Chemistry I

Chemistry I

Test Chapter 5

Light, Quantum Mechanics, and Electron Notations

Name: ___________________________

Date: ______________

Per: _____


Multiple Choice Choose the best answer for each question ( 34 points)

1. In ancient Greece, philosophers thought matter existed of elements. Which of the following was NOT one of the elements they named?

a. Fire

b. Hydrogen

c. Water

d. Earth

e. Air

2. In the early 1800’s, John Dalton published his atomic theory saying atoms were fundamental particles, meaning they could not be divided. This was shattered in 1897 when J.J. Thomson discovered the electron using the ____________ experiment.

a. Cathode-ray tube

b. Gold foil

c. Shrödinger equation

d. Balmer Series

3. Which type of electromagnetic radiation contains the most energy?

a. Radio waves

b. Visible light

c. Microwaves

d. Ultraviolet

e. Infrared

4. The highest point on a wave is called the

a. Amplitude

b. Frequency

c. Speed

d. Trough

e. Crest

5. How does the energy of an electron change as it moves closer to the nucleus?

a. increases

b. decreases

c. stays the same

d. multiplies by n1/2

e. none of the above

6. The shape of the “p” orbital is a(n)

a. peanut or dumbbell

b. sphere

c. clover or “peanut with a donut”

d. too difficult to draw

e. an orbit

7. How many orientations do the “d” orbitals have?

a. 10

b. 2

c. 1

d. 5

e. 7

8. What is the probability of finding an electron within the region indicated by an electron cloud?

a. 50%

b. 100%

c. 90%

d. 67%

e. 10%

9. The principle quantum number represents which of the following?

a. The number of electrons in the outer-most energy level

b. The orientation of the orbitals in an atom

c. The shape of the orbitals in an atom

d. The spin of the electrons in an atom

e. The main energy level occupied by an electron in an atom

10. The magnetic quantum number has values …

a. of n2

b. consisting of all positive integers

c. of + ½ and – ½

d. between and equal to –l and +l

e. between and equal to 0 and n – 1

11. If two electrons occupy the 4s orbital, which of the following is true?

a. The electrons are in the same energy level

b. The electrons are in a spherical area 90% of the time

c. The electrons have opposite spins

d. all of the above

e. none of the above

12. The _____________ states that electrons will occupy an empty orbital of equal energy before pairing with another electron.

a. Aufbau Principle

b. Hund’s Rule

c. Pauli Exclusion Principle

d. Law of Electrons

e. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

13. The ____________ states that lower energy orbitals must fill before higher energy orbitals.

a. Aufbau Principle

b. Hund’s Rule

c. Pauli Exclusion Principle

d. Law of Electrons

e. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

14. Orbitals of the same energy are referred to as

a. co-energetic

b. degenerate

c. isoenergetic

d. twin electrons

e. deschmenerate

15. Horizontal rows in the periodic table are referred to as

a. Groups

b. Energy Levels

c. Periods

d. both a. and c.

e. both b. and c.

16. The color of visible light with the smallest wavelength and highest frequency is

a. red

b. orange

c. green

d. violet

e. aquamarine

17. Which of the following arranges the electromagnetic radiation in order of increasing energy?

a. visible light, microwaves, x-rays

b. radio waves, ultraviolet waves, radar

c. microwaves, radar, radio waves

d. microwaves, visible light, ultraviolet waves

e. gamma rays, ultraviolet waves, radio waves

18. The lowest available, most stable energy level for an electron is referred to as the

a. happy state

b. Hoosier state

c. ground state

d. excited state

e. transition state

19. Which of the following is NOT a method used to excite electrons?

a. heat

b. chemical reaction

c. radiant energy (such as light)

d. electricity

e. giving them an A on their test

20. Which of the following is an example of exciting electrons with heat?

a. Flame test

b. Luminol and Iron

c. Sparks from a chain dragging on asphalt

d. All of the above

e. letters a. and c. only

21. The energy released when electrons make their transitions corresponds to certain

a. velocities and positions

b. crests and amplitudes

c. frequencies and wavelengths

d. positions and momentums

e. waves and particles

22. The unique set of wavelengths for each element when electrons make transitions is called

a. atomic emission spectrum

b. prismatic spectrum

c. elemental spectrum of color

d. magical

e. atomic mass waves

23. Wave-particle duality can be used to explain a phenomena called the___________ where energy hits a metal plate and electrons are given off (like the solar cells in your calculator).

a. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

b. Planck’s spectrum

c. Elemental Excitation

d. Photoelectric Effect

e. Aufbau’s Principle

24. The element that corresponds to 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p2 is

a. Silicon

b. Tin

c. Arsenic

d. Germanium

e. Gallium

25. The element that corresponds to [Xe]6s24f12 is

a. erbium

b. fermium

c. einsteinium

d. thulium

e. mendelevium

26. The form [pic] shows the ________________ for selenium.

a. Noble gas notation

b. Electron configuration

c. Electron dot notation

d. Ion-forming dot notation

e. Incorrect representation

27. The characteristic bright, colored lines produced when an element is excited and viewed through a spectroscope is called the

a. Atomic fingerprint

b. Atomic emission spectra

c. Atomic absorption spectra

d. Spectrophotometric transmittance

27. The ____________________ principle states that a maximum of two electrons may occupy a single atomic orbital, but only if the electrons have opposite spins.

a. Aufbau principle

b. Wave-particle duality principle

c. Hund’s rule

d. Schrödinger’s equation

e. None of the above

Matching Place the letter that corresponds to each choice on your scantron sheet (5 points)

|29. Ernest Rutherford |Proposed electromagnetic radiation had properties of particles with quantized|

| |energy |

|30. Max Planck |Introduced the idea of wave-particle duality |

|31. Niels Bohr |Discovered the nucleus of an atom using his gold-foil experiment |

|32. Erwin Schrödinger |Proposed the idea of indivisible atoms which combine in whole number ratios |

| |to produce compounds |

|33. Louis DeBroglie |Developed an equation to determine the most probable location of an electron |

| |in a hydrogen atom |

|34. John Dalton |ab. Proposed the “planetary” model of the atom |

Chemistry I – Test Chapter 5 Name: _______________________________

Answer Sheet (32 points) Per #: __________ Date: ___________

Short Answer Answer each of the following in the space provided

Write the electron configurations and electron dot structures for the following elements:

electron configuration electron dot

|1. Carbon |_______________________________________________________ |__________ |

|2. Vanadium |_______________________________________________________ |__________ |

|3. Silicon |_______________________________________________________ |__________ |

Write the Noble Gas notations for each of the following elements:

|4. Rubidium |_______________________________________________________ |

|5. Argon |_______________________________________________________ |

|6. Thorium |_______________________________________________________ |

|7. Tungsten |_______________________________________________________ |

Solve the following problems: (One point for correct equation, one point for showing correct work, one point for correct answer, and one point for correct units)

8. What is the frequency of light with a wavelength of 1.0 X 10-8 m? (4 points)

9. What is the frequency of a photon with an energy of 1.0 X 10-25 J? (4 points)

10. What is the frequency of light when an electron falls from the fifth to the second energy level? (4 points)

11. What is the maximum number of electrons with the following quantum numbers?

a. n = 2 ________________________

b. n = 3, l = 2 ______________________

c. n = 4, l = 2, m = -1, s = + ½ ______________________

12. n = 4, l = 1, m = -1, s = - ½

Are the above quantum numbers allowed? __________________

What type of orbital is the above electron in? ________________

13. n = 2, l = 2, m = 0, s = + ½

Are the above quantum numbers allowed? __________________

What type of orbital is the above electron in? ________________

14. n = 5, l = 3, m = -2, s = + ½

Are the above quantum numbers allowed? __________________

What type of orbital is the above electron in? ________________

How many electrons can have these quantum numbers in this atom? _______________

ν = c/λ E = h ν λ = h / (m v)

E = -2.18 X 10-18 J/n2 E = Ehigh - Elow

speed of light = 3.00 X 108 m/s 1 J = 1 kg · m2/s2

Planck’s constant = 6.626 X 10-34 J·s


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