
The Truth About Energy Drinks Lecture GuideHow are they different? Energy drinks are not to be classified or confused with SPORTS DRINKS.Different (Sports drinks contain electrolytes but the primary ingredient in E.D. Is caffeine.) Marketing tactics are different (reputable athletes like Michael Jordan promote sports drinks compared to Rick Thorne with monster energy drink). They are consumed differently (rehydration from sports drinks, “slamming”, “chugging”, “pounding” of energy drinks for the purpose of getting a “legal high”. What’s the Big Deal?Reason 1: Reason 2:As with most products, there is some important information consumers may want to know when drinking energy drinks. Angler FishWhat is an angler fish?How does it catch its prey.Possible Health RiskWhy is the product so appealing?What do these images promote and how are the messages different from sports drinks? The product “Kronik” uses the catch phrase: “May suppress appetite.” Why advertise that?Angler fish example:A consumer is trying to lose weight and is led to believe that this drink will provide all the nutrition they need plus suppress appetite. Would they be more persuaded to buy it? Does sugar and caffeine aid in weight loss? Are these drinks really nutritious enough to replace a meal?There are more than different types of energy drinks on the market. They are bright, colorful and attractive to youth.They attract specific personalities?Jean Kilbourne says that rebellious, impulsive, gregarious and sensation seekers are particularly targeted by marketing techniques. Brain Development The brain transforms itself over a lifetime. There are three main times of major reworking called “plasticity” when the brain is most receptive to habitual behaviors.Why do the alcohol companies or any company target youth?(Source: NIDA) To identify with their product early and secure them as a “Hundreds of scientific studies demonstrate that alcohol advertising has a significant effect on underage drinking. Alcohol companies know this, which is why such a large percentage of their advertising is so appealing to kids and why ads are strategically placed so that proportionately, kids see more alcohol ads than adults. (Peter D. &Company, Inc) IngredientsUnregulated by the FDA. is used to support memory.Tuarine is a naturally occurring found in the body.Ginseng has been associated with supporting the immune system. is a fruit from Brazil and natural form of caffeine.They are all unregulated by the FDA which means producers can put whatever they want in any quantity. How are these ingredients part of the angler fish analogy? Do energy drink companies add them to the drinks to offer the health benefits that come from these ingredients? The marketing doesn’t indicate that this is the case.REALITY: Consumers know very little about the product.Products are promoted by erroneous health claims. There are no available guidelines on consumption. Food PyramidWe have food guidelines. Do we have caffeine consumption guidelines, or guidelines on unregulated ingredients?Does the body need or use over a 1,000 mg’s of a certain vitamin at one time? What other questionable claims do these companies promote?Caffeine Whether with sun-tanning or consuming vitamin C, too much of anything can be harmful. This presentation is not about attacking individuals who consume caffeine or other products but we are providing information about the potential dangers of consuming too much. Health officials recommend no more than Average 12 oz soda contains 12 oz coffee contains Health Risks What are the “possible” health consequences of consuming excessive caffeine? Caffeine will have a different effect on different peopleNot all people will experience these same consequences, if any at all.Caffeine is a drug. Energy drinks should not be consumed during or after intensive exercise. A stimulant added to an already racing heart can spell disaster. DehydrationDiuretics promote the formation of urine by:Inhibiting the kidney's ability to reabsorb sodium, thus enhancing the loss of sodium in the urine. Water follows sodium and is also lost in the urine.Enhancing the excretion of both sodium and chloride in the urine so that water is excreted with them. Blocking the exchange of sodium for potassium, resulting in excretion of sodium and potassium but relatively little loss of potassium.Dangerous in someone that is dehydrated.ENERGY DRINKS ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR REHYDRATION! This is how they differ from sports drinks. Weight Gain Caffeine interferes with the body’s ability to maintain blood sugar. Energy drinks, like soda, are a sugar drink. The body converts excess sugar to and stores them.Even if the energy drink claims to be “DIET” or sugar free, it still has artificial sweeteners that trick the pancreas and brain receptors which increases the craving for sugar. Caffeine reduced insulin sensitivity by 15%.Decreased insulin sensitivity is a precursor to diabetes.Mild Addiction Manipulates the pleasure center of the brain similar to the way alcohol and other drugs doExplains the mood swings and the jolt and crash cycles. Caffeine stimulates a huge spike in dopamine followed by a crash when the dopamine wears off. Jolt and Crash Cycle Energy drinks can cause a sharp spike in blood sugar levels followed by a precipitous crash. Leaves you more than before you drank it.Potential long-term impacts are even worse. Disregulate insulin metabolism and lead to (being) overweight and Type II Diabetes Disruptions to teen sleep patterns.Monkey Trap What’s a monkey trap is?effective way to catch spider monkeys.The trap can be a stack of logs or a hollowed out coconut. Fruit or rice is placed inside the trap. The monkey reaches in and grabs the goodies. Even with hunters closing in, the monkey will not let go of the food, convinced that if they let go, they will lose more than they would gain if they let go. Monkeys, like some people, have a limited ability to see beyond the moment. The long term consequences are too far away to let go of the handful of rice in the trap. ................

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