credit: Should you choose to participate in the extra credit portion, the following requirements are in place: Create a Poster (Glog) related the animal species assigned in class. You must research the animal and include the information above (a-f) in your Poster. You do NOT have to write a full research paper, but must include/submit your sources used.Name of Animal Species to research: __________________________________________________Name of Extra Credit Animal to research: _______________________________________________Due Date:_________________________________________________________________________ ................

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